Morad Awad – A Love Story
AI: Summary ©
AI: Transcript ©
I wanted to ask you a question before I start, you know, we grew
up reading books and novels and stuff in school. And you know,
like watching movies and whatnot.
Whatever the movie is, whatever the book is, there's always a
background story. Right? Like a love story that's happening.
Somewhere in the midst of it. It could be drama, it could be
anything could be happening in the story, right? But there has to be
somewhat of a love story in it. So, you know, me studying the
Sierra I was always curious. I'm like, Man, I wonder if there's
like some background love story. In the seed of the prophets Allah
Allah Allah wa salam, something that like you know what's going
on? Like, I know there was there had to be some drama for lack of
better words, there had to be something to do with Yanni love or
to people that fell in love and so on so forth. And to my finding,
Subhan Allah to my surprise as well. It wasn't a companion.
Right? It wasn't someone actually it was but like, it wasn't someone
far from the Prophet sallallahu it was selling them
this today I'm going to speak about a love story that happened
in the household of the prophets of Allah Allah Sana.
So this love story began.
Before the Prophet SAW Selim became a messenger
with his oldest daughter, Xena, but all the hola to Alana. Zainab,
you know, she was a typical Qureshi woman, a noble woman, the
daughter of Muhammad sai Salem. So you can only imagine how good her
soil is and how good her upbringing was.
And, you know, the prophets I send them would notice that she would
exchange looks with this young man by the name of Avila house. So
I've been asked, he obviously, he had a crush on her, and she kind
of had a crush on him.
So one day, the class comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and he says, You know, I,
I want to talk to you about something. And obviously the
prophets. I said to him, go figure like, I know what you want to talk
about. He's like, I'm interested in asking for your daughter's
So, the prophets, I seldom said, what
he said, You know,
I can't agree with this. Unless I asked her first, you know, I have
to see what she says. And I'll get back to and this shows all those
fathers, you know, that, you know, like, Oh, I'm gonna marry you to
whoever you got to marry your cousin. You got to marry this
brother, no matter what it says there, you know, on your father, I
can do it. You know, the prophesy. Sam wasn't like that. He told me
that I was gonna just hold up. Let me ask her, whatever. She says,
I'll get back to you. You know, he's a pretty decent guy. So he
went to his daughter, and he asked her, he's like, as a bid ask him
and he asked me for your hand. What do you say?
So she just, she giggled, she turned red, and she looked down.
So I promise I said to him, said, I get it, you know, obviously, he
knew the answer before he. So he went, and he told them at us,
congratulations, I want to give you my daughter in marriage. They
got married. And that was the beginning of a true love story by
every meaning of the word.
You know how like love, every love story goes through like some hard
times and ups and downs, and like that love is tested. This is that
type of love story, the prophets I send them he became a prophet. The
message was sent the way he came down. And the prophets I send them
started to give Dawa and secret.
And the moment the Dawa became public
that also sell them told the Sahaba they can be public with
their Dawa Zane up, who obviously, converted was one of the first who
converted to Islam because it was her father, right? So she
accepted. She was Muslim, but her husband didn't know. So she goes
to a bit house. And she's talking to him in a in a loving way. It's
like, you know, I will ask my father, he's, he's a prophet, and
he received revelation. I'm sure you heard what's going on in Mecca
right now. And, you know, it's a beautiful religion. So why don't
you follow the path of Allah just come to Islam.
So Bill asked, looks at her. And he says,
You know, I love you, but I don't want people in Mecca to say that I
was forced to become Muslim, just because I'm married to the
daughter of Muhammad. Because that's what the people are gonna
say. And that's such a weak way to be portrayed in public. I don't
want to be known for this. She said, I know but it's the truth
and this and that and she couldn't help she gave them Darwin. She
gave them duck but you know, with nothing
You don't need to show for it. Subhanallah
did they love each other? Yes, they truly loved each other.
Everything was happening to the muslimeen the persecution that you
hear about the years where they were banished out, and the micarta
when nobody sold them and nobody bought from them in the Muslims
were starving, some were dying. Bilal was tortured. Kebab was
tortured, everything was going on right?
With this, they were still in love.
And they still couldn't live live without each other. Until, until
the prophets I seldom was given permission to move from Mecca to
And the prophets I said, I'm told all the Muslims in Mecca.
We were given permission to move. So I'm going to move on this day.
Xena brother, Allah, Allah. She wants her father said so yeah,
Toby like that, you know, this is what I saw last I sent him said I,
you know, I love I've been asked, you know, you know, the
relationship we have.
And I can't just pick up myself and leave a bill house like this.
So do you permit me to stay with him? Yes. Well, I know all of
Muslims are supposed to leave with you. And this is the hijra, and
the hijra, what is the hijra, you're leaving everything. And
going to follow the results. I sell them. The prophets I send
them said, I'll tell you Booma cobbler, if you make a hijra,
everything before it is called us, forgiven. Hola, hola, como, but
she said, You got us hola give me permission to stay. I just want to
stay with my lover.
She loves her husband. And he said, What do you think that was
also celebrated?
He said, What
do you think he said that? Do you think he said, Are you choosing
your husband over rasool Allah? Did he say are you choosing the
one you love over the Messenger of Allah? Did he accused her of being
corrupt that she chose her husband? Who is a machinic who
disbelieved that Allah over him? No, that's not what he was like.
Not Not at all. He understood what love means. Because he himself was
in love with Khadija love the Allah Tala Anna. He knew what it
feels like. He knew what it's like. So he said, I understand you
can stay.
What happened
two years later, after the Hijrah the big, cataclysmic
impactful battle of budded the battle that is going to be
decisive and the battle that's one of the the greatest battle of
Islam there is no battle greater than better in the history of all
Islam. It's the greatest battle.
Who gets ready,
the Muslim and get ready
and say in a bull cup to find her husband or the last getting ready
to fight to with the machinery kicking against her father,
with the machinery came against her father, and she's crying and
tell him Please don't. And he said I have to. I have to I'm part of
Quraysh you know, and they did this and this and that. And they
tried to take the caravan and I have to go and defend and after
gunfight and so Xena once her husband left.
She lifted her hand. And she said
she didn't know what to say what she's going to make dua for
She said, Yeah, Rob, give my father victory and give my husband
a safe return.
What else can she say? Give my father victory because she's
Muslim. She wants Muslims to be victorious. But give my husband a
safe return.
And what do you know about the Battle of Budhia? Well, Allah He
the Battle of budget, how many of you watched the movie the message?
You know, that old movie from the 70s? Did you ever see the first
battle scene of budder when that when the three fighters come in
attack, and they're laid out what happens? You see the Muslims
rooting on the Muslims. And then when the Mushrikeen got killed
when the machete Kim got killed in the Muslims are saved. Some of the
Muslims were crying that their brothers that their fathers that
their uncles that their friends were being killed.
And some of them had to go to carry their Muslim brother who
they don't know it's from a tribe, not from their tribe. Perhaps
they've never seen him. He's from the Ansara. Right? They want to
pick up the wounded Muslim, and just looked at their father and
just looked at their brother and just looked at their best friend
who they grew up with. And they had to hold their tears back. And
that was the Battle of Baghdad. It was such a huge battle on the
hearts too. And that's why these fighters were the best in Islam.
So the Battle of bet that happened and then the Prophet sallallahu
wasallam and then the
They captured many or several of the machete kin.
Right? A lot of them were captured. Now.
The prophets I send them said, Okay, we're going to trade them
for failure. He said, we're a poor nation. Now, Medina is poor, and
we need whatever money we can get. So send a letter to the people of
Quraysh telling them that send whatever video
you can give to release your captive.
Because we won't let them loose until you send his worth in gold
and silver and goods and whatever.
Zain up
her she didn't know where her husband will be aligned, she
didn't know where her husband kept everything, she had nothing.
And the messenger who went from Medina to Makkah was about to
leave. He said, Whatever I have is what I'm going to use to release
your prisoners. If you don't give me anything, then consider your
prisoners dead.
And now Zeynep is there.
And zeyneb looks around but doesn't find anything except for a
necklace that was given to her by her mother, her digital, the
alotta Alana on her wedding. So this necklace was very dear to
And she knew that if there was suicide, he seldom saw this
necklace, he's going to be affected via
and indeed, when the messenger went back, and imagine carrying
gold and silver and goods and everything, and these characters,
and then there was also sell them was looking at the video. And then
he recognized amongst all of the goods, he recognized this
And he held it close. And he said Khadija
and then he smelled that and
he started to smell it. He said this is an awkward Khadija and he
told the guys where does this from? Who gave you this?
And they said this is Zane of your daughter, your rasool Allah, she
sent this so you can release up in hours.
And he told all of the companions Please come.
Come and let us decide. Will you please allow me to release a Bill
asked for this necklace.
This necklace is dear to me. This is my lover Khadija.
And they all said of course yeah, Rasul Allah, he had to ask them,
because an Amana Shura, he couldn't make the decision on his
own because that won't be fair. Right? He's releasing this is you
know, these people releasing their families, their uncles, their
brothers, their cousins, he and the prophets, I send them
understood that he couldn't prefer his own family over theirs,
because everyone is sacrificing. So he had to ask permission. I
like it salatu sermon he did? And they said, Of course, yes, will
Allah Go ahead.
Then he takes this necklace, and he goes to a bill OS. And he tells
me I've been asked,
take this necklace,
and give it back to Xena and give her salam from her father.
And tell her Don't ever give up this necklace from your mother.
Because this is something that's very beloved to me.
And then before I will ask left, Medina, the verses were revealed
that it is not permissible for the mushrik to be married to the
Muslim anymore. Before it was permissible. But after butter, it
was revealed that they're not allowed to be married and that
every single marriage between a Muslim and Mushrik is
automatically nullified colors.
So he told us
take this designer, and I will release you an acceptance video.
But I want you to let Zainab know that Allah revealed to me that you
two are no longer married, and that she should come back to
Medina to join the Muslim.
And indeed, he went back. He went back to Mecca. And he went to Xena
and she was very happy that he's alive. And she hugged him. And she
said, he I will ask you I will ask I'm so happy. And then she noticed
that he wasn't smiling. And she said, Yeah, but asked what's
wrong? Aren't you happy to be with me? He said I am. But I'm sad that
you're going to leave.
So she said, What do you mean I'm going to leave? Are you leaving me
again? He said, No, you're the one that's leaving this time.
Your father said that God revealed to him that we are no longer
married and that you should go back to Medina.
somebody I know, she took another
chance at him. She said, Why don't you become Muslim now?
Please just become Muslim and we can go back together. He said no,
then people would say that I was under the pressure. Or I came from
Medina with another agenda. No, no, no, I won't. I won't be
pressured into Islam like this. So he
told her to go back, he prepared her luggage. And he sent her out
in the daytime so everybody can see. He said, I don't want to let
you leave at night. You're a bit lost his wife, I want everyone to
know that you're leaving. she picked herself up. And she was
leaving pregnant with the grandchild of Rasulullah
sallallahu Nilsson,
who sees her on the way out, Abu Sofia and Abu Sufian, who just
came back from that battle, who escaped with his caravan he saw
and he said, what the daughter of Muhammad after everything they did
to us is going to leave Mecca without anything happening to her
love Allah. Then he sent others and they threw a spirit her and
then she fell off the camel and she had a miscarriage.
She was prepared. After that was done. Her husband, a bill house or
he wasn't no longer her husband at that point because they were the
marriage was nullified.
He said he will leave after fajr
because he wanted to fulfill His word total solos. He sent her
back. She went to Medina.
In Medina, she lived
the prophets I seldom saw her. He hugged her and he saw that she had
gone through a lot. So the prophets I send them, gave her a
house and gave her everything. And the prophets I send him you know
how, how, imagine how he was with his own daughters on a saw to
sell. If he was the way he was with others.
Xena, probably Allah and I want you to listen to this. It gets
even more romantic. The story gets spicier. So Xena, only Allah Anna
stayed for six years not married.
The most noble Sahaba and the most noble tribesmen would go and ask
for her hand. And she would say I can't imagine myself without a bit
of us. And the prophets. I said I would say
you know, flan is good.
Yeah, my dad, you know, I can't.
One day I've been asked is going to come but what if he doesn't
know he is I can't live with other than ambulance. Six years. She
refused so many marriage proposals until six years later.
I've been asked was in a caravan passing by Medina going to shum to
Levant and on the way they didn't know harissa. He was in charge of
the city at night to go and attack this caravan and take back what
they had stolen from the muslimeen. And guess what happens
a bit OS was in the caravan and he escaped with nothing better about
just walking in the desert. He knows the only place he can go.
The only place he can go is where is Medina because they're close to
Medina. If he were to go back to Mecca, they're going to catch him
and kill him. If you were to go to Sham, he's going to die from
thirst before he gets there. Medina was the only place he can
go. But that's his enemy. But there's one non enemy in the whole
Medina, there is one person who he knows can trust with his life.
Guess who?
Xena, Xena, probably Allah ha.
So at night, he goes between the houses.
And he's going to a woman who was the daughter of Muhammad sai
Salem, and the woman that's no longer his wife. Right? And the
mother of his children.
And he knocks the door in the middle of the night.
And she opens the door. And she sees a badass house. And she
jumped and hugged him. She thought he came to Islam. And she was so
happy that he's there. Finally you came back I've been dreaming about
this day. And she's talking and this is and then you know, after
she comes down and her emotions settle. He's like, yes, you know,
I'm not Muslim, by the way. This and this happened and I just, you
know, you're the safest place to be. And I need you to protect me.
He said, Well, she said, Well, I'll protect you. And she wants to
the prophets. I send them after salah. All the Sahaba are
listening, all the Sahaba sitting imagine like we're sitting with a
big group. Imagine the prophets I'm sitting after what the Sahaba
he stood, she stood in front of him. So the Rasul Allah I wanted
to let you know, and let everyone know that a bill asked is in my
He's in my protection, and nobody can touch him.
few GRE
analysis I said, What did he say? I will ask this likely is an enemy
of Islam Allah, he was fighting in Medina then he was released.
Right. And then he was in the caravan that was attacked by said,
he's an escape he's wanted. So he said, the Muslims accept the
protection of the least of the Muslim in, you know any Muslim, if
they protect someone then we accept it.
And everyone call us, Then bear witness that, you know, he's under
all of our protection and nobody will touch him.
And then she wants to Xena the prophesy sentiment to Xena. He
said you know, Xena
I know you love him. But he's not halal for you.
He's not halal. He's not your husband. You know that? She said,
Yes, you're awesome. Allah said, but I'm gonna let him live with
Just don't Don't do anything crazy. Okay, like basically,
we know your is Juwan. And we know you're his ex. And we know like,
you still love each other. But so long as he's not Muslim for loss.
You can't do anything. She said he also I'm happy colors. As long as
he's with me, I'm happy even if we don't do anything.
They weren't. She stayed for several days. And then he said,
He's preparing his luggage and he said I have to leave.
She said why don't you just become Muslim? He said, I can't. I can't
because people would think that I was under your protection. So I
faked my Islam. I'm not going to do it.
Then he leaves. The products I sell him gives him some last
minute Dawa. He still says no.
He takes his stuff. He goes to Mecca, and he stands in front of
everyone in Mecca. He said, Oh people of Mecca. Does anyone have
debt on me? Do I owe anyone anything?
They said, No, you're a badass and some of them said yes. He said,
Here's your debt paid off. Here's your debt paid off. Here's your
debt paid off. He paid off his debt. Does anyone else have debt?
Do I owe anyone else anything?
He said, Then I bear witness that there's no God but Allah. And then
Muhammad SAW I sent him His Messenger. And he went back to
Medina. And he said now I'm willingly Muslim. And it was the
happiest day of their life because now they united upon the love of
Allah subhanaw taala above their own love. And this is the true
What's sad is that this love only lasted for one year before Zenodo
the Allah Tala and have passed away.
Only one year.
And Bill house lived for one or two years after that.
And the prophets I send them would ask him after Zainab died, yeah,
Bill house, would you get married? He's like, Well, why tell us I
can't marry anyone after Xena. I can't think of it after Xena.
He said and then he would complain to Brussels. I said let me also
Allah, I'm debilitated. I can't do anything. He said Well Allah He
life is bitter without her yo Rasul Allah, he would say that he
would often and frequently say until he died from sadness. He was
so sad. He died after two years.
Allama Binomo
This is Subhanallah This is a love story in the house of the Rasul
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Guys, you know, this love is real. It's
true. It's not this like, fake thing that we see in the movies or
reading novels. It's something that's true. And what I found most
surprising and this is the Russell SCI salams understanding of it.
You know, some people they dropped the Helcom there's no such thing
as this is not permissible. No, we know but sometimes, you know, this
love exists. And there are so seldom would have acknowledged it,
and he would talk to people based on it. So brothers and sisters,
let's take some lessons from this. This, this inshallah to Allah,
take heat of it, maybe, you know, tell it to our kids, tell it to
our family. It's a very beautiful story with lights on willow,
willow to Isla and Norfolk Yeah, and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to
bless us with a love like this. We ask Allah to make us love our
spouses like this. And for them to love us like this. We ask Allah
subhanaw taala to guide us to
family serenity and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to increase us in
knowledge to make us learn about more about the prophets I send
them and his sila I mean, it'll blind me and Allahumma salli wa
sallim wa barik ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala Al hamdu Lillahi
Rabbil Alameen, Salah Solomonic
in Muslim me now almost Lima de one meaning I will not mean it
will corny
Dino I don't need that anymore saw the pain I was longing for the one
song Dino was Slavia the one before she you know before she
was before she I mean I want to follow she is the one downside BP
now one downside the party was slow on me now was all in
one heavy Lena photo gentlemen one half the award it was good enough.
what what's going on? I don't law hula
now lien