Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Tafsir Surah Yusuf, P8, Ayat 94104,

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The transcript discusses various topics related to Islam, including the title of Islam, the meaning of "naive," and the return of the Caravan. The speakers emphasize the importance of gratitude and forgiveness, the use of words like "has" and "has left," and the importance of honoring parents and siblings. They also discuss the historical use of the word "has" and the importance of acceptance in society. The segment ends with a message to the Bani Israel about the profit center lesson and the return of the Caravan.
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center line income from lack of better capital
Bismillah Alhamdulillah Handan cafe raanta yovan Mubarak and fee
hum Daniela COVID. Jelani Virgie he will be all the muscle Tony
was Salah hola hola Farah Franca he from Medina surgical Amin
Rahmatullah Alameen. Wa ala Aalihi. Octavia being a paladin
allows Javi a laurel Miami woman tarbiyah home, son Ilario midday,
along with mctominay minhang
Allama Zina uma wala to the CoLo gonna validate data now having
anomala dhankar. Ramona can tell when
we ask Allah subhanaw taala
to make
the Quran, Arabia, alumina, the spring of our hearts.
This is a dua of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to make it the
spring of our hearts. What does that mean?
Arabia, you know, there is a month.
Robin, well, Robin, that is the springtime. So the DA says
my gel, Khurana Rabea. alumina make it the spring of our hearts.
What does that mean?
what happens in spring, Everything blossoms.
So make our hearts blossom with the corner.
Give it hope, give it beauty.
So as we continue in our journey of the Quran, for those of you who
are here for the first time, and those who are coming back, we
remind ourselves
that we study the Quran, the actual word, the qalam, of Allah.
So this gathering is not an ordinary gathering.
It's not just a lesson or adults or anything, these are the actual
words of Allah subhanaw taala, Allah spoke to men, Allah spoke
for the last time to man through the Quran.
And the window of widely of revelation was closed forever.
We should treat this as Allah
is speaking to me.
To you, each one should take it this is not for my neighbor, it's
not for the person behind me, this is for me,
because Allah spoke to me.
And we take it seriously. And we try and extract all the messages,
various layers of messages, because Allah is infinite. And his
words and the meanings and scope of an understanding of those is
also infinite. Because this is not an ordinary word.
So what do we gain out of the Quran will depend on what we come
to the Quran with. What does that mean? What kind of a heart we
bring to the table.
And part of that is also the exterior. I'm studying the words
of ALLAH therefore I have adult manners, to be properly dressed,
to be properly in a state of Budo and Tahara. To be to have that
apprehension and all that's the words of Allah.
And in my heart, I have the desire
that whatever Allah wants for me should be revealed to me. So I
understand it, not only understand it, but I implemented I act upon
it in my life
because the Quran was sent, not for an academic exercise. And who
is the best example for us? Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
the best of Allah's creation, the Prophet Muhammad, peace and
blessings be upon him, and he was described as Magana. Hulagu Al
Quran. His character was the Quran. In other words, he acted
and he showed us what the Quran should do to our lives to our
character, how we conduct ourselves our comportment, how we
talk how we interact with each other, how we conduct business
transactions, how we worship Allah subhanaw taala how we are as a
husband and the wife as a parent as a child
Have it in one form of the other is either as a generality or as
specifically mentioned in the Quran. So we turn to the Quran
for all of our questions, all of our problems. Do we have problems
in this dunya
anyone here have problems?
Who doesn't have a problem
as an individual, as a family as a community as an OMA,
we have challenges every day. And there are challenges which we are
not even aware of that we are being challenged.
Okay, for example,
what is the biggest challenge that we see in the Ummah today?
Not for money, love for money, but what we are seeing in every day
that we are all active about.
oppression, oppression, we can express in one word sort of
epitomized by Raza, okay, that represents
or you can say, well, what's going on in Pakistan of injustice, this
represents all of what's going on in the ummah. We see these as a
challenge. But when these things were not going on, in everything
was going on. Well, did we think we had a challenge?
Most of us didn't realize it. If everything is going well in your
You are healthy. You have a wonderful marriage, you have
wonderful kids, you have no shortage of money, you have
respect, you have honor you have all of that.
Do people think this person has any challenges? Most people think
Because we only conceive negative things that's challenging. But you
will see in the Surah
everything whether it's a hardship, it's a test, when it's
easy, it's also a test.
Because the entire Allah says wama Allah subhanaw taala says
about the life of this dunya What did he say?
That we made it as a
place of test and tests are in many different ways.
So we've been going through this surah of number 12 use of for
and we've been trying to extract lessons for us to act on it's not
just a beautiful story Allah called it passes the best of
stories but not because it's a good story because the main good
stories. So in this story, for those who have been coming
who are your role models in the story, who are you learning from
in the story, of use of illicit
use of illicit anyone else.
To people that we are trying to learn good things from and there
are many people who have we are trying to learn not to do those
things, including what the brothers did, in what the traders
did, and what the wife of the Aziz did, and what the prisoners did
and all of that. Okay. So we have to if you want to say role models
for us, in the Surah, which is a father and a son.
Yeah, poor Jacob and his son.
Now, we're seeing different lessons from each one of them.
What is if you were to save one create one character?
One aspect of character that we are learning most from the father
Jacob jacobellis, Allah. Saba.
So patience. And what are we learning if you were to say one
from his son use of a lesson
all of this, all of that Taqwa. Yes.
And also sugar, in every situation is grateful to Allah subhanaw
taala. And that's real gratitude, because when we get a lot, we show
great gratitude. But he even when he is being challenged, is
grateful to Allah. He's always remembering Allah.
So you have a father and son. Show showing you two traits besides
taqwa and forgiveness, all of those are there,
which is Southern and Shaka are two sides of a coin.
If you're truly grateful,
you will always be patient.
And if you are patient, you will become grateful, because you've
been through that. So when that is relieved, you will be in a state
of chakra gratitude.
We can talk about it a little bit later once we come to that. So we
had come to the point in the story. Last Day, hold on bIllahi
min ash shaytani R rajim. This ayah number 94. While I'm
a boom in ni IG do ri her use of Lola to find needle. So use of
Allah salaam had revealed himself to his brothers. And, you know, in
that state of feeling like what they had done there to ask for
forgiveness, and he could have done anything with them, including
putting them in prison having them you know, whatever. He said that
is not the three value chameleon there is no blame on you today.
May Allah forgive you, and He is the most. And then he said to
Take this shirt of mine
to my father, and you cast it on his face and it will
bring restore his vision.
How does the shirt restore somebody's vision?
We are all educated people, more than half the people here are
doctors. How many of you can relieve blindness by throwing a
shirt or throwing anything at somebody's face?
So it's hard to reason with something like that. Right? So if
you just use intellect, what is the first thing that will come to
This this, you said stories, fairy tales, right?
anybody in this room have a doubt that this happened?
It goes against your reason. But you don't have a doubt. Why is
Because what's in the heart and your heart says these are the
words of Allah. Therefore they're true whether I can resist it or
You know, when you come to a sea
somebody hits it with a stick, and then paths open on it. And people
walk through it.
Any logical reason can say that this can happen.
It says it defies the laws of physics, water cannot stand up.
That's not how surface tension works. That's not how gravity
works cannot stand up in walls. Right?
The people who use the intellect
would have doubts or not only doubts in their hearts, they would
be laughing. So what kind of stories are these? Unfortunately,
the people for whom this happened? The majority of them do not
believe in the parting of the sea. Talk to them.
They say yeah, yeah, it's there. But
it cannot happen. And they've looked for explanations including
that tsunami must have taken place somewhere so the water pulled out
and therefore there was land and they walked through.
Okay, when you don't have hearts and only use reason.
This is what happens. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the
Quran that we brought you out from the wombs of your mother, and we
gave use hearing and sight
and understanding and we give you a heart.
In other words, if you just see an experience, you will learn
something. If you use your intellect, you can learn something
more, but there are certain things that you cannot unless you have a
heart and heart represents Iman fate
because a lot of these things cannot be reasoned with.
so Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that the one who gives
blindness the one who gives cure can put his cure in anything,
whether it's in the hands of a surgeon, whether it's in a
medicine or whether it's the shirt of a son.
And he had revealed it to
use of an SLR look at the confidence that he
had in this
He said if Hubble comm EC had an interview committee has a go with
this shirt of mine he took it off
for uncool Allah watch ARB and throw it on the face of my Father
yet T buzz serum
and his vision will come back.
What was missing in this?
Can anybody make a claim like that?
What did we learn in Soraka? Have
in sha Allah is use of Allah Salam saying inshallah he doesn't isn't
it amazing?
How can a prophet make a claim like that without saying insha
Allah what does that tell you?
That Allah had already revealed to him this will happen so he doesn't
have to say inshallah he knows it's done
it's done
so now that caravan Allah subhanaw taala says well Amma fossa little
arrow and when that caravan departed, where are the departing
from which country and they are going to where? Philistine, okay,
so distance of somewhere between seven and 14 days of camo right at
that time, depending on how fast they travel.
They leave Egypt.
Kala abou home their father says in ni la Adji do it in nice for
tacky, Toki it means certainly. And love is also love a double
double sort of confirmation. I do do rehab, I use ice smell,
use of
Six 800 miles away, caravan leaves, this old man is sitting
here with the rest of his family, his grandchildren and his
daughter's in laws and all of that. And he says I smell us.
First of all, isn't that beautiful?
That a father can recognize the smell of their son.
Now you, those of you who have children and you smell them, can
you tell the smell of some of them? Who is what does this?
This shirt smells like so and so this? Yes. And we don't have very
sophisticated sense of smells. You know we are not like those
tracking dogs, you give them a shirt and they will track through
water everywhere. What does that tell you? That Allah has given
that ability so it can be they say a bear can smell it spray for what
a mile or two away.
Allah opened those passages, which the human beings are not very
sophisticated in smelling. And he says I smell yourself. If you had
12 children, that means you could smell them all and distinguish
Or maybe perhaps there was something in it that gave him the
feeling that uses
in his heart
Lola underfunded own.
And then he knows how they treat him.
Including that generation, the newer generation, you know how his
sons treated him. Now this is their children, their wives. So he
sort of preamps what they're going to say what would they say to
them? Oh, come on, you know, the new generation says
that you told told that to your children. I can smell my things.
Once I've you know, what was the reaction today? If they're polite,
they'll do this.
Just roll their eyes
see you know, so he before he preempts them by saying Lola and
Tiffany dune
even though you might think that I have gone senile, I've developed
some dementia or have some
olfactory hallucinations.
Right? So he puts it there. In a way he saves them from set trying
to save them. Don't say it, I'm saying it otherwise it's a sin for
you. Your children shouldn't talk to them to their father and who is
the is this an ordinary grandfather or an ordinary father
in law?
This is a prophet of Allah, He is the grandson of Canyon Allah.
So Allah subhanaw taala opens up
things, of changes laws of physics for people who are righteous.
For the prophets, they used to be called miracles. But do these
things happen to ordinary people? Yes, they do. They're called
Kurama people experience them in
And books, our books are full of them people have seen things
in your own life you may have, if you are sensitive enough, you have
sensed in your life you can count. I know certain experiences I had
in my life. I know something special happened because of what
They still say Sao Paulo, those who were present they said to
Allah in NACA la vie de la Likkle. According
to La he is like saying, well, like they they swore on Allah, the
people present there, which is the extended family. In NACA, indeed
you is telling the grandfather
or the father in law laughy Indeed you are again tacky. In the
the logical Kadeem lalala means to go astray. Kadeem old age for
them, that these are your old delusions, one could say that
either you become so senile that you are imagining things or you
have always remembered you serve. So this is another thing coming
back to you that I smell use of old
you're still stuck in the same old delusion or the old error because
the LOL Delilah is not a good term. So just a lesson for us is
we are supposed to be respectful to our parents after our land is
Rasul parents have the next rank, right?
And grandparents what is their rank
grand grander than parent, because suppose you could say, a child
should have 100 degrees of respect for the Father. That father has
100 degree of respect for the grandfather, therefore, the
grandson should have 100 plus 100.
In fact, if a father you lose a father, your grandfather has the
rank and all of those of your father. He has it anyway. So you
don't talk for a little kids who are present here. Your grandfather
is, that's it.
So you never talk to you, father or grandfather like this. So this
is something that Allah subhanaw taala out of his wisdom, put it
there, he didn't have to say this, that this is what they said.
Right? If this ayah was skipped, nothing would be lost from the
You realize that you can read the IR before, go to the next one and
skip this. There's nothing missing, but Allah recorded the
statement, for what purpose? Not just to say that they are evil,
they were bad behavior.
And who is doing that tarbiyah who is raising these
grandson of Ibrahim alayhis salam Jacobi who in his own right, he is
what he is, and this is the whole lineage of prophets is arcanist
Allah. So, their household must have been a wonderful household of
other of Iman and all of this in proper tarbiyah and in that
household, even then, people are talking like this.
we will never have a household like jacobellis salaams.
we can we do our best. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make our
children and progeny and grandchildren such that they don't
do things like this.
You can have this is an example of children and grandchildren and
things growing up in the house of jacobellis Anna,
and this was the response. Okay. It's like, these seeds were
growing up in the most cared for garden by boy with the best of
gardeners, Jacobina salaam, this is what's happening.
Now look at the grandfather.
And they're not blossoming in the right way. Look at the
grandfather, who was the grandfather of Jacobina, Santa
Abraham. And so I mean, which household is he growing?
He's growing in a desert his father makes idols and there's in
what does he become?
Khalid Allah. He is a flower,
blossoming in a desert and here in the garden, so the seeds
Allah puts in the hearts of people what he wants,
and therefore, that's Allah's work. All we can do is we do what
we're supposed to. We make lots of data for our children. But this is
there for a purpose to teach us other manners with our parents and
And we continue Fela Amma and
she you call who Allah YJ he for double seerah Allah Allah Aquila
come in the limo Mina Allah Hema Allah Tala Moon for lemma, Anjali
mushy. So then when the Bashir the one who is bringing the Bashara
which is the glad tidings came now what has happened? Allah subhanaw
taala skips the long journey. They've just left Egypt. He says I
smell it next is they have arrived. Okay, so that
timeframe is gone. They have arrived. So the Bashir arrives.
I'll call who Allah wa J and he throws it over his he can sit over
his face for tat double zero over whose face jacobellis alarms face
Jacobs face for double zero and his vision returns. Okay? The
miracle it was just the power of the church. No, this is the
command of Allah. Okay.
Why does Allah subhanaw taala not not say that when the sons came
back, he says, fella man, Jaya Al Bashir, the one bringing the good
So scholars have debated Who is this was this one of the sons now
you know, how many sons are coming back?
No. Do I left the one oldest one decided I'm not going back till my
father says to nine sons are coming back. This could be one of
those. Some people said that one, you know, these are all
commentators. They said,
if you had done what you had done to jacobellis, Salah, and said,
last time, you brought a shirt back to him, you said the wolf has
eaten your son. Okay. And you had lied and put him through all of
this. Would you like to bring a shirt back of your head? This the
shirt of yourself I want to put would you like to do that to your
father? After all these years, we just wouldn't have the guts to do
that. So some of them said therefore, they must have given to
one of the people in the caravan go and do this. That's one
And some have said the machine itself
is the shirt itself. Because he had smelted now the shirt comes
and that's what's giving him the good news. That shirt is here
anyway, whatever it is.
So it's vision returns. Por la he says, alum Aquila come in Alamo
Mina Lima la Talamo now imagine everybody's gathered. Because this
has happened. The sons have come in their wives or their
grandchildren's extended family in this and you know, there were
small, everybody's gathered to something special this happened
because this special Caravan has come and brought something special
with them.
So with all these people gathered, and some of them may be hiding
behind others because they feel embarrassed to come in front of
their father. Okay, because now it is for the first time it's exposed
for sure that use of an s&m is alive. And the first thing comes
like we said, the wolf agent.
So they probably be hiding behind each other not wanting to face
Now, what
would you have done? Once this was proven? And all these nine if you
will, sort of minor criminals were standing in front of you? The sun?
They were scared what would you do?
Said you dare stand here in front of me after having did you lie to
me? Did the wool for you Tim, that's what you were telling me
all these years. So you did this to him? He could have started
scolding them blame game,
taking them to task and all kinds of things. You know, sometimes
people get more excited when you burn in Jahannam but he is you
know, he is a prophet of Allah. What is his response in such a
He just says and there are only few quotations of jacobellis
Salaam in the entire Quran. So there must be very significant.
He says alum Akula come Did I not say to you, in ni Allah Mina Lima
Katana that I know from Allah what you do not.
Is this something any of you would have said in a situation lines?
So what does it mean?
Again, the novel that was alive and he knows
So, essentially he's saying he's reminding them.
alum Akula comm Have I not told you means it's a reminder
that I know from Allah or about Allah,
what do you do not know. In other words, my relationship with Allah
is different than your relationship.
Right? Even though you're my children, and your the great
grandchildren of Abraham, Melissa and the grandchildren of Isabela
salaam, and you are going to be future profits of the Bani Israel,
but my relationship with Allah and what she tells me is different
than you.
What you do not know. So this is another way turn it around. In
other words, you should work on your relationship with Allah to
reach a level where Allah reveals these things to you. In other
words, he is encouraging them to reform. He is not condemning them.
He is saying there is scope for you to improve your relationship
with Allah.
Right. For us, what does it mean? Is there any scope for us to
improve our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala we are, we
are good.
I'm good, how many humble?
We can always improve no matter how good we think we are.
In terms of being deluded,
we can always improve our relationship
even if we have reached a certain standard at all times, this is
what he is telling us.
That I truly know from Allah what you do not know. And mean Allah,
as I said, also means about Allah. It I truly know my rap better than
you. In other words, I knew all along and he has said this before
many times in the Surah that I know from Allah in other words,
I know Allah would not do this allowed this to happen. That's
another way of looking at
it okay. When did he say this all now he's saying this when he's got
the good news? Did he say something similar when other
things happened? Yes, when they came that he has been eaten
Mondays, this has happened and he's had the same thing.
I put my trust in Allah.
I put my trust in Allah. So no matter how bad hopeless things
but Muslim should always put the trust
How long did it take for that trust to come to what he liked?
And many times and that's part of patience. When we see something
wrong was we some injustice, we want to change tomorrow? Right?
Cease fire now. Right? We want to change today. Allah has this plan,
which doesn't mean that you don't work to it. But you continue doing
what you're supposed to
wait for Allah's master plan to unfold.
Number 97 Palu Yeah, aboutness they'll fit in Lana, the new
banana in gunner hotter Nene. Now they said
father has not scolded us. This is a good time to fess up. So what
did you say? Yeah, about
now they addressed Oh, our beloved father, before a moment out abou
his father. Now this Oh, our father, a step further. Lana,
Astell fildena Ask Allah Subhana Allah for forgiveness for us.
Vinoba Na, our sins.
The knob is one of the words used in Arabic language in the Quran
for sins. The root is the knob. The knob is what do you know
tail, the tail of an animal.
Tale of the animal represents what
brought all the filth and everything comes to an area
which is not pleasant which produce makes you feel ashamed.
You cover it. So any act that you feel ashamed about is considered
colder than the Noble is the plural. So they are saying in
other words just by saying that
ask Allah forgiveness for our sins. In other words, this is one
way of
admitting that they have sinned. Now, they didn't say, ask
forgiveness. For the time we lied to you
about the shirt. And all the years we've been lying as forgiveness
that we were mean to our son to your, to our brother, your son,
that we thought of killing him that we did this. They're not
specifying any of that. What are they saying? The generic term ask
for forgiveness for our sins.
Why is that the right thing to do?
Because sometimes if you start counting all of those, it
refreshes your trauma.
The father's trauma
forgive us for the time we brought that shirt and we like to you and
we did so that would rip you know, bring all those back to so when we
asked for forgiveness,
which we shouldn't recall every detail of everything wrong we did.
We ask Allah Ya Allah, you know,
forgive us, and we don't recount our sins to others. You know, you
don't know my past. This is what I did. What Why?
Because sometimes, especially youngsters, my throne, maybe I can
also try something like this. So we don't talk about our sins. We
don't give any details. We are all sinners, we just this is what they
said as forgiveness for us in, in Hakuna Hata in indeed, we are
caught up in kata means somebody who's made a mistake, not sort of
inadvertently but he's saying I made a mistake. So he's not making
any excuses. I did this but there was a justification I did this
because of this noise it we were we made mistakes so they aren't
clear in it.
Now someone was saying the other day with our deen tells us
that we have no intermediary with Allah subhanaw taala we can ask we
approach Allah subhanaw taala directly.
Quoting these people have said Yeah, Allah forgive us,
yes or no.
But they ask their father,
you may go for us.
Which tells you the permissibility
of asking righteous people and good people to make dua for you
including that forgiveness, okay?
For the simple reason that that person they perceive is closer to
their father, and therefore, the statistical probability of his
daughter being accepted is greater than mine, because I am a sinner.
So it's just telling you
that that you should ask for forgiveness directly. But you can
also ask other people to make dua for you.
Number 98, Carla. Now, in response to that,
he says, Who is this Iacobelli Salam, sofa Astell federal law.
Komarov be in who who will reform? He said,
sofa is in the near future. I will ask my lord, forgiveness for you.
In no indeed he. He is over for the all forgiving Rahim the
Merciful. So Allah subhanaw taala
to have his attributes, Allah a foreigner Rahim. He says he is
indeed all forgiving, Most Merciful. But there's an
interesting twist here. What did he say? The word sofa which means
Why that?
Why didn't he just say, Yeah, ALLAH forgive my sense.
You think I will ask means in the near future, I'm not asking right
That's another something to reflect on.
What might be the wisdom of the
common sense would say look, you guys have a real bad record.
Right? I don't know if you're truly repentant. You're saying you
know, we did this and ask forgiveness. I want to wait a few
days see what your behavior is. Is it truly repentant? Then I will
ask, that could be one way right probation, probation period
or another
thing that we learned in our dean
there are special
times windows of opportunity.
Where da, especially very important though, is you use those
times. So he was going to, for example, this may have happened in
the daytime, he said, I will. In other words, when I scan the night
in the night, in the time of the hijab for him and asked my Rob,
that's when I'm going to do this draft for you because I truly want
you to be forgiven. And there is greater acceptance. So that's
another ishara of why he may have delayed it or something like that.
But every word in the Quran
is there for a purpose. And those are the secrets of the Quran and
Allah may open up to you some other ideas and things I'm just
giving you some of what they have said
phelim The Hawala use of La he have a way he will call out the
Hulu Misra in sha Allah Armenian. Remember the instruction use of
Allah Salam had given to his brothers, take my shirt, cast it
on his face, his vision will come back and then what did he say? All
of you come back here to Egypt. Now Allah subhanaw taala from that
vision is coming back I will do that for you. They admit fast
forward they are back to Egypt. Everybody the whole tribe.
So Allah smart Allah says Allah muda Hawala use of when they all
came, and they entered upon use of entered upon use of various use of
Peninsula is like a king at this point, okay, is the Aziz is the
governor. So obviously, he is in this big mansion or Palace,
whatever. Now they come, they're
our la he Abba way.
So they come. Now, just imagine the emotions use jacobellis
Salaam, the old man, the rest of the family, especially Alcobendas
salaam, because the rest of the family had their own issues and
their wives and all now Jacoba. Islam knows he's alive. He hasn't
seen. He hasn't seen him.
Now he traveled two weeks or 10 days, and he comes here, and he's
waiting to see his son and he enters.
And then he sees this the young, beautiful, handsome and the last
time he saw him, he was a little kid.
And what is his rank and you sees all the pomp and things and
servants and everything around?
What is use of Elisa Lam Zim? Probably just imagine him sitting
on like a throne. And these people enter
what the Kings
does the guards bring them here.
That's not rotated.
Our la he away. He
received them himself, obviously must have come down and embraced
his father. But it says away he his spirits
were his his mother.
Long gone
to this is one of his stepmothers, but look at his other unless
Martha doesn't say abou Abba way the parents and we already know he
his mother was gone.
So he treated his mother who was some of them may have been the
mothers of these boys who had done all of these the brothers, but
this is how he treats
their mothers their mothers just like he would own his own.
So he receives his parents graciously with Karla to Hulu and
he says all the Hulu anchor Misra, Mr. Egypt in sharp now he says
inshallah insha Allah Who Arminian in peace
means all of the troubles the hungers that they were going
through their prevention, the desert the Bedouin life and
hardships, all of that is gone. Meaning
peace and security. You know,
a man is one of one of the greatest
gifts of Allah subhanaw taala, which we take for granted. We're
living in America.
Look anywhere in the world.
You can have everything in terms of health and wealth and children
everything you have. If you know
don't have security and peace, you cannot live you cannot enjoy any
of that.
And we take it for granted.
So we should thank Allah subhanaw taala I thank Allah subhanaw taala
that Allah subhanaw taala has given us this blessing that we are
living in a very peaceful, secure environment here in this country,
which is not a Muslim country. This is a gift from Allah subhanaw
taala. Tomorrow there could be, you know, some sort of
Islamophobia turned to the extreme, and you wouldn't feel
that security.
I go out every day with a goofy.
I see patients in the hospital down the street, are feeling
insecure insecurity.
sisters go out with hijabs all the time, they don't get any
This is a gift from Allah subhanaw taala.
And there are people who have everything
and they don't feel secure. So therefore you have bodyguards,
this guards and armies to protect you and you still don't feel
Would you like to be in that position that you have all the
wealth, you don't feel secure, you cannot walk on a beach, you cannot
go hiking. Without having three people here with earpieces and
five people here here. The force is going to wakes up around to
check that there is nothing else including under your bed.
And even then they feel insecure that maybe something will get
mn security is a great blessing.
Well Rafa, about way He Allah Arash
and he raised his parents on to the throne. In other words, there
was probably as some sort of elevated stages where he was, so
he embraced them and he took the parents up, again, showing honor
for the parents. And an ash unless Mandela says on the throne,
did he put them actually on the throne that he was sitting maybe?
Because he says ash?
This is what he did. Now he is honoring his parents.
So whoever honors their parents, Allah honors them. How were her
Roula who saw Jada? There, the parents fell down in such that
frustration. That's the ultimate honor for a parent to do a size
that which of course, you have to understand such that
is not allowed to each other in our Sharia because that is the
Sajida of a bother of worship. But in previous nations Sajida was
permitted for honoring somebody
just like, give me another example from the Quran.
Who was made to do such that?
If not just if this if this never did all the angels.
Why was that they were worshipping Adam and Sam. No.
It was not the app but it was not a worship it was Allah's command
to show honor. So they did that. But in our Sharia the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam said so Judah is now on only for Allah.
so, but they did
makalah when he saw that What did you say? Yeah, apathy and again
this we've talked about this word yet apathy is the the most
intimate way in which you can have dripping with love that you can
talk to your father in. In the Arabic language Yeah, beauty
My beloved daddy, who that is such a
Yeah, Bertie had that we live in Kabul. This is the fulfillment of
the dream. Now he remembered he had not mentioned that dream from
that beginning till now. He saw this and obviously what you're
also meant is when the parents fell and says that
other brothers also fell in says that.
He said this is the will this is the fulfillment the interpretation
of Yeah, men couple my dream from before. Cod J Aloha rugby haka.
Indeed, my Lord has made it come true.
Dreams come true. The real dreams
Did you want this to app? No.
But this is what Allah subhanaw taala had planned written before
they were even created.
everything is perfect for use of a listener. He has the power he has
the respect he has the honor he has the is the honor. And the
parents have come so that they are all yours. You reunited and his
superiority over his brothers has been established the parents are
there everything is there.
What does it say well, center be and he my lord
center be
he has truly treated me he's been the
most kind to me in his treatment
is accurate Gini misogyny when he took me out now he recalled when
he took me out minutes from the prison, but ya become men and but
we may embody and he has brought you all from the desert main body
NASA shape now. So he's recalling all the good things that I was in
the present. Now I'm here. You were out there, you've been
brought here. And now it doesn't say that, you know my brothers in
this happened in spite of all the plotting and planning and evil
that my brothers did.
He said mimbar the another shaytan obey Neva bein equity, after
shaitan a puts the blame on shaitan
had ignited between me and between my brothers and me.
Even though he puts himself first between me and my brothers,
between our brothers and I, he put this rivalry and this discord
between us.
And then he says in rugby Latif will Lima Yasha. And Allah is
Lateef, in fulfilling whatever he wants to do motif. Subtle. He does
things in a way that nobody can imagine.
Because we see the twists and turns in the story. Who would have
thought the story of this little boy who was sold as a slave, who
was put in a prison, who is accused of all of this one day, he
will be up here, and all of these who has been separated will be
brought to him.
And no battle was fought, no money was nothing. It's just pieces of
the puzzle come together. That's the look of a marshmallow.
And if we look in our lives individually, and you look back
sincerely, you will find many things in our life have come
together, just from a Latif.
But both of us.
He does things in unique ways, which you would never think it
would happen this way. You can only think logically our way this
should be this way. Things happen. Results are better. And it
happened in its own unique way.
So we asked for Allah's looks for our brothers and sisters in Gaza
and philistin Everywhere else, because we don't know which way
Allah will solve this problem. It will end at some point. There may
be many more lives lost, we don't know. And may Allah take them all
as martyrs. I see you know those who but in a lot of suffering, but
Allah has his own. And therefore, we ask Allah subhanaw taala
for Lavinia Salako, lotfy Margeret bail makadi We ask Allah for a lot
for everything that unfolds from the destiny that he has written,
to be in our favor.
In rugby, indeed, my lord Latif, Latif lemma, your shine whatever
you do, in No, while Haleem will hacky, same thing that was said at
the beginning. Indeed, He is early, he knows he knew all of
this and he's again,
wise all of this had to happen because there is divine wisdom.
Because somebody might say, Why did all of this have to happen?
There is divine wisdom.
And it's also telling us no matter how difficult thing Allah is
Allah, Allah, Allah, He knows what's going on. He knew what was
in the prison. He knew what was in that private quarters with the
door closed. He knew what was in the well he knew what
conversations were going on.
And when they were planning and plotting, everything is known to
He can stop at any point but He permits what He permits out of his
wisdom and hacking
rugby can attain any mineral milk or a lump any mint will ahaadeeth
thoughts so far there are some words he will Earth and valley for
dunya will ACARA whatever funny Muslim while he can he was solid.
Now it seems like after all of this has happened, use of Allah
Salam withdraws somewhere
and he makes a intimate
call conversation are a dua to Allah subhanaw taala
because just the word suggests that it's a private conversation
between him and Allah Samantha, Robbie might
if he was doing a collective door with his he would syrup burner for
Lord rugby cut Arteta knee, again, what you have given me mineral
milk, from the authority of the land, mineral is sick from it is
not saying you have given me all the authority, what you have given
me have the authority Well, a llanthony and what you have taught
me min min, will have this from the interpretation of things, of
dreams of statements, or hadith is open to this not just dreams. So,
he say,
you have given me
authority over the country, some of it and you have given me some
knowledge of interpretation of things. So he recognizes the
blessings of Allah
thought are somewhat similar, originator, creator of the heavens
and the earth.
Under Wali,
you are my guardian.
I ruled the land. He's not saying I'm the guardian of anybody, or
everybody says You are my guardian. In other words, I have
no power.
I have no power under Willie. Were fit dunya Allah Farah, you are in
charge. You are my guardian You are my caretaker in this life and
in the Accra. In other words, I have no confidence on my taqwa and
all the good things I have done in the after I don't depend on that.
I depend on you. Your Mercy, Your forgiveness, your reward.
And then what does He ask
the word funny Muslimah now he doesn't say yeah, Allah, give me
this kingdom for the next 100 years. Or give me greater power to
rule the whole of the world which Solomon Ellison upset Yeah, Allah
give me kingdom that nobody had ever been given. What does use of
nslm say after getting all of this there were funny Muslim, take me
back to you in a state of submission to you as a Muslim
while happening with Salah Hain and join me in the Hereafter with
the righteous people this is a prophet of Allah.
What is he asking after all of this has been given nothing of the
your Allah make my end? Because I haven't, I'm going to die. Make my
end that I die in a state of submission to you that this power
that everything that has happened doesn't make me arrogant. When I
feel independent. I remind myself that unknowingly You are my way.
Dunya Natraj and I don't depend on what I have done. I depend on you.
Take me among the solution.
useable SLM
this itself was useful unless alarms greatest test.
Somebody else you and me would have thought there is no for the
test. All this testing is over first he was tested with hardship,
you know, being thrown in the well then as a slave, then accused
accused at before that temptation of this woman that's another test
and then turn the prison near the test of being given power.
Now everything has come say well, the tests are over this what we
were talking about. The tests are not over. This is the greatest
test because everything is perfect. Now,
who does it turn to at that time? Here's Rob.
In humility, recognizing Allah's favor, he counts them and says You
are the creator of them.
heavens in the earth. What can I ask you?
Take me, take me,
but take me in this condition
every prophet
made dua to be taken as a Muslim a person in submission to Allah
when we are going to ask when you feel close to Allah, what do we
normally ask about generally things of the dunya
one day
the Bedouin
had done something good. Rasool Allah SallAllahu sallam said to
him, was when Australia asked me so in other words, in that
generous asked me means I will give you what do you want?
He said, I want a camel with a saddle
and give me goats and sheep so that my family can milk the
mind of the Bedouin, this is what she knows.
So rasool Allah salAllahu alayhi salam said,
Why didn't you ask at least what the old woman of the Bani Israel
What's your question?
What's your question?
What did the old woman Israel ask? So when he said this, The
companions the Sahaba said yeah Rasulillah
Who is this old woman of the Bani Israel and what did she ask
let me try and remember this
the details are on
I forgotten some of the details but what what is coming I will
tell you that something had happened among the Bani Israel.
What had happened yet now here it comes to me when Musa alayhis
in the Bani Israel were leaving Egypt to come to
back to this land of Philistine
they lost their way
in the desert.
So some of them said,
elders that it was the will of use of and SLM that when you move back
to the land of Canaan, take my body, my bones my remains with
you. And we forgot to do that. And perhaps this is the reason why we
have lost our way. So they went back
and nobody knew where usefulness alarms grave was.
Then someone said there is an old woman who knows where he was
buried. So they came to
she said, she made a condition.
She said, I will tell you the grave of use of a listener
if I will be your companion in general.
To say listen,
she didn't ask for well, or anything. Then the story goes,
this isn't Musa duck, Hakim? That she's there was a lake. She said,
drain the water of the lake and the drain that and then she said
it's such and such place dig here and the duck there, there were the
remains of use of a lesson.
So the profit center lesson you should have been at least like the
woman should have asked something. You know, you could have asked
Jada Sula, I want your company so in other words what we are
learning from this is don't ask for small things don't ask for
kingdom of the world. See Allah I'm good with you. Make me the
ruler of the world if he did, how long would it last?
Ask for something that is eternal
well how can you even salah Hain
dialect come in embark invade North he lake where my consolidate
him is he Mahieu Amma humble home miam Quran now Allah subhanaw
taala ends the story by saying that to the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam remember one of the reasons this story is because the
Bani Israel had told the Kadesh
Ask him. How did the Egyptians end up? How did you know Egyptians end
up in Egypt? I mean, how did the Bani Israel end up in Egypt okay?
And the story was revealed. Now Allah dialect this means this
story, men combat in vain. This is the story of the news of the
unseen because this didn't happen centuries before what did the
prophets Allah Allah and Islam knows and born in Makkah know more
than anybody else
knew or he like what we revealed to you as a washy as Revelation?
Well, my consolidation and you are not with them, Allah saying, Oh
prophet of Allah, you are not with them is agile when the brothers
gathered together to decide what Holmium Quran when they were
plotting means all the details of the story are here, which is proof
of your prophethood because nobody knows these details that were
given in the story. Please devalue. Even the money is sort of
the details that are given were not available to the Bani Israel
who would challenge this question. So Allah subhanaw taala says,
Well, my fellow nurse wema Pharaoh Nursey Wello has been moved money.
Now, remember, this is my second period, the prophets Allah, Allah,
listen, I'm just trying to convince people now he's got all
of these more and more proofs coming and they're not listening
and what is he trying to do?
He has health. Yes, is intense drug intense desire, he's very
that they become movement. They believe in this message. Allah
subhanaw taala say will act thoroughness the majority of
people will not believe will allow Rasta be moment even though you
have this intense desire for them to become believers. And that's
the story has always been that the majority of people reject the
truth that's been humanist. Every prophet would have few followers.
And today we under same situation.
You call people to Islam, you will get the same response.
Are we after numbers? No. Don't follow the majority. Why? Because
the majority is heading to a destination that's already
Nigerian Mr. Minelli Ginetta one Nutsedge final lesson I will fill
with men and so you don't want to be with the majority you know
recent majority rules majority doesn't rule majority is going to
rule and Jana.
Be with the people who are on the right. Even if there is one person
on the Day of Judgment, the prophets will come messengers will
come with their followers. Some of them will have one follower,
messenger of Allah and some will have none.
Allah says about Ibrahim alayhis salam cannot omit he himself is
the OMA is there's nobody behind them.
They came here to children and all followers.
So if nobody listens to your message doesn't matter.
Your job is to act on it. Do this and invite them
well myrtus Allahu
wa martes Allahumma Allah him in Algerian in Hua Illa, the crew
leader al Amin, and you don't ask them for any reward. It's not like
you know, you're asking, no, I'll give you this and you give me the
same reward. The messengers never asked anything in return. They
always said the same. If you look like Surah Shuara and all where
all the all the Ambia I mentioned every time that is there, and we
don't ask anything from you in return, because we are messengers
to Allah we give we are not to take. So you do not ask them for
Allah him any age or anything reward give me any kind of company
even including recognition and honor nothing. In Hua this message
this Quran Hua Illa the Quran, Allah Allah means a reminder for
all the words
I think I'm going to end here and leave the last nine is for another
day because it's already over an hour. And we'll have to inshallah
do those and summary of lessons that all of you are going to share
next session in sha Allah, if Allah gives us life. So we end
with surah number one or four, then it's 111. So you've got about
seven mores is left which we'll cover next time, hopefully, in a
half hour and then after that, we will
do a summary of all the lessons that we learned from Surah Yusuf
Subhanak Allahumma Hendrik Misha
Let's start we're going to