Mohammad Elshinawy – Why We Pray 2

Mohammad Elshinawy
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AI: Summary ©

The importance of Islam is discussed, including disputing false accusations and learning about one's religious commitment. The Sharia law is emphasized, and the use of numbers and words is discussed. The history and meaning of the name Islam is also discussed, including various legiances and cultures adopting it. The importance of animals as symbols of human behavior is also emphasized. The transcript describes a group of individuals discussing their plans to eat slow food and practice social distancing, as well as recapping the importance of guidance given by Allah for animal kingdom and the use of animals as symbols of human behavior.

AI: Summary ©

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			Ebrahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Nabina serine or other early wasafi
Jermaine, Shadow Lai la, la la la. Rica.
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			I will do whenever you are sort of whoever begin the Name of Allah, all praise and glory belongs to
Allah Subhan Allah Allah, Lord of the worlds and we testify that no one is worthy of worship of
Allah alone. The true supreme King at the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a servant
that is messenger.
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			Before we begin, we're going to have to humbly requested that everyone in the front and in the back,
do their best to keep their voices down. And those that have children to keep their children with
them, or to ensure that they are
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			quiet just like the low five
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			we continue in sha Allah azza wa jal as we had began last month, in the Saturday night's program,
with why we pray, right to try to
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			re infuse our Salah, the strength with one's head or to add to that Salah those components were
supposed to have of strength and concentration and due diligence in our solid and we said that we
pray. First of all, Salah is the most important action in Islam.
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			And we said last month
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			that Salah helps you in the rest of your Islam, it's the director of your deed, and we said that
Salah is between every worship in the Quran you hear it paired up with all these different acts. And
number four we say that salah is the mother of all worships there is no worship that demands of you
all of you at the same exact time. The way that follows us in Nova salata Shula, Salah is a
preoccupation, it's a busyness.
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			And the fifth, we said that this was the final words the final will and interest rate of our Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said to us a solid a solid it up Allah Have you ever lived
with a man who the Salah was salah, be careful regarding it, hold on to it, and fear Allah with
regards to those under your authority.
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			We continue now in sha Allah Subhana Allah in this program with a few more of the virtues of Salah
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			to bring to light this great rituals and what it has in store for us if we perform it and offer it
properly. Number six is that salah is the true way to measure your religious commitment. It's the
measuring stick or the mirror for the believer.
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			So a person can check their Iman and how committed they are to their Deen to their Islam with their
Salah in the same way that the doctor can measure your temperature with a thermometer. Right?
Because that's the way to measure everything else. We said it helps you and everything else. Also we
want to say if you want to see how well you are in your Islam the best way to do that just check
your Salah
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			that'll tell you how you're doing as the Hadith that we already discussed mentioned, the first thing
a person will be asked about will know has to do with Salah right first thing you will be asked to
those the Salah, if that goes well, then it's automatic, everything else will go well.
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			And all those who had the greatest religious commitment, all those legendary figures, you always
hear about the lectures in Islamic history. If you search behind them and you investigate their
lives deeply enough, you will realize that it wasn't their knowledge that made them so great, or
where they were born or who they were born from that made them so great, or any other act that made
them so great except that first it is because they were great in Salah and the opposite is also
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			If you see those who do the acts of the hypocrites in the OMA today
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			and those that Mark aspects of Islam sometimes evil
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			and those that claim and take pride in being liberals. I'm not bound to the religion of Allah right?
I maybe I'll pray Yeah, I'll go to Juma on duty but I'm not going to be committed to this whole
Shetty I think right. If you search after these people, you will see that they are careless even in
their solar.
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			Or perhaps they don't even make Salah at all because that's the truly to measure have someone else's
committed and the prophets of Allah who said to us, men are the AI lemma level. We're in the love
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			The younger man in law he and whomever wants to know what he has with Allah, his share with Allah
the size, right that he is in the sight of Allah, not how you see, you see yourself how people see
you. If you want to know your real weight, if you're a heavyweight in your deed, or you're a
featherweight in your deed, fell young man in less
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			than a person to check what Allah has in his life. What kind of shared is Allah have in your heart
that you will know by that your share in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			you know what the hate
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			exists that on the Day of Judgment, Allah azza wa jal yet Seema Rajan, a semi Aleem will bring a man
that is big, his bodies are great mass, right? He is very heavy in his body is very great in his
frame. Fela is in or in the mighty Jenna have our own and he will not weigh anything in the sight of
Allah not even the weight of a mosquito know the wing of a mosquito. Right? If a person wants to
know what's their weight with Allah, let them know what let them check what is the weight of Allah's
religion, this command number one is a scholar in that heart of his.
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			And that's why it hasn't lost a lot I used to see a bad and you see in Eurosonic, Kevin D, Nick,
either hands I like a solid, or sort of Adam, what thing could possibly be of importance to you of
your religion? If Salah is not important?
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			I mentioned a bit of this in the hotbar. Sometimes he's 100 I'm a good Muslim example needs to be
happy, but nothing else are you doing right? I'm a good Muslim, right? Attend the protest, right?
Every Philistine protest, I'm there. That's an awesome thing. But where's your Salah? Perhaps at
times those that attend the protests or the Mississauga in the protest itself? Then what have you
done really the most correct way to measure your religious commitment, everything else may be in
made out to be he's not sought out of yours. That's the most accurate way.
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			You can measure your religious commitments.
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			And I say to everyone, if you want to measure someone else's, even though your primary concern
should be your commitment of Allah, but if you want to measure someone else's religious commitment,
the number one way to do the solid.
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			So when you want to know should I trust this person or not? Should I give this person my daughter or
not? Some people have this misunderstanding. It's not for me to judge. No, no, no, Allah is the
ultimate judge. But there are certain ways we have to judge you, but he's gonna start bidding
federally to you're gonna give him your he betrayed Allah. That's not even making Salah there is a
person that has betrayed the first one to ever bless him. What makes you think he's going to be
loyal to you and your family are loyal to you and the business contract? If you want to know how to
measure someone's religious commitment, have the most accurate way to do so is that solid number
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			seven of the virtues of solid is that Salah was a part and parcel of the religion of Allah. And it
is as old as men meaning it was given high esteem in the Islamic religion at large. What I mean is
standard religion at large. Because Allah only sent down Islam I'm not gonna say the Abrahamic
religions, right? Because their religion is one in the dealer and Allah Islam. We don't believe in
this whole concept of Abrahamic faiths we may accept it we may swallow it the mean the religions
that believe in Abraham okay. But for these religions who have come through Rahim Allah is Salam are
to be approved by Raman they said I'm No, I have to always make that point clear. There's only thing
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			as Abrahamic faiths if Allah Azza that says if I can Abraham we will do well and I serrania What I
can kind of hide from Muslim and when I'm when I cannot and then we should again in Rahim wasn't a
Jew or a Christian, but he was a pure Muslim. And he was not of those that associated partners with
Allah he's the machete kid. So I mean the Islamic religion at large meaning all the prophets of
Allah fall that one Islam and that one Islam they had have had different rulings though, meaning the
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			law may have been a little bit different. Okay. The Shetty out Musa they certainly have been a
little bit different. The Shadie obviously, they may have some little differences in our Shediac.
Right. And the differences we know we can talk about them later. But the point is, there's one thing
that always remained the same thing
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			as that is salah.
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			Because there is no good in a religion that doesn't tie you with the Creator and Salah is how you
get tied with the creators proud of without any other religion in the world. You'll notice it is
based on the creation somehow.
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			Christianity Christ versus Judaism or Troy, Judah, right? Buddhism, Buddha,
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			Confucianism all of it is tied to a person, place thing or idea something created. Islam is that
which connects you
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			The creating and Salah it means slender, it is a connection that connects you with the grid. That's
why it always existed. So you find that Ibrahim alayhis salam, Allah Allah tells us in the Quran
that he says Rob Chandni multimo solid omen to read Allah make me of those that establish the salah
me and my offspring. So there was salam Sharia if you look at the summary
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			a lot a lot of dialysis Well can I saw that he was
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			and he used the command is family with Salah and
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			if you look at Musa alayhis salam Allah as it says about him
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			yeah Musa in any and Allahu La vida hayleigh Anna Falguni we're actively solid and ethically I am a
man that is worthy of worship with me so worship meet an established a solid Maria Maria salah, yeah
Maria Nakuru, TD robic or chi was to the right or Maria
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			be developed to your Lord and was Tuesday and make Roku make sujood prostration and make Roku those
that make Roku right and this is solid sujood frustration and Roku about is solid. And Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told by Allah azza wa jal what more Allah cables Salah it was stock
rally and command your family with Salah was superb. If not was to be possible means and be patient
was bobbin that heavy thought means be heavily patient, be very patient with your family when it
comes to Salah make sure that written them Salah. So this is something that existed with all the
profits, this will chose you this of what shows you the value of your solid and also in what
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			diagrammatic aroma
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			and others
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			the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam collected about him that he said and confirmed the doctrine
that he said national Maharaja MBA we the community of the prophets all of us will middleman Naga
Amen And Allah Shama enough for Salah we were commanded to place our rights on our lifts in Salah
and I say this collected Malik we some people think that you are Matic believes you put your hands
here in Salah, right? Even your Malik himself, narrative that hadith to the students he collected
himself, right, because it's something all the prophets did. So even if their Salah was different,
they still made salah, and of the unifying factors with their solid that they all place their rights
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			on the left is Salah.
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			Number eight of the virtues of Salah is that salah is the trademark of the Muslim lens.
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			The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Men Salah solid
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			whoever prays our prayer, was stabbed Camilla to bless her and faces our direction of prayer. We're
at Keller the rehab center and he eats from our behalf right out of gate our slaughter for vertical
for vertical Muslim. And this is the true Muslim love hidden within metallography within naturo
Sunni that has the protection of Allah and the protection of His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. So the scholars said from this hadith and otherwise, that of the ways to recognize a Muslim
lands from a non Muslim LED is that the Muslim land contains people that pray the way that Muslims
pray. Okay? And they face the direction the Muslims face, they don't just pray to their own fibula,
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			right? And they eat what the Muslims eat. This is how you know the Muslims are.
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			And they said if you enter a land and you cannot hear the event in that land, then this is of the
signs that this is not a Muslim lead.
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			Right? And so the Allah Han says that the Prophet SAW said that when he would go out in battle, he
would wait till the time the morning, right? For in semi I need that and if if he hears the event in
the morning he cancels the whole mission. Right. And if he does not hear the event, he continues on
with the expedition from Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			So of the signs of Muslim lands from non Muslim lands that are Muslim lands, a place where the event
is apparent the Salah is seen. So that is what defines Islam for mon Islam Iman from non Iman and
that's number nine of the greatness of Salah is that Allah called it Iman as if they are wanting the
same as if there is no Eman without Salah
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			and there is no Salah if you don't have enough.
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			He said subhanho wa Taala
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			when I can Allah Julio Leah Eman and Allah with not unbefitting of who Allah is the most just the
Most Merciful. He would not allow your Eman your faith to go two ways. This is talking about what
the meaning of this is the change of the Qibla when the table has changed the Muslims are praying
additionally to were telling me
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			To love this right in Jerusalem
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			and then the Qibla was changed according to many of the narrations in the middle of Salah the
Muslims are praying a different direction.
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			So the super hat from among humanity, the fools from among humanity, those in Medina who are
antagonizing the Muslims, the Jews there, they said look, the Muslims are praying to the wrong
direction the whole time.
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			Right? They were praying to the wrong direction the whole time. And now they change directions. That
means all that salah they did is going to waste because the tip is actually here. So Allah azza wa
jal says, and Allah would not do that. Allah would not allow your iman to go to waste in our best
says Eman here in Salah. He's not gonna allow those solids to bake the muffins go to waste.
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			So look at Iman, or Salah being called the man to know its value. And a lot of Oracle Data is
elsewhere. Well, Lavina you know, Neville
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			and those that believe that really believe in the hereafter. You know, whatever they believe in, it
will hold solid to you, you have a rule and they safeguard their prayers. So it says if the ISA who
believes in the Hereafter, the one that admits believes with his heart that a song that it's true
and the one that makes Salah. So meaning if you say I don't believe in the hereafter, or if you
don't make Salah it says if you don't believe in the hereafter, and they're saying the meaning of
the INR
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			and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to us
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			that the difference between us and them is Salah, whomever leaves it has committed Cuf mean the
opposite of iman. So it's as if he's saying when you do make salah, that's your email. So Solid
equals email. That's number nine.
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			Number 10. Salah equals,
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			in a sense from hypocrisy from Neva.
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			Allah azza wa jal says in an muda filthy now you have their own Allah, wha hoo ha ha they are indeed
the hypocrites. They
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			deceive Allah meaning what? In their blind hearts they think he deceive Allah. Allah cannot be
deceived, Don't be tricked. They deceive Allah and He is the one that reality was deceiving them
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			will either come in or solid your karma Kusa and when they get up for Salah they get up lazily for
dragging heavy hearted, they don't want to they do so why did they do it, the AI continues and says,
You are our own and nuts. They're just showing off to the people and they don't remember Allah in
that Salah except very little.
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			So the monad if it was the person that doesn't make salah or makes it he doesn't want whereas the
person that gets up and he makes his Salah willingly, these of the signs of this person is innocent
from indifferent from hypocrisy.
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			And as soon as it's in MIDI from the eighth of Ellis, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
as the scholars mentioned a person to try to figure out a way to do this, I didn't say what this is
yet. I'm setting the stage for it, to do this at least once in his life, and he said some Allahu
alayhi wa sallam and sala de la whomever prays for Allah that's the first condition sincerely our
Marina element 40 days free Gemma in congregation meaning five times a day for 40 days in general
and congregation
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			you recruited bureaus alula in each of them is catching the first Allahu Akbar kuchibhotla houbara
attempt to in essences are written for him to certificates to guarantees are written for him.
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			Mara to Mina NIFA ova atomia. Now, innocence from hypocrisy and innocence from the fire. Whomever
prays for Allah 40 days in Gemma catching the first Allahu Akbar, he gets two guarantees a guarantee
from the fire and a guarantee from hypocrisy.
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			And in so I had to hurry and send me the old as well the Hadith Allah will say the country or the
alo to Allah and he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about the Day of
Judgment, he actually flew from buena unselfie, Yeoman Piazza that our Lord Our Master Subhana,
Allah will uncover his shin you know, the shin is in order to desert our ship anyway, is this right?
The Shin is just a symbol of the meaning of the word. Let's see what the machine is saying the shin
is a part of the leg. Right for us humans. The Shin of Allah is in a matter of fitting His Majesty
understood us. I'm just translating Shin because we will have no achiness right.
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			But the shin of Allah is in a manner befitting his Majesty Allah uncovers
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			his shift how it is only Allah knows that you're gonna be hearing like we can encompass a lot with
our knowledge right?
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			And then when he does that what happens? He said to Allah Who first Judo couldn't move minimum of
minimum, and every true man that has emerged a movement and every true woman that has emerged will
make sujood to Allah on the Day of Judgment. Wherever thought man can, yes Judo dunya area and Asuma
and there will remain mean extending, or all those that used to pray in this world, but just so
people would see them and hear about them. Forever had Leah stood, Pharaoh do
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			so he will go to make sujood but his back will be turned into a single plate meaning the vertebrae
in your back into a lock. You will not be able to make switches. These are the hypocrites as Allah
Allah says about them Azusa, Allah
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			yolmer, Yorkshire for uncertain were you the owner in a suju the alias of the role they will come
when the shin will be uncovered who Shin the Hadith clarifies that the shin of Allah will be
uncovered and they will be invited to make sujood on the day of judgment, and they will not be able
to her she I can ever saw him or her for whom villa. Their eyes will be downcast from disgrace and
humiliation. Why Walker they can Are you the owner in a suju. The welcome Salamone, because they
used to be invited to make sujood while they were still safe. So the person that got invited to the
June meeting in this dunya and continues to make follow up consistently, five prayers a day on time,
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			preferably in the masjid, according to the university, whoever does so to the best of his ability,
he gets innocence from hypocrisy. And from these punishments of hypocrisy rather Billa.
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			Number 11 times, like right here, there's dinner so I'm not gonna compete with us. This is, so
let's, this is so for
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			dinner for the
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			number 11. And I'll close with the child
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			is that the entire universe makes
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			the entire universe without exception, makes sure that there's only one very small exception. Some
of humanity doesn't, some of gem kindness, but everything created mix Allah.
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			Allah Azza diligences
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			I love Torah and Allah is to the level many visability women fill out. Don't you see that Allah He
is frustrated to buy all those in the skies. And all those in the earth was Shamsul former when new
job and even the sun and the moon and the stars when g Bell and the mountains were shattered and the
trees with the love and all those animals that crawl on the ground were cathedral minuteness and
many people not only will cathedral have colleague either
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			and many others the punishment has become a reality upon them. When you have any level family law,
human McCray and whomever Allah humiliates no one can honor them how while humiliating them out by
them not being of those that make Salah not of those that makes a Jew they're the exception to the
entire universe.
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			Allah Tabata, Kota Allah says, LM Tara and Allah you said the hula hoop Memphis summer what you
will? What title Soph coulomb for the Animus Aleta, who will this be?
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			Don't you see that Allah is glorified by all those in the heavens and all those in the earth and
even that bird spreading its wings, each one of them has known its own solid, it or each one knows
how to make solid.
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			They make solid all of them. The end the everything you know is actually you mentioned in this idea.
And he is known for speaking very well in the animal kingdom is literally he speaks and he says
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			that this is not hard to understand. Because we see that Allah has placed the guidance in the animal
kingdom that the wisest human beings can reach. Like what human being knows how to use his arms to
fly, right. And there's something that we know Yanni from the animal kingdom it's something that
increases your Eman even to reflect on it how Allah Akbar couldn't help from the header they gave
everything its form and then he guided it to its own survival to its own works. You know, the way he
mentioned in his book which fell on him, you know, certain things that
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			oh, how should I say this?
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			In the volume center, okay, so ask him where he saw that who saw it who
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			The authenticity none of my business I'm just going to mention them to you about the guidance and
the animal kingdom which is giving examples of how Allah guided certain creatures.
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			He mentioned that there was once a a container
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			filled with honey.
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			And you know, when there's honey on there's sugar when there's sweets, there's ants.
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			But the ants couldn't get inside the honey. Because of the way the container was shaped, they just
couldn't get inside. So the ants would crawl down the leg of this table or this bench and it would
go all the way to the wall and climb the wall and go across the roof and
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			and throw themselves in. Right bonds live right.
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			And you mentioned also that there was a that they it was witnessed that there was a CAGR of some
like grease or fat, right oil, a big cake, cake stuff for American beer cakes. Well that's what the
kegs are, was big barrels. That's the most easily imagined cake in America, unfortunately, but the
cake is that big barrel like a garbage can filled with oil or butter is and the mice would sneak in
at night to eat from it was the level of the oil went down to the mice or at the top now.
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			And they can't reach the oil anymore. And they can't jump in because they'll drown.
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			So they would run out and fill their mouth with water and come back to the top and spill the water
in the gig. Spit it there and then go get some more water and come back and spit it until the oil
rose oil rise in order to get to the bottom line and then they will drink from it.
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			And of course once you know what how the honeybee makes its honeycomb and how the the dolphins and
the whales in the sea with Bill echoes they speak to something amazing. So for them to know how to
make Salah is amazing at all right? As Allah azza wa jal says we're in minchie. In India, you said
this will be handy. Well I can let the Coronavirus be humble and there is nothing except that
celebrates his praises. Allah says once you simply don't understand their praises, you just can't
get it when it's everything and so from ramen, Allah Tamara dialysis when Nigel was sheduled your
student and even the SPAR and even the treat mix to do both of them.
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			And Allah Azza told us
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			that the angels declare and admits there of those that make Salah and they say we're eating slow
food and indeed we are those that rank ourselves. They make great to the next Salah and that's when
you look at the Prophet SAW Selim said to the Sahaba and at the zoo fauna Kemet are so full melodica
to in the rock behind
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			the team was awful oh well I think oh we'll have data loss soon ever soft. Won't you make your row
street the way the angels write themselves straight in front of their Lord? They filled the first
line first before the next thing until they are perfectly locked in their in their rows.
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			And the sooner it's in me the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in the aroma
that's how I see what you don't see. Allah is permitted for me to see things you can't see what I
smell smell at the smell. And I hear what you don't hear out of the summer. Well hope Kala and these
guys have grown and they have every right to grow. Because there is no place of forefingers except
that there is an angel there placing his forehead and so due to Allah subhanho wa taala.
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			And so the mannequin was Asana.
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			He said some Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			He says when he went to El Mirage, the night journey, he says follows the ideal way to learn more
than the beach on my moon, which is the cabin of the skies. So the cabin here is for the humans and
the jinn. And the gap above the skies called the beta mods for the angels. He said Ferroviaria was
erected me came into view I saw it. So I said, Oh Jabril What is this? He said this is a way to
move. You solidly V he could laomi Several Runa Alpha mela every single day 70,000 Angels make Salah
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			either hot or gentlemen who layer will do the LA he feel on that I leave when they walk out. They
never return to it for as long as they exist. I mean every single day 70,000 New angels make Hajj or
make Salah in a bit and
00:29:33 --> 00:29:47
			how long has that been happening? And for how long will that happen? And we think we human beings or
somebody, right? We think we're big in numbers or big in size or big and biceps or whatever. We
think we're bigger, right 70,000 Every single day.
00:29:50 --> 00:29:59
			Three Muralidhara within two minutes. The heightened Sahil Bukhari the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said let's say that your real family you realize and came down
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			And he led me in Salah because he was teaching him how to make Salah Salah on a
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			facade late tomorrow. So I made Salah with him. So masala through masala to NARA who through masala
masala to now and then I prayed with him and I prayed with him and I prayed with him and I prayed
with him and then I prayed with him meaning he led me in five careers in a row he showed me how to
perform the five prayers vegeto for us another Asia meeting so I can show you how to mix up properly
front of Allah subhana hoods
00:30:30 --> 00:30:31
			and in Bukhari and loosen
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			the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said either a man an imam for a minute when the Imam says I
mean you say me meaning after Fatiha
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			for 11 Min love mean to me and to me that he will feel Allah who might have had them in because
whoever saying I mean that statement of his coincides meaning it matches in this timing with the
mean of the Imam. His previous sins are forgiven.
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			So when the Imam says Amin say I mean because whomever's mean matches the mean of the angels he gets
forgiven. So if you switch it around that means what when the Imam says I mean the angels are saying
me. So you say the same time as the moment the angels we all make Salah together in the same way and
you will be forgiven for your sins in this manner. And finally, it is very important Hadith because
it shows up the idea of the masjid how we have to be in the masjid, especially in South of Juma and
slightly cloudy and also also the hijab lawyer. He said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam either Can I own
with Joomla I wanted his Joomla on his day a Friday.
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			Can I coolibah women have webbing Masjid manner
00:31:45 --> 00:31:58
			on every door of the WestJet The angels are standing there you the act to go in and out well have an
outward, writing down recording registering the first one and then the first one meeting after him
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			for either jettison Imam toes. And then when the Imam sits meaning where
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			meaning their surrounding when he sits once that happens, bottles, they close their books. I'm going
to close my book too. So you guys don't get scared. Okay, I'm done. Well, so hope we're gel as soon
as them your own avec. And they sit there listening to the reminder.
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			So even the angels can Juma and they listen to the Hotbox because the whole was part of the prayer.
Part of solving Juma is to listen to the victim before the salah itself. And the angels do that. And
you must do that. Meaning they sit there writing who's there early because you should be there
early. And once the Imam sits there hello. So you missed out. There's no more reward for coming
early. They're sitting down now listen to
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			so the entire universe makes Salah don't get caught dead being of those who doesn't. Who's the
exception? And people ask sometimes why they have a hard time in their life. The whole universe is
going in one direction and you're going against the tide. That's when you feel uncomfortable. That's
why you feel like your life is difficult. That's why you feel depressed and stressed out. You're
going against the tide of the universe. So the entire universe makes the whole and we'll stop there.
And we'll see how far Allah takes us for next month. Shall I just like a little later. And from
giving you the foundation, your brothers invited to the dinner and wanted me to remind you That's it
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			an evening of brotherhood and sisterhood and couscous. Don't miss out the Java does like a little
valence panic along with your hunting Shinto Leila. Her land is the full character with a solid
amount of Edom Hamadan, it was like a big marine handling that helped