Mohammad Elshinawy – Why We Pray 3

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning the truth and praying for the right deed is discussed in Islam, with a historical fact about Jesus not being supposed to pray for his wife. The importance of remembering Jesus and finding one's values is emphasized, as well as the use of words to describe behavior and character. The segment emphasizes the need for physical cleanliness and proper behavior, as well as listening to the Quran and not reciting it. The importance of listening to the Prophet's words and actions is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Amanda Rahim hamdulillah have the handshake or salatu salam ala Muhammadan rasul Allah who already while early he was talking to him in a shadow Allah in a llama who who are eager to share them hammer the Navajo whenever you have also announced the Hadith

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I'm reading some Allahu alayhi wa sallam posted on

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what couldn't be done, or couldn't live without him bada Akula biolegend finna begin the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of mercy.

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Well, praise and glory belongs to Allah in the manner that he deserves. And may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his messenger in his sleep, and his family in his companions and all those loyal to him after

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we justify that no one is worthy of our worship, with Allah alone without any partners at the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was indeed his prophet and a servant that His messenger and the truth is that words are the words of ALLAH, the great Glorious Quran, and the vessel that is the Sunnah the example of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the most dangerous of matters with the newly added matters into this religion. For everything you add to this perfectly complete way of life is a leading district

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away from the street path that only leads to the fire.

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We continue in sha Allah ISO agenda with our discussion, we began a few months back on why we pray, right or salah, hurry visited, to try to remind ourselves or learn what are some of the secrets and the opportunities and the potential there are Salah contains, so that we can target it and make an intention to get it and try our best to benefit from it through our salah. And eventually, the last of the benefits that we mentioned the previous session

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last month, we said that the entire universe makes solid, the strings of Well yes, remember the entire universe makes us holiday we mentioned all the trees and the mountains and the stars and the sun and the moon. And the angels we mentioned all of this. We continue on to number 12 Today, in that solar is the most rewarding good deed. Meaning what is meant by this, the most rewarding good deed you can perform at any given moment is what deed was you will work it's the duty of the hour, right? But let's say you don't have any duty right now. Not your work, not obeying your parents not you don't have a duty right now.

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If everything is available, your choice becomes optional. Now. Then according to many of the rules, the most rewarding good deed at that point is

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Salah, because the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said our Salah to hygroma will do no door that to Salah is hieromonk door is the best no door AMI Mulder is the best thing that was ever lowered to this earth. I mean the best thing ever legislated. Okay, in the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he says Allah Allah for the minister thought I mean come and stick their failure stick so never of us able to pile on to increase the amounts of Salah he comes out of this world with it let him come out with as many as possible. And this hadith was the person with the scholars of of Hadith. Also have the agent Massoud are they allowed to Allah and the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, of the armor of solid to live up to the very best deed you can do the most superior deed is to pray on time. And another narration collected by Al Hakim of Salah to the elderly Welcome to her praying at the beginning of time. So the best act you can do is to pray and it's time and especially in the beginning of the time when the salah first comes in.

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This is the norm and the default. And also in selecting Muslim from the hadith of Naga and Nathan at the armory. He says, I met Taliban Filburn is one of those molar Rasulillah one of those I used to serve the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said some Oct tells me over the one deed commanded me to do it. And when I do it, it will dismiss agenda. What's the safest bet? Where do I put all my effort? He says, that fell back and left him until he kept repeating that question to him. And perhaps the reason for that, that Allah knows best out of this respect, but to make the person

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more eager to know the answer. So he'll memorize it. There's no easy come easy go right? In the age of CDs, right? Or you know, flash drives. Whenever you have a whole library for easy no one reads anymore. But when you make someone work for a bit of knowledge, he retains it doesn't let it go as fast. So So Ben didn't answer him until he get to asking what's the best deed? And then he told him, Llodra sell to Rasul Allah is Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, I asked the Messenger of Allah so Allah the audience has the same question.

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And he said to me, I like and because of this to do the best deeds because he's the Jana I prescribed you to make many schedules many frustrations to Allah meaning Salah because it's not from Islam just to go make sujood empty over and over and over again right? Even salah.

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He says some Allah Allah Himself to tell but for in Atlantis to the reader he says that Allah aka Allah who

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will help guide and can be her savior, right? Because you will not make any sujood to Allah except that every single one Allah will raise your decree because of it and remove one of your sins because of it.

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And most of the time I met a beautiful elite marathoner. I love Thailand, he says that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once him and his companions passed by agree. And he said, The Puppet woman heard it was grievous this. So they said, This is the great of so and so. So he said, Sal, Allahu alayhi wa sallam, Raka, attorney, Kofi for attorney, matter the role in our telephone to lightworkers. From that which you belittle, you know, you don't think you'll do so much, right? And it's Nephi, meaning it's recommended. It's not even obligatory to us, right? He has he do Huma had that URL if this person was able to add them to this deeds right now, and he pointed at the grave, I

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have to lay him in but at dunya is more beloved to him than everything that the remains of this world of yours to light records that you belittle and don't think they're very much if he's able to add them now to his deeds, they're more beloved to him than everything in this world.

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So a person is supposed to increase as much as he can of Salah of his of his sujood. How do we do that? Obviously, doesn't mean that we increase in the photo, or I'm gonna pray six funds instead of five. And we're not going to pay off seven lockers instead of five or four. Right. So how do we increase in our slot up through the left and right, the additional right the recommended there are two types of Neff. Just to clarify a bit a ruling here to benefit us with Nila. There's the nefler the Sunnah prayers they pulled us into periods where some people that are more Qaeda they confirmed sooner or confirmed as a bad word. The emphasized Sunnah prayers. And then there's the Sunnah that's

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really not as emphasized or sunnah McLaughlin is open soon. What what's the difference? pseudonym let Kenedy emphasize sunnah. These are the Sunnah prayers that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would pray them and not miss them. And if he missed them, he would make them up. That's what they called emphasize. He made it a point to pray them so Allah Allah usando.

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Like, for example, the two before fetch, and two or four before

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and two or four after the right, and two after mothering and two after a shell, so two before veggie and four before 206. And so after those two that's eight or two after measure that Senator after he shared that as well. That made the woman Hamid was one of the prophets of Allah Who ever said guard these 12 rockers after the photo, the prayers obviously, Allah builds for him a palace in general is a special palace for those that take care of these 12 records. These are student what kid he entered the Allahu alayhi salam in the house of OMA Selim, after all said he began to pray to Allah, this prayer now after us, we don't pray after us, right normally don't pray after us. This is the mcru

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He said I was busy, something came to me that visit him Salah was an afternoon and I didn't need to pray the sermon of the mini he made them up sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So whenever he missed them, he would make them up he would always free them except when he was traveling, you'd only pray to visit he wouldn't put any others in the market when he was traveling. But the point is, these are sets the number

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others wouldn't like family and for example, he would make it a point to pray them Salama are loved and rock us

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sooner or later we'll get this open now anytime like the sun came up Now up until there's an open time. You can pray through it across 468 As much as you can, without believing that you have to do a certain number for example, after the Sunnah debris to wood you can keep praying right as much as you can tell us after I'll see you don't pray open sooner you can make up soon you don't reopen soon. And then motherhood comes in once the availability comes in it's time for soon right you can press the number for the mother and pray as much as you want after we go to prayer all the way to Russia that's fine right? Whomever of us able to increase muscle farming when inspected for this

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sector, whoever is able to amass as many prayers as he can before he meets Allah let him do so he will know their value and he gets to Allah azza wa jal

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Rahim Allah he says our Salah to create metal Allah He fill out, Salah is the greatest display of serving Allah on the earth. What you can achieve on Avalon minha lemma coil

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Low tide if there was any type of worship that was better than it, Allah would not have said that women are eager to work on it when you suddenly feel proud that we set the angels to call out to him him is a reality set up while he was standing there praying, I mean, this is the most honored state and that's where Allah chose that scene to send the angels to speak Zachary Ali's setup.

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Number 13 of the virtues of Salah is that our Salah is

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an act of coming closer and nearer to Allah, the more that you do it. So this is that point in the believers day when he climbs right.

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And he comes close and he has a private conversation with Rob will Allah mean the Lord of the Worlds upon him with Allah.

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And there is nothing more beloved to the lover than being alone with the one that he loves. Right? So Salah is this point, this point where the asleep comes in stands in front of the one that he loves. Every time you're in Salah. That is you coming closer and closer to Allah

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in Makati and Musa Hydra over Iraq, he said from Allahu alayhi wa sallam that Allah azza wa jal said

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on that Zakharova la ibdv che in a hug William after autobody right my slave doesn't come closer. That's the point to me with anything more beloved to me, than the things I made followed mandatory upon him. And of course, the highest form of further is what the fountain of Salah, the second pillar of Islam and then the height of gab merger or the Allah Allah and he said sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, our Salah to burn, that salah is a point of extreme nearness getting near to Allah subhanho wa Taala guru was one thing with Corbin is excessive extra increased exaggerated if you will.

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And so I have clarity and what are the other ones is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a coma Hello Camila Salah when one of you stands to make Salah fella the soup Imam somebody says nothing is the spirit. Let him not spit in front of him for a NEMA. You an Angela Zilla jellema dama de Sala because he is in a conversation with Allah nearness. He's in a conversation with Allah so long as he is in Salah.

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So first of all, they're answering the Salah, they should try their hardest to bring that to mind, you know, to realize this, you see because it's not like you're imagining it, then it's not really happening. It's a reality. But depending on how hard you work to bring your heart to that wakefulness that the mindfulness, will you benefit from that salah. bring to mind that you're right there at the door of Raghu Alameen Abu Bakr Misurata of the Allahu Anhu says when Kara for Salah for whoever Bevan medic on can help or her well Malik you should call us to Hala whomever is in Salah. He's right there knocking on the door of the king. And whoever knocks at the door of the King

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nevertheless was the most generous king, then very soon will it open for him. This is that moment of nearness, that moment of opportunity.

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And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that Allah Allah Allah promised, and Amara abiti Hina the Karani was the Harakat vicia Fatah, I am with my sleeve, whenever he member remembers me. Right that not only will help him is solidly victorious. That was the player prayer for what's my remembrance. That's the pinnacle of remembering Allah focusing on Allah, I am with my sleeve. Whenever he remembers Me, and his lips move with my dementia Mini with my name.

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But then the question is going to come up and say what do you mean Allah is with the person?

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So is it Allah with everybody? Well, who am I who am I going to Allah in the Quran, he is with you, wherever you are, meaning Allah is with everybody, but how he is with everybody with his knowledge, right is with everybody with his hearing is with everybody with his sight. He's with everybody. And that sense of encompassing them taking full account of all of them. But there's a more specific type of Maria being with someone and that is being with them with support, being with them with his care being with them with his mercy with his help, right? When Allah azza wa jal said to Musa Allah serving one

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in many nakoma us in our era, I am with you too. I hear and I see. But Allah is with for hours. Well he hears and sees for our meaning I am with you supporting you, unlike for our I'm not supporting him. I am with you supporting you, and I hear I see everything that you're gonna go through.

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And Allah azza wa jal he says in Allah Allah Allah Vina am and who will love you to whom are you do indeed Allah is with those that have Iman and those that have excelled those that have excellence and perfection in their worship of Allah. But again, now Salah is that point of nearness, you know on the

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officinal Allahu alayhi wa sallam used to try to make Salah at the Kaaba in the early years in Mecca

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the US still badgering him for it and criticize him for its Allah Allah Allah Azza wa sallam and tried to stop him from praying and threatened him. And step on his neck sal Allahu alayhi wa salam and throw the entrails right. The guts of the camera on his back you know the Hadith? Allah Azza it says in the Quran alright Allah the inhabitant either Salah Do you see this man? This criminal that forbids asleep meaning Mohamed Salah Juarez and when he tries to make Salah at the end of

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these if Eliza says wanted his prophets of Allah Hi Salam Kela to Claire who was Jude what pathetic. Ignore him right and make sujood and come close.

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So Sousou salah is a point of closeness to Allah will look at the beauty Hill sujood is down.

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And coming close to Allah subhanaw taala is up, right?

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The believer is the person that understands that, then the only way up is down.

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On this third with Allah Azza Qian, Allah terracotta Allah loves to see a person Institute and he brings a person close whenever he comes into this room. And of course, we mean that he's into his heart before his head, you have to always remember that we can't separate between the physical and the spiritual. This is a problem that we have in our understanding in these later generations, all of us.

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So for example, Muslim data sets on Allahu alayhi wa sallam acabo Maya kulula abdomen rugby you who are surgeons, to the closest the slave is to his Lord is when he tends to do that's the lowest point but it's close to Salah. He says to increase your DUA you're begging. So notice your institute your closest and then do it is also a sign of what of the heart being present the person begging and being depended that showing that dependence on Allah subhanho wa taala.

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So So Joe, this is the highest degree of showing your enslavement to Allah and your surrender to Allah and your submission to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and that's why he raised his if he loves that, as he said, so Allah who is another Hadith mentor, well,

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I will not go to I'll never humbles himself for Allah. Allah raises him Subhana wa Tada. And the opposite is also true. Whoever raises himself.

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He gets dragged down right or wrong. He sits on the legato cylinder, Allah the Most High promise. And he said

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Al Kibriya OOIDA Automata is early that greatness is my garment, and pride is my cloak.

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feminization a female if you weigh the mean Huma

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Kazem to have to do two different variations. Whoever challenges me in either of these greatness or pride these meanings, I will break him I will punish him.

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Because Allah azza wa jal, he has certain qualities of greatness, no one is allowed to emulate him in them

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and he has certain qualities of beauty that you should try your best to have a share of the medium.

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So an example of Allah's names or attributes or problems of beauty is that he is beautiful and he loves beauty or in Allah Jamia pajama, and that was beautiful. He loves beauty. Allah is merciful. He loves Mercy, the Merciful people, right? Allah is generous. He loves those that are generous. Allah is the most patient he loves that you be patient. That's the beauty, then he has certain qualities of greatness, that you are not to ever claim any one of them.

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Like being the most powerful, like being the one that rightfully has pride. It's not ugly with him because it's deserving. It's ugly with us because we claim it to ourselves and we don't deserve it. Like Allah being the creator.

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He sits on Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The people with the toughest punishment on the Day of Judgment will be the image makers, right? Those that make images and was already in pictures, meaning pictures of things that have souls, humans and animals clear pictures of those things. Allah will bring him on the day of judgment and he will tell him, tell these people have you met Haluk to give life to what you create, created like me give life to them. Finish it off, put the soul in it. And when they're not able to they're drag to the punishment. So creation is one of the qualities of Allah that no one can come near. So the same way there are certain qualities of Allah actions like creation you can't come near there are

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certain character traits like pride and greatness you can't come near the lower you humble yourself for Allah the higher up you are right

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is almost a parallel

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so the number 13 is Salah is that point of closeness and nearness to Allah

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number 14 Is that Salah

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refines your character as a human being.

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Salah is a is a disciplinary institution, right? You know there's institutions that people go through to get discipline right, formerly known as prisons in most places.

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But la sala is a very fine, very elevated, very pristine form of a disciplinary institution.

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The proof Allah azza wa jal says, in Al Insana, holy Pahala, the human being is created frantic, right is is always uneasy is on edge, either myself who shall rule Jesu, when harm touches him something bad, something bad going his way? He panics, what either Messiah who will hire men.

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And when good things happen to him, he's cheap with it. He restricts it either way, is frantic. He said some ALLAH SubhanA was on the air to continue ill mousseline except those that make solid, but not just anybody. And Lavina who mahalo Salatin, those who are consistent in their Salah that fixes their nature. You see the word says, the human being in the inside the human being was created. Hello, friends frantic, that word insane if you chase after it in the Quran, you will see this usually refers to the raw nature of a human being. Okay? Before the human being is refined, polished by the guidance of Revelation, the guidance from Allah subhanaw taala. So for example, this iron is

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great, the Frank friendly and son, the other irises

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in the in Santa Fe, who's the human being is in a state of loss. That's the normal default he can't fend for himself.

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Allah subhana wa autolysis in that in Santa Europa healer Canute with human beings who his lord is ever denied ever ungrateful. So being frantic and ungrateful and lost and right, these are the raw nature of the human being unless there is Salah involved

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so the exception to this raw nature are those that makes Salah and they take their Salah according to the Divine prescription meaning with consistency, those that are consistent in their salah, because in the Salah, if a person does it right, he is transformed even at one salah. He goes from one mode of thinking to a different mode of thinking, right? He goes from one set of priorities to another set, one set of worries and concerns to something else. And so his Eman begins to pump his faith grows and he transforms and he comes out of that solar energized and ready to be a different person for it to affect the rest of his life. That's why you don't know the number and the profit

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tribe on Instagram what it is people do well it was the crime.

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What was the crime is people shy?

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underweight right, they were secularists.

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They were secularists. Right? They will cheat in the way right so there'll be a only religious here will agree with that, at least in theory, right? Because when it comes to business back off, you guys know what a secularist

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meaning there's sections in your life secularist sections, there's the religious section that's Sunday in church or Saturday in the synagogue or Friday in the mosque with any other moment of our life that has nothing to do with it right? That's completely different. God has no say they're awful statements

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so when they saw that show, I realized something was different. He didn't

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No, I wasn't going to

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Allah Azza records for us them calling out to show I even saying yes sure i Oh, sure. Are you our Salah to Moroccan and network? Is your Salah commending

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you that we have to stop

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worshipping what our forefathers used to worship?

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Or that we do whatever we want with our money.

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They know that the Salah is what's making him do different things in life. That's how the soil should be recognized in all of our lives. When a person is making the Salah and he gets into a fight.

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He's able to hold his tongue for example. He doesn't transgress he doesn't forget the height of the person in front of them has done right

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so this solid pulls a human being into that. Why? Because saw that it's like a curriculum in the curriculum of taking school.

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Have a curriculum that teaches you to remember Allah throughout your day. Sounds like you're remembering a woman Salah and that's it Because salah tight Okay, so we have to make wudu that's part of the remembering Allah Allah so many people who then have to make sure my body is covered properly I'm wearing nice clothing or correct clothing at least now I'm walking to the messages from walking to the masjid that's remembering Allah and I'm praying my student, right? That's making the Salah, there's a lot of remembering about getting the lick that I'm putting Sunon right. And then I'm planning out my day so I can get back into liquid solid, it gets your dean to revolve around

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remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala to the point that even when you wake up in the morning, the first thing comes to mind is what have you learned your hand, right? Little saw that gets that's the key. That's the strongest factor in this whole equation.

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It's locked in certain parts of your day, you don't control when you sleep sometimes, right? Sometimes you can't sleep at night, people have to work at night and sleep in the morning. You can't control who upsets you when. Right. So there has to be something consistent like the pillars of your day, that makes sure your day is still revolving around what the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Also, as a discipline institution, Salah gets you used to

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disconnecting from the dunya, let's talk about the bed in the hotbar it mixes into your mentality, the remembrance of the hereafter and that Allah is greater and that I have someone is going to call me in the afternoon. For my school of deeds the same way there's a call to prayer here, right? So a person makes it because the whole point

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isn't to remain in love forever

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so the point is not to remain in sujood forever. But the point is that you don't get too attached you pull out every few moments every few hours from the ocean so you don't drown right that dunya The point is that you don't become materialistically driven. You know the as we discussed yesterday in the class, the lighthouse right Allah Allah puts his light in the heart of the believers.

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And this light is found the next day we set people up in houses and in Allah hunters who are in these houses. I didn't get to that yesterday, by the verses after it's a regional lead will hear him to jail. Men that aren't distracted by their business. The point is not to make that you can make business No, not that, but it doesn't distract you from your real goal.

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Understood. Sato Juma? Allah Azza answers Yeah, you're Latina M and O Believers either knew the other slatey Mio majority fests when the call is made for joining on the Friday prayer rush, notice the words rush to the remembrance of Allah without obey and leave all sales that is better for you. If you only new material to solid often tissue then when the Salah is over, then disperse so rush versus this verse rush means hasten this first meeting, go out your separate ways. Whatever way you go, whatever speed you go, will be tough woman fugly lady selling you go seek out your risk, go make a living.

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But the point is the prioritization here, when did Salah time no that's the priority of my day. So that's another way that it makes a person discipline in this sense. They weren't praised for being lazy to believe. Right? Because seeking your risk and making money is of the lesser of course, but of the forms of worshipping Allah. Allah commanded you to seek risk, take care of your family take care of the orphans, right? Well, Allah sent down wealth, so that he may be worshipped through it. The hadith is in Nima and sent to Melanie eponymous Salah is again, I sent this wealth down to this earth resources. So that prayer would be established and the cat would be paid. It's a means to

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worship Allah. We don't worship it. That's the difference.

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Also, Salah trains you and it conditions you upon certain very beautiful values that many human beings don't have, even though we're a little better off here in the Western world. But we are here in the Western world we have certain values like organization being timely, right?

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But these are driven for worldly reasons, right or wrong. Some of the left even the manners that we have here in the West. They're not religious, they're about you know, they say politics is what? No permanent friends no permanent enemies just permanent interests. So I'm shaking your head and smiling and you shaking my hand and smiling the only reason is what we both have knives behind our backs right? I'm not gonna stand up you don't stab me. Interests doesn't serve my interest to get the fight with you right now. You know,

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America didn't bomb Russia because Russia was gonna bomb America. That was the Cold War was all about

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Oh, not because America was so great Russia was so great is because it wasn't worth it to get into that. So that diplomacy that that created was why for interests as for the believer, he's supposed to be religiously driven by Allah subhanho wa Taala so his values are a standard they're set they're concrete regardless of the circumstances solid trains you upon them

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you know, organization we must them should be more organized than anyone else on the face of the earth. We have five appointments every day even on our day off alright, the rock in the solid again I'll make even more water the Salah was upon the believers prescribed obligation prescribed the certain times Allah says so when we smack the masala there is no surprise why we have jokes all over the world about us about Arabic standard time and you know, Pakistani Standard Time, meaning when they tell you to come to the wedding at 60 weddings or start at nine, right? Where did this come from? You think if we were true to our Salah that the rest of our life would be upside down like

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Most of the time we give appointments we know we can't keep why

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you're going to keep your promise to another human being when you broke your promise. Me You promise you be devoted to him and this is the second pillar of Islam. It's not going to happen. So that also accustoms a person to be in cleanliness to being clean to being hygienic. That's from our deen, we'll do and see what and the likes. That's from our religion. You know, in the time of the of the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition when the Crusaders would come and they would kill those that were not following their religion rather than their sect of their religion, that specific section. You know, how they would discover Muslims and Muslim

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if he used to be

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we were known for our cleanliness.

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And we held on to the religion the

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teachings of our deen we should still be known for this we should be more punctual and more funny than anyone right or wrong. You know what they will do? They will grab a Muslim in an inspection and they will take his pants off. He will he was circumcised, right? Circumcision is great to do with billionaires. And they even by the way, some beautiful research that came out recently I read the article about how circumcision has been proven to reduce the

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contagion Jani catching the chances of catching the HIV virus.

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They will check if you circumcised I mean he's a Muslim kill him.

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We were a nation that was known for our cleanliness and our organization.

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I remember one

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of the shields because he took his Muslim community here and lives in the Western Europe I don't remember. And they prayed in public they had like a barbecue in the park community I would think and they saw time somebody made a dent somebody made a comment they got up and they made the soft the regular we had to pray. This just says and there was a guy you know, standing up for a distance staring at us all throughout him and his girlfriend

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after salah the guy actually had the IP, the courage to come over and say Listen man was pretty cool, which you guys did. He's like okay, thank you.

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Where are you from? I'm from the army, which is okay, so how long have you guys been practicing them? Fixing what so the thing are you guys get up we make a perfect role and stuff.

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I told them we don't know each other know each other. We don't we just community we've been an invite to our game games. How do you make a line?

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That we do this all the time all the time? Anybody anybody said out to the Prophet Mohammed Salim told his office or his these, right and foot the foot shoulder shoulder, makes it perfect. It takes us forever to get these young fools. You know, normally the first game will camp to get them to rank up straight, right? This is part and parcel of our deen.

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It's impermissible to outrace the Imam and Salah right you rank a certain way in Salah you clean up a certain way on what type of Salah without you being in a state of will do and although of course more than physical cleanliness, but for sure it cleans, right?

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The body. So Salah is a disciplinary institution and that also solid refines your character how it gets the human being to become calmer,

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right and more relaxed and more focus. Many people nowadays their attention span is so short. And their temporary span their fuse is so short.

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00:34:29 --> 00:34:36

So that fixes all of this because it forces you to just disconnect. You know, there's some people

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that are so

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humorous, or at least they think they're humorous. They like joking so much that they've gotten to a point where they don't know how to be serious and they hate that about themselves. Like they can be at a funeral crack a joke. It's just it's in their blood now, because they haven't been serious for so long. They really don't know how

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be longer, right? There are other people that have disorders and they go to psychiatrists for it. They have what's called OCD. You guys know OCD. I don't know OCD is Kammenos little CDs, you know those with OCD?

00:35:15 --> 00:35:49

Yes, exactly. And it's a perfect I couldn't have explained it's simpler by myself. When you have to do something OCD is obsessive compulsive disorder, when you just have to do something, and if you don't do it, something wrong happens. Right? And it's an obsession. It's an obsession. It's some people you know, they have to straighten the nails. Nobody here was not even aware on other side, right, then when he starts bleeding, and he's still biting, right? There are people like this, there are people that assume that they're not clean. So they go in, they wash their hands, and they walk out. They feel like they're still something and they go in, they wash their hands, and Islamic turns

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we thought was was right, like obsessive whispers. There are people that ruin their lives, ruin their families ruined their religion, even because of this was Western. You know, psychiatrists nowadays with the research and the press, practicing on people and all the likes. They said, the key to this, the key to solving this problem is to get the person to a state where he stops thinking, just stop thinking you have to force it to stop thinking because the more you think about this, the louder that whisper gets, the more obsessed you become with it. And that's exactly what the Brahmins often taught us by the way 1400 years ago

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when a person said I have I can't get these whisper these whispering are destroying They're driving me nuts. They say Allah so Allah, we hear things sometimes that I would rather fall from the sky to the earth and crash than to speak what I hear when even whispers of Allah and this and that in the third, right? You think their objections and this is not doubting your religion by the way? The proof is that you're going to the chef or to hear they went to rasool Allah Salah and you're complaining, you're complaining me you don't like it? Right? They're wrong. So that's not us and that's Shavon gross, why are you complaining understood, but the point is also the loss of Allah who

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said to him, meant to be Lehi 3 million day say I have believed in Allah ignore whatever she thought should I tell you who created Allah Where did he come from? What was before him say I believe that Allah film million to hidden let him just stop stop thinking and Salah helps you do that right? You're in one mode and all of a sudden you say Allahu Akbar Allah is greater meaning whatever was here we're going to bypass that Allah is more worthy of being thought about or being focused on of having my life revolve around him. This helps with this a great deal

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so Salah he person to be capable of doing that of stopping to think and focusing on what's more important, you know, but we, many of us though, we lose sight of this, like Salah is not a time of focus anymore for us. And this requires a fight within us. You know, salaam becomes a time where you remember the things you forgot, right? Like once you and he mentioned, it's humorous, but it's very sad at the same time that when a person wants to remember something, they only go preach. Don's gonna remind me and as soon as I say Allah, like what? All the loose ends in my life. Get reinstated. Oh, yes, the keys. That's where they are. Oh, I knew it. I forgot my wife in the

00:38:18 --> 00:38:38

supermarket. Right? All these loose and you can get to a point in your solar embraces, and I was the kid. I'm trying to get out of it. Of course. I remember clearly. I just think it was so cool. My father would make sure we pray. So I used to be able to say Allahu Akbar, and zone out until somebody

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and I'm gonna be surprising. Oh, I did everything he did without even trying like, I was not trying to act like the Imam and I could do it. Right? That's very bad. That's very dangerous. The Salah was meant, you know, Allah azza wa jal when he was gradually forbidding the people that were alcoholics by nature, meaning by their culture and what I write or even forgive me in the people of Medina, it came down gradually it wean them off alcohol was an entire society. It's not one person was an alcoholic, right? Get some help from somebody else. The whole society. This was prominent in it. So the ruling came gradually of the first ruling to come down about wine was what don't come to Salah

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when to sue Cara while you're intoxicated. Why, who knows there will be I

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had until the Alamo. You may realize mal occlude at a time at Apple may have

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had that Alamo until they until you know what you are saying.

00:39:49 --> 00:39:57

So now we don't drink wine. hamdulillah and even though they drink wine, they know it's hard to do in the making soda. But still we don't know what we're seeing.

00:39:58 --> 00:40:00

Right. That's a

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problem because that's the time when you're really need to know what you're saying. If not at any other moment

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also so that trains a person into being patient and tolerant. Right? In the Lean center holy Pahala human beings created frantic we said desire 31 something harmful happens the whole world is over my life is ruined everything no no Relax, relax.

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Allah is greater this, this world has been tested. These reminders come it makes you patient makes you tolerant.

00:40:32 --> 00:40:44

And also select trained you to do something very important that you can survive without and it teaches you to give your Quran it trains you to give the Quran your undivided attention

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with a cordial Quran of a steamroller who wants you to latch on to her Moon among the Quran is recited. Listen to it carefully.

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It's Marilyns hear it right istemi hoomins Listen to it was different in hearing and listening

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was there was a hearing and listening.

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Listening is more focused.

00:41:10 --> 00:41:52

Hearing could be unintentional, and unliking and unwanted. Right? You can go to the mall and hear this crazy music you don't want to hear it but you don't want to. So that's not a sin, right? But you intending and purposefully listening to music, that's a problem. Likewise, it's poor and you can hear for and and and benefit from it. And someone else could hear the same idea at the same exact moment but he's listening to it and it melts his heart and brings him near to Allah subhanho wa Taala and reforms him as a human being. So Allah says, as well as his agenda is saying in this area when the Quran is recited. So listen to it carefully to answer to and be silent. Let him to hormone

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so that you may receive mercy. That's how important it is. He says Allahu alayhi wa sallam and no one of you will enter Paradise because of his deeds.

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This is not even your messenger of allah sallallahu Alaihe Salam did not even know. Unless Allah envelops me in his mercy and a bounty from him, meaning he gives me something I don't deserve. I can't earn a bounty. Right? So the Mercy of Allah azza wa jal is needed by all of our survival in this world in the next in our worldly methods and in our religious affairs, giving the Quran our undivided attention. So Salah is a period in the day when that's mandatory.

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The scholars all agree this I apply salah, and they differ on whether it applies elsewhere, but at the very least, it's the mandatory amount of listening to Quran every single day. The plan trains you upon all of that. And that's how it makes you a different human being.

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And it's expected that a person can make Salah and not be a different human being.

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If they're not taking the prescription of Muhammad salallahu Alaihe Salam as prescribed with focus with consistency with sure all of that, you know, most of the world of the Alon narrates they came to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they said you had also Allah.

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So and so you solidly laid had the either s behalf or super Hazara so and so prays at night, and then when he wakes up in the morning by the morning time he steals,

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you know, and by the way, it's not very surprising.

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Shall I explain why? Not very surprising, but forget why we see it. Don't you see someone who appears very religious, he tends to the masjid. Maybe he has a beard. Maybe he dresses in a film, maybe he gives donation, whatever it may be, but outside of the masjid or outside of the solid quarters, he's completely different person. Right? We don't tell him to stop praying, obviously, right? The Prophet SAW Selim said about this man used to pray at night even meaning even more than the obligatory prayers, even at home, people don't even know. And then he wakes up in the morning he steals. He said, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam said to him now a woman's a hole that what you said

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about him that he prays at night that's going to prevent him on the right set him now who Salah to another generation is Salah is going to stop him meaning from that evil one day when when that prescription starts getting taken right when you really establish the prayer at arm's length to establish to make it upright.

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So the salah is the key to that the more you improve and solid the better of a human being you become okay if you're having a below acceptable Salah you're going to be a below acceptable

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character. And if you're not making solid at all, you're gonna be even worse. That's why you don't ever and I perhaps I've said this I said, I say this everywhere I go. Don't ever get things mixed up. Don't ever hold people to certain standards. They're not ready for at times. You know, if assisted, she's praying, but she's not wearing hijab,

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right? We don't say you don't have to wear hijab, definitely not. But we don't tell her what's the point of

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Have you been praying if you don't wear hijab,

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right? That's very unintelligent. That's very incorrect. It's very wrong. So long as she's praying her prayer will encourage her and help her to go on hijab one day. Right?

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And the same applies for anything else He wants the one that you even praying and acting like a Muslim when you're smoking and the lights not correct. The Prophet SAW Selim said, what you said about him that him praying that's gonna stop him on day two to listen, make sure you keep praying and you stay on top of your prayers and your because that's what's gonna get you out of the chopping block. Right? You have to Salah does that, depending on the degree to which you establish that solid of what we are getting the law xojo there are any questions we can take them now May Allah soja forgive us for our shortcomings to conceal our faults, and teach us that which will benefit us and

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benefit us whatever he has taught us and what's our them and make the best of our deeds, the last of them and the best of idea did we meet him a little mermaid

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