Mohammed Hijab – Anti-Muslim Delinquent Hilariously Humiliates Himself

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a religious debate on the Trinity and Monica, which has been a controversial topic. The debate is about whether or not a Muslim should be associated with a certain religion, and the speaker suggests a one-on-one debate with Jake, the Muslim metaphysician, to determine if a Muslim should be associated with a certain religion.
AI: Transcript ©
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The Prophet Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam told us, whoever

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builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a sim at a

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house in Jannah.

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And we know the great reward that will not only be gained, but

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rather will fill your grave after your death. Whenever someone prays

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there, whenever someone gives shahada in the masjid. Whenever

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someone learns something in the masjid, yes, that will be

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something that you'll have on your scale.

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Assalamu, Alaikum. How are you guys doing recently, there was a

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religious debate on a channel called Fresh and fit. Many of you

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will be aware of it. It's a channel, usually, which discusses

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gender issues, and now they've ventured into something new, and

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they had two people from the Muslim side and two people from

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the Christian side, and two people who are very highly regarded from

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the Muslim side, dang hajiu, a Harvard graduate, actually, and

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trained in the Islamic sciences with an excellent debating record,

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and Ijaz de Trini, who is an expert in textual criticism, As

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you would have noticed in the debate itself, against two

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Christians, one of them is a philosopher's name is Jay Dyer,

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and another one, his name is Sam, who is a vile, despicable

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individual, the like of which I have never seen before online,

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especially vis a vis Muslims and Islam. Just to give you a taste of

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this, I will let you see a video, but before I do so, I'll preamble

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it with this fact that there was a person who was meant to be in that

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debate that day, who I also put forward. His name was Jake the

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Muslim metaphysician, and this man has got an undefeated record in

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debating a very dangerous opponent, a technically gifted

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philosopher with an undergraduate and a postgraduate in philosophy,

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which is completing the postgraduate and who is trained in

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the Islamic Sciences, I have full faith in this man. Of course, he's

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actually challenged Sam in the past, and Sam has denied actually

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rejected this challenge due to fear and trepidation, but just to

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give you a kind of a feeling of why we're going to go a little bit

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hard on Sam, this man who his own close inner circle, people like

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Anthony Rogers, his own close friends, close knit friends, have

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said that he is a woman beater, predator. He's attacked his wife,

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he's assaulted his wife. He's He's dangerous. He's a dangerous man.

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He's a coward because he attacks his wife. Here's a man who is a

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known wife beater. He abandoned his own children,

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and he keeps doing it, and now he's lost them. Let's take a look

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at this man and some some of the things he says, and come back and

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respond in kind. Get ready, ladies, please. His seven inches

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is better than your five and a half inches.

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But she would constantly berate me. Tell me, I don't love you, I'm

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not attracted to you. I'll never love you. I'll never be attracted

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to you, and I feel like you forced me in this marriage. She destroys

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your manhood

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and destroys any desire to want to be injured. The first time she

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committed adultery, she committed adultery with an Assyrian man. He

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was in my house doing the plumbing for for our bathroom, as

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you can see with wife beater Sam how disgusting he is, and his

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excuse for why his wife left him is that his male member was only

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five inches. Now he may argue five inches is the national average in

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his country, with his countrymen and so on five minutes, according

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to statistics. But I tell you what I mean, she was dissatisfied. Of

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course she would be, and we were dissatisfied as an audience with

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your performance,

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when you went against Daniel and when you went against Ijaz de

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Trini. It's not that really. It's the fact that you're lacking, not

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in this, but in testicular fortitude.

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But I hope you'll summon the courage to accept this man who is

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much more qualified than in fact, you're a high school dropout.

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You're a high school dropout, you've got the one inch wiener.

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You beat your wife, and somehow you've become somewhat of a

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popular figure among some member some Christians, of course, mama

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say, all of them who probably see a lot of themselves new,

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unsatisfactory individuals who want to attack Islam and attack

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the symbols of Islam.

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But let's see if you can summon the testicular fortitude to go

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against Jake, the Muslim metaphysician. He's waiting for

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response to your challenge. And of course, the debate will be on

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something foundational, something like the Trinity and Tawhid huh?

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Or do you need to be a professional philosopher, as

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you've indicated in the past, to defend the very basics of your

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religion? I am not a philosopher.

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I'm not a philosopher, but I'm honest. I'm not a philosopher. So

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why would you debate a non philosopher on the Trinity being

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logically coherent if you do say that, well, you should know that

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that is enough of an indication to indicate that your religion is

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false. It requires professional philosophers, you need to use Jade

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Dyer and other professional philosophers as human shield.

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Human shield. Just like your wife needed to use the plumber for her

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own satisfaction, you needed to use Jade Dyer

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for the SAS, the intellectual satisfaction of the public.

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Instead of that, why don't you do a one on one debate with Jake, the

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Muslim metaphysician,

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we hope that you will return favorably with a good result. I

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know that you're not used to providing those was Salaam

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Alaikum, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam told

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when the son of Adam dies, all of his good deeds are interrupted.

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They are finished, except for three things, sadaqatunjadiya, a

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continuous charity and a beneficial knowledge, and also a

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righteous offspring that makes dua for him. Your brothers and sisters

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in Islam, net from Norway are establishing a masjid, a Dawa

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center, and fulfilling a great portion of this hadith on your

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behalf. Establishing a masjid to convey the message of Islam is one

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of the best deeds a Muslim can do, whenever someone prays there,

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whenever someone gives shahada in the masjid, whenever someone

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learns something in the masjid. Yes, that will be something that

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you will have on your scale. So give generously, and Allah

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Azzawajal, give you even more a.

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