Morad Awad – Lecture
AI: Summary ©
AI: Transcript ©
shed one number Hello
off oh
how are you
how are you
how do you
How are you
Alhamdulillah no matter who want to start you know who want to
start Pharaoh who wanna to boo la wanna all the villa heater ILM in
Cerulean fusina Amin sejati Arma Nina, Miyata Hilah Fela medulla.
One minute lil fella heard the hola wash hadoo Allah ilaha
illallah wa de hula Shetty color wash hadoo Anna Mohammed Abdullah
Rasulullah sallallahu aleyhi he was salam and my bad differ in US
dokkan Hadith the Kitab Allah heater, Isla works alone had you
had you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Sharon Aomori Maha
dasa to her, what does the team what could be the item Galella?
What could love Allah Allah
Allah fie Kitabi he has his brother in law him in a shaytani R
rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Yeah you Hala Xena Amana taco la
haka, aka to karate or
ELO and to Muslim moon. I bet Allah it took Allah haka Taqwa.
Waratah boo fi Jamia widely considered one Raja Hara, we
praise Allah subhanho wa taala. And we send our Peace and
blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad Ali salatu salam.
And I remind myself and yourselves on his blessed day of Yeoman Joy
More if you're Allah, to fear Allah the way he should be feared,
as he reminded us of this in the Holy Quran, when he said, Oh you
who believe fear Allah the way he should be feared and do not die,
except in the state of submission to Him. In the state of Islam, we
ask Allah, the we die in the state, and are resurrected in the
state and are entered into genital for those in the state. I mean,
your bill Alameen. Brothers and sisters,
as you all know, we are in a season
that is a season of holidays. For the majority of people that live
around us.
It is by next week, people are going to celebrate this holiday of
Christmas. So today in sha Allah, I wanted to go over some of the
some of the rulings regarding a Muslim witnessing these types of
festivities and how we shouldn't should conduct and engage
ourselves with them.
As there are certain things that we are allowed,
and certain things that we are not allowed because it does not
represent our faith.
But before so
and before I speak and get into the rulings, I want to speak about
how you Salah is set up about Jesus Christ, peace and blessings
be upon him.
Who is he? What does he stand for us as Muslims? And what do we
believe? When it comes to Jesus peace and blessings be upon him,
believe it or not brothers and sisters, we live around
many Christians,
but I can guarantee you that the majority of those that we live
around have no idea that we believe in Jesus.
And they have no idea to what caliber we raised him. And they
have no idea
of the characteristics that were endowed to him by Allah subhanaw
taala, of course, that we attribute to Him.
And if they knew this, then Allah He they will be so much closer to
Islam than they are.
Then perhaps Islamophobia as an industry will not work.
Because when they see that the love that we have, for Jesus
Christ is true, peace be upon him, and is genuine and is deeply
rooted in our ideology.
They will not fall prey to these Islamophobic plots.
So it is our duty to open our eyes and ears today, so that we can
convey this message to those around us who don't know that we
believe in him Alehissalaam.
brothers and sisters,
we don't force people to believe in our faith.
And we likewise others shouldn't force us to believe in theirs.
Allah subhanho wa Taala said law, DEEN there is no compulsion in the
religion in the deen of Islam.
we believe this, we are saying that we can live together in
tolerance and peace with any faith out there. Because we do not
believe that our faith should be composed on others or forced upon
others. And this is something that is in the Quran
in surah Al Baqarah
and towards the end of the Quran when Allah subhanaw taala said
lecom Dino Camillia dn for you is your religion and for us as ours.
This is what we believe. So because of this,
we should not feel obliged
or tempted or pressured because of society around us to celebrate
holidays that are celebrated around us.
Our children's, perhaps go to public schools, or have friends
that have a Christmas tree that celebrate
Christmas that believe in Santa Claus that watch certain movies
that were certain types of clothes during this holiday season. But we
should not feel like we have
to follow
in their steps, or celebrate their holidays, because likewise we do
not expect them to celebrate Adel football and aydelotte Ha, or
attend Joomla the way you are attending Joomla today,
the common the motto is Nakum Dino Camillia de
la Accra have it in for you is your religion, and for us is ours.
But with this,
we also believe that Allah subhanho wa Taala
does not have a son.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala is one
and only, and there is no God bless him.
But in celebrating,
but in celebrating the holiday of Christmas, but in commemorating
it, but in showing support for it, whether it be tired kids, or
whether it be for our colleagues or classmates or some friends that
we have, going to a Christmas party or bringing a Christmas tree
to the house, or dressing up plays, like Santa Claus, or
whatever it may be. This my dear beloved brothers and sisters, is
not the act of someone who believes in the Oneness of Allah.
Because commemorating this day
a fallacy in and of itself. We may think, because we grew up watching
certain movies and shows, maybe we like those jingle, the songs that
we hear, when we're shopping during these days, maybe we like
the colors. Maybe we're infatuated with the culture. Maybe we like
the movies and the shows and the gifts and so on and so forth. But
let us not forget what it stands for.
The cone, the people who celebrate this holiday, and where it came
from and where it stems from is that they believe Jesus, the Son
of God, quote unquote, well, yeah, the biller was born on this date.
They believe that God begat a son on this day.
And by celebrating this
and by commemorating this
and by greeting others even in a form of support for this, we are
taking away from our to heed the Oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala
that should be deeply rooted into our hearts into our faith into our
minds. Nothing we utter on our tongues should nullify,
or counter.
What we believe in Allah subhanho wa taala.
A child asked me last week
can we celebrate Christmas? We have a party in school, my friend
as a Christmas party, can we get a tree and do what they do? We think
it's pretty nice. Obviously, they think it's pretty nice. After all
those movies and songs and everything they listened to about
this, about this holiday.
And I gave an example and said what if?
What if
there was a massive genocide
that took place years ago?
Millions of people died in this genocide.
And you live in a place that celebrates this genocide. The day
it took place, the day that millions of people died? Is that
day that is celebrated in that particular country that you live
Would you actually celebrate it?
Of course, the child said definitely not.
Why? Why not? Because it's evil. It's bad. How can a Muslim support
that? Of course, we can't support that.
It's common sense.
Like what if they made it so, so nice, and they there was songs and
a whole culture and gifts and people exchanging smiles and, you
know, 5060 70% discounts and shopping centers and whatnot,
because of the commemoration of this day? Does it make it any
They said no.
But how do we celebrate
a day where they believe the son of Allah was born when Allah
Allah Subhana. Allah Allah says in surah Maryam to care too similar
to yet have upon them in who, what unshackled do what the Hebrews had
the under Tao Rahmani one other.
Allah subhanaw taala said, This heavens, we're about to crack.
The mountains we're about to shatter.
The earth was about to split, because of what they attributed
when they said, Allah has a begotten son.
This is much worse yet one than anything we can say.
Whether it's genocide, whether, you know murder,
Riba, whether it's Zina fornication, whether it's
stealing, cheating, lying, any one of these sins, put them all
together, they come up to nothing
compared to this sin,
no matter how much it's decorated, no matter how much it is
commemorated, no matter how much the society respects and reviews
no matter what brothers and sisters,
it does not change the fact that they are celebrating the day
of the birth of
what they believe is the Son of God will hear the biller.
And there is this interesting audio or video that was
circulating on WhatsApp and people laugh about it. Someone comparing
Christmas to the Molad of the prophets, I send them
with whatever we have to say about the moment of the Prophet
sallallahu sallam, but it has nothing to do with it in no way
form or fashion.
Because they don't believe he is a prophet and messenger.
That's not what they say. And when you tell them and when you greet
them with this, you are basically telling them yeah, one, we have a
whole lot that we support you in this.
Imagine on the day of judgment to Allah He and the day that Allah
will resurrect all of us. On the Day of Judgment brothers and
sisters, Allah will bring us forth with our classmates, our
colleagues, our co workers, our neighbors, people that believed in
this day people that believed that God had a son with a as a biller.
And they will tell us,
we are going to hellfire, imagine the smoke of imagine standing
before Allah and them saying, You never told me about La Ilaha illa
You never told me that God did not have a son. You never told me that
this is the worst statement. That can be said.
As a matter of fact, Oh Allah, this person who was a Muslim
greeted me every time we celebrated that you had a son.
And they said Merry Christmas.
What will our response to Allah subhanho wa Taala be? How can we
answer this question? On the Day when we stand before Allah
subhanho wa Taala yo Malayan Pharaoh Merlin Wella balloon in
lemon at Allah because bin Salim on this day, the only thing that
will benefit is coming to Allah with a pure heart. A heart that is
not flawed. A heart that understands every word
that comes out of its tongue, because this tongue is something
they're responsible for low equity.
This does not contradict
or decrease respect.
In a Salah is Salam as we do believe in Jesus Christ and as a
matter of fact, there's nothing wrong with saying Jesus Christ.
Because I'll mercy in Latin is Christos and in English is Christ.
And Allah refers to him in the Quran as Jesus Christ as mercy
haisa That's how Allah refers to him in the Quran. And Mercy her
isa into English is Jesus Christ.
It has nothing to do with the crucifix or being on the cross or
dying Subhanallah we believe that a Salah is Salam is a word from
We believe that Jesus Christ is
a prophet and a messenger from God. We believe that he's a soul
from God. We believe that he cured the lepers. He cured the one who
was born blind. We believe that he revived the dead, with the
permission of Allah subhanaw taala, all with the permission of
Allah subhanaw taala. And we also believe that he blew soul, the
soul of Allah subhanaw taala with the power of Allah, He blew a soul
into a bird
that was made from clay and it would fly away.
We know this is unique to Allah subhanaw taala. But Allah gave him
this power as a hugger to Benissa eel, as a proof to bury us Raisa,
he's a prophet and messenger, and that he came to correct the Torah
for them.
But with this, they still called him a liar.
And these people that call him God,
or the Son of God, or one in three,
or three, and one, or whatever they say. They believe that He
died on a cross, ironically, we don't believe he's a god, but we
believe he's still alive. Subhanallah we believe he never
died. And we believe they couldn't kill him, and we believe he's
still in heaven.
If you tell them that they're like, Wow, that sounds more divine
to me. Right. But we still do not believe he's a god. There's
nothing wrong with us explaining what we believe in Jesus Christ to
colonial harati brothers and sisters, we are here as messengers
for Allah subhanho wa taala. We are here to spread Islam, let us
not forget the direction of the compass. Let us always remember
our mission. And let us be from those who do not regret not giving
Dawa when they're resurrected on the Day of Judgment.
So it's times like this is where we take the opportunity of calling
to Islam,
of teaching people of who Jesus Christ is. So that one day, Jesus
Christ can intercede for them,
can speak for them, can take them with him to paradise. That's what
we want.
We're not calling them away, but we're calling them to him.
That is the message of Islam. And that is what we should be
spreading during these times.
Tomas suffered Allah Allah welcome, first of all, who in the
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ALA, Ashraful MBA
will mursaleen say he didn't know Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi.
Brothers and Sisters in Islam.
After mentioning what we mentioned in the first hotbar
it is important to remember how Allah Subhana Allah Allah
commanded us to treat those who do not believe in him.
Or those who are people of the Book, Allah Subhana Allah Allah
said, and terbaru matzah to allow him right to attributes he told us
to buy room, be kind and be just with them.
Be kind and be just, and because of this, our scholars said that it
is okay to pray for somebody, you know, like, Oh, God bless you, God
guide you, or may, you know,
you know, maybe you have a happy break or a happy holiday, and so
on, but without the intent that you are greeting them for
You know, the intent should be that you're greeting them maybe
for the break, or the holiday or the season.
But never should it be Oh, Merry Christmas, or, or so on. And then
the likes of these statements that make them feel like you're
greeting them. For this shift that's taking place we know
culturally, it became a holiday that even non religious Christians
celebrate people that don't believe in this. It's just part of
the culture.
But pay attention to
your own intention when you say it and make sure you understand how
it's going to resonate with them. So it doesn't come back and bite
us on the Day of Judgment that
is the main thing.
Another thing to keep in mind
there are a lot of, you know,
holiday shows, or movies that come out.
In school, they let them listen to certain songs and, and sing
certain lyrics and, and certain rhythms and rhymes and whatever it
may be that they do in school. Every parent should be aware of
what their child is doing in school.
Because what
is going to happen if we don't care. And if we don't take heed,
if we don't understand what they're going through, they're
going to grow up and be one of those like, you know, like, kind
of watered down No, so what I'll do eat, I'll do Christmas, or do
Hanukkah, I do whatever, you know, as long as we have fun, have a
good time, get gifts, exchanged smiles, and live, live the dream,
or the nightmare, or whatever it is, right, so long as we're
asleep. Now, Islam doesn't want you to be asleep, and dream. Islam
wants you to be awake, and be realistic, understand what's going
on in the world. Our children can be brainwashed.
These movies, teach them all types of stuff like magic. One of the
main things one of the most, the most horrible things is magic.
the punishment of those who do magic is magnified. As a matter of
fact, those who do magic have no Tober. It's done.
They sold their souls to the devil. But guess what? They make
magic look beautiful in these movies.
And they read these books like Harry Potter or whatever it is.
And they like, Oh, that'd be so cool. If I had this magical wand.
What if I could transform myself into this and that beautifying
magic in the eyes of our children is one of the greatest plots of
bliss of our time.
Making something so bad and so evil look so beautiful and
Making the the worst thing in the universe which is saying that
Allah has a son, which is Shipwreck the unforgivable sin,
making it a beautiful, joyous holiday, where smiles and gifts
are exchanged, and so on and so forth. No.
It's unfortunate, we live in a society like this, but it doesn't
mean we have to be asleep.
Talk to your kids about it.
When you're sitting down, let them understand what it is that is
being celebrated, and why we don't
let them understand that, hey, you know,
you're celebrating, you're going there as a Christmas party in
school, that's fine. I don't want you to go to that party. I'll make
your own party, invite all your friends and then we'll do
something else. But we won't celebrate that. It's not about
having fun, it's not about gifts, I'll get you gifts, but don't
celebrate that.
We don't want you to do that.
Magic stuff, but Allah Allah
make sure if they watch these movies, you know, randomly for
those parents who let their kids kind of wander on Netflix and, and
YouTube and watch all these random things, make sure you know what
they're watching.
Especially in the season, because everything that pops up has to do
with it.
Make sure you you you let them understand, because the last thing
we want.
And this is happening, by the way, two generations of, of ignorant
Christians that grew up, perhaps in church, but we're kind of
passively subconsciously, you know, influenced by these movies
and these. Now there's a big shift towards this, you know, Satan
worship Luciferianism and whatever it is, and doing magic and casting
spells and whatnot. Like, Oh, where'd they get? How'd they get
this evil? Yeah, it's because they watched frozen when they were
kids. And they watched the hall and they read Harry Potter and god
knows what else. Right? And he just had that thought that it's so
cool to do. So when they found out that there is an actual, real way
of doing it. They were infatuated with it. They loved it. They fell
in love with it. It started when they were kids. So let's stop that
from happening.
Let's be aware let's be more conscious as an Oma. We can afford
to lose our kids to these. We
Good plugs. They're so simple. Allah one conversation of Hawk is
enough to steer it back Allah subhanaw taala said, Bill neck
level Bill McArdle Bulkley Furthermore, we throw the truth,
that falsehood, and it hits it dead on in the head for either who
was and then it's destroyed.
One word of Huck can destroy all of this, but if you leave it if no
Hawk is being said,
then it's unfortunate, then we're gonna lose.
We're gonna lose this battle.
So may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us call us to the truth. We
ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us from those who call to Islam.
We ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us from those who are reasons
that those around us believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala and in
towhid We ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide us to guide with us to
guide through us and to make us beakers of lights in this room
murmee neuropil Isla me and I've had Allah in the dining for me
know Allah Milena do know better way Serafina via Medina was a bit
Akadama one sadhana alcohol caffeine allah how much I did
Hayato Xia that Ananda if you call it fire watch Island motor
Rotterdam in coalition Allama Filipina has done
well haha no I'm gonna well could lose Alika antenna Allahu Muhammad
Rukhsana la Muhammad Rukhsana la MHADA Rukhsana la Murphy
Muktananda Allah Hama Fukkatsu Rena mean and Muslim enough
equally makan. Hola Hola quinoline mustafina Minella Muslim enough
equally McCann Allahumma couldn't even muster Dauphine and Muslim
Mina Mina and Muslim enough equally makan could Lahoma on
wanna Sierra, or more are you done with a hero? Allah Houma you're
doing better EDIC one surah Ambien Osric wala Tatiana min amendment
to the home era bill, alimony and child among many uncertain Islam
and Muslim Ian Lama Charlamagne Mignon Sorrell Islam only Muslim
in Allahumma yagna behind the den. What are you did Dini Vina Yara
Bella Mia and about Allah in the La Jolla amaro bloglovin ehsani
while he is in Cuba, when handling fascia you will Moon carry on
buddy yeah look Allah Allah come to the Karolos could Allah Allah
Allah you math curriculum was Kuru who me he has it come? What are
the crolla he Akbar wala Who ya allah momentus now own welcome
brothers can you move inside the main masala inshallah as we have
gaps in the back
long line bottom long luck bone a shadowing lat
long a shadow one number have
Madonna Rasul Allah all Hi Jana Sonett didn't help me
God bomb at this one
the bomb at this Lorna along one C'mon long luck bomb
love you
still still
Aloha workable?
Alhamdulillah here Abdullah Al Amin are rough man you're
laughing? Maliki own it Dean
Erykah Badu kind of styrene did all sit off on the most clean set
off. Xena naantali him we removed
him while he was on clean
what DNA was a to hone? What more do you see me evening? Well, how
are the better than me in La
For me off sunny Dakota we've been
as follows feeling in a loving
middle Sania
Furla home
familiar you can see a book about do a bit Dean Elise along the
king me
hola hola como
Soumya alo Lehman Hamidah
long like
oh like
I'm more like
100 year old villain I mean on off man walking murli Kiyomi Dini
coming up with a one year kind of story I mean
it didn't sit off one of the most talking sit off on levena naantali
him lead him up pool the Alim what was on clean
going into Hong Kong long
alongside Ahmed let me earlier the while a mule and one Aamir Khan
Khufu and find
along with
Samia along with iman Hamidah
oh my god
all along
lot more
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah
a Salah Molly Kumar off metal
stuff Allah
smaller volume salamati Quran palabra Gatto just a couple quick
announcements inshallah to Allah tonight for our youth 15 Plus we
have an all nighter with tournaments and basketball,
volleyball, volleyball, Super Smash and table tennis as well
from 9pm all the way till 12am Then we have a pm tahajjud and you
know, as we do an epic we got free, free I shot free dinner for
everybody after that Inshallah, but it's 1515 Plus.
we do have a schedule of programs that we're doing throughout the
winter break, inshallah time, they're going to be a little
different. So our tarbiyah program tonight is six DAY pm for the
youth. But for the next two weeks, we're not going to have to be a
program. We're gonna have other programs on Friday nights in
Sharla since everybody is off.
Also tomorrow we have the FTC, the FTC League, the first tech
competition insha Allah Tala, it's going to take place mass, we did
it last time. The first one was here in epic The second one is
going to be in massive Shala if you're interested in that, make
sure to attend and check that out. Just have a look that also
we make dua for brothers and sisters who are sick in the
community. There are many can mention their all their names,
because my phone's on airplane mode, I have to open we just make
dua that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
eases their illness and cures them gives them a hasty shift. We ask
Allah subhanaw taala to give them a hasty shift. I see. We ask Allah
subhanaw taala to unite them with their families and give yes, there
isn't Shala
right, I cut the diet very short. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to
give them a shot. I mean, you're blind. I mean, that can block
everyone. So if you have any questions about youth programs,
you can ask me I'll be in the back. Santa Monica.