Morad Awad – Have Tawakkul in Allah
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Today I was reading sighted body. We all know Sahadi. Right?
And I read a story that was that was to my surprise in body.
Usually when I hear stories like this, I assume that they're weak
or that they're fabricated, or that you know, you know, because
we don't have too many stories like this in our tradition.
But this particular story, it's insight and body.
Okay and bebeshko fella, the chapter on guarantor ship, like in
business dealings and business transactions
above the radar of the Allahu Taala and who narrated that the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there were two
men from bene Israel in how many men, two men from Bani Israel. One
of them wanted a loan of 1000 dinars.
So he wants to ask around. And then when he found somebody who
was capable of loaning him this 1000 dinars, he asked him, Okay,
can I loan he said, Yes, I have the 1000.
He said, Okay. Can I have a guarantee somebody a Kafeel?
So the man who was borrowing said, What's your fair Billahi Joaquina.
He said, Anita, Allah, Allah is the best guarantor, he's the one
that guarantees everything. So the other guy was the money. Subak
he's like Allah here. True. is up to give me a witness.
A shaheed.
And then the man said, well, katha, Billahi. Shaheed said Allah
is enough of a witness for the man said wala is so back to your
honest, that's true. So he said, here's 1000. And Allah's the
Kafeel and Allah is the Shahid
and Bismillah. They agreed on a date for him to give back the 1000
dinars the men left and when the date came, he lived across the
sea. So he had to sail by ship in order to go back to pay the loan.
He wants to pay back the loan. He said, Okay, I need a couple of
days in the sea. And I need to leave right now. So I could pay
back the loan. He went, and there was a hurricane and the seas were
raging and he could not leave
the house. I need to leave. He waited. He waited he waited until
the moment where he said okay, now, even if I left I wouldn't
make it in time. But he said your hola I made you, my Joaquin, my
guarantee. And I made you my Shahid How am I going to go back
on my promise. So this man after he lost all hope of getting on a
ship and going back to return the loan mind you this is who who's
saying the story.
Who's saying it Rasulullah sallallahu hadith is inside
Bukhari narrated by Buddha. So he said,
he cut a wooden log, he found a wooden log he carved inside of it,
he cut a piece of it. And then he put the 1000 dinar inside the area
that he carved and he put a note and he said, Oh Allah, you are my
caffeine and you are my Shaheed, you are my guarantor, and you are
my witness. And you know that I owe this person money, your Allah
allow this to reach this person.
And then he stuffed the notes inside the wooden log. And he
wrapped it and he mailed it. Right? And then he what? He sent
it off, he threw it in the sea. He threw it were in the sea.
And then he left And subhanAllah the storm continued. But
eventually the other guy, he waited, and then he just gave up.
The other guy, he said, Where is this person the ship never came.
He told me to meet by the by the, you know, by the harbor and
whatnot, where they were supposed to meet where all the ships come
in to their town.
And then one day, he went
to, you know, to kind of picnic with his family on the shore.
And he went to look at the sea. He didn't see any ships or anything.
So he found a log there. He said, Let me get it for firewood. He
chopped the log for his family and boom, the 1000 dinars were inside
of it. The 1000 dinars or inside of it, he opened the note and he
read it he said Allahu Akbar Allah repayment Hamdulillah. But the man
on the other side didn't just throw his log with the money and
just leave it there. No, because that's not a form of repayment. He
just did that Yanni Magilla Tony Larrabee and he just did that to
say Europe I tried, because I was prevented. But when the seas went
down, and the ships started
To sail, he wrote the ship, and he went back to the men. He looked
for the men.
He found him and he told him, Look, I came to repay the 1000
dinar alone. I want you to forgive me. I'm late because there was a
storm and the seas went up. So here's the 1000 dinars. Please
accept them and forgive me for my lateness.
So the other man said, Did you try and send it via another means or
send it with someone or through something? The man said, Look,
regardless of this, here's your $1,000. Because this is the only
form of repayment I accept.
So the man said, Look, Allah, our guarantor, and our witness, he has
repaid me duck, Allah says, Keep your 1000 dinars and Salam aleykum
and the member
what's interesting about the story is the the amount of trust in
Allah that this person had, and there's so many things that we
could take from the story right?
This person had so much trust in Allah, that when he said Allah is
Micah feel, and Allah is my Shaheed he was not reluctant to do
take measures that are beyond our imagination.
Today, brothers and sisters,
you know, we we live in a time where people do not have this Jana
in their heart.
you know, there's agenda that we could live with, right. There's
but there's agenda that we have in our heart. And you know what, that
Jana? The agendas main characteristic is
to work with Allah Allah, putting your ultimate trust in Allah
subhanho wa taala.
This trust in Allah is something that Allah guides or gives to
whomever he pleases, Subhanahu wa Tada. It's not given to anyone.
It's for them in Allah but the one who has it
always finds their affairs at ease because who is there watching
them? Who is their guarantor? Who is their shaheed? Who is the one
who protects who is the one who got ALLAH SubhanA wa taala.
Brothers and sisters, you know, when a calamity strikes a believer
when a calamity befalls a believer, the first thing a
believer should do or would do is
they're affected by the calamity, but they ultimately give it back
to Allah because Allah is the One who is planning and mapping their
life and who decreed for whatever happened to them to happen to
The recovery of a believer is through Tawakkol
and trusting in Allah's plan,
but I'm going to tell you something. Some people they say
you know Allah here I want to trust in Allah.
They take a loan from a person just like this, this person from
Bani Israel, he takes a loan and instead of having the pure
intention to pay it back, or do they do
deep down inside, they're like, man, you know, I want to pay it
back. If I get rich. If I don't, he's not going to be poor, but I
might be bored.
I might go broke. Oh, he doesn't need it. And they automatically
what? With the loan, they don't even have to work when they say
okay, there's a contract to Bismillah and sha Allah Yes, we'll
pay or no meet and inshallah I just have to do some business and
go back to but look deep down inside.
When we say Allah is the witness, and Allah has the guarantee, what
intention do we have? This is what this is what the Prophet SAW Selim
wanted to shed shed light on. Some people say well, Allah, you know,
I can't find it. You know, I'm always thinking.
You ask I'm not sure if you know more. I'm always thinking of
stuff. I can't. I can't I can't calculate everything in every
scenario. Look, thinking and overthinking is not wrong.
Thinking of possible scenarios is not wrong. But thinking negative
thoughts is wrong. And thinking negatively towards Allah is wrong.
And guess what? shaytaan can put thoughts or whispers in you but
shaytaan cannot control you.
Can shaytaan whisper? Yes. Can he control you?
Who said
me or not you shaytaan said it about himself. On the Day of
Judgment. Allah subhanaw taala said that IBLEES would say one
that camellia alaykum means alternate
I learned how to confess that up to me, I had no control over you.
This is what IBLEES would say to everyone. I had no control over
you, I just called you and you accept it.
So who is listening to the call of shaytaan
and who was listening to the call of Allah.
This is the choice that we make.
The one who puts their utmost trust in Allah, Allah will repay
for repay them the same way, this person through the log in the seat
and it reached Wallah, he was well below what Allah, Allah will give
the reward of the intention of repayment, even if you die without
fulfilling your promise in your covenant. Because he knew that you
would have sincerely dedicated your life to repay
him, I'm a shelter but I'm Hala. He was a great scholar and McRib.
He wrote his book.
I think it was a more of a cot, or a letter to Psalm one of one of
his great books. He wrote it and he felt like there wasn't enough
sincerity in it. He trusted in Allah, He tied the book, and he
threw it in the ocean in a leather bag. And he said, if there's any
good in it,
then let the people recover it and if there's no good in it, and if
it was insincere, then keep it in the ocean. I don't want it yet.
Imagine writing a whole book volumes and then throwing it in
the ocean. Guess what it was recovered. It was found and it was
read until today.
Subhanallah so many stories of Tawakkol There are endless and I
and inshallah you all understand the point of today's Hydra
our trust in Allah and knowing that he is the one ultimately
witnessing and guaranteeing our transactions with each other
before these contracts that we write. Before these the fine
prints before the conditions and everything. Allah is the One who
is a witness over the heart.
And I'll end with one Hadith rasool Allah Allah, Allah Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said there is not a person. There
is not a person that takes alone
and intends to repay it, except that ALLAH repays it for them in
this dunya there's not a person that takes a loan and intends to
fulfill it or repay it except that who, not them, that Allah fulfills
it. And look at the other side, he said, there's not a person that
takes a loan and intends not to pay it, or a covenant and not to
fulfill it, except that Allah will make whatever he took a hustler.
He will make it a destruction for them.
They'll feel it, man destruction whether it's in their kids, in
their health, in their family, in their house, in their state of
living in their state of mind and their mental well being. Allah is
gonna take it away. So let us inshallah reconnect to Allah put
our trust in Allah. I ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us from the
motto Killian and I ask Allah subhanaw taala to make our fears
the best of affairs and to guide us to the straight path just like
have a look at all Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
In Mussolini now almost Lima de one meaning Mina the one on et now
I look on it that thing was slowed in pain I was slowing the bond he
was slow Dino was sloppy a lot do you want to follow Sherry You know
wonderful she
wouldn't fall she mean I want to follow she I think one downside BP
now one downside downselect the party was slow on me. I was all in
one heavy Lena photo gentlemen one half of what it was good enough.
What the guilt or? I don't
What Angela nauseam