Mohammad Elshinawy – My Son, Push Back against Evil

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary ©
The importance of promoting good and evil in the world is discussed, with emphasis on pushing back against evil and acknowledging the need to address it. The importance of being flexible and not accepting evil behavior is emphasized, as well as the need to be patient and gentle in dealing with people. The importance of knowing the consequences of evil and avoiding negative social media is also emphasized. The need for patientity and gentle behavior is emphasized, along with the importance of avoiding evil and the need for patientity in dealing with people.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah, Allah and Madonna scurrying over he want to stop Pharaoh. When are all the villa elementary and fusina was the earth era Marina Maria de la la la mobila woman Yulin follow her de la lucha de la ilaha illAllah hola Sheree. Kela hoshana Mohammed Abu whenever you who are solo yeah you hola Nina America por la porta potti well as mo tuna 11 Tomas de mon yeah Johan de Souza hora de como la de la coming up Seema holla caminhada webasto mean humare jaw line Kathy around manisa de la la de Tessa Luna V will or ham in aloha Karen la cumbre Eva.

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Yeah, you hola Vina De La Hoya kulu Colin de de de la la cama como la cama de novo, la hora Sula, who for the first 1000 of Lima

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after praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and asserting that none can praise Him, and thus he has began his book by praising himself

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and after invoking Allah to send his finest Peace and blessings upon His messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And after seeking refuge in protection with Allah from the whispers within myself and yours, and from the consequences of my evil deeds in yours, and after reminding myself and you with the death of Allah, the consciousness and do the fullness that is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala of us at all places in all times. We welcome our brothers and sisters to the house of a large village with another hauteville continuing in the advice of Luqman from the Allahu taala anhu.

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And we began last week in or discussion surrounding the verse yagoona, Yaki masala, ruffian Han and monka

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Oh, our Oh, my dear son, establish the prayer correctly, and promotes the good

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and forbid the evil. And we spoke about the importance and the channels to promoting good last week. And the proportion of promoting good versus forbidding evil and the believer should have to be balanced and effective, they should be building more of the good that is absent,

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then they are destroying or pushing back or fighting against the evil that is present.

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But today, we have to complement the discussion or the focus on promoting the good with the necessity of even if on a lesser level, pushing back against the evil, preventing the evil removing the evil challenging the evil.

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When the evil is present, it needs to be pushed back again, it needs to be objected to

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because there is a part and parcel of the remedy that Allah has legislated and shown us must be implemented with his creation. That's just the nature of our world.

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And so being different when the world has unified or the world has agreed upon falsehood upon evil is necessary for the believer.

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Many people nowadays put up with a lot just for the sake of being different.

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Islam says you need to put up with a certain degree of inconvenient to make a difference. That inconvenience will usually come when you push back against the status quo, push back against certain things that have become normalized that should not be normalized.

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That which the Shetty are defined as evil.

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And so if we don't do that, what will the world look like?

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Evil will become more firmly rooted with every brand new day. And then it becomes more and more complicated when someone comes to promote the good and evil has not been challenged in a very long time. The good becomes just so alien to people so far into the world, that they're not willing to consider it.

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It's too much of a leap. And so they must remain feeling conflicted, uneasy with evil, see something wrong with evil, so that they may look for the alternative that is good. Even though the alternative is the strongest factor. challenging the evil is an important factor. That's the whole idea.

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And so it is almost like even for the people of good by the way who have already adopted the good in theory, the way that they never become prone to letting go of the good for the evil. It is almost like the immune system this this unit this mechanism of promoting good and forbidding evil is

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Like the immune system of the body, it makes sure the body is not infiltrated by toxins or illness or disease or ugly element. Or even maybe a better example than the immune system. It is like the nervous system, the nerves that tell you something is wrong here, look around, wake up, don't fall asleep. This is dangerous.

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That is why maimunah manhandle him a whole lot. He took this example further. In his analogy, when he said Mr. Luna, Dr. Rajan, you see goofy Salafi fella and hair who can lead the urinal in 10 haishu, who here to follow up

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the example of a person who sees his brother or sister who sees another person praying, wrong, praying, improperly praying in a way that is evil. It's just unacceptable. It's not good. It's not defined in a way that would be acceptable in the sight of Allah as Allah defined it. And they don't stop them from doing it. They don't push back against this. They don't advise them prohibit them denounce object disapprove, get in the way of them continuing to do this for a lifetime. And they don't stop them, he said, is like the example of a men who sees someone being attacked by a snake. The snake is about to stick its fangs inside this man's body in his flesh. And he doesn't wake him

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up. He doesn't warn him. And so the nervous system in our body is like that. It's the warning signal. The sirens go off quickly, your something hurts here. Because if you don't look here, and realize there's fire here, your whole body is going to be compromised, right your entire body can go. So it is the trigger. It is the warning it is the siren that gets you on edge that I need to fix something I need to protect myself I need to adapt.

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And so Allah is the agenda wanted for us to be that for ourselves and for each other, or else we will all pay the price. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when a people see an evil, and they don't work towards changing it, you should do on your own Muhammad Allah who very soon Allah will blanket a punishment against them all, because they are responsible for each other on some level. And so it's a duty on every single believer to push back as best one can against the evil that they see present. As best one can we will come back to but just understand that it's a duty, it's not something that is just for the scholars, they must point these things

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out. And it's not just for the righteous either. If someone says How can I object to evil when I do evil, how can I, the scholar said, these are two separate duties, you resisting Evil Within your life, and you resisting pushing back against evil and other people's lives to separate duties. Just because you're neglecting one duty doesn't mean you should neglect both. To the degree that they give an example they say if a person smokes, and is committing that evil and that transgression against their body, which are lying trust to them with and they see someone smoking, they see someone smoking, they are still obligated to tell them you shouldn't be smoking, even if they're

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smoking. Of course, they will not listen very much. It's true, they will not listen, because you sound hypocritical doing this. That's one of the ways that you effect good you facilitate good is by you being a living example of good, but the idea here is that it's still an obligation. It's not because oh, I'm not righteous, or Hey, you're not so righteous. So you can't be doing this. No, all of us even if we're not that knowledgeable, even if we're not that righteous, on some level, we have to push back against corruption. We have to push back against evil and we have to promote good.

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How do we do that?

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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taught us to be very calculated when we do it. And so we're going to give mostly how absolutely we're going to give advice. Absolutely. It's important that advice be gentle and everything Yes, but we're still going to have to give it how do we give it now? For our own sake and the sake of the greater society? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam said, Hey, that was the eight or the 11 Oh, man. I mean, come on, Karen.

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How eloquent our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was he said, Whoever have you, sees an evil sees an evil. Let them change it there it is necessary that they work to change it. Whomever view sees an evil that's very calculated, the problems are found enough to speak randomly. He did not speak mindlessly. One of the ways that you can actually create more evil in society or in your surroundings is when you're focused on evil and you go look for it. Sometimes there's an evil, and we actually put a spotlight on it. We focus on it. That's why we said when it presents itself, when it arises, it becomes apparent. It's in front of them. I'm not going spying and I'm not making a

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bigger deal out of something that only a few people are doing and not to fight these doing, or else you're actually feeding in. Whoever of you sees an evil that they must work towards changing it.

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He said we

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their hand be odd. If they cannot, then with their tongue, they must at least say something.

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If they cannot, then with their heart

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and there is no faith after that, there is a, there is not a speck sweet of faith in their heart after that, that is the weakest representation or indication of you having emotion.

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So, that part is a duty on everybody, everybody is obligated to push back against evil internally. Because there's no such thing as you cannot push back internally. You have to say this is wrong, I will remain conflicted about this, I will not like this, I will not accept this. I refuse to get comfortable with this. You have to do that. And if you can do more towards changing it towards objecting to it towards pushing back then you must do more.

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That's the idea of the heavy it's not just like hand tongue hard. There's also read between the line maybe I can't speak out against it, but I can show an expression that shows disapproval I can do that. Sometimes. Sometimes you can sometimes you can.

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It is mentioned my Malika Medina Rahim Allah. He says, This is not the authentically traceable howdy to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but it was something that was circulated and passed down from previous nations that may have some truth to it and has a great deal of substantiation in other areas in a Hadith, multimedia analysis. There used to be a town that became entirely corrupt, saved for one man who closed his door on them, refuse to advise them. And so when Allah sent his punishment for that town,

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they said, Oh Allah, there is one person in that town who is righteous.

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He said, begin with that home for a net who let me attack Marwa, Julie mehari Miyama because his face did not frown that I was being violated. Not once in his life. He just mind my business, none of my business, all I have to worry about is myself.

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And this is almost never acceptable, except in very rare circumstances, that you're protecting society from yourself by isolating yourself from them. When you feel you're going to make things worse. But if the righteous separate themselves from society just haphazardly or just

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without giving this new calculation, you could be making society worse, because you're removing the conflict, there has to be a conflict, people have to still see that as something wrong with this, even if it's by your presence, By comparison, that has to be there. And so he said, begin with that home, change it, you must change it, if you see it with your head. If not, then with your tongue. If you cannot bend with your tongue, if you cannot bend with your heart, let's come to the point now because many people think about this really was where most of the problems happen. What does it mean, if you cannot change the evil?

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With your hands or your tongue? Well, maybe you're not authorized to do that. Right? Islam did not legislate us to be a lawless people, right, I'm just the people of chaos where people take the law into their own hands.

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There are certain things like stopping certain crimes or investigating and penalizing people for certain evil that you cannot do unless you have the ability or the established government. Basically, you have the ability to make sure it will not turn into a mess.

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And people will take things into their own hands and backlash against you. That's one of the ways that it would not be possible because you're not authorized to do this. You don't have like the executive arm to execute without backlash. And so in that case, fine.

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But usually, usually,

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what will apply a lot more to us is that when we want to, there are times that will apply to us when we can change evil by our hands. I mean, if our child is doing something wrong, and we can pull that wrong out of their hand, literally physically, that's usually an improvement to the situation. But when it comes to speaking, and when it comes to hating things with our heart and leaving the gathering, or frowning, or at least hating it within until I get a chance to do more.

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The idea here is a lot told you push back against evil I think about this because we don't do the one of the biggest harms we do to the project of increasing good and lessening evil is it's one of the very calculated about it. Like people that like to object, they hear these ideas in our heads and say yes, see, we have to stick it to people, we have to tell them what they're doing wrong. And don't fear anyone for the sake of Allah or something to this effect.

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And so, sometimes we are not situated correctly situated correctly to be able to address this evil.

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And this is the importance to be honest of referring back to our scholars.

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Because Allah legislated he taught us to push back against evil, why? to lessen the evil. So if you the way you try to lessen the evil will increase the evil. Sometimes people aren't gonna calculate

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things you have to know what the dean is about what the dean prioritizes, sometimes you can do things that have an adverse effect. In that case, it would not just be okay for you to ignore the evil, it would be tragic, it would be fraud on you to just let it go. Because you're not preventing evil here, you'd be increasing the evil. And so that defeats the whole purpose.

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So for example, some people we see some people,

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they demand of people that want to convert to Islam to agree with all of the commands of Islam, and rejecting and abandoning all of the the prohibitions of Islam. The prophet SAW, Allah didn't do this. He didn't do this.

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He allowed people to enter Islam on the condition that they would only make two prayers a day. Why?

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Because the shidduch, there upon getting rid of that evil is a far greater benefit than getting them to pray five times a day, let them enter the door first, and he said, they will eventually pray.

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There is something we should always keep in mind with converts when a convert comes, for example, into the faith without stipulation, and then they discover things that are too difficult for them, you are not obligated to pinpoint for them all of the things they need to change for the better in their life. When someone first comes to the masjid, and you're not even sure at what level they're at yet, you're not obligated, don't feel guilty, you're not obligated to push back against the evil because you're not situated yet to be able to calculate that what I'm telling them to do is gonna bring about more benefits than harm.

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It's a big, it's a big deal. It's like medicine, you have to understand their their case, what they're allergic to what their medical history looks like all of this, to be able to apply the right medicine, shekel Islam in the same era. Holla is the same shape that Islam who took up arms against the Mongols keep this in mind, he went to war against the Mongol invaders. But when they became in charge of certain parts of Muslim land, and they would drink alcohol in the streets in the Tamia, Rahim Allah and His people, his group, they were authorized by the government, almost like a morality police, though that word is scary for people in secular times. But they were people that

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went around advising with good promoting good and forbidding evil, and they had the backing of the government. They were policed, basically. So but when the Mongols came in,

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they were very ruthless with the Muslims. Such damage they did to this oma, they were invading force. And so if the team is some of the people that are not as farsighted would tell him, what's wrong with you? Why do you let them drink? They claim to become Muslim, the Mongol so why do you let them drink alcohol in the streets? They're saying they're Muslim, they should not be allowed to drink alcohol. And even if they weren't Muslim, they shouldn't be drinking in the street.

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He said to them, leave them you're not allowed to tell them don't drink alcohol in the street. Because these people, this group of people, when they are sober, they kill Muslims.

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And so do you want them to sober up? Or do you want them busy with their intoxication? Let them be busy, let them be distracted from the bloodshed they cause. Because the life the sanctity of life is greater a greater priority in our city as in the sanctity of the public sphere in terms of drinking alcohol. And so this type of calculation is very important. You think that the province often think when he was in Mecca in the beginning, the greatest evil was in front of him? The idols around the Kava 360 idols around the Capitol, what did he do? Allah told him well as a super Latina as their own, I mean, dooney life I

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don't curse the idols that they worship instead of Allah so that they don't retaliate by cursing Allah without knowledge, right.

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But then in another scenario,

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years later the prophet SAW film enters Mecca as as the conqueror. He becomes the authority in Mecca. He did not curse the idol. What did he do? He broke them with his own two hands and he still autostrada, he took the idols and he destroyed them a completely different scenario. And then at the same time, that he destroys those idols because he knows it will not create a bigger evil do not become chaos, it will not become a civil war. He is the uncontested ruler now. He also understood that there are certain things he would not be able to do, even though he was in charge. It's very important to be calculated. What am I situated to do? What didn't he do? He said, I shall do lawanna

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one day she came through sadalsuud Allah Why is the door of the cabasse Oh, hi.

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Bukhari he said, Your people flourish, they lifted the door of the Kaaba basically to the you manually put a staircase and remove a staircase. They lifted the door of the Kaaba leave the illumined share Roman show, so they get to decide who gets sent to the cabin who doesn't get to enter the cabin.

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He says, Well, I will and komaki has asked me cofrin led them to beta was Allah to Allah Khawaja him worth not for the fact that your people Quraysh were very recently this believers

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I would have tore down the Kava and reconstructed it the way that Ibraheem alehissalaam is constructed the original blueprint, the original Foundation, it was rectangular, not a square, it was the very the floor, the door was at the floor, I would have done but I know even though I'm the ruler, and even though they're not just accepting my legal authority, they're saying they're Muslim, they're accepting my religious authority. I know I don't have that kind of authority in their heart or some of their hearts just yet he man has not entered yet into their hearts deep enough for them to handle

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such a drastic take of action like that. So the calculate these things is extremely important. And we must do that. The idea is after we calculate now we're going to take from the scholars advice on how to do this. But some things will not require advice from the scholar like you know, for sure certain things are wrong and there's not going to be a bigger backlash on stopping this.

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Once you're at that point, then we say Have mercy on humanity and prevent the evil. Get rid of this mind your own business mentality. Allah says if you want my mercy Have mercy on the world. That's not just by being nice and gentle with the world. It's also by ridding the world of the diseases of evil. You have to be a force against evil have some sort of effective influence against the evil push back against it some way?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Well, me No, no and we know the believing men and women. Babu Malia Obama, they are supporters of each other yet morona Wilma rufio and Helena al Mancha, they command the good promote the good forbid the evil, establish the prayer pays the cat obey Allah and His messenger. Then he says what? Ooh, la casa Hama, Hama, LA. These are the people that are lol Have mercy on so long as your life is not on the line. So even if it's going to be a little bit of an inconvenience, don't withhold the truth. Don't withhold identifying from people, the dangers and pitfalls that could be so costly for them. And that's why local man said Oh, my son command God

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forbid evil and be patient. Don't you dare consider some inconveniences to be an excuse for you not to do this. Be patient from what will happen, the pushback that will occur a whole call it has stopped for a while the money will come

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Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam Ala Moana Viva La Ilaha Illa bajo la sharika Donna Mohammedan Abba who want to be your solo,

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though a deep amount of knowledge

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is required for you to be able to calculate the way the prophet SAW fell and taught us to calculate how to forbid evil.

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There are certain

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general guidelines that we can all benefit from before this whole was over that you can use as like a checklist for yourself when dealing with things

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that you may consider evil.

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Knowledge before the fact before you act you need to know.

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And then gentleness during your EQ. In general, this is the default exceptions should never become the rule the norm is gentleness during the fact. And thirdly, patience after the fact.

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Patience after the fact that you go about pushing against this evil. So knowledge before the fact is a big subject that we alluded to in the first half of the book, you need to know is this really an evil or not? Or is this just my taste? Or is this something some scholar said is evil, but other scholars had an interpretation a legitimate interpretation and therefore you're not allowed to object? You don't have they can't impose their opinion on you. But you can't impose it on them and just back down. Don't be arrogant. Don't be forceful, something like this. The scholars all agree that no we said that the issues of he had like scholarly discretion, you know, scholarly reasoning

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that encounter fee that falls outside of the realm of denouncing evil you can't do that. You need to know for sure it's an evil and then know also the situation at hand. So knowledge beforehand, what are the pros and cons of this in light of the Sharia and light of the situation?

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The second thing is to be gentle. Human beings are like seat belts. They say, you know, you * they don't come, you got to just walk them to it slowly.

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The you know, the famous story whether it's authentic or not is irrelevant. It is a beautiful lesson and very likely could have happened because these were the grandchildren of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who learned that his hands this art, art of minimizing evil maximizing good, it was said that they saw an elderly man, an elderly man making will do an improper way. And so you can't tell someone older than you. They're not going to accept it very much. And so they said, let's do it this way. Oh, our Father, dear elder senior. Can you please tell us who is making will do the right way or debating who makes it will do better. And so it hasn't already allowed to Allah Allahu alayhi

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salam makes hoodoo perfectly like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying hello to Allah, Allahu Allah. So that makes will do exactly like the Prophet of Allah. To the point the guy, of course, can't tell the difference. And even if he could tell a difference, he's not in a place to be an arbiter here. But the point guards across, they said, So who's right?

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He said to them, Allah, you're the ones who talked to me just now I haven't been making mobile right my entire life.

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But gentleness in your timing in your tone, in your wording, this is all an act of worship, because this is what's gonna get them there. This is what's going to maximize benefits or add to the likelihood that it will benefit this objection of yours. And then forget about the who you need to be patient after the fact. Things don't just happen overnight. With most human beings, we're just not like that.

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And so, the idea of this whole concept so I can bring it all together, if I can, in this whole book, is that

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this is an institution that is indispensable in our Deen, we have to be willing to inconvenience ourselves with objecting to evil,

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when there is a greater benefit in objecting to evil.

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And we should not give too much consideration not when your life is on the line fine, but too much consideration to the social inconvenience that happens when we give some tough love some like bitter truth to each other. We have to, we have to get over that. Otherwise, it's humiliating humiliating for you just to see what the crowd is doing and just not inconvenience yourself. You just go with the crowd.

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You know, the issue of and I don't want to get into the issue of Halloween, Halloween has now become something that is beyond.

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It has become just a party culture that has become so disgusting. Even if you don't think it's wrong for religious reasons and historical roots, and which are very justifiable for someone to say this. This is this is a pagan religion. This comes from Satanism originally, someone's gonna come back and say but not anymore. But look at how it's practice like is anyone thinking when we allow each other to take this? Why? Why? Because the whole world is doing it. There was like an article going all over the internet yesterday about some celebrity who spent 10 hours dressing herself like the adults are doing it now. It's become an adult culture, costuming and just in the amount of money that is

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spent and the concept of asking people for things. Give me Give me candy, give me food, knocking on doors, as if you're someone that is destitute or something so many things wrong that are not objective to know we should challenge these things a little bit. Tell our children No, we don't do that stuff. It is not good to ask people. It is not good for us to imitate Charlene. It is not good for us to do these things

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of the lightness debate around the 11. And I'll end with this of the lesson is available the ultimate guide on who

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when he was a child during the collapse of the law, he was still fairly young. He was the very first person to be born in Medina. So he was a young adult or a teenager.

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Born in Medina after the hegira when Oman was passed on model was size and reputation. Everything was very intimidating. So all the kids that were playing in the street was run, and he didn't move.

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And so he said to him, why didn't you run like the rest of the kids? He said to him, Well, I didn't do anything wrong. And the road is not tight. You don't need room to move. And I didn't do anything wrong to be afraid. So why would I run? Why would I do what everyone else is doing that is humiliating, humiliating in this dunya to be part of the herd? That is what the dean is saying, I will object not just for the sake of objecting object when there is justification to object for my own self respect, and for the world. It is humiliating is damaging to the world and humiliating to me. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it will even be humiliating to us on the Day of

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Judgment. You always remember to tidy it when he said to us learn how to communicate and let no one of you humiliate himself. They said how does someone humiliate themselves? He said

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Yara Imran de la de la huffy him appalled to Malaya poofy. He sees something that he owes it to Allah in light of the calculation we said but owes it to Allah to say something it doesn't say it. And so Allah brings him on the agenda says Why didn't you say it?

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He says my competence I was afraid of the people.

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I was afraid what they're gonna say about me basically, I was afraid of the people.

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Allah for Allah Allahu Allah azza wa jal for in me going to a half quantum show. I had all the more right to be feared by you than them.

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And so may we never humiliate ourselves by being part of the hurt. May Allah help us push back against evil and feel dignified and honored to have the truth. And may Allah help us enhance the human experience? I love them I mean, a lot of masculine or feminine walima and found on lm Tana Jalla Milka Amina Allah Dudek, alpha Minnelli who do the carabiner and Marina will maroof Hina and mooncup Selena has the nav. Allahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma salli ala Moana muslimeen was in La Jolla matamata Deen was shimmer bonamassa muslimeen or Hamilton alto? muslimeen Allah Medina was Divina eliminator robiola. dinero Bana habla nahmanides wodgina was curious enough kurata jonelle

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mucho Pina mama Oh la la Casa La vaca Vienna, Mohammed Salim

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