Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Tafsir Surah AzZumar, P2, Ayah 1130.

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The speakers discuss the importance of worshiping Allah's], [In this segment of a video, the speakers stress the importance of worshiping Islam for personal and professional political outcomes, as it is the way to live and succeed. They also discuss the use of shrooming and small practices to avoid confusion and fear. The segment ends with a mention of a book called Yama and the importance of protecting one's face from evil attacks. The speakers emphasize the need for everyone to use their minds and body to determine their success in Islam and emphasize the importance of learning and practicing Islam.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah Alhamdulillah Hamden Cathedral on the eve and mobile
confy Hamdani Alia COVID Jalali Vijay, he will be holding Soltani
was SallAllahu ala Headhunter he from Medina Sadiq al Amin Alma
Bucha. Rahmatullah Alameen wa ala Aalihi of the year been operating
wasabi and world Miami for Manta via homebrew son Eli biomethane
Aloha McDonough Minam
Mustapha Samia alumina lediglich Allahumma, Arenal Huck goal was
open it was original bow Tila, Bob Dylan or Christina Alba
Allahu wa Jalla Mina Latina, Yestermorrow. No Pola for yet to
be owner.
We praise Allah subhanaw taala
as he deserves, and we send the best of peace and blessings on the
best of his creation, our beloved Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and on his noble family and his companions. And we ask
Allah subhanaw taala to put Baraka in this gathering, tend to open
our hearts to understanding the color of the words of Allah
subhanaw taala not just academically in our hearts, in our
minds, but actually in our hearts because it's only when it sinks
into the art that it changes into actions. That is what Allah smart
Allah wants from us.
We ask Allah subhanaw taala to show us the truth, because this is
the truth from Allah, the Quran, there is nothing
truthful than the words of Allah subhanaw taala
and to show us falsehood as falsehood, and to help us to obey
and follow the truth and stay away from falsehood.
And may Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who when they hear
the word, they follow the best of it. And this IR is also going to
be covered today.
So just a five minute or capsule summary because it's been a month
since we started Surah Zuma and we had a break. That Surah Zomer is
the Meccan surah and which was revealed according to most
commentators just before the first change or to Habash
Okay, and it takes his name after the last to last few iPads were to
Zoomer means groups are mentioned. A group that goes to Jannah a
group that goes to the NA that's where it takes its name as a
Zoomer which means the group
and it has 75 ayat as we said, makan and there is some narrations
narrated by Imam NSI and Imam Ahmed been humbled are the Allah
Allah that our mother Aisha Radi Allahu Allah has said that rasool
Allah sallallahu alayhi salam used to not sleep without reciting
Surah Bani Israel and Surah Zuma. And we all grow already know
previously that the Rasul sallallahu alayhi salam used to
recite Surah such that, and Surah Al Malik before he went to sleep.
So, when we hear these things, we should try and do as much as we
can, and that may be a lot for a lot of people. But even if you do
Surah mulk, then read a portion of the other small portions. And as
we know rasool Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam teaches us that
whoever recites 100 ayat, before he goes to sleep or she goes to
sleep will not be counted among the VA failover.
Okay, opposite of Rafi Loon is the key rune who always remember
so the theme of the surah as we started, last time, Allah subhanaw
taala talks about the Z that this is Allah's word that came down and
then he talks about why it was sent, it was sent so that we may
follow it that we may do the Obadiah we worship Allah subhanaw
taala more or less in a lot of the classes stressed. So Allah
subhanaw taala tells us in the first few words about his Rubia
that he is he talks about he created the night and the day and
the sun and the moon, how they, they they alternate and how they
move in the Corbett's he talked about how he created four pairs of
cattle, you know, two cows, two sheep, two goats, two camels, and
how he created us in three layers of darkness. So it tells us about
his Rubia he talks about the revelation. So He sets us in
a stage that look this is your rock. How can you worship anyone
else? How can you associate anyone
else with him.
And then he says, But you have been given a choice. There are two
groups in the end, you can worship Allah for which you are created,
more or less seen or loaded purely for him without associating any.
Or you can deny and take the other path, the path that leads to Jen.
Now those who say yes, we accept Allah, we accept this Kalam. Now
Allah subhanaw taala says it's not enough to give lip service to say
yes, I am a Muslim, I believe.
It says, Then you show your belief by your actions. And that's the
most important part that's being stressed here, over and over that
you must worship Allah subhanaw taala alone without any partners
without any associates without any other things Allah smarter talks
about, if Allah wants you to take a son who he could have, and he
says some people say that we only worship others to make make us
your corona to make us closer to Allah, there's you go directly to
Allah subhanaw taala in the footsteps of Rasulullah sallallahu
so what is being stressed and you will see that over and over again
is Allah subhanaw taala saying, change convert what you say that
you believe into actions Allah wants to see us submissive to him.
Although there is not LM alone that Oh, I know.
I know that Allah is Rob I know that Allah has only to be
worshipped. That is not enough.
Even the Kadesh said, yes, there was a lot because there is Allah
says ask them who created Allah, but they did schicke so Allah
subhanaw taala saying, if you said that you believe then you must
show it in our actions. And that is the aboda is sort of a panacea,
entire aspect of our lives. Obadiah is not just EBA which is
okay, I do salah I do Hajj. I do I give zakat, you know, I first in
Ramadan, yet my mom lot my dealings are corrupt. I lie I
cheat, I do whatever I earn haram. No, I'm abusive to people. I'm
backbiting or every single aspect of our life has to be in
compliance with what Allah subhanaw taala wants it Ibadah
personal ethics, you know, character or luck, all aspects. We
cannot pick and choose but that is not Bodia. Okay, I'll take certain
aspects of this. Allah subhanaw taala says yes, some people will
choose what they like. And he calls that proof. No, okay, I'm
doing I'm doing hygiene. I'm doing salah, I'm not cheating. This is
enough. Allah subhanaw taala says if you are a Muslim, you obey
every injunction of Allah, you cannot live in disobedience. If
you are breaking one order of Allah subhanaw taala you are not
in Abuja, it will have an impact on everything else. So we have to
take this very, very seriously. And who has to take it I have to
see, when I read the Quran, I have to take it that this my ROM is
addressing me, this is not for Dr. Mateen, or for so and so. And so
it is for me. And each one of us has to take it that seriously. I
mean, this is a reminder for us to myself, because it's easy to see
forcing others, but just remember, we are mirrors of each other. If
we are seeing a fault in someone else, make sure that that fault is
not a new, it probably is. Okay. So we need to take every aspect of
every IRA that we read and study and see what impact has it had in
my life? Am I living that IRA? Am I living that commandment? And
it's not an excuse to say, I will gradually become a Muslim you
know, slowly I'm getting I'm getting there. It's full
submission. Allah Subhana Allah says, yah, yah, Latina Hamanako
Luffy, cilmi Kapha
Will you believe into Islam completely?
In other words, if you're incomplete, what does it mean?
Well at that double Potawatomi Shaitan in other words, if you're
incompletely following some well known injections we're not talking
about where there is differences of opinion what what is known in
our name mahalo Minot, Dean with Dora Dora has to be fully
implemented in our lives. We can say that, you know, I'm weak. You
know, I'm living in the West. You know, I'm this and I am that
it's not an excuse one day of judgment. We are going to stand in
front of Allah subhanaw taala. And he will say, did my messenger come
to you? Did this message reach you while you reminded? So we have to
take these things seriously. These classes of the Quran are not for
academics, you
No Masha Allah we have a good discussion. It's not a very good
so that's the last idea that we concluded last time. When Allah
subhanaw taala says, Kalia, Ibadan, Latina Iman otaku,
Rebecca, or you who?
Yeah, yeah, buddy. Oh my servants, those who believe the Torah bucho
Taqwa This is stressed over two things are stressed in the Surah,
taqwa and Nicholas
and your class and Taqwa go together because if you have Taqwa
of Allah subhanaw taala you will only worship Him you will have a
class. And if you have a class, Allah will grant to Taqwa. So they
are intertwined with each other.
Lila Dena, Sanofi Haddad dunya, Hassan, whoever does beautiful
actions here there is Hassan there is good for him in the dunya. And
of course there is greater good in the Accra. And then Allah Swanton
says, We're unbelievably rasa and his Earth is vast. This was the
first indication that if you're not able to practice your deen,
wherever you're leaving, because of persecution, whatever it is,
you know, there are Muslim countries where you are not
allowed to be praying in the masjid or you, you know, take off
your coffee or take off your hijab then Allah subhanaw taala says is
His earth is was move. This was the indication that this what does
this mean? It means that will not be an excuse. If somebody said,
Yeah, Allah, I was living in the West, and there was Islamophobia.
So I couldn't do this.
Was my earth not vast enough that you could move somewhere where you
could fully practice my thing?
So that's important to remember. In NEMA, you have a sub Aruna
Agera, home with a sub and Allah subhanaw taala says and those who
have sub this, the sub that he's talking about is the person
perseverance, the patience that is needed to practice the deen fully
in the face of challenges over obstruction, the press were trying
to say no, we are kill you, we will punish you, we will pray
imprison you. And same things happens today. You know, your
fundamentalism put you in prison, no matter where you are. And you
have Subhan Allah subhanaw taala says, the agenda for these people
of Southern who persist in their DNA and persevere is be laid.
When Allah says bit later, he's up. That means it's infinit
so that's where we had
I want to be let him in a shaytani R rajim.
In homage to an Arab Abdullah McCullough sulla, who'd been
well omitted to let an akuna oh well Muslimeen Allah subhanaw
taala saying to rasool Allah SallAllahu some say and as we said
all of the Quran was sent for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam to
say to the people, but when he puts a hole it's a stress of what
is important morning evening because without saying call the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam is supposed to age he could have just
said in new mill to say to them
indeed I have been ordered in new way to an Abdullah that I worship
locally set loading
sincerely purely for Allah subhanaw taala without any
partnership without any
sugar shitcan it and some of the ship obviously with Hamdulillah we
are Muslims. We don't do shit.
Now, if you take a bada what is the prototype of EBA? The most
common prototype of EBA no mas.
When I'm in a gathering, I pray
and then when I'm not in the gathering, tomorrow day after I'm
missing my service
and I'm not bothered about it not to bother. What does that mean?
Because when there were people there I prayed
and when they're not there, I didn't care enough to be
particular that is a form of shirk.
Is that clear?
we have to be very, very particular about these things
because sometimes we saw
we are Muslims. We do
Under shirk, there are different yes we don't wish to come
worshipping idols.
But there is shit of worshipping money that is shirk of worshipping
or knifes desires, all of those things. And people, you know Raya,
the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam showing, trying ostentatious
trying to impress people is a form of hidden shook Rasulullah
sallallahu is, in fact he said, I'm not afraid for my Ummah that
they will worship but they'll do that, but I'm afraid of the hidden
shirk area.
So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us Mukhlis
Mukhlis heartless means pure. Okay, Allah is pure, and he
accepts only that which is pure. If there is any contamination in
our near, no matter if we have prayed all of our lives, it's not
accepted. So this is where the element when Allah subhanaw taala
says meclizine It brings an element of fear.
Why? Because I think I'm doing good but I don't know if there is
absolute a class in it, that Allah will accept it or he will throw it
back in my face. No, you did not have a class and we have the
Hadith we've mentioned that people, you know, the first three
people that will be brought to the judgment on the Day of Judgment is
going to be a party on the island and he will be turning to Janome
because Allah said, No, you didn't do it for me. And there will be a
very generous person who said I gave so much well he said no, you
didn't do it for me. You did it because you wanted people to say
you're generous. And there is a so called Shaheed, he said I gave my
life and the last one because because you
wanted to be considered brave. Okay, so we don't know a class
will only be known on the Day of Judgment. We don't know our own
We don't know our own class, we hope and we pray for us. Because
little bit of contamination Allah does not accept. So
here the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam himself is being told to
tell them that I worship Allah. Millicent LaHood Deen This is what
my deen is will omit to learn Hakuna a well Muslim and I have
been ordered that I be among the first of the Muslims. Rasool Allah
Salah Elias, first of the most What does first of the Muslim
means ahead in everything and thought that Islam represents.
Because Allah subhanaw taala asks us to compete in good deeds. So we
compete in dunya we compete in sports, we compete in everything
in grades. Allah says real competition is this compete in
your deeds in your Deen in your sincerity? So rasool Allah, Allah,
Allah listeners has been ordered to be among the first of the
Muslim first in that, and also to first accept the message because
the message also came to him. He didn't know it was coming. So he
had to accept it as the first one who submitted
and he had to implement it. So frequently, what happens is, when
we have our gatherings we say, well, you know, my children,
you know, I'm worried about my children. You're worried about
your children? Who should you be worried about?
yourself first?
yourself first.
Then the children, ALLAH SubhanA. Allah says in another Gu
unphysical, moi, Hillegom. Now save yourselves and your family
from the fire.
Because if we are not on Islam, no teacher is going to, you know,
impart Islam to our children. Because the children
they hear with their eyes what they see
if we are careless about I'm not saying that we are denied, we are
careless, they don't give it priority, then you expect your
child to do it, the child will never do it. So here when we say
the child will never say
we'll never do what the parents don't do. It may with a stick, but
as soon as they grow up, that's done. So get away from this
misconception that Oh, my chin, yes, we are worried about our
children. But where does that what it starts with me? I need to fix
me and Allah will fix my children.
And the proof of that we read every Friday
in Soraka have what is you remember what part that tells us
that that Allah will take care of our children?
The third stop of Musa alayhis salam and
where he builds the wall.
And what does he say that below
on to two orphans, the parents weren't even there.
And Allah says cruder. And among the old is Musa lesson how to
build a wall for two orphans. Why? Because their parents were among
the Select. Allahu Akbar. So you want to sell your children become
a monk
then Rasul Allah, Allah Allah listen third I said call, again
important in a harmful in our say to rugby other Biomin or beam, say
to them, oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, I am afraid, if I
disobey Allah, of a punishment of tremendous, who is saying this?
The one renews hands, one hand whose hand and the flag of hummed
will be on the Day of Judgment for the gates of Jannah will not open
till he knocks on it.
Right everybody will be running to him for for sha
Allah says you tell them that I am afraid
that if I disobey ALLAH
my lord, I say to rugby Alaba, Yeoman alim, the other have a
To what does it mean to me? If Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam
is being told to be afraid? How much should a sinner like me be
afraid of that? Yet we take it routine.
You're welcome. Are we talking about Yama, Yama, we literally
watch if we truly believe whatever every time somebody mentioned,
camel camel should faint and pass out. code so scary.
I mean, there are things we get scared of in the dunya. Sometimes
we get real, real scared of some situation.
Do we get at least that level of scare when somebody talks about
yarmulke Yama, especially when Allah talks about so that's
important for us, as we said, just academic is not this. Your mula
piano should be internalized in my heart so my life changes if my
life does not reflect 100% obedience of Allah subhanaw taala
that means I truly don't believe in your milk, I must say with my
with my tongue.
Then fourth I
call Allah I will do less mostly Salah Houdini, fourth call. But
coming back to the same system, Allah Abu do I worship only Allah
mock lesson again this class this is the fourth time in 14 Ayers
class is being stressed worshiping Allah with the class, loud Dini,
that is my day.
So how important is a class that Allah subhanaw taala keeps
mentioning keeps benching and keeps me so I got it. Well, did I
really get it?
If my life doesn't show it, I didn't get it. Allah smart Allah
could say this 100 times, and I find still not 100%
in obedience, because worshiping Allah means 100% obedience,
obedience of what everything that He has commanded,
from Salah Azacca Salam Hajj from telling the truth from having good
luck from how I dress how I behave, how I conduct business how
I write my will how I treat my children how I treat money every
aspect how I what I do with my eyes, what do I do my with my
ears? What how I use my tongue, how am I you everything
that's Eva.
Mook listen that means every part of my body has to be used as Allah
That is beautiful.
We all want to be beautiful. That is beautiful. Because Rasulullah
sallallahu lism teaches us that Allah does not look at surah.
Cumbia outside
what um while it doesn't see what's in your pockets by Andrew
Ella Kaluga Kumar Malik, he looks at your hearts and your actions.
That is the beauty that we are aspiring for. Okay, which doesn't
mean that we should look unkempt, of course we should because Allah
is Jamil Benjamin, he loves beauty. So we should do that. But
here Rasulullah sallallahu. Again is being told Abba are I worship
Allah miraculous unload the this is my being. Anyone says I'm in
need of Islam. This is the criteria every aspect. You can say
that I'm going to pick and choose where I'm going to do this later.
Who knows later. Today might be the last day
to do I want to die in the disobedience of Allah subhanaw
taala something
that he has clearly said
there is no dispute. There are no two opinions about it. So it's
very very important that we take that and when we study these Iots
we should sit back
ourselves in Halawa alone. And look at this is, is my life and
compliance. If not, I do Toba.
This is the beauty. Ottawa is waiting his doors open at all
times. I do Toba and see ya Allah gives me the strength to fix this
everything that you commanded me to do. I want to do everything you
told me not to do keep me away from it even though I maybe my
heart may be inclined because of my weakness because of my sinful
because of what I've done in the past. I have we everyone I mean we
are not angels. These are challenges but my heart feels I
don't want to do this because my rub is watching.
Then Allah subhanaw taala says fab will do much to min dunya he
called in NL ha Serena Latina. hosue and for seven we're only him
your multi and Delica who will host around all Mubi and Allah
subhanaw taala. So then after telling him that this is a telling
Rasul Allah to say this he said, worship, mush it whatever you want
min Dooney other than Allah you want to because this is the path
to first path is the path to Allah. This is the alternate path
you want to take that you want to worship anything other than Allah,
worship yourself, worship your desire, worship an idol, worship
money, whatever you want. Go ahead.
Call again say in Aloha, serene Alladhina has zero indeed the One
Who are the absolute losers, Allah says her sorrow and foster home
who have lost themselves what Lee him your multicam on the Day of
Judgment, that is the loss.
You can become bankrupt in this dunya no loss. But he says the
real loss Allah subhanaw taala says if you lose on the Day of
Judgment, mean losing on the day of judgment means Jana
and then second,
Lee, you will never see your loved ones again.
Never see here we are willing to give our lives for our children
for our parents. Allah subhanaw taala says the ultimate loss is
yarmulke Yama. If one person goes to Jana will never see the family
members ever gone to Jana.
If you go and Jan a person like that May Allah protect goes to
Jana and the rest of the families and Jana even there they will not
see the family.
So Allah subhanaw taala says, All tell them in dark eat.
Be sure of this, what that crossing are those who lose
themselves and their family on the AMO piano, Allah daleko who will
host Ron net this is indeed the ultimate the peak of loss.
Everything is wiped out. All purpose for which we were created,
the whole life is spent here. Because not only zero it becomes
negative, and everyone you love is gone.
No matter what how much they promised or said that they loved
you. And that's usually friends and family. But can you imagine
being in the Sahara and you never see your parents that you never
see your children ever?
Just think about it.
Today we lose our parents and we cry.
We'd be crying tears of blood men, because we know now that we will
see our parents inshallah in German, but suppose we live our
lives that we don't
and then there is no going back. So this is serious stuff. I have
to remind myself first. If we truly love ourselves, our spouses,
our parents, our children, we have to submit to Allah subhanaw taala
May Allah subhanaw taala help us in this.
Then what is the situation of these losers? Allah Subhana Allah
says La hyung min phoca him Dola don't mean an NA woman Tata him
Golan for these people who are the Hassan in the NAR there are
canopies there are coverings made of fire, and Mintek the hem Bolin
layers of fire
today, you burn a little thing on electric stove and no flame even
how much it burns. Imagine this. How if a house catches on fire how
we run
now and we know the fire department will come on you
can run out there is no place to run into in Jannah other than to a
deeper place of fire. no end to the fire is not going to be the
fire of Abraham and SLM which will become cool.
Allah subhanaw taala after mentioning this he says there are
Nikka you have Wafula who be a mother who this is what Allah
puts the fear in you are to his a bad Allah subhanaw taala is
scaring you in other words he's saying I am telling you to be
fearful you however Allah is making you have half of this fire
a bad who here again it gives us hope you're my bad I don't want to
send you there that's why I'm warning you protect yourself.
Yeah, body fat taco. Oh my servants Look at the beautiful way
this this is coming after the classroom that you have. You're
going into that Kasara you can still save because you are a body
you are myself.
My doors are open for you still.
Yeah, body fat the home. have Taqwa Taqwa is also translated as
fear. And you however will have is also translated as fear. But when
two things come together, they have different meanings. Allah is
saying I'm putting the fear in you. So that you may protect
acquires to protect yourself,
that you protect yourself, you have that fear, which then makes
you do those actions that you protect yourself from the
madness martela makers among them.
And as you said, Being multiplane means
complete compliance with the orders of Allah subhanaw taala and
complete abstinence staying away from what Allah has made haram and
makuu. Being aware of him at all times.
When we look, when we hear when we talk, when we dress when you're in
worship when we are in the marketplace.
Allah is aware of everything. So Taqwa is being constantly
continuously aware.
Then Allah subhanaw taala after talking about the Hassan he talks
about the other side, one group Zomer that going to Jana talks
about Bala the nightstand apostar hooter I mean, yeah, I will do her
what an Abu il Allah lovable Bushra for Bashir playback and
those are still unable to vote. The vote is everything that is
wrong and evil that invites to wrong and target tava means
Same as baba, baba, da da hood.
Because prototype of target is Who
among the human beings from Abuja, N. Emily's Emily's. But there is a
taboo thing here.
Every time I rebelled, I disobey Allah subhanaw taala. That's my
Talmud. Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala says those who stay away
Honey Boo, this is the same word that's used for
alcohol. Allah swatter doesn't use word Haram is fashionable means
stay away from it, forget about drinking, stay away from it not
even come close. So those who stay away from this, I mean, Yabba doo
ha were unable and
who don't worship these other targets. Worship means worship
means obey. So obeying IBLEES obeying my enough's obeying people
who invite to the wrong thing obeying, you know, my king who was
making me do wrong things, you know, just because I have a good
position with him. You know, the Ferren and his ministers and
today's ferons are different, and their ministers and their prime
ministers who, who disobey Allah subhanaw taala were an Abu Illa
Allah and who turned back to Inaba is a complete over 180 degrees
turn, come back without going back. Back to Allah, so Allah
Allah Inaba, persistent real Toba, okay
Lommel Boucher for them. There is glad time there is Busha for
so oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, Masha my body give this
glad tidings. There's good news
to my service. What is the good news? If you meet this criteria,
you meet louisv All of those things my desire might listen to
one so set this one so set this internet set this in you know for
process this whatever it is all
worked out.
Today we have many versions of spirituality many of the Muslims
are hungry
What spirituality is the greater spirituality than Islam?
So everything other than Islam is toggled
again talking about this this group Allah subhanaw taala says
Alladhina yes to my own Allah cola for yet W Rona Assa. Did you hear
this before?
I said this in the door when we start
and Latina Yestermorrow Nicola, these are those people who when
they hear the words for yet have their own accent, they follow the
best of them. So, some of the what are these words, one understanding
is that they listen, these are mature people, they listen to good
things, they listen to bad things and neutral things. And they have
can make the judgment of what is the best and they follow that
they don't follow every
garbage that comes their way. Okay? Everything that has been
forwarded to you know, they listen to listen to all that because
they're exposed to it. You don't have to expose yourself to
everything. But if you do, then just follow what is right now the
other thing is that what is meant by call here is the Quran.
That when they listen to the Quran, for the bill Ison, they
they follow it to the best of their abilities
with the sun
hula equal Latina, hada, Houma la these are the people who Allah has
guided. So if you want to know if you are guided if I want to know
I'm guided, see that I am following the Quran that tells me
because the Quran is the ultimate Hoda it was sent for guidance. If
the guidance is with me, and I'm not following it.
That's a great loss.
We like home oil BB and these are the people who have lobe
understanding reasoning. These you won't talk about he's very smart.
These are the smart people, not an IQ of 140 That's not smart. If you
if that doesn't help you recognize Allah
and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam and his status and obey then
IQ of 140 is take the Zero out of it is like a 14
so, Allah swan 1000 These are the people who aren't recognize the
truth and follow it in the best possible way. These are the people
who are on guidance and these are the people above the people of
understanding the people of of knowledge and wisdom.
Then Allah subhanaw taala says number 1937 good for a man hepco
alayhi Kalama to other be alpha Anta tang, tang, okay, do Hmong
Sinha, Alpha Man hochkar Lee Kalama Tanada
The one for whom the command of punishment has gone out because he
deserves it. Who's Huck is who's right who is rightfully been
condemned by Allah subhanaw taala for punishment other Alpha men
have chi li Kalamata, Lada for that person, for under 10k. Do man
finna then for that person, you Rasul Allah, can you save him from
the fire?
This is a question.
The answer obviously doesn't need to be answered that even Rasul
Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam will not be allowed, he cannot save him
from the fire, he will not be granted permission to intercede
for that person.
So, again, Allah subhanaw taala has and now who is going to have
this? How come upon them of other, the one who rebelled Tao hood, who
was given every warning he was given reminded of this and
continued to rebel against Allah's commandments. So he is deserving
and there Allah reminded out of his Rama remercie over and over
over again. After that, no, then his adult comes in.
Then the adult of Allah's Mandela will lead to Gen. Rama of Allah
Samantha leads to
lack any lady not Takahara bomb and again Allah subhanaw taala
talking about after talking about the people of Janome that even you
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam cannot save them from that to
protect them. And then opposite lacking Alladhina but those Allah
Nina Takara bomb those again the word comes in Taqwa
to protect themselves from Allah's Anger by obeying Rob Bahama Lomu
water foam menfolk I have one of my Binya Tang Tajima, Tatiana and
have for them or us there are mentioned there are a large room
is one built one on top of the other. So we have multi multi
level construction in general like we have receives, you know, on the
tower of bridge bridge and this and that and what Allah says now
this is what man has made they imagine what Allah has made for
these believers
No there's not done with you know this apartment is so many square
meters so many square no such thing.
so Allah has made this for them MUB lineitem they have been made
in such a way that jurymen Tatiana you want waterfront property
unless Montana saying there will be rivers flowing under it. Now
let's talk about Gen.
Y the law. This is the Promise of Allah and does Allah subhanaw
taala ever not fulfill his promise law? Unless one on Thursday love
you colorful love me. Allah subhanaw taala will never violate
his promise or break his promise. Never never fail in what is
promised. So Allah subhanaw taala here gives us
two words about Jana just to make us feel that hope and he has
talked a lot about the not the doula above or below or all of
that to save yourself.
Now Allah subhanaw taala brings us back to Earth to give us some
examples so that we can use this alum Tara and Allah and Allah Mina
sama imam for Salah Carew
you're now via Phil Are they from Yahoo Gob he's run move telefone
Galvano a one who thumb your Haeju for Tarang mas for run sama yadgir
Hello Who Obama in Aveda Anika Nicola Decra lipoly Alba LM Tara
Have you not seen or Have you not understood? And Allah Anza La Mina
sama Emma that Allah subhanaw taala sends water from them and
then we witnessed this every day and we sometimes complain about it
it's raining too much it's ready to know this is from Allah
subhanaw taala as mercy it's what gives life
for Salah can whoo yah yah yah via fill out and he makes these become
like streams and rivers and waterfalls on the earth so before
he mentioned what happens
that Elena the reverse you're talking about Jana now he's
telling us Yes. I have also made something like that here so you
can see right.
And what does he do with this? Refill? Sama? Yeah, hurry up from
your fridge over here Zara. unmukt Elephant, one who and from this
water Allah makes various crops and vegetations come out of Moto
elephant a lot of different colors and different views and all of
through Maya Haeju for Tara Mosfilm and then what happens to
they become mature then they dry.
And then what happens to them?
Sama Allahu hakama then they become like husk and dried. Hey,
what's in Epidiolex Allah Decra Levulan BB in this again for full
Alba there is a reminder what is the reminder
that no matter how beautiful it seems here, you don't use the
pharmacy is it one day, everything good comes to an end.
So Allah is telling us you want this to be permanent. Go back to
the previous is where the Aadhaar will continue the vegetations will
continue the everything else gardens will continue here no
matter what you have will come to an end.
So we'll all Bob only the people of understanding will be reminded
of this.
And this also this is just about
vegetation, but you can take that about us that Allah also created
us from fluid like he says, and then when we become big we grow
and become big we become mature we become successful. And then you
start losing the battle with arthritis and with age. Just
reflecting on that yesterday I was telling my wife I'm losing the
battle because that's what's gonna happen okay, and then you become
Lord God, you want to be permanent.
Make it to Jana. eternal youth eternal beauty eternal health,
eternal wealth. Everything is eternal.
Bella says I am number 22 A Thurman Shara Hello
Oh Sandra who kneel Islam for Hua Allah Nora Mirabai for Wanelo Lil
kharsia to Punahou, boohooman Vickery Allah, hula ecoffee Ebola
and him being
ephah mon sha Allah Who Sodre Allah subhanaw taala talking about
the one whose heart whose just Allah subhanaw taala has expanded,
what does that mean? Expand? We're not talking about physical
expansion of the chest, we're talking about the chest. That
means who feels very comfortable, very much at ease. Allah is open
so he is welcoming open to everything of Islam, everything he
hears of Islam, gives them a sense of comfort. Salah gives him peace
giving charity gives them peace. helping a neighbor gives him
peace. Raising the children gives them peace sending Salam gives him
peace. Everything about Islam expands his chest he feels
comfortable he feels at ease. And last one Allah saying he is one
whose sorrows just that Allah has made Shara has opened to Islam.
For who are Allah Nora Mirabai and sign of that is in that just is
what you're in your heart. There is a no from Allah in that chest
which means northern Allah No. So your colobus God nor and Allah's
nor of hedaya is words come on Allah No. So he's just as
expanding as more and more of the Islam is coming into his life.
Allah Swanton has given one picture. Then he says, for way too
little, for way little little pass Yeah, topple Uberman decree. And
may Allah subhanaw taala says May destruction may well be on those
whose hearts are opposite off the Shara is
plus plus one Kulu which is means
hard, constricted hearts don't accept anything. They're always in
stress and agony and you know what it is and all of that. Why?
Because they don't like to talk about Allah swappa You know you go
to gathering sometime you talk about that. You always talk about
our Haryana talk about let's talk about something
more fun or politics
well i GFI Delilah mobian So these are laws one policies are clearly
the ones who have gone astray.
Hola buenas Zillah accidental Hadith Akita bum. Mata shabby hum
Muthiah Ania
Daksha roomin who julu Dunedain yak Shona have been some some
thought don't delay no julu home, but Kulu bomb Illa de que la
Danica who would not lie yeah DBE my share, were mine noodley Lau
from Allah Who minhang Now la semana de la after talking about
the customer of the globe. People who don't like to be reminded all
remember Allah.
Allah subhanaw taala says he knows Zilla axonal Hadees he's the one
who has sent down the best of messages the hadith of Allah the
words of ALLAH Kitab and Al Kitab which is the Quran with a sharp
and Madonnina it has some portions that Amata Shabbat same things
appear in different portions of the of the Quran
and Botania
Some have said Nathania means full of praises fan of Allah subhanaw
taala and some have translated this as something that is
consistent. What does it do when this comes down to the proper
Daksha Roman who julu doula Deena? Yeah, Shauna bomb those who have
fear of Allah subhanaw taala awareness and fear of Allah
subhanaw taala when they hear the words, their skin, their hair
stand on their skins, pucker up and like when you get real scared,
you said you get goosebumps. That's what happens to them.
I'm still making dua that one day I read the Quran and it happens to
me It hasn't happened yet. That means in order I'm not there, if
you've done it Hamdulillah
that when you hear these words
Daksha shutter roomin who delude that their skins quiver and shiver
and hair stand they become Packer Packer up
If you're showing up from the fear of Allah thumb then what happens
to that was first part is the fear. Then as they understand who
they are dealing with aralen Thumma Tolino julu Then their
skins become soft and gentle and their hearts become soft and
Because knowing who Allah subhanaw taala is,
makes that first
emotion and hoping Allah makes the other Allah is merciful. So that
makes the hearts soften. And the skins are last one and you know
the home coloboma Allah, Allah decree law it makes them soft
towards so they want the love to remember Allah subhanaw taala at
the mention of Allah of their lords
you know the gorilla, that when Allah is mentioned, his book is
mentioned things of the Drina being mentioned that hearts find
peace become junkie and become soft.
Hold on lie this is the guidance of Allah Yardi be me. He guides by
it wherever he wants. We're minute Lily Lau from Isla who, then the
one that Allah allows to go the Allah astray. Who can guide
for Mala who mean ha there is no one who can
guide them who Allah leaves to go astray.
Again, Allah subhanaw taala asks a question of a main yet ducky B
wedge hee hee soo other B yo Macrium what P la olive oil Amin
Zuko McAloon to taxi.
And as for those,
yet that T byG. Now this is a different Taqwa This is
They are trying to protect be watchI with their face from what
Sue will other
the awful punishment your monkey
has for the one who's trying to protect himself from that awful
punishment with his face. And normally what do you do and if
something is coming to you, what do you do what do you protect
yourself with
your hands? Allah subhanaw taala saying no, they will try to
protect themselves in the face why?
Where are their hands
tied up in those things are tied behind their backs, like the
prisoners so there is no thing to protect other than your face.
Were key
and it will then be said low volume in to these wrongdoers the
volume buku test
malcontent taxable that what you have earned
as you sow so shall you reap. So that's what you did this is what
you earned a test you're earning.
This is what you're invested in. This is what your return is
cannibal Latina, cobbling him numbers one Allah says before
these people people before also denied
got double they denied rejected the truth when covenant for a town
will other than the other came to them mean hey to Leia Sharon from
where they did not expect.
They had no idea Leia Sharon, where it's going to come from and
adapt comes from many different ways where it's least expected
sometimes people only things you know on the lightning will strike
me or this one. Sometimes Allah is one of them is Latif, he will send
other from where where you think
is what is your something that is going to be helpful. For example,
let's take the example of frown,
economy and the strength was based on what
on the agriculture and all of that which is related to
the Nile need
all the vegetation every all of his palaces, all of those things
along the Nile.
And what did he brag on? What did he say boast
the river for flows and
this is what he thought was his greatest thing. And how did he end
up? He drowned in the water.
So the punishment can come from where you least expected.
Sometimes Allah subhanaw taala makes our children out of them.
And we hear about it all the time as doctors from all
It is complaining, okay. So money can be another. If it takes you
away from Allah subhanaw taala it takes you into his disobedience.
That is another so Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that people
before them who were apparently successful people who had pride
people who had who thought but they denied got double
LatinAmerica for them the other app came from where they least
expected and we know all of that.
For other car home alone, physio Phil hired to dunya while other
Akbar Low Can We animal so Allah Subhana Allah Allah Allah then
Allah subhanaw taala made them tests other common Allah Who
physio Phil had dunya humiliation
in this dunya but they doesn't end there. Well I and indeed the other
job of the Accra Akbar, that's coming that's greater. So what
they tasted here what Ferrante tested here is a small thing. Why
because it ended quickly die.
There it will continue. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling us
had a fear of Allah subhanaw taala have hope have fear
and hope will come if we have taqwa and Taqwa and if last go to
bed all of those are linked together.
Walcot Dora Lin Lin Nassif he had Al Quran him in coulomb, Ethel
Lala home yet that Corona and indeed Allah subhanaw taala says
he has set forth for mankind every kind of example of parable in this
Quran means it gives you an example. And it's to be taken not
just literally but what it means for in this Quran, Quran min
collimated every type of whatever you need it in principle it's in
the Quran
Lala home yet the Koran so that perhaps Lala means hoping you know
What is Allah subhanaw taala style Allah someone that doesn't hope he
commands but he's saying so that they may
yet the vet Quran they may be mindful, they may remember that
may they may take they may reflect they may take warning. What did he
send Quran and Arabi? What Khorana Narrabeen VEDA the EVA je le
allomi article, he has revealed the Quran in the Arabic language
which teaches us that Allah decided to reveal it in the Arabic
language there is something special besides that the people
the atoms wouldn't understand. But we should give priority to
learning at least having a working knowledge of this language.
Where are they? Ah, Allah smart. Allah says this is straight. There
is no crookedness. There is no detours, there is no edge. There
is no crookedness, or distortion. This is a straightforward message
everybody to understand one last alarm. Yeah. Takuan so that they
may have again Taqwa that they may become righteous, stay away from
evil, that they follow everything that are not smart.
Then Allah subhanaw taala gives one example and will inshallah end
with this iron number 29 Baramulla who marthaler Raju Lang fee should
occur will Mater Sharky so Versionen Salomon Raju Lin Hello
Yes, we need masala and hamdulillah bilateral Han Leia
Allahu Allah Azza wa Taala sets forth an example of a Raju of a
V should occur all motor shark is someone who is has many masters.
Whereas many bosses Now imagine if you're working with five bosses,
one says do this, someone says do this, you will never make anybody
happy because someone wants something somebody wants something
something. So Allah subhanaw taala says, this is one example that
this person What if you take it as a slave, he is has many masters,
and they have disputes among themselves. And each one wants to
command him to do something else. This guy is going to be very, very
confused. Okay, who do I listen to?
And who do I make unhappy? Everybody will be unhappy in the
end. So Allah subhanaw taala this is one where Rosalind Solomon, the
one who has only one master,
holiest we are pneumophila can the two be equal. So what does this
mean? This means that one who worships only Allah subhanaw taala
only trying to please one Lord, cannot be equal to one who worship
this this this this looking for who to please
Alhamdulillah beltpack from lie Allah mon but then hungry to
Allah, but most people do not know that they don't know that
freeing yourself from the Oberoi, OBO they have everyone else and
being only an act of Allah is what true freedoms
otherwise you will be just running around in circles and nobody will
be pleased. Do you want to please one master which is Allah?
Even if it displeases everybody else, there is no obedience of of
mahalo with disobedience of the Holika I want to please my wife,
but doing something by doing something that displeases my
Halak. No, I want to do something that will make my children happy,
but it just is displeasing to Allah know
if Allah is pleased, and they are pleased 100
So we have one master
I'll do one more I and number 30 And then we'll finish inshallah
just about an hour in NACA my year to Inami.
Indeed, you are rasool Allah salAllahu. Salam
in you will certainly die.
Allahu Akbar, which means and which we all know, each one of us
will die. Well, in now my year tune and they will.
What does that tell us? That yes, we have an appointment. Allah has
an agenda time for all of us. When that agile comes, nobody can
postpone it. Nobody can pre plan or postpone, that time is written,
it's in the knowledge of Allah Subhana Allah, what is certain it
will come. And when it comes, the books will be closed. Whatever you
have earned, and then is yours, whatever you didn't, will never be
yours. If you've left behind good righteous children. Yes, your book
will continue. Yes, if you've left behind him that people benefit
from your book will continue. If you've left charitable things from
which people benefit, even if it's a tree under who's whose fruit
people eat or shade, you will get something otherwise the books are
in now my tone, this is also a threat for the kuffaar of manga
because this was my console, you will die.
So they are hearing and they will die. In other words, you will die
and you are going to be in for those and they will die they're
going to be in Jannah but for us because we read the Quran as it's
being revealed to us that yes my Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam
went to his
rafiqul Allah Rafi can
last words
to my the high Rafi
and we will also may Allah Swan will take us in a state of Eman in
a state of obedience to Him. And in complete Toba having cleared
everything all of our accounts with Allah Samantha and with each
other. So we ask each other for forgiveness. And we are going to
end with this idea which is a reminder that our time is limited
and the time to fix everything is now
Subhanak Hola. Hola, the Hyundai Kona shadow Hola, hola, hi, Lana
Steph Rocha on a two