Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Tafsir Surah AlMaun.
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Sharla we'll start with surah number 107 Bismillah Alhamdulillah
wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while Allah He was happy he wanted
to women who
are older me let him initiate on your regime Bismillah he'll rock
man on Rocky. Alright, it'll be you can debo bidding for the local
the the audio team while you're
skiing for Waylon Lilly mousseline, Lemina home mountain,
so that in himself alone, a Lavina, whom you're all on our you
know, our own our own
translation, have you seen one who belies who denies the final
This then is the same one who repels the orphan and who would
not urge the feeding of the poor. So war to all those who pray.
That is those who are unmindful about their prayers, those who
only make a show of worship, while they withhold basic necessities
from others.
So Ellmau own basically means
things that are
good, that are unnecessary, whether they're little or small,
anything that's good, anything that you need, it can be something
very small, you know, you need a hammer, as the Sahaba said, or
somebody wants to borrow a pot, or something or a bucket or anything
you need you ask someone can I have this Can I borrow this that's
noun, giving somebody something little, it can even be feeding
somebody it can be somebody's need little things. And they can also
be big thing. So
kindness, even in little, anything that brings good to someone
fulfills the need is noun. So the surah is most often known as a
noun. It is also called Surah arrivata Ledi. That's how it
starts, or eyetality. It's also called Surah, a deen, so called
Surah Alia team. So there are many names for it, but most commonly,
it is a mountain. And it's considered an early makansutra.
Also, although there's an opinion that the surah was revealed in two
parts. The first three is in Makkah, and the other opinion is
that the last four is the topic is slightly different, although
they're connected was revealed in Medina and then they were put
together later in one surah because this is how the Quran was
revealed. And the prophets of Allah Allah Salam would instruct
put this in such and such place on this surah so there is this
opinion that it's sort of dual revelation part of it the first
part the first three is right and then you get the bobby Deen for
direct Allah the earlier team while I do a lot Tamil Mysskin
that this was definitely revealed in Makkah, there is no dispute the
last four years no way lil masala from that till the end. There is
one opinion that this was revealed in Medina and we'll talk about why
that opinion exists.
So we've been covering the Macan surahs. And one dominant theme in
all of them has been the Day of Judgment.
Because that's such a critical concept. That's such a critical
part of our belief that if you remove that, if there is no
judgment, then there is no accountability.
If there is no accountability, there is no responsibility.
And if you don't have any responsibility or accountability,
you are free to do whatever you want. It's anarchy. There are no
There is no way there is no morality. There is no goodness,
you do whatever you want, because you are not held accountable. So
this concept of accountability is very, very fundamental, that there
is going to be a hisab there is going to be accountable. And we
see that this is not a novel concept because we see that every
day in our life.
You don't study in school, you will have consequences. What is
that? Either they will kick you out or you will fail.
Okay, you run the red light, there are rules, you run the red light.
You might escape once or the camera might catch you or you get
a ticket or your license gets pulled there are consequences. So
there are rules that have to be followed because they were made
for the welfare of everyone. Not just your own personal welfare.
So Allah subhanaw taala made rules and there are consequences of
breaking those rules and laws. Okay?
Some of them are very, very obvious, okay. And some of them
are subtle.
The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, for example, when talking
about rules, said that if a young man comes to propose for your
daughter, and you know that his character and his deen is good and
if you refuse to give your daughter to this person,
then there will be an abundance of fitna and facade in the world.
He doesn't say he has to be a doctor, he has to earn 250,000 is
nothing. None of that. If he has a good character, and he follows the
And if you don't marry him, the only reason you would not marry
him? Well, he doesn't look as hot.
He's not as rich, what is his future? What is his education?
These are the only two criteria what is now we do that all the
You know, he's not at my level. If you refuse those and starts to
happen, there will be so much corruption and we see that and
those corruptions go to the extreme brings Zina brings divorce
brings unhappy marriage all kinds of things because the that Bond
did not take place for the right reasons. So similarly, there are
many other examples that if we do not follow the rules that Allah
made, there are going to be consequences.
So after reminding the Quraysh of those favours of the security and
all of that, now Allah subhanaw taala is actually telling them
what their actuality is that look that's how you should be
worshipping Allah, but this is how you are.
Allah subhanaw taala says arrivata lady you can label be Dean he's
you are Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it is in second person.
Singular. Have you seen this person who denies you can the
Bobet Dean? The word Dean has multiple meanings in our deen and
in the Quran, depending on its usage where it is being used.
Okay. Commonly everybody when we say Dean, what do we mean? The end
of Islam, the religion, okay. Yet we say your mood Dean,
Maliki Yama, Dean, what does that mean? The day where there is
Hassan accounting and required to recompense you know, sir, and
Jessa you know, you get rewarded for your good deeds and you get
punished for your bad deeds. That's your Modine. So the deed
they have required to the Day of Recompense the Day of Judgment, as
we call it, that is also the the word then is also used for law as
Allah Subhana. Allah says in Surah Yusuf, he said that use of Allah
Salam would not have been able to keep his brother Binyamin, be de
nil Malik by the Dean of the Law of the king. Okay, if you remember
the story,
use of an SLM asks his brother what should be the punishment for
one who steals?
And they said, You take him you know, he becomes your slave. And
that's how it took his brother. But if he had gone by the law of
the land of the king, it probably was something else. So he's Allah
smart. Allah says he would not have been able to do it if he
followed the dean will Melek so the word Dean is used in many play
in ways but the way it's used here is again, the day of judgment that
this person doesn't truly believe in a day of judgment, a day of
accountability coming to accountability, that I will have
to answer for every single thing that I did. Every word, my yell
federal will be men, Colin illallah, the year Roundtable, a
team he does not Allah smart Allah says he does not uttered a word
except there is an angel that's recording it does not one word
myall FIDU he does not spit out be coding one word, except said
recorded, everything is being recorded
for a day of judgment. Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala saying is
look at this person who denies the Day of Judgment. He's saying this
to Rasulullah sallallahu this, but also comes to us because we are
seeing people who deny the judgment. Now, some people don't
deny it by the tongue. That's the idea we believe nominal belief in
other words by name, but the actions show something else.
Anyone who claims to be a Muslim will say yes, I believe in the Day
of Judgment. Okay. Now you take a person who says I believe in the
Day of Judgment
And then he goes, and he murders a Muslim and makes him disappear.
This this person really believe in the devil judgment, you tell
by actions because if he knew if he knows that there is a devil
judgment, would you do that? With a person who says I'm a Muslim?
Make a million orphans, killed 650,000 people and say I believe
in Day of Judgment, his own people?
Does he believe in the Day of Judgment? No, he doesn't. So all
of us say we believe now forget about those. I have to look at
myself, I claim, I believe in the day of judgment, but do my actions
reflect that?
Okay, that's the most important thing because I will be held
accountable for all of that. Now, in this surah, Allah subhanaw
taala will give us you know, a glimpse, he's not going to give
you a comprehensive list, he's going to talk about five things
that we all know. He said, If these five things this person does
not observe,
it means he does not believe in that I truly believe in the Day of
Judgment because if he truly believed he would be doing this.
So Allah subhanaw taala says,
And the word you cut the bow, as opposed to yak full, mean, Yak
furrow means to, to have preferred to, to deny in the sense that I
don't believe but you can label means that this person thinks or
knows that this is the truth and yet continues to deny it, for
personal corruption inside because of personal advantages, and that
so on so forth. The problem with the Koresh of denying this is
because if they accepted the message of Islam, the whole social
structure would be turned upside down. The people who they had
slaves would become equal to them, you know, their positions and all
those would be changed, you know, how they treated women would have
to be changed how they treated, you know, all the cheating that
they did, and everything that they did, would would have to change.
So that's why they denied it. Okay. And Allah subhanaw taala has
given so many examples in the sutras we have covered to show you
that there is a day of judgment, He says, Look, they said, How can
these bones be brought back to life? Allah said, look at the
data, how do I bring it back? Look at this, look at that, all these
examples. And Allah subhanaw taala says, and how is it that they deny
it? It's so obvious. So, when we have this
creature, who denies Allah subhanaw taala says who now it
raises Who is this? Right the lady you caught them Allah subhanaw
taala is Have you seen this one who denies who is this person?
And when we say who is this person, I put myself in the front
Am I this person that Allah is talking about? Do I have some of
the qualities that are going to be described of this person? So Allah
Samantha is
a writer lady, you can keep up with the, for the helical, lovey,
he is the one you adore, or your team da means to repent to push
away violently. Your team, your team means an orphan. Do all the
kids know what an orphan is? Tell me? What's an orphan?
That's right, very good. There is a little detail to it, that they
have to have lost their parents when they were still a child. You
know, for example, my parents died. My father died when I was in
my 40s. So I can be called an orphan and my mother's pass I'm
not an orphan, when they lose their parents one or both in when
they were still children.
Now when we are old, and when we lose our parents do you know it's
very very tough.
It's it's you know, your heart feels very constricted. You feel
very sad. You feel the great loss. That's when you are an adult. Now
imagine a child and little girl a little boy, who doesn't see their
parents for two minutes says, mama, mama, where are you looking
around? Because I can see them who are so dependent on their parents,
a little boy, but little girl and Allah subhanaw taala from his
wisdom takes one of their parents. What must their child feel?
How sad must their child be how lost mustard Charlie, and you know
was the best of all orphans in the world.
Our Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He lost his father even
before he was born while he was still in the womb of his mother.
And then he was
A few years old, like four years old, he lost his mother orphan
both ways.
So that now who takes care of orphans they have no connection
they have no wealth nobody take care of them so they are the most
dependent the most the weakest part of society what should be
their right on you
you should embrace them you should love them you should you should
take care of them right? Because look what they've gone through
right that's anyone with a heart would do that oh, this poor little
thing has no parents let me take care of them. That is called
guardianship okay follow for your team, you know what the reward for
that is a person who takes care of a your team in this dunya till
they achieve maturity. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said that
caffeine, the one guardian of your team of orphan and I will be in
Jannah like this so close to each other. To rasool Allah sub that
means the highest level of Jannah
Do you know how many orphans there are in the world today? Muslims
forget about the other. This is for any orphan doesn't have to be
Muslim or non Muslim, but just Muslim orphans in the world, by
the millions. Allah's wisdom.
So what does that tell you that we all have a certain year have a
golden opportunity to take over sponsorship of 123 10 100 Orphans
for the next 15 years till they're mature.
And look what the rewards are going to be. And all of these, you
know, battle mulling you know, Islamic Relief, hope they all have
orphan sponsorship program, 40 bucks a month. 40 bucks a month.
Fuel sponsor 10 Kids 400 bucks a month, nothing.
I'm sure some of you can sponsor 100 Orphans every month for what
you will get.
So this Allah's fantastic and the your team are mentioned first
everywhere before the miskeen in the Quran, your team and miskeen
Yachty. Biscayne means the poor, who cannot move up who are stuck,
who don't have their needs. miskeen means a person who does
not have his basic necessities. He doesn't have a shelter, it doesn't
have clothes done therefore
for care is one who asks aside.
But there are miskeen who don't ask,
because they said Allah has given us this, he will send whatever,
but there are some words and they're allowed to ask him that.
So last month, Allah mentions the first he's talking about the one
who denies the Day of Judgment. He is the one who violates the rights
of Allah and His creation, but whose rights I mentioned first,
the rights of Allah's creation, He says yet don't well, your team,
instead of taking care of this being, you know,
doing, being generous and taking care and being kind to the team,
he is pushing them away, get away.
What kind of a heart is that? We can't even call it a heart.
It's a rock has no compassion. This is not a human being. You've
seen even animals, sometimes animals, if one animal dies, we'll
take care of the little one have another animal.
So Allah subhanaw taala gives us the picture that this is a person
who repels who pushes away is harsh. You can be harsh by your
tongue. You can be harsh physically, and take advantage of
them. And there are so many eyes of the Quran about your team. Some
of them have wealth and if you take their wealth because they
have no power. The last one says don't this is one of the major
sins of Islam, that you take the wealth of your team because he's a
minor, he doesn't. Okay?
So, that's the first thing. Wallah Taha Duna hola Tamil Miskin second
violation creative this person who truly by doing this, he's showing
he doesn't believe in the day of judgment. He does not.
Urge encourage has not had the means to encourage somebody to
urge someone to Bommel miskeen food of the Miskin.
Not only does he not do it himself. He does not encourage
others he stops others. Okay? If you don't have to give enough you
can encourage others who have he doesn't even care. Now
interestingly, Allah subhanaw taala doesn't say he they don't
feed them
Okay, he says, The Amyl Miskin, which in Arabic means more dogma
that means the food of the poor.
Allah subhanaw taala, saying that food already belongs to the poor,
but Allah instead of giving them directly, he has made this person,
the agency that I'm giving you so you can deliver to the poor, but
he keeps it. Allah has called it this is the food of the poor. He
doesn't say this is your food and from your food you give them
so Allah subhanaw taala is telling us two
potential virtues, which is taking care of orphans and feeding the
poor feeding the poor, feeding the needy, and telling us if you don't
do those, and you have the means. That means it's an indication you
don't truly in heartache, I believe in a day of judgment. So
Allah mentions the rights of the people, His creatures first then
he says,
For way, little little mousseline. Now if you stop here, this says,
and whale means curse, destruction, or the value of
jahannam. That's another name for while is on mousseline, those who
pray now if you stop here,
those who pray, curse and destruction on them, doesn't it?
Grab your attention, somebody stops the Quran out of context and
says, Allah says for whaleoil mousseline therefore we should not
pray. Right because Allah is cursing no because he describes
you have to read the next thing.
A Levine insalata himself on.
These are the ones who in their salah, they are mousseline, they
are praying
in their salah, they are sound sound means
careless, neglectful delaying in their salah, inattentive, don't
care much about it. Salah is not done like it should. Okay?
So Allah is cursing those who pray with these characteristics of the
Salah. But just remember one thing,
they're still praying
and Allah is saying his curse and destruction and the value of
Jahannam is for the people who pray like this. What would be the
status of those who don't pray at all?
Think about
so I have now Basara the Allah on on Hamas said that this
description is the prayers of the Manasa con the hypocrites. Okay.
And that's why because there are no hypocrites in Makkah. That's
why they said that this last part was revealed in Medina. Because in
Makkah, there were no hypocrites, normal African, because Islam was
already in power. Nobody had to pretend to be a Muslim. But in
Medina when Islam became strong, now the people there you wanted to
go, I'm a Muslim, yet the inside they didn't believe because they
were afraid of the situation. And they used to come and pray. So he
said this is a description of those people.
The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam described the prayer he said he
said teleca Salah tool munafo, still Casin Ottoman Africa.
This is a prayer of the Mona effect the hypocrite and he
described it, I want you to pay attention to these to see for what
reason not to say Oh, this is the prayer of them to see do I have
any of these traits in my salah?
So he gave an example. He says he sits and watches the sun obviously
he's talking about Salado Assar descend till it is between the
horns of shaitan on corner and shaitan which means it's almost
ready to set and then he gets up quickly.
And NACA Nakara means to peck our band four times effects.
law yet Quran Allah fie ha Illa Kali and does not remember Allah
much in it except a little bit. Doesn't say doesn't remember
except a little bit he still remembers a little bit he didn't
say that he prays for rocket he said he packs like this
for he doesn't even call them rocket means they're not worthy of
being called Raka. Nakara means duck just like a chicken. It's
like picking like this. What does that mean? A Salah in which you
hit the ground in Europe your head is you're not in tranquillity you
don't put your head down say Subhana Allah Allah subhana Berra
a quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack that's hola is
void because this is there is a famous Hadith which is called the
Sunnah of the one who prayed badly. And this was the
description that he would go into ruku and get up, Allahu Akbar,
go and
not even get up fully, whereas you're supposed to go come to rest
every bone has to come to rest in such that, then you start your
task B, then you sit back up till you are straight,
your bones come to rest, then you go into the second stage that is
not affecting
you said that's boy, this is a laugh when Africa and so that's
the external action and internally his thoughts everywhere, yet he
remembers Allah briefly. Sometimes I may pray, I may pray when I
don't remember Allah to Allah is just an automatic thing.
So, that means that salah of mine has the characteristics of the
salah of it
if I knowingly and now another thing that all the all of these
characteristics in in the Arabic grammar
are in what is called the Present Continuous they are not in the
past. Alright, that is have you seen that's past tense, but after
that, yeah, the earlier thing. Law Yeah.
All of these are present continuous In other words, it's
not just one time that this person does it. It's constantly he always
denies he his Salah is always like that. He's always rejecting the
the orphan sees always
against you're not feeding the poor, okay. So Allah subhanaw
taala has mentioned his right here that these are pete this kind of
person, because if he knew that there is a day of judgment, that
if he knew who is Rob was, he would not offer a Salah like this
to me.
And then he gives another he says Why does he do it? Euro own
to be seen of people. This is the characteristic of them on Africa.
They used to come so that people who think they are praying so if
we pray when we are with other Muslims, because we feel I can sit
everybody else is praying but when I'm on my own, I don't pray.
That's another trait of a mafia.
who said that? Hola.
Wei Lu lil mousseline. Alladhina insalata Ahimsa Hoon Alladhina,
hum your own. These are the ones who RIA who do it just
ostentation, to show that they are good, they're righteous.
Similarly, this can go into other things, who give charity telling
everybody they want everybody know Look how generous I am. Anything,
they're good they do. You know, I have done 47 hudge you know, I am
this I am this. This is to show people.
When you do something for Allah, Allah knows.
So that's why we are encouraged to offer extra things that we're
supposed to do in German, which we can should, but other things
external, often we should do privately so that there is no
concept of rehab of ostentation of showing off trying to impress
people, because trying to impress people in acts of EBA is schicke
is shirk, because it's an act of worship, to impress somebody
rather than Allah. In any shape, Allah rejects.
So Allah subhanaw taala, saying this is a characteristic because
if this person truly believed in the day of judgment, He will
stand, you know, Meinhof on the camera, but he Janita and the one
who fears standing in front of his Lord will have to gardens in Surah
Rahman Allah subhanaw taala one who fears that
the one who fears a moment far from AKA a camera be one Nahan
and who the one who is
afraid of of standing in front of Allah subhanaw taala and who
denies his loss as one NAFSA Anil Hawa for inner for inner Jana heal
Maha. Jana is His abode
because he was afraid of Allah, he denied what is not wanted. My
nerves wants to sleep at budget time he denied that he got up
because he was afraid I have to stand front from us.
So, we have to be afraid of Allah not of people. This is very, very
important because we are this becomes schicke the Prophet
sallallahu sallam said, I am not afraid for my ummah.
They will come and shake in the sense of worshipping idols but of
the hidden coffee ship, what is coffee shirt, he said Raya trying
to show people instead of being purely for Allah.
So even a little drop of that
is rejected by
me as the kids here, we bring up one gallon of milk for you. Okay?
And we take a tub and we empty six of those gallons of milk.
one drop of urine is put in there, would you drink that milk? No, you
want you think Allah will accept any shift, the one who is above
corrupts everything. So everything has to be only for Allah subhanaw
Then Allah subhanaw taala goes back the last idea of this
bollettino your own one Nana William now Noel mountain again,
the one who
denies or stops or deters the giving of now one of the little
good things that you can do to help people, okay, somebody comes
to borrow something, somebody needs something, you and somebody
needs some help. And it can be simple things, you know, you see
an old man struggling to mow their lawn, you see it and you don't
don't offer to help somebody's in any kind of need. You see somebody
needs something, or they even ask you and you don't give them. That
is yum. Now.
Again, doing that on a regular basis, okay? And if you don't have
sometimes you have something, you're never using it and somebody
wants to borrow it isn't no I can get it. That's the signal. Okay?
So these little kindnesses are very, very important.
So the one who has some of these traits, if I have some of these
traits, that I don't care about the orphans, I don't care about
the poor. I don't care about people's needs, and I don't care
about my salah.
And I'm more interested in impressing people, then I have
traits of what Allah describes as people who you get the ball, but
then who truly do not believe in the Day of Judgment.
So some of the lessons from the surah one, we should have
certainty in the Day of Judgment, not just saying that I believe in
Allah and the Last and Jana and angels and books and you know,
they are kind of a man, that's just linguistic tongue, you know,
oral, true belief in, in the Day of Judgment will.
We will hold ourselves accountable before Allah holds us accountable,
and therefore our behavior will change. Our actions will change,
our morality will change. Our social responsibilities will
change. So one, we have to make sure that we truly believe in
Allah subhanaw taala if we do, then we hold ourselves
accountable. Don't worry about anybody else holding you
accountable, I hold myself accountable, take my own hisab
before Allah takes myself and therefore I will follow the rules
of Allah subhanaw taala the laws of Allah because I will have to
If I break the laws of Allah, I will have to answer.
Which brings us that I constantly have to be conscious of a loss,
which is called Dukkha
Dukkha Dukkha. So Taqwa means awareness or consciousness are
thinking whatever thinking of Allah at all times, under all
circumstances, knowing that Allah is watching me, Allah yours me,
Allah sees me. Therefore I have to act in a way that is in obedience
with how Allah wants me in this situation to be that I never
disobey Allah subhanaw taala wise to never disobey Allah subhanaw
taala out of fear of offending him.
I don't want to make my beloved Allah subhanaw taala
angry with me, or upset or displeased.
So I think about em before I do everything.
You know,
if we ate early today,
it would not be an act of Taqwa because we would have violated the
rights of those who were on
So we can think you know, instant suit of the band decisions think,
what are the consequences
If we are aware of the favors of Allah subhanaw taala
then we would be grateful to him we would show gratitude. We would
thank you by our actions by our words. Part of Taqwa is to show
gratitude. Because we are aware, I'm aware this is Allah's
favorite. And I don't show gratitude. That means I don't have
to. I just take this thing for granted. Right? Part of Taqwa is
to have, besides obedience, gratitude, sugar to Allah subhanaw
taala for all of His favors, whether they are obvious or
whether they are subtle, Lateef, and things like safety that we
take for granted. And when we think of the favours of Allah
subhanaw taala. It builds love for him because we know how much Allah
has given us how much he favors us. You know, what not only gives
us but how much protection he provides. And one of the
protection he provides is Allah puts a sutra cover on our misdeeds
on our sins. Allah hides them from others, otherwise we will be
disgraced in front of people. This is a great name of Allah subhanaw
taala. Now imagine if everybody's sitting here. Since we're put on
display, what would we be like? Everybody would be. So part one
description of Taqwa beautiful description that has been given by
someone is that you take all your thoughts, all your emotions, all
your desires, and put them in a platter
open that everybody can see. And you take them around in public.
What do you want people to see? What I think what my emotions are,
what my desires are what I you know, let everybody see. And if
I'm not afraid to do that, that means I have Taqwa.
Right. I'm not. I don't have anything to hide inside, from
One other description of Taqwa that will I believe given by Kobe
in a cab to say at dinner, Omar Abdel Fattah, he said, taqwa is
like you're wearing a thought of silk, and you're walking through a
jungle with thorny bushes. So how carefully you walk each step that
it doesn't get snapped, that you go through life like that. That's
Dukkha every step I think, Allah is watching alive, see, what is
the best way that I can act on this? What is my best action. So
to have that
is essential for us. That's one thing we should learn.
Reflect on the favor, sit alone, think of the favors of Allah
subhanaw taala, all kinds of favors, especially when you see
somebody afflicted.
You see somebody's child afflicted by a challenge. You see somebody
afflicted financially, you see somebody as a refugee,
think of what you have been given, which this person is deprived off.
And then thank Allah for that.
Whenever the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam used to see someone
afflicted by something, physical challenge handicapped this that he
used to say, Alhamdulillah
I thank the one who has saved me from that which he has afflicted
so and so.
Recognize it's a favor that I could be like that. When you see a
blind person handling her family member
who has saved me from what he has afflicted this person.
Next thing, Allah subhanaw taala says, Fabu do Rebecca has a
worship Allah as he deserves. everyone worships, I worship God I
worship, worship him as he deserves.
Which means with excellence with a son, and what is the meaning of
that son, as if you see Allah in front of you, that's how your
Salah should be. That's how your cat should be given. That's how
you should be in your state of Psalm in your fasting and in
everything else as if Allah is because he is watching you. Okay?
So that's how Allah should be worshipped. So what should we do
the first act that Allah ordered us Salah in this what does he
mentioned when we look a little massage, he mentioned Salah
specifically. So I should make a conscious effort that I am never
going to miss knowingly a Salah I'm not going to delay a Salah
purposely or continuously as a habit till the last minute and not
care. Number three, I'm going to observe the Salah as Allah
deserves with all proper clothes, proper coverage of the hour proper
focus all day should with the conditions that make the salah
valid, all the or can the pillars of the of the Salah that we should
all know that without this Allah is not
one of the shrewd condition
In this model, it should be perfect. But if the truth is
facing the Qibla that should be you should determine that and
bless should we claim your aura and body should be clear, these
are shut off and it should be the time of Salah. And then the Archon
you know, Allahu Akbar, the Fatiha the ruku properly, not the packing
type, the sujood property, but the Shahid property, not in a rush Do
you have any place better to go than to be in front in an audience
with Allah subhanaw taala
Yeah, this person rushes through Salah and his mind is everywhere.
Last month Allah says Ya Abdi Illa in all my servant
Iran to who is the Illa very many someone better than me
so taking care of our Salah externally in Huzhou not
constantly youngsters you know when I was young I was very my
salah was very very bad it's still bad but it was much scratching
here going you're looking here looking at no we look at the place
of such that we stand like we standing in front of Allah
attention no shifting weights not no rocking around no scratching
your no fixing this no talking there's no doing this nothing if
you have a beard stand in who show no movement like a statue or to
respect going sujood properly go and record properly and internally
trying to focus as best and you can focus if you don't know what
you're saying. Therefore learning these things at work we're doing
so internal and then Salah teaches us to always be five times a day
but in between Salah to be in Morocco about to be watchful What
am I doing in between Salah
what I'm in between Salah should be just like I am conscious of
online my salah I should be outside Salah like I am in Salah
hopefully if I'm in good cellar, that's how I should be. If I'm
heatless and Salah and outside imma eat let's you know that's
And we should always remember Allah because Allah remembers you.
When you remember him, the people who said I can tell you exactly
when Allah remembers me. I mean that's a big claim to How can you
say that?
Because Allah said so five could Rooney Of course. You remember me,
I will remember you. And this is explained in many a hadith, that
when a person remembers Allah, Allah remembers him in a better
company of the angel said look so and so sitting there, you know,
remembering me so right now as we sit here, everyone is mentioned in
that mela will Isla and that highest heavens above that, on the
earth, Allah is telling the angels the four angels that are holding
the ash
by name, so and so sitting the swans, they're sitting there for
my remembrance is remember Walhalla
and before we disperse,
the angels will go and give reports Jana we coming from that
gathering? What did they want, they wanted your forgiveness, you
will be my witness that I have forgiven them. This is the
blessing of a gathering like this, when we gather for the remembrance
of Allah subhanaw taala with his word. So let's be sincere in our
worship of Allah subhanaw taala because if that Salah is proper
like it should be it softens our hearts, it purifies our hearts.
When the hearts become soft and pure. We are not going to repel
the orphans. We are going to be heartbroken about the orphans we
are not going to just sell his poor I'm rich, we are going to
care for them and say you take you know I have more please do take
sharing with people. That's how we become okay. urging people giving
their people their needs we will fulfill our social and civic
responsibilities because our dean is not just worship, he has many
other responsibilities that completely
so as I told reminded you all earlier please look for this Keifa
Allah have an orphan at least one orphan
for tell them I sponsor him for 10 years, charged my card whatever
40 $42 Every month till the child and they will you will send you
letters the child return from this grade this this is what I'm doing.
It's beautiful to see their pictures and then write letters to
you. And even if they didn't, you're doing it from last one but
that puts an attachment they puts a picture puts an image so now
that's a person Okay. So do that. And feeding the poor find out well
people are needy whether Allah subhanaw taala does not say Muslim
moon. Whoever is needed takes precedence.
Whether he is a Catholic,
whether he is an Serani whether he is yo doesn't matter if he is in
need. He
is you are he has a right to
our hunger is
that we're not current on.
And let us lastly fear the traits that were described often when
Africa hypocrite
all of these we should look,
when I finish when I go home at night when I sit alone, I will
look critically at myself, we will not have all of that. But even
someone wants appealed to me for an orphan. And I didn't respond.
Or even if I delayed, because I'll give you an example, I got a
reminder in July, that three of orphans that I was sponsoring that
sponsorship ran out, please renew. And my intention was I'm going to
renew. Now it's going to be October and I have not renewed.
That is the
prayer that I go home and remember to renew the sponsorship. So there
are different degrees of it. Okay? If I could feed 100 people and I
feed 10 and I feel good about it. I hamdulillah that's good. But if
you could do more, do more, because you're doing for Allah.
And believe you the rewards of that in the Afra there of course,
but Allah will reward you in this dunya with with such peace,
tranquility, safety and increase your provision that you will know
where it's coming from what Lila them in knowing help this is true,
you will experience
so let us look for critically do I have traits of hypocrisy.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam was told by Allah subhanaw
taala the names of the munafo corn and Medina who were the
hypocrites, yet he kept a sutra on them. He did not tell everybody
you know who buy in a saloon in Abdullayev no buy in a salute the
head of the Manasa cone, who were plotting planning all the time.
The prophets of Allah lesson never said that he's a monastic. But
before he passed away, he gave the list of all of these to one of his
companion by the name of Hodeidah in the Yemen, just in case the
cause problem for the Ummah later.
So everybody knew that the secret keeper of Rasulullah sallallahu
sallam was with IFA so they used to come to him.
You know, give us the names of
the Mana African and he said no Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam kept
it a secret I'm going to keep it a secret another ones if something
happens where the history I will.
So the Khalifa of the time. So you're gonna know kata, he's the
philosopher, you can command he comes to verify me, man. Give me
the list of them on African he said no. He said Okay, since you
want give me the list, answer me one question. Is my name on that
That is insanity. I want to make sure that my name is not on that
list. Do I have any other so that I can fix? That's how sincerely we
should look for these qualities, not look for these qualities and
others. Okay, so may Allah subhanaw taala
help us to implement everything that we have learned that we have
been reminded after his beautiful words and the teachings of our
scholars that were conveyed to us, from Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
to worship Allah as he deserves to have Taqwa at all times to
remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala at all times obedience at
all times that we fulfill the civic duties that we have to all
the people who are less fortunate than us, especially in the orphans
and the poor, and the needy and the refugees. And also may Allah
smart Allah protect us from all the traits of the monasticon
Subhanak Alana Hambrick Nisha do Hola Hola. Hola Mustafa Rocha.
When are two