Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Tafsir Surah AzZumar, P3.
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Salam Alaikum were to worry about Akoto
Smilla one hamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while
Allah He was happy women Allah,
Allah humma Zina Elma wa ala to the Illumina about a Daytona habla
Nami lagoon Cara in a cantilever her
a la Mustang my Samia alumina lediglich la marina hubco Hong
Kong was open it there are in allow Tila Beltran was punished in
Allah, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to open the hearing channels of
our hearts to his remembrance, to show us truth as the truth and
help us to embrace it and put it in our lives and to act upon it.
And to show us falsehood, as falsehood and to stay away from
it. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to bless our gathering with
his acceptance, and to make this heavy in our scales on the day of
judgment. And let it be one which is done with only one intention,
if last which Allah demands of his pleasure and his acceptance. And
may Allah smart Allah help us to put everything that we learn into
our actions starting today because the whole purpose of the Quran is
not an academic study, but to implement it in our lives. The
Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam taught us that on the Day of
Judgment that we were just talking about the Quran would be Hoja for
Germans, evidence laka for you, or alayka on you, against you. So
those who learned it studied it acted on it, it will come in their
support as a witness your Allah as an intercessor, and those who knew
about it and did not act on it, it will be evidence as the shade
against them that they knew and they did not do it.
So continue on Surah xoma. Iron number 30 is where we finish last
Last one, Allah says in karma year two, what in my ear tone, you are
Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam are going to certainly die. And
they means everybody else here. Particularly what was meant was
the kuffar who were
opposing the message who are rejecting the message that they
too will die,
thumb in a comb yo Malkia
become tough Tassimo you will die Sama means shortly thereafter,
because means something in the near future. In other words, the
time of birth from the time we die, till we are resurrected, it
could be 1000s of years, but it would look like you're just
and we are given that Allah smart Allah says in the Quran that they
will be asked how long did you
How many
years did you stay on the earth? And people will say no less. And I
will say 950 He'll say Yeoman Obama young. It for it would seem
relatively like it was just one day or part of a day.
And we have
people who are put to sleep for 309 years
and woke up and what did they think we were sleeping half a day.
Right? So we will wake up whether it's 1000 years or 10,000 years or
Yamato Yama it will seem like everything is going to be fresh
here. Like we just gone to sleep. And you know, sleep is the little
sister of death. Right? That's what happened to those iPads will
come shortly. But Allah subhanaw taala says during your sleep,
Allah takes your room
and then who he doesn't want to keep he sends it back. So are
going to sleep and waking up is a mini debt and a mini resurrection.
Every day we are reminded of this fact that we will die and we will
be every day. So when we are going to
sleep we make a dua Zane what is the
motto here in your name, I die. So I'm reminded should we should
think I'm dying because I don't know if Allah sending it back is I
don't know if there's going to be fired tomorrow morning. I may be
gone. Okay. And Allah sends it back till a time that's the point.
So Allah subhanaw taala says it's going to be very short time it
will seem like the MA in certainly all of you Yeoman chiamata and the
rock become video Lord you will be
Yeah Tassimo Dr. Simone means you will be disputing and arguing with
each other. But for that you have to be resurrected and brought them
what is the argument going to be? People try to find excuses because
now they see the truth. What kind of arguments one will say, Emily's
you are the one who made us do this. And the ones who are the
leaders will be blamed by their followers. You made us you lead us
into this universe, then, you know, all of this argument will be
going on Allah. Allah smart Allah dissents silence, there's no
argument Nobody's allowed to open their mouth or sacred work except
what Allah gives permission to.
Okay, so, Allah subhanaw taala says that yes, you will want to
settle all your accounts and there are many narrations in the Quran
many I had, how people will blame each other, including Emily's, and
what will Emily say on that day?
Don't blame me. Balu and for second, blame yourself. You had
free choice.
Allah and Rasool invited you know, I invited you, you chose who
wanted to follow.
So Allah smart Allah is giving us
a scene that yes, you will be on that day. If you're going to argue
that day will it be of any benefit?
No. So why do you want to see a day where you will be in this
situation believe now?
Then Allah subhanaw taala
asks a rhetorical question. So many other llamo mimimum cada
Allah Allah He would get rid of it.
Who la Sufi Jahan? Well Lily care very in many times Allah subhanaw
taala This is the style of the Quran asks a question and no
answer is given because obviously, the answer is so obvious. So Allah
subhanaw taala says, and who does more wrong than the one? Cada
Allah Allah Who lies about Allah.
And in lying about Allah is saying things about Allah that Allah did
not authorize
which includes sometimes loosely are people in the habit, or Allah
said this in the Quran? If you look and it's not in the Quran,
this is the if that applies, what does that teach me that I do not
say anything about the Quran or about Allah subhanaw taala till I
am 100% certain that that's what it is. And if I have not
understood especially people, you know, in social gatherings they
like to show why No, or the Quran says this or once Quran says this
is not the odd, this such and such is not in the Quran, whereas it is
in the Quran. So both lying against Allah is one of the
biggest sins
because here Allah smart Allah, who does as the llama who does a
greater goon, in other words, normally does a greater role than
lying about Allah.
What can the BA be civically is yah hoo. And he denies that sin,
the truth, which is the Quran the message of Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam when it comes to him. So both ways, making up things about
Allah Swatara denying things apart. And when the truth comes,
you say no. So Allah subhanaw taala saying who does greater
wrong? Obviously no. This is one of the major sins, then instead of
answering it that there is no one who does Allah subhanaw taala asks
another question. Elisa V Jana mammoth Walden cafe, is there not
enough dwelling place in Jahannam for the cafe?
This is one style of answering. In other words, you know what's going
to happen to those people? Allah saying Jahannam is so vast no
matter how many people it can accommodate, and we have many a
hadith about this, that finally Jahannam on the Day of Judgment,
as we know 999 out of 1000 will be going in Johanna.
How many?
What percentage?
99.99% going into Jana
Okay. Imagine how many people
finally Jahannam will say
the number Hallym talathi. We went through this is in surah. Which
anybody remember Surah path we did within two months ago?
Allah subhanaw taala will say to Johanna
Are you full?
And Johanna will say help me mozzie
Eat more. In other words, I'm ready.
So Jana will be full and it will be ready to take more finally, how
will it be stopped? The hadith says Allah subhanaw taala in his
own way, will put his foot on the mouth of Jana and that will be the
Don't think of the foot of Allah as our feet this is Allah whatever
so Allah smart Allah says La Sufi Jahannam Muswell Hill cafe, is
there not a dwelling place a house place for
this bill disbelievers are kuffaar abode in the
in Johanna.
Then Allah subhanaw taala goes the other way. These are the people
who denied and made up stories. When Medina
said the key was so the cabbie who eco humble talk was on. And the
opposite. Those two home comes to the truth, the safe place
for an message of Rasulullah sallallahu lism was Sundar Poppy
and who embrace it to confirm it. They said this is what it is,
regardless of what I thought before, regardless of what I want
to believe this is my son who confirmed the truth. And the first
to confirm the truth was who Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam
himself because he didn't know he was going to get revelation it
came and he had to confirm and to help them confirm was our beloved
mother Hadees or of the Allah who said No, Allah will not abandon
you this is not from che Emily's law, you do this you have your
good and this you are this you are this if the qualities of
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, Allah will never abandon so. So
and then those after him the companions of the prophets, the
family of the Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, all of those
Sadaqa means to embrace it, no matter what difficulty came, and
they were tortured, and they were boycotted, and they were killed.
But they embrace the truth I had I had I had a heart donor had you're
being killed.
So my era The Alana being stabbed with the spear through in brutally
her husband being killed.
I had I had, that's called sadaqa
not just by a convoy. Yes, I believe but the actions of
something else who like a humble Matakohe and these are the ones
who are multiple people of Taqwa. So said look, truthfulness,
confirming truth and Taqwa integral to each other.
You cannot be a monarchy, if you're not a Saudi. And if you are
a Saudi, you will automatically be happy because you know the truth
of Allah and therefore you would lead your life in a state of Taqwa
always awareness of Allah subhanaw taala What does Allah want from
me? What does he want me to not do at this time when I'm faced with
this challenge and
temptation so what is for these people? For the other one Elisa
fee? Johanna Muswell Hill Catherine for these people LA home
for them. My you share who nine gotta beat him There Laker Jersey
singing for him. Maria Shambo. Now in this dunya you cannot have
everything you want anything you want, even if you are the king.
Because there are health issues, you can get sick. But suppose the
king says I want to enjoy my kingdom my wealth 24 hours every
day. I don't want sleep. Can you do that? No.
There is no sleep agenda because it's continuous enjoyment. But
here we have to sleep. So nothing you can have here as you desire
and especially for believers. Who accepted this truth Allah subhanaw
taala has put restraints,
like handcuffs. Don't reach for this bottle because it contains
intoxicants. Don't take the money that doesn't belong to you. Don't
go here don't that don't look at this. So we are like, prisoners
Rasulullah sallallahu Listen, what did he say? Dunya.
See, gentle movement is a prison for the believer. What genital
careful. Gender means you can do it and the kaffir is free to do
what you want. You want to steal your dough. You want to have
adultery, you want to do drugs. Three. It's like Janna for you.
But in the earth era, it's reversed.
Now Allah saying for you for those who have Taqwa here, Maya, SHA one
and what is with your Lord, anything you can have and what is
with Allah. We don't even know because we can't even imagine what
Allah has put up rewards.
Anybody sleep yet? Please stand up and sit down a few times.
Then Lika Jezza will say Nene. This is the Jezza This is the
reward This is the recompense for the Morrison in people have fun.
Son means to do things with excellence, what degree of
excellence, as if you see Allah in front of you that degree of
So that's how we are supposed to lead our lives. Do we lead our
lives like that all the time? Answer is, but that's the standard
that Allah wants from us to do. Everything beautifully in a way
that Allah wants.
Which includes how we treat our beds, how we meet our friends, how
we conduct how we conduct meetings, how we we give salaam to
people, how we raise our children, how we conduct our business, how
we get ready in the morning, how we dress.
How we do our salah, how much focus we have an article, how
beautifully we give her then
everything with beauty. Allah is Jimmy loon where you humble Jamal,
Allah is beautiful. Of course beyond any description, and he
loves beauty. So everything we should do, knowing that Allah is
watching should be beautiful, our flood, every word we say, if you
can say the same thing in two different ways,
and one is more beautiful than the other even by one degree. We
should do.
Salam, just saying salaam Assalamu alaikum perfectly fine. As Salam
aleikum, wa Rahmatullah.
As Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
put a smile on it, and face the person that's even better. And
then feel it in your heart. I love you. That's why I'm saying this.
That's even better. Everything should be
Allah subhanaw taala This is the reward for the most No.
And what will Allah Swatara do this is this good things you've
done, but
as human beings, everything we do will be with us.
Will we commit sins?
Even if we are not talking?
Hulu bernia Hogtown Rasul Allah says every son of Adam or daughter
of Adam makes mistakes hotline after World War and the best among
them are who turned back and Toba. So Allah subhanaw taala permitted
us to do to commit sins because how else would the attribute of
Ottawa be manifest if nobody commits sin?
But this is not a free license, that let's commit sins because
many of them are supposed to commit sin, but we restrained from
that. But, so, we are going to come to Allah subhanaw taala as he
says, You will come in front of me with sins, some of them because we
may not be have been completely forgiven. We may not have done
full Toba for certain things, right? Certain things we didn't
remember. So in that situation for the believers, Allah smart Allah
says, Lay you can Pharaoh Allahu Anhu. Allah the army, Lu ye ye
Jizya ajira whom they ask any lady can we I'm alone, Allah smart,
Allah says. So when they are brought to him.
US will sue means something that is sinful. A swamp means the most
sinful. That Allah Santana says, Lay you kufr and Allah subhanaw
taala will remove from them will absolve them from the worst of
their sins.
This is Allah's generosity for the believers.
So because we will be scared of those horrible sins, Allah
subhanaw taala is reassuring the believers that even the worst of
your sins, Allah will absorb
why yet is your home so the worst ones he is removing and he will
give you a Jezza I just own the accent Illa de Kameyama by the
best of Allah will give reward you by the at the level of the best of
your deeds so you did something that deserved the degrade
something that deserved a secret and you did something that
deserved in eighth grade and you did something that deserved an A
plus grade Allah said reward him by the a plus forget about the
rest everything give him a plus. Allah Who This is Allah's
generosity, the worst is removing and he's giving you only buy the
best unit suppose you had only one A plus everything else will be
graded as a plus Allah
so that gives people
Like me, hope
that is that now we should sometimes think and reflect on
this. If Allah subhanaw taala what to ask me was in okay, you're
telling me which of your deeds I should reward you by one what
would you choose? Is there something that we could show? To
Allah subhanaw taala see Allah great me by this
something think about I'm not saying you answered that yeah
because each one knows because it has to be that quality plus there
has to be done degree of loss there has to be that your heart
was in it and you you know, we're aware of everything. So, but it
also tells us that let me try and do something at least one by which
all my grades will come up
it's like the professor giving you you know, your grades are
mediocre. You said okay, I'll give you one final exam. Just one
question if you answer it, like at an eight plus, I'll give you a
plus for all years. I imagine this
something to think about.
I have one but I'm not sure if it has
happened many years ago.
But I have to look for something better than even more because I
don't know. We never know because we don't know what kind of class
but there are certain times that Allah smart Allah puts you through
challenges when you become real close to almost smile and when you
do survive that time you feel that nearness to the last one. So again
Allah subhanaw taala is telling us the scenes of those who can
I need your
connection or a hotspot or something
Hyatts disappeared
Wi Fi
once again
Z n
CH and
seeing it
come to court
it won't connect
next I
Elise Allahu because in order
for you how were you how were for NACA bIllahi min Duni. Well, mine
were my youth Lily Allah Who formula hoomin Had Allah Subhan
Allah says, Allah is Allah Who be Catherine Aveda is not Allah
sufficient for his servant? Here Abdullah who that servant is
Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Okay?
So this is a very reassuring
IR for Rasulullah Salallahu Salam in the Macan period, Allah is
saying that Allah is sufficient for you, no matter what they do,
no matter what they threaten you, whatever the plan is not Allah.
Again. It's a question without being answered. Isn't Allah
sufficient for you? And as is this only for Rasulullah sallallahu
wasallam? No, it's for each one of us. Allah is when you are in great
distress. You don't know nothing is going right. Every everybody is
against you. Allah is Allah will be careful. Now Buddha is not
Allah sufficient for his servant provided one condition. The
servant is a servant of Allah.
He's we are also friends of Allah but do we act like servants?
We submitted to him. If we have then we have nothing to be scared
of Allah will take care of us and protect us.
And Allah subhanaw taala says where you have where you have
where funa Kabila demon don't and they scare you. With other than
Allah or this God will do this to you this will do this will happen
to you and this is how they scare you when today they scare you with
other things. You know we will boycott you we will put a you know
whatever they do, you know will drop bombs on you will
what do they do normally take away will take away this will take away
that and we will not let you
access to your money. We will not let you have all the threats that
are given Allah Swanton calls on under the same thing they used to
threaten by lock Manasa if you do this, this will happen to you also
at the time of April.
Amen So Um What did the fathers who your God, the people said
you're doing this, God's will do this so so I'll show you what
God's will do and you know what she did to the gods. So Allah
subhanaw taala is telling they're scary by that and today people
worship different things they worship money. So they said will
deprive you of money they worship power and weaponry that means we
won't give you oil we won't give you this we won't do this we want
to so all of that they scare you with that mean Dooney other than a
Lancer saying it up Allah fear Allah will mean you didn't allow
for Man That Woman had the last month Allah says the one who Allah
has allowed to go in Delilah to go astray Okay, who is there? Who can
guide this person? If Allah says this person is permitted to go
Rasool Allah Salah Linus cannot guide and we have example of that
in the Quran.
In Nicola de mana
that indeed you Rasul Allah cannot guide whom you love. Whoever's
been Allah smart Allah decided looked in the hearts this person
is not to be guided.
Look at Ebola Allah smart Allah revealed the whole Surah on him
talking about his burning in the hellfire.
You know what, Amala dead when. And you know Abu lamb is a
paternal uncle, older brother of Abdullah, the father of Rasulullah
sallallahu older brother so when rasool Allah SallAllahu sallam was
born, there was no Abdullah right? He was born as an orphan. So Abu
Lahab was so happy that I have a nephew
and one of his slave women brought him the news.
Oh, my master, you have a new nephew. He was so happy. He said,
I set you free.
Ebola did this act. And guess where his end is?
You Hannah, but there's also Hadith
it's important for us to remember this this is in southern Buhari.
Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us that every Monday, the punishment
of Abu Lahab in Jahannam will be lightened that easier.
Why every Monday
the Prophet sallallahu listen was born on Monday, and he celebrated
the birth of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam by setting his slave girl
free. So Allah says, I will not let that go to waste, even though
you are in Jannah is Allah Now think of the people who accept the
truth and will follow the truth and who celebrate his life by
living like his life, what the rewards would be for people like
So here
Allah subhanaw taala says,
Whoever goes straight astray or misguided there is nobody to guide
and the opposite again because this matches the first one those
who get the, the setup those who deny the truth, make up stories
about Allah now and the other ones who have gone astray and then we
talked about the ones who accepted the truth. So dockerhub is
one may en de la Hoff Amala who may model 10 The one who Allah has
guided who is there who can make them go astray. This is the
Elisa some low the azizan then they come Hi Lisa is not this is
the way of us. Whenever this comes it's obvious answer the answer we
say is Bella This is how we respond to this anytime Elisa
comes, we say Bella beans in this way of saying yes okay. So, I lay
some sallahu be azizan vintec Calm is not Allah has al Aziz the one
of might and Reza and the
who is all powerful. In other words, he is the one who can be
make people go here. Make people go Yeah. And then he says then
DICOM one of the names of Allah is What Al
moonta theme.
The one who takes revenge. Here Allah subhanaw taala saying his
Aziz means he has the power to take revenge. Then he didn't say I
wanted him he used then to come possessor of the ability to take
What is the difference?
He could have said he's the Revenger Avenger. He said he has
the ability he possesses. In other words, he is still giving chance
to those disbelievers that Allah can take and if you turn around
Now he will not take revenge for this
while letting men palapa summer where it will or the yaku will not
Allah will follow a method on me do doing the lie in orogeny Allah
will be during * Hoon shefa to do ri o orogeny rush Martin 101
Moon sick, Moon seeker to Rama T will have to be on more. I lay
here at work, whatever Qilu
well in
and if you Rasul allah sallallahu sallam said, I'll tell him ask
them man halacha summit as the kuffaar Who created the heavens
and the earth the kurush and people
lay a full moon Allah, they will certainly indeed say Allah,
because the kuffaar Omaka believed in Allah they were not the ATS is,
so they said Allah created Allah provides all of that yet they had
all these partners associations that are goddesses gods and
goddesses and sons and daughters to get to Allah subhanaw taala so
Allah subhanaw taala is pointing out that they believe in him bull
afara II don't matter the owner in dunya Allah then
have a right to do you not see Matt are the owner men Dunleavy
that those whom you call other than Allah in erotica and Allah
will be during Hanukkah Shiva took doorway which of those other than
Allah that you call if Allah was to put some harm on you? Which of
them can remove it?
Yes, answer again is no. And then say oh Ara the knee the rahmatan
Hi Luna, mum Sikka to Rama de And if Allah were to send some
blessing some Rama on you, who among them that you worship,
bootstrap it?
Then it's an obvious thing you believe he is the creator of
everything. And you know that these things have no power then
what is the logic behind worship is things
called say to them your Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has to be a law.
Allah is sufficient. You don't need to put partners to almost
I lay at work
so on him, the motiva kill on the people who put their trust should
put their trust we should put our trust, complete trust in Allah
mutawa key, like Joaquin, you know the Joaquin is somebody who
represents you, who you give everything to. Here is everything
about me. Now you go and represent me in the best way. So we put our
trust in our last one. And this is one of the stations of Tawakkol.
To have full trust that Allah will do for me is first of all has to
be Allah. Allah is sufficient. Is Allah we caffeine habit, that same
thing is not Allah sufficient for you?
So therefore we put our full trust we do what Allah commands us to
do. And after that
from the Syrah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi. Salam knows he
is protected by law.
He is making the Hijra instead of going north he goes south and he
and say, you know, we've got to sit differently Allah on the hide
in a cave. Why are they hiding?
They taking their precautions so that the enemies were out to kill
them do not see them.
But are they depending on the world, we've hidden such a cave
nobody will find this No.
So what happens just to prove that point? Allah subhanaw taala sends
those people who are out to kill them right at the mouth of the
hara thought.
Now what happens
to people out there?
Say, oh Bakr Siddiq is not worried about his life. He's worried about
rasool Allah SallAllahu sallam, he is the message. He is the
So he said,
If they look down, they will see us.
So in his heart, there is that human concern? Not that she
doesn't have to. So he's reminded by Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe
Salam, he says, and what do you think Abu Bakr
about to
the third of whom is Allah this one said?
What do you think of to whose third is Allah in other words
even if they look down, they may not see us you
Even if they look down and see us, Allah will still protect us. This
is our clue that you take your precautions you do what you're
supposed to do. And we limit to a loss
in every aspect of our lives.
So Tawakkol is something we ask from Allah subhanaw taala. Because
tawakkul obviously implies a certain level of Eman that I have
to know Allah, that Allah is in charge of everything is clauses.
He's the one with complete control.
Coalition above everything, his father on everything.
He can change the hearts of an enemy like that, just like this.
Okay, to the point remember, in one of the reservoirs when the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and the companions were rescued
resting, and because it was very hot day, and the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam found rest under a tree, and he took off his sword
and he hung up on it.
And everybody fell asleep. Then one of the kuffar one of the
enemies came, and he said this the golden opportunity, he said, not
only is he asleep, his sword is hanging here. So he takes the
sword of Rasulullah sallallahu puts it on the noble neck of
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said, Yeah, Muhammad, who is going to
save you from me now. So imagine you're fast asleep and you'd hear
some something sticks you in your neck and you wake up. First of
all, when we wake up, you're sort of disoriented. But look at this.
The moment is said this Rasulullah. Salah looks at him
without thinking without thinking, how am I going to save myself?
Where are the others? Who's going to get to him? Should I go left?
Should I go right? He says, Allah.
That was the answer. Who's going to save you Allah.
Just that projection of Allah, this person fell backwards, and
the sword fell out of his hand. Rasul allah sallallahu Sallam
gotta pick up the sore and put it on his neck, and said, and who is
going to save you from me today? He said, You are the most
We have run, we have kinship, we come from the same collection. He
said, You promise you accept Islam,
not accept this and then you promise you will never fight
against Muslims. I promise you're free to the generosity.
So this is the cool
Alaihe Salam, because in Abdullah is not Allah sufficient for
Now I just think about the saints sometimes I think I said how
horrible the Sahaba must have felt
that we fell asleep. And we expose the Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe
salam to such a danger. How much they have felt about it, because
the love that they had for him because they would love to give
their lives for
we can give our life for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
salam, but we can give our lives to protect his son. This is the
closest we're going to come so don't ever treat something
of his sunnah lightly by saying oh, it's not fun just saying it's
not fun is enough of an insult.
Check them out. This is the Sunnah of Allah's Creek best creation,
the one that Allah loves everything about him Allah loves
so how can it be light
one time
in his Deen So yeah, that might pass up was sitting on his chart
pie and we were all sitting there with him. And somebody was asking
some 50 questions. So he was responding to them.
And somebody said
it but that's only a sunnah in translating rules in order to do
the same so now
in what is responsible
what you say is correct. In other words, it is a sudden drop can I
say they can connect and that's cool for
the way you said it the way you made it light it's like *
so this is just a reminder how we must value the Sunnah of
Rasulullah sallallahu
put it yeah oh ma'am I do Allah McKenna to come in near Milan for
solfatara Allah may Allah smile again. As we said all of the Quran
is cool say but when Allah
Put school their special stress
to the poem to his people yeah come on Mulu do actions actions
actions Allah Allah mkhaya notic come in near Milan do according to
what you are able to do in your way you want to do and I am going
to do we're in neon Milan I am going to do Amal my actions for so
far Tala moon and very soon you will come to come to know what
what the rewards and consequences of your actions were what you were
doing your Amal and what the rewards and consequences of Miami
and his Amal is our money. Okay?
Again, we keep stressing, I'm listening, I'm an add value.
So if it's not just about the LM that I know, I know there are five
Sollozzo if I don't do five sellers a day
and I am subject to the same thing so
stressful on Amazon, but among which is proper for Allah subhanaw
taala as he is commanded as Rasulullah Salallahu Salam o Allah
Salam has shown us
mi t he either your fuzzy he where you actually do it he or double
mocking system external
mine yet teaching or the the one on whom the adverb of Allah
subhanaw taala comes
your fuzzy he is meant by that comes makes fuzzier means disgrace
him primarily means in this dunya
the one on whom Allah that comes in this dunya to disgrace him
by your Hello la adorable mocking and for him becomes obligatory or
for whom becomes
the proper justice of adorable mocking, mocking means above the
content continues, this is talking about the after
that there are people who will be disgraced in this dunya and for
they also deserve the eternal punishment in the Arca
now, after going over these two scenarios, two groups the same two
groups that we are going to come to in the end Allah smart Allah
says in the NA Ecole kita Berlin say build up for for money Tada
funnily enough, say woman Bala in nama Yadi Liu Ali
Ali workI indeed we have inna Ansel na alagille Kitara Bill
Huck, we have indeed
sent down revealed unto you Rasul Allah salAllahu Salam, the kita,
which is the Quran
Linas for all of mankind. This is our messenger and a message for
all of mankind. It's not just for commune. It's not just for Bani
Israel, it's for all of mankind. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam
is distinguished as being a universal parameter, Lil Alameen.
Allah has sent this book for all of mankind in truth firmenich Tada
and the one who is guided by it fall enough say he is not doing a
favor to Allah. It is for himself.
A mandala and the one who goes astray who rejects it for inner
Maya, the lower layer and he's the one who is responsible for his own
loss. He's gone astray by his own choice
wama Antalya, hindi Bucky and under you Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi salam, you are not a guardian you are not working for
them. In other words, this is the freedom of choice that Allah has
given. He has sent the messenger he sent the message this you
accept it's up to you for your benefit, you reject your
consequences. You are the one who is to blame for it.
Then Allah subhanaw taala now talks about what we talked about
earlier about sleep. Allah Who yet fell for something in among Malkia
well naughty lumps remote PHY Miami
for human second Lottie Pagani Mota what you say?
Why you say lol
agilan mucem in FE Delica
call me at the fact Garone Allah Who yet our file the file on
because Allah is the One who takes back
unfocus from knifes. Gemma of knifes. There are two kinds of
Gemma plural of knifes. One is new foods and unforce new forces, many
unforced is Jana Killa of some that Allah says, Allah keeps some
of the knifes the roar he now motiva upon that he keeps those
people who die not everybody is dying only a few people are dying
compared to the population
less than point 1% of people die so some he takes he keeps he la
when Lottie lum Thomet fie Manasa and the ones who he decides or not
to die in their sleep Manasa
for you SQL Lottie pada la Mota are your solo okra so he keeps the
one he's going to decide they'll die on the death and many people
do and the okra the others your Salah okra and he sends back Illa
agilan Musa till a certain time so our waking up is the roof coming
back so in our sleeps our road actually leave our body and the
travel that's where we dream we meet people in the future we meet
people in the past we have all of these yet there is some connection
and we don't know the road that is left with the body so the body is
not dead.
And so you know Ali described it as like like like a hair that is
still attached. And when when the body when the row is released by
Allah the engine so yeah, Allah, you want to keep him We won't let
it go. Back here we
have the line at the bottom.
That's what we say Hamdulillah that Allah has given us life
So Allah Subhana Allah is telling us about that, that you This is
again a reminder that you die every day you wake up every day
illa agilan mucem Till a time that is pointed.
So when somebody dies, we should also change our vocabulary by
oh, he died because he had an accident or he died from cancer
I believe was no he died because the Agile of unlocking that was
written those are just the means the agencies that Allah uses but
the you had cancer you are not you're going to die whether you
had an accident or not. You're going to die. He died because the
Agile the time exploration occurred, means don't matter.
In a few Donica, the Ayatollah Khomeini in this there are indeed
Ayat for people reflect
who think again like we said one way of thinking is every day we
are dying and resurrecting every day we are dying in one day we
will die and one day we will resurrect no never in this dunya
but one day we will resurrect and show in a good state inshallah.
Amid Taha dooming Gunilla he should
pull hold our low canula Yum, lacuna, Shea you wanna Yeah
amid the hadoo min Gunilla, Hey Shiva have they taken people as
interest Shiva for shefa other than Allah, as anyone have the
power of Shiva other than who Allah authorizes even Rasul Allah
salAllahu Alaihe Salam, and the Gambia and the whole forest and
all the shahada that Allah had it is by Allah's authority that they
are allowed to intercede and only for the ones that Allah wants them
to intercede not everybody else. So Allah saying, they have they
taken other than Allah someone who will intercede for them on the Day
of Judgment. Call say to them
our low can who lie am Licona Xiang Wallah, yeah.
These idols these things that you have, they have no young lacuna,
they have no authority no kingdom, wala yaki loon they don't even
have because they are inanimate objects they have no intelligence
they have no reasoning nothing no understanding.
Then correct that belief or this whole wrong belief by code will
say to them, law he shafa shefa to Jamia only to Allah belongs every
kind of Shiva all intercession belongs to Allah, all ability to
forgive and punishes with Allah. He may authorize someone to say
okay, he wants to forgive only Hazaragi but he's directly Can you
say also if you do suffer just to honor Rasul Allah, and to make me
feel is that ya allah enlighten me as a sinner but shafa is only
authorized by a
Allah subhanaw taala
love who who is the one authorizing the other one Allah
subhanaw taala says liable if they have no authority,
law who will cause some trouble To Him belongs the dominion the
sovereignty of the heavens and the earth from LA to the jungle and
then you will be brought to him you will be brought to the
ultimate authority the ultimate King, the owner of all the domains
of the heavens and the earth.
Higher number 45
way the Bukit Allahu wa Hoosh whoosh whoosh mazet Kulu will
leadin Allah You mean una Bill Hara will either do Cara leadin
Amin dunya he da whom yes double shield now look at the same
imagine a social gathering of people what either do Carol la
vida and somebody starts talking about Allah Allah. Allah is
greatness on this
issue. Azad Kulu Medina La La you're gonna be those who do not
have believe in their heart start to become title. What are we
talking about? Hola. Hola. Hola. Let's talk about something fun.
Let's talk about something that we can enjoy. So when Allah and the
author's being talked about instead of their hearts expanding
and your mention of Allah their hearts become constricted
uncomfortable I don't feel good here. You know what kind of person
did you What moolah did you bring into this gathering that's
spoiling our fun our enjoyment right
now and the opposite what it doesn't do Karolina men don't and
when everything other than Allah has mentioned
all the partying all the money making all the movies or the
Hollywood Bollywood anything else that they enjoy is our home. Yes
Tamashiro now you see their face they're so happy. There's no
you're talking
about us telling us now yes, we can laugh about it but there's
this where do I fit in this? I have to also look because if
that's what happens to me, you know we're in the middle of a
gathering and people you know, suddenly Adonis craftable for you
have to pray on unknown I have to do again wash my makeup that is I
feel uncomfortable. Right? Or can we talk about something like can
we relax and talk about something light
this is too heavy for me. That tells us that
like you mean we are from the people who don't have true belief
in the
pudding pulling Lahoma fall to last summer where it will or the
Alright baby wish I heard that the movie now.
And combina female again we'll fee here telephone Allah subhanaw
taala says Say to them could Allah Tala Houma fathers Allah is the
Originator of the heavens and the earth
not just created and left it al MLBB shahada he knows everything
in the unseen and seen as it goes on before it goes on.
And by now, you are the one yalla who will
decide who will judge between your eBay
fee market and roofie here telephone in all matters they used
to dispute and argue with each other.
Okay, one God three gods multiple gods is this this is a law like
this is a law. You know all the arguments all the clever arguments
will come to an end. As soon as the incomes
were low and Nellie leadin avala MUMA fill out the Jamia who are
Mitla who ma who left Adobe Haiming sue in either mean Sue
will either be yo ml PM,
whereby Darla Mina law Hema lamea Kuno Yatta Cebu now last month
Allah is going forward into the day of judgment Allah subhanaw
taala says
those who did go Gollum one the ultimate goal is shipped with
Allah subhanaw taala deny me and he's the one who would who makes
up lies about LA se la Anala Latina de la amadores who did
mouthfeel or the Jamia if they had everything that was on this Earth
can anybody I've everything on the set? No you cannot no matter how
powerful you if they had all of them will miss the who and double
that and one equal to that.
Mao with it
First Adobe he left Adobe Min Soo ill adapt and say yalla take all
of this all of dunya and double the thing and just protect me from
this other app on the Yamaha piano ransom as a ransom they want to
give everything
everything that you can do I mean we have some we want Allah that
everything is not just mine
on the Day What will they say? Yeah Allah
take my parents take my children take my spouse take this take
everything to save Murphy this mais Jan everything if they had
and like it, they would say, Yeah, Allah save us from that. Take this
as ransom and save me from Sula dam on Yeoman parameter
by da la mina Lima, Colombia Kuno. Yeah, the Cebu.
They never thought Mala Mia Kulu they never thought possible that
this was going to happen.
They never counted that this was going to happen. They never
expected that this would happen. They never prepared for it.
But by da la han, what is the consequence but Allah Han say are
two markers of their sins that the committee will hardcopy him mark
and obey yesterday when they will be surrounded by this justice of
Allah they will be surrounded everything around them, how come
him what they did? Everything of their evil will be around them?
Because this is the justice of
Allah subhanaw taala. And, yes, that means who used to make fun
who used to mock about
You mean this? You mean everybody everything of mine is being
recorded? Come on, don't buy there.
Everything will be presented around them. And everything that
they used to laugh and ridicule that they didn't believe in all
the evil consequences of their actions. Makassar boo what they
will surround them. And if you are surrounded by evil deeds, what is
implied? Elijah and Zuma, ah, that's very interesting.
Allah subhanaw taala days then says again, we've gone through
similar Iots and several play once in this Quran previous Surah for
either muscle in senador room Diana Thumma. Ada how well now
Namrata Mina Carla in NEMA, who the two who have
been here fitna tune Willa Qin X Sarah who lie Alamo that when some
difficulty some hardship, touches or adversity touches must sell in
Santa la Swanton. I'm not saying it's just plunging a spirit to
somebody even touches him now inside guests doors I don't like
this more does he do
that? Yeah, Allah Ya Allah saved me from this you know, the wind is
picking up the hurricane is coming the ship is going to sink whatever
it is the stock market is going to end up in zero ya Allah Ya Allah.
And what happens?
Some then Allah subhanaw taala either how well now Namrata min
Allah subhanaw taala replaces that and showers him with his blessing.
Call what is his response to instead of being grateful, he says
in Mr. Ott, who aligned with this is because I was so smart. I sold
the stocks at the right time.
Right. But I did such and such thing. So he takes the credit
instead of being thankful to Allah Samantha takes the credit himself
by Neha last one Allah says here fitna tone this is a test fitna
for you Well, I can lie Allah mode, that the fact that Allah
removed that punishment from you is the punishment itself. The
hardship was the fitna, and it's removing is also a fitna.
The first fitna of hardship was to test you if you have sub, how you
deal with it.
And yes, you should turn to Allah for help. And when it's taken
away, what is the fitna test
Shokran gratitude Yeah, Allah. I have no power to do this. It's
only by your grace and then to give Clara tend to do good deeds
and to fast and in recognition of that and give charity and feed the
poor do the things that Allah loves.
When like in axon ly Allah, but the majority of them do not know.
They do not know what happened. They do not recognize this was
from Allah subhanaw taala
Let the naming copy him from our NanHu Mac and New York Sybil
indeed is not something new for a lot to see this kind of reaction
from people this ingratitude and taking Allah Samantha this is
indeed the same has already been said by men couple of the people
before did the same thing. It's the same repeat story for all of
mankind. For my Noma can we accept one but what they did what they
used to earn did not help them in any way. My Agana did not come to
there, it did not benefit them or they could avail of it in any way.
For us Asaba whom say to Marcus Abu when Medina Avila minha Willa
is a you see boom say to Marcus abou Wilma, whom the marches in
for cassava home so you out that evil deeds what they earn the
consequences of the maca Sabu what they did, while Latina Villa mu
min and the people who were
the volume, help will lie. So you see Bo who say to Makkah Cebu, so
they are afflicted by evil consequences of what they
Marchesa, what they did was a man whom Mr. jozin and
they will not be able to Allah smart Allah saying, that cannot
make me I just, they cannot frustrate me by these things
because of all of this.
And what does also mean that they cannot escape Allah, Samantha
Allah's punishment then in other words, so much is going on Allah
Sarah, I can deal with all of these things. No, Allah says,
There is no failure you will be dealt with Justice everybody, no
matter what, how much evil there is, Allah will deal with it.
So I'll read, translation of desire, so the evil results of
that which they earned overtook them again, and those who did
wrong. Of these, the people of Rasulillah Salam will also be
overtaken by the evil results for that which they earn and they will
never be able to escape.
Our alum yah, Allahu Allah Yup. Soto risk Halima in Yasha way up
there. In fee the nickel
in NaVi the Nicoletta yeah till Nico me you may know and everybody
knows this Oh Allah may Allah mu Do they not know
what an Mulayam suitor Wiscon Allah is a boss it he expands the
risk risk he gives the provision
and he is also par with your provider or offer them and he
constricts and he limits the restrictions to people can do the
same amount of work when gets a lot one gets limited to people can
have exactly the same education one gets a lot one gets limited
because Allah who provides these are just the means in Nephi Dalek
Elia to call me up no and in this there indeed science for those who
believe what it also teaches us is that if I am not getting as much
as I want that this is what Allah has written, I shouldn't get
frustrated, I shouldn't look for haram means to supplement it.
Similarly if I'm getting a lot of time, looks like I'm making the
best business decisions I'm making tons of money. This is what Allah
has writtens on hamdulillah let me use it in the best way and not
take credit that I am the one
now comes one of the most powerful ideas and we will
it's an hour and three minutes what is the opinion should we stop
We should stop here. Yeah, I don't want to start this fire with
people fatigued in sha Allah is we will continue
from this iron number 453 Next time in sha Allah
Subhana Allah Hama
Baraka smoke pathology at the corner
we ask Allah subhanaw taala to put everything that we have studied
together into our hearts and to help us to to act on it and to
reflect on it and to review it and we do put it out as a recording
because sometimes we forget so it's good to revise it. So we stay
on top because man is by nature forgetful we need reminders. And
Allah subhanaw taala accept this gathering May Allah smart Allah
bless our beloved host, brother, Majid and his entire family who
have hosted us so graciously in my last one and Allah bless all those
who are here and those who could not be and our families and may
Allah small Tala join us in a better better gathering
In the company of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam and his
companions and his family in the Afra. And as we have mentioned
Allah subhanaw taala in this gathering, be sure Allah smart
Allah has mentioned each one of us by our names in a better
gathering. And this is what Rasul Allah Subhan Allah Islam quarters.
So just rejoice in that fact that all the time that we were sitting
here, Allah was proudly mentioning each one of us by our names to
those who are around him and imagine those who are around and
Allah was looking at with joy.
Smell like except this effort with this last Subhan Allah, masha
Allah Allah Allah, Allah to