Mohammad Elshinawy – Echoes #12 Surah Yusuf
![Mohammad Elshinawy](
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The speakers discuss the negative impact of culture and the importance of avoiding negative behavior. They emphasize the need for strong character and helping people in their daily lives to empower their parents' loss. They also emphasize the importance of good character in people's dreams to ensure success and empower their parents' success.
The speakers discuss the negative impact of culture and the importance of avoiding negative behavior. They emphasize the need for strong character and helping people in their daily lives to empower their parents' loss. They also emphasize the importance of good character in people's dreams to ensure success and empower their parents' success.
AI: Summary ©
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We begin the name of Allah all praises glory belongs to Allah for the world. We thank him and we seek His help and his guidance and his pleasure and his forgiveness.
And we appeal to Allah for his protection from the evils within us and the awful consequences of variable actions from abroad guides lead astray. And whomever I love leaves out guidance, there's one that can guide them and testify that no one is worthy of our worship of Allah alone without any partners, the true supreme King, and the brother McClements Allah
What's it surface that is profit and His messenger? Oh, people will be mad Oh believers have the tough love and love be mindful and obedient to Allah and do not die You said in a state of complete and total surrender to Him, loving, willing surrender to him a state of Islam.
And to begin after well, my brothers and sisters to the house of Allah. So again, we continue with what will probably be our last football in this series before the mobile robot, before one preparatory football before Ramadan next week in sha Allah, and we had concluded and have moved on to now the sort of the sort of use
and sort of use of is dear to all of the hearts a very impassioned sort of a very emotionally driven journey, or driving journey for the reader. Allah Subhana Allah without a cold muscles, the best of stories. And at the end of the surah he explains why he says in it our lessons are only as bad for people of sound intellect for people who still know how to think for people that are willing to think whose minds have not become polluted. Then he continues to say at the very end of Missoula, Montana Hadith, and you've done, it is not a forge tale. It's not a fairy fairy tale. Meaning this story is so remarkable in the amount of lessons you can extract from it. In the
others have said, we've documented over 1000 lessons in this one song, meaning every single verse, you can pull more than 10 lessons. And on top of that, it was not a board made up to artificially give off lessons. It actually happened in this way. And Allah chose to tell this huge story in a way that is so jam packed with fruits for our lives too big.
And this all came down to console the emotions among other things of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said that it was sent down in one of his final years in Mecca in ammonoosuc, when he was hitting with back to back tragedies, the loss of his wife Khadija on the Allah or another level of his life, and then the loss of his dear uncle level Bollin, having not embraced Islam.
And so I will try the inevitable narration of this football to summarize what insha Allah he will know and stop at nine lessons nine stops throughout the surah for the sake of time, and in sha Allah, we can use that as a prayer
It is a launch pad to go back and read this. The Surah begins with us, as you know, well young child, his father, Jacoba, Islam, the Prophet of Allah, he approaches his dad, he says, I see in my dream 11 stars, and a sun and a moon, and the sun and the moon, all making such them only frustration to me, his father, being the Prophet that he was, and the knowledge that Allah and doubted when he knew that his son was going to be something great. And he understood from that that greatness is only after trials and tribulations. And he knew that greatness comes with adversity from the people that wish they were as great as you, though they don't deserve to receive what Allah
knew you deserve that gave you. And so he said to my son, do not tell this about this dream to your brothers, lest they walk conspire against you. And so first of all, he respected his child's mind. He didn't say just go back to sleep, stop being silly. And he didn't he didn't even call it my son. He didn't call him by his name. He didn't say even even my son. He said, Yeah, Bucha name, Oh, my dear son, this is an expression of endearment. He respected his dream, respected his mind, and spoke to him with compassion about it, showed him that he was worth and he what he had learned he had value, he was important, and didn't even tell him, Hey, don't tell anybody to dream and ended there.
And that was part of his excellent parenting that we need to understand as well. You know, when you tell your child do this, because I set out to do this and don't ask questions. You're teaching your child two things. Number one, you don't care about their feelings. That's what they understand, even though you might. And number two, they're understanding that they are supposed to be crumbling in front of authority, do it or I'll break you. And so that becomes a personality trait for them what
it is, don't tell your brothers here is the reason. So he respected his mind. He told him there's a danger. So he understood my father cares about you heard my dream, gave me advice warned me and explained to me why he was prohibiting me from telling the dream. And also we sleep called my attention to there being dangers out there, I don't know. So now he grows up feeling confident, feeling independent, not buckling, and not living the world naive. And this was from his excellent parenting and there are so many more apparently listened to the Surah, perhaps we cannot come across them all.
And then after we said to him, less the Shavon, who was an enemy to you do, get your brothers to conspire against you. And that was his wisdom as well. He didn't say your brothers were evil shaitan will cause them to do that. Then he says to him, and Allah wishes to perfect you two men who are like perfect disfavor on you, and to privilege you the way he privileged your forefathers. And so he didn't leave his child traumatized with events with fears that he couldn't handle right now. He quickly changed the subject. And if you read the if he spent much more time telling his child how much Allah cares about you, and how Allah is it more tricky, knowing why you remember those two,
knowing wise. And so what he puts you through whatever is going to happen in life is always remember, that will have an effect on you that ALLAH knows and Allah is wise in his decisions.
And then his brothers have been to the story, his brothers who were children of Prophets, a lineage of prophets, and still they had hesed in their heart. And this is a very important lesson for us as well as the scholars they used to say, or an Arabic Maxim says, Man holla Jessa Don't be hassled. There is no just said no body without hassle. Without anything. It just doesn't work. There is hardly ever a person that will be able to remove the jealousy from those young men despite their father being a prophet and his father being a prophet and his father being a prophet is happen Ibrahim alayhi wa sallam, the fathers of Yahoo. They still said you let us call her Buddha Amina
meaning like children, right? My use is dear to our father than us. He loves him more. And this jealousy is especially relevant. Now keep in mind number one is hardly anyone without we all have a degree of this childish quality inside of us, the children of the prophets Hadden's these children. On top of that, keep in mind another lesson to learn about hesed about envy is that envy is very common with peers, with people why peers because these are people that challenge your do
meaning a person when he's attached to this world even a little bit, whoever challenges him on that piece of his dunya that he cares about will become an enemy of this. That's why a bliss was an enemy to Adam because he was privileged by Allah and now Adam is being privileged Allah He set up.
This is why the brothers of Yousuf are jealous of us, because they were competing for their father's eye.
This is why jealousy between co wives is just natural, unexpected, because they're competing for the uppermost seat in the heart of the one husband.
This is why scholars who live in the same time, the scholars would say Qalamoun Quran youth well, whether you're when two equals not used
to equals peers are speaking about each other, criticizing each other, just put it away and ignore it. Meaning the criticism of one scholar or whatever this this is installed from a different time perhaps or a different place. There's no competition. This is more credible than the statement of one scholar which shares the city with another Scotland and this happened Overwatch is through. So this can exist with the province. Forgive me the gentleman meaning with regard to their children, it could happen with the great scholars of Islam, it would be naive of a person to think I am not subject to this. And that's why Hassan was writing a robot when he was asked, I asked him to move me
Can a believer and we put a believer in
Panama and sadly is what used to. He says how fast and forget the brothers of us. They were believers, of course, completed his email and would not but the point is just because you're a Muslim just because you're praying just because you're in the masjid. I don't think this one can creep up on you.
It is as much a part of you as loving your world is a part of you. And we all love our world. There are sports contests, Allah put that inside us to see how we're going to react. He said everybody and visit hustler mo Allah will add in the lead Hema UBT he will mood Mina your fee. He says the only difference is we all he said the differences the wicked person. The extensive he expresses it pours out of he doesn't contain it. Whereas the believer, the true believer, your knee, he hides your meaning it blinds you from sight, he does not make it visible. He keeps it you know if you don't bury your envy, and you can't bury it if you're if you're in denial that it exists. That's why I'm
established everybody has. If you cannot very here's what's going to happen. Number one, it's going to hurt you more than it hurts the person you envy, even if you don't act on it.
But you don't extinguish it. You let it play with your heart and let it sit there you ignore it. Your hatred of the blessing being with him will translate into you hating him now, you hate that person because he has what do you think you should have? And so we'll start having a grudge. And as the wife saying goes holding grudges against people is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to drop dead. You're hurting yourself more than you're hurting the other person emotionally. As for spiritually, the Prophet sallallahu has said is envy that
eats up your good deeds or religious person the same way fire heats up dried wood in an instant the wood falls apart. Likewise, your needs fall apart when it hasn't remains. And all this is if you don't act on it, would you entertain it, you leave it in your heart. If you don't bury it, eventually you'll act on it. And then when you act on it for getting hurt than you were done. If you act on it, it will benefit. You're the first thing you envy more than it will harm you.
It's going to harm you most. And then if you act on it.
You extend some sort of harm injustice you remain silent and don't defend them because you're envious of them.
If you act on it externally, it will benefit them more than it will harm them. The people did not know who happened. So Allahu alayhi wa sallam was but the envy of Quraysh in them spreading smear campaigns about Him spread information about from hundreds of Allah it also benefited him more than normal. And now the whole world knows who he is. And no one reports any of the lines that were said about him these campaigns. The brothers of Yusuf as it says about this area. He says the brothers of use of water our own we estimate in June for of our hula hoop
house. They put him in the bottom of the wealth
in the pits, they acted on their enemy. And as a result, as a result, how else was he gonna get to Egypt as a result of racism on top of the throne of Egypt, you will benefit them more than you will harm and that will kill you further because your fight is not with this person. You're fighting with the other of Allah subhanho wa Taala you're having poor manners and Allah so that was the third lesson that every body every lesson has has an inside of it. A person must become privy to that because understand the audience and ours was understand these demons and fight them.
The fourth lesson these brothers now have envy they acted on it. They said, Let's go to no use of KILL YOU
KNOW HIM excited to faraway land, let's just ditch him somewhere where no one can find him you'll die of thirst or something. What's that coulomb embody here, Coleman Saudi, this is what you're gonna do after you're done fighting against them. After that's over, you're going to be righteous people. You're going to repent, you're gonna be good people after that.
Repentance. tilbyr is supposed to be a U turn, like you're heading in one direction. And Allah comes to mind the hereafter comes to mind that comes to mind the scales come to mind. And so you about face and you leave that machine. But when you pre plan your Toba pre plan, your repetitive user, this is the road that you drew, I'm going to do this. And I'm going to do that. So it's not a real toe. So it's not going to work. That's usually what happens. That is usually what happens right? When the brother's abusive, they did not make Taliban after they killed him after they tried to kill him. It was only at the end, Allah had another burst of mercy sent their way by having them exposed.
And so their conscience woke up a bit. But from that moment on, they kept committing sin after sin the moment the well then they lie and brought the shirt that we've seen in lunch before that he was eaten by animals. And then they lied about their brother minea need. Some say his name was and it just kept going. The punishment of a sin is another sin afterwards. That's what happens because they're telling you it wasn't really you. You see, sometimes we say we will repent we will get religious later, we will just give in southern we will make Ramadan Hajj, to sedate ourselves with this quote unquote, so called tell them sometimes we choose to ignore the evil that we've done, and
the evil we continue to do and plan on continuing to do how, by picking an act of worship that is easy for us or pleasing to us. Right? Easy for us. Oh my god, it's easy for me to fast. Let me do everything I'll fast. I'll tell myself that could be the good deed that keeps you out of genuine. Sometimes a person's good deed will be what keeps him out of genuine. It gives him a false sense of security. That's something easy for him. Or sometimes people do acts of worship that are so hard not easy, but because it pleases them. Oh man, I stood up so long last night.
Right? I spent so much if you are not observing a loss boundaries. If he's not important enough for you to do that. Then you should presume that these acts are for you and not for him.
That's my rule of thumb with your loved one is a fabulous thing in this regard. He says in the end our own then you can make haram have gooey layer minute Assad duty be me at the end. He says for me to avoid accepting one that is it's very cheap Kurt's. It's beneath the gold and silver that
he says for me to reject one haram one haram dollar is not an accepted one haram dollar into my pocket is dear to me than donating 100,000 Why?
Because the 100,000 should be voluntary. It couldn't be showing off. It couldn't be a religious sedatives on the you sit at yourself waiting.
Whereas refusing to accept this one that is actually haram. It means you are observant of Allah it means you're conscious of Allah subhanho wa Dawn
that's a similar statement right? He says may set it up to up be slamming the house. What are the only main wallet have lately been a daddy? You being a righteous person is not by fasting during the daytime nor praying during the nighttime nor alternating between this and that. Well that kidney chakra and to Abila emerald Allah He believed that whenever He illuminates he's a someone that's conscious about Allah is someone that means Allah's commands when compliance he complies.
And someone that meets Allah has prohibitions that Allah He with agency them with avoidance
This is someone who's conscious of Allah, not someone that does what he wants when he wants in whatever amount he wants, I'll do this, but I won't do that. Allah says n zero or two. And so the brothers of use of fell into that mistake and the need for it for us. And that's why the Scholars will say, tell them be at the moment and tell you not committing the initial sin is so much easier than you repenting. Because once you actually committed, you don't know that you're going to repent. You don't know if you live that long. You don't know if you live that long. If your heart will stay awake enough to be interested, you could just be like it's it gets dark, so dark that the lenses go
dark. And that's it.
And you'll never walk back from that.
Also of the lessons in the Surah
is that running away from sins, use of Ali's tele mouse in the world. The world sold to Egypt eventually to the wife of the minister realizes he's in the house with her. She sees how beautiful he is. He was given half of beauty our Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam says, and he goes running for the door when she tries to push him to commit Zina to commit adultery with her to fornication. And she ripped his shirt from behind. And while he was running for the door,
and they found out that he was innocent eventually, as you know the story because the shirt was ripped from behind. So he was running not from the front. She wasn't repelling him. She was trying to chase him down. But as she was chasing, he was running this is the point to run away from sins actually run away.
To leave the place where you will fall into sin is an obligation on every truthful person.
You have to leave the land when you come in cities. You know, I had a brother
that went to one of our mache. And he said to him, we have a big problem. We have people that cannot get past visiting these websites, these wrong websites.
No matter what they do, they prey switch in the messages. They say a dog they fast wandering but they can't stop going back to the science, the magazines committing these acts.
So he said to them something that was what we find in the Quran. He says he feels truthful in his fear of Allah, that he will stop allowing himself to get stuck in that situation. You'll think when does it always happen when I'm alone in front of my computer, they'll never allow themselves to be in that place alone with this computer. There are people like that they can't get past drinking alcohol, they keep going back and they drink, then they cry and they seek forgiveness. Then they go back and they do it again and again. And again. If they were truthful, they would not sit at that table any longer. Block that number. A person continues rolling his brothers losing his temper
laying his hand on the week, his children or a spouse or another Muslim, male or female doesn't matter.
If you really fear Allah, you will really regret it. You will have a firmer determination say, whoa, whoa, whoa, I need to plan a full plan. I cannot get into arguments anymore. I cannot be alone with this person anymore. I cannot allow myself to slip again. Because when the Prophet SAW Selim says don't be angry. How do you stop yourself from being angry and emotional? Meaning close all the pathways to getting to the problem? That is an obligation on you to leave the land of Satan as though as the scholar told the man who killed 100 People in the Hadith, you know.
And that was the fifth lesson. The sixth lesson and this is very important that timely for us as well.
You know, before the sixth lesson, about running away from sins, our religion is marked by the feeble minded by the prejudice that you're overly strict. You can't be alone with women. You can't sit at a table with alcohol, you can't shake hands. And this is used as an accusation against our Shetty Allah's religion, JAL who knows as you need to run what are the Quran don't even come near it now don't commit to them because he knows if you're in the situation you're gonna come in our societies and living proof of that. I said this to my students before and repeat itself so why shouldn't I repeat myself we say it here again in your society when Xena is allowed with mutual
consent. What happened there? They got fed up with it and they wanted to have what same * marriages and when they had same * marriages and now this is legalized now the campaign is on inter family right insists this is this is often running full speed all systems go are doing this to normalize this and the last phase is to legalize it.
As was, as I said, it's a dark room. So you need to run away from the whole row run away from the jungle.
And so you must take it seriously, Allah is doing us a favor when he tells you run away. You don't use them at a certain
amount recognize this man in the soul. And it says for him that we had arrived.
He was going to pursue her had not he remembered Allah had done the proof of all the Money event shown from shining shown inside of
meeting one meeting yesterday was a man Yes, he was attracted, what if he wasn't attracted? And what is the virtue of resisting something you don't want. So when we say we stay away from these things, it is because we recognize that this is part of being a healthy man.
And then the next lesson is which can pursue you and she brought the women and they kept pursuing him, and the men knew he was innocent, and they turned a blind eye. When everybody conspired against him, it didn't matter.
Because he said, Neither of my refuge online, so when he was running,
and the woman herself said, we add we pushed him to be with us for style song. But he stubbornly resisted to commit to haram. He held on Stossel, he held on to the rope of Allah, he sought refuge with ALLAH think about that the whole world has betrayed us and rallies to them at this point in the story, your brothers grew up the dream, you're the youngest, they throw you in a well, and then you get home as a slave and become a nobody in society, in people's eyes. Then the woman and all of her friends conspired, and the men will conspire, all of that happens. And it doesn't make a difference, who the opposition was, didn't matter, because he was with ALLAH SubhanA wa, he gets sent to prison
as we're about to see. So the what that was, that was the only way he would have had access to be to the king.
Subhanallah you know, sometimes we resist things. And all we can do is just make a love for help. You know, as the elections are coming in November, and everyone else is starting, that everyone is having to crazy about it, regardless of your position on elections and who you're gonna elect, or if you're not getting elected, or whether you're the guy who's not afraid of Trump, and he's just gonna get washed away, or you are afraid of the sentiment and the people he's riling up regardless of who you are,
if you are for or against this party or that candidate, if you abstain all together and say they're the two wings belong to the same burden. It's pointless, regardless of who you are. This fact was always remaining, that if the whole world would conspire against you, it will not afflict you with anything so along with others not wanting some kind of a die, it's not going to happen. It's impossible.
And so you somebody's set up, was sent to prison,
but he was sent to prison, by his choice, he was locked up,
use rallies.
He was locked up one time in the world without his choice.
And Allah kept impatient and rewards him for his patience. And then he's locked up a second time in prison with his choice, not just with his choice with his contentment. He says, As Sid You know, I have been in a an invaluable role. Many even this is just remarkable. present when they said you're either gonna be with us, or you're gonna go to prison. He says prison, Oh Allah, he's not talking to the people. He's honest. Even if he was talking to the people that he's speaking to a lot of these points as my Lord, prison is dear to me, then whatever they call us.
Receive is here to let you know what's one thing if you don't see it, he was just sitting. That's a beautiful thing. And for you to hate sending. That is a beautiful thing. But for you to love being hard.
So that you don't see this is the level of the prophets and the people trying to get up that mountain, the people near the top to love it. So love that you are going through pain. So that wasn't painful for Allah azza wa jal. How can we do that?
It is more beloved to me than what they are calling me to, you know what they're calling him to. They're calling him to Xena. They're calling him to what everybody outside is chasing down at any costs. Right.
And him, he's, you know, he's young and he's a stranger and no one's around to his family to make him feel guilty. And she's forcing him and she's sending him and she's beautiful and
Yeah status, and he's not married and the doors are closed every reason. But in waiting, you just heard by this point in the story, every woman in town has heard about looser bodies setup, every woman in town is known for so over, not him chasing, they're all thrown themselves. And he says Brisbane is more reluctant to howl.
Because he has tasted what it means he has tasted and he can't describe it. He has tasted been collecting Allah, you know, Eman regrows,
you're in a swamp luck, there is a there is a delight in that there is a bliss and enjoyment in that, that nothing is like.
And that is why a person can find it in him to let go of things that he normally likes, because he knows he'll miss out on something even more enjoyable. The bliss of being connected with Allah. And that's why, you know, one of the early poets and the scholars of Islam they use the hidden this Allah is more deserving of this, they describe this feeling and they say,
would have been any luck.
I wouldn't be in Islamic law dam to reach near that will have to have sewer on the end need to be burning and very beautiful lines that they identify with. They say if I am told, walk into a fire. And I know that that pleases you. Or that brings me a step closer to connecting with you. I would willingly walk forward into it.
Please, that it crossed your mind and you're even talking about me you want me to do that that's good enough for me to be connected with our love on a very intuitive, very beautiful level. This is where you somebody said I was this is what he was able to say prison, his theories, whatever they call these
are called upon he had a lot on him anyway.
So I
just move forward a little bit
when you're surprised, 70 is the person. And I'm only going to have to pick two scenes left to left or eight and nine and skip everything in between. The people that were in the presence of them approached him. And they said, listen, we've seen these dreams, and we're not exactly sure what they mean. Can you interpret our dreams for us enough Now have you ever seen because we see that you are a good doer. You're a good guy. You're the people that said excellence
of the lessons you have to stop at here is his excellence was seen with excellence was visible, because he ascends visible is good character Good luck is moving right next to your good looking, because he was saying we see that you are a doer, good.
So he had good character that was visible, by the way, that light appears at the end of a surah as well when he became king,
which means good character. And this is the fact who does not mean you have good manners for a moment follow. Like Harlequin is your external features your follow or your internal feet is a part of who you are. And so he was in the prison, they say we see your destiny, then he becomes king. They tell him give us charity, we see all of them recently, he was not changed by the phases of his life.
The second thing is when they say we have seen the tour of the city.
It says good character applies to a lot. So again, you have good character with our law, and that should be visible as well. And use the Alexa and both of these things, you know with the people he was he was excellent with them. He told them yes, yes, come, I promise you. Allah has given me a talent to interpret dreams. You will not get your next meal before I interpret these dreams. And then he makes a very necessary turn in the conversation. Because that was the mission of the prophets. It's part of them being good people. They are opportunistic. How can I My mission is to save lives, right? I don't just give a man a fish. I don't just feed them for a day. I don't just
solve their dream and to tell them Have a nice life. He says Allah taught me how to you know who Allah is. And when he has the kind this conversation, a beautiful conversation. He says Allah has taught you a lot of stuff.
When it all, he says, you know, the people outside, they are the people outside. This was from his manners read the I carefully, I have left the people that worship many gods. And then he's easy when he takes a step forward a bit more direct that he says
are separate God's better or one and only.
And then he takes a step forward. And the next day even more directly, he says, matter that smart
people names like he called it a god. So like if I take an onion deal, and I call it bread in the helping, you're just worshiping the Navy, and I'm worshiping if you made up the name to worship, we'll get the genius, he becomes more and more direct. That's his kindness with the people. You know, when you feed somebody, you know, when you help somebody means you're a good person. But if you're withholding your snap from them, then you've done a very, very wrong thing to them a disservice to them, you help them in their dunya, and you will ignore their assets. And the disparity between the two is the disparity between those two obligations, but they didn't just see
and Time's running out. They didn't just see his goodness to them. Good Hope. They saw this goodness with Allah when he's telling them Allah taught me to interpret dreams, he said to them, then he can be informed in that way. as well. I came back from nursing school.
This is from the bounty the gift available for us and over humanity. But most people aren't thinking I will say this, the man in prison, the man who thinking away from his family is perilous, thrown in prison, falsely accused of fornication sold as a slave in the auction.
All of this together, he says Allah is visible to us.
Most people aren't paying for it.
You know, you and I have been given the same things in our lives.
We were given Well, if I was given something else, we all rotate about the blessings of Allah, they aren't equal to me.
And we all go through difficulties in our lives, all of us. And we all know factually that our loved ones what is better for the believer.
But who is the one that lives those meanings, but uses
only our work to do this kind of work?
Only Allah can, you know, best.
He says, When my father died, uncle from South Sudan, my best
nothing kept me patients. Nothing soothe my pain. My two statements from a Bedouin man who came to me and said, we'll call you Minella iversity educar badda Wallah, who are you in Kerala verse. He says, you know what's better than your father, your award after him, meaning your award for putting up with your loss of your parents. And you know who is better for your father than you? Allah Subhana Allah die. So it's better for you that you get the reward that you get your father. And Allah is better to take care of your father meaning after that, then you are that fact, we should know. We all admit we're Muslim. But the person that can kick that into here in his heart is a
person that heard that from only Allah can fasten your heart like that, like your use of it setup. And then we comes out and interprets the dreams, as you know, and the people are saved for what was going to destroy Egypt and beyond the feminine the drought. And finally his parents come to me and his siblings were pendants and they all make some jewelry in front of him.
You know?
And he says to his father, oh, my father had that little big Republican agenda of the house. This was my dream in the past, my Lord has made it a reality will have accepted me in a project in a CG and he has been so good to me. And he pulled me out of prison. He didn't say well, because promised to forgive his brothers, which you mentioned.
He says even though I'll be Eileen Heike movie My Lord is knowing wise. Those are the two qualities his father told me to begin.
It's as if knowing those two facts about Allah is without him through the trials of life. And then the next time he says what, then he turns to Allah Now that his father is finally back reunion. Are all the people that say Teddy EQr limits any
similarity? Well, Adam, and Tony didn't do enough. So a funny musky man when everything was running in this oh my lord.
you grant me this kingdom and taught me the interpretations of dreams and events. You originate the heavens in the earth. You're the one in charge and telephony, you are my money, my guardian in this world and the next one
It's beautiful that he's saying that in front of his father is his garden, even Islamic Your dad is Your Money Your garden?
You are one to one. So allow me to die as a muslim. He never asked to die in the world or in the room itself, nor are you standing on stage at the auction, nor when being accused but we never asked denies except to you, you know why? Because he saw that Allah prophetically speaker was that was talking about. And once you're at the top, there's nowhere else to go down. Right. And so he feared decreasing anymore before going back to Ottawa. And this should be the ambition of every listener.
Everything I have is so that I can get to
you know, it's not about the fundraiser coming up. It's about your whole life. I want you to to perish and forgiveness is very important. The early Muslims out there like Roger Mahela. He was the lifelong advisor in ICS. He says when he was the governor of Medina, he told me to go buy him some clothes, I bought him a garment for 500. He said to me, it's nice, but it's cheap. And then he years later when he becomes five words for him a garment for five. He said to me, it's nice, but it's too expensive. He says on cry. So Roman says why are you crying? He said you remember. And he reminded me of the story. He said hold on Jack. I have a very ambitious self. I had the ambition to marry
follow him and my cousin intact dimenticato Khalifa. He says I'm when I got that I desire to for leadership. And when I got to leadership, I designed the philosopher, and now I'm a man that is I was genuinely everything is there now five is too much.
And I am sitting with his brother who's our survey, and I do medical marijuana and I would love in the room and so had at the gap. And they will say, and they would say make a wish they said, No, you first you make a wish. He said I wish to be the governor of Iraq to get the reward of them. That's all good assumptions. And to marry Suhaila the daughter when he was saying, and to matter, I've married either should the daughter of the daughters of the companions. Do you send it and mix it I mean, and he got all of that. And he gave each of them 5000 and spent another 5000 on his wedding. Then they send her a wish and our overall wisdom knowledge. We take it from him narrative.
And then I've been mulling about one set and I used to be the Khalifa and he received
and I would love to know what released
last Vegas and dedicate our lives to Him and benefit from the stories of the rams and vice with just the entertainment of them the beauty of the Malama mervi A bundle of learn our
love of art was similar to a lot until a
telephone schema telephone I was to me what happened and saw the heat a lot of things to be noticed as well. And what was Allahu wa salam alaikum