Mohammed Hijab – Is It Victory For Syria Or Not- Reaction

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The independent filmmakers reacting to the Israeli Israeli conflict express their desire to show the truth and encourage people to be strong against Israeli Israeli policy. They discuss the controversy surrounding the conflict, including the release of Israeli citizens from prison and the potential political and economic consequences of the conflict, as well as the establishment of a da absorption center and the potential for generating money through it. The conversation also touches on the controversy surrounding the conflict, including the Israeli Israeli conflict and the lack of evidence of suffering.
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told us that whoever
builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build
for him a similar house in Jannah.
And we know the great reward that will
not only be gained, but rather will fill
your grave after your death.
Whenever someone prays there, whenever someone gives shahada
in the masjid, whenever someone learns something in
the masjid.
Yes, that will be something that you will
have on your scale.
Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, how are you guys
And congratulations to all the Muslims in the
world who are supplicating and asking Allah that
this tyrannical man, Bashar al-Kalb.
And Bashar the dog, the butcher.
The murderous.
The murderous man, the tyrant, the despot.
The barbarian.
Half a million, you're talking about the people
that are going to be happy.
It's going to be the families of the
half a million that have been killed under,
murdered under his regime.
Unbelievable really and do you know what's the
irony of this?
Is that he, through his actions people were
relegated to being immigrants all over the world.
And now he is an immigrant himself.
He and his family scurried along in a
hurry I may add, to Russia.
And so he's an immigrant, illegal immigrant from
president to illegal.
In many ways you could argue that is
a more painful punishment than death itself.
Having to see people in his own country
tear down pictures of him, tear down statues
of him.
It's absolute humiliation at its pinnacle.
However, we needed some good news with what's
going on in Palestine and around the world.
Yeah we did.
This was the good news that the Ummah
And Alhamdulillah it's a breath of fresh air.
A lot of people are returning back to
their homes.
A lot of people are going back.
And you see the joyous scenes that are
emerging from Syria are all over social media.
People are genuinely happy and it's not just
coming from mainstream media.
It's coming from independent people that have filmed
and uploaded.
So it's not something that's orchestrated.
It's a genuine, what do you call it,
atmosphere, festive mood.
Yeah, it's totally vibrant throughout the country.
From Al-Ladhaqiyah all the way up to
All the way up from Aleppo all the
way down to Damascus.
In the whole country we're seeing this festive
atmosphere that you're talking about.
But one thing that I really wanted to
talk about because it's become an area of
controversy now.
Especially some Palestinian, pro-Palestinian activists are these
kind of left-leaning.
Not left-leaning in the social sense but
more in the geopolitical sense.
That they've got these unusual ties with anything
to do with pro-Russia or anything to
do with pro-Iran.
To the point where they would turn a
blind eye to the suffering that you just
described at the top or the beginning of
this video.
I find it quite despicable actually that they
think that the be-all and end-all
is the Palestinian issue.
We don't sacrifice one tragic issue for another.
We condemn them all.
And if you want to see, and I
think this is probably topical and pertinent at
this point.
Some evidence, what better evidence to show of
the torture and the barbarism of this man
Than Sayadna prison.
Which is one of the most brutal prisons.
We saw kids there, I even saw a
person inside the prison cell.
I saw a child, we'll see it in
the video now.
But we saw one person inside, they put
a camera inside the cell.
And the guy was just dead inside the
It was a woman, I don't even know
if it was a man or a corpse.
It's essentially an extermination camp.
So you can't be protesting on the one
hand for the release of Palestinian prisoners in
the West Bank.
And on the other hand turn a blind
eye to the Syrian prisoners in Sayadna prison
or anywhere else.
Let's take a look at how the people
when they were released from prison reacted.
Let's take a look at that.
Get out, get out, get out, get out.
Oh God.
There's the kid, poor kid.
There's the kid.
Poor kid.
Where are you, uncle?
Go, my sister, I want to show you
the truth.
Go, my sister, go.
Go, go, go.
Go, my son, go.
Go, my son, go.
Don't be afraid, why are you afraid?
Bashar has been released, why are you afraid?
Get out, get out, get out.
Get out, get out.
Don't be afraid, Bashar, get out, get out.
Let's see if you have a gun in
your hands.
Come on, come on.
Get out, get out, get out.
Get out, get out, get out.
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.
So look where they are sleeping.
Look at this Sayadna prison.
Look at the people who are sleeping in
their beds, poor people.
Thank God.
So we're seeing women, you see a child
there somehow, and they're being released from the
What do you make of these scenes Sehsan?
I think when you see stuff like that,
and so many independent filmmakers, people on the
ground that have uploaded this stuff and on
the other hand when you hear ah they've
just made it easier for Israel to take
over they've just made it easier for this
that's what we're hearing now that's what I'm
seeing and that's that's the political based argument
and that's divorcing the reality of the ground
which is okay you want to maintain a
a specific political identity there countering the western
narrative and that's fine but don't do it
at the expense of the Muslims you know
I mean and you're saying no but it's
conspiracy I'm sorry but there's so much evidence
that's that's come out from different perspectives and
from different mediums that clearly talks about the
barbarism of this man that they call Bashar
you're absolutely right and look I mean they
they're making this oh well that this these
groups are proscribed service organizations and they're linked
to the such and such no one's saying
anything I don't think I have you have
or anyone else has said anything about hey
at the Harir Sham or any other group
what we are celebrating is the downfall of
a man called Bashar al-Assad who has
done this to his population we are waiting
and seeing what's happening just like the British
government is waiting to see what's happening with
this group any other group we're hoping for
stability we pray for stability we're hoping that
these these people in Syria can be strong
enough to deter any attacks from the belligerent
and transgressive Israeli state and I think I
mean let's be honest they're saying well Bashar
this breaks down the axis of resistance I
saw some of the the analyses and stuff
like it breaks down because of the you
know Hezbollah was being you know the the
passage of supplies was through Syria from Iran
to Hezbollah and they're saying Israel breaks down
the so-called has taken the golden heights
yeah the golden heights now the buffer zone
has been everything but the point is is
that first of all what axis of resistance
are we talking about when number one Iran
has let's be call a spade a spade
what what damage has actually done to the
state of Israel what damage number two Syria
has done zero damage what you can speculate
all you like about what these new groups
in coalition or in a unity or solid
by themselves or together will do in the
next six months or one year how they
react to Israel but we can for sure
say Bashar al-Assad has already done nothing
to Israel nothing at all he's not done
nothing about the golden heights you've got occupied
territory on land he's done nothing at all
so don't act as if Bashar al-Assad
was this big thorn in the side of
Israel I'm sorry to say mostly people who
are saying this with real vigor and making
this point really strongly I suspect are actually
being either funded by Russia okay funded by
them or they you know are just loyal
to Russia and or Iran this is nonsense
I mean at the end of the day
you're saying Bashar al-Assad is in this
in this position and he's the thorn in
the side of the of the Israelis and
he's not even no one missile one has
come out of Syria it's nonsense sorry to
say not one missile has come out of
that place as many missiles has come out
of Syria as any other Arab state which
is zero so don't pretend he was this
big thorn in the side and Hezbollah they
were funding Hezbollah yes but what Hezbollah doing
they were taking over lands in Syria which
is occupation in and of itself they're not
welcome there they were funding Hezbollah to do
occupation actually what was it what Iranian proxies
and militias and Russian naval bases doing in
Syria why is that a good thing for
Syria do you think we just want to
be devoured and colonized and occupied so are
we just trading off one kind of occupation
for another so sorry to say these are
all flat uh flatly false assertions that this
is like you know a thorn in the
side of the axis of resistance I'm not
convinced are you convinced by this argument?
Not at all and the thing is when
you're talking all this political jargon but then
you're sacrificing our Muslims saying no no that's
it's just a lie and it's just a
conspiracy and this and that how do you
disprove such objective evidence of the persecution of
Muslims that like I said have numbered up
to half a half a million yeah half
a million we're talking chemical weapons we're talking
about torture we're talking about all sorts of
kufri ideologies yeah we saw that we saw
the videos and saying like you know you're
not going to gaslight us we've spoken to
too many people firsthand who are from Syria
that came from Syria and told us what's
going on and with that we will conclude
wasalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh the prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wasallam told us that when the son
of Adam dies all of his good deeds
are interrupted they are finished except for three
things a continuous charity and a beneficial knowledge
and also a righteous offspring that makes dua
for him your brothers and sisters in Islam
net from Norway are establishing a masjid a
dawah center and fulfilling a great portion of
this hadith on your behalf establishing a masjid
to convey the message of Islam is one
of the best deeds a Muslim can do
whenever someone prays there whenever someone gives shahada
in the masjid whenever someone learns something in
the masjid yes that will be something that
you will have on your scale so give
generously and Allah Azza wa Jal will give