Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Tafsir Surah AlKahf. P8, ayat 100110 ,

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The transcript discusses the importance of showing one's true deeds and protecting natural health, as well as the success of Islam deeds and the promise to give a drink. The speakers stress the importance of concern for the safety of Muslim people and the need for understanding. The ultimate life is the next one with a single calf and mentorship advice from a mentor.
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Bala
Allahi wa Sahbihi women who Allah
Allah hummus Edna Alma wala to the Illumina bother it headaches
hablan amila dhankar, Rama in the cantilever,
alum of the Hasami of alumina, the Crick, Aloha marinelle hubcap Kong
masukkan it BA or Arendelle bout in about and also Christina,
we praise and we glorify Allah subhanaw taala and we send the
best of Salah, and Salam on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
salam, the best of Allah's creation. And we ask Allah
subhanaw taala to open our hearts to his remembrance,
understand his word,
and to make it have an impact on our hearts,
on our lives, and specially in our akhira May Allah subhanaw taala
show us truth as the truth and help us to follow it and show us
falsehood as falsehood and help us to keep away from it. I mean,
Inshallah, today by the Grace of Allah subhanaw taala we will try
to complete Surah calf which we have been covering in the last
seven or eight sessions
and we
finished on Iron number 99 the end of the story of Luke Carnahan last
time where lol Kernighan said after building that wall
has come in what
Rama Minh Robbie, this is a
rub my rubs mercy and merciful grace after all the work he did he
didn't take credit for anything himself because he understood who
enabled him. So after talking about the Jamal of Allah subhanaw
taala His mercy now Allah subhanaw taala immediately goes to his
attributes of Allah subhanaw taala our office Jamal which is His
mercy, His love his generosity. Now we are going to his Jalon His
might and power the next I was what Tarragona Baba whom yo mighty
in your module fee Bahauddin when Nuffield coffee is solely with
Gemma Nahoon Gemma, Allah subhanaw taala said and then we will
release the huge modules and they will come in waves upon waves
causing destruction everywhere and then immediately because that's a
major precursor major sign of Kiama right away Allah subhanaw
taala says we're not we're Kofi Su and the trumpet of the hereafter
will be blown. What Gemma now Hoon Gemma and Allah said we will
gather all of them together.
Don't Cornyn will be there? Yeah, do it module you will be the
Musala Salam will be there. Cleverly Salam will be the Assad
will calf will be there, the people of the garden will be
there. You will be there. I will be there everybody.
So, then Allah subhanaw taala tells us and as we have talked
about before that the piano will be established by the second
blowing of the trumpet or the soul, which is Rafi that Islam
will blow.
And wherever our remnants are, the last remnants of our tailbone, the
sacrum, wherever its atoms are from there, Allah will gather
everything together, the body will come together in a new body, the
soul will be united with that body and we will just get up
immediately, rain will come from the heavens and everyone will get
up just like that. And then the angels will come and will shepherd
the into groups. You are in this group you are in this group you
are with this Imam you are with this whoever you follow.
And then the major groupings are the people have the right people
have the left people in the forefront and then the groupings
with the
Gambia and so on so forth, and those who didn't believe
and then Allah subhanaw taala told us before that we've covered that
we will be gathered on a level ground, sort of the color of
No shade, no trees, no mountains, no landmarks that we will be there
naked barefoot, no ID other than
who we are.
No, nothing to wear.
Just like He created us the first time and the sun that Allah will
create at that time because this sun will be gone will be one meal
above and it will be causing extreme heat and extreme distress.
And of course, people will, in great
apprehension not see enough see what's going to happen to me.
What's going to happen to me.
Now, this is where we start Allah subhanaw taala says our older we
learn him in a shape on your regime. What Robina Johanna Yo Ma
de Lille Cafe marina on ball. And on that day, we shall bring and
display in plain view Jahannam that's one of the names of fire in
clear view of the cafe.
will only the calf will see that Johanna.
We've covered before if you remember Allah subhanaw taala has
said that
on that day
70,000 leashes 70,000 Angels Johanna will be brought there and
held back. And Allah subhanaw taala when he told us in a surah
we covered before what G A Yo my name be Johanna. And when Jahannam
is brought there
the time of resurrection,
and all of us believers and disbelievers have to pass over the
gentleman. So there is no escape from the Jahannam in the sense of
we will see it unless what Allah says we're iminco Illawarra Doha
Ghana Allah Rebecca hotma map of the year, Allah subhanaw taala
says there is not one of you, but who will pass over the hill. And
this is what your Lord has decreed. And it has to be
accomplished. In Surah Maryam Allah subhanaw taala says you will
cross that bridge which is as thin as ahead and sharp as a as a
sword. And you're going to cross it with your ml some at the speed
of wind, some at the speed of a horse Summit, some will be
walking, some will be crawling and some will be falling. Because
underneath is Johanna.
We also covered in Surah Takato Lazzara Winnall Jehane you will
indeed see Jakeem another name of Jana, some mulata guna I in and
your cane, then you will see it with the eyes of certainty you
So it will be a terrifying experience to cross that bridge.
Now, this is a special one Allah subhanaw taala saying he will make
them Aradhana Johanna is more than just seeing it. Some people will
see it right now. Have we seen Johanna?
No. Do we know Johanna? Yes, in here.
Then we will next step will be we will see Johanna
and then May Allah protect us all some people will experience
the one who is put in the even for a short moment. And as we know a
short moment in Jahannam is not a joke. Because Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi salam said a person who had who had it all in
this dunya who enjoyed every possible luxury, there's never
sick a day, all wealth all power he will be dipped in Jahannam and
check it out. Tell me about your stay on the dunya what you enjoyed
his what enjoyment
it will erase the memory of all of that just one dip in German May
Allah smart Allah protect us now unless want Allah saying who is
going to experience this Alladhina cannot I you know whom fear with
BA in decree were canula yesterday, owner summer. These are
the ones who cannot our uniform fee return and decree that on
whose eyes there was a veil, a thick veil that they could not
see. They could not remember Allah that things didn't remind them of
Allah. What does that mean?
Allah signs are everywhere.
Everywhere you look, you can see it you see the sun you see the
skies you see the green leaves, you see the orange leaves, you see
the flowers, you see the animal
As you see all of that the signs are everywhere.
But our eyes, the physical eyes have been given the ability to see
that. But our heart has to decipher these words, these
messages. We do we just see that or do we from that recognize the
Okay. And if we don't, then that means there is a way physical eyes
see, but the heart doesn't go the next step to know and recognize
the the rub. So Allah subhanaw taala says that that shroud will
make them blind from my remembrance and my science in the
universe. What can you lie yesterday Aruna Sama, and they do
not have the ability to hear my words. Now he's talking about the
Quran. So the signs that you see in the universe, and the signs
that came to you as the Ayat of Allah subhanaw taala his words. So
we listen,
we hear and we listen, somebody hears and is repulsed from the
words of Allah.
Because he doesn't have the capacity
is Tada. Now there are different kinds of capacities, and he
doesn't see. So
the eyes were blinded by the blindness of the hearts, from
seeing the obvious display of Allah subhanaw taala signs in the
universe, indicating clearly his oneness, his might, his creative
power, His magnificence, his beauty, for otter is somehow it
will. Allah's name is Al Fatah,
the creator,
we are born with a
natural fitrah
if you have that natural fitrah, it will recognize alpha,
same same root.
If the fitrah is corrupted,
then no matter what signs come, they will say magic, but I don't
believe so we must protect that fitrah of our own and of our
children because Allah sends every child with that fitrah to be able
to recognize the rub.
And all of what we see is just an expression of the smile and the
names and the beautiful attributes of Allah subhanaw taala in the
And then those who could not hear could not listen could not
understand the words of Allah when they are recited to them, again,
because of a state of disbelief and COFRA Nords.
Now, the word users they did not have the ability.
Now, you might say what is that is data, the ability in our Aqeedah
ability is in two domains. One is what is called majority or a
parent. In other words, if your body is sound, your eyes are
sound, your ears the sound, you should be able to
you have the ability to recognize and hearing, okay.
And so this you are given that to start with, and that's what makes
you color. That's what makes you accountable in front of because
you had the ability Allah gave you that. But the real, the happy
ability is to perform the act you're supposed to do.
For example, my limbs work, my mind works everything, I have the
ability to do salah
I have that apparent but when the time of Salah comes, I don't
because now choice comes into the matter.
Topic from Allah comes into the matter. And I make a choice of not
doing even though I had the inherent ability but when the time
comes, a person doesn't do it or a person does it facilitated by tofi
from Allah his ability and he makes his ability converge with
what Allah wanted.
Allah subhanaw taala says elsewhere of Allah Mia Soufeel are
there further kulula hyung Kulu GUI yaki Luna Bihar Oh, Dan Yes my
own Ebihara for inner Hala Tamil Tamil of sorrow Allah Kintamani
kuruva Latif De Soto, Allah subhanaw taala says, Have they not
traveled through the land? And how in other words when you travel,
you see the signs of Allah and have the
A they do they have hearts with which to understand and ears by
wish to hear so Allah brings in eyes what you see what you hear
and your hearts to to analyze that the verily then Allah says it is
not the eyes that are blind but it is the hearts in the chest that
are blind. Okay.
Now the Grafana frequently referred in the Quran, someone
Bachmann Ohanian, deaf, dumb and blind.
Okay, because they don't see that blind in the dunya who is blind in
dunya in this way, will be raised blind in the Arcor surah Taha
Allah subhanaw taala says, women our Radha and decree for in
Allahumma Ishutin Danka for national who Yeoman pia mater AMA,
that whoever turns away from my remembrance all of what reminds
them of me. In other words, he just believes
for him will be my Ishutin dunka means a life which is tight
constricted, life of stress life of agitation, no peace. What Nash
sure whom and we will gather not sure who or we will gather him on
that day. I'm blind
on the Day of Judgment, blind
call therefore that person will say Rob De Lima harsher Thani Amma
Baca going to proceed. Why have you raised me blind when I used to
see in the dunya
because he's thinking of that. Allah raised him according to how
his heart was blind call Allah will say garlic that's how it is
attached to now my science came to you find a Sita and you ignored
you forgot them. But Kedah Likkle Yoma tons and today just like you
forgot my signs, you are among the forgotten.
Can you imagine eternal life and you are told you are among the
neglected for you are nothing? Nothing?
You thought you were something you are nothing? May Allah protect us?
So here we frequently get distracted because these iPads
These scenarios have to do with the kuffaar. So it's 100 alarm I
Deaf eyes don't I mean, deaf ears don't hear. blind eyes don't see.
When this is mentioned about the kuffaar. There is in in, in the
rules of our deen there is something called Muhammad makalah
fie. In other words from that you can derive the opposite. So a
Kaffir is blind and deaf, which means of necessity that a believer
sees and hears.
So I have to look at that. I am a believer, do I see? Do I see a
line everything around me? And do I hear every word every command of
Allah and do I obey it so Allah is giving a spectrum from the cuff
who is deaf and blind to a true believer who sees every Allah and
everything and obeys everything. Now where am I every time I
disobey Allah and I don't recognize him. I'm moving to the
left on the spectrum towards COVID
That's what we have to see where do I stand? And we all want to be
right at the very end of it.
The next I want to go to Allah subhanaw taala says of a husband
Medina cafardo And yet takedo Abba demon Dooney earlier in out at
night Johanna Malika Farina
do the disbelievers
think to the estimate that they can take my slaves as the Olia the
patrons that protectors their you know, their friends besides me
instead of me.
Men Dooney
enough now so this is talking about ship.
Partners partnership in every way and there's there are again a
spectrum of ship from idol worship to shake of ASVAB to, you know, to
Ria, which is ostentation, which is also to impressing people
that's also a form of shit which we're going to come to later today
in the IRS. Allah subhanaw taala says, Allah does not tolerate any
ship, pure monotheism
not compromised monotheism. Okay, little bit this and you know, look
good in front of these people look good in front of the Know Allah
because it's considered that as partnership.
So Allah subhanaw taala says
in indeed we are today now we have prepared Jahannam a little
Katherina Newsela Newsela has many meanings one is it's a place of
accommodation but noozle also means the hospitality that you
present when you when you go to a hotel lobby, the hospitality
people are there with some refreshments, light refreshments
for you. Allah has called it noozle the welcome for the
caffeine is Jen.
So here in this ayah Allah subhanaw taala is addressing and
Allah subhanaw taala is warning the disbelievers of Makkah
and the disbelievers of all times.
That if you persist in this disbelief, there is a real
terrible end that is waiting for you.
And that is triggered by taking any day tea, anyone worthy
anything in worship besides Allah, anything that he has created, and
among this, they used to worship stones. We worship stones in
different parts of the world today. Their worship animals but
still happening. They used to worship angels they used to send
into the daughters of Allah. They used to worship prophets, Son of
God which they still do. They used to worship fire they worship elk
and everything Allah says this is all I have created, how dare who
gave you the license to to take that these things have any power
they have no power they themselves created.
Then Allah smart Allah says, or messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam say to them what? * no not be a Conville act Serena Amala
Should we inform you should we give you the news of the greatest
fissara asserting like
the superlative, the greatest of losers, Allah says,
Should we tell you who the greatest losers are? In terms of
their Amahl of their deeds? So people doing good deeds and they
are the greatest losers? That's the question.
So the obvious question is yes, we want to know so that we may not be
among them. Allah smart Allah says and iron number four. A Levine
they are those de la Sai your home Phil hayati. Dunya, for whom ye
saguna under whom your sin Oh, now sunnah. Which means that the
greatest losers are those who made efforts. But the efforts were a
away from Allah's way, the way that he had shown they were making
they were figuring out, they wanted to do good in this world,
and who wasted this life in vain.
And the tragedy is, while
it's going well whom we have saguna This is called Bauerle hand
they thought Yes, saguna they estimated that they were doing a
great job.
They were doing excellent work with their good deeds, yet they
were on the wrong path. They made sacrifices, they did good things,
but we're worshipping other than Allah.
Juan de segunda, Amara, the Allah Juan, when he was Khalifa, he saw
he passed by a monastery in which monks were in worship and you know
how the monks so he saw them
what he saw, complete dedication, complete Zote nothing to do with
the dunya secluded, don't get married, don't do this don't
nothing. And he started crying.
So his companion said, Yeah, Amirul Momineen. Why are you
He said, Look at the effort they're making and all of it. And
they think they're doing a great, great job. But all of it is waste
and he said this is a La Nina de la Sol Johan Phil Hayato dunya
wahome. Yes, Cebu unknown your sin. Oh la sala.
So that is
a scary idea that for us as Muslims also, especially those who
I'm work for the dean, because you may think you're doing a great
But if it is something different than the way Rasulullah Salallahu
Alaihe Salam taught us and it violates or it falls in the
category of beta, or you add some other things of, you know,
corrupted or negative kind of innovations, then all of it goes
to waste.
Because all the work has to be feasibility law for the sake of
Allah subhanaw taala.
And a person who's doing this doesn't change because he thinks
he's doing good. So why would I change?
And sometimes we are impressed by what we are doing. Okay.
And when we are impressed by what we are doing, what happens?
It gives us we are amazed by ourselves.
Good cable arrogance, I'm betcha.
Rhea, I want to show people I want to have today these this is what
internet scholars are subjected to. Just the other day somebody
said, Oh, that one only has 23,000 views. I have fun and 50,000
Some of them have 30,000 views. This is a slippery slope.
And they have to know because if you feel joy in seeing how many
followers I have, I have 5 million followers when Rasulullah
sallallahu lythrum. passed away he had under 20,000 followers. And
you have 5 million followers and you're happy about
if last this is for Allah, if I have one follower on none, I do my
work. That's what it should be. May Allah protect us or near from
all of this.
So what should be the way you do the best you can? As Rasulullah
Salallahu Alaihe Salam taught us and you beg Allah, Otter fury
Allah accept it. And then you forget about it. And you move to
the next because the more you remember about it, the more you
might be impressed by it. And we are also told that when when Allah
accept something that deed is lifted up the fact that we are
still dwelling on it that means it's still hanging around here.
I am number 105 about these people who are the greatest losers hula
Ecole Medina Cafaro the IR terrible when you call E, or
habitat Armando whom fala nopi mula whom Yeoman PR Murthy was
Allah subhanaw taala says there are those who cover who who
in their Lord.
And when you call him and the meeting with Allah subhanaw taala,
which is the day of judgment.
So Allah subhanaw taala saying,
These are the disbelievers who rejected the ayat cafardo
and they denied the resurrection and meeting with Allah subhanaw
taala so what happens for Habitat Allah decimates and destroys ama
alone their their deeds, what they thought were completely destroyed
for Allah and therefore, absolutely zero no p mu, the Pima
the value for of the day on the day of piano in weight on the
Wesner is zero.
All the deeds, somebody will come to the day of judgment. You know,
I'm very comfortable. I have a lot of this and have a lot of this and
a lot of sadaqa a lot of distance. And I was this in my knowledge and
I was this when all of those piles are put on the scale and just
making it like this. It doesn't budge.
Z zero weight,
zero mass.
Because there was it was wrong or there was corruption of the near
no class and Allah doesn't accept
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam told us about this hadith
Narrated by Abu Dhabi Alon in which Rasulullah sallallahu
wasallam said a very prominent of him and Sameen big fat weighty guy
who was like that in the dunya means, when you say like that
means he had it all. And he will be brought on the day of judgment
and he will not weigh as much as the weighing of the mosquito will
carry Norwich. And then he said
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said, law is the Lawhead Jana ha Baroda
that he has not even wait of an wing of a mosquito in the sight of
Allah subhanaw taala and then he said, recite this verse
Next, if the liquor desert or whom Johanna Johanna keeps coming up
over the liquor, that is that come recompense. Jezza Oh whom the
recompense this is what they earned and all the 50 6080 100
years Jana bamaca photo because they disbelieved but taka do IRT
Rasulullah and when my signs my ayat of the Quran, but what
brought in front of them, and my my Rowsell My messengers came with
my message, who zoo they monitored them, they made jokes of it, you
know, like you hear.
Islamophobia is not new Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam
experienced Islamophobia the first day, and it continued, making fun
ridiculing, you know, saying You are the, you know, whatever, and
it continues. But what as believers when we face that you
don't have to retaliate. Just remember that all clever
arguments, all jokes, all mockery will come to an abrupt end, the
moment a person who does that sees the Angel of Death. All of that
comes to an end abruptly. All that as Allah says of this, don't be
impressed by the strutting around on this earth.
All of it will come crashing down. All that might and connections and
this Empower,
crashing down
on their heads, crushing the heads.
So some of you might
be a little afraid, because we've heard pilots have Janome.
And Allah subhanaw taala never leaves a situation like that for
us. He always presents the opposite picture. Because we have
a choice.
You want to be there? No, I don't. What is my choice? The opposite
picture of Bashara will now be presented till the end of the
solar so that we are not left in fear in despair.
In Alladhina Munawwara middle sila Hardy cannot learn Jana tool fifth
dose in Missoula. Allah Subhana Allah says, Indeed, as for those
who believe and know what Mr. Seiler has to do righteous deeds,
cannot know whom it has been declared for them is Jana. Jet
gardens, have filled doubts and fill those as Rasulullah salAllahu
alayhi salam said, is the upper echelons of agenda the highest in
fact, Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said for those is the peak
and above that is only the Usher of Allah subhanaw taala but he
also said for those is the was that the middle?
Now everybody is not in fear docile. So they're going to be
levels. Right? So it's some have said that it's like a pyramid
for those starts here. And levels and levels goes up till you get to
the general Rasulullah Salallahu Salam
and not every now the IRS says in Alladhina amanu Ahmed Lhasa
everybody who believes in does good deeds is going to be in for
am I going to be in the same for those as our baccarat city?
Definitely not.
So what did he have some secrets? Did he have a different name than
mine? No, but the quality of how he performed his armor? What was
the level of Iman and that will determine where we go. Yes,
inshallah we will all be in general.
But that's where it will come in.
So, Allah Subhana Allah in the Quran almost always links Iman
with common faith and actions. Many people say well, I'm a
believer, I'm this I believe. Allah is in my heart and there is
zero actions. That's a false claim.
Okay, false claim. Allah Swanton always says, if you have Iman,
which is an internal state, it has of necessity to manifest in your
actions. Actions in the worship of Allah actions in your dealings
with other people. You're a clap in every matter
and almost silence requires
things to be done as Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam taught us with
the correct near because you can have how I Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam did it. The monastic used to do that they used to come for
salon do exactly the same thing. But what was the need? So the near
has to be
If you're only for Allah action has to be in concordance with
placeholder and Rasul Allah Islam instruction, then we have EMA and
then that's called almost solid.
every claim requires proof if we claim Iman, people should see it
expressed externally in their actions.
For example, Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi salam said if you see
someone frequenting the masjid testify to his email
because we don't know what's in their heart, but he said if you
see that external action that he keeps going to the mustard all the
time, say he has a personal Bhima.
Now, when we talk about Justin aside when you talk about when we
think about good deeds, I have to do this I have to do this I have
to do this. Yes, sometimes good deeds, Amal Salah is not to do
okay. Hold back.
What is the most important thing that we have to hold back as an
Amulsar Allah
Allah put two gates for it. Your tongue
Amal solid hold the tongue back unless you have some claim to say
something good that benefits
the tongue will bring more people into Janome than any other parts
of the body.
When we look under the sins, books of Kava err there are whole more
than half of it is the product of the tongue.
And we are very lenient we have a long leash on our tongues most of
it is said to say it no Bakr Siddiq when he was Khalifa used to
keep some pebbles in his mouth.
So before he could speak when he needed to speak here to take him
out that give him enough time
when I need to, just as a as a as a drill.
The kids please don't put anything in your mouth because then you
will swallow your marbles and said Dr. Lee said to do this. Alright.
But this is a drill
that may not speak unless it's going to be something beautiful
something useful. Okay
so Jannatul for those no Zula same term is used that Allah subhanaw
taala says You're welcome will be Jana Virgos if that's the welcome
what is more than Jana, Jana, Jana to fill dose.
What is the main feast?
Can there be something more?
What is
the glorious countenance of Allah subhanaw taala that is the real
Lekha meeting of Allah where you and I will see our Creator and sit
it's not a physical thing that it we don't know in what dimension
it's going to be. What the manifestations will be. But when
we do that, even generative for those will seem like
that was the appetizer but to see Allah you have to be there. So we
we want Jana but we want Jana not for Jana itself so that we finally
get to meet and see Luca
Allah subhanaw taala.
Holiday in a fee,
holiday interfere.
They will live in there forever.
No, and
that's not a concept we have because everything we know comes
to an end
elsewhere last last month or either says about these things,
call it Dino he says call it interfere ABA which is adding
another layer means it goes on I don't use the word eternity but
little difference between what is the difference between eternity
and everlasting?
are scholars in our Aqeedah say only Allah is eternal?
Because he has no beginning and no end.
Everlasting, had a beginning.
Everything else has a beginning has an end when Allah makes it
everlasting by His Command of Con. It continues. So jana na will be
everlasting holiday in fi Abba. They will live in it forever. La
Yerba Buena and how Hawala and they will never get tired wanting
to leave. Wanting a change of venue means I'm fed up
with this because it is constantly changing and getting more and more
including your spouse's if you can imagine the same face but every
time you see it gets more beautiful because Allah has now
made it everlasting things change
in this dunya things change this way.
Somebody sent me a picture of a dear one of mine when she was 18
years old today it was sent to me.
I said, well, the near Kia Kia has seen this
time changes but it's always a decline.
In Jana the time will change it will be more and more and more so
the one who can make beauty decline and also make beauty keep
And they will lie yup guna and Hawala. They will never want to
leave never want to change in their venue.
Last wires now last one Allah says full, say your Rasulullah
sallallahu Lindstrom to all of mankind what? Low carnal Ramadan,
the Lika limited a bill enough it'll turn for the Kalamata Viva
la jitna remitly Muda.
If al Bahar Allah
when Allah makes Alan This means all the oceans if Allah to make,
if all all the oceans were made into ink,
with which to write the words of Allah, all the oceans, the ink of
all the oceans would be exhausted.
And suppose you added the same amount of ink again they would
still be exhausted, but the words of Allah would not be exhausted.
Now, what does that mean?
This has also been mentioned before in one of our sessions, who
remembers which Surah
SevenSeas remember that seven seas, Allah Surah la command
remember Surah look mercy. But now Anoma Phil are the min shacharit
in a column while backrow Yamato who remember the sub
manifest that kalamera to law in Allah Aziz.
That if all the trees and we went through that how many pens would
come out of each tree if you make cut them out if all of them became
pens and all the oceans became pink? And then he said, Allah says
you add seven times more of that. But I said one time what is seven
times it? Allah's words will not be exactly exhausted and Allah is
almighty and always why is that? Because Allah is infinite.
Oceans are finite, no matter how many you can you can put a million
oceans they're still finite, Allah is infinite everything with him is
infinite. His words are infinity his knowledge infinite infinities
commands are infinite. So this was also some of the scholars have
said in response to some of the tribes of banana deer. The Jewish
tribe said, Why do we have to listen to this because what we
have in the Torah is enough.
So Allah says, Allah's words are never exhausted. Okay? So
Allah subhanaw taala, if you remember has given them now we
come into the last what they asked, Allah responded to the
questions give them a detailed story of Musa al Qaeda al salam as
a bonus which they didn't know about their own prophet, Allah
give them details of dole carnian including telling them that you
don't you only in your books, only mentioned of big modules you don't
know the dual Karnan and gadget module, you had a relationship
that one I used to stop the other you don't even know that I'm
telling you that. You want to know about the Isabell calf, I told you
that so Allah subhanaw taala saying, you think you have enough
what is with Allah is much greater.
So this, the words of ALLAH includes all of his knowledge, all
that his commands, and the word con, which is his executive
command. Con, continues, Jana will continue eternally can continue
Jahannam can continue. That's how it is.
Again, Allah subhanaw taala is telling Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi salam tell all the people tell all of mankind what in nema
anambas showroom Miss Laquan you have Elaine? Annamma Illa who
Comilla who head for monka yoga Julia Cole rugby
Yeah, I'm an Amazon Cylon. Wallah you Shrek Baiba the rugby
say on Messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam look, in nama it's a
restrictive phrase means only unabashed.
Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam the greatest of Allah's creation is
being told to tell people I am only a Bashara human being like
is Rasulullah sallallahu lism like me, like you
only in his humanity Yes, he was born. Yes, he passed away
Salallahu Alaihe Salam Yes. See eight Yes. He slept Yes. He became
sick. Yes. He married Yes, he he traveled. Yes. He went to the
marketplace. Yeah, he bought yet he sold in that sense. Yes, he's a
But his her pika is what is different which comes? You ha la
wahi has come to me. That is what makes him unique. Okay. Now in
this. Some may say, Well, we are being told us hula Serrano isn't
just a budget. No, he's not just a budget. Yes, he is a human being.
But he is the best of human being, as the Boyd says.
Among stones is the Ruby the Ruby is still a stone. But is there a
comparison between Ruby and pebbles?
Because he's special. And what makes him special is because Allah
chose him. Almost the father chosen Alma Akbar wala chose.
So, yes, he is a butcher to tell us because Allah sent only Bashar
to guide people so that people don't have the Hoja that angel
scam and angels have different needs and desires than us.
So Rasulullah Salallahu Salam
is very, very special. Don't let this ayah make you just think he's
like an ordinary human being. Because he was nubby. By Allah's
decree. By Allah's wisdom, it said before the creation of Adam,
Melissa, he said, when he was asked, When were you and Abby is
going to Nubian? What Adam by in a rush well, just when Adam was
between soul and body, I was already in Nabil, Allah had
already declared
and then as light traveled from the loins of other Mala Salaam in
every generation, and Rasul Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam said
that ALLAH SubhanA transferred me You said,
You're not Clooney mean? A slob with the Yerba Illa or Hamid
From pure loins to pure wounds, is light was traveled. He said there
was no Zina in my
ancestors, they were always pure.
So his specialness is because he was Elect of Allah, the seal of
the Prophet caught them. And Naveen was a year old Mussolini
was the year that will the Adam of all of humanity he was yet he was
a butcher.
Now you can look at this ayah in a different way that this Bashkiria
is a proof of his profiter because these people are challenging him.
He said, I'm just like you.
How can I answer all these questions and give you all these
details stories that you ask?
Unless I'm receiving revelation, and that's proof of his profit is
Julian standard.
All the stories of Isabell Kapha Musa let's look at their lesson.
I'm just like you I'm here growing up in Macau How do I know what
don't Kernan did? Therefore that is proof. That's what you
Now, then he goes on to say
the summary of his message.
What is my way? In NEMA only? What a Allahu Allahu noir hit. Your
Allah your God, your all of mankind, all of every kind is one.
One God, Allah.
Pure Tauheed that's the message pure topic.
Then Allah says, For mon Kana Yara zhu li Karabi and the one who has
reached out hope in the meeting with this Lord or her Lord
means I look forward I hope to meet him. What should you do? File
Yeah, I saw Amazon saw Yeah. He should then do righteous do
eat and do while doing this Wallah you Shrek The EBA, that the rugby
and don't
corrupt that with any association with anybody else
simple thing like you're doing Salah and you also want to people
to see you if you're reciting Quran and you're beautiful in your
recitation, you want people to hear you and praise you,
that's not what.
we must remember that.
So, what is this Rajah
This is called Good Hope.
And there is something called in Arabic money which is called false
So, what's good hope?
I do a good deed
to the best of my ability with the right near and then I have hope
that Allah has accepted
I commit a sin and I feel terrible about it. And I do the most
sincere job I can. And then I have hoped that Allah accepts my that's
true. means you have to, then there is the money. I sin I do
whatever, I don't obey Allah, Allah for Allah.
That's called false. You're not doing anything. And you just think
it's gonna happen Allah has attached the two together.
And therefore the one who has true hope, does his ama with axon and
if you remember the definition of Assad, as if you see a lion in
front of you, or if you as you don't, Allah sees you. So when you
when you are in front of Allah, everything else Evanescence is
gone, because with Allah. Now, if we had that level of experiential
we wouldn't care who's watching what we do, in terms of good or
because sometimes we don't do bad things because what will people
say? No, it should be. Allah is watching. And we sometimes do good
deeds, so that we get praise.
Everybody becomes like a piece of like a pebble because I only see a
lysine so that our head has what what takes us to have pure, the
more the Tauheed the more
NIA will correct itself.
Allah Subhana Allah says Kana yard you job, this is the Present
Continuous that who always and constantly hopes for the liquor
problem. It's not just like one time he hoped what can
what can you do
doesn't say in the past tense. Raja
means that hope has to be continuous all through your life.
So, in this IR Rasulullah sallallahu, this sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam his message is summarized. Number one, the
message of pure Tawheed Your God is only one God. You have a
meeting scheduled with him
for a day of judgment. So prepare for it.
Prepare for it with purity of iman in all aspects of the kind of Eman
which we will go over and when we summarize it. And prove your Eman
by doing righteous deeds Amal sila, as shown by Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam with purity and your class of the near seeking
only the pleasure of Allah free from all shook, including the
hidden shake of RIA
and somehow wanting to be heard ostentation show, wanting
recognition trying to impress people and seeking their approval
and admiration
Rasul Allah Salah sallallahu alayhi salam said
I am most afraid of I'm most afraid for you from Sheikh Hassan,
the small ship so the companion said Ya Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi salam what is small ship he said Rhea Rhea means retranslated
Austin in other words, trying to show people show off and impress
not just show off and I have a big God I have a big house, but in
deeds in your actions, that Oh look how generous I am. Look how
knowledgeable I am. Look how beautiful I am in my worship acts
of worship. And you know doing this, you know I fast you
You know, 358 days in a year except for four days that are not
allowed to fast.
If you do that, that's fine but if you're doing it with that, that's
real. And not only does it negate it, but it gives you sinfulness.
Rasul Allah Allah Allah Allah so I'm taught us to seek refuge with
a tea gave us a simple da
you said you should say this in the morning and evening against
diseases Aloha my now the began push Erica Baker. One Alamo was
tough for Lima Allah, Allah, O Allah, I seek refuge with you from
knowingly associating anything from sheer pleasure. And I seek
forgiveness for that which I do, unknowingly. Sometimes I do things
and I'm happy that people also saw me or people recognize me.
So that's the hidden ship. So Allah rasool Allah salAllahu
Alaihe Salam did not leave us without tools to counter that. And
that is
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said, Beware of this ship,
for it is more subtle than the footsteps of an ENT
said Ya rasool Allah, what is this? He said.
So that brings us to the end of
Surah Alkaff. Now, let's just briefly I'm going to, if you
indulge me go 15 more minutes if that's okay. Where I want to take
a nap me. But this is going to summarize this and we'll talk
about what comes after that. So some of the themes and lessons
from alcohol and you can derive that to just put them together.
There are some major recurring themes that deal with the arcane
of Eman the pillars of our faith, the essential that's very, very
important. Number one, don't feed of Allah subhanaw taala
there is no compromise it started with that Al Hamdulillah Hila did
that's how it started. Allah subhanaw taala citizens in between
Masha Allah who love what they love Allah, what Allah wants
happens and there is no power other than Allah smart Allah says,
Allah, Allah to line up who according to
all the
sovereignties Allah Subhana Allah subhanaw taala says ma short term
halka summer Guatemala wala Falcon and we did not bring bring them as
witness when we created so ALLAH is talking about his creation last
month on this workbook, all of our photos are Rama if you remember,
he talked about his forgiveness and His Rama.
And it ends beginning middle in the end, in nama Illa who Camila
your Lord is only one so beginning to the end message of hate in
different forms.
And then Allah tells us that he controls every aspect of our lives
again to do with that and therefore if we have a connection
with Allah subhanaw taala we have a opinion unless Mantella Tawakkol
reliance on him which is a product of clean and sober then every
masiva the trials that will come will have a positive outcome.
Okay, and we saw that and we'll mention that Allah subhanaw taala
says in non fit yet on Amazon Berra beam, was it the now Buddha
talking about the Assam Alkaff Okay, look what they were going
through. But Allah control their lives Allah change the laws of
because he wanted to protect and make them an Eternal Sign. Allah
subhanaw taala says, what are batinah Allah Paluma him Allah
subhanaw taala control their hearts and made them steadfast
the second of the two people of the garden who's advising his his
his friend, who was the arrogant he said, For Asara behind you tn
you hadn't been Jana tickle yourself, while your Salah was
better. You think this is it, but Allah can give me better and Allah
can change your string to zero decimated, that Allah controls
every aspect of your life. And then Allah subhanaw taala again,
continuing with the Tauheed that all praise and Hamed belongs to
Allah as we said it started with alhamdulilah now figural SLM
whenever he did something good.
He attributed it to Allah subhanaw taala. So for rather aboukir a
Yamaha should Bahama about the the orphans that it was Allah's Will
that they'll be given the treasure when they're adults. Similarly
Long Carter man
after he did this monumental task of this What did he say? Call her
mama. Before that, where is my power from when he was offered
that we will give you tributes and this he says mama Kenny fee Rob
beheren value meaning that what Allah has given me is sufficient
that's a praise and when he finished his job he says Carla has
no credit all Praise to Allah. And the surah again ends in the last
few is low Colonel Barrameda della Kalamata, the words of Allah never
exhausted. So the prayers of Allah
throughout the surah
the importance of the Quran, the next desert kind of our iman
importance of the Quran in the beginning Alhamdulillah Isla de
Anza lab the Quran was revealed on his app in the middle, what Luma
Ohia Illyricum and Kitab Arabica, recite to them the book that has
been revealed to you or from their Lord. But Colin haccombe Rebecca
man said this is the truth from your Lord.
Well, I've got Sarraf Nafi hurdle Quran Illa nurserymen Kula method
and in this Quran we have put every kind of example for mankind.
And the last time
you have a
revelation is done so beginning of Revelation, and of revelation six
or seven mentions about the Quran. There is a mention again, now
about the messengers rasool Allah salAllahu alayhi salam, in the
beginning, he has given the honorific title of Abbot
Okay, the true slave of Allah,
you know, the for which we are created, the pinnacle of that
achieved by Rasulullah Alhamdulillah Allah De Anza Allah,
Allah habla de on his and Allah has called him his slave.
everybody's asleep, but this is
Subhanallah the SRB Abdullahi in Surah Bani Israel which we just
went through this is Romina Allah Samantha let's Glory be to Him who
took his OB on this night journey from Makkah to Jerusalem.
Allah subhanaw taala talks about Roscoe is a man not a single word
Selena Illa Mubasher phenomenon. We send messengers for no other
purpose except to warn and give glad tidings. And in the end
Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam is again mentioned as well in
number a number shadow Mister, are you okay? I am a butcher. But I am
a special lab and Rasool Allah so this is beginning and end with
Rasulullah sallallahu next on Archon of iman is PM. There are
many mentions of the Day of Resurrection and this reality
where Yeoman will say yo Jeevan what are the bodies on how Sharla
Balaam Nevada Mininova we will not leave anyone that on that day we
will level the mountains and we will make the earth the way it is
and we will gather them Why do you do a lot of because often luggage
to Munna Kumar Filipina come Oh well, Amara, and we will gather
in the form and assemble them in the way that they were first
created. What will the Al Kitab scenes from they have judgment the
books will be opened for tunnel Majid Amina wish for Tina Murphy
and majorem will see and we will see what is written in it. We'll
talk now and then when it comes to the end of Tiama when the huge
modules are coming as a prelude, we're talking about the home
you're mining Yamaji FIBA has waves. So Allah Swanton has given
us multiple scenes of the pm
then Allah subhanaw taala talks about what comes after Pema Jana
the young the robber essentially the Millah Dawn right in the
beginning, warn them about a great punishment from Allah punishment
is now what are mudra Munna Nara and the scam the magenta mean, the
criminals will see now for the new anomala to and then they will know
that they cannot escape. What are the NA Jehan Ahmad as we just
covered today Delica Jazza I'm Johanna bamaca. For what Togliatti
they made jokes of it. So multiple mentions of the NA and then the
Pasha. Right in the beginning, where you wish Cheryl minidoll
Adina Yama Luna saleha to unknown Ultron Hassan in the beginning
that gives them those who do believe in have do good deeds
Bashara. Have a great report in the middle of July column Jana,
Jana to admin surgery winter to learn how you alone interfere with
the server
give them these are the people who will have gardens everlasting, in
which rivers will flow that came in the middle and then again in
the end in Alladhina, Amanu Amil Asana had Garnet loam Jana to fit
those in the end. So the same themes beginning and middle same
things. Allah subhanaw taala talks about the other part of our
our kind of, of Eman which is believing in Kedah, Catherine
Kedah. US Hubble can have the story that Allah decreed their
safety and their protection and we said look what you did something
extraordinary because their safety was decreed.
The Garden of the arrogant man was decreed that it would be destroyed
and it was destroyed. Most time could rally salons
aleikum wa salaam
Allah decreed that the ship would be saved and they would be saved
the people who were working on the ocean, Allah decreed that good
will be kept from having problem children.
The child that was killed Allah decreed that if there is a good
father, righteous man, Allah will even if he that children become
orphan Allah decreed they will be taken care of Allah's decree
overpowers Allah has decreed that yeah, Jewish modules will remain
behind this wall till the decree comes and they're released. So
Allah Subhana Allah is telling us all of this decrees which is part
of our iman and Allah is also tell tells us the Janome has been
decreed for the kava and Jana because
of what they did, and Jana has been decreed for the people of
So this decree of Allah has been just this destiny is since
eternity before He created all of that. But when the time of its
execution comes, then Allah will
put into motion the means through which it comes, for example, Allah
had decreed the judge module would be kept away from mankind. So at
that time, when they were going to come out to cause problem, he
said, means don't come into stone.
When that child was going to cause problem or lessons could have to
take care of that. So Allah sends the means,
as part of execution of his decree, when it comes to Allah
mentions angels engine.
That is, again, that when Allah says, that we, when we create,
created Adam, and we ask the angels to bow, in live, Lisa
cannon Minocin, when he talks about a bliss, and he talks about
the genesis of humanity. So all of these are,
essentially summarizes all of our beliefs in here.
Now, Allah subhanaw taala has told us in this surah, that life is
going to be full of trials.
Every day is a trial, every day the trial whether we know it or
So four major trials were mentioned the trial of faith, as I
will curve, the trial of wealth, the man with the two gardens, this
trial of knowledge Musala Suleiman federalism in the knowledge of
park on the trial of power, which is, will coordinate
and protection and safety is only in the trials, because if we are
connected with Allah subhanaw taala, and we follow the Sharia of
Allah subhanaw taala. So we have three success stories. Assad will
have the demand that Amal, Allah subhanaw taala made them, save
them, kept them in a way alive for 309 years, and then made them
everlastingly alive, because he put that mentioned in his book of
Musa alayhis salam
humbled himself, even though he was the prophet of the time, the
messenger to gain that knowledge. Okay. He was given the trial, he
didn't act arrogantly who knows more than me. He humbled Himself,
He was succeeded, he was given more knowledge of Madonna, other
than of the Sharia. Through those even though it was short cut
short, because of his questioning.
He was successful. Volker nine was given, this is the greatest fitna
that we face which is power.
He never attributed power to himself. He said, this is from
Allah, whatever he achieved, he said, this is from Ramallah. So he
was a man of justice. He helped people, he protected people. He
acted in the right way.
and attributed all of that to Allah subhanaw taala he succeeded,
there was only one failure who was that? The man who was tested with
and that brought him arrogance and he thought it was himself and he
said, this will never end. So we have that story and he lost
We learned about the secrets of Inshallah,
the revelation was delayed, because Rasulullah Salallahu
Alaihe Salam was made to not say Inshallah, so that we will learn
about this, okay? And then Allah subhanaw taala reveal the iron one
Atlanta Lisheng in Nephilim Delica in line Russia, don't say you're
going to do this without saying Inshallah, so can insha Allah came
with Musa alayhis salam, O Allah Certegy duniya in shallow Saba,
don't wanna ask you like Allah and the third is not in this but it
came in the story of Dr. George module, if you remember that the
wall every day used to be replenished till the final time
their supervisor said Tomorrow we will break through this inshallah.
So, that is a lesson for us.
And we are told over and over again in this that the world is
temporary and short and it has been made beautiful and attractive
as a chest but that arc era is the everlasting and therefore we
should not be distracted by the attractions of this world and
prepare for the ACA while we have time which is now
a last one the losses in Jana mal are the zenith Allah led NewBlue
of my yamasa in the beginning that we have beautified what is
whatever is on the earth as a test to see who would do well. Wala
Tada i NACA and home to read Zenith Allah towheaded Yara sulla
don't look at the people who have all this wealth desiring that
telling us through Rasul Allah
Allah smart Allah says what dream loving matalon had dunya karma in
Anza now Minister my fuck pelota the so and so on that the example
of this world is like rain that comes out mixes with the
vegetation makes it look green and you know, and then Hashima it
becomes dry because it was horrible. Yeah, and it is blown
away. This is how the reality of dunya
al Manuel been ona Xena to hire Teutonia your wealth again same
thing. Well, what remains when Bharathiar to solder heart player
on interrupt because
you want to pin your hopes to that which remains which is good deeds.
And there are strong warnings against shift.
So hate to tell who he is and then Warnings Don't associate
in the beginning but younger Latina Carlota De La Huella wallet
warn those who say Allah has taken a son while Are you Shrek fie
hochma here
don't in Allah's commands. Don't take anybody else as a shriek that
odd so and so did this one so did this happen because of this lock
in and that second of the two in the garden said luck in hula hula
rugby Wallah who should
bear a bear hug I will never associate again telling us the
and the one who whose garden was destroyed your Kulu ya late and
Elam was Shrek the rugby is lamenting I wish I had not
and then Allah subhanaw taala says we're your mama your Kulu Nadu
should occur el Medina The Hampton further our home from yesterday
Jiulong wa jal nearby Nahum MobiCom and on that day when we
will say call those that you did she should have quit and they will
call them and they will not answer and Allah will put a barrier
between them.
And Allah subhanaw taala says towards the end
a hospital Medina Cafaro and yet the bad demon Dooney earlier do
they think they can take my slaves as we just read today as as
protecting friends and patrons in artisan Jana model Cafe nanosolar
we have created and it ends it ends again with the same thing
Wallah you Shrek The EVA that the rugby or had the last word is
no show
Alhamdulillah starts last word, don't do shit. See how beautiful
Allah subhanaw taala this look at the structure of the themes, the
beginning of the end, they all sort of intertwined and reinforce
the same thing.
And in this we have the theme of warning about being careful of
speaking without knowledge that came over and over again.
right in the beginning Malone Bahamian helped me Wally, Abba.
They don't know anything and the fathers didn't know Kabbalat
Kelemen 10 tapra German fr him e il like a diva and they, what the
utter is very serious and grave and they what they say is lies.
And then Allah subhanaw taala talking about the Savoca so yeah
puluh Nulato rabbit home Kalba consultant sadhana regimen
builder, this is there were three, maybe the fourth was this devil
five regimen be just throwing stones like without knowledges.
And then Allah says corapi Allah Mubi data in Maya Allah, only
Allah knows. And this comes over and over again. And again.
You can find many i This is just some of the ideas I picked up
there are others that reinforcer. Then there is a team of dangers of
arrogance and warning against arrogance.
You remember the famous story of the man of the guy and the actor
of income, my husband, I have more wealth and more human resources
and this is the ultimate elegance
and the other one said entirely an apple I mean can you see me as
have less than you in my wallet and my children?
Then Allah subhanaw taala again, that was the arrogance of that man
and Allah shows another kind of arrogance when he mentioned what
if canola oil Mala it caters to do the other Mufasa do in LA a Belize
Canada managin look at the arrogance of a police
he was ordered commanded to do such the of honoring other Muslim
and you did not.
So you can be a you can believe and you can have arrogance was
Iblees did you please believe
he believed in Allah. Did you believe in the Day of Judgment?
Yes, he did. Did he believe that Allah had power over everything?
Yes, he did.
Then Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has commanded one who is commanded
to be with the righteous people who was beaten up succumb
Alladhina Jadoo Nara bombilla. Here he is continuing in the eyes
of Allah to them when Alpha Kappa when the coroner Baba ha who can
Amaru Furuta and
don't obey the one whose hearts we have made forgetful, heedless of
remembering and will follow their own desires. Okay.
That's arrogance. Follow your own.
Arrogance is when the truth is presented to you and you reject.
That's true.
Then we are also the surah tells us to have genuine concern for the
well being of others. Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi salam is the
prototype of that right in the beginning. He is told for Allah
Allah kabocha enough Sakala Illa human we heard that hadith So will
you kill yourself? Will you destroy yourself just worrying
that they don't listen, they don't come to the truth and they keep
following their own ways. Then the US horrible cough. They had
concern for each other. They strengthen each other and when
they finally woke up and were hungry, what did they say to the
one who was going while you had a lot of Bala you should run away
Kumada make sure nobody knows about you because they will grab
you and they will stone you or they will make you return to your
name. So they had concern for each other don't cullinane is an
example of concern for other Calama magnifi Hera beheren Valley
new nema COVID Buying a home or buying a home Rama you want me I
will build not just a a dam of fortified dam for you. He wants
you to protect them.
And even the friend of the arrogant man even though he was
being insulted. He wanted fair for that man he advised me What did he
say? Well Lola is default agenda tech occulta Masha Allah, if you
enter it, you just said Masha Allah is teaching him, Hillary.
And the surah tells us that we need for true knowledge we need to
have mentorship. It's not true knowledge and Islam is not just by
reading, you need immersion. You need a mentor who understands you
who knows your weaknesses, who knows how to teach you. So Dean
was always taught by mentorship with Sahaba that's why sorry, the
Sahaba became who they were the best of generation because of the
softball of Rasulullah sallallahu.
And we are taught to
choose good company, the Fatah the use of a single calf became who
because they had good company of each other, the Fatah of Musa,
what was his name, you shall be known, needed later became a
prophet because of the companionship that he kept with
Musa lesson. And then the companionship of Musa alayhis
salam and Federalist Allah. And again we mentioned that the
companionship of the people of the two gardens that even the good
companion was always advising the right thing.
And then finally Rasul Allah salAllahu Salam is instructed and
he needs no instruction to teach us he says, Allah subhanaw taala
says was well enough circa Mala Nina Yeah, the Honorable Milka
Dottie when she you read
that you stay in the company of those who
are always calling on their Rob, night and day.
You read una wotja With always an Arada continuous of seeking His
countenance Allah be in, that's the best company for so allah
sallallahu alayhi salam is stalled. They should be told you
be in Rasul Allah Subhana Allah so the company, first of all, allah
sallallahu alayhi salam is going to be in their company.
And he happened he came to some people are sitting and said, Yes,
they've got to sit down, sit down, because I have been sent to be in
your company that's enabling them. Obviously, we know what what the
software is because of him.
And we are taught to use wisdom and to treat people according to
the levels.
You should you should be known forgot the fish thing. Musa Assam
didn't scold him because he's a kid he's in his capacity is you
deal with them. But when Musa alayhis salam and Musa lustrum was
a tough guy, yet he was kind with this young man. And further Alyssa
was a gentle man, but he became tough with Musa Islam and he kept
messing up in that way of asking, he says,
Allah Calaca, didn't I tell you that you will not be able to so we
deal with people according to their knowledge. And we've
mentioned this, that the ultimate life is the next life and who will
be successful the one with true Iman and Ahmed that correspond to
the Eman and Allah will send trials and tribulations, the
Phaeton to test the genuineness and the veracity of our iman and
our claim of Iman and our class of Allah. Allah Subhana Allah
mentions this over and over again in Alladhina amanu Allah La sala
in LA no do you are German assalam Allah, those who have Iman and
good deeds, Allah will not waste their good deeds. We like olam
Jana to administer drymen Tatiana, they are the ones for whom there
is Gardens under which rivers flow in the ladina aminomethyl. Salah
has Gannett long Jana to funerals and it ends with file YAML I'm
Alan Saleh and voila you should
stress on actions and actions and actions. And we are told about the
ultimate failure. The one who thinks who is doing good, but who
in a way deviated his 30 this compromised, his actions are being
done not according to the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu.
all of this is all of the deen is essentially summarized and covered
in this. That life is full of return and trial every day, every
And the greatest of all Phaeton is watch fitna
if 10 is of this surah can protect you from the greatest fitna. Do
you think the other 100 diets are not enough? If you read them every
week to protect you from your daily and weekly feed.
That's why Rasulullah sallallahu lism taught us to read this
reading the surah Now that we have covered it with its meaning and
all will strengthen our iman our Yaqeen and will grant us Tawakkol
reliance on Allah.
we will experience it and it will give us suburb and how to deal
with the fitness and trials and in fact will give us Ryda
being pleased with whatever lessons my way, but his Padang
And as I sort of LaSalle Allah Salam said and first session we
said one of the, the fertile one of the benefits of the surah is
that it grants you light from one Juma to the next. The light of
guidance, and if you read a W Jomar you'd have that light of
guidance, the light of that strengthens your iman that helps
helps you handle the fitness
Now, all of that from one Joomla to the next Joomla to the next
Joomla till our last year.
And that's all.
So our last mile dilla benefit is from all the secrets and what is
open what is behind and make the sort of a reality in our lives.
Strengthen us in all of those kinds of Eman make us experience
them. May Allah subhanaw taala make all of our deeds purely for
purify our near that we follow Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi
salam, knowing who he was in everything we embrace his sunnah.
And if we do that, if we lead our lives that when if we die that
way, then we have the hope of
not to fill those symbols, when they call
for those and that ultimate meeting with Allah
and beholding his noble countenance, in whatever dimension
that to live there forever. May Allah is one of the lawmakers
among those who listen and obey will benefit from this and may
Allah subhanaw taala.
Forgive us and forgive me particularly for anything that was
said erroneously this is because of my absolute lack of lack of
knowledge, my ignorance, the impact of my own lower knifes on
what I say, if anything good has been said in this which is correct
and pleasing to Allah does purely by the funnel of Allah subhanaw
taala and I thank him for that and I seek Allah's protection and his
forgiveness for any mistakes or errors or wrong interpretations
that were presented in the sewer. May Allah smart Allah bless you
all. All of you who have participated in this it's been a
long three month journey to Surah Oka have we have been hiding in
the cave for three months of our lives inshallah. It will be a
benefit when we come out. It will be a real benefits of Hanukkah
llama Masha Allah Allah Ilana stock Soroka