Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect On The QurAn – Surah Al Kahaf – Ayah 12 To 18
![Mohammad Ali Hazratji](
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The speakers discuss the importance of believing in Islam and the need for physical security in the cave. They also talk about the use of technology to cover up false accusations and the potential for false accusations to be made by people who do not know who Islam is. The importance of guidance and guidance from the Prophet Subhanahu wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa
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So he said, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
then says after these things نَحْنُ نَقُسُوا عَلَيْكَ
نَبَاهُم بِالْحَقِّ We will tell you the story
about them, Bilhaq, in truth.
In truth, now we'll tell you what the
truth is, not what they think.
And Bilhaq means only Allah has the right
to tell you the story because he's the
one who did this.
Then he starts by telling اِنَّهُمْ فِتْيَةٌ آمَنُوا
بِرَبِّهِمْ وَزِدْنَاهُمْ هُدَىٰ Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
indeed they were youth, so they were youth.
آمَنُوا, they were believing youth, true belief in
بِرَبِّهِمْ آمَنُوا بِرَبِّهِمْ, they believed in their Lord.
And because of their belief and what they
did وَزِدْنَاهُمْ هُدَىٰٓ We increased them in guidance.
Again, telling us that you believe, you do
what is the right thing.
The response of Allah would be to bring
you closer to him by increasing you in
Imam Bukhari used this ayah as one of
his proofs because at that time there was
a debate, does iman go up and down?
So many people said no, iman is like
He says no, he used this ayah.
Allah says we increase their imans, that means
it goes up and down and there are
other ayahs.
وَزِدْنَاهُمْ هُدَىٰٓ So it also tells us that
when we make an effort to come closer
to Allah and they ran away to come
closer to Allah.
Okay, they ran away from their people.
They left their luxury, they left their parents.
I mean just think about it.
They must have had parents, they may have
had siblings, they had wealth, they had luxury
and they had iman.
And they left all of that for iman.
How many youngsters would run away from their
parents and everything else for the sake of
You have to think about this, reflect.
Leave everything, everything.
All they brought was a few silver coins
with them just in case they needed it.
They didn't know what would happen.
Okay, that Allah mentions also.
وَزِدْنَاهُمْ هُدَىٰٓ So whoever comes, as the hadith
says, whoever comes towards Allah, there are Allah
swt comes towards him like this.
Whoever comes this way, Allah swt comes to
him like this.
And whoever walks to Allah, Allah runs to
him, literally.
But what it means is you try coming
close, but Allah has put the burden on
You do first, then see what Allah does
with you.
Okay, okay.
It's not like, oh when Allah wants he'll
give me hidayah, I'm going to do whatever
I want.
That's not the right attitude.
You do your part.
Then Allah swt is telling us.
So what have they done?
They have found physical security in the cave.
Now, even though you have physical security, you
still have fear in your heart, right?
Internal, because what's going on?
You have, you're uncomfortable, you are stressed.
Allah swt says, وَرَبَاطَنَا عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمْ إِذْ قَامُوا
فَقَالُوا رَبُّنَا رَبُّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ لَنَّ دُعُوَى مِنْ
دُونِهِ إِلَىٰ لَقَدْ قُلْنَا إِذَاً شَوْتَوْتَوْ وَرَبَاطَنَا عَلَىٰ
قُلُوبِهِمْ Allah swt is saying, and we strengthen
their hearts, give them inner security in their
hearts, not just the physical security of the
cave, but their hearts felt content, their heart
felt secure, they felt comfortable.
And when did they do that?
إِذْ قَامُوا When they stood up.
And they said, Our Lord, رَبُّنَا رَبُّ السَّمَاوَاتِ
وَالْأَرْضِ Who is our Lord?
The One who is the Lord of all
the heavens and the earth.
لَنَّ دُعُوَى مِنْ دُونِهِ We will never call
on anyone other than Him.
Tawheed, in its ultimate form.
مِنْ دُونِهِ إِلَىٰهَ We will not take as
an Ilah, as a God, as one worthy
of worship, anyone other than Allah.
لَنَّ دُعُوَى مِنْ دُونِهِ إِلَىٰهَ We will not
call on anyone besides Allah as an Ilah.
لَقَدْ قُلْنَا إِذَا شَطَطَ Because if we did
that, we put partners or give power and
authority to other than Allah, then we would
have said, قُلْنَا إِذَا شَطَطَ Something that is
very shattering, something that is outrageous.
So, pure Tawheed.
They said we would never say that.
Now, this is not a Dua, because it
starts with رَبُّنَا They are saying to each
other, that our Lord is Allah.
When we do Dua, we say رَبَّنَا This
is رَبُّنَا رَبَّنَا because what is implied is
يَا before it.
يَا and that changes the رَبُّنَا to رَبَّنَا
We say رَبَّنَا and that's Dua to Allah.
Here, this is not a Dua, they are
talking to each other.
رَبُّنَا Our Lord is the Lord of the
heavens and the earth.
And if we were to do this, call
anyone other than Allah, we would be committing
a grave, grave sin, outrageous blasphemy.
And then they say, هَا أُولَٰئِ قَوْمٌ نَتَّخَذُ
مِن دُونِهِ آلِهَا لَوْ لَا يَأْتُونَ عَلَيْهِمْ بِسُلْطَانٍ
بَيِّنٍ فَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِنْ مَنْ اِفْتَرَ عَلَى اللَّهِ
كَذِبًا هَا أُولَٰئِ قَوْمٌ نَتَّخَذُ مِنْ دُونِهِ آلِهَا
These people, our قوم, our people, they have
taken من دونه other than Allah, آلِهَا not
only one, but multiple gods.
لَوْ لَا يَأْتُونَ عَلَيْهِمْ بِسُلْطَانٍ بَيِّنٍ Why have
they not brought evidence that is clear to
support what they are doing?
In other words, you are saying that all
these are gods.
Show me evidence who authorized this.
Where is the evidence?
Which scripture says that all of these should
be worshipped?
So they are saying, why don't they bring
بَيِّن something that makes clear سُلْطَان an authority,
an authoritative evidence for what they are doing,
which is worshipping many gods.
فَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِمَّنِ اِفْتَرَىٰ عَلَىٰهِ And since there
is no evidence, he said, and who does
greater wrong, greater dhulm than to invent اِفْتَرَىٰ
عَلَىٰهِ about Allah, lies.
And again, the stress here, remember we had,
you can't make things up about Allah.
This is the second place, and this will
keep coming, you can't say things about Allah
that he has not authorized.
So they are saying, and who does greater
wrong, who does more wrong than one who
invents, because these are all inventions that, you
know, this is the son of God, these
are the daughters of God, this is, you're
worshipping animals, you're worshipping stone, you're worshipping tea.
Who gave you this authority?
Show us the evidence.
So Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala is now
describing who these youth were.
Why they ran away?
Because here's the implication that they are saying,
our people are doing this, and we are
people of Tawheed, they describe themselves, we will
never call anyone besides Allah, but they call
all these and they have no proof, and
therefore they are in the wrong.
So they withdrew from their people, and from
what they worshipped.
Okay, they left the people and left the
false worship, and they came to the cave.
Now there is a question of who is
saying this, that Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala
will extend his mercy to them, to you,
from your Rabbukum.
Remember the dua they had done for Rahma
and Hayyilana, to make easy and show us
the way of what to do.
So it says here, one interpretation is that
one of the boys, one of the youth,
who was a little more advanced, he said
to the rest, that your Lord will shower
his blessings, his mercy on you, and will
show you a way in this affair of
yours, which will be gentle, and which will
be something you like.
Another interpretation is that this Allah Subhanahu wa
ta'ala who told them, not as a
Wahi like a messenger, but as an Ilham,
that you do this, you go and your
Lord will give you his Rahma, and will
make affairs easy for you.
Both of which are possible.
Now Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, the ayah
where he said, so this was the explanation
of the first part of who they were.
Now comes, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says,
his response, what was this?
And we put, you know, soundproof, they soundproofed
their hearing for years.
We put them to sleep.
Now the details of that will come, of
their sleep.
That, oh messenger, you would have seen the
sun, when it rose, and it moved as
it rose, it was moving away from them
as it rose.
So here's the east, from there, from the
right side of the cave.
So the sunrise was on the right side
of the cave.
And when it set, it was moving away
to the left side.
So it's rising here and setting here, means
the cave, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala is
telling us, was facing, oriented to the north.
Now, so what does that mean?
That Allah prepared the cave in such a
way that they would not be hit by
direct sunlight.
Okay, it rose from here, moved away, set
this way.
So some light would come in, but they
were not subjected to the direct sun for
whatever the reason.
People say, because it would have burned them,
we could have done this and we could
have done that.
Allah could have protected them, but this is
what he says.
And they were in the middle of, there
was a big space in the middle of
the cave and they were in the middle
of the cave.
And this is from the signs of Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Now Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling
us that whoever Allah guides, he is guided.
وَمَن يُبْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُرْشِدًا And
whoever he allows to be astray, there is
no one who can be his wali or
his murshid, nor his guide, nor his mentor.
So again, what this is telling us that
ultimate guidance is from Allah Subhanahu wa ta
You remember this ties in with one of
the early things that in the early part
of the surah.
Remember the Prophet was very distressed.
What was the ayah?
It was very distressed that they were not
listening to and they were moving away from
That will you destroy yourself because they're not
Their footsteps are moving away from this book.
So here Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala is
telling us that yes, your job is to
give dawah, but don't kill yourself over it.
You should have love and concern for them
because you cannot be a da'ee unless
you love people.
And the Prophet ﷺ loved the Quraysh of
Makkah even though they were torturing him.
That's why he was trying to convince them
to come to the truth.
So when we do dawah, you can't say
okay, I hate, may Allah destroy all these,
but I'll give them dawah.
No, that's not what it is.
We try and save people.
And that therefore true dawah can only come
if you love people and you want the
best for them.
So here Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala is
telling the Prophet ﷺ that guidance is in
his hand, who he guides.
So your job is to convey the message
in the most beautiful way by your words,
by your actions.
And the rest is with Allah Subhanahu wa
Then Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala continues that
description of them sleeping.
Now you have a cave that faces north.
The sun comes from the east.
It moves this way, sets towards the west
this way, moves away from the mouth of
the cave.
And then he says, And you would have,
in other words, if you saw them, O
Messenger ﷺ, you would have thought that they
were awake.
Though they were asleep.
What does that mean?
When do you think when people are awake?
Eyes are open.
So this is an indication that in this
sleep, they slept with their eyes open for
300 years.
No corneal drying, no refresh drops to be
put in the eyes.
Therefore, that sun moving doesn't matter.
Now more details.
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala said, We turned
them on their right.
We turned them on their left, like they
say, you know, bed sores and so on.
They would, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala turned
them for their comfort.
Whatever it is.
But he's telling us those details because these
people wanted details.
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, you want details?
Let me give you details.
I'll tell you how their eyes were.
I'll tell you how they were turning.
I'll tell you which way they were facing,
where they, what, who was sleeping where.
And at the entrance of the cave, their
dog, they had a dog with them.
He sat with his paws extended like this.
So you're sitting there like a guard dog.
And if you had come on this, suppose
you would travel and you came upon them,
you would have been so scared that you
would have run away because imagine coming to
a cave and you see seven big people,
you know, maybe their beards and nails had
all grown and all of that.
They're lying there with their eyes open like
this and there's a dog sitting there and
you know, sort of a semi-lit cave
and you come in there and you run
You don't know what is here.
So Allah SWT says, You would have turned
away and you would have run.
And you would have been filled with awe
and fear of them.
So Allah SWT is telling us their condition
in, so that's the description of that.
And then the ayah before that, and we
brought them back for to see who among
the groups was right.
Now Allah describes that bringing them.
And this is the way we brought them
back to life.
Ba'athna as we said, resurrected them after
the sleep, this long sleep.
So that they may ask each other.
So now imagine these youngsters, they wake up.
They don't know they've been sleeping.
The time of day has changed a little
Some of the scholars have said they got
there in the morning and then when they
woke up, it was late in the afternoon
or something.
So one of them says, the one who
usually loves to talk a lot.
The one who frequently talks.
He says, How long were you sleeping?
They said, Maybe a day, maybe you slept
a day, maybe part of a day, day
and a half, whatever.
Then one of them who said, or some
of them said, Only Allah knows how long
you slept.
And that teaches us when things say, only
Allah knows.
We admit our ignorance and we keep quiet
on this.
You know, whenever we say, Allahu alam.
But there's no but.
If you say Allahu alam, you stop there.
We don't try and, you know, go beyond
If he tells us, then we say it,
otherwise we don't.
Now what happens after 309 years of sleep,
and I'm giving you that ahead of time
because Allah comes to that later.
They wake up.
And they are like some of our youngsters
today who came here having not eaten for
four hours and they wanted some snacks right
away before the session started.
So after 309 years, they wake up and
they feel hungry.
They feel hungry.
So what do they say?
Only Allah knows how long we've been sleeping,
but more important, let's go to that.
They said, One
of you, ahadukum, take this silver coins that
they had brought and you go into the
town and you look for We want the
purest of food.
They were dying of hunger.
They're not saying bring me whatever, bring me
Dunkin Donuts or whatever.
No, find the purest of food.
They are still concerned about And they're not
just asking halal and haram, they're azka, the
And some of the commentators have said that
at that time, when this, when they went
into the cave, there were some hidden Muslims
of the time who used to sacrifice animals
in the right way.
So as opposed to the animals that were
slaughtered for the pagan way for the statues
and their gods.
So they said, go and find those guys,
you know, and bring us the purest food.
Bring our risk from them.
Now, why is this important?
Just remember, they knew that if we don't
pay attention to halal and haram in our
rizq, how we earn, what we eat, our
duas are not accepted.
That's just one, besides disobedience of Allah.
So they were very particular.
This is practice.
This is not theory.
When you are hungry, can you control yourself?
And they said, find that.
Now, what would have happened if they didn't
find it?
They would have probably stayed hungry, knowing their
And then, again, taking the precautions like you
should, you know, not saying, okay, just go.
What did they say?
And be discreet, lutf, gentle, go carefully.
So that nobody realizes who you are.
Otherwise you could get caught and the same
thing would happen.
So they were still afraid that if we
go out there to get food, because they
think they've just slept today, we are hungry.
So go quietly, discreetly to the right places,
bring the food, pure food for us to
But take your precautions.
So even then, again, teaching us that we
should always take our precautions.