Morad Awad – Jumuah
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AI: Transcript ©
Allahu Akbar
she had
long long
as you had to earn
as you
how are you
Hi y'all
Hi y'all
Hi y'all
hola all
and a hamdulillah Naramata who want to start you know who want to
still futile who want to boilie when I want to be later on I'm
sure already and fusina woman say to
me I had to Hila Fila mobila Well my yield will follow her Deanna
wash hadoo Allah Illa illa Allah wa hula Cherie Keller wash hadoo
Anna Mohammed and I will do who rasuluh who? Salah Holly he was
salam and Mehrdad fineness vocal Hadith he Kitab Allah he
will he will hadI had you Muhammad in Salah to rob D wa sallahu
alayhi wa Salam o Mortimer Hadassah to her friend Nicola ma
desert in vida, we could levy the item banana, Aquila banana tin for
now for my my bad.
We start by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and sending our
Peace and blessings to our noble and beloved Prophet Muhammad Allah
His Salah to Salah
I remind myself and yourselves on his blessings, and joyous day of
human Jamar to fear Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. Allah reminded us
to fear him in the Holy Quran when he said, I will be Lemonis
shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Yeah, you have
Lavina tequila haka, Ducati well letter moeten Illa. To Muslim on.
All you who believe fear Allah the way he should be feared and do not
die except in the state of complete submission to Him. We ask
Allah to die in the state. I mean, it'll be law
brothers and sisters,
there is no doubt that we all know
the status of these days that we are in right now. The days of the
hedger the first 10 days of the head job, are by far the best days
of the entire year.
These days that we are in are the best days of the entire year. And
more specifically,
the biggest day
in the week is Joomla. And the head of every Muslim is Joomla.
And the only Joomla the only Friday of the 10 days is this
Friday that we're in making this day, the best day of the year when
it comes to performing good deeds for Allah subhanaw taala and acts
of obedience and doing karate and giving sada caught and doing extra
Baghdad and worship
brothers and sisters
because these 10 days, or so joyous to the believer,
because Allah magnifies good deeds, and accepts them and
multiplies them for us. And because he allowed us to live to
see these days so we can worship him and get closer and closer to
him so that we can make up for what had passed. It is essential
for us to remember
and commemorate what it is that made these 10 days worth this much
and be valued this much and to have this status in the life of
every believer in the world.
Brothers and sisters, today, I want to speak about our beloved
Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam
as Allah subhanho wa Taala described him in the Quran, cannot
own mutton,
cannot own mutton. He was an ummah by himself. He was a one man
nation. He wasn't a barren desert by himself. He was alone traveling
in the empty deserts of Arabia.
At that time without without a child even he had no progeny. He
was married to his wife sawed off and was traveling with his other
wife, her daughter in the midst of the desert and didn't even have
progeny and didn't know if Allah will bless him with it. But Allah
subhanho wa Taala still called him an ummah by himself, because of
what he or the salam stood for.
So today in sha Allah,
I want
to live with four lessons from the life of Ibrahim alayhi salam that
we can take away and take home with us Inshallah, to Allah and
reflect on because perhaps these four lessons that we are about to
learn are why these days are as important and as high in status as
they are.
The first thing that we learn
Ibrahim alayhis salam
that he puts Allah Subhana Allah to Allah in front of everything.
And when Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded him of anything, Ibrahim
alayhi salam would
take that, and would act upon it, no matter who it affected around
him, when Allah told him to leave where he lived, and where he was
and to go to an empty, barren desert, in a place where no tribes
live, where there was no civilization, and no source of
water or life. Ibrahim alayhis salam instantly fulfilled the
Command of Allah was not reluctant and this is what made him and Oma.
What made him an ummah, was his devotion to following Allah
subhanaw taala
and Ibrahim alayhi salam understood the lesson that Allah
taught us in the Quran.
Allah subhana wa Taala he said, In Nama and Wailuku fitna, Allahu
endo agilon alim, indeed your wealth and your children are a
test for you. And the law has all of the true rewards,
the rewards that we're seeking everything that we're
Looking for that with Allah and belongs to Allah and only he can
give it to us. And Ibrahim alayhi salam understood this. This is why
he didn't stress over his family, his wife and his children. When he
was given command, he didn't say, What is my wife going to do in
this barren desert alone with a newborn infant?
He said, Allah commanded me.
And he left.
He was more need. He was in total and complete submissiveness to
Brothers and sisters, how many of us achieved this status, this
level of Eman and devotion to Allah that Ibrahim achieved,
perhaps none of us can achieve that. But we can strive for it and
try our best to because Ibrahim alayhi salam was elevated
by the devotion that he had for Allah.
The more we sacrifice from what is with us and what is around us,
Allah will elevate us and increase us. Brothers and sisters. You find
people sacrificing Allah
and sacrificing their deen and their Eman for their wives and
their children. Tell them why are you engaged in this haram
relationship? Because I want to have children why are you engaged
in this haram business? Because I need to feed my wife and kids. Why
would you move to a city that you know doesn't have any Eman? Any
Muslims? Any misogyny? Why would you go to a place? Yes, because I
need my risk. I need my my livelihood. I need to do this.
Ibrahim Alayhi Salam.
He did the complete opposite. He left all of what was perceived as
risk consistent and civilization and he went to a barren desert
only because he knew that it's better and that it's more beloved
to Allah. How many sacrifices did we do in our life? Similar to
As a matter of fact, some of us perhaps justified for the
wrongdoings of their children.
They do they fall into sin. Say, you know, the sin was haram but
when the child falls into it, the Sharia starts to change in the
mind of this person. You know, it ain't so bad. Everybody does it
You know, I used to think it's like but you know, now I'm hearing
that it might be okay.
It's not okay.
And every person knows it deep down inside. Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam
understood this and understood this well, and this was what
elevated his status. The second and very important point is to
build the self esteem of his progeny. One thing about Ibrahim
Allah has said
is that he always involved his children when ALLAH blessed him
with children. His smile was Huck, he would always present them with
heady he would give them guidance, he would give them Rashad and help
them and involve them in decisions that he is making in his own life.
And one of the most major decisions of Ibrahim alayhis salam
was one. Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded him to slaughter his own
son Ismail.
When Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded him to do so. Ibrahim
alayhis salam, the devoted Ibrahim alayhi salam, the one who didn't
disobey Allah Ibrahim alayhi salam who dropped and left everything
for Allah. He did not go and tuck his son and tell him and put a bag
or something, a cover on his head and so on that said, I'm gonna
fulfill Allah has come in. That's not what he did. He had a major
decision of obedience to Allah. But look at what he did.
He went to his son, and he said, Yeah, Bonilla in the autofill. My
name is Annie as baulk from Burma that Tara said, Oh, my son, I saw
in a dream. He didn't even tell him Allah commanded me. Because
through dreams was the revelation. There's many sources of
Revelation, and one of them was the revelation in the dream. And
this is how Ibrahim alayhis salam received this command.
So he told his son to smile I saw
In a dream that I am slaughtering you,
from your mother, Tara, what do you think, my son?
What do you think of this dream of mine?
He wanted to test his son's Eman. His son's devotion. He wanted to
make sure that his progeny is carrying this legacy of devotion.
He's not disconnected from his children. He's not in the first
row of selective budget every single day, and his children are
sleeping, and you didn't even wake them up or attempt to you didn't
even pray or make dua for them in every single situation when you
were in the masjid. And the children were not.
No, he thought of his children. And he said,
What do you think of this dream? And then he said, Yeah, but if
Alma tomorrow, Saturday Dooney insha. Allah Who meno Siberian
said, Oh, my father said Yeah, Bertie. And Ebert is a very
beautiful form of saying that it's like Daddy, almost.
He said, Do whatever Allah commanded you. And I will be
patient with Ibrahim restoration. Humbling,
no matter what happens to me, from this point on, I know that
Alhamdulillah I raised a good child Alhamdulillah, my, my
children right now will carry this legacy and move forward.
Ibrahim Alayhi Salam.
Not only did he
ask his child, before fulfilling the Command of Allah.
But he also involved him in a project during these days.
Why is your father Ibrahim will cover I mean, I'll beat your
Izmail Robina to Kabul Mina in the semi on Eileen. And as Ibrahim
raised the foundations of the Kaaba, to build the first house
where Allah is worshipped. And the first Kibler for the entirety of
of mankind.
He built it with who, with a smile, I know he's set up, and he
built it with his son, why? To connect him with the legacy.
Brothers and sisters in these 10 days, we should be thinking of
what projects are we doing with our families? What am I doing with
my children? When I give sadaqa? Am I only doing it by myself? Or
am I given my card to my son or my daughter until may go to that the
kiosk and donate, hey, let's go and feed the poor together. Let's
make small packages. Let's go and visit the sick together, Come my
son come my daughter, let's do something together. Let's start a
project together.
This project is perhaps one of the most essential things
for a family and their legacy that will remain after them.
A lot of times we worry about our own legacies. A lot of times we
have our own insecurities, we have our own deficiencies. I couldn't
be this kind of doctor, this kind of businessman, this kind and I
want my son and daughter to be exactly what I always want it to
be out of pure selfishness.
We cover it up and say No, it's for their good, no, it's for your
good. What's for their good is for them to be obedient to Allah.
What's for their good is for them to be connected to Allah. What's
for their good is for you to be understanding of what they love,
and what they want to pursue, and to be with them and to be
supportive of them in every single step of their life and their
mental development. That's our duty as parents it's not to force
them upon or to force upon them a reality that we selfishly think is
the only reality that is good for them or suitable for them.
That's not what Abraham is. Somebody involved them and said he
was doing something he knew Allah commanded him to build the Kaaba
and he said, Come my son, let's build it together. And as he is
building it, what is he saying? And this leads me to the third
the constant diet of Ibrahim alayhis salam as he was building
the cada, what did he say?
Allah bene, Taco Bell Mina in the semi alim. Oh my Lord except
he said Our Lord, accept from us. For indeed you are the most
hearing and the all here the all the all knowledgeable
And Allah subhanho wa Taala
accepted this diet from him
what other diet did Ibrahim ah they said me So Robin Allah bath
fie him Rasool Amin whom yet Liu Allah him it while you are living
whom will kita. But will ACHEMA was a keen
in Nicca analysis. So right now, Ibrahim alayhi salam is not only
making dua for him and his son, who are involved in an act of
obedience to Allah, but he is saying, Oh Allah, send in my
progeny from amongst them, those who carry your message, and who's
spread guidance amongst them, we always make dua for our children.
But in these days, we should be reminded to make dua for our
future progeny who's going to keep their immense, steadfast brothers
and sisters, we are in this land, surrounded with all types of
trials and tribulations we live in times that are perhaps some of the
most challenging times in history in the history of humanity, as
morality is being questioned as basic ethics, the foundations of
religious religiosity or all religions, the foundations of all
religions are being challenged through what we are hearing and
seeing on the day to day basis. So the least we can do is not only to
pray for our children, but to pray that there's always amongst them,
someone who is guided and someone who continues to guide them and
has knowledge and has wisdom and brings them back. How many of us
say yeah, Allah, give me a progeny of scholarship. Make my children
Allah, Man of the Ummah, make my children, from the scholars who
continue to hold this OMA together, upon steadfastness, and
do not get misguided or lured away with all of these trials. How many
of us are making glad for that? When our son or daughter are
applying for a college or a university, when they are applying
for a job and they've been sitting for six, seven months without it?
How many? How much diet do we make for them?
Every salon when our son needs to get married, or daughter wants to
get married? How much do we make for them? Like how much do
compared to this do we make for Allah to keep their Eman intact
for Allah to continue to keep to preserve Eman in their progeny so
that they don't get misguided.
This is what we learned from the story of Ibrahim on a set up
making dua for our future progeny. And there's one thing about die of
the Father to the Son, that also sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
in a hadith and Sunnah Nomada,
authentic hadith. He said there are three people that Allah
subhanho wa Taala answers their diet always answers there there.
There is no hijab between them, and Allah answering their diet.
One of them is the one who has oppressed them of loom.
The one who is clearly oppressed, this person, their diet is
The second is the traveler.
And the third is the dua of the Father for their son and daughter.
there's the oppressed panel, imagine what he had to go through
for his answer to get how much oppression did this person have to
go through to get to the level and the ring of being able to
supplicate to Allah and know for sure that their door is being
How much hardship did this traveler have to go through? He
had to leave his house. He had to leave his place of comfort. He had
to go perhaps, and travel miles upon miles and be away from his
family. His job is everything.
A traveler,
but a father. He could be sitting right at home, in his office at
work in the masjid at any given moment. And they're glad for their
son and daughter will always be answered. And the promise is by
Allah subhanaw taala
How much do I owe are we making?
And the last, the fourth and the last? And this is
these were the four actually. So the first was to keep Allah
subhanaw taala number one in our lives, and not to put anything in
front of him, including our own families, including our own
wealth. The second was to build the child's build our son and
daughter self esteem, involve them in our decision making process.
Don't belittle, belittle, belittle them, right. As a family, we all
communicate, and we do things together. The third is to do
religious activities together to involve our family and clear and
shallow We ask Allah
to make us from those who do a lot of hair and these in these days, I
mean, your blood. I mean, even if we go home right now, and you
think of an idea, let's let's pack something I used to do. You know,
to buy some clothes or buy some goodie bags or buy some food and
go to the homeless, find, find, go to a homeless shelter and say I
want to feed all of them. What do you guys want? I'm gonna take
orders. Y'all want Chick fil A you want this? You want that yellow?
Bismillah let's go and get something t for all of them
something clear. You take your son you take your daughter with you
and involve them in sha Allah. That's the third and the fourth.
It was to continuously make dua We ask Allah subhanaw taala to be
from amongst those who learned from the lesson of Ibrahim alayhis
salam, follow the footsteps of Ibrahim alayhis salam and devote
their lives to Allah the way Ibrahim alayhi salam Did we ask
Allah subhanaw taala to forgive us as He is the all forgiven?
According Masato Mustafa Allah Allah welcome, first of
all hamdulillah Hara Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala
Ashrafi lamblia it will mousseline Sayidina Muhammad Ali, he will be
a Jemaine
Charla, want to take this?
This short, just a few minutes from the second hotbar to make
diet for our brothers and sisters, who Allah subhanho wa Taala chose
to follow in the footsteps of Ibrahim alayhis salam who were
called by Allah and individually picked to go and perform the hajj
this year.
These brothers and sisters who are indeed
in a in a certain status, the only Allah subhanaw taala knows pillars
like shahada something we live our whole life with, we continuously
renew. Somehow we continuously do until the end of our life. Zika we
do every single year. See, I'm fasting we do every single year,
but Hajj is one entire pillar of Islam. A whole pillar that if it's
done once it's covered, and the four are left. That's how big
hedges the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the only
reward for a true and complete hedge
is Jana. And that the person who comes back from hedge comes back
the way their mothers gave birth to them, zero sins Clean Slate as
if nothing happened Indeed, it is a father from Allah. So we ask
Allah subhanaw taala to accept from our brothers and sisters who
are performing hajj right now, did many of them already left and some
of them are about to leave I think all of them
have left by now because the monastic are going to begin
inshallah. So and they are they are the ones that are living the
true legacy of Ibrahim Ali sit him. They are the ones who spent
the time and the effort and put their wealth in front of them to
go and travel the journey that Ibrahim alayhis salam did and
visit the house that Ibrahim alayhi salam built with his son
Ismail Ali salaam, and to do the moves and to do the monastic and
to follow the traditions that were left to us and taught us by
Ibrahim alayhis salam, and then validated by Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and to follow in those footsteps, we ask Allah
subhana wa ala to forgive us and to give them Tofik and for them
for Allah subhanaw taala to not allow a single one of our
community members who did the Hajj this year except to come back
completely forgiven for all of their sins completely taken care
of and all of their worldly matters and their their matters of
the Agora as well. We ask Allah subhanaw taala that they returned
to us healthy and safely. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive
us and have mercy on us we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to uplift
the trials and tribulations from the home of Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to defend and
protect their brothers and sisters and fall asleep and who are
defending and must do the locks on Mubarak. We ask Allah subhanho wa
Taala to protect and aid and assist them. We ask Allah Ya Allah
you see what is happening to our brothers and sisters. You see what
they are doing to our brothers and sisters. Right now the settlers
are killing our brothers and sisters on a day to day basis, an
average of one Muslim in Philistine
In the small countries being killed every single day for the
past six months, brothers and sisters, for the past six months,
every day one is dying, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to take their
revenge as we are unable to We ask Allah subhanaw taala to forgive us
for our lack of dua for our progeny and for the Ummah, who
needs our dua, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to have mercy on us
and to guide us to the straight path. We ask Allah subhanho wa
Taala to allow us to live this legacy of Ibrahim alayhis salam
and to make us do the most that we can in these days make us from the
dark green make us from the shack he didn't make us from the money
being make us from the McGuire I mean your bill Alameen wa sallahu
wa sallim wa barik ala Sayidina Muhammad welcome salah.
Allahu Akbar Allah long
long long
long How y'all doing how y'all gonna go down parliament and sauna
go don't comment your sauna. Hola
como la
Ina, long long
still so sad to make sure the roads are straight tight. Please
fill in the main masala in the back if there are any spaces,
please move away from the doors in the back so that the people coming
in can get into the line. We are going to pray a Joomla right now.
Salatu Lhasa Lhasa is 512 Cello we're going to wait about five
minutes after to pray our Sooners and then we're going to pray also
together does
Allah Hello Mike
come to the Iran deal. Me in a rough man laughing Maliki own Dini
gun boudoir E. Canis dying it didn't set off one of the most
stopping myself off when living a non darling late in my
lane one more clean
well honestly
son enough he hones in another man who AMILO Salia
what well Song
Song been sambal
long like
send me along with iman honeyed
along like them Welcome
hola or Kabul
elephant dune in Europe below me in
a rough man you're watching me malakian Own it, Dean.
II cannot boudoir, Canna styrene it
Dental settle one of the most appealing
said all bernadina inom Donie him lady Maloney Arlene one was on
all who along
who Sarmad Damion ADA one immune and while Aamir Khan who CO for
one find
send me
with even
more work
oh workable
Oh eqbal
morning Komarov metal long
as Sir
Marlon Kamara Metal