Mohammed Faqih – Khutbah Success In This Life And The Hereafter
![Mohammed Faqih](
AI: Summary ©
The importance of understanding one's studying field and finding support in family, social, and family relationships is emphasized. The need for support at the individual, family, and community levels is also emphasized. The importance of creating a clear vision of one's life and setting goals and deadlines is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need for support systems and family support to achieve success and the importance of setting goals and deadlines. A fundraising opportunity is mentioned.
AI: Summary ©
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Hi, I'm
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With a lot of Allah Allah
Masha Allah Islam
in the Quran
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we're in the Middle East where religion marry
and the female guru
if you're
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to meet our national
heroes and sisters, in Islam,
everybody's ultimate dream is to achieve success
to be successful in whatever it is that they do in life.
And many people do achieve relative success and I'm saying relative success, because
success must be defined.
You find people successful in their careers. Yes, in their social lives. They're deprived of suffering.
You find people successful in their
Yet, when it comes to their financial situation, it is a miserable state.
You find people
in their social life, yet spiritually, they're the most deprived.
So what kind of success is this?
What kind of success is the type that focuses on one aspect of life at the expense or neglecting other aspects?
The beauty of this Dean is that it came to bring the balance.
It came to show us how we can lead a successful life for a successful hereafter.
Very often.
Many people focus on death and what is after death in the hereafter. And they think that's what religion is all about.
And a beautiful statement was made.
He said, even amongst the speakers, very often they focus focus on death.
And here after, and religion becomes a matter of death.
Although we know that the religion fee Islam came
to help us in matters of this life, because life is what will get us to be successful in the hereafter.
And according to the poor and the poor and define success for us.
And the first that is often quoted in the beginning of every one,
the last of the three verses that many of us
I really wouldn't give a football without quoting these three verses from
the last one of which allows panel data. It tells us that whosoever is removed from Hellfire and admitted to gentlemen
has indeed succeeded.
That is success.
That is success.
But how could one achieve that success in that you're after
not successful in this life, if they don't have a balance in this life,
if their needs are not fulfilled and balanced
in this life.
And this is why we have to remember that Islam gives us the methodology that we need to achieve success in this life, which is our path to the hereafter.
They say in order for anyone to be successful, go and look up the word
and go look up and analyze the work of what is considered to be
a multi billion dollar industry, self improve improvement, success leadership,
hundreds of books were written, best sellers are books that focus on that issue, that matter of success, succeed.
They all pretty much agree there is each man, there's consensus that in order for anyone to achieve success, they have to define
they have to have a clear vision
of their goals and life.
And they have to have an understanding of their purpose, the purpose of their existence.
If you don't have a clear vision of your destination of where you are headed in life,
you won't be able to even if you won't, you won't be able to measure or realize whether you have achieved what you have been wanting to achieve or not.
As your end zones are not clear,
no matter how powerful.
And no matter how accurate your shots might be.
You will be confused. And you might hesitate like most people do
anyone procrastinate like most people do. Why? Because they don't have a clear vision.
And hive will not give you all the chances that you want.
It will come blitzing at you, and you will be safe and denied.
And before you know it
is the day of judgment. And then this first comes from an
Yes, some people might achieve relative success.
But if they're they do not have the full picture that is not successful. So what does it say about success? The four ad tells us and praises those people who pray to Allah subhanaw taala to make them those who achieve the best of this one for the best of the hereafter woman who may have who have been
fulfilled? Isn't this a drug that is oft repeated by many?
This is it.
So what about some practical steps?
First and foremost, brothers and sisters, a knowledge
And it has focus for a little bit on the knowledge of the dean,
the knowledge of the dean, because that's the ultimate knowledge. And that is what will give you the motivation and give you the focus in this life.
Give you the motivation that you need to see any type of knowledge
that will help you achieve your goals in life and in the Hereafter. And that's why you find that the Muslim scholars the early Muslim scholars, who started with the knowledge of the deen understood the basics of their beliefs.
They Excel,
they were the most successful. In fact, they were the leading scholars in all fields, including science and medicine.
And that's the difference. That's the difference between someone who is motivated by his belief.
Someone who knows that this is part of my mission.
I must fulfill the needs of my community as well as
humanity and whatever I need to fulfill those needs whatever I need to acquire, whether it be the knowledge of science or anything else, I will acquire people who understand that many fields many fields of studies and knowledge are fools cafe. According to the Muslim scholars.
Manisha himself said that, what happened? He was talking about Muslims, how could they have abandoned half of the knowledge
and rely on non Muslims? And when people inquired what he meant by half of the knowledge he said like
But they all started with the basic
with the basic of the deen not,
they did not give up, or they did not miss the opportunity to learn the basics. Do we not have enough Muslim scientists in the world? Do we not have enough Muslim doctors do not have enough Muslim engineers?
Why are we still the most backward?
Why are we behind?
Why are you slacking
and why?
And in many cases, the most educated people have no clue about their belief system.
Those people who have the opportunity to be the most effective and calling Tomas panel into it, they cannot even ask some of those basic questions.
And their minds will not be in accordance to their belief system that they love and adore or at least claim to have passion for. Because they lacked that basic knowledge.
And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, at the level the higher whosoever was how intense
good for whoever it was kinda has some good plan for someone who has you found a dean, he will give him the understanding of it. And the reason I'm saying this is because two days ago, I was having a conversation with Jeff Yes.
And he said that there is a very interesting trend of people coming back to themselves seeking knowledge and what I'm talking about that not becoming just a piece of advisor, know people coming and wanting to study Islam, since
this tells you that the oma is coming back.
Three weeks ago, I gave a double weekend seminar as part of a program that I do with it.
In New York, are the most busiest cities in the world.
300 people sign up for that class that weekend.
The attendance have people who had great credentials
of all ages,
Atlanta, Georgia. In my class, I have four physician, physicians,
some of the top specialists, and engineers in the nation,
and hamdulillah. So what are we doing? What are you doing, brother? What are you doing about these opportunities
you want to go the reason that made me bring this up is because we in Southern California are blessed.
This is not going to last.
We don't have the same level of enthusiasm about seeking out someone at the level of Dr.
Seuss would be giving a lecture in only 50 people in an area that has 500,000 Muslims.
And if he was to go to anywhere, last week, he was in Alaska, hundreds of people would show up.
Chances are, sometimes you go and you find in this lecture 40 people
What happened? What happened to that eagerness in that zeal? To learn and know, I wanted to know what
what are some of the basic questions? Where are those people that you share information about Islam?
And how come your practice of the game itself is not that
original as basic as a law that we repeat five times a day, sometimes some basic, basic, you know, information about some of we like those
chairs that surprises you go in
2030 4050.
Last year, he was an idiot 10s of 1000s of people one lecture or 50,000 people showed up
this weekend, he is in the UK 10,000 people
just because we have people here and we can access them anytime we want. We take it for granted. And I tell you if this community, the Muslim community of Southern California in general, and Orange County in particular,
intends to maintain its leadership. It must set an example for the rest of the Muslim communities in America.
And we ought to take this seriously in seeking and whosoever takes a path to seek knowledge than the path is a path to paradise.
Number one, number two brothers and sisters
the proper man's the proper ending
The proper code of conduct
the proper discipline that one should have discovered of the past, they used to start with that with the editor. Why? Because this is our path to achieving purity, purification of the heart purification of the soul,
as we call it, is the key for success.
And I'm not making this up
after 13 consecutive oath enough for me
to have was
when the hat Elijah went
on and on and on and wasn't palletizers
successful is he computer Pfizer.
successful is
that success. But after a movie, no Latino movie salon in fashion.
I say this and ask
those who listen and follow the discipline listen to
no matter how much knowledge and how much discipline a person has.
If that does not reflect itself in the individuals action,
and the interest in the individuals activities,
and involvement and the affairs of this community.
If there is no contribution, then there will be no success. And that is the third key step to achieving success in this
being active and
passive people usually don't succeed. And this is the difference between us
as a generation
and the most successful generation that our oma had ever known the companions of the Prophet,
they will take that knowledge
and they will improve themselves with it
through this discipline process and they will act upon it
immediate action.
Finally, fourth step in order for us to maintain Soozee, Azzam and motivation in order for us to maintain and adhere to our moral and ethical principles, in order for us to maintain activities, we must, we must develop some kind of support system
we have to have support system at the individual level at the family level at the community level, we have to have support.
And again, this is the difference
between some of our models nowadays, and that comprehensive, most effective model of how
they have
that support system must have four things. Number one,
a strong relationship with connection robots have
a strong connection with the last panel. That's where the strings that you need comes from,
through through drama through the
low conventional watts of power without no motivation, no strength.
Number two,
you must surround yourself
with the type of people that will motivate your people will bring the best out of you.
companionship is very important. You find yourself amongst this specific group of people motivated to do certain things.
And you find yourself embarrassed to do or to abandon your tendencies.
So this is very important. And again, this is what they have. And this is what we are so far not successful. And insecurity for ourselves. companionship,
good survival. Number three,
a role model or a model or a teacher, someone that that will help help you. Or it could be even an advisor. The most successful people are people who have advisors. And by the way, advisor means someone that tells you what you need and not what you want.
Even people micromodal the law I'm one of the greatest leaders of history, how to short counsel
and one has to listen to his advisors.
One has to listen to his advice and we saw right and we still are
I've seen what happens when leaders don't listen to the proper type of advice that they get. Not only do they ruin their own legacy, but they also ruin a whole nation and nations with them. When people are stubborn, they don't listen. And they think they know it all. And they think they have, the better the better understanding.
So you have to use, you have to have someone help you prioritize, help you
keep yourself in what I call inspection zone, you have to have someone that will tell you what your shortcomings are.
And you ought to listen, that's part of that support system that you must have.
Finally, the fourth one
is your family,
your family.
emotional support is very important. social support is very important. People who have strong family ties, people who have good relationships with their families, people who succeed with their families are successful with other people.
And that is actually your test. If you cannot succeed within your own family, then chances are that you won't be able to succeed with others. And the worst thing is to have yourself to find yourself successful in everything except with with the closest people to you. And guess what loss of habitat.
me say
losers are those who end up losing themselves and their families on the Day of Judgment.
So you ought to focus on your family. And also, our family says,
Remember, we said that those who are removed from Hellfire and admitted to gender are successful. Allah says,
Oh, you believe,
protect yourself, protect yourselves and shield yourself and save yourselves.
And your families.
Now, from Hellfire, as the laws of nature preserve each and every single one of us, and our families from the health and maintenance of those who listen and follow the best of what they listen to.
Brothers and sisters, this message had achieved many successes in the past
few years.
The completion of this lesson was one of those.
And our ability, with the help of a lot of then your generous contribution and help
to get rid of our debt
was going to me was almost going to be a success.
Until we came to realize that not all pledges were fulfilled. And now again,
thought that we had to
close this chapter. Now again, we find ourselves with $100,000 deficit.
That's besides the manageable problem hasn't that we've taken care of those 300 $350,000. This is a $100,000 that we need to pay.
Many pledges were made, and we thought we had a surplus. Finally, now we realize
that not everyone is willing or can fulfill their pledges. So we're coming back again to you with an opportunity.
And this is unique.
Because this is a desperate call.
Those who answer the call the desperate
if anyone doesn't realize how desperate I am at least to get rid of this.
They've come to me and I'll tell you why I'm so desperate to make sure that this is paid before
the end of this year and before the
$100,000. So shoeboxes often have fundraising to get rid of this was an
this time we're hoping that this will be a matter of the past that we'll move on.
In addition to that, please remember that this Sunday, time will change.
So make sure that you keep that in mind that will affect the timing of the prayers present pray will be at six o'clock
also will be at 5am. Asia will be at nine o'clock. And activities and programs show there will be an announcement concerning those activities and programs with those activities and programs.
So please take a note of that. Make sure that you do set your clocks
viewer if you post new watches to the new timing
and you're ready
have a laugh.
in their in this email was opened
1470. Brothers and sisters, please remember the our brothers and sisters were and remember also those who passed away during the past two weeks, may Allah bless their souls members have a
lot of
awesome fun
know what happened
relative success relative success because
success must be defined.
You find people successful in their careers. Yes in their social lives, they're deprived of suffering,
you find people successful in their
Yet when it comes to their financial situation it is a miserable state.
You find people
in their social life, yet spiritually the most deprived.
So what kind of sense is this?
What kind of success is the type that focuses on one aspect of life at the expense or neglecting other aspects.
The beauty of this Dean is that it came to bring the balance
it came to show us how we can lead a successful life for a successful here after
very often.
Many people focus on death and what is after death and the year after, and they think that's what religion is all about.
And a beautiful statement was made.
He said, even amongst the speakers, very often they focus focus on death.
And here after, and religion becomes a matter of death.
Although we know that the religion faith, Islam came
to help us in matters of this life, because life is what will get us to be successful in the hereafter
and according to the poor and the poor and define success for us.
And the verse that is often quoted in the beginning of every one,
the last of the three verses that many of us
I really want to get a foothold on quoting these three verses from the perhaps
the last one of which a lot of power.
In it tells us that whosoever is removed from Hellfire and admitted to gentlemen funfair has indeed succeeded.
That is success.
That is success.
But how could one achieve that success in that you're after if they are not successful in this life, if they don't have a balance in this life,
if their needs are not fulfilled and balanced
in this life,
and this is why we have to remember that Islam gives us the methodology that we need to achieve success in this life, which is our path
To the hereafter.
They say in order for anyone to be successful, go and look up the word
and go look up and analyze the work of what is considered to be
a multi billion dollar industry, self improve improvement, success leadership,
hundreds of books were written, best sellers are books that focus on that issue and that
matter of success, succeed.
They all pretty much agree there is a schema, there's consensus that in order for anyone to achieve success, they have to define.
They have to have a clear vision
of their goals and life.
And they have to have an understanding of their purpose, the purpose of their existence.
If you don't have a clear vision of your destination of where you are headed in life,
you won't be able to even if you achieve you won't, you won't be able to measure or realize whether you have achieved what you have been wanting to achieve or not.
As your end zones are not clear,
no matter how
And no matter how accurate your shots might be.
You will be confused. And you might hesitate like most people do.
Anyway procrastinate like most people do. Why? Because they don't have a clear vision.
And why not give you all the chances that you want?
It will come blitzing at you, and you will be safe. And the night
before you know it
is the day of judgment. And then this verse comes from
yes, some people might achieve relative success.
But if they do not have the full picture, that is unsuccessful. So what does it say about success that tells us and praises those people who pray to Allah subhanaw taala to make them those who achieve the best of the best of the year after woman who may have been added
to cancer? Isn't this a drug that is oft repeated by Kenyans?
So what about some practical steps?
First and foremost, brothers and sisters, a knowledge
And let me just focus for a little bit on the knowledge of the deen
the knowledge of the deen because that's the ultimate knowledge. And that is what will give you the motivation and give you the focus. And this might
give you the motivation that you need to seek any type of knowledge
that will help you achieve your goals in life and in your passion. And that's why you'll find that the Muslim scholars, the early Muslim scholars who started with the knowledge of the deen understood the basics of their beliefs.
They Excel,
they were the most successful. In fact, they were the leading scholars in all fields, including science and medicine.
That's the difference. That's the difference between someone who is motivated by his belief.
Someone who knows that this is part of my mission,
I must fulfill the needs of
my community as well as
humanity and whatever I need to fulfill those needs, whatever I need to acquire, whether it be the knowledge of science or anything else, I will acquire people who understand that many fields many fields of studies and and knowledge of foods cafe, according to the Muslim scholars
marisha himself said that what happened he was talking about Muslims, how could they have abandoned half of the knowledge
and rely on non Muslims?
And when people inquired what he meant by half of the knowledge he said like
but they all started with the basic
with the basic of the knee, not
they did not give up or they did not miss the opportunity to learn the basics. Do we not have enough Muslim scientists in the world? Do we not have enough Muslim doctors? Do we not have enough Muslim engineers?
We still the most backward
Why are we behind?
While he's slacking
and why.
And in many cases, the most educated people have no clue about their belief system.
Those people who have the opportunity to be the most effective and calling Tomas Pamela into it, they cannot even ask some of those basic questions.
And there might not be in accordance to their belief system that they love and adore or at least claim to have passion for. Because they lack that basic knowledge of the game. And that's why the problem solver while reducing the level of the hierarchy, Whosoever wants panel data intense
good for whoever was kinda has some good plan for someone who has you found a dean, he will give him the understanding of it. And the reason I'm saying this is because two days ago, I was having a conversation with
him. And he said that there is a very interesting trend, people coming back to themselves seeking knowledge and what I'm talking about that coming for just a piece of advisor, know people coming and wanting to study Islam, since
this tells you that the oma is coming back.
Three weeks ago, I gave a double weekend seminar as part of a program that I do with it.
In New York, are the most busiest cities in the world.
300 people sign up for that class who
the attendants have people who had great credentials
of all ages,
Atlanta, Georgia, in my class, I have four physician, physicians,
some of the top specialists, and engineers in the nation
at hamdulillah. So what are we doing? What are you doing, brother? What are you doing about these opportunities?
One of those reason that made me bring this up is because we in Southern California are blessed.
This is not going to last.
we don't have the same level of enthusiasm about seeking knowledge, someone at the level of doctor so they would be giving a lecture in only 50 people in an area that has 500,000 Muslims.
And if he was to go to anywhere, last week, he was in Alaska, hundreds of people will show up.
Sometimes you go and you find an influx of 40 people.
What happened? What happened to that eagerness in that zeal? To learn and know, I wanted to know as much as
I can. Some of the basic questions, where are those people that you share information about?
And how come your practice of the game itself is not? that
original, as basic as the law that we repeat five times a day, sometimes some basic, basic, you know, information about some of we like
just that surprises you going
2030 4050
last year, he was an idiot 10s of 1000s of people one lecture 150 1000 people showed up
this weekend, he is in the UK 10,000 people.
But just because we have people here that we can ask them anytime we want, we take it for granted. And I tell you if this community, the Muslim community of Southern California,
and Oregon in particular,
intends to maintain its leadership. It must set an example for the rest of the Muslim communities in America.
And we ought to take this seriously in seeking and whosoever takes a path to seek knowledge, then that path is a path to paradise.
Number one, number two brothers and sisters
the proper manners, the proper
the proper code of conduct,
the proper discipline that one should have the scandal of the past. They used to start with that with the
why because this is our path to achieving purity. purification of the heart purification of the soul. Totally it does kill us.
We call it is the key for success.
And I'm not making this up, I wasn't, I was just after 13 consecutive oath in the forehead, because she was married
when the
lady died,
on and on and on and wasn't palletizers
successful is he computer
successful is
that success.
I say this,
to those who listen and follow,
confirm or deny that
no matter how much knowledge and how much discipline a person has,
if that does not reflect itself and the individuals action,
in the interviews within the individuals activities,
and involvement and the affairs of this community,
if there is no contribution, then there will be no success. And that is the third key step to achieving success in this
being active, and
passive people
usually don't succeed. And this is the difference between us
as a generation,
and the most successful generation that our oma had ever known the companions of the Prophet,
they will take that knowledge
and they will improve themselves with it
through this disciplined process, and they will act upon it,
immediate action.
Finally, fourth step, in order for us to maintain an enthusiasm and motivation, in order for us to maintain and adhere to our moral and ethical principles, in order for us to maintain activities, we must, we must develop some kind of support system,
we have to have a support system at the individual level that the family will at the community level, we have to have support.
And again, this is the difference
between some of our models nowadays. And that comprehensive, most effective model of
that support system must have four things. Number one,
a strong relationship with connection,
a strong connection with the last panel, that's where the strings that you need comes from
through Riga, through drama, through the
no conventional ones have no motivation, no strength.
Number two,
you must surround yourself
with the type of people that will motivate your people will bring the best out of you.
companionship is very important. You find yourself amongst this specific group of people motivated to do certain things.
And you find yourself embarrassed to do or to abandon your tendencies.
So this is very important. And again, this is what they have. And this is what we are so far not successful. And insecurity for ourselves, companionship,
good surviving. Number three,
a role model, or a model or a teacher, someone that that will help help you. Or it could be even an advisor. The most successful people are people who have advisors, and by the way, advisor mean someone that tells you what you need and not what you want.
Even people micromodal the law and one of the greatest leaders of history, how to short counsel
and one has to listen to his advisors.
One has to listen to his advice. And we saw, right and we still aren't seeing what happens when leaders don't listen to the proper type of advice that they get. Not only do they ruin their own legacy, but they also ruin a whole nation and nations with them. When people are stubborn, they don't listen and they think they know it all. And they think they have the better the better understanding
so you have to listen you have to
have someone help you prioritize, help you
keep yourself in what I call inspection zone, you have to have someone that will tell you what your shortcomings are.
And your optimism, that's part of that support system that you must have.
Find. Finally, the fourth one
is your family,
your family.
emotional support is very important. social support is very important. People who have strong family ties, people who have good relationships with their families, people who succeed
with their families are successful with other people.
And that is actually your test. If you cannot succeed within your own family, then chances are that you won't be able to succeed with others. And the worst thing is to have yourself to find yourself successful in everything, except with with the closest people to you. And guess what lots of
losers are those who ended up losing themselves and their families on the Day of Judgment.
So you ought to focus on your family. It also says,
Remember, we said that those who are removed from Hellfire admitted to gender successful, a lot says,
Oh, you will believe protect yourself. Protect yourself and shield yourself and save yourselves.
And your families
from Hellfire and preserve each and every single one of us, and our families from
the makers of those who listen and follow the best support they listen to.
Brothers and sisters, this message had achieved many successes in the past
few years.
Be Complete Completion of this lesson was one of those.
And our ability, with the help of a lot of then your generous contribution and help
to get rid of our depth
was going to be was almost going to be a success.
Until we came to realize that not all pledges were fulfilled. And now again, after I thought that we had
close this chapter, now again, we find ourselves with $100,000 deficit.
That's besides the manageable person that will take care of those 300 $350,000. This is a $100,000 that we need to pay.
Many pledges were made, and we thought we have a surplus. Finally, now we realize
that not everyone is willing or can fulfill their pledges. So we're coming back again to me with an opportunity.
And this is unique.
Because this is a desperate call.
Those who answer the call that desperate.
If anyone doesn't realize how desperate I am at least to get rid of this.
They've come to me and I'll tell you why I'm so desperate to make sure that this is paid before
the end of this year before the month 100,000. So
you want to have a fundraising to get rid of this one.
This time we're hoping that this will be a matter of past that we'll move on shall not.
In addition to that, please remember that this Sunday, time will change.
So make sure that you keep that in mind that will affect the timing of the prayers pray will be at six o'clock
also will be a tribe and Asia would be at nine o'clock and activities and programs and so there will be an announcement concerning those activities and programs with those activities and programs.
So please take a note of that. Make sure that you do set your clocks.
You are in your homes, the watches to the new timing
and you're ready
for bed better as jr has an
Hello Matt is as well and also rafina feelers that oversee a lot more
along the ethical efforts right along with British
Government, also
a lot more
in the chinos
be one don't fit into
and persona forming technique. Brothers and sisters please remember the our brothers and sisters who are and remember also those who passed away during the past two weeks May Allah bless their souls members
a lot of
a lot of love