Mohammad Elshinawy – Adam – As Paradise & The Fall

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The speakers discuss the joys of finding love in a world where society tells you to find a partner, find a good spouse, and avoid burning. They also touch on the importance of finding love in a time where society tells you to find a partner, find a good spouse, and avoid burning. The speakers also discuss the use of Shaytan in various media and media strategies, including pestering Shaytan to make him into an " angel" and distraction him by making him into a tree of darkness. They also discuss Shaytan's actions during abuse and exposed his parents' nakedity, and his plans to use his fashion sense to act like a hipster. Finally, the speakers touch on the importance of being content with what Islam gives you, and the need to be mindful of what comes after your actions. They also discuss the story of Shaytan, a man who uses his loaf of bread to become the most famous man in the world.
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Adam & His Children Brothers and sisters, in
our journey together through the life of Adam
ﷺ, we mentioned that Adam ﷺ was created
and afforded an exceptional honor and so too
are his progeny.
Exceptionally honored are the human beings, the children
of Adam.
And we said that shaytan is absolutely livid
about this.
And we said that Allah ﷻ admitted Adam
ﷺ in Jannah, rather created him therein.
And now we say that Allah knew that
Adam ﷺ would feel incomplete without a partner,
to enjoy paradise along with him.
And this is why we find in the
Qur'an, خَلَقَ لَكُم مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ أَزْوَاجًا لِتَسْكُنُوا
إِلَيْهَا Allah created for humanity from among themselves,
from within themselves, a spouse, a partner, so
that they may find peace with that partner.
So they may dwell and live with them
in tranquility.
First of all, why did Allah ﷻ create,
as the Prophet ﷺ elaborated further for us,
for Adam, Hawwa'eeb, from his own body,
created for you, مِنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ, from within you,
from Adam ﷺ's rib, the same way Allah
miraculously created Adam through dust and water, blew
into the soul and gave it life.
From Adam He created another life, and another
Out of the rib of Adam ﷺ emerged,
Hawwa', his wife, his partner, his spouse, miraculously.
And perhaps of the wisdoms here is that,
without this life partner being seen as your
extension, an extension of you, and without you
feeling and serving the role of being the
protector also of that partner.
Some scholars said, how come under his arm,
under his care, under his protection, why from
It is a part of you, and you
were meant to protect them.
That is you.
That is how you function.
You will never feel fulfilled.
You will never feel complete without that.
To live with them lovingly, compassionately.
And all of us are like this.
That's in Jannah.
So how about here in the treacherous terrain
of this world, without a good life partner,
a good marriage, not a temporary emotion that
results in a potentially, hopefully permanent decision.
A sober decision, a wise decision, to find
a partner that has common values, that has
common goals, that is heading to the same
direction or seeking to as you.
Without having that good marriage, human beings will
struggle endlessly to enjoy life, let alone to
excel in fulfilling their purpose in this life.
This is why the Prophet ﷺ said, الدنيا
This whole world is a fleeting enjoyment.
It's all cheap thrills.
And they're momentary.
But then he said, وَخَيْرُ مَتَاعِهَا الْمَرْءَةُ الصَّالِحَةُ
And the best thing to enjoy in this
world is a righteous woman.
And of course a righteous man for the
Because this is the most long-lasting, the
most enduring, the most fulfilling.
It's not actually a cheap thrill of this
It's what gives you the peace to continue
on to your ultimate home, the next world.
She delivers you.
So she's not really from the enjoyment of
this world.
She's rather from the enjoyment of this world
that brings you to the next.
So keep that in mind when society tells
you, go your own way.
And society tells you, you know, put off
The Prophet ﷺ told you, the best thing
even for your own good.
Even if you're thinking selfishly, right?
It's for you to find yourself a good
partner, find yourself a good spouse.
And if you're already buried, you make the
best out of that spouse.
Don't see the grasses greener on the other
And then Allah ﷻ warned them both.
As we find in Surah Taha that, وَإِذْ
قُلْنَا لِآدَمُ Recall to them, O Muhammad in
this Qur'an, when we said to Adam,
إِنَّ هَذَا عَدُوٌ لَكَ وَلِزَوْجِكَ This here is
your partner, okay.
Now this one is your sworn enemy.
Make no mistake about that.
An enemy to you, and an enemy to
your spouse.
Protect yourself, and protect your spouse.
Notice the responsibility here.
عَدُوٌ لَكَ وَلِزَوْجِكَ فَلَا يُخْرِي جَنَّكُمَا مِنَ الْجَنَّةِ
فَتَشْقَى Don't get caught being thrown out of
Jannah, get caught off guard, and you get
thrown out of Paradise, because you will be
You don't know what's outside, O Adam.
It is ugly outside.
And then Allah Azza wa Jalla continue to
say to him, and this is relevant.
He says, إِنَّ لَكَ أَلَّا تَجُوعَ فِيهَا وَلَا
تَعْرَى You get to enjoy in here, meaning
unlike outside, that you never feel hunger, nor
do you have to deal with the disgrace
of nakedness.
The not finding clothes, not finding warmth, not
finding concealment.
None of that will be here, meaning it
will be there.
وَأَنَّكَ لَا تَضْمَعُ فِيهَا وَلَا تَضْحَى Nor will
you have to worry about the burning sensation
of thirst while you're in here, nor the
burning of the sun.
تَضْحَى means from Duha, the sun.
Nor will you have to endure the burning
of the sun.
It's ugly outside.
Then Allah says in the fourth ayah, فَوَسْوَسَ
إِلَيْهِ الشَّيْطَانُ Then Shaytan started whispering.
How did he whisper?
Allah knows best.
Was he whispering from beyond the fence?
Because he was thrown out of paradise when
he didn't prostrate to Adam ﷺ.
Shaytan whispers to him.
If it was important, Allah would have told
Every wording in Allah's book is a treasure.
Shaytan whispers to him.
قَالَ What did Shaytan say?
هَلْ أَدُلُّكَ عَلَى شَجَرَةِ الْخُلْدِ وَمُلْكِ لَا يَبْلَى
O Adam, listen to me.
I'm a sincere advisor.
Trust me.
Shall I direct you?
Shall I direct you?
To the tree of immortality?
The tree of eternal life?
And a kingdom that never vanishes?
And Shaytan kept pestering, of course.
Keep that in mind.
He pestered and he pestered.
He didn't whisper one time.
This could have taken 500 years.
You need to be sure that if you
were in that situation, if you were targeted,
you would have fallen.
That's very important.
We are not critiquing the Prophet of Allah.
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ actually said, in an
age especially, we need to rehearse this, because
this is an age where they make a
mockery out of God, mockery out of paradise,
mockery out of the hellfire, mockery out of
their own Prophet that they believe in.
We Muslims reject all of this.
And we consider that a requirement to be
Muslim is that you honor all of the
Prophets of Allah.
The Prophet ﷺ said, لَا يَنبَغِي لِأَحَدٍ أَن
يَقُولَ أَنَا خَيْرٌ مِن يُونَسُ ابْنُ مَتَّى It
is unbefitting, meaning it is unacceptable for a
believer to ever say, even to yourself, don't
say it, that I am better than Jonah
who was swallowed by the whale.
You know the Prophet Jonah ﷺ?
We don't know much about his story, except
the fact that Allah corrected him by making
hijrah too early, migrating, which is a good
deed, but too early, you're a Prophet, I
didn't tell you to leave yet.
And so he was swallowed by...
That's pretty much all we know in his
And so don't hyper focus on that, because
you will start thinking you have the right
to think, No, no, no.
The Prophets were the best of humanity, brothers
and sisters, never doubt this.
And Allah upgraded them even further to a
place that is beyond human effort.
Human beings, but all of us, the best
of us cannot reach the least of them.
Keep that in mind, keep that in mind.
So Adam ﷺ is being pestered, being pestered,
could have been 500, could have been 5000
And how did Shaytan pester him is very
Shaytan said to him, what?
Tree of eternal life, kingdoms that never perish.
Allah told him, I'm giving you all of
this in paradise, don't go outside, you're gonna
be miserable.
Shaytan is trying to get him to be
He's trying to distract him by making him
discontent, age-old strategy, discontent with the blessings
he has.
And he tries to interest him in something
that he actually doesn't need.
You know, Allah said, you're not gonna be
hungry, you're not gonna be thirsty, you're not
gonna be naked, you're not gonna have to
feel the blistering of the sun.
Shaytan will come to him and say, eternal
life though.
Allah didn't say you weren't gonna die.
This is great, but it's gonna be temporary.
Don't you wanna be immortal?
Don't you wanna be an angel?
Allah did not prevent you from that tree.
The Quran says this, إِلَّا أَن تَكُونَ مَلَكَيْنَ
Except because you would become angels.
أَوْ تَكُونَ مِنَ الْخَالِدِينَ You will get to
live forever.
Keep in mind, the angels prostrated to Adam.
Why do I even wanna be an angel?
I have the potential to be superior to
the angels, but look at how Shaytan slips
the advertisement.
That's what he did.
He's selling him a product he doesn't need.
He's selling him something that he has superior
And so he said this to him.
He also said to him, You know, maybe
what Allah meant about don't eat from the
tree is don't eat eat, but you can
taste it.
Just sample it.
Just give it a test drive as they
say nowadays, right?
This Subhanallah, the other ayat say, فَلَمَّا ذَاقَ
الشَّجَرَةَ When he tasted the tree, he fell.
Adam Alayhis Salaam, ذاق.
Allah said, don't eat.
Maybe you can taste.
And so Shaytan kept doing this.
And it's a very important strategy that we
have to be aware of.
You know, whenever I think about taste testing,
I think of the story of one of
the great Moroccan scholars of our time, Dr.
Said Al-Kamali.
He says his grandfather used to always tell
him this when they sit down to eat.
He said, you see this loaf of bread?
Whoever is content with what Allah gives them,
focus on what they have, not what they
don't have.
Whoever is content with what Allah gives them,
they can have this loaf of bread and
be the happiest man in the world.
But if you're not content with what Allah
gives you, this one loaf of bread becomes
more complicated than calculus and algebra.
Which store am I gonna buy it from?
Which store is cheaper?
But that store is fresh.
But that store makes it softer.
And then after you have all of this
set up, wait, but that store is closed
on Mondays.
So now I have to go find another
one with comparable quality.
This whole long mess, why?
Because of a loaf of bread, a measly
piece of bread.
Because you're not content, you'll keep chasing.
If a little is not enough, a lot
won't be enough.
And it's not about loaf of bread, brothers
and sisters.
Shaytan plays this game all the time.
Keep chasing the latest model, fill in the
The cell phone.
But then now I also have to get
the right case for the new phone, right?
Or the vehicle, which one?
And as soon as you pull out, an
advertisement is ready to tell you, by the
way, your brand new car is now last
year's car.
I'll never forget, I went down a rabbit
hole shopping for cars once, and I got
to a point where I said, Wallahi, I'm
gonna go to the dealer, and I'm gonna
buy the best car in the lot, in
my opinion, my favorite car in that lot.
I'm not leaving without a car.
Because I'm sick and tired of the thoughts
of my shopping around, intruding on everything.
I want my life back.
I want my mind back.
I can't even make salah anymore.
It's just cramming the space in there.
And so shaytan does this as he did
with Adam ﷺ.
And it's important and profound that we just
not brush over the story.
Ultimately, Allah ﷻ says, فَأَكَلَا مِنْهَا فَبَدَتْ لَهُمَا
سَوْءَتُهُمَا وَطَفِقَ يَخْصِفَانِ عَلَيْهِمَا مِنْ وَرَقِ الْجَنَّةِ So
the two of them, ultimately they ate from
the tree.
And suddenly their nakedness became apparent to them.
The garbs of paradise got stripped off of
They fell.
And they went rushing to grab the leaves
off of the trees of paradise to stick
them, to wrap their body up with them,
to cover their nakedness.
Shaytan humiliated them.
He exposed them.
Shaytan is determined to humiliate the children of
Adam in this world before the next.
And that is why, brothers and sisters, Allah
ﷻ used very clear language in the Qur
Elsewhere another surah when He said, يَا بَنِي
آدَمُ Or children of Adam.
لَا يَفْتِنَنَّكُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ Don't get deceived.
Don't get tricked.
Don't get baited.
Little by little He's gonna do it.
Tricked by Shaytan.
كَمَا أَخْرَجَ أَبَوَيْكُم مِّنَ الْجَنَّةِ In the same
manner that He got your parents expelled from
يَنزِعُ عَنْهُمَا لِبَاسَهُمَا Snatching, stripping off of them
their clothes.
You know it's like someone coming to you
and telling you, you heard what happened?
Someone pulled your father's sort of clothes off
in the middle of the street.
You'll do whatever it takes.
You'll lose your life in a fight without
thinking, right?
Allah is saying, Oh children of Adam, Shaytan
did that to your dad.
You should be upset.
You should not have your guard down.
You should not take this lightly.
By the way, He plans on doing the
same thing to you, right?
يَنزِعُ عَنْهُمَا لِبَاسَهُمَا He pulled off of your
parents their clothes.
لِيُرِيَهُمَا سَوْأَتِهِمَا To make their nakedness exposed to
each other, to all.
This is how Shaytan humiliates.
You know another lesson, very important lesson here,
is that being okay with being naked is
further humiliation, further.
It's as if Shaytan is saying, This is
This is the human being you wanted me
to prostrate to.
I stripped his clothing in public.
And watch this, I'm gonna make his kids
do the same thing.
I'm gonna strip it off of them as
These are the human beings.
I'm gonna have them behave like animals in
And this is why every morning, brothers and
sisters, and how important in this day and
age of hyper-sexualization and sort of numbness
to nakedness.
The Prophet ﷺ used to say every morning
before the sun rose as part of his
dhikr, his dua, he would say, اللهم اسطر
عوراتي O Allah, conceal my awrah.
Conceal my nakedness.
Conceal my vulnerability.
وآمن روعاتي And grant me security from my
Also, we are to remember, brothers and sisters,
before I sit down, when did the awrah
become visible?
When did the nakedness happen?
It happened after they ate?
No, they were eating in Jannah.
They were allowed to eat.
When they did something they were not allowed
to do.
When they ate what they were not allowed
to eat.
And likewise, Shaytan uses the stomach, fills it,
satiates it, so that he can get you
to pay more attention to the sexual urge.
That's his key.
That's why Allah says they ate, they became
It became sort of this impure thing.
It wasn't before.
Likewise, the Prophet ﷺ said, O young people,
if you find the urge inside you, get
Because this will help you lower your gaze
and guard your private parts from using them
in the wrong way.
He said, whomever can't afford it, fasting.
Keep the stomach a little empty.
He said, fast.
And you know this.
It doesn't require a medical report.
You know that it's only after you fill.
If you're hungry, you're not thinking about anything
else, right?
But after you filled that stomach of yours,
that's when you put your legs up like
this and you turn on a movie, right?
That's when you start scrolling, when there's satiety,
you're satiated, your stomach is satisfied.
This is why he also said, ﷺ, مَا
مَلَأَ بْنَ آدَمَ وِعَاءً شَرٌّ مِّنْ بَطْنِهِ The
son of Adam doesn't fill anything worse for
him than his stomach.
You should be eating morsels of food that
give you energy if you have to eat
more than a third food, a third drink,
a third so you can breathe.
If he can get this filled, he moves
on to the other one.
And this is also why, perhaps of the
wisdoms of why a Muslim says, بِسْمِ اللَّهِ
وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ before and after the meal, is
so you never eat mindlessly, this mindless munching.
No, you eat recognizing Allah's right, and you
want Allah's blessing, and you hope this food
will energize you to do what's good for
you, not to be counterproductive, and be unblessed
of a meal.
Because once this is compromised, he moves on
to the sexual appetite.
أقول قولي هذا واستغفر الله العظيم لي ولكم.
الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على من لا
نبي بعد.
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا
شريك له.
وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ونبيه ورسوله.
What happened next, brothers and sisters?
Adam عليه السلام, you can imagine, he was
so ashamed.
There are some reports, not a hadith per
se, where he was running in Jannah, as
if hiding in Jannah.
And Allah said to him, O Adam أَفِرَارًا
مِنِّي You're trying to run from me?
You know you can't.
قَالَ بَالْحَيَاءً مِنك No, out of shame from
I know I can't escape you.
I'm just expressing how ashamed I am to
have defied you, to have forgotten your instructions.
And he was ready to do anything you
can imagine.
How do I fix this?
What did Allah demand from him?
Almost nothing.
Allah عز و جل literally feeds him the
words to say, Here, just say this and
I'll forgive you.
Can you imagine how loving and how compassionate
and how forgiving and how merciful and how
well-wishing Allah is?
Allah says in the Qur'an, فَتَلَقَّ آدَمُ
مِنْ رَبِّهِ كَلِمَاتٍ فَتَابَ عَلَيْهِ Adam received from
his Lord a statement, and so his Lord
opened the door and accepted his repentance.
His Lord forgives him.
That statement is, رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَا أَنفُسَنَا O our
Lord, we've wronged ourself.
وَإِن لَمْ تَغْفِرْ لَنَا وَتَرْحَمْنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ مَنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ
If you don't forgive us and have mercy
on us, we will surely be failures.
I recognize that, O Allah, that's all you
need to do.
And so Allah accepted, and Allah forgave, and
Allah said to him, even though there's consequences,
even though there is going to be a
fall right now from paradise, a momentary fall,
even though you're going to have to re
-earn, re-climb your way back into paradise,
but you are absolutely forgiven.
What comes thereafter in our next khutbah, inshaAllah
ta'ala, we ask Allah to fill us
with insight that can allow us to fulfill
our purpose with excellence.
We ask Allah to fill us with resolve,
to resist the plots of shaitan that are
clearly spelled out in the Qur'an.
We ask Allah Azza wa Jalla to honor
the Muslims everywhere.
We ask Allah to honor the Muslims everywhere.
We ask Allah to honor the Muslims everywhere,
and make us a part of their honoring,
and a means towards their liberation and salvation.
Allahumma ameen.