Morad Awad – Khutbah 13122019
AI: Summary ©
AI: Transcript ©
We start by Allah
and sending the best of peace and blessings
the best and most noble of Prophets and
Messengers Muhammad
And We send the peace and blessings to
his companions,
and those who continue
to follow him in righteousness until the day
of judgment. And we ask Allah to make
us from amongst them. Brothers
and sisters in Islam, first I
ourselves to fear Allah
the way he should be feared,
and revere
him the way he should be revered. And
to remember
that we will be gathered
in front of Allah
with our actions on a day where nothing
will benefit them but what
they did in this world, and the mercy
of Allah. We
ask Allah to have mercy on us and
our souls, our families,
and our friends, and gather us in Jannah
Ameen Brothers and sisters in Islam, in the
times we live in,
is very prevalent.
People become
are becoming more and more
more and more
more and more arrogant,
and less and less
It is because of the culture
we're surrounded with. It is not by choice
but Allah
decreed for us to be around this. So
we must deal with it.
And we must always remember
this and everything we experience in our life,
in any matter is a test from Allah.
Whether it's good
or it's bad. Allah
And we test you with good and with
bad as a fitna.
Good can be
fitna, ease can be a fitna, wealth can
be a fitna,
health can be a fitna.
And Allah
wants to see if you
will be patient enough to remember Him.
When Allah
bestows His blessings upon you, or when
or if you will be patient enough
to fear Him and to be connected with
if He takes
niyama away from you.
Any niyama, any blessing He bestowed upon
It is
This culture, brothers and sisters in Islam made
us more and more
judgmental of others.
To a point where a person is judged
for their color,
for their background, for the way they dress,
for the size of their beard, for their
for the people they stay around, the car
they drive.
And this is how superficial we have become
because of this culture
that surrounds us, Yahwal.
But we
must never forget
the hadi, the guidance of
The guidance of Muhammad taught us to be
in everything. And Allah
When we look at others,
we should only
judge them based on the taqwa and the
fear that they have where? In their hearts.
And do we know what's in
heart. Therefore we cannot judge anyone.
But we can judge ourselves because we can
look at what's in our heart.
Whether we're honest, we're trustworthy,
we're truthful with ourselves,
we're God fearing when we're by ourselves,
this is something
we can only provide the antidote for. It
is a sickness that we can provide the
only medicine for Youkhwan.
The Prophet
was an
of humbleness in his life.
An example
of humbleness
in every single interaction he had interaction he
had with anyone around
He never judged anyone,
he was the
of men.
Was so humble,
will not be known sitting amongst the gathering
of the companions,
because he would dress the same,
talk the same, look the same,
act the same
as his companions
When anyone walked in, they wouldn't know who
he was.
When he walked on the street, he was
They said it was narrated that a little
girl would be able to take him away
from the companions
as he was planning.
The Prophet was the leader of the ummah.
He was
busy being the example for mankind until the
day of judgment. But this didn't prevent him
from a little girl
taking his hand in the street and saying,
You Rasulullah, can you help me? There's something
stuck on top of the house. I want
you to jump over and get it for
That's how humble he
And I don't want you to think
the Prophet's
I want you to think of the girl
and the way she perceived him. She wasn't
even scared
the Prophet enough to say, No, no, Isa
rasulullah, how am I going to do this?
He was approachable by everyone
Everyone around him thought he was their that
they were his best friend,
and they were his core of friendship.
In the hadith,
in the Asar of Amr ibn al-'As
he asked the Prophet
You sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, You sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, who's the most beloved of men
you? He said, Abu Bakr.
And then he said
Oh, first he said, Aisha. He said, No
of the man He said, Her father. He
said, Then after that,
and he said,
After that, Uthman. Then he stopped, he's like,
it don't
know how to
companions to the Prophet
shows us how humble he was alaihis salatu
wa sallam. And
what I wanted
to allude to with this introduction brothers and
is that the Prophet
never judged anyone
for the way they look.
On the contrary,
the Prophet
liked the fuqara
and the masakeen,
the poor,
and the needy more than anyone in society.
And he would feel with them more than
anyone in society to the point where the
Allahumma akhinimiskinan.
O Allah,
let me live with the poor.
And let me die with the poor.
And I want to be resurrected on the
day of judgment and entered into Jannah with
who? This is Muhammad
the poor. With the poor.
The Prophet
said in another hadith,
The ones who enter Jannah are every weak
and if they are not weak then what?
They act weak.
They act weak.
Not weak as in
humiliate themselves in front of others, but
weak so that they aren't noticed,
or people don't sense that they're arrogant and
full of pride when they're around them.
They sense the the humbleness when they're around
A person who is humble and easy going.
These are the people of Jannah as our
Messenger informed us. Say, May
bestow His barakah upon us in this blessed
Ikhwani the Prophet
in a famous story in his seerah.
And this story,
I want everyone to open their eyes, their
ears, hearts and minds with it.
Because this story truly humbled me, and made
me understand
how much the Prophet
liked the
weak. One day He
was sitting in a gathering.
With who? With the sahab, the muhajireen,
the ansar, the nobles
of the Muslimeen.
The ones who believed in him from the
the ones who aided and supported him when
he did hijrah. These sahaba were sitting around
him. The Prophet
was sitting between them and he saw
a man
walk in the door.
This man,
his name was Jalaybib.
And what do you know about Jalaybib?
What do you know about Jalaybib?
Jalaybib brothers and sisters
was a short,
not so good looking man.
He wasn't attractive
in his appearance.
wore a garment that was raggedy and patched.
didn't find anything nice to eat all the
Perhaps he ate dry bread,
hard dates.
He drank water that wasn't so clean. When
he slept, he slept on a pillow in
the corner of the masjid of the Prophet
with the sky above him, there was no
ceiling above him.
Jalaybib was not known by many
Prophet said, Do you know who this man
They said, No. Who is he? The Prophet
said, Inna huljulaybib.
This is Julaybib.
This is Julaybib.
How do you not know him?
Then the Prophet
told Jalaybib,
You Jalaybib, Allah tatazawaj.
Oh Jalaybib,
Sman was poor. He didn't look so good.
The way he looked, his appearance wasn't attractive
to the opposite gender or to anyone. People
did not know him. That's how low his
status was.
But the status in the Allah
is what counts.
The Prophet told him,
He said,
You Rasulullah, how should I get married? And
I do not have wealth.
Then he walked out.
The next day the Prophet
was sitting, he saw Jalaybib again.
He said, You julaybib, Allah tatazawaj.
Oh julaybib,
don't you get married?
Won't you get married? He said, You Rasulullah
How can I get married when I have
no status and wealth?
The 3rd day,
the Prophet
saw him again. He said,
Why don't you get married? He said, You
Rasulullah, didn't I tell you? How will I
married? There's no status, there's no wealth.
Go to the house Rasulullah
Go to the house of Fulan al Ansari.
He has a daughter.
Go and ask her for her hand,
and tell them, Rasulullah
sent him, sent me to you.
So this man, Jullaybib
walks to this man's house, he knocks on
the door, the father opens.
The father looks at
up and down,
and he's
woman, his daughter,
was approached by the nobles
of the Ansar and they were rejected.
She was the most beautiful
and she had very high status
in Madinah at that time.
They rejected some noble wealthy ansar.
this didn't prevent the Prophet
from sending
julaybib to them. So when he entered,
he said,
That Rasul
sent me to ask for your daughter's hand
in marriage.
He looked at Julaybib,
and perhaps couldn't believe what he heard.
He asked his wife,
he told her, Do you believe what this
man is saying?
couldn't believe it either.
They said, No.
How will we marry you when you have
And then,
as sadaqa,
the one the woman
who is a believing, pious, righteous
woman in the other room next door, when
she heard this man was sent by Muhammad
And this woman was raised in the school
Muhammad and carried the iman that was planted
in her heart by Muhammad
She heard this and she said, No
by Allah, I will never reject anyone who
was sent
agree to marry this man. And she told
her father and mother that she agrees to
marry this man, Allahu Akbar.
So her father and mother couldn't say anything.
They got married,
a beautiful night.
A Walima
of what? A Mahar of what? He had
one old metal ring to offer her as
Mahar. His walima perhaps he fed people bread
and water,
but that is not what matters. What matters
is that Muhammad
loved him, and he called him Alhib,
my love.
They got married and on
most beautiful day in the life of a
man and woman, the 1st day
of marriage,
they go home,
and he cannot believe
that he is married to the most beautiful
woman amongst the Ansar,
not in his wildest dreams did he think
he will be married to her.
On this most blessed day,
when he goes inside his house,
what does he hear?
He hears the call to defend
Al Madinul Munawwara
as it was being attacked
by people from outside.
They said, You kailullahirkabi,
O O horses of Allah ride.
And he went to defend Al Madinah and
his wife
before even touching her for the call of
Allah, to defend
himself and his city.
And when he went,
and when he went
and after that
that battle was over, the Prophet
was searching around and asked the sahaba,
Who died today defending Al Madira?
they counted all of the names and he
didn't hear Julaybib,
and he didn't see Julaybib.
He said, Aynal Heb, where is my love?
Where is Jalaybib?
They said, who is Jalaybib?
He said, Jalaybib.
Perhaps they remembered him. Him. Oh, that man,
he got married recently.
The Prophet
went, left the Sahaba,
left everyone
who was dead and martyred at that day,
and he went and found Jalaybib
with dirt all over his face,
with blood all over his body and garments,
and there were 6 men around him.
The Prophet
took him, left everyone,
took him, cleaned his face
He cleaned his face, he put his head
on his blessed thigh
And he cleaned it with his own garment,
and he said, Habibi julaybib, my love julaybib.
He said, You died defending,
and you did and you did. I
am from you and you are from me.
I am from you and you are from
I am from you, and you are from
Look at the status of Jalaybib,
this person that perhaps no one knew,
sat in the corner of the Masjid, slept
there. He slept in the Masjid, but no
sahabi knew him.
But that didn't matter. What matters is that
knew him from above 7 heavens. And what
matters is Rasulullah
left all of the sahabal of status,
and he went to him.
And then the Prophet
He turned his face to the side
and he asked the sahaba, Do you know
why I turned my face? They said, Why?
He said, Because I saw al Uhura Ayn
fighting for him, and I know that he's
a jealous man, and he wouldn't want anyone
to look at his ur, so I turned
my face.
This is the status of julaybib.
the Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam said,
a person
who is dirty, raggedy in his clothes, shuffled,
can't afford anything better.
His hair picked out,
he comes to the masjid unnoticed.
If he comes to your door, you look
at him,
Yes, what do you want?
Why are you here in my house?
Yeah, yeah, I know you but what do
you want? Yes.
There's a secret between him and Allah.
So that if he asks Allah anything, Allah
will answer.
The people
who are chosen by Allah,
there's no fear for them, and they will
never be sad because what makes them happy
is their connection to Allah. We ask Allah
to make us from them. We ask Allah
to bless us to be around them. And
we ask Allah
to guide us to
lakum fastaghfirooohoo
innaahuwala ghafururrukhim.
Allah, brothers and sisters in Islam,
fear Allah on yourselves,
fear Allah in your dealings with others, fear
Allah in the way you look at others,
fear Allah in every action,
every eye movement,
every facial gesture,
every walk,
that can give anyone the wrong impression, fear
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala as He is watching
you and judging you.
Be humble,
Be humble
with these people as we don't know who
we are talking to.
We don't know how near they are to
Allah. We don't know how important their dua
is and how answered it is to Allah.
It was narrated in one of the stories
by one of salafas salih.
His name was Muhammad ibn Munqadr,
and he was a great scholar from Tabi'it
Tabi'in. He was sitting in Al Masjid Al
Nabiweh, the Masjid of the Prophet
one day.
And as he was sitting,
he noticed
a man making dua.
And this was after months
months of making dua for rain. They prayed
as to Scott perhaps everyday,
but they were never rained. They prayed next
to the grave of Muhammad
in the most beloved cities to him
The city that has twice as much barakah
than Mecca, they were making istiska,
asking Allah
for rain and they weren't rained at all.
So just
imagine, just imagine
the state these people were in. Muamma ibn
al mumqadr was there,
and he saw a man in the corner
of the masjid by himself.
This man was
raggedy, old, he wasn't
dressed but he was making dua. So Muhammad
ibn Munqadr
being a scholar
and the righteous man that he was, he
knew that this man perhaps has a secret
between him and Allah.
So he went and sat behind him, so
he can hear what he is saying.
This man was making
dua and he said at the end of
his dua,
O Allah,
O Allah,
bestow Your mercy upon us. O Allah, make
it rain upon us. O Allah, the people
of Madinah
have been asking You for rain and You
not give it to them. O Allah, for
my sake
give them rain. O Allah, for my sake,
for my sake give them raiyahallah.
And Muhammad ibn mumqadr who is narrating the
story, he said, Wallahi,
by the time he dropped his hands in
we saw the clouds gather and the rain
beginning to come down.
The rain began to come down. This man
who no one cared about,
no one knew about,
but the scholar Muhammad ibn al Munqadr knew
a whole lot about because Allah taught him
from his knowledge. And he knew that the
way a person dresses or how he is
respected by others, the size of his house,
the beauty of the vehicle he drives means
Because the scale and
the law is something completely different. The scale
and the law is something completely different.
Brothers and sisters, I studied Quran with many
My first Sheikh,
his name was Sheikh Hafez al Kerachi,
and he was from Karachi.
This Sheikh Wallahi, if I ever met a
wali in my life, it'll be this man.
If I ever met one of these chosen
people, it's this man, Rahmatullahi.
tested him, he was very short, he had
a long white beard and Allah tested him
with a sickness. He had big bulges all
over his body.
Perhaps some children would be scared or disgusted
to shake his hand.
But this man
did not open a must have for 40
the Quran was so solid in his heart,
he would just do a khutma going back
and forth in the masjid between fajr
and lawr.
This man,
wallah, I never entered his I entered his
house one time to
visit. And that one time
we waited for him 20 minutes outside.
His wife said, Wait and
wait. We said, You know, we've been waiting.
What's wrong with the Sheikh? Is he okay?
We entered
his house
and he was in sujud.
And his wife said, He's been that way
since you came.
This man would only speak with Quran.
He was so humble and I was just
starting to practice,
and he made me love the Quran
so much so,
that I continued to memorize even after him,
When I first started to practice, I learned
the hadith that the Prophet
forbade us from sitting a certain way.
And in this hadith,
I learned it very new.
I just had learned it and I went
to the Sheikh and I told him, Sheikh,
you see the way you're sitting? I read
a hadith that says
you can not sit this way.
I was young,
I was 19.
This is the Sheikh Hafir.
Everyone knows him,
respected by all of the scholars and the
calmed him down. I told him, Sheikh, why
are you weeping? I just told you a
hadith. He down. I told him, Sheikh, why
are you weeping? I just told you a
He said, How?
I don't understand how I lived
my life not knowing this hadith.
How did I live my life not knowing
this? This is how humble the sheikh was.
we ask Allah
to bless us
by being around them. We ask Allah
to make us from
them. We ask Allah to make us around
them. And we ask Allah
to make us
how to deal with them. Give us the
humbleness, You Allah. You Allah, bless us with
humbleness. You Allah, bless us with humbleness,
with knowledge, with taqwa, with kashya.
Us God fearing, make our families God fearing,
make our communities God fearing. O Allah! Make
us true believers and
give us
righteousness to fear You when we are by
We ask Allah
to give the ummah victory. We ask Allah
to give the ummah glory. We ask Allah
to help the ummah all
Make sure your
straight and tight brothers and sisters.
Assalamu alaikum.
On behalf of the Election Commission for 2019,
I have a quick announcement to make.
So for the elections for board of EPIC
we have encountered some technical and logistical
challenges. That's why we have to move the
election date by 1 week. So instead of
January 12, 2020,
we will be having the election on January
Because we also have a conflict with,
the epic fundraiser, which is on January 11th.
So we want to have maximum,
participation. That's why this has been taken into
account. Being that said, the final list of
the candidates
will be posted by December 20th, which is
the next Friday, Insha Allah.
And, the community will be notified via email
and also, you know, through announcement on and
also on the notice board.