Mohammed Hijab – Prophet Muhammad’s Medicine and Guide to Healthy Living
![Mohammed Hijab](
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The speakers discuss the effects of the Islam system on children and parents, as well as the benefits of the "theological" approach to social animals. They also touch on the negative impact of alcoholism and mental health on society, particularly on criminality and mental health. The speakers emphasize the importance of managing mental health issues and maintaining optimal health, using olive oil and vinegar as healthy foods and managing blood pressure. They also mention studies on beneficial foods and treatments for various conditions, including injuries and blood pressure. Viewers are encouraged to subscribe to their channel and look into over two to four hours a day for more information.
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what Jimmy
said, I want to come home to live cattle. Today we're gonna have a really interesting session. We've got two really interesting people with us. We've got Kim, how are you? Good. Yeah.
Who is a? Well, he does cupping. And we're going to talk about hijama. He's also a sports
therapy practitioner, where he deals with all kinds of athletes and high profile people. In Sharla, he'll talk to us more about that and what he does and how that's effective and how it's helped his patients. And we're also here with of course, none other than the one and only the doctor, even how are you going to handle and obviously, you're going to give us your own kind of
feedback analysis or evaluation or assessment of some of the things, some of the themes that we're going to be talking about today. And what are the things we're going to be talking about today? Well, let's try and divide it for the viewers into easily, easily digestible chunks. So what I want to start by talking about number one is
Islams attitude towards public health in a general or macro sociological level. Okay?
Number two, I want to talk about some of the attitudes and practices of Islam are more like a, like an individual level and communal level. So I'll start with you to discuss the first thing and then I'll start with then I'll come to us discuss the second thing. Let's start with you, then. My first question to you is, what is Islam's general attitude towards public health? And how is that advantageous for a community?
So I think it's very interesting question. The reason being is that the topic of prophetic medicine, and health from some perspectives is talked about quite a lot. It's not like, it's not a non topic that's never been delved into, it's quite a common topic. However, addressing from the macro level, I think, is something which is not so widely available, we usually talk about it on the individual level, what can you know, for example, honey, and black seeds and hijama, that sort of stuff, what people do on an individual level? Yeah, of course, all of that's part of the sweetener. But I want to take a step back, as you mentioned, and talk about things from an overarching level. Okay. So, in
terms of Islam, there's a lot of things that that work on a public health level, in order to maintain the health of society at a much larger scale. I think the main thing that contributes to this is the fact that Islam, a lot of it is based on a family centric model, where the ties of kinship are upheld, socialization, entertainment, all this stuff is done via the family and the extended family. And what this does is it creates a sense of community.
And we know that this is basically linked to
much improved mental mental health and well being being part of a community having family around that, that having that support network. And there's been a lot of research obviously done into the effects of single parent families. What effect does that have on the mother? What effect does that have on the child and it's all out there, you can go and read up on it, we'll do research on it
shows that there's increased rates of depression, increased rates of anxieties in the children and their parents, increased rates of criminal criminality. And so all these things, basically, a micro level are prevented to serve to a certain degree by Islams model of society. It's really interesting you say that I was actually reading quite recently, the work of someone called Arnold J. twinbee, who is a very, probably one of the most like esteem and esteemed and prolific historians
of the 20th century, he wrote a volumous
kind of historical account of civilization. And he outlined about 19 civilizations of them
is obviously the Islamic civilizations. And he and he was very fascinated with the Islamic civilizations and so much as what you just mentioned here, the community spirit of Islam, it talks about how the genius of Islam so to speak would be its kind of breaking of tribal lines and allowing this community to form and he and he and he said that the ultimate manifestation of that was Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca and stuff like that, which is, as you said, really interesting for many different reasons. One of them is a health reason, a psychological reason, a sociological reason, an extended sociological reason, which is really, that human beings by their nature, when they're in
communities, we are sociological animals at the end of the day, we're social animals. So human beings by their nature, when they form that kind of group, they end up being happier to say in a simple way, just as some of you and it's not a coincidence that if
If you look at the rates of depression in different countries, you'll find that countries which are more based on family models and extended family models, where that's sort of the base level of society. It's not a coincidence that those societies if you look at the happiness happiness index, if you want to call it that, actually much higher. Yeah, no, but you know, let me say something like that happy index, the happy index is based on economic indicators, which allows them on GDP HDI. Oh, this kind of Human Development Index, a GDP is obviously how much money? Actually, it's actually based on them saying, No, no, no. So basically, there was, this is one of the tricks of the West, so
to speak, that actually makes you think that the richer you are, so the presupposition of the happy index, is that the richer you are, the happier you are, okay, you get it. So the happy index itself from an economic perspective is not something which is, in and of itself an indicator of psychological happiness. In fact, there was a study that was done, and hopefully, we might, and I'm not promising anything, because sometimes I do forget, there was a study that was done Forbes magazine, and who the World Health Organization came together, and they did some actual study a wide ranging study of different countries, on which countries are the most depressed most. So I think
there's been quite that with that, they found that of the top 20, I think 19 or 18 of them, watch the Western countries. And I don't think that's a coincidence, when you look at the way that society is structured. in those countries that would have been in the top 1920, whatever it was, as opposed to the structure of society in. And I genuinely believe that there's been a reluctance. And usually, I don't usually say this kind of thing. But there has been a reluctance from psychologists and sociologists to delve into
to these kinds of studies, because they know that, for example, they get a sample group of let's say, a generalizable sample group or cross section of society in the West.
And then they compare it with even say, like East Africa, West Africa, whatever, they will find that those people are psychologically happier. For the most cases. I'm not saying this is a general fact. But how could that be the case with the liberated enlightened Buddhist things? It's an interesting point. So this is a really interesting first point that we're making them.
You're saying that from a sociological perspective, the Islamic the Islamic system is one which ensures mentor ensures but it helps helps to block his use of yes could use of to mental health to family health, to the psychological state, we can go further as old and yes, Moodle is even more than we can. So give us some more examples. One more example. Another big example we could talk about is alcohol. Okay. All right, prohibitionist alcohol in Islam. Yeah.
If we look at today's sort of like a, for example, just taking the the English or NHS, there's a huge focus on prevention, right. Rather than curative, curative measures for maintaining health, a lot of its cure rather than prevention. It's meant it's focused on prevention rather than cure. Okay, right. Right. There's so much research going into how to prevent certain diseases. Okay. So Islam, obviously, it has, I would say that it's very preventative and I think Kim can basically talk about this one of the things I talk about, for example, is the banning of alcohol. Okay. Clearly a preventative method was a professor Sonoma Do you think this is just my reflections on actually I
don't know if you'd agree with agree with me is that part of banning alcohol would have been a very big step in preventing a range of alcohol right? It's an all the toxic and toxic consumer. I don't think it's a coincidence that the professor mentioned alcohol in the same studies with intoxicants and general statement as over intoxicants. So with alcoholic I was looking at I was looking at the figures how much the NHS actually spend on alcohol direct directly, alcohol related diseases directly and also indirectly, it's about 3.5 to 4 billion pounds a year. That's going on things like liver liver disease, which is directly a result of alcoholism, violence as a result of alcoholism,
treating STI, which I have also had sexually transmitted diseases, right, which are also heavily linked to increased levels of alcoholism as well.
So obviously, Islam is banning it at that level. So think about the criminality is also linked to alcoholism is also all these sort of ills of society is just is just one example of prevention, from the Islamic perspective that we can talk about on a public health level. Yeah, and also goes back to mental health. Unfortunately, you know, in my profession,
there is a taboo when it comes to dealing with Muslims. While there is a taboo in the Muslim community when it comes to dealing with mental health, despite our religion, actually trying to deal with the root cause of mental health. You know, we get many patients upon obviously on a confidential level that, you know, suffer Pamela's, you know, severe mental health issues.
And this, I think it's quite important that as a community out there, we need to deal with these issues. First level one, you know,
actually tried to get to the root cause of, you know, okay, what is the health? What is the mental health issue here? And how can we deal with it? You know, rather than just, you know, sweeping under the carpet and not paying attention to it, and I'm sure you've got, I've actually experienced a sense that, you know, okay, or you can't be depressed, and I just got, you know, go read some iron ore. Yes, but what does help, but sometimes it's more than that. It's, you know, it's certain issues that may affect the individual, you know, good that's going on within their life, certain issues, certain circumstances, that I think it's quite fundamental that we deal with these actual issues on
an individual level. I think what you mentioned is
interesting, as well, because the leaves, I think it leads on to another point that
the fact that
because we're talking now about Islamic medicine, prophetic medicine, it doesn't mean that just because we're talking about prophetic medicine, that we by default, we can we disregard
sort of conventional medicine or whatever you want to call it. That's, that's not a conclusion, a logical conclusion that you can make from that. I agree. Yeah. And obviously, the problem I have is I saw him He says, Well, no, luckily that in the Alamo home and Alamo j lumajang. criteria is that that he said that for every disease disease is a cure, which really is really optimistic, it's an optimistic thing for Muslim to have that in there, we have the Alaska we have that in our tradition, right? We have this idea that for every disease out there, there is actually a choice as far as to find it. So cancer research is a noble cause. any organization which commits itself to finding the
the, the actual disease, the cure to a disease is a noble and pragmatic cause it's not something which we find is a waste of time. So from an Islamic perspective, investing in those causes is no doubt part of the religion of Islam for more than one reason. Right. But going back into like, maybe the individual level now because we talked about kind of the macro, might might kind of touch upon that maybe a little bit later on. But
on the individual level, we do know and we've talked about kind of like medicines and preventative measures in terms of the profits. As I said, I'm how he lived his life and stuff like that, can you give us an overview of this? Okay, now, the approach that the center has in regards to maintaining optimum health is quite straightforward, as well, and we look in the book on our last panelist has cooled me up, but he knows that a lot of hands on has ordered us to eat from the pure things. Now, I'm not saying to you that don't you know, don't have a day where you're snacking or where you're letting yourself go. But having Doritos everyday or having biscuits and, you know, junk food that is
not good. That's not from the pure things that Allah Subhana Allah has provided from the earth. And even from a from a point of view, where the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam his diet, what he ate, a lot of patients come to me and asked me what is it specific
to them. And my answer to that is there is no specific bite. However, there is a general formula, that if we follow insha, Allah, we should be able to maintain good health. Now, the philosopher said, and he mentioned that in Hadees, that the believer he eats with one intestine where the hypocrite he eats with seven, and also another Hadith with a profound assault on him, he mentioned that the West vessel that the son of Adam can fill his his stomach, and free pieces of free potions is sufficient for the son of Adam. But if he must go beyond that, so let him have a third for water, first for food and a Fed for owl. Now you see, you know, the Muslim community.
And communities in general make food, a primary part of life, where everything that you have to do or every invitation that you have to go to you from the moment you enter the door, you know, food is being offered to you until the moment that you actually leave. So and this is not, you know, even if we look at the center, the professor said, this is not a prophetic, prophetic kind of way or even a way of actually maintaining optimum health.
So in he also those practices were going back to the diet of the professor to set them we could see Percy is that every morning he would have religiously lukewarm water and the honey. And as you'll see, I'm Allah. He said in his book that the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam he meant he maintained the health and that was probably one of the ways that he actually maintain health. And you have the professor to speak about olive oil. He said that indeed it is a tree. So use it to eat orally and amongst yourselves with it and then use it on your skin use it on your hair.
Also, the professor told me mentioned that he would have vinegar and olive oil and vinegar. We discussed earlier that you said that. You mentioned that. It wasn't for health reasons. However, in this day and age, there has been studies where at least
you know has been studied actually vinegar is very, very healthy for you. It's good for your colon system is good for you knows panel, so many things. I don't want to go into it sort of my
By is actually beneficial. I got the professor to send him he liked he had a sweet tooth. The professor said, um, he had a sweet if you would love dates, you would like to consume watermelons. He would like to consume cucumbers with dates of handler. So there are certain foods that the professor sent him preferred and he liked. But, you know, generally speaking, as long as you're eating balance, you know, I say, ITC, a majority plant based vegetarianism diet, but I wouldn't have said it was a vegan or vegan. The professor for him he did consume meat. Yeah, and he did consume certain products, but at the same time, he didn't consume them on a on an actual daily basis,
because as you know, they weren't readily available as much as they are readily available to us. And generally speaking, it's just about moderation. You know, and, you know, everything in moderation. What do you think about hijama? Because you've been doing this, you've been a practitioner of like, hijama, sports therapy, stuff like that. You've had a variety of different, say, high profile, even sportsmen, come to your ear see, some some footballers. And
we've seen like, we've seen people like Anthony, Joshua and Michael Phelps, and these things like, Hey, Joe, by the way is workshopping. So we've seen these individuals kind of invest in that look into it, and I think it's becoming more and more popular. For more experienced some, what is it? Well, first of all, what is it? Number two? What benefits does it have for people? And why should they go and do it? Okay? The word is, Yama is from the root where root word hasn't Yeah, there is the root word Hashem. And that actually literally means the sock. So, you know, the professor Selim also mentioned it, when we look with we're talking from a, you know, similar kind of perspective,
that, you know, the processor sent me said that there is a cure in three things, there is a cure in drinking the honey, the hand of the copper and authorization and the professor semi disliked authorization. Now, copyin is basically where you create a kind of acute inflammation, inflammatory effect on the body, and you leave, it's like a
vacuum. And that sends signals to the brain. And then you create like a wound a superficial wound, and again, applied a copper coin, where it helps me know when we have injuries. No, no, no, it doesn't handle it.
If it's done correctly, it shouldn't hurt. And it shouldn't be any marks. So, you know, helps, you know, you know, when does an injury you know, part of a body or, you know, there's normally there's a lot of blood that is rushed there, roster area, you know, creating a lot of inflammation, we didn't have that detoxifying effect, yet, there was a doctor who has carried out a study where he compared the blood that was taken out from his ama, and he did find that there was a lot of toxic waste. We could see within the doctor, we said, you know, toxic waste, or, you know, imbalance, shall we say, in the body. So I've had that I've seen that it does, you know, my experience and my
patients experience, it does benefit them with their sports injuries, I've seen that it helps with the backaches, it does help with sciatica. And in terms of I'm not saying that it's a cure for everything, but it does help with a lot of these ailments, you know, you know, it helps with high blood pressure. But in the long there has been studies to say that with high blood pressure, it's a mixture of a diet, clean diet, is a diet suitable for someone who has high blood pressure, and doing HMO, you know, whenever the person can, what's the name of what's the name of the thing that you've got an organization now going with your clinic and stuff like what Where can we find you, you listen
to remedies, and I'm going to put this in the description box remedies, you can find us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook is our website, which should be launched in next two weeks. I'm one of his loyal customers, I go there quite often they won't see me on the way out. But tell me, tell me this stuff is actually effective from a secular perspective of it. Tell us what we've actually found out? Yeah. So I mean, in terms of the secular perspective, yeah.
There's definitely been an increased amount of interest in copying, as you mentioned, like, it's become more popular, for example, with athletes. And I was speaking with him earlier as well. And he was saying that a lot of his customers that are coming in a lot of people that are coming to see him are not actually Muslim. So it's out there people know about it, people are becoming more popular.
In terms of and that's basically, I guess, maybe pushed a bit more for people to from academics to look into a bit more, I guess, in some of the big subjects of contention. Yes. investigation. Yes, yes. 100%. So in terms of the secular literature that's out there, in terms of academic humor and stuff, I could say it's conflicting in a nutshell. There's some papers that will say it's really good and it's good for like blood pressures, like carpal tunnel syndrome, which is a condition of the hand side tick, as you mentioned, as well as
lower back pain, acne, low, low blood pressure, diabetes, I've read some stuff about them. Yeah. So there's a range of things that basically it can it can be
benefit can have some efficacy for However, there's the evidence is conflicting. Some people will say, yeah, it's good. Some people see
something like that. However, from what I've seen the I could see if I was to plot it in a graph, it's like a very small upwards trend towards Yes, it's good.
However, having said that, obviously, a couple of things, just a couple of disclaimers. Number one is that
this, we know that science talks from obviously a third person perspective is very interested, take a step back. And hacking is obviously seeing people on a daily basis, and he's getting their feedback. He's seeing them, he's reviewing them and see how they are. And frankly, if he's saying that, you know, I actually see the difference. I believe him because obviously, he has experienced and secondly, we know, obviously 100%, from the philosophy of science that's always changing. So even if it's saying now, for example, in Germany, it needs more research, which is the consensus, I guess, no, it needs more looking into it doesn't mean anything really in the grand scheme of things
in terms of what it might say in the future, that it's not really it's not really indicative and obviously we're taking the Son of God as our standard of truth. So if that's saying that this is beneficial, we believe it's beneficial Candela. Well, guys, it's been a pleasant episode, we've had some interesting discussions and hopefully, you guys can now divert yourselves to Dr. Damon's channel and make sure you subscribe to him. And he wants to know if your channel is immensely busy I think it's a bit difficult to spell so you can put it in the description no problem though don't know how to spell it. I mean, don't know how to do
it also, of course, they're gonna they're gonna they're probably gonna give you a cool now and shout
out syndrome underscore remedies ga it's a good way to pick them
off with the blood there so obviously we don't just provide wet cupping we also do dry cupping graston therapy, you know, basically because when I had my I had an injury and you would use what did you do so basically it's a it's been around for a while it's aggressive therapy where it's like a blade kind of material where you basically apply olive oil in the blood God I just like a soft tissue massage which makes them adhesion and brings it up and obviously we apply cups on the area. It's most commonly used with sports athletes. You know, martial artists like yourself.
People forget about putting an armbar
was a Camorra's pal I didn't want to release
Anyways guys, make sure that you subscribe to this channel and everyone else's channel and and make sure that you look into over two to two hours a day. We have to accept because coupons because corn and the bane people and this now we have to give people something else because he kept getting refuted out there isn't it can't be refuted.