Mohammed Hijab – Zionist Thugs Exploit Kids to Ruin Gaza Aid

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © A man from Norway is discussing the upcoming generation of the Islam world's "assassassass elevated Islam" movement, which aims to convey the message of Islam to the entire world. He describes the "weeks of racism" that has taken place in many countries, including the recent "weeks of racism" in America and the UK. He also mentions the "weeks of racism" in Israel, where the "weeks of racism" is a message of comfort.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hey you, are you wasting your time on

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social media again? Your brothers and sisters in

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the slam net from Norway are establishing a

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Masjid, a dawah center.

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Establishing a Masjid to convey the message of

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Islam is one of the best deeds a

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Muslim can do. There's a huge need for

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it in Norway. You know this and I

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know this, so that makes the reward even

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So give generously and Allah

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give you even

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Assalamu alaikum.

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How are you guys doing? We recently came

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across a video which was extremely disturbing.

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Let's take a look at the video and

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come back and respond.

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So if you've seen that video, what do

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you think, Ali, of what you've seen? To

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be honest, like, I mean,

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what I'm about to say, most people will

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contest it, but not in the context I'm

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gonna say. We want to thank Israel. Mhmm.

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We wanna thank the Israelis. We wanna thank

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the Zionists because I've said this before, I'll

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say it again. Like, for example, Hollywood spent

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about half a £1,000,000,000 to portray Islam in

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a Islam and the Muslims in a bad

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way. Yeah. And they still they couldn't manage

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that. They couldn't. But

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if if I was a multibillionaire, I would

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be thinking to myself, if I wanted to

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read a show of Israelis and Zionists and

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if I was someone that's anti Semitic and

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and I wanted to do this. And I

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want to spend all this work. I don't

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think I could have done the job the

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way they do it for free for us.

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Absolutely. It's unbelievable bro. It's like

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you you sometimes think to yourself, is this

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reality? Do these people

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are they really this cruel? Like, we've seen

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them sitting down in circles with their little

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blocking aid from coming. That was worse than

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its own. Now the aid is coming from

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Jordan or something along these ways. Now they

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attacking it. You could see the video where

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he's misty trampling on it. That it's it's

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the hatred. You're you're trampling on food. Yeah.

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Yeah. Exactly. It's it's it's like we're thinking

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if you're going to we can see what

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you're doing to the Palestinians.

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Now the food, the basic food that's going

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to reach them for the innocent people, for

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you to have such opportunity Because that food

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is not gonna go to Hamas. That food

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is gonna go to women's children. That food

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is meant to go to people who are

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starving, people who are now in a state

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of desperation, people who are,

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being sieged, people who,

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who require the basic requirements. It's it's you

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know what it is, bro? Like, you know,

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let's say you had there was someone who

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you wanted to kill, but you couldn't get

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to him. But there's something off his end.

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You start breaking it. Well, it's it's yeah.

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The the rage is I love hatred you

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have Yeah. The way you're attacking

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the food, it's I'm thinking, oh my gosh.

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Yeah. Like, you can't make up. You can't

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make up. You cannot make up. You cannot

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make up. There is there is a silver

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lining. I was recently

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looking at some statistics, actually.

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And after October 7th,

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the vast majority of Israeli society,

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Reuters says 65 percent. I was looking at

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an article in the first instance. Yeah. Wanted

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a full scale, you know, ground offensive. That's

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the majority of Israeli society.

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It's now gone down to 49%.

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if people in Israel know

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that the result in in for example,

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in this,

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not just ground offensive but the the missiles

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are being, barraged

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and, thrown from the sky

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is causing all this death and suffering on

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then you have to start asking, to what

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extent are they collectively

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in the case of not caring about, it

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doesn't matter how many people you killed, it

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doesn't matter how many children are killed, it

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doesn't matter how many people are skinned alive.

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It doesn't matter how many babies are burnt.

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It doesn't matter how many women are screaming

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for their children who are being, who are

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under the rubble. It doesn't matter because our

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objectives is more important than all of those

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concerns. And if that's the case, why should

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the international community

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bow the knee

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to a group of collectively psychopathic Zionists?

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Yeah. Okay. And their representatives

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in order to please their insatiable need? That's

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the question.

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Exactly bro. Like at the end of the

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day, like I said before, Yani,

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what they

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they are doing, the the the evil nature

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that they have

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and it's I believe it's deep racism.

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You need to understand the the objective, and

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you can see a pattern.

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Doing this they are doing this in all

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areas, in all places. You see in America

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to the UK,

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they have this I don't know what it

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is. No. Israeli society Where is it? Statistically,

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it's well known that Israeli society is one

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of the most racist societies you can imagine.

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if you look at the Haaretz, for example,

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a left wing newspaper,

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they've reported along the, many times actually, many

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articles, you can find articles, you can find

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different ones about the Ethiopians, how they're treated,

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Sudanese people, how they're treated,

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or let's say for example,

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Sephardic Jews, which are Jews from Middle Eastern

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descent, how they're treated. Christians, how they're treated.

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That's not even a race or religion.

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But it's not a Muslim, they are not

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So what we are seeing is discrimination at

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every level,

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at the highest level

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and everybody who everyone is scared to talk

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about this because they're afraid to be called

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anti violence. I don't have it, man. This

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is a badge of honor. Yeah.

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Now it's become a badge of honor. I

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mean, be honest with you. It is. It's

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with the way they use it, it would

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be Yes. Of course. Like that. But what

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what I wanna say is that at the

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end of the day,

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you know, it's

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now high time that you cannot be on

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the fence on these matters

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anymore. It's disgusting

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that people are still on the fence and

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they are still cheering this. And I can

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only imagine that people,

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let's say the right wing or whoever else

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in the international community would be supporting this

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because they themselves have been afflicted with psychopathic

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rage. Yes. And they have deep hatred for

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anything that doesn't resemble themselves and all their

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friends. With that, we'll conclude with.

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Your brothers and sisters in the slam net

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from Norway are establishing a masjid, a dawah

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This center, this masjid, this educational institution will

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act like a beacon of light,

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calling the Muslims in Norway back to the

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essence of Islam. So give generously and Allah

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will give you even more.

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