Mohammed Hijab – Patrick Bet David Attacks

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The conversation covers the age of consent and the weight of sex in relation to the age of consent. There are discussions of comments and claims on Islam, examples of comments and claims on older topics, and the use of "medic shake" in religious reasons for religious reasons. The speakers emphasize the importance of proving door-time records and testimony from groomers, the use of pumpkin sales and grooming in the UK, the use of alcohol and drugs in the UK, and the use of Elon Musk as aceive of men and women. They express concern about the use of alcohol and drugs in the UK and the use of Elon Musk as aceive of men and women.
AI: Summary ©
This is Mohamed Hajib, I believe he...
This is him.
What's he saying?
They're defending...
He's defending Mohamed is * with children and
calls * relative.
At all.
We think that it's just because we have
a different idea of what it means to
be a child, which can be tracked historically.
In these countries where we live in now,
one is legal and one is...
Both are...
One is illegal.
Is this guy trying to justify having *
with a 17-year-old girl?
Is this what he's trying to do right
You have to listen to the end.
He's not finished.
Once again, * is very relative.
Very relative.
So what are you trying to do, Mohamed?
Are you trying to change the age of
So, is it not?
Is * is legally relative as a matter
of fact.
That's not my opinion.
That is a matter of fact.
As I mentioned, if you go to Germany,
the age of consent is 14 years old.
If you go to the United Kingdom, the
age of consent is 16 years old.
If you go to the United States, in
some places, the age of consent is 18
years old.
In some other places in the EU, it's
go back to 14.
In Italy, in Spain, etc.
The seven European countries, EU countries, which the
age of consent is 14.
I actually mentioned the age 14.
If they had a real problem with it,
I don't see them protesting against the German
I don't see them protesting against the Spanish
I don't see them protesting against Italian laws.
The point I'm saying is this, is that
it's relative by virtue of fact.
And it's not my opinion.
That is a fact.
If you're in England and you have *
with a 13-year-old European or 14
-year-old European *, and if you go
to America and you have * with the
same age, then you're not a *.
So it's relative based on the arbitrary measures
of policymakers in different parts of the world.
That is a matter of fact.
If they want to reprimand, they have to
now come with an argument against.
So is he trying to justify * with
Children, that's the whole question.
That's the inquiry.
What is a child?
That is the question.
He's poisoning the well.
He is begging the question, which is a
It's called begging the question fallacy.
I'm not saying that they're children.
I don't believe in having * with children.
No, I don't believe in that.
I've never said that once in my entire
You never said that once.
Let's make that clear.
Of course, I've never said that once.
And I think the low IQ, hot noodle
eating, you know, weirdo that was sitting there,
that maybe he was, sorry to say, watching
something, maybe that he shouldn't have been watching
before, you know, eating his pot noodles, eating
his crispy cream, watching what he shouldn't have
been watching in his mother's cellar, had the
audacity to speak in that manner and try
and inquire in that way without humbling himself
and asking questions and being a real man,
which he cannot be.
And he is not.
And the other ones, they're sitting like sitting
ducks, low IQ.
They don't realize that actually there was nothing
in the speech of this man that suggested
what this man is suggesting I'm saying.
If he was in the United Kingdom, I
would sue him for defamation of character.
Now, the reason why I'm not doing that,
because in the United States, it's much more
difficult to do that.
And it's much more costly.
And he's not that significant.
Anyway, this individual who looked like he was
a shoe shiner for Patrick Davis, maybe he
was shining some shoes and stuff like that
and cleaning in the toilets.
And then they said, just come in for
a second.
We've run out of guests today.
Come just say, just sit here and just
fiddle with the computer, make yourself useful and
give us some coffees and teas as well
and some Krispy Kremes and you know how
to make the pot noodles.
Might as well make that one as well.
So this guy who is a nobody, who's
trying to challenge me and Pat Davis, we
spoke to Pat Davis, me and you, and
we spoke, you know, we had a good
conversation, never disrespected the man myself.
I've only held him to account in the
proper and meaningful way where he has, you
know, across the boundaries, should have had the
integrity, the intellectual integrity to stop this chump
from saying the stuff that he was saying.
But he didn't have that.
And we don't expect that from them.
Let's go on to a couple more clips.
Let's go to the next one.
Hey guys, and let's just go back because
Jesus Christ, you know what I'm saying?
We're Christians and you have to say what
it is.
Jesus Christ spread love, spread peace, spread all
that type of stuff.
Was he a virgin, Tom?
Jesus Christ?
He's treated women great.
If we're going to go according to many
Islamic historical sources, including the Hadith collections of
the Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, the
prophet Muhammad was betrothed to Asia when she
was six years old and the marriage was
consummated when she was nine years old.
I'm just throwing out facts.
This guy's name is Muhammad.
That's what he's basically preaching is that this
is that type of mindset.
I mean, we've read this and we've seen
this, right?
All right.
He brought up Jesus.
He started off with Jesus.
We have a lot to say here.
The first thing I will say is that
they believe that Jesus is the author of
the Old Testament because he's part of the
Because don't forget, they believe that the Father,
the Son, the Holy Spirit are one God
and therefore would follow that he's the author
of the Old Testament.
And it would also follow, therefore, that when
Jesus, part of the Trinity mentioned, the person
of the Trinity mentioned in Numbers chapter 31,
18, that take the young ones for yourself
and almost all rabbinic commentators said that young
ones means prepubescence actually.
There is no such equivalent verse in the
There's no such equivalent hadith in the prophet's
There is nothing in Islam that says you
can take the young ones, the prepubescence for
So according to them, Jesus Christ, okay, he
ordered people to essentially, and some commentaries actually
say, them sexually assault them without their will.
So sorry to say.
So if you're saying you could 1000%
disagree with it, then can you please come
online and tell us that you 1000%
disagree with the Bible and 1000% disagree
with Jesus Christ and 1000% disagree with
Numbers chapter 31 verse 18 and 1000%
disagree with the injunctions given therein?
I can 1000% guarantee that this chump
will not do that because he does not
have the intellectual prowess or the integrity.
He's not integrous enough to be able to
face his own contradictions.
And in fact, his argument has collapsed under
the weight of the internal contradictions therein.
So I would say to you that the
first thing, if you wanted to mention Jesus
is to mention what I've just mentioned.
And especially this verse of Numbers chapter 31,
18, you can look, go and look into
there is a website called which
shows you all of the commentaries of the
Old Testament, especially the rabbinic commentaries using the
Hebrew language a full time about this, the
Talmudic commentaries, the Babylonian Talmud, the Palestinian Talmud
about this particular verse.
And it's pretty clear.
And even some translations into English talk about
young girls.
It's pretty clear.
If you look at the sources, this is
talking about the prepubescent ones.
So the right wing people and this man
and other people that want to accuse the
prophet Muhammad of such and such and this
and that, you have to first deal with
this inquiry before you start speaking about Islam.
And then now we've already addressed this, but
then I'll address it again.
He started mentioning about Aisha, you know, at
the age of nine, et cetera, et cetera.
And the response to this is as follows.
As we both mentioned, and quite rightly so,
me and you and the rest of the
Muslim people and the majority of the populations,
especially in the West, do not condone or
are asking for a change in the age
of consent, whether in the UK, in the
US, in the EU, or even in the
Muslim countries.
We have no such desire.
There's not been one protest movement, one lobby
By the way, there was, I'm not sure
if you know this, in the UK, there
was in fact an organization called PIE, which
is linked to the Labour Party, which is
the party that is in charge now of
That was officially politically lobbying for the reduction
of the age of consent.
So the only people that actually have that
history are the very people that are in
power in these countries.
We don't have such a wish or desire
to change the age of consent.
Having said that, when we make the apologia,
for example, for the argument, the polemical argument,
that's what we're doing.
We're making a historical argument for the age
of Aisha at nine years old.
And by the way, if we really wanted
to say this, we could, that someone could
say, is it possible, the question is, to
be a Muslim and believe in the revisionist
account of her being 18, for example?
It's possible.
It's not an article of faith.
There is no Takfir or excommunication issue therein.
Is believing that Aisha being the age of
nine years old an article of Islamic faith?
Is it one of the five pillars of
Iman or one of the five pillars of
No, it's not.
So someone can conceivably be a Muslim and
not even believe in that anyway.
But putting that to the side, I will
say this.
I do believe in the historical account of
nine years old, and I personally believe it
goes back to social and societal norms.
I personally believe it's to do with how
people define adulthood at that time, comparative to
how we in most of the world define
it in our time due to society.
And someone will say, and this is the
counter argument, well, didn't you say that your
prophet was a prophet for all humankind?
So how come he's doing this and you're
saying we shouldn't do it?
The answer is the same prophet that told
us this also told us that society changes.
And he told us all of the rules.
He told us all of the rules of
how to deal with this changing society.
For example, the principle of harm, the principle
of necessity in Islam.
These are all hadiths of the prophet that
you cannot harm or reciprocate harm.
And I would posture and wager that what
you do with a 13 or 14 or
12, whatever it is, year old, a thousand
years ago, where they had a completely different
upbringing and a completely different social structure is
completely different to what you do with them
here, where they are mollycoddled and got sent
to school every day.
And they have a completely different lived experience.
And therefore, I would say, yes, *, it
is relative to one's definition of adulthood by
historical fact, by current legalistic reality.
And therefore, you don't have a right, I
would say, to accuse our prophet Muhammad of
such a heinous crime without taking into account
those relativistic differences and cultural difference, sociological
That's how I would say.
You mentioned Jesus, peace be upon him, who
we love and revere as one of the
mightiest messengers sent for his people at his
And now if you make that argument that
now, because he started off as he's love,
he's peace.
And so if he's one in three in
a trinity, he's God.
So he's giving these orders, which you quoted
numbers, you know, take the little ones for
Wouldn't he also be the one that dictated
that Mary, that she be 12 when she
gave birth to Jesus?
Yes, exactly.
And there are many, many reports that indicate
that age.
And just as there are many, many reports
that indicate that Rebecca was three years old.
And you'll find that all over the Jewish
But these are things that they'll just hand
wave off.
They don't care about any of that stuff.
Because remember, now Christianity has become a thing
which you can just pick and choose from.
So people metaphorize that which they don't want.
All those genocides that I mentioned in the
Old Testament, all those things they don't like,
they just metaphorize it.
They just, all those scientific inaccuracies that bogus
claims of the creation of the universe, seven
day resting, anything they don't like, they'll just
metaphorize it as a metaphor.
And so for them, the situation, they'll just
hand wave off.
But one thing that this guy said, which
I think is also worthy of mentioning, is
that he connected this hadith of the Prophet
Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam with the behavior of
the groomers in the UK.
Now, in sociology, okay, you need to be
able to prove causation.
If you want to make a causative case,
a cause is something, when you say A
is the reason for B, it's the reason.
A correlation is different.
You could say, for example, okay, that it's
getting hot in July, but at the same
time, pumpkin sales are going higher.
There's no correlation.
There's no causation.
There's a correlation, but there's no causation.
But if it's Halloween time and it's October,
then you can make a causative case.
People are buying pumpkins because of Halloween.
Now, if you're making a causative case between
the religion of Islam on the one hand
and the grooming that took place on the
other, then what you need as a sociologist,
as a proper academic, is you need to
make a causative argument to show the link
between A and B.
And in this case, what would be sufficient,
or at least something to speak about, is
a testimony from these groomers themselves saying, we
were inspired by the hadith.
We don't believe it's haram.
We don't believe it's wrong to take these
white girls and to do this.
How comes from all of the reports that
I've read and all of the police reports
and the people that I've challenged in the
last two weeks, not one of them has
been able to show one single report in
the United Kingdom of someone citing religious reasons,
religious reasons for the reasons why they've done
Whether obviously if they're non-Muslim, but if
they are Muslim, if they are Asian, we
don't find one single report of an individual
saying, I have been inspired, incentivized or otherwise
motivated by my religion.
The challenge, therefore, would be produce one report.
Surely you should have all these cases that
took place in Telford, in Rotherham, in Rochdale.
And there was over a thousand white girls
that were badly, badly abused by these horrible,
horrendous, horrific, monstrous, condemnable, abominable individuals.
Not one of those individuals has been able
to come with a single report saying that
the reason why I did this was because
of my religion.
How comes?
The fact that you have not been able
to produce one report like that means you
are disqualified from being able to make a
causative case, the like of which you have
tried to make.
And that's why there's no bona fide academic
that makes, by the way, the causative case.
Not one bona fide sociologist in peer-reviewed
journals that make the causative case because it's
too difficult to make.
They know that.
And in almost all the reports that have
been written by the CSA and the Home
Office and the Cobain report and this and
the book that she wrote in 2018, Ella
Cobain in 2018, none of that links the
grooming, Asian grooming gangs, et cetera, to the
religion of Islam.
So this man is academically inept.
He is incapable of reaching that level of
He's incapable of making the case.
He's creating a problem out of nothing.
And as I've mentioned, if his issue is
of that of men who are over a
certain age, being in sexual relationships with women
that are under the age of 18 or
even under the age of 16, then you've
got 300,000 cases, according to statistics from
the year 2008 and 2018 in the United
States of America itself, which by the way,
as we mentioned, the majority of the states
don't even have an age of consent or
they have an age of consent, which is
below the age of 18.
What you have to worry about, why are
you worrying about what's happening in Telford and
Washtenaw and Rotherham, in these towns, by the
way, if you've been, they're not even cities
in the UK, where disenfranchised and poor people
are doing all kinds of mad stuff.
If you meet these people, you're going to
tell me they're religious.
They're not religious people.
These guys are thugs.
And they were giving alcohol and feeding, giving
alcohol and giving drugs to the girls and
stuff like that.
Is alcohol and drugs now become part of
the Islamic package?
I don't think so.
So I think that the fact that they're
making this case is pathetic and it's embarrassing
and it's something which they're only doing because
they're, they're prophet and they're true God.
Elon Musk decided because of his H1B visa
situation to say such and such a thing.
But there'll be something coming out about Elon
Musk, which will shock the public, which I
will be publishing on Thursday, which will shock
the public.
It's the most scandalous thing and I'm keeping
it with me.
It will completely shock the British public.
It will come out in two days, it
will shock the entire public about Elon Musk
and I have the information and no one
else has the information that I have and
I'll be producing this information in two days
and people will be shocked to know what