Mohammed Hijab – This Is Why I Love Traveling
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We're here in
Well, introduce yourself to the people.
Age. Maybe
I'm gonna die some
every time. Yeah. So I dedicate
to die. Life to die.
And also,
we're gonna dedicate our time to now,
the way it works is that you don't
they put everything on the table and you
only pay
for what you for what you touch, for
what you eat. Yeah. So they put everything
down there. And we've got here the main
man himself, Oh, it's about
Hudli. Very nice.
This man's a powerhouse in Southeast Asia in
terms of giving dawah words for Aira and
many other organizations. But now he's,
you you've got your own organization here, don't
you, Fadli? No. I don't have any organization
now. I'm I'm with IDT with. Okay. I'm
leaving, end of this month.
Really? I'm on a free agent.
Oh, fantastic. Any?
So this is a rendang. Apparently, this is
the original 1. Is it fadli? Yeah. The
Indonesian 1. Exactly. Original 1. Because obviously, the
Malaysians have the same 1, but you can
see that it's a bit darker than the
1. And we've got, chicken here as well.
I finally used to tell us this is
Jakarta. This is the morning rush hour. Right?
Lot of lot of bikes
here. You were telling me that it's, what
it's called a national event or something like
that. Yeah. Yeah. This is, actually a national
event. It's a national event. Yep. That's right.
Since I'm coming over, there's gonna be a
historical event.
Yeah. Yeah. Hamza out of your city. Do
you own I think look. Let let's be
frank about something. Let me tell you something.
No 1 came closer in the UFC to
taking down
Hamzah. Hamzah.
I know. It wasn't successful attempt. He said
It wasn't a successful attempt.
This should be
this should be it. This should be easy.
This is, challenge of the century.
Yeah. Bro, this is the challenge of the
century, bro. You use your right hand and
then you left hand. Okay. We can make
you push your chest.
Yeah. Are you over there? Taking your
That is better camera. I have an angle.
No. Ready? We'll do together here. Are you
ready? Yo. Wrong 1. Wrong 1.
Go and go.
That was too easy, bro. Round 2. Round
2. Round 2. Okay. Round 2. Round 2.
Round 2. Round 2.
Oh. Wow.
It's not even me.
This is the levels of the game, you
The levels the the levels here. Hey. Hey.
Are you ready? Round 2.
3, 2, 1.
3, 2, 1. 3,
2, 1. Go.
Yeah. Say something about this world. How do
you feel? Are they That that was 1
of the easiest I'm wrestling.
I'm still undefeated in arm wrestling. Yes.
Undefeated, undisputed everywhere I go.
In the studio. Look at that handsome devil
My God. Look at him.
And we've got the Sheikh.
We got Fadli once again. The champion. The
champion. No champion. No champion. And please introduce
This man has a phenomenal story.
Can I tell them? Yeah. The story is
that this guy,
basically in the beginning he was learning to
be a priest. He was a Christian. Right?
He came back. He went to the masjid
and then
They have done the shahada. SubhanAllah. And guess
what? The Christians in Indonesia tried to persecute
him. They tried they they burnt him. They
they they have me once.
Yeah. I'm sorry. III borrow your hands. Oh,
please. Yes.
Yeah. Yeah. Hug this. Oh, okay. Yeah.
What's this? Oh my god. What's this? They
broke it. Oh, broken collarbone.
Yeah. Oh, collarbone.
They broke it. With,
Softball. Baseball.
Baseball. Baseball. Baseball. Baseball. Why they do this?
Why? Because they love me.
Oh, because good They really don't Because God
is love. He's a Muslim.
The missionaries.
This is the Christian missionaries. They've done this.
3 Yeah. In their right side and 2
in the left. Oh my god. So 2
months in the hospital. I come with
we're here in Masjid is Taklal, which is
the biggest Masjid
in all of South East Asia, not just
And on the other side of it is
a cathedral
and, they see this as a great symbol
of harmony between the faiths,
here in
Tell us a bit more about it, Fadli.
Yep. So this Masayi Istiklal basically means, independence.
Yeah. And it took a very long years
for them to build. It took, I think,
about 17 years to complete the whole construction
of this Masjid. And this is the biggest
Masjid in the whole of Southeast Asia. Even
the Malaysia must be is not big enough
as this. And as you can see, there
are I think 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 11 storeys.
You can imagine how massive this, infrastructure is.
Yes. So
this is where also,
they have, like, mosque tour that they organize
for the, tourists to come and visit. They
welcome non Muslims as well. Mhmm. So if,
for example, you come and visit Indonesia, you
want to learn more about Islam, they have,
guides that can walk you through the Masjid.
Fantastic. I'm here in Sayed, the biggest Masjid
in all of Southeast Asia. And look at
it. It's very it's very big. It's gargantuan,
actually. Beautiful architecture. Interesting architecture. It's not like
what we're used to seeing in the Blue
Mosque and other places. This is,
kind of like a modern architecture, actually, where
you can see how many people that this
would be able to facilitate for in prayers.
And each floor here
is a place where people would pray as
well. So it's a very, very interesting place
to be, and, it's nice to see that
Islam is, so vibrant here in Southeast Asia.