Morad Awad – Ibrahim AS and the Sacrifice of Ismail AS Children’s Story Time
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AI: Transcript ©
How's everybody doing today? I hope you're doing
good. And I hope you're ready to listen
to the 3rd part of the story
of Ibrahim
alayhis salaam.
So far, masha'Allah, I've been looking at your
homeworks or your assignments
for lack,
I think assignment is a better word. Right?
We don't like homework. We like assignments.
Your assignments have been amazing
and your videos
have really really touched me. Alhamdulillah. I love
them and I love your pictures. By the
way, next week on Monday, we're going to
play all of the pictures that you sent
me. The the with the boat
and some some of you still sent me
the the tree picture. So I'm gonna play
all the pictures together
and then I'm gonna choose one of them,
the winning
which I will tell you at the end
of the series.
your duas
have been amazing and your videos are going
to play
at the end of this
video inshallah. Today. Right? When I'm done talking,
you stay
there in front of the TV because you
might see yourself.
So the duas
that we learned so far are
And the second was
So these duas protect us from the shaitan.
And they protect us from evils. And when
we say this,
will protect us
from all of these evils around us. Us.
But you have to trust in Allah. You
have to be a strong believer. Are you
a strong believer?
I hope your answer was yes. Because today
we're going to see
how one of the strongest believers
in the history of mankind,
alaihis salaam,
how he
was protected
by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And how he
was guided by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Are
you ready?
Okay. So where did we stop yesterday?
Do you guys remember?
We stopped
when Ibrahim alayhi wasalam
his wife Hajar
and his son Ismail
in Mecca.
So he left them in Mecca and he
to a sham for many years.
And then he came back to Mecca to
find Ishmael,
a big grown boy, masha'Allah.
Okay. He might have been your age. I
don't know how old you are but he
might have been your age. So when he
came back and he saw Hajjar, it was
so nice. He was so happy to see
his family after a long time. He said,
Alhamdulillah, look at my boy Ishmael.
He's such a grown boy, alhamdulillah.
when he was there and in the midst
of all of this
fun, Allah
showed Ibrahim alaihis salam
something in a dream.
And he showed him,
he gave him a command in the form
of shom, because this is how prophets
used to see,
used to receive revelation from Allah Subhanu wa
Sometimes they would receive revelation
by an angel like Jibreel alaihis salam and
they will dream.
And in the dream, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
will tell
them what He wants them to do, or
what He wants them to say.
So Ibrahim
alaihis salam saw that
he was killing his son Ishmael.
Yes. I know it's hard.
But he woke up and he said, I
He said, You Allah,
I did everything you asked me.
You Allah,
there is I know, I'm sure that
you cannot ask me to do anything that
is bad for me.
It's impossible
for Allah to ask us to do something
that is bad for us. There's no way
that's possible.
asks from us is good and Ibrahim
knew this. But
when he had this dream,
he was
he was shocked.
He didn't know what to think. He said,
My beautiful son.
I love him and I came all the
way from Sham just to see him. It
took me months
and I'm so happy with him.
How am I going to do this?
But he said, If Allah asked me,
I must do it.
Because I know
wants me to do it for a good
Look at the iman he had. He's so
much faith. Masha'Allah.
We all want faith like this.
So Ibrahim goes to his son Ishmael
and he told him, My son,
I want to tell you something.
He said, What?
He said,
I saw in a dream that God is
commanding me
to kill you.
And you know what Ishmael said? He was
a young boy. He might have been your
But he was full of iman and faith,
insha'Allah, the way you are.
And you know what he said? Because he
knows Allah will never command
any of his servants to do something that's
bad for them. Allah only asks us to
do things that are good for us.
So, Ismail knew this. And do you know
what he replied?
He said,
Yes father.
You can go and kill me. If God
told you to do it, then it there
has to be something good in it.
And Ibrahim
was so happy that his son
helped him in fulfilling the command of Allah.
He helped him and he told him, Yes,
my father.
We always want to be like that.
We always want to say yes to the
command of
Allah because Allah created us and he's more
to us than even our mothers and fathers.
took Ishmael.
he actually went
to kill him,
he went and told his wife.
And his wife said,
Is that what Allah told you to do?
Ibrahim said, Yes.
She said, But he's my son, but I'm
Of course she cried
she thought she was going to lose her
son. No one wants to see their sandaah,
but she was a believer as well.
So before this happened,
came in the form of an old,
wretched, ugly man.
And he
to Ibrahim
and he told him. And it was in
this place called Mina.
Okay? It's still there,
in Mecca until today.
And that's where we go to an hajj
to throw stones.
And now you're about to find out why
we throw stones.
Iblis went to Ibrahim
alayhis salaam and he told him,
hey, what kind of God is this? He's
he told you to do so many things,
but this one,
I don't think you should obey God. He's
telling you to kill your own son.
How was this possible?
So Ibrahim said Allah told me to do
it therefore
it's good for me. You don't understand? He
said, ixa adu Allah. You enemy of Allah.
Get out of here. He picked up 7
stones and he threw it at Iblis.
And then
he went
is to Hajar, the mother.
He's going to kill your son.
How are you going to let this old
man who came from Sham
kill your son? I know he's your husband
and I know he's a prophet but how
are you going to let him do this?
She said,
Iqsa adu Allah. Go you enemy of God.
You enemy of Allah.
I trust in Allah. She threw 7 stones
at him.
And then he did the same thing to
Ismael. And he told him the same thing.
And Ismael replied the same thing because they're
all true believers. Alhamdulillah.
Picked up 7 stones and he threw it
at Iblis.
So Iblis
these people are
too faithful.
They are too
much of a believer for me. I can't
lure them. I can't
sway them away from the command of Allah.
So when the time came,
alaihis salam,
he was sharpening the knife
so that
it doesn't hurt
when he comes to kill his son. And
obviously his heart
is in pain when he is doing this
because it is his own son.
But he knows Allah,
the Lord of him, and the One who
created him, and the One who created his
son, and the One who created
the love that he has for him is
asking him to do it. So he knows
he must do it. So he's sharpening the
blade and he's like, You Allah make it
easy. You Allah, make it easy.
So he comes
and he puts Ismail down. And Ismail was
a young boy and he closed his eyes
and he is like, Dad, just do it
dad. It's okay.
then he told him, Dad, maybe when you
are looking at my face
it will be hard for you. So how
about you put my face
So I look at the floor.
So he did that and Ibrahim was
perhaps crying when he did this. His heart
in so much pain.
He lifted the sword up
and as he was going to strike,
he said, Bismillah
Allahu Akbar. And he strikes
and then
boom. Nothing happens to Ishmael.
did not let the sword
enter into him. It didn't even scratch him.
So Ibrahim,
he said,
What is this?
What's going on?
Is the sword not sharp?
And then the angels come from the sky
and Allah
calls Al Ibrahim
and says, You
you fulfilled the dream and you fulfilled the
command of Allah.
that tested you so much
that made you the imam of mankind
until the day of judgement.
Allah made Ibrahim the imam of all
the human race until the day of judgment
because of this great sacrifice he did. He
Allah that he's willing to do anything for
the sake of Allah. And he truly believes
and trusts in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So when this happened,
Ibrahim was surprised.
He said, What is going on? And Allah
have won the ultimate winning
And you deserve the greatest prize. Allah
sent down with the angels
kebsh. A
sheep. A big fat sheep
that grazed in jannah and ate from the
plants of jannah for years.
So it was big, and it was fat,
and it was healthy, and it was from
jannah. And that makes it so much better.
And he says, Today
you can slaughter
and then you can eat from it and
feed your family from it and you can
have a big
Allahu Akbar.
And everyone ate and he said, Alhamdulillah. And
he hugged his son Ishmael
and Hajar hugged them both and they all
lived happily. Alhamdulillah.
Because they fulfilled and trusted
in Allah. They fulfilled Allah's command. They trusted
in Allah so Allah gave them the greatest
By the way,
that's why
not the first Eid, not the Eid of
The second Eid, Eid al Abha, which is
when they do hajj,
That's why we slaughter a sheep.
Because that's what Ibrahim alaihi wa sallam did
on this day. It was the 10th day
of Dhul Hijjah and it was the day
of Eid.
Insha'Allah, this year in Eid, I want all
of you to remember this story
when your father takes you or your mother
takes you to slaughter a sheep so you
can eat and feed everyone in your family
from it inshallah ta'ala.
So this was a great day.
So the lesson we learned from this is
that Allah
will never ask us to do something that's
bad for us. Allah tells us to do
things so he can test our faith.
Okay. So next time, I want you to
pass the test.
When mom or dad
tell you to make wudu,
they tell you to pray,
They tell you to read Quran
or to study.
I want you to listen to them because
this is your test.
Okay. And if you pass your test, then
you truly submit to Allah. May Allah make
us true believers. Say Ameen.
Okay? So today's du'a inshaAllah
is a very very nice dua. And I
want you to send me videos of it.
Okay? I loved your videos by the way.
You're so amazing. You guys are all awesome.
You're awesome. But there are a lot more
that still didn't send me a video. So
I want you to send me
a video today.
Okay? To the email that we have on
the bottom of the screen, Shawwal.
Today's dua
is and I want you to repeat after
Okay. Say it again.
Now this Dua is very special
because it's the dua of Yunus salallahu alayhi
wa sallam, one of the prophets. We're going
to talk about Yunus insha Allah soon.
And this dua,
our prophet Muhammad
don't forget to say
Anytime you hear Muhammad, you say
He said, whichever
makes du'a using this du'a that I just
taught you, will be answered.
Any Muslim who makes du'a using this du'a
that I told told you
will be answered inshallah.
But make sure you ask for good things,
right? Don't go ask for like
a lot of candy, you know, because we
know it's gonna give you cavities,
give you a stomachache, You won't be able
to sleep. So ask for something that's good
Listen to the videos.
And my name is
and I'm going to be be reciting
2 duas.
The first one, you have to say it
during the day whenever you wake up.
In the second one, you have to say
it 3 times in the morning and 3
times in the evening
so that Allah will not bring you upon
any harm.
Hello. My name is Lina Mydad, and and
I am 6 years old. And I'm going
to say it's direct to
to send it to Epic. I said it
is Epic.
And here we start.