Mohammad Elshinawy – Prophet Ibrahim & Breaking Our Inner Idols

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the concept of "the spirit of sh marriage" and how it can lead to evil behavior. They explain that sh marriage is a form of worship that is not recognized and can lead to dangerous behavior. The speakers also emphasize the importance of forgiveness and proper bowing in order to protect from evil behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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With the first

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days of Dhul Hijjah now being upon us,

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the days of the month of Hajj,

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we cannot

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the feet

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of the legacy of Ibrahim alayhi salam.

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in the Quran. Ibrahim alaihis salam

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is the only human being in Allah's greatest

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that our prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wasallam was told to follow in

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his footsteps.

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And for the ummah of the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam, we are told

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that the very best days of the year,

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where good deeds are more beloved to Allah,

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no matter how small these deeds are. More

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beloved to Allah than deeds done in any

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other time, meaning even Ramadan,

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are the days that are centered around the

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month of Hajj, meaning the month of the

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legacy of Ibrahim

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alayhi salam.

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says, And recall

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always, recurrently, keep recalling

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when your lord tested Ibrahim

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with many many instructions.

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They were challenges related to social challenges, his

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family relationship.

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They were financial challenges. They were actual physical

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And he passed all of these tests with

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flying colors.

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So as a result, the very next statement

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in the verse,

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I have set you up as a result

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of this. I have set you up for

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all of humanity as an imam, as a

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role model, as a leader to be modeled

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And you know it is not just the

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of Ibrahim alaihis salam that we should be

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but what they were generated by. They were

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empowered. They were generated

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by the purity of his sahid,

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of his recognition of Allah and his unique

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oneness subhanahu wa ta'ala. You know you can

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think even like what is the relevance

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of the legacy of Ibrahim alaihis salam now.

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People in pre modern times,

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ancient times used to worship idols. He destroyed

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the idols, tried to bring them to their

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senses. They tried to kill him and what

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is his relevance for us now?

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Well, he took on the world.

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And one of the signs,

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of us needing to revive the legacy of

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Ibrahim alaihis salam

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is our inability

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to sustain

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just the pressures of our little world, our

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individual lives.

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The unrealistic

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fear. Sometimes the paranoia we live in nowadays.

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You know, even when we speak about the

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example of

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standing up for justice,

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pushing back against the genocide happening in different

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parts of the world,

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people are prematurely

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afraid. Immediately

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assuming that any little bits

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of a stance

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will mean I'm getting cancelled, I'm getting fired,

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I'm getting arrested, I'm getting a criminal record

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automatically. Right?

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And look at the flip side also.

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The people that were courageous,

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more courageous than before in these last few

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a part of that was because we're all

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doing it together.

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Like there's unprecedented

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awareness, unprecedented

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but compare that with Ibrahim alaihis salam.

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He said to his wife Sarah one day,

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there is not a single believer on the

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face of the earth except me and you.

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It's me and you against the world.

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It's incredible to think that he took this

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alaihi salam.

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You know, even the Quran tells us that

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when they try to actually threaten him,

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very realistic fears,

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very real threats, and they acted on them.

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He would say to them, you're trying

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to make me afraid of your imaginary gods,

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these gods that you claim are gods,

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when you are not afraid

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of the almighty and your defiance to Him,

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and then he says,

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Which of the 2 parties is more entitled

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to security?

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Meaning if you think I'm afraid,

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there's no way I'm afraid if you're not

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That can't be the case.

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And then the very next ayah says,

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And likewise for every believer,

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those who actually believe

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and don't pollute their belief with wrongdoing,

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don't weaken their own faith.

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With wrongdoing,

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they are those that have the truest share,

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the biggest lot of security

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and being rightly guided.

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Because you know the others, when their faith

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weakens, this opens the door for shaitan

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to create in them unrealistic fears, imaginary fears.

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It is just shaitan, Allah said, that is

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causing you to be afraid of his allies,

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those aligned with him.

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Don't fall into that trap

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of fearing them

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and fear me. Allah says if you're actually

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a believer.

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And so the relevance of Ibrahim alaihis salam

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here and now, let us ask ourselves, what

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is our share of that

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Our lives are not on the line.

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We are simply told or assume we will

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be told or are worried about thoughts that

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are gonna float in some onlooker's mind

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because we're going to pray in public and

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so we won't. Or we're gonna say this

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or that or the third in public and

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so we don't. Or we're

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not going to have their approval if we

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dress this way and don't find the middle

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between our dress code and their liquid culture,

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and so we don't, right? Where is our

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share in saying, I am not here for

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your approval.

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I care not and I fear not if

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you don't accept me.

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You know there's another element to this brothers

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and sisters. This is not just thinking too

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highly of others when you become this way.

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There is also the element of an invisible

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Indulge me.

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The idol The inner idol within ourselves, you

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know, sometimes

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it is an inflated

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sense of self regard, self concern,

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self importance. Too much

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that I have to be accepted.

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I have to be approved of. I have

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to be comfortable.

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Who said you do? Right?

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That means nothing of inconvenience

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is deserved by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. That's

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what it means.

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And that's why Allah caution people against this.

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And he said,

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Have you seen the one

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that has accepted as his god, the ultimate

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objective. Right?

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Accepted as their god, their fancies, their vanities,

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their desires?

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Or the other ayah answered Ali Imran. Notice

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the link in this ayah. Allah says,

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There was a group Where was the downfall

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of this group? That they were too concerned

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about themselves,

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and so they began to suspect about Allah,

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inappropriate things like people used to suspect before

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So people's faith weakened to a point. Why

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is God asking for all of this?

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When all of this could be a fraction

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of a fraction of what he gave you

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and he deserves all of this anyway. Subhanahu

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wa ta'ala. And so it was their over

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concern about themselves

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that made them what? That made them suspect

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ugly things about Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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This is why brothers and sisters also,

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the greatest

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the greatest display

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of demolishing that inner idol is called what?

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It's called shahada. It's called martyrdom.

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Because You know like with Bilal radiAllahu an,

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ibn Mas'ud was explaining to the people how

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different Bilal was. In the early years of

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Islam when they were being persecuted for being

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Muslim, he was saying,

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As for Bilal, you wanna know why Bilal

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not only

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didn't take the

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the cop out or take sort of the

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easy route, even if it was permissible. Mind

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you, if if your life is on the

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line, you can pretend to sort of walk

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away from Islam so long as your faith

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is settled in your heart. But Bilal refused

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to even give them an inch.

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He would spite them and he would say,

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if I knew anything that would provoke them

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more than my statement,

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there's only one God, there's only one God,

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I would have said it. Why? Ibn Mas'ud

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says because Bilal

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considered himself

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for Allah. That's the idea.

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He didn't even have to do this much.

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And this also shows you the power, the

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legacy of Ibrahim alaihi salam. The power of

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the oneness of Allah, the exclusivity of Allah

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when it is fiery in your heart, when

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it is pure in your heart, look at

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the heroics it can create.

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More heroics

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that are even pass fail line necessary.

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Brothers and sisters, because I don't know if

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time will allow me to

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mention the 2 other examples, but let me

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There are also other forms of

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setting equals to Allah

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without realizing it, or sort of bowing to

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our own inner idol, or this sort of

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thing exists on many levels. And the prophet

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alaihis salatu wa sallam warned about it. And

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there's no time like Dhul Hijjah to remember

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He said that shirk, setting equals with Allah,

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crowding Allah's oneness and uniqueness and his exclusivity,

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right? His

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stand alone right, his distinguished right, he said,

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it will crawl up on my ummah.

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On my ummah. Meaning, this is not the

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type that will remove you from Islam. It

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happens within the ummah. It's a lesser form.

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It's a stepping stone.

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He said, we'll crawl up on my ummah

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like a black ant on a black rock

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in a dark night.

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Then he said He gives you an example

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of it. He said,

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The most subtle form of this is when

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you love someone

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because of some unfairness they committed

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that was convenient to you. Favoritism.

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Or for you to resent someone

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because of

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some fairness

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that was not in your favor. Right? Some

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inconvenient They stood against you to stand for

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justice. Right? They upset you

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because they took a fair stance.

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Or So, of the subtle forms of shirk

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is for you to hate to love someone

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because they were unfair but in your favor.

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Or for you to hate someone, didn't feel

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a certain way about someone

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because they were fair at your expense.

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And then he said

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in the same adid,

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What else does it mean to be upon

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this religion? To be upon the legacy of

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Ibrahim alaihi wa sallam. To be upon the

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religion of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam? What else

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is the deen? He said, except to love

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for Allah and to hate for Allah

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To accept that you are not the center

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of the universe, brothers and sisters. Which means

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what? Which means people don't have to bow

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down and I'm gonna use that term deliberately.

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To bow down to your opinions,

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your preferences.

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By the way, not even your opinions in

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Islam sometimes.

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You know, there is a great wisdom in

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why Allah

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made certain things in Islam crystal clear. Allah

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is 1 and Muhammad is final prophet and

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the Quran is his book, and wine and

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fornication are prohibited

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and being good to your parents and giving

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in charity are virtues. Those are constants, closed,

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But then there are aspects that Allah didn't

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forget when he left them open to some

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To test you, are you gonna stop yourself

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and say, wait a minute. This is open

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to interpretation.

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Let me stop acting like everyone is being

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arrogant and rebellious and hard headed and stubborn

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because they don't follow my opinion on these

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They're Allah left them that way by design

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for a supreme wisdom.

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Let alone our personal opinion. So you you

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stop yourself.

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Is it this category or is it that

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And if you hold everyone to your

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opinions when the matter is open to opinion,

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then you should suspect that there's an idol

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inside that you're trying to get everyone to

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bow to.

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This is an inflated sense of self. Right?

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And Ibrahim alaihis salam used to ask Allah

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a zawajal to protect him, to distance him,

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not just protect him from every idol. He

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would say,

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Oh Allah, protect me and protect

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my offspring

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from worshiping

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the idols.

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One of the lesser forms of idol worship

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is self worship. You are your own idol.

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Ibrahim used

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to say about this ayah,

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Who can ever feel secure?

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Who can ever guarantee?

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After Ibrahim alaihi wasalam was insecure, was worried

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about this component.

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And this is why the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wasalam said to the people,

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would you like for me to tell you

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that will get rid of all of these

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forms of shirk of setting equals to Allah

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rivals to god? He said it's for you

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to say and look this up and learn

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it after the Khutbah.

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Oh Allah,

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I seek your protection. Protect me from setting

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equals to you while I realize

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and forgive me for the times that I

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do it while I don't even realize.

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Brothers and sisters, the third and final

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point is that it is not just

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holding people to our opinions

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that could be a dangerous sign.

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It could be also

00:15:13 --> 00:15:15

us blurring the line

00:15:16 --> 00:15:20

between the goodness, the truth, the righteousness we

00:15:20 --> 00:15:21

are all seeking

00:15:22 --> 00:15:23

and ourselves.

00:15:23 --> 00:15:25

What do I mean by that?

00:15:26 --> 00:15:28

The early Muslims used to often say

00:15:29 --> 00:15:31

that the brokenness of the sinner

00:15:32 --> 00:15:35

is more beloved to Allah than the arrogance

00:15:35 --> 00:15:37

of the obedient person.

00:15:37 --> 00:15:40

You know a sinner, when he feels broken,

00:15:40 --> 00:15:43

regrets and brokenness because he sinned, that brings

00:15:43 --> 00:15:45

him closer to Allah, brings him back.

00:15:46 --> 00:15:49

And the obedient person meaning outwardly obedient, if

00:15:49 --> 00:15:50

he gets arrogant,

00:15:51 --> 00:15:53

that's the Iblis virus. Right? The virus of

00:15:53 --> 00:15:53


00:15:54 --> 00:15:56

If you start noticing yourself, you can start

00:15:56 --> 00:15:57

getting conceited, you get full of yourself,

00:15:58 --> 00:16:00

the the arrogance of the obedient

00:16:01 --> 00:16:02

doesn't bring them closer to It brings them

00:16:02 --> 00:16:05

farther than Allah because then the arrogance becomes

00:16:05 --> 00:16:07

a greater sin than them all.

00:16:08 --> 00:16:10

This is the idea. And so none of

00:16:10 --> 00:16:11

us are at the top of the mountain.

00:16:11 --> 00:16:13

We're all pointing to the top of the

00:16:13 --> 00:16:16

mountain. And just because you are right now

00:16:16 --> 00:16:19

apparently a little bit ahead, that doesn't guarantee

00:16:19 --> 00:16:22

anything. You can actually tumble down faster. Acceleration

00:16:22 --> 00:16:25

due to gravity. Right? It's This is what

00:16:25 --> 00:16:26

happened with shaitan.

00:16:27 --> 00:16:28

And then you go to the story of

00:16:28 --> 00:16:30

Ibrahim alaihis salam and it is mind blowing.

00:16:31 --> 00:16:33

How he was able to never lose sight

00:16:33 --> 00:16:35

of this from the purity of his heart.

00:16:36 --> 00:16:38

Go to Surat Mariam. You find him talking

00:16:38 --> 00:16:41

to his father who's committing the greatest crime

00:16:41 --> 00:16:43

ever, worshiping an idol that he carved out

00:16:43 --> 00:16:45

with his own hands just to appease the

00:16:45 --> 00:16:46

rest of the tribe. What does he say

00:16:46 --> 00:16:48

to him? He says, You Abedi.

00:16:48 --> 00:16:51

My He doesn't say, Hey you or like

00:16:51 --> 00:16:52

call him Even use him by his first

00:16:52 --> 00:16:54

name. You should never call your parents by

00:16:54 --> 00:16:55

their first name

00:16:55 --> 00:16:58

even if they're mushrik. Right? He says, Oh

00:16:58 --> 00:17:00

my dear father. Not even ebi, my father.

00:17:00 --> 00:17:03

Ebti, my dear respected father.

00:17:03 --> 00:17:04

Then he says,

00:17:05 --> 00:17:07

Why are you worshiping? He doesn't say don't

00:17:07 --> 00:17:10

worship. He even understands, I'm not my dad's

00:17:10 --> 00:17:12

dad. I understand it's very hard for my

00:17:12 --> 00:17:14

dad to accept advice from his son.

00:17:14 --> 00:17:17

Look look at why are you worshiping.

00:17:21 --> 00:17:24

Something that cannot hear you and cannot

00:17:24 --> 00:17:26

see you and cannot benefit you in the

00:17:26 --> 00:17:27


00:17:29 --> 00:17:32

Oh my dear respected father, I am afraid.

00:17:33 --> 00:17:34

This is purely out of concern.

00:17:35 --> 00:17:36

I am afraid

00:17:39 --> 00:17:41

that you be touched because even being touched

00:17:42 --> 00:17:45

is unbearable. Being touched by the punishment of

00:17:45 --> 00:17:46

Ar Rahman,

00:17:46 --> 00:17:49

the most merciful. Oh my father, if you

00:17:49 --> 00:17:51

can't find room in the mercy of the

00:17:51 --> 00:17:53

most merciful, who's gonna have mercy on you?

00:17:53 --> 00:17:53


00:17:54 --> 00:17:56

I'm afraid for you. Then what does his

00:17:56 --> 00:17:58

father do? His father says to him, not

00:17:58 --> 00:18:00

just I disown you, you're not my son

00:18:00 --> 00:18:02

anymore. He says to him, I'm gonna execute

00:18:02 --> 00:18:03

you myself.

00:18:04 --> 00:18:06

I'm gonna be the one to stone you

00:18:06 --> 00:18:06

to death.

00:18:07 --> 00:18:09

So what does he say? He says,

00:18:11 --> 00:18:12

I will seek forgiveness

00:18:13 --> 00:18:15

from my lord for you.

00:18:16 --> 00:18:18

And then, you know, I will close here

00:18:18 --> 00:18:19

brothers and sisters, but you know you go

00:18:19 --> 00:18:20

to Surah al Shura,

00:18:21 --> 00:18:22

you find the same

00:18:23 --> 00:18:26

precision and purity in Ibrahim alaihis salam.

00:18:27 --> 00:18:28

That when he did

00:18:29 --> 00:18:30

fulfill his promise

00:18:31 --> 00:18:33

and seek forgiveness for his father,

00:18:34 --> 00:18:36

And Allah said to him, it's a non

00:18:36 --> 00:18:38

negotiable. Case closed. He used up his chances.

00:18:39 --> 00:18:41

You know what he also said? After

00:18:42 --> 00:18:45

and forgive my father, he also said in

00:18:45 --> 00:18:46

the same dua,

00:18:49 --> 00:18:52

and don't humiliate me either on the day

00:18:52 --> 00:18:53

that you resurrect everyone.

00:18:56 --> 00:18:59

On the day that no wealth nor children

00:18:59 --> 00:19:00

will benefit anyone.

00:19:03 --> 00:19:04

Except for the one who

00:19:05 --> 00:19:07

comes to Allah with a pure heart.

00:19:07 --> 00:19:09

Pure of the major shirk, pure of the

00:19:09 --> 00:19:11

minor shirk. Right?

00:19:11 --> 00:19:13

Pure of it all. And he was certainly

00:19:13 --> 00:19:15

pure of it all and that is his

00:19:15 --> 00:19:17

relevance, his timeless relevance

00:19:17 --> 00:19:19

in Dhul Hijjah and beyond. We ask Allah

00:19:19 --> 00:19:21

subhanahu wa by his most beautiful names and

00:19:21 --> 00:19:24

lofty attributes to protect us from every evil,

00:19:24 --> 00:19:25

the outward and the inward.

00:19:26 --> 00:19:28

And we ask Allah azza wa jal to

00:19:28 --> 00:19:29

protect us from their dangerous

00:19:30 --> 00:19:32

consequences. We ask Allah to give us the

00:19:32 --> 00:19:34

ability to stand in front of the world

00:19:34 --> 00:19:35

if we must

00:19:35 --> 00:19:38

by teaching us how to properly bow in

00:19:38 --> 00:19:39

front of him.

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