Mohammed Hijab – Elon Musks Dad Gr00med His Step Daughter

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The speaker discusses Elon Musk's overcompensatory behavior, including his use of false news promoting white things and the overrepresentation of Asians and Muslims in grooming cases. They also criticize the culture of the United States and the political system in India, citing reports of white people not being a majority country and the potential damage it could cause. The speaker emphasizes avoiding delusion and being deluded in politics.
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The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told us that whoever
builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build
for him a similar house in Jannah.
And we know the great reward that will
not only be gained, but rather will fill
your grave after your death.
Whenever someone prays there, whenever someone gives shahada
in the masjid, whenever someone learns something in
the masjid.
Yes, that will be something that you will
have on your scale.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
How are you guys doing?
Many of you will know that I have
been engaging one Elon Musk, who is an
electric car salesman, on Twitter.
And this individual has jumped on the Tommy
Robinson bandwagon, actually now unconditionally supporting him and
posting some of his tweets online.
This individual who has a very unusual and
atypical family history, whose father was engaged in
incestuous behaviour with his step-daughter in fact.
And his step-daughter, people will not know
this, Eron Musk, and this is on the
record, the Business Insider has an entire article
on this, actually raised his step-daughter from
the age of four years old.
Now he's talking about grooming gangs and now,
I just wonder whether Elon Musk himself has
witnessed any grooming on the side of his
Yes, on the side of his father who's
been potentially doing things.
We need to ask those questions, we don't
know what he's been doing.
But what we do know is that he's
engaged in incestuous action.
So is this trauma speaking, Musk?
Is this trauma speaking from you?
Or is it something you witnessed or have
you been groomed yourself?
These are all questions, I think, which are
legitimate psychological questions that people are going to
be asking now, considering the overcompensatory behaviour, the
erratic meltdown type behaviour that we are witnessing
from you on Twitter.
Where you're telling this person F you and
you're telling this other person you're deleting your
tweets sporadically.
And I catch you out and I catch
you out again with your statistical errors, sociologically
inept man that you are academically.
Because you're a dropout, aren't you?
From my understanding, you dropped out of university.
That's understandable that you make mistakes like this.
And I actually put that to you on
a tweet and then you deleted the initial
response that you had to that right wing
Yes, you deleted it because you realised that
you were putting graphs up or that they
were putting graphs up without references.
But anything to prove the point, anything to
prove that it's Asians.
Yes, it's Muslims.
It is Pakistanis who are to be scapegoated
for all of the misery in the West
and all of the failure of Western civilisation,
which led to, in your understanding, the estrangement
between you and your son or daughter.
I don't know what it is or she
or he or they, but no problem.
That's another thing.
Obviously, your father is dysfunctional.
Your son is dysfunctional.
Your daughter is dysfunctional.
I don't know who else is dysfunctional.
I don't know if you're married or divorced,
a failure of a family man.
You're a Twitter junkie.
In 24 hours, you tweet 27 times.
You're sitting there next to Donald Trump.
You're tweeting one time, two times, three times,
four times.
You have 250 billion, billion.
And instead of going in the private jet
and taking that Cybertruck milk carton body of
yours and putting it under the sun to
give yourself some texture, some colour.
Yes, you're on Twitter all the time putting
your face to the screen.
You're a junkie.
Yes, junkie, junkie.
That's why maybe you like Tommy Robinson, huh?
Because he's a junkie as well.
We know he's a cocaine junkie and he's
a Twitter junkie and you're a junkie like
You're a Twitter junkie.
Akhi, I'm going to call you Akhi, you
You are a junkie.
But putting that to the side, let's take
a look at the claim itself now for
a second.
Let's take a look at the claim for
a second.
The claim is that Asians and or Muslims
and or Pakistanis are overrepresented in grooming cases.
So I took a look myself at some
of the reports which are most comprehensive, which
detail the scope, the scale, the ethnicity, the
demography of those grooming cases.
And I came across the Home Office report.
I came across the CSA report.
And there was one that was actually produced
in 2024.
The latest one, obviously, it was looking at
2022 to 2023.
And lo and behold, page 38 of the
report, what I look at is the disproportionality.
Of white people in the committing and perpetrating
of these crimes, because it's 83 percent white
people in the country at the time and
88 percent of the crimes, almost 6000 instances
of this crime were committed by whites.
When I look at Pakistani, because they do
have a separate section for just Pakistanis who
represented at the time 2 percent of the
UK population.
They only represented 2 percent, which is actually
not disproportionate if compared to or in general,
especially compared to the white ethnicity marker.
When you look at Asian, it's even less
than that because as and this is something
which is unusual because you guys haven't had
the you guys are so.
Stereotypical and uninformed and uncultured that you don't
understand that the word Asian in these reports
includes Indians, includes people who are not even
Yet somehow Asian has been equated with Muslim.
Last time I checked, India was not Muslim
majority country.
Yes, it's a considerable Muslim population, but not
everyone in India is a Muslim, let alone
But maybe when you dropped out of the
university or whatever thing you dropped out of
when you were in apartheid South Africa or
this or that, they didn't teach you geography.
They didn't teach you sociology.
They didn't teach you methodology.
They didn't teach you about generalizability and how
you cannot take a sample group and generalize
it and this and that.
So you're just throwing markers around just like
the uneducated delinquent, Tommy Robinson, who is your
academic backhand.
That is a shame, isn't it?
That is a shame that your teacher had
to be a right wing fanatic, a right
wing, uneducated person who hasn't even got, I
don't even know, an A-level to his
It is a shame that you have tarnished
your reputation and humiliated yourself in this way,
Musk, even more humiliated than when you backed
out of that challenge in the fight with
I don't even know why you challenged him
in the first place or why this took
place in the first place.
Why do you want to fight a 30
-year-old man?
You think you're going to, with that milk
carton body of yours, you think with that
cyber truck body of yours, you're going to
get into the ring and cause damage to
Zuckerberg, who's at least engaging in some kind
of competition?
There's no way you're going to fight him
or beat him.
Let's be honest.
You are deluded.
You're a deluded man.
And we saw that delusion when you came
in the Trump rally and you're jumping around
like a little prat that you are.
Absolutely deluded individual.
It shows you, subhanAllah, from the Islamic perspective,
how money does not necessarily buy happiness.
Look how triggered you are in the meltdown
when someone was saying something, you swear at
But because of the money that you have,
you became delusional.
As the Quran says, he believes that his
money makes him immortal.
He believes that his money makes him immortal.
You're deluded.
You are deluded.
But you are also foolish because by doing
this, you've become the laughingstock of British politics.
Now, people are looking at you in Britain
and saying, this guy is talking about the
dissolution of Parliament.
Elon Musk is calling for the dissolution of
Parliament from the king.
What the *?
Do you understand how the political system in
this country works?
You don't.
Just like you don't understand how sociology works,
how statistics work.
And that's why you like to take credit
for things that other people do because you
didn't invent a thing.
Let's be honest.
You assembled teams that invented things.
You didn't invent a thing yourself because an
inventor or someone with an above average IQ
wouldn't go into these, fall into these mistakes
and support these kinds of people.
But of course, those people who wish that
you'd throw a coin at them because they
are lowly people from the right wing, they'll
support anything you have to say because you
have money.
And that is the currency of the day,
But I say this, the evidence and the
burden of proof is upon the one that's
making the claim.
And from what we have, there is no
evidence that there is a disproportionate or remarkable
statistical problem with Pakistani Muslims or anything else,
even Asians, actually, comparative to other ethnicities in
this country relating to such issue as grooming
gangs, unless you want to specify specific towns
and cities which themselves have a higher than
usual, from the national perspective, population of, for
example, Pakistanis like Rochdale and Telford and Rotherham
and these places.
Rochdale has an 18.5% population of
Asians, for example.
So, of course, that the crimes are going
to be higher.
But once again, if you had specified that,
OK, there's an issue in these towns and
blah, blah, blah, then maybe you would have
had some kind of sociological case.
But if you wanted to make a causative
argument for the religion of Islam, it's not
even a correlation.
You can't even substantiate correlation, let alone causation.
You wanted to make a causative argument for
the religion of Islam, which by and large
is a conservative religion, that somehow that's responsible
for the grooming of these young ones.
Yeah, and outside of marriage context, then you're
absolutely out of your mind.
And for you to unconditionally support those who
do so means you're ignorant of religion, you're
ignorant of theology, you're ignorant of politics, you're
ignorant of all these things.
And I think you should take that Cybertruck
body and go back to the library.
Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
There's a huge need for it in Norway.
You know this and I know this.
So that makes the reward even greater.
So give generously and Allah Azza wa Jal
will give you.