Mokhtar Maghraoui – Spiritual Purification #05 What is the Heart

Mokhtar Maghraoui
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of the physical heart and how it is related to the spiritual aspect of the concept of latif. They explain that the heart is not just a pump, but also a profound physical component that can penetrate anything in the physical realm. The speaker also discusses the concept of the heart's physical aspect and how it is connected to the property and function of the heart.
AI: Transcript ©
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The Kalb

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is this again also, the Lapif Arab Bani,

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another Lapif Arab Bani,

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You know, Latif is in the Arabic language

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and as,

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in opposition to,

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to kathif.

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Katif is literally dense.

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physique of a human being is dense, is

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kathif. The roh of a human being is

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So that lapif nature

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makes that latif

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creation of Allah

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that latif

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be in different dimensions

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in ways we do not comprehend in the

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physical sense.

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Just keep in mind, for example, that,

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that photons

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are at some level a Latif creation because

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photons of light,

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light photons

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the physical realm in ways

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other thick or kathif

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creatures do not. If you go even beyond

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to the concept of,

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of of other, you

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sub particles,

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the neutrinos that that can penetrate

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anything you can think of materialism. That's Allah

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Qif creation of Allah Azzawajal.

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We remember we do not know the real

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appearance and nature of angels. We have manifestations

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of that that sometimes are said to be

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experienced by some.

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But really, what is a photon? What is

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a neutrino?

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Allah only knows in their essential realities

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that can penetrate

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the anything,

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especially the neutrinos, anything in the physical realm.

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So the is first of all,

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from this word latif

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that I tried to here explain briefly.

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So it's a divine.

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And how does it relate to this physical

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heart that we have?

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Our ulama,

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our auliya,

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our sages

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of old and our predecessors, our salafar

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When they spoke of that, they say that

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heart from what they understood

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from the Quran and the sunnah of

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and what Allah bestowed upon them of favors

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and grace of understanding and of experiencing,

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such as Limam al Ghazali and before him

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and after him, Rahimamullah Ta'ala Jameeran,

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that this

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that we speak about in this tazkiyah

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concept, in this spiritual concept,

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is that latifa that is somehow related somehow

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to this Sanobari

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heart inside of us, to this physical

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heart inside of us in the form of

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an acorn inside

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of us.

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But it's not it.

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But it's not it.

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Until nowadays, there is a lot a lot

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that we do not know

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about the essential reality, even the physical

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of the physical Kalb.

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I do not want at this point to

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delve into some recent discoveries and recent research

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in the field of science

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what now we are learning

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about the heart which we never

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knew before or when before and still some

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people still think that way nowadays

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that the heart is no different than a

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pump. It's simply a pump. The heart is

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not simply a pump.

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The heart is much more than that. It's

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much more profound than that, even this physical

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heart. And yet, and even when we connected

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to this

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spiritual dimension

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of the ruhe

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and of this lata'if,

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other things come in. So and therefore, we

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hear Allah in the Quran,

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for example, telling us,

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Why don't they ponder and walk on earth

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and ponder and reflect?

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Or do they not have

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with which

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and yaqilun is a is an active

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form, it's a verb.

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By the way, you do not find in

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the Quran the noun,

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but you find the active form of,

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is and so on, which is actively

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being aware of something,

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being in restraint and restraining

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that is.

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And therefore,

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And Allah

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in this ayah and other ayah of the

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the the property or the function,

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the active

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function of aql, of restraint, of control

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to the heart.

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To the heart.

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Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Rasulullah

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says, we can say more but we need

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to be brief.

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Verily, indeed,

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within the human body,

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there is a.

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A is something

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you, you know, you chew,

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a bite that you can chew.

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A bite,

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but made of flesh.

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That is, in other words, you know, the

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size of the heart is not very big

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for a human being.

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If that

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that peace is upright,

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then the entire person, the entire body is

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And if it is spoiled, the entire person

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is spoiled.

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That's the essential of our kulub.

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What identifies and characterizes of our kulub

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will identify

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who we really are and what we really

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are. So that's why we connect the nafs

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to the qalb by the fact that tazgiyah

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is a means by which I keep my

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heart free

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from my low states of my nafs.

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