Mohammed Hijab – Time to Use This Sword

AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the struggles of worship against those who reject the truth with arguments of the Quran. They emphasize the importance of training and mobilizing individuals to defend and share Islam using the Quran's arguments and ideas. The goal is to recruit 2,000 people to take part in a struggle against false and world views.
AI: Summary ©
Let's be honest. 1 of the greatest acts
of worship is struggling for the sake of
Allah. There's no difference of opinion on this
issue. However, there are levels. According to our
the highest levels is struggling against those who
reject the truth with ideas and arguments of
the Quran.
Who can challenge Allah's arguments?
Are there any ideas better than those found
in Allah's book?
Of course not. Allah says, so do not
yield to the disbelievers, but strive diligently
against them with this Quran. And this is
why we focus on developing individuals and organizations
to intellectually defend and share Islam
using the Quran's arguments and ideas.
If our intellectual sword has been given to
us by Allah, no number of bullets, weapons,
counter arguments, or world views can defeat us.
Allah says and declare the truth has come
and falsehood has vanished. Indeed, falsehood is bound
to vanish. This is where you come in.
We need your support. We aim to continue
the next phase of our journey by training
a 100,000
people to engage in this struggle. Without your
donations, we cannot achieve our goal. I'm looking
for just 2,000 people to give £10
a month.
Imagine the reward of donating towards the acts
of worship that Allah
loves the most. Go to the link in
the description below and donate now. Every donor
will receive a signed e copy of our
new book by Hamzah Zoltesis, loving the loving,
why Allah is worthy of our utmost love.
With less than 35p
a day, you can help us intellectually share
and defend Islam using the Quran
arguments and training over 100,000 people to do
the same.