Mohammad Elshinawy – Lessons From the Life of Imam Bukhari
![Mohammad Elshinawy](
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The speakers discuss the importance of loving Islam and staying true to one's spiritual teachings to build talent and knowledge early. They stress the need for affirmations and affirmations to one's spirituality, as well as the importance of early learning for children and the importance of acceptance and humility in achieving love for one's partner. The segment also touches on the history of the title of Islam, including its complex title and sources of pride and confusion.
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begin the name of Allah All Praise and Glory be to Allah amaze, find his peace and blessings be upon His messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his family in his companions and all those who tried his path.
We welcome everyone back
to what will be in sha Allah a series of talks regarding some of the great scholars of Islam that will be spaced out throughout the summer in sha Allah to Allah. And the importance of these talks is because it is actually a part of our faith, as I leave Nebuta level Radi Allahu Anhu said huggable early me Dino knew Dan will be that loving the scholars of course you need to know them to love them right but loving the scholars is an aspect of the religion with which or through which we show devotion to Allah subhanaw taala
and that is because
we, as people who love God should should love the idea of God those close to God. And as it has been reported from so many of the early Muslims I wanted and Abdullah and disease some attributed to a honey for Imam Allah as well.
They say that if the scholars are not the Elia of Allah, then there's no such thing as a li that nobody's close to God right? If those carrying the knowledge that he disclosed to his prophets are not the idea of Allah and who are the idea of Allah and loving them actually makes up for where we fall short in our actions. Because when MnSOD Allah Han reported that the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam was asked about people that we love, but we can't perform the likes of their deeds. He said Salah Alejo, Salam al Omar Omar Ahmed, I have a person who will be with those that he loves. And so that's your job to be a scholar. If you can't then be a student. If you can't, then
love them. And if you can't, then don't hate them get out of their way. If you don't do this, you will destroy your deen and also you will be guilty in front of Allah of impeding the building and the rebuilding of the ummah. Even when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to us that inevitably, scholars will die off when Allah removes knowledge, he removes it by the death of scholars, he said it then they are replaced with people that are fools, foolish leaders. And so they are asked, they are assumed to be scholars. So they're asked, and then without knowledge, they respond. And so they go astray by responding without qualification, and they lead others astray. So
when does the whole OMA go astray? With the death of the scholars and the rise of the imposters? Why scholars die because they're human? Yes, but if they're not valued, and so the baton is not passed carefully. That is when we all become complicit, basically, in the OMA not restoring and replenishing it's righteous scholarship.
And so we will walk through some of these biographies of some of the greatest scholars in the history of the OMA beginning with Al Bukhari Rahim Allah in particular. Al Bukhari is an easy one, right? He's low hanging fruit, as they say, because this is a personality, whose distinct virtue as a human being, and who's distinct league of his own mastery of the sciences was something almost never contested. And even his book, you know, the scholars as evidence Allah Subhana Allah says, the scholars generally or unanimously depending on who you ask, they agree that the Sahil collection of Al Bukhari he had many books and compilation ins, but also here available carry a cycle jammer his
most authentic collection, that compilation they agree is the most authentic book after the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala that you know, primary legacy he left
and if we're going to just identify though, there are many and we should all reflect on our own and read between the lines but seven major lessons you know, we should be inspired to ask ourselves even if we're not going to be able Buhari what can I contribute in the form of a legacy to this Oma? What is like a work of excellence that I can do my level best and leave behind the way he did? Because if you we had the time to read about how he compiled the book it you know, it was a word like one of his teachers is how come that oh yeah, Rahim Allah. He sat there once, and they had a different methodology prior for the most part on how to collect the Hadith. What is the best Hadith for each
subject? Basically, what's the best of what's available? And that sort of thing? And then as half Rahim, Allah said, if only one person were to dedicate himself to the most authentic hadith bar none filter it out. cream of the cream of the crop
Have a hadith so people can know what the days of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam were like and what were beyond the shadow of a doubt His true examples is true soon. And so he just heard that If only someone would from his half, and he embarks on a 16 year journey. That's the dedication he embarked on. And some say he would pray to rock as before adding any Hadith to the collection. After traveling once sometimes for the Hadith, or for corroborating them or for verifying them for one Hadith, he still prays to like us, and He would
then and only then include the Hadith and slide collection. And you know, Mohammed bin Hatillo rock was basically his lifelong student and his scribe, and he used to say that he would wake up in the middle of the night a lot. And when something would come to mind, like a lightbulb moment, and he would write it down before going back to sleep, but you know, he's not like pulling his phone out from under his pillow and taking out the notes and just writing something he said he would wake up like the lantern, you know, get the ink pot write this point of benefit down so it doesn't evaporate and then make will do because the Sunnah is to go to sleep upon the window and then go back to
sleep. He said in some times, he would do this 20 times in a single night, relentless dedication for years, he would do this tirelessly. And he said, When I this is the scribe, some of them had to, when I would grow tired of writing after him, he would try to lift my spirits with a couplet of poetry in which he would say, Hello, Hadith he whom, hello, NaVi, were in Amiens, Habu NAFSA. Who and faster who saw able, that the people of Hadith what we're trying to be these collectors of Hadith for the OMA, the people of Hadith are the people closest to the Prophet, because even if they did not accompany NAFSA, who His person and faster who saw Hebrew, they accompanied his every
breath. They didn't accompany the neffs of the Prophet, his individual self, but they accompanied his nevus his breath by breath, they're studying his life moment for moments. And so we tell him, you know who you are, get the closest people to the Prophet, you're, you're tracing every wakeful moment, and every sleeping moment of the prophets life, you know, get excited about this. And so he was tireless, he was relentless.
And even in acting on it, you know, like the first Hadith he'll report this, because he is, you know, in them and I'm loving the actions or by their intentions and the importance of intentions are known to every Muslim one time because he was a tradesman. Also, at least for a period of his life.
Someone offered him basically like, let's say 5000 Delhomme for for a product or an item. And he said, Let me think it over. And the next day he came, he was offered double the amount to let's just hypothetically say 10,000. So he said to the man that offered him 10,000, I'm sorry, I already made my intention. He doesn't have to stick to it. I already made my intention to sell it to the first guy for half the amount well as to be loved the uncle Juniata who, and I'm not the type of person that nullifies his intentions when I make any I make any, that's it.
That's the type of like self regulation he had and how much care he had about every single thing he documented of the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
And also, he was so protective of the
is that he would sacrifice so much more than he meant he had to, in very strange ways. Like in one report, he was on his journeys on a ship. And a man started calling out who stole my money, who stole my money. And so the people are turning around saying what money he said I had a bag of money right here. It had 10,000 dyrham in it.
It had 10,000 silver coins in it. And Al Bukhari at the time, the money he was carrying was the same amount. So quickly, he took out the money and he throw it in the ocean.
You know, a person can say this is haram, It's haram to waste money and so on and so forth. But Al Bukhari had his tweet, he had his justification. And he said, As salam ala to letter I didn't have che, that, you know, me clearing my name, or else it'll just never some, you know, some investigations get to a stalemate and you never really know was the person guilty or not. And so he saw that letting go of this 10,000 For the sake of protecting his integrity show that he could be seen as worthy to carry this on net to pass this on, to be a conduit of the Sunnah was permissible. And so spur of the moment he had he throw his money out because of that, you know, another time and
I'll tell you why he had lots of money in a second. There was a man who owed him who had borrowed from him and was sort of like dodging him 25,000 around.
And he discovered that this man is present in this town that he currently happened to be in, which is the town of Amazon.
And so they said to him, let's go to the meat of Amazon. He respects you a lot. We'll get the Emir to send the police over we get your money from a guy
He said No,
I will not do that.
They said why he said, because if I go to the governor and ask him for help with this debtor,
I'm going to owe him a favor. And I'm not sure how he's going to want to leverage that. And so I will never put my religion in a place as collateral or leverage for some dunya, no matter how much I'd rather lose 25k Then put myself in a bind with this guy, because I owe him a favor. He said, and this is very beautiful, it just end because I have narrated, I have traced a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it is impermissible to frighten a Muslim.
Like, if I go to the governor, the governor is going to send, you know, special forces, knocking on the guy's back door, the guy is going to get a heart attack, that's not halal. I'm not allowed to do that. Islamically and who knows, maybe he really doesn't have the money. Maybe he had the money and he was just robbed, maybe this maybe that. And so that's how much integrity he had that I'll be allowed to either on or AHIMA.
And so he built out and live the this compilation, it was a work of excellence, and he built his whole life around it. And so that's just one you know, very high level lesson that we should all just be thinking about, like our SNS calendar, our long term plans, just ask yourself tonight, you know, what legacy would I like to leave behind, it could be a child of yours, you leave a scholar behind or something right or a great philanthropist or otherwise, it could be a book that you leave behind. For the sake of Allah, even though it's nothing Islamic sciences, some sort of work, some sort of endowment, I'm gonna put, you know, X amount in it every year in 20 years, 30 years, I'm
gonna leave the Muslims and assets a true asset, right? So ask yourself because the Allah who made al Bukhari is the one that can make out of us, great legacies, even if we're not built the way he's built, as they say.
So his name by the way, was Muhammad Yunus married
Ibrahim and Bill Murray Rob little bit this well, Buddha al Bukhari, that's the short version.
He's from Bukhara. Okay, he's known as Al Bukhari, after the ancestry has always been put on the back end al Bukhari because he's on Bukhara. Bukhara, if you don't know present date was Becca, Stan. He put that place on the map basically, historically speaking.
He was born in the year 194 Hijiri, which means almost 200 years after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is blessing migration to Medina. As a young child, a few events worth stopping at as a young child he lost his vision for several years. And his mother for years used to make dua to Allah azza wa jal crying to Allah subhanho wa Taala to restore the sight of her son. And then one night after going to sleep from exhaustion, falling asleep out of exhaustion from crying so much. Allah azza wa jal showed her in her dream, the Khalil Ibrahim alayhi salam, and he said to her yeah heavy a woman
in Allah Radha Allah wa ala ducky Bazzara who Lika frati dua IC o Buka. Ik
a woman gets up, go check. Your Lord has returned the eyesight of your son to you because of how much you've passionately prayed to him and how much you've cried before him. And so she rose and she went to her son and she found that he could actually see this was like haram affordability and for his for his righteous mother.
As for his father, his Subhanallah his father died very early. And you know, exceptional orphans is not uncommon. And this could be a lesson on its own though. It's not part of my seven per se for tonight. People that are disadvantaged, you know, chip on their shoulders, they say sometimes they could have far greater potential than people who don't live with disadvantages. Live with insecurities.
So his father died very early, but it's reported that before his father died, he said to him yeah Boonah you my son? I am leaving behind for you and a state of alpha alpha 1000 1000 Because you know, the word million doesn't exist in Arabic. So a 1 million dinar or Durham I'm not sure. I have left behind for you 1 million in assets. He says laser fee has their Hamas Shoba. Okay, it was the ROM that I am not one of those coins is dubious, meaning it's questionable, whether it's halal or haram. None of it is gray area. None of it. How was his father able to pull that off? His father wasn't a scholar.
But his father used to always hang around the scholars. He loved the odema and he was around the Allameh. You know, many people, they treat these early amount like we're happy you're there and we love you guys and stuff. But we'll come to you only after we've. We've divorced the three times and we need you to help us count or ask
After the fact that the money you know, investment hit the fan or so on and so forth. But many times things just don't work like this. They can't be repaired that way. And he used to be around great scholars they say like like Abdullah and Movado, Karina hula which was a great great Deborah Cadbury and
I and student of Abu Hanifa Rahim Allah Allah was one of the closest of the element to the Father will call you Rahim Allah and that was the reason for it. But just pull those two things together and that will be less than to look at how pious the parents of inequality or human will lower
the DUA his mother used to make for him as a righteous mother and the ultra filtered Halal income his father use the amass for him because he was a righteous person. These things are huge, pious parenting is you being pious in and of yourself and making sure what is extended to your children also is them seeing and receiving from you Halal lawful blessing teachings and they consume from you Halal lawful income. These could change the course of history many times you know, pious parents are like the, the unappreciated infrastructure in great personalities in this OMA, you know, the, the infrastructure of a building, nobody appreciates it, you know, like, nobody passes by a construction
site and looks down on the ground and sees the steel being welded or the concrete, you know, the footer is being poured and say, Oh, my Shala look at those footers, right? That's some good steel right there. No, it's after the building shoots up and you know, you you put the final touches on it and the glass and whatnot and say, Wow, check that your building out. But that building would not have been able to be so tall, were it not for the underground. Pious parenting is that underground. It's the underground infrastructure that determines just how far and just how high your children gets to go.
He memorized the Quran at seven years old. And he himself showed, you know, many signs of of righteousness and piety very early in his life. One of you know, one of the amazing things he says about himself. He says mother Tip two I hadn't moved him to NLP but a haram. I never backbiting anyone never spoke negatively behind any Muslims back. From the day I found out that backbiting was haram. We all know Backbiting is haram. We learned like when we're five years old, don't talk about people. Right? From the moment he learned it. This is not Islamic sciences and you know, deep, you know, discipline of, you know, no, from the day he learned it, he held himself to it, Rahimullah.
And there were also early signs of his genius. You know, in one famous incident, a huge scholar had visited Bukhara during his childhood, and named the definitely, and you know, the scholars of Hadith, the way that they would, you know, operate is that they would share a hadith with people with their chains, like the chain of narration, the chain of command your sources, basically, this was something second nature, people would memorize this stuff, it was a culture, right? And so they would come and they would say so and so narrated to me from so and so from so and so. And of course, there's other scientists to cross reference check who these personalities actually are. But this was
a part of it Magetta to deal with these gatherings would exist, where people would hear a hadith firsthand. Chef, the chef, the chef, the chef, all the way up to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. So it definitely comes in. He holds one of these modalities he imparts upon the people of Bukhara, these are Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam, and in the middle of it he goes, Abu Zubaydah narrates to me, or from Abu Zubaydah from Ibrahim.
And so al Bukhari says to him, Abu Zubaydah never narrated from Ibrahim so he looks and he sees the young age of this, and he says to him, oh, Scotty of Gollum, be silent boy. Shut your mouth. You know, this is like an adult gathering basically.
And so he says to him, envelope, Affleck, go check your your records, because they would have of course documents as well, they would have both. And so he would go check your records. So it definitely was sort of second guessing himself a little bit. How could this boy you know, be so audacious? And so he went and he checked, and he said, it's not for Allah, the boys, right? Mohammed Mahathir bin or rock the the apprentice of Al Bukhari and his scribe. He said to him in the narration, how old were you? When you first spoke back to a deputy? He said, I was either 10 or 11 years old.
And so he finished Quran at seven he was, you know, contending with scholarship at 1011 years old. He finished the knowledge of Bukhara he basically collected everything that was available within his borders by 18 years old. And then he had no choice like all the great scholars of the world, and even more
salatu salam before them to travel the earth for knowledge after that the journey of him. So he began journeying to other major cities centres of Hadith at 15 years old.
And there's a lesson here, I guess about about children. And catching talent, early, gifted kids should be recognized early, we should be very careful not to overlook them. You know, psychologists sometimes say that 90% of the talent in children is buried by 80 years old, because it's just never identified. You know, the early Muslims, they would be careful. Even in this narration, it's reflected a little bit, not only not to overlook the talent of the gifted child, but also not to suppress it. When he found out because he was right. He gave it to you said, you're right. Yes, we don't want a youngster to be to be disrespectful, and he was not, he was not taunting, he was not
being arrogant. But if you have something to say, you have something to add, you say it, we should not suppress that in them.
And there's so many ads and a hadith about this. But just to highlight it very quickly, our OMA was specialized. I know it's been a while, but it really was specialized in producing greats great men and women, the likes of which the world has never seen.
And so in order to reclaim that legacy of rebuilding grades, we have to look into our children and invest in our children better.
You know, even if the Josie Rahim Allah, he writes in his books, what we used to inspect the children as they play for leadership qualities. And when a child would say, who's with me,
we would say he's a born leader. And when the child would say, Who am I with? who seem Am I on, we would know that he's not a leader. We'll figure out something else for this one, right. But to look for these things early, and to make sure you don't burn those cards because sometimes they can't be replaced.
So at 15 years old, he he takes flight, the teachers of unbloody, those he narrates from exceed 1000. In number he surpassed 1000 teachers, and it is estimated that he memorized approximately 600,000, a hadith.
And this was not uncommon among the great luminaries and visionaries of a hadith. You know, they say that Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah, one of them said to one of his sons, do you know that your father memorized 1 million narrations?
He said, How do you know that but my father, he said he used to review them with me, he would recall them to me the Hadith with the chains you know, someone could say, but there aren't a million a hadith. Yes, they used to memorize the weak Hadith with the authentic hadith. So no one can ever claim a hadith, which is not authentic is actually authentic. They'd memorize it to point out the defect in its chain.
And sometimes the Hadith are singular and authentic. But there's multiple chains that brought them to us. And so we need all those chains for the sake of corroboration for them to strengthen and bolster one another.
So they might have been Mujahid. He says that he was told by Mohammed bin Salam or Salem at the Kennedy one time well, because he had just left the town or left the place. If you would have just come a little earlier, you would have met a boy that memorizes at the time 70,000, a hadith.
So, so lame. He said, I chased after him. And he said, You're the guy that claims to memorize 70,000, a hadith. He said yes, and more. And I will never bring to you a Hadith from one of the Sahaba or one of the tambourine, except that I will tell you about their birth and tell you about their death and tell you about their hometowns. And I will not bring to you a hadith except that I'll bring for you an idea or another Hadith to support it. This, you know, this shows you that he also understood what he was collecting. He wasn't just like, you know, an encyclopedia that had no idea what he was carrying. There are people until today, by the way, as our teachers who tell us in
Medina, that right there PhDs on the tab, we've the classifications of Al Bukhari and sahih al Bukhari, the way he would arrange the chapters and how he would very, in a very sophisticated and nuanced way, title, the chapters. This was something masterful, it was not just the memorization, it was not just the breadth of what he collected.
You know, and one of the greatest praises found for Al Bukhari is that most of those who
praised him were actually his teachers. And this is not common, because your students praising you is common, because it even it's self serving, and you say my ship is great. That means I'm great. I have a great year. You rubbed off on me, but for your teachers to say no, this student is the standout that's rare. Most of the praise
We find because that's what was worth sticking, if you will, it stuck in the history books was because it was so uncommon was strong his teachers a rarity in history. In fact, you find that almost no body ever spoke ill,
even indirectly ill of a body Rahimullah or directed the slightest criticism towards him, meaning especially in terms of his craft,
aside from what I will mention, at the end of this talk in a few minutes, aside from some contemporary, some people in his time, you know, envy, hatred, animosity, these things exist. And that's why even the Allama of Hadith, they say Qalam will accompany you to our Yoruba that the, the evaluations or the criticisms of peers, people on equal footing, right, same caliber, same era, you fold that away and you don't share it, because as we say, nowadays is a conflict of interest. Right? And so it's expected, sometimes even shaitan can blur the lines, you can say, I wanted to benefit the owner more. And so you feel like oh, I need to, you know, step on some shoulders, or cut some
corners. And so we are all human beings at the end of the day, but because Elmore Asada had a man, you know, you being a contemporary of someone else, could by itself be a reason for you to be deprived of their knowledge deprived of noticing their virtue, some of that existed for Al Bukhari, but not much. And this is
a sign that Allah loved him. That's our expectation right? You know, when I love love someone, he calls out to God, I love so and so's will love him. So as you read Ali salaam, calls out to the dwellers of the heavens, Allah love zones also love him. Thelma, you will Darla will abou fill out, the Hadith says so acceptance is lowered into the earth because of that acceptance for him. And so when Allah love someone, their reputation comes from the sky, which means no one can access it. You can never pluck the esteem that someone like Al Bukhari, for example, right there, Abu Hanifa or Malik or chef a Rahman Rahim, Allah, when that comes, you can do anything about it. Of course,
receiving acceptance on Earth doesn't mean everyone virtually will always be happy with you. I mean, there's some people that Allah will elevate us, by them testing us, right? They those that hate Islam before Islam, right, but acceptance meaning in the hearts of those that matter in the hearts of the fellow believers. No matter what anyone does, the believers will love you. By and large, they will love you. And that's a great lesson that will be the fourth very important lesson the amount of love that I love placed for Locati in the hearts of people across time and place in the Levina monomial slightly higher these edge Adela, homearama and Buddha, Allah says those who are true
believers that work righteous deeds, Allah will place love and affection for them, meaning well meaning in the hearts of the servants for them, he will afford for them on earth and in the heavens, this love and affection from from the believers.
And, you know, as he grew and ascended into celebrity, basically he was a living legend. He really was even during his life. He had impeccable humility.
At one time, in one narration, he entered el la basura
in Iraq, and he reached a great scholar by the name of
Wanda, who was Muhammad in the best shot, he was known as an MI Zan, this man, his nickname was enemy Zahn, the measure or the scale like when he said a hadith is right. It's right when he says the hadith is, you know, lacking it's lacking. He was known as the scale the human scale of a hadith. And so, Al Bukhari he reaches Basra he reaches the gathering of Bondar and then he enters the gathering and when Daraa notices some a new face, and so he says, Where's the young man from? So he says
Bokhara and he's all Bukhara from
from Bukhara How was ever Abdullah Abdullah is the cornea available cloudy, his name was Father Abdullah. Right. This was his his epithet or is honorific Abu Abdullah.
He says Oh, how's everyone Abdullah? He is about empathy. He doesn't know. And so I look at him Allah He couldn't sort of like figure out a smart answer fast enough from his higher right he's beautiful honest, you know, healthy shame. He just fell silent for a second. And so the students jumped in and they said to their teacher, your hammock Allah may Allah have mercy on you, meaning God bless you like they're trying to be gentle because they're about to correct him that hammock Allah that is Abdullah.
And so quickly, when daughter stood up, and he went and grabbed the Ducati by his hand, and you know, he said to him,
welcome welcome to the man that I've been bragging about for years. You are a reason for us to boast scholars.
And the specialists of Hadith.
And so, you know, I lesson here if we can take a quick fifth lesson quickly, is that humility?
forces people to love you. Right? When you have humbleness, even if you don't have knowledge, people love you, right?
And if you don't have humility, if you're like proud and overbearing, and always assertive, and even if you had knowledge, people don't want to be around you, right?
So you can imagine when someone had knowledge and humility, together, how much love he Garner's from the people when they combine both. But this is something that even if you're not an expert in, you know, in Islamic sacred knowledge, tell yourself practice humility, earn the love of Allah earn love of his creation. You don't have to always say I am so and so. And I know such and such. You know, two exercises I heard recently from an imam annuity claim. I'm Tom Facchini, a friend of mine. He says, Look, you want to know you're humble. stop yourself from saying.
I knew that. When someone tells you something you already know, even if you know the story before they were born, let them finish the story. Be humble, right? You don't need to assert your knowledge. And when someone corrects you just say oh, okay, thanks. That's it. You just I dare you to cut yourself off after those few letters. After a while it gets easier, but the people will love you for it. And Allah azza wa jal, most importantly, will love you for it.
In any case,
the journeys continue.
Rumor spreads that LML Buhari is coming to Baghdad, but that is the powerhouse of Hadith, right, the homeland, Muhammad and so many other great scholars. And so they they welcomed him into Baghdad, they brought him into the, you know, the big mosque, the central major Jana, and they had the scholars of Hadith prepare a very cunning test for Al Bukhari. This is one of the most famous incidents in his life.
They took 100 Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. And they took their chains, and they threw them in a blender. Basically, they mixed up all their chains.
And then they gave each one of these scholars or students 10, a hadith. They're all correct, a hadith, but the chains are incorrect.
Right, they mix and match, they jumbled them.
And each scholar would stand up and return a hadith to Al Bukhari. And everyone's watching.
And then Buhari heard the first Hadith from the first scholar and says, let it fool I don't know it. Second, because I don't know it. Of course, I don't know it is terminology technical terminology. It means I don't know it to be authentic in the world of Hadith. Right? I don't recognize it as a valid gene. That's what he means. I don't know it till all 10 Is that I don't know it. Then the second man stood and gave his 10 ahaadeeth same responses until they finished the 100 ahaadeeth. By the time they finished the 100 I had the 10 presenters 100 I had Ethan total, the scholars among them started whispering to each other felting Raju, he caught on he know he caught her doing.
And this is a very important part. And the masses the people don't understand how Hadith works. The layman folks the commoners are saying this guy's all hype.
He doesn't know anything. These guys stumped him they destroyed him. They just listed out 100 Hadith in a row that he's not familiar with.
Then after the 100 are finished,
he calls out the first scholar he says,
As for your Hadith, you said
the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said, and this is incorrect. The correct chain for that hadith is and he rearranges the chain for him. And your second Hadith you said and he fixes and reorganizes 100 ahaadeeth puts them in their rightful places. You know even Hajra Rahim Allah who is the most famous commentator on cyclable cloudy he wrote a book called faithful bury the explanation of Sahaja Bukhari he used to say there's nothing amazing about Al Bukhari memorizing those 100 Hadith, because like, hundreds of 1000s of scholars have, so that you know, he goes What was amazing
was the fact that he like this memorized 100 Wrong chains and recalls them in order and fixes them on the spot
in the slide
F after that incident, he would not hear it behind his name,
except that he would say El Cap should not bother.
It sounds horrible and in
which would basically the mountain goat, the mountain RAM, you know, the mountain rams, when they get really upset, they back up and they go bow right? One of them usually gets hurt really bad, the less tough of the two. He's basically saying no body could head but with this man, this man
is the undisputed.
And you know, this may not be sort of like a huge lesson. But for me and recently it was
it was a moment for pause, that a layman can never assess a scholar.
It's very important. Because to assess a scholar you need to have the understanding he has and the instruments he has, right. Like you need to understand first, like discerning is what he's saying something clear in the deen or something speculative something open to interpretation to begin with, right? Because oh, maybe what you know, is not the Dean but an interpretation of the dean, right? And then if it's an interpretation, do you even have the tools to compare, like one of my teachers, Dr. Hatem had my my greatest mentor? May Allah bless him and preserve him. I remember him sitting with me once and saying, We were so bad. I was like, I was like, What do you mean? He said, we used
to sit there, so arrogantly as youngsters, as teenagers, you know, talk about the form of their hip and say, but I think the stronger opinion is like forget rights and wrongs. He says, How can you compare opinions? How can we say How dare we compare opinions, when they used certain techniques, certain sciences, to arrive at these opinions that forget mastering them, we didn't even know they existed yet. Let alone know how to use them, to understand how they got there to evaluate their conclusions. It's so far removed.
So if it's a controversial issue, if it's open to interpretation, understanding language of the person speaking and then understanding the proofs of how they actually got there, and the principles and the framework by which they did all of this, whenever you find yourself saying, How come the scholar is saying this, know your limits, right? If they're trained, then you're not this whole democratization of knowledge that we do nowadays, that my opinion is as worthy as your 30 years of training. This, this is a disaster. Of course, you guys see it everywhere, not just in the Religious Sciences. Know your limits for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, for the sake of humanity. Know your
limits in a world that doesn't know its limits.
Finally, I mentioned to you the final sort of difficult era and Al Bukhari his life, Rahim Allah when he went to another stronghold of Hadith, which was made several initial poor,
former Persian territories right. When he went to this year for the leading scholar of Nisha poor was Mohammed NIA has to Halle Rahim Allah, Mohammed Ma has no Holly was the the the master of Hadith of those lands. And he was essentially Uncrowned royalty, like His word was law. He had, you know, unbelievable reverence in his lands. And so he said to his people, one day, tomorrow we will be visited, we will be blessed by the arrival of the righteous servant of God, Mohammed, nice Samaritan Bukhari, whoever wishes to come out and greet him with me. I'm going out for myself.
And so the narrator say, he stepped he walked outside of Nisha for to receive this man. And people lined up for approximately 12 miles of rose. And as Al Bukhari and the few that were with him, are walking into Nisha port for 12 miles, people are throwing gold coins at them and sugar cubes, celebrating the arrival of the great DMM. Right.
You know, the problem is, you know, good things don't last once he settled in initial poor and he began to listen to some of the scholars and to teach what he had as well. You know, the Pfitzner of Hulk Al Quran, there was, you know, like, basically an inquisition, if you know about the story of the Quran being created and not and there was like an intellectual war ideological, you know, tensions politically also indoors, then Imam Muhammad went to prison for it and this whole long story right? The scholars had basically finally put an end to the idea of the Quran being created because the Quran is Allah's words and if Allah's words are created, that means one of the qualities
of Allah is created, which means not eternal, which means is Allah eternal or not. And it's a whole long philosophical mess, basically, right? The scholars finally clarified the position and said, Whoever says the Quran is creation has disbelieved and that's it. The issue is that it anymore Muhammad Rahim Allah had passed at this point, after he took that monumental stands for it, but people tried to sort of create a ruse or a way around it and say me
I pronunciation of the Quran is created because you know our tongues are created. So when you say that it's like do you mean the Quran itself? Or do you mean your voice box so they tried to sort of like resurface the issue it was bubbling. So the scholars basically all united and said Whoever says my pronunciation of the Quran is created is an innovator like he's starting trouble in the OMA, he's starting heresy is being mischievous
and so haters are or otherwise
they kept coming to the gatherings of Al Bukhari trying to stump him trying to catch something hold something against him. So they kept saying is, is our pronunciation of the Quran created or not? Is the Quran created or not? And he was aware of the the debates, and so he refused time and time again to answer them he knew they were baiting him. And then ultimately, that the third or fourth time the man kept interrupting his gathering, he said, Al Quran, no, Kalam Allah He was very clear said the Quran is the word of God
allow you to mock Luca not created, what FYI, Luna Maha Luca, and our actions are created. He even has a book of either one of his books called cult of adultery, but the the acts of the beings is created. In any case, this guy heard that and thought he heard what he wanted to hear basically. So albacore is one of them. Al Bukhari says pronunciation of the Quran is created so on and so forth. He's one of them. Where does he lie? He's basically a closet Martha zili and all that stuff.
This reaches the great Imam Muhammad me I had to Holly and unfortunately, the Imam and this happens with very righteous people sometimes fits and are difficult, and we should always protect ourselves from them. He believed that the testimony that came his way was trustworthy enough, and he acted on it.
He said, whoever sits with Mohammed Ismail is just like him.
And so he al Bukhari was cancelled. Al Bukhari was blacklisted Buhari was boycotted, the Masjid is empty. No one says he's in his classes anymore.
Except for two people
of Medina selama and Muslim Hajaj the author of slave Muslim, those are the only two left and one day seeing this admin selama says to him share, isn't it crazy how times have changed
from the day of the dinar is in the Sugarcubes
today and so vocality Rahim Allah He said,
Love blade Allah I adore Ronnie Masselli Malik Dini, it's no harm, no big deal, so long as my dean was not compromised.
So long as my religion is still intact. So as though he didn't stop he kept pressing, gaslighting, you know,
making things difficult for Al Bukhari Rahim Allah. So ultimately, one night he just left the airport. He just exited in the middle of the night quietly and left town and he went back to where he went back to bukata.
He went back to Mahara. It wasn't long that another Pfitzner was waiting for him.
The Emir of Bukhara his name was Khalid Mohammed, he said to him, come give my kids private lessons.
So well Buhari said I will not humiliate sacred knowledge by bringing it to anybody's door.
If you want to learn you come to my Masjid like everyone else, your kids come to my Masjid like everyone else.
If you have a need for that knowledge, otherwise, if you don't like that forbids me from teaching, because I have to obey the me and I have to obey the leader forbids me from teaching so that I can have an excuse in front of Allah for concealing sacred knowledge, it'll be on you. So the man wasn't brazen enough to try to do that directly. So what he did is that he went around to one of the scholars, his name was Buddha Norka. And he got wood they didn't know what to slander and Buhari and basically implicate him or charge him with these baseless accusations. And so he had to leave ultimately bukata as well at the end of his life, and he travelled to one of the sort of cities or
towns or villages in the summer and where he had some relatives and the narrator's mentioned that as he was exiting. Bokhara he grabbed on to his beard like from grief. And he said Allahumma inna who both cut well out of the Bema Robert Falco building the lake Oh Allah, the Earth has suffocated me though it is so wide basically, this wide earth has left no room for me to stand. I feel suffocated in life fell building the lake so pull me back to you. Take me back.
And it was three days later on the eve than I
before April 5, it was the last day of Ramadan. He was riding his animal his mount on his way to see some of those relatives near summer fund. And out of the blue suddenly he began to sweat profusely he broke a cold sweat. And he told him I'm feeling weak, I'm feeling weak take me down and they carried him down off his animal and just like that, effortlessly, his soul left his blessed body. Shortly thereafter, Rahim Mahalo to Allah. That was the year 256, which places him at 62 years old, which is very, very, very close to the 63. That was the prophets age when he died. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam who he lived his life collecting the Hadith for so the world would know
his sunnah Salah was Robbie was Salam wa ala. And so that is the final lesson you will see in all of these talks that every great scholar has like a chapter at least in his biography called mana, these severe trials they go through, some of them were killed, many of them were defamed, so on and so forth.
Especially, I mean, during their lives, right. Some of them lost their lives. Some of them went through like assassination of character, and some of them so many of them went through great deals of poverty. Even Al Bukhari himself, we didn't have time to cover it, he went through great bouts of poverty, due to all the sacrifice he made, but it didn't change who they are, and could not change, you know, their legacy in history. It was only another means another bottleneck through which they were propelled and Allah azza wa jal raised their ranks. And really, the lesson is that, you know, deprive them of those who miss out on the knowledge of the great scholars, because they accept these
baseless accusations against them. Because they don't know their virtue, because they don't even study their biographies. You know, many times people come and say this Buhari thing Yeah, because like you when you're sitting on your couch eating a slice of pizza or something, I think because he's wrong. You don't know the right of the scholars in the Quran and the Sunnah, and you don't know the biography of the scholars, which will put us all to shame and so you fall into this deprivation. May Allah subhana wa Taala protect our hearts and yours and reward them with the very best reward for all that the servants are OMA with, and allow us to thank them in person in the safe lands of
the hereafter. Allahumma Amin SallAllahu Sallam of autocannon b&m Muhammad Allah Allah He was like Vegemite.