Mohammad Moerat – Coexistence

Mohammad Moerat
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the challenges faced by Muslims in the face of global issues such as domestic violence and drugs, emphasizing the importance of respecting one's religion and avoiding harms and cultural differences. They stress the need for co union between men and women to avoid conflict and avoiding harms, and emphasize the importance of respecting and respecting differences in one's behavior and character. The speakers stress the importance of unity and peace in achieving understanding of one's own culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the Name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful,

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alhamdulillahi, Rabbil Alameen WA, Salatu was Salam wa, Allah. Aw

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mursalin, Sayyidina, wana, begin our Wahabi Binah. Worship, all

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praise, thanks and gratitude is due to Allah, Lord of the

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universe, our mercy, blessings, salutations, love and compassion

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on our beloved prophet, Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wa alihi wa

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sallam, his family and friends and those who follow him their

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guidance until the Day of Judgment.

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Respected Imam, respected ulama, brothers and sisters, I greet you

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with a wonderful greeting of Islam. Assalamu. Alaikum. Wa

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Rahmatullah, wabarakatuh.

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The reason why this topic was chosen is today we have an influx

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in our country of different nationalities, different people

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coming into our areas. And what we have noticed today is everybody

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wants to live their own tradition and their own culture.

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But also we are faced with problems throughout the world

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today, and we can identify many of those problems throughout the

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world. What is happening to Muslims throughout the world,

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for example, what is happening in Palestine, the genocide

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those that have been killed in Iraq, those have been killed in

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Syria, what is happening in Sudan? We might think it is different

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people and different nationalities, but unfortunately,

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you wake up tomorrow morning, you see it is Muslim fighting Muslim.

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And this is when you start realizing that we have a serious

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problem, and the problem is that we cannot coexist with one

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Look at our homes. Take a close look at your home, and you see

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parents and children. They are living on separate islands.

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They're not even on the same island. They are in the same home,

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but they live like they live in a hotel. They pass by one another,

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and this is how they live. Every day. You find divorce rates

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amongst the Muslims I'm speaking about is climbing drastically.

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Look at the youth today. Unfortunately, when we speak about

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the youth, there is always condemnation of the youth. Instead

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of trying to understand the youth and why are they doing what they

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are doing today, they can hardly find somebody they can talk to.

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And therefore, you find them going to with friends, and they go off

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the road, and you find they head for extremism. They they become

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delinquents. They start doing drugs. They're doing all the wrong

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things because there was nobody they could talk to. Unfortunately,

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even in our educational institutions, we are not teaching

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the educators are not giving the learners the opportunity to

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understand what it is to coexist with one another. Look how certain

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students and learners live within their school structures, and

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believe it or not, even our mosques has not being spared

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because we have the audacity to fight within our mosque, because

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there is different * and we differ with one another, that the

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mosque is not even being spared. How come that we do not find there

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is special causes has been designed for our young people how

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to communicate and how to coexist with one another.

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We, as Muslims, we

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want to migrate because South Africa is no longer for us. So

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we're going to migrate. So you migrate to another country, and

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when you get there, whether it is Australia, New Zealand, wherever

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you are going to, you start isolating yourself, and you start

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refusing to coexist with a society that is already established there.

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And if you take that, vice versa, vice versa, people are entering

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our country. They coming here. What are they doing? They want to

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establish their own educational centers. They want to establish

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their own masajid they want, not realizing that our Anna, masajid,

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Al lahid, belongs to Allah, instead of integrating with us and

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believing that this is where we belong and we are one society and

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we can coexist with one another, instead of establishing our own

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culture, our own tradition, where We have our own little nook in one

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corner of the city. This is what's happening today. Tomorrow, you're

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going to find within our very city, you're going to have, here's

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going to be a Hanafi masjid, there's a shafari Masjid, there's

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a Maliki Majid, there's a hamburger Majid. There is, there

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is a Gio Bondi masjid, there is a bralhei Masjid. You going to find

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All over the show. Why? Because they cannot coexist with one

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another. It is important. It is important that we understand we

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must coexist with one another. We cannot live in isolated pockets

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anymore. You know, when we talk about coexisting, one of the first

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lessons that Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us in the Holy Quran

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is when Allah speaks about the other, and when we speak about the

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other, the first thing that come to mind we are speaking about the

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Western Wall. We are not we are speaking about the other, your

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other self. Look at what Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the

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Glorious Quran, what law alayhim, Naba, abana, who is the ACH?

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is the other? Allah subhana wa Allah says, recite to them, read

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to them the tiring of the two sons of Nabi Adam Habib and Kabil read

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the truth, and one offered the sacrifice. One sacrifice was

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accepted, and the other sacrifice was not accepted. Who was the

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other? The other was the biological brother. So when we

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talk about the other, we are not talking about what is happening in

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the western world that we must call it the other No, a person, a

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human being that is able to coexist. He is a self confident,

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he is strong, he is open minded, he is civilized. If you have these

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qualities, then you can coexist. And that is why we find this

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beautiful deed of Islam, this beautiful religion is open to the

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entire world. Why? Because it is so profound. It's such a beautiful

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religion. It's a complete way of life. How many people today in the

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world have taken to the Glorious Quran after they have seen what is

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happening in Palestine, what is happening in Gaza and what is

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being portrayed through the media about Islam, and people started

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researching, reading the Quran, understanding Islam, and how many

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people have embraced this Deen of Islam, because it's such a

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beautiful and profound religion. And the fact is that we must

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realize one thing, and this goes for everyone, and especially for

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our young people, to coexist doesn't mean dissolution. It

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doesn't mean that you must lose your identity. You know today we

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find even at our workplace, we want to coexist with our fellow

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being at work, but we want to be like them. We want to dress like

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them. We want to talk like them. We want to eat like them. No, that

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is not the way. You don't lose your identity, you don't lose your

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Eman, you don't lose your character. Co existence as a

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concept is existence between two parties, and both of them must

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interact mutually with one another. And let me say this, and

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let me address the Western world, you can't enforce you can't

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enforce your culture on me and accept me to coexist. You can't

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enforce our youth to be carbon copies of your youth and and your

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culture and expect us to coexist. You can't occupy my land my home.

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You can't take it away from me and occupy it and ask me to coexist.

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We are calling for coexistence between two parties who respect

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each other and they respect one another's wishes, and therefore we

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can go into history. And we want to tell our youth, be proud of

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your identity no matter where you go in the world. Be a proud Muslim

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and coexist. But never forget your roots. Don't forget where you came

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from. Don't forget your own tradition and your beautiful

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religion that you have, because you have a global mission, not

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just a mission amongst us here, and the global mission is open to

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all, and therefore you must be proud of your Muslim identity. Why

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do we think our beloved prophet, Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wa

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sallam, said that for a Muslim to interact or to coexist with other

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people and be patient and endure their harm is better than a Muslim

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who does not interact and yes, he is not harmed by them. So don't

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think that you are better off because you are not being harmed

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by anybody. You're sitting in your little cocoon at home, and you

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say, I'm not being harmed. I am okay. I'm fine where I am. But if

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you coexist, and if you intermingle, and you come into the

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crowd, and even if you are harmed, you are better off as a Muslim to

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coexist, coexistence, my dear brothers and sisters, is when we

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live with each other and.

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Accept each other for what we are. Coexistence is when we we even

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debate with each other with respect, even if we have

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differences. Today, our differences have led us to do what

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to make one another, Kafir. Kafir is the word that is hanging around

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you. Differ with me. Your opinion is different. I make you a curfew

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today. No, this is not how Islam teaches us. Islam teaches us to

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coexist. You see a person, he is coming into the masjid, and he

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makes salah. And his hands is down on the side. Hey, look at that.

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Man is Salah. Is bafil, who told you his Salah is bathil. There's

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another Madhab we are talking about. Have we studied all the

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mother? Have we become judges, Judas and executioners so that we

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can condemn one another simply because we don't agree with one

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another when not agreeing with one another, and the differences that

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we have is the sunnat Allah, and that is the fitrah Allah that we

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will differ Allahu, subhana wa Taala has created us in that way.

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Allah says Wa ja al naqum, shohom, waqabah in Alita arafu, I have

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created you, not just male and female, but I have created you

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into different races, in different tribes, so you may become mutually

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acquainted. That taruf mutually acquainted. Is a huge explanation

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to it. It is not just knowing one another's name. Masha Allah,

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you're from Bangladesh. You are from Somalia. Masha Allah, what's

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your name? Harass in the story, no to become mutually acquainted with

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one another is exchanging benefits, is getting along with

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one another, is making use of each other's ideas, exchanging even

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economic interest. This is what I awanu alibi watapa. This is when

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Allah subhanahu wa says, assist one another, and that is on

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goodness and piety, but do not assist one another on what is vice

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and hostility. So Allah subhanahu wa has given us the formula as to

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how to coexist with one another. And do not think for one moment,

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and I will tell you why. One of the main reasons why I have chosen

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this topic today is I went to a mosque not long ago where I did

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the Juma, and the complaint that I received from there because

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practically half of the mosque were people from Somalia. And the

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complaint that I received is the way that they are being treated

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from our local Muslims, and the way they look at them, and they

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speak to them as if they are totally foreign. They forgot one

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thing, all these people coming to mosque now, whether you are from

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Somalia, whether you're from Bangladesh, from Pakistan, from

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Arabia, from United Kingdom, wherever you came from, in that we

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are all brothers. And on the basis of in Namal, minoona, we have to,

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we have to coexist. Allah, subhanho wa taala, says, wala

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Shah, buchala, jala, Nasr om Matan, Wahid, it was the will of

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Allah, we could all be one, ummah. Everybody in the world could be

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believing in Allah, Subhanahu wa taala, but Allah says no, wala,

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yaza, ALU na mukh, talifin, they will differ with one another.

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There is going to be differences in Lamar book, except those whom

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Allah's mercies upon them, and therefore I created them. There

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will be difference of opinions. There will be difference in

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arguments. But at the end of the day, we need to respect one

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another's differences. And this is what is known as

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something that we lack if you do not have the a double I left the

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ethics of differences that we have, then you cannot really

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coexist with one another. And therefore, Rasulullah Ali wasallam

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taught us masala minoona to him, what a Rahu him. What are to him,

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come as *, just a little Wahid, either she coming or doing today,

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ala who said it will just be sahari alhamma, sir, that's the

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main the believer. He is his mercy. Through His mercy and His

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compassion, you're like one whole body. If one part of the body

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complain, the entire body will feel that pain and therefore, show

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me, show me in the world, in a constitution where it says, for

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manshay, a falu, mean woman share a faliq for Allah. Subhanahu wa

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says, for those who desire wants to be a woman, Alhamdulillah, and

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those who do not want to be a woman, you don't want to embrace

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it, you carry on Allahu. Subhanahu wa Taala says, la ikra, Hafid

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Deen, there is no compulsion. We cannot force people to become

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believers, but if we show them the beauty of Islam and how we respect

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one another, even through our differences, and we show them in

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our character and behavior, how we accept them in the deen of Islam,

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you will find everybody would want to be in the dean.

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Of Islam, and they want to coexist with us. May Allah, Subhanahu wa

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Allah bless us and protect us all the time. Let us remember one

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thing, my dear brothers and sisters, when our beloved prophet,

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Muhammad Sallallahu, alaihi wasallam came to Medina, to

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Munawwara, the first lecture, the first Khutba, he says, Anas

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asylum. Aham watamuta Am was mankind. He didn't say, Oh

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Muslims, oh believers. Prophet sallallah. SallAllahu says, Oh

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mankind, spread peace, connect with your families and feed the

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poor and pray at night when people are asleep. Prophet sallallahu,

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Sallam built the message. For what purpose? The purpose of the masjid

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was to bring about unity between the host, the host, and the

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khazaraj, the oath and the Hazrat were at loggerheads all the time.

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For years they were fighting. There was hostilities, but

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Rasulullah established a masjid. All of you are going to come to

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the masjid and you're going to coexist, and you're going to learn

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how to respect one another. Today, our masajid has become the source

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of difference. It has become the source of breaking up of the

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Ummah, and this was not the purpose of the Masjid. The purpose

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of the masjid is we all come together, stand shoulder to

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shoulder, whether we're rich, we poor, we never mind where we come

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from, for which part of the world, in Namal, we all make Salat

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together. We stand in one soft Alhamdulillah. We are brothers,

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and we learn to coexist, even through our masajid, because that

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was the purpose of the establishment that rasulallah

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established the masjid Fatah, Allah, iba Allah wa as be

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conscious of Allah subhanahu. WA and reconcile amongst ourselves

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in Namal min una ikhua to Asli ho mayna, akhoi Kum wah wah lahala,

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kutur Hamon, may Allah Subhan wa Taala bless us and bring about the

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true brotherhood of Islam amongst ourselves in Shay Allah and may

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Allah subhanahu wa through our unity, through our coexistence, if

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we as a global Ummah can coexist with one another, Wallahi, my dear

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brothers and sisters, Zionism will be walked over. We can walk over

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them, but we need to unite our hearts. We need to unite our

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minds. And that is one thing Allah subhanho wa Taala has created us

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all. The most powerful weapon is the mind of the human being. So

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don't expect everybody to think the same. We think differently,

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even your own child think differently to what to the way you

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think. But Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us the tools and the

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ability to be able to accept us ourselves with our differences

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that we have, and to coexist. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us

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all that in sha Allah, may the Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala

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bless us and protect us at all times and bring ease to wherever

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it might be difficulty in the world. Wa Akhi rudah, wana an

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alhamdulillahi, rabbil, Alam Abu.

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