Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #94 Surah Qaf P4
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The use of heavily drawn images and heavily drawn images has led to confusion and distrust among people, making it difficult for them to understand the meaning behind their actions. They stress the importance of knowing the past and not letting thoughts come to mind, as well as being aware of words and actions to avoid negative consequences. The speakers also emphasize the importance of being careful when speaking and being aware of one's actions in order to avoid future negative consequences.
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An acre is means a ticket of forests and this refers to the
meridian where schreiben Islam was sent. And the people again here
they had another specialization, which is they used to cheat people
and they used to rob people and that sort of thing. Besides the
ship, they did that. So Allah subhanaw taala destroyed them. So
last month, Allah is telling us to these people for our aid,
good loon cut the Barossa there is what I neglect bakoma to back
there is another comma took back. This is an interesting story. That
tuba was the title given to the scholars have said to the king of
a southern Yemeni tribe, the Himba tribe, which were descendants of
from Arab
descendants of cotton, as opposed to the descendants of Adnan, which
became the people of Makkah Koresh. So from captain came the
Yemeni tribes of Arabs from which this tribe came. And this one
leader of the time, who is called
a top bar, that was his title like frown, and Caesar and all of that.
He assembled a big army and he went north, conquered as far as
summer come from Yemen. On his way back, he was coming by Medina, and
he started to, he said, I'm going to conquer this. And the Jewish
tribes that were there, they fought with them
to fend them off. So they would fight in the day, and they they
had good defenses, you know, people look over and all before
So they would fight in the day. And in the night, the inhabitants
of Medina will take food for the Army for the for the army who was
attacking them in the day, so it affected them, o'clock,
that we don't want you to be hungry at night. Just imagine
So the stopbar said, Send me some of your representatives. So they
sent to rabbis.
And they explained he said, why shouldn't I conquer this? He said
Don't Don't Don't touch Medina don't touch yatra. I said, why?
Said because our books tell us that the last messenger of Allah
is going to come and live here.
So he said if that so I'm going to lemonade. So he left Medina.
Then he told the two that I like you to your wise people, you join
my entourage. So they went with him. When he was passing by
Maccha. He said, I want to level this. Armies. That's what they do.
So the rabbi said, Don't touch this. Because there is the house
of Allah built by the Brahim Alesana you don't want to touch
this. And this is where the final messenger is going to come. He
said, Okay, he went there. He did tawaf of the, of the Kaaba, and he
put a fine cloth around it. And then he went back to Yemen, and he
became Muslim of the time which is a follower of the Torah. Okay.
When he died, the people went back to shirk.
And then Allah destroyed. This is common to
colon cancer by rasuna for Hakoah, aid, Allah subhanaw taala sing all
of them.
All of them, these tribes denied the truth, for heptyl aid.
Remember that word? That that warning that threat came through
different crimes. Besides Sherk different punishments, different
forms of punishment, Allah subhanaw taala is warning the
Quraysh that this is going to be your end.
If we reflect on these ideas, these ideas were meant to also
console and strengthened Rasulullah sallallahu is because
of what he is going all out to convince people and doing and he's
only meeting a brick wall rejection and ridicule to console
him at that time, that look your brothers that came before you went
through the same thing. But in the end, the truth is what prevents so
in a way it's an indirect Bashara to rasool Allah glad tidings that
just like the previous MBR prevailed over those people they
will just you are going to prevail over these people who are
rejecting you
and the Pradesh will meet a similar end should we continue or
and depends on your level of fatigue and
I planned a few more hours but it may take another 15 minutes
everybody okay, everybody okay on
fire again
No Bill huncle Owen Burnham fee loves him in health indeed.
Allah subhanaw taala saying about again going back to the
resurrection of our Aina Bill, what do they think is the question
that we are so fatigued we are so exhausted from the first creation
that we won't be able to recreate them again? Because that was the
whole question. That it's a rhetorical question Alfa Aina
Well, we saw weekend so in feeble and so tired and worn out from
that first creation. Does Allah swatter does it take him out in
all he has to do second? Okay, that's it. So Allah subhanaw taala
is up the obvious answer is no.
Balloon fee Lovcen min HALCON God, but rather instead of thinking
about this, they are still labs labs means something that's
doubtful that's not clear, uncertain. The word loves comes
from a word that you know
in Arabic, you're all you all have it right now.
Li Lavazza
so what is the connection
because lavas means a cover so if you put a cover in front of
somebody something you cover this table with the labels you don't
know what's in there so they're in that labs they don't know what's
in here. So they are veiled in a way that they don't know they're
in this confusion about the new creation the resurrection how
now Allah subhanaw taala comes to the fourth section which will
start briefly well occurred Hala canal in Santa Ana hola mama
towards me So be not so when Nana Accra boo la him in Hublin worried
and indeed while Akkad halacha Bellinzona that we created man and
created everything but he was just talking about men from clay
originally and and subsequently when that any changes the past we
created he said what narla mu and we know and we the Present
Continuous that we know continuously going forward back
everything now Alamo mad to Wesley so be enough. See now the knifes
coming that that was was
the knifes the what thoughts the emotion the feeling the things
that come to a person's mind Allah subhanaw taala says when nalang we
know what comes into each person's head
not only did we know the past recreated everything, but we know
what come when Nana after Abu Philemon, Hubble worried and we
are closer to him than his humble very humble means rope. What it
means something that gives life it's the word that used
figuratively for the jugular vein. Allah subhanaw taala saying we are
closer to him than his jug we are closer to to him than his jugular
vein. In other words, Allah is close, he knows everything. He's
saying, I even know what thoughts come to your mind.
So this can be problematic for most of us, does it not?
I don't know about you. But I get thoughts, which I don't want Allah
subhanaw taala to know
it's embarrassing, why should some thoughts like this come?
And we do get those even without shaytans help.
So Allah subhanaw taala saw the Sahaba Allah, when they heard
something like this and similar subject in Surah Baqarah
where it says where the what you hide, and what you express,
allowing you how simple can be he will take you to his hub, the CDR
Rasulillah we are we are destroyed. If Allah is going to
take us to account for what thoughts come to our mind I mean
actions we can control words we can parts How can then Allah
revealed another law you can live
in LA CASA that Allah does not hold anybody to to ask anybody to
what they can bear. Okay, that Allah subhanaw taala then the
Prophet salallahu alayhi salam explained that
Allah has exempted My Ummah from being taken hisab he will not
charge you for the thoughts that come as long as you don't
verbalize them or act upon them.
If a bad thought is coming, don't share it with others. Don't tell
them because then it will corrupt more people and don't act upon it.
Okay, so this is a blessing from Allah subhanaw taala otherwise,
you know, like the Sahaba were afraid if you're held accountable
for the thoughts that come we are done. Okay, so Allah subhanaw
taala here he is telling us that we created you. We know everything
about you. They told us I know how every part of you disintegrates. I
even know that
Then and that's the past that's going away. And in the future what
are the thoughts that come that are not even come yet I know
what's going to come to you.
So you control this the knowledge of Allah Subhana Allah
then Allah subhanaw taala says so we should be always aware of that.
And we should be in a state of maraca that I don't want to
entertain these thoughts. It's not like us Oh, Mashallah. Dr. Lee
said no problem. No, we don't entertain these thoughts. We don't
dwell on that we don't plan on those. We let we change our focus
to something that's good. Okay. Because we don't want those which
is how embarrassing yeah Allah these thoughts are coming to me.
In fact, yeah, Allah don't make these thoughts go. Okay, whatever
it is, which is a disobedience from us.
And we're different people is different. Then Allah subhanaw
taala says, if you had the luck Perlmutter luck, Pia Ania Ania
Yemeni vanished Somalia or II is your Talaq can behold the last one
Tala says Yatala curl, Motorola Moto Lakhiani means those who are
ready to receive
those who receive something we're ready to take something.
If you have to locka when those who are ready to receive they're
talking about the receiving angels when they receive.
These are receiving angels,
Yamini, or Annie Shomali aid. These are two angels that are in
AI either means to be firmly seated and established, as opposed
to Julius Jelsa which means to sit and then you buy it means they're
sitting there
firmly, one on the right and one on the left, ready to receive what
are the receiving
deeds actions and more important because we are more trouble with
those thoughts we are not accountable words words words we
the Prophet sallallahu sallam said what gets more people into Janam?
Nothing more than that then.
This is what he said. Exactly. This is how he did it. The two
fingers he got his tongue to make a dramatic. This is what will get
more people so they are ready to see. And then Allah specifies that
in the next hire.
Man ma yo fildo Minh colon Illa de rocky Bonati my yellow fellow
laughs laughs
laughs And although we use alpha
that not a single denial, federal namaste says nothing
Illa l every word. They said Not a single word. there to receive it
Rocky. Rocky means a sitting, alert and ready, watchful hearing.
They're not distracted. They're not on their cell phones. They're
not on any real listening. Receive active means Ever Ready? Ready.
They're sitting like this. Observing
every word, every word. What we're
on the right the Prophet sallallaahu Salam explains writes
down your has good deeds on the left, writes down the bad deeds.
Now there are some neutral deeds. We don't know who writes them this
one or that one they'll decide after but it's written down.
Now how is the writing done?
Whatever is written good deeds you do or say a word you say. Angel
writes it Allah subhanaw taala has given them command also. Each Good
day, multiply minimum 1010 Hassan. The one on the left Allah has
given a different rule. When he says or does something. Don't
write it.
Don't write it wait.
If he does Toba
don't write it.
If he does it, then write it as one
not 10.
If he makes an intention, and then doesn't do do it, then write it as
a hustler.
This is Allah subhanaw taala recurring the generous man, he is
finding every possible excuse for us to go to Jana.
Now how
deeper deprived and horrible and
person would be that in spite of all of this ends up in Jana.
All of this grace of Allah so
I'm going to stop after this because the stand needs a little
bit more.
clarification. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said a
person may utter one
Word and think that it has no value.
But in the sight of Allah, it is so great that Allah has written
His order with this has written that I am pleased with this person
he is done he succeeded one word, and the person didn't even know
what I said. Maybe some word to someone that changed his life.
Maybe a word of consolation to somebody, since we don't Allah
someone that doesn't you can choose whatever he likes. And then
he said the opposite and a person may say a word.
Even in joking and laughing, making people that is Oh, it's
nothing. It's just a joke, for which Allah subhanaw taala will
write down his destruction, his displeasure forever.
So that's how important each word is.
Now, who was the best example for us?
Who is the best example for us?
Rasool Allah SallAllahu Listen, Prophet Muhammad Salah Linus, do
you know how much he talked?
Ghana, I taught something, he would be silent for long periods
of time. And when he did speak, he would speak a few words, and they
were like pearls and gems. Okay.
So the criteria for us is, its silence. And you know, I'm
uncomfortable. Let me say something. No, that's not the
scholars tell us if you feel the urge to speak, keep your mouth
And if you feel no urge to speak, you may say something that is
good. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, either you say
something quiet, good or out? Yes, not be quiet, because you're not
held accountable. If you don't say it, but if you said it, if it hurt
somebody, if it's a bad word, if it's a curse word, you know,
today, we have all of these words that we use this as fashionable.
You know, it makes me look macho, you know, every second word starts
with a certain alphabet. And every third word starts with this. And
we said this, and we said I because you know, I'm grown up.
Every word is written and accounting.
So we have to be very, very careful.
If I want to say this, I want to say this. Will some good come out
of it or not? If there is no good coming out of it, don't say, well,
it's neutral. Don't say it.
Certainly, if bad is going to come out of it know, if it's going to
hurt somebody know, if it's going to produce some suspicion in
somebody's mind, don't say, and we talk about people that word
Backbiting is from the tongue. You know, slander is from the tongue
lie is all the major sins are fruit of the tongue.
We don't have to speak. We have an epidemic, which is worse than
COVID of wanting to speak and we speak and we speak. Regardless,
now just next time you feel like speaking
other than Salam aleikum, wa salam.
This one is writing or this one's writing, what is think about it
for a minute train ourselves? What is going to be the net effect of
what I'm going to say?
Yes, it's a social event. This is a social gathering, we should
No, we should not talk. We may talk if it's necessary, if it's
something good,
but not just for the sake of of talking. Do you hear this? Did you
hear that? Did you hear that?
The prophets of allah sallallahu alayhi salam said that it's from
the beauty of a person's Islam is to live what does not concern.
Today, now we are in the forwarding mode. This comes
forward. We don't know the truth about anything. Most of it is
false, forward, this false you're propagating lies and what God is
going to do, even if it's a joke, it's a lie. The Prophet sallallahu
sallam said, don't lie, even as a joke.
To make people laugh.
When you said, Well, you know a serious place in gentlemen for the
one who lies to make people laugh. You're a stand up comedian.
That's what it is. So be very, very careful about the tongue. Do
I need to say this? What will the be the implication? We don't think
that and that's why I'm trying to stress this for myself as a
reminder, sometimes they just say just say just say, don't say Be
quiet. And we'll get used to that silence to some degree. And then
when we speak, we'll be speaking good.
Inshallah, this is the lesson from what we have learned. We obtain in
the Quran, the arcane in Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi. wa
sallam, they attain that yes, I'm going to do
I wish that the next time that's coming, there is an Acura.
Everything of mine is being recorded every word of mine, every
glance of mine, every action of mine is being recorded. And it
will be presented which is coming in the next few hours, which we're
not going to cover today. But just keep that and I need to be on
guard with my tongue. I have the stories of people who came before.
I may need meat, the same opposition and ridicule as a
Muslim living in a non Muslim land. have patients I don't have
to respond to evil with evil.
The patient, I'm going to give an example of my excellence of my
character as a Muslim. I'm going to make people notice that I am
good. And then when they asked me I'm not going to say I'm good. I'm
going to say what you if you see anything good in me, that is the
Islam in me.
And if you see anything bad in me, that's me.
So may Allah subhanaw taala. cleanse our insides and make them
beautiful. May or may we
pay more attention to our insides as we beautify our outsides and
maybe close our Palooza with Taqwa with awareness of Allah subhanaw
taala. And may Allah subhanaw taala help us to guard this
generator of the greatest generator of sins which are which
is our tongue for the tongue Allah subhanaw taala has given how many
great gates he has given the lips and the teeth is put you know you
have a car in front of which there are four garage doors and still we
leave those garage doors open.
So may Allah subhanaw taala help us to internalize these things and
to actualize them. And may Allah subhanaw taala Mecca sincere in
our pursuit of his pleasure and accept this gathering man last
month Allah bless our hosts for this gathering and hamdulillah
with in keeping with the spirit of Ramadan that is coming. I would
encourage all of you to eat lightly in sha Allah Subhana Allah
humma vandyk Nisha de la ilaha illa stockbroker winner to La