Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #9 Surah Muzammil Ayat 17
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AI: Transcript ©
Bismillah Alhamdulillah
Hamden, Katherine Eban Mubarak and fie and then your leak will be
Jalali YG he will be oedema Soltani
was sal Allahu Allah Hara halka he mo from Medina Sadiq aalameen Alma
bootha Rahmatullah Alameen wa ala he had been operating while as
hobby a liberal Miami monta via via Sun ala yo Medina. Allahu
McTague na minha
olam after some Messiah Mia, alumina Riddick Crick,
who allow open the hearing channels of our hearts to your
of Allah don't leave us to our own cells
for the blink of an eye
Illuminate our hearts with
your words, the Quran, with the correct understanding of it, and
even more importantly,
the obedience to your commands and acting on the Quran. I mean,
so today we start another of the real early makan Surah which is
Al Muslim mill, Muslim mill, Muslim mill and with the third our
SIS like Sister sutras, they are next to each other. You know,
7374, also in Revelation, and these are two of the titles by
which the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam has been addressed by Allah
Subhana Allah and the Quran.
So he is called a Muslim man he is called ultimate death. What are
the other names Allah has called him, of course, he's called
Mohammed Salah he's called Ahmed
is called ha ha is called Yacine is called Abdullah in the Quran,
not must define the Quran, these are in the Quran.
And so those are some of the titles that Allah subhanaw taala
has used for the Prophet sallallaahu Salam in the Quran
So as you remember the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, again, you
look at this early period, there's a handful of Muslims, the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam has just had a few messages revealed to
him, he is still
sort of in awe of this responsibility of this sighting of
Jibreel la sala. And so on this occasion, again, he is home, and
he's covered up in his bed clothes, he is wrapped up.
Perhaps his sleeping.
One, one version is that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was
wrapped up in his bed cloth and sleeping. And another narration
says that this was after an encounter with Gibreel Allah
Salam, and he was again in that state of fear and shivering and he
was wrapped up.
Zamyla means to wrap yourself to cover yourself up.
Zamyla also means in Arabic to raise something to carry
something. Again, you can see the implications that he's the one
who's going to be carrying the message is going to be raising the
word of Allah subhanaw taala above all else. So Allah subhanaw taala
starts the surah by addressing Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam
imagine in his room in the house of his house, the house of our
mother Khadija, the Allah
on how he's got his daughters, there are four of them, which are
little girls because he's 40 years old. He's
and he's got Holly ebony Abi Talib Radi Allahu Anhu living there. I
mean look at this noble household.
he is wrapped up and the message comes. Yeah, uh, you Hello Muslim
milk. Coming Leila ill kalila Nyssa who are winning Kuzmin who
kalila O Z alayhi wa reptilian core Anna 30. We'll start with
that. So I've changed the format we're not going to do the whole
thing we're going to do this this much. So I'm going to have the
read the translation up to here
first for IERS
Oh, you hopefully already wrapped in a mantle seeking cover out of
fear and rise the night long in prayer.
except for a little a bit, or pray half of it, or take from this a
little, or add to it, and they're in recite the Quran with a
measured recitation.
So, there is a command to the Prophet salallahu Salam, this is
in the second person singular. Come mean stand up here you had a
Muslim men who may Leila, Ill kalila stand up, what does come
mean, literally means to stand. It means in this case, leave the
warmth of your bed, leave your comfort, leave your comfortable
life, leave all of those things because you have a great task and
a mission. And you have a burden of heavy responsibility. Therefore
stand up and prepare for the task ahead of you, which requires a
continuous, steadfast, sustained effort, he is being told there is
something big that's coming. And this should be the formula for all
the people of Dow because this is addressed to Rasulullah sallallahu
sallam, but whoever wants to be his follower and take this
responsibility has to take it as seriously as that, that this is a
lifelong mission that requires a lot of sacrifice, and it is not a
place of rest and ease.
So the Prophet salallahu Salam is given a direct command.
Yet he has made a model for all those who follow
Allah subhanaw taala tells him that you have a mission. So you
have to make yourself upright first come.
So you be the example because the best dollar is by example, it's
not by words, it's by Tamil people need to see Islam in practice. And
we face that challenge today we give literature to people, but
they say show us the living examples of Islam we can show a
country we can show individuals we can show leaders. So that's a real
tragedy. So the the best data is to be the example of of of Islam.
what does it mean? Leave your bed at the end of a day? When you're
tired? What do you love the most? Your bed you want to sleep?
Spouses don't want to be disturbed by their spouses even no matter
how much I want my sleep. Saying leave the warmth of your bed leave
your comfort sacrifice what you love against your knifes which is
your sleep.
So just remember that everything in our deen including this has to
be applied first on me.
We tell people do this do this. Am I doing what Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi salam was commanded to do not periodically not irregularly
but continuously in our deen. That is the karma as Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi salam teaches us what Allah loves best is even if
it's a small action, but it's done continuously and regularly with
this karma with steadfastness. We must remember this very important
lesson that the Quran Allah here it's addressed to the Prophet
salaallah alayhi salam is for me. My personal growth
must precede my teaching and Tao
it's not detached that I convey my message or we people are into Tao
we have to give Dawa to nonslip what is my personal situation?
Okay, that should always be part of this.
Now, that's what it means call me late. Stand in the night in
kalila. Also, there is a ishara in this, you know,
late the night means darkness. stand upright,
as Have you seen
on the
oceans where the land is nearby, you see a lighthouse
to guide people. So charlatan Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi.
Salam stand up in the darkness of the night as a light to all of
humanity. Okay.
So Allah subhanaw taala says, Kumi, Laila ill kalila How much
should you stand up and what does this stand up means? This is
Kiambu lane which means stand up in Salah in remembrance of Allah
subhanaw taala call me Leila Allah kalila stand up for the whole
night. Except a little bit.
How long is the night brother Tala these days? Pretty long. How many
14 hours. Allah is saying stand in front of Allah.
For 12 to 14 hours or a little less, maybe 11 to 13 hours.
Miss fo half of it. Oh will Koosman who kalila? Or is it last
little more half the night? Allah subhanaw taala is giving a formula
from five hours to 13 hours stand in prayer at night when you are
Suppose the last one Salah had stopped at that point, what would
our position be? I don't know about anybody else.
While this was mandatory, it was yes. The point here is if Allah
had left it at heart, you have to pray half the night or whole
night. Where would we be even those who get up for tahajjud who
pray two hours and say I've done great you'd be failures. You
wouldn't even be half of the minimum that hola San
Jose de la or more than that.
Allah made this far have made this an obligation for Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam in the early Muslims.
So what was the response or full masala rallies? He used to pray
all night.
Now, technically, if you look at this, this is addressed to
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.
Yet those early Muslims his followers prayed all night. Like
our mother Aisha tells us that for the whole year discontinued after
this was revealed one year they prayed all night.
She says that features to swell.
If you've prayed to three hours at night, like we do in Ramadan, your
feet will swell my feet you know how they were in Medina
night after night for a whole year.
Now the scholar said that this it was made mandatory Fahrrad for the
early Muslims even though technically it's addressed to
Rasulullah sallallahu. So it's also a sign of etbr of love of his
early followers that you're commanded, we will also do the
same. Okay. This is how the new forest were trained early on.
Allah says We obey. It's not a matter of
of finding ease in it.
And then Allah subhanaw taala says
I was it alayhi wa Rottie lil Khurana 13
This is how Allah subhanaw taala tells us to
recite the Quran. So 13 of the Quran is to recite it
safeguarding each alphabet as it should be pronounced. Feeling the
meaning of it.
Spacing it in a beautiful way
and beautifying it with your voice.
Or Atala, in the traditional Arabic used to be that taught
about the mouth amounts that was clean and pure. That smelled good
and which had evenly spaced teeth so it looked beautiful. So you
recite the Quran in a beautiful taste. It's not rushed.
Okay, so Allah smart Allah tells us to recite the Quran at this
special time in an orderly, regularly spaced recitation slowly
beautifying it with your voice. In fact, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe
Salam taught us and commanded his followers he said they you know
Khurana be a Swati come beautify the Quran with your voices. Now,
everybody doesn't have the most beautiful voice what does that
mean? It means the best voice that you can produce. Okay?
So don't take it though. I have a terrible voice. I shouldn't recite
the Quran at night. No, you should do the best you can and the more
you do Allah, Samantha will make that beautiful inshallah and it
will have an impact on our hearts which is
the best
that we want
our mother I shall have the Allahu anha or mother almost selama
who were asked about the recitation of the prophets Allah
notice. Wouldn't you like to have heard the recitation of the Quran
right from Rasulullah sallallahu Silla?
Can you imagine some
People were fortunate enough to hear it from his mouth. His novel
not but what must it have been? How beautiful it must have been.
But they say that he recited it slowly.
He recited it he said the small or short surahs he would recite so
slowly that it would seem like long sodas and he would stop at
the end of each aisle. And he would prolong such as Bismillah
he'll rock Manuel Rouhani
This is how he used to resign, he used to stop it. He never rushed
through it.
So that's what we should try and do is when we recite in our salah,
don't rush through it, okay? Don't be in a hurry to get to the end of
it, eating up half the words, not pronouncing them properly. So
there's something for all of us to to learn.
Now, after this, Allah subhanaw taala says in a new key alayka
colon tequila
for we shall most surely cast upon you a weighty Word, no, okay.
So Allah subhanaw taala says, Indeed, we are going to put a
heavy responsibility,
colon pillar word that is very heavy.
What does a heavy weighty word means?
It means, number one, that this is something monumental because
first, think who it is coming from. These are the words of
Number two, what is the meaning of these words, they are weighty.
Number three, they put a heavy responsibility.
heavy responsibility of conveying the message and acting on the
message. Also that they are magnificent spiritually. And they
carry a lot of weight on the scales on the Day of Judgment.
They're also heavy as evidence in your favor or against you on the
Day of Judgment depending on whether you acted on them or not.
And they are heavy in that they have a great impact on the hearts
of the believers.
For pillow also is used as being very rich, the words of Allah so
rich, that there isn't challenged in the day of judgment that all
the jinn kind and all the mankind together cannot produce one verse
that matches the magnificence of the Quran.
So Allah subhanaw taala is telling the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam
that we are putting this huge responsibility this wager on you.
And the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said in those early days to
his daughters, he said, all my daughter's there is no rest for
your father after today.
Because it's a full time responsibility.
And one of the last things before he passed away is agile from this
dunya when his only surviving daughter, Fatima, Radi Allahu Anhu
Allah was by him.
He smiled at her because she was weeping. She said there is no
suffering for your father after this day. And there is only
now my desk is
one day was very tired. Our mother Khadija or the Alana said this
early on said to him, you're gonna get some rest.
You know what he said?
He said, Yeah, Khadija the time for sleep is gone.
The time for sleep is gone.
The Word of Allah subhanaw taala also had gravitational Wait, what
does that mean?
One day, you know the person who collected the Quran for us, I gave
you in the first session, who was held in response the primary
responsibility for gathering and writing the Quran
Zaid Bin fabretto The Allah okay. He's the one who was he was one of
the scribes of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam but he was
given the responsibility by Abu Bakr Siddiq, Ravi Allah and later
both commanded to write the Quran and gathered the Quran. So one day
he says that I was sitting with Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam
and his thigh was resting on my leg as I was writing.
And then
they were hiking.
And he said, as the wind came down the
Fire of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam that was resting on
my leg. It felt that my leg was going to snap
this also happened. I showed the Alana. She was sitting and
Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam was lying down with his head on
her thigh, just resting with his wife.
And the way came
she said my thought I thought his head became so heavy
and it was a cold day. From the weight of it. He broke out in a
sweat. That's what used to happen when it used to come directly not
through Jabril Alyssa
and there are narrations that one more than once he was riding on a
camel. When he came down. The camel is just dropped would drop
their heads and they couldn't get up.
So, colon therapy Allah Allah subhanaw taala says we are going
to send to you
a very weighty Word waiting every sense as Allah subhanaw taala says
Lo and Zelner hurdle Khurana Allah jubbly law writer who Horsham
motor Sadia Minka Shatila.
Where was this Quran where if this Quran were to come down on what
you know as the strongest thing on this earth, the mountains
you would see the mountains humbled themselves. Why? Because
they know whose words it is and crumble into pieces and dust from
Hachette Allah from the oil and fear of
this is what would happen to mountains if this word came down
on the mountains. The question to ask is what happens to my heart
when the Quran goes?
Yet, Allah subhanaw taala allowed and prepared the heart of
Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
to receive His Word.
Every letter
that has been put in the Quran, every word is the word of Allah,
and has a right to be there should be treated as waiting. May Allah
subhanaw taala help us to treat every word of the Quran with
reverence, with veneration with the humility of submission. I
mean, we should treat every word of the Quran like that.
Then Allah subhanaw taala says, in Nashua to lay here a shadow what
arm up wham o kala. And indeed rising by night for prayer makes
for a stronger impression on the soul for the recitation of God's
So again, Allah smart Allah is telling us the benefits of the
seas training Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam for his
mission by saying your strength is going to come from standing at
night and prayer in front of me because all of the spiritual
benefits and strength that provides not only to him but to
everybody else after that comes from that. So if we want to have
an impact on people, this is a requirement. Okay. In the National
Theatre lately, it's been translated as a rising National
Theatre lately rising in the night for what? For Salah for dhikr of
Allah subhanaw taala for the
for contemplating and the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw
for reading reciting the Quran with 30
Nashotah Lane Layne, what is the night the scholars have said from
the time of Asia till dawn, all of that is anytime in that is
considered part of this. Now the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam
sometimes got up in the early part of the night, sometimes he got up
in the middle part of the night sometimes he got up in the last
part of the night, more frequently in the last part of the night
because there is a narration of the Prophet salallahu alayhi
salam, that in the last 1/3 of the night, there is the new zone of
Allah subhanaw taala, which we translate as descend. Don't think
of it in any any directional space thing that Allah let's just say
comes nearer to us into it says that, you know, Allah subhanaw
taala is not contained in space into the first heaven. And he asks
three questions. What are the three questions?
Who is
asking? Who is asking from me that I may give them who is looking for
so that I may forgive them who request something for me that I
can grant. So this is a very special time
of spiritual benefit. And this is a time for some of us and all of
us in sha Allah soon to stand up at least for part of that time to
get the benefits of international data lately, he said rising up or
emerging at this time of the night. Here, I should know what
what our means to have an impact. It is very effective on the heart,
okay, it leaves an imprint the word water is also used. For
example, if you pour cement and you put your foot on it, it leaves
an imprint. This is the same meaning that getting up at this
time, the words of Allah when you decided that that time will leave
an imprint on your heart. Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala, telling us
special times for special special occasions, were worshipping Allah.
In this way, Salah, and Quran and vicar have a very special effect
and produces the greatest impact and impression. Because we are
also declaring by standing up at that time, our victory our
triumphs, over over physical exhaustion over what are knifes
likes, we are going against it we said, My want to sleep. So no, I'm
going to get out of this warm bed. On this cold night. I'm going to
splash my face with cold water and I'm going to stand in front of my
ramp. Okay. It requires special special sacrifice that this person
has chosen
to stand in front of Allah.
Does Allah know that it's a struggle for you? Yes.
Does he reward you for the struggle? Of course. So remember
that and that would make it easier that he Allah I am standing I'm
fighting against my I'm sleep deprived me a time standing to
glorify You in worship and to remember you and your words.
And also at this time of the night, the heart is less
distracted within you if you pray in the middle of the whole time.
For us doctors, you're you're seeing patient between one and the
second patient. How much focus can you have, you're thinking of the
last patient you're thinking of the next patient and whatever job
you have from one customer to the next and me distracted here.
Children are not running around. Wife and husband are not calling
each other work is in there you are you have less distractions. So
this is a very special time. And prayer is more enlightening. The
DA becomes more sincere and transparent your heart is not
you're not distracted you're in there and more rewarding. And just
a reflection that if you know what happens during sleep,
Allah smart Allah tells us every day in sleep, what happens to you,
your soul is taken were
to the Presence of Allah subhanaw taala. So if you wake up, if you
look at it this way, the soul has freshly returned from the Divine
Shouldn't it be more readily acceptable of what's the words of
my Arab?
So think of that that way.
And at that time, there is more harmony between external and
internal more sukoon in every way. And therefore it is more conducive
to extracting the gems from the words of Allah subhanaw taala you
read the same words and that moment, you may get a new meaning
you're gonna get a new understanding. And suddenly the
light goes on. You know,
every word of Allah is a gem it you just pick it up and you look
at beauty from a different aspect of it. Okay.
So think of it that way.
A Colombo kala again means the speech at this time is most
upright or the most correct in the words at this time, that you
recite them in a better way. So this is what Allah subhanaw taala
says, I'm going to take a few minutes to go into because this is
an instruction for piano laid. Okay standing in prayer at night.
And as we said, In the beginning, early on, this was given us the
first task, train yourself by standing all night are part of the
little less than half the night a little more. for one whole year
they did this.
After one year, Allah subhanaw taala revealed the 20th I have
which then give them respect in the sense okay, take it easy do
what you can but for one year
and they didn't complain there's no record they said Ya rasool
Allah this is getting heavy on us. But Allah knows.
And then Allah smart Allah made it
a nap Villa
means an extra or nothing or super, super,
super good Tory, okay, nothing means you have an option of doing
it yet. It's a highly recommended option.
For anybody who's serious about their spiritual growth you can do
without it to some degree. So it's highly recommended Yet Allah
subhanaw taala said it's optional. If you don't get up, it's not a
sin. Okay, yet for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it
remained a furry the fourth, according to all majority of
scholars for his entire life.
So much so that if for some reason, like sickness or
something, he missed the piano lesson.
In the day, he would pray to our cat to compensate for like we do
color, right? So he treated it as coda to America.
So we have our mother Aisha Radi Allahu anha in her room, she sees
her husband salAllahu alayhi wa sallam standing all night.
Now when she is in his role,
this is in the Medina and period.
And he is still standing because she says his legs used to swell
and skin used to crack. So as a young lady, she raised the alarm
on how our ba says your Sula last month ALLAH has forgiven your past
and your future. Why do you torture yourself like this? What's
his response is very, very famous. Most of you know. He says to her,
you know, knowing and sort of indulging has he did a fella
Hakuna evidencia coup Then should I know if he is he has forgiven
everything? Should I fly Jaquan Hakuna? Shouldn't I be evidencia
Coura a grateful servant mean just the fact that he's forgiven all my
past and future and when he says forgiven, don't perceive it that
he is a sinner, okay, he's mad. So, what has he forgiven small
things which he could have done better? For example, okay.
such as turning away from a blind person and paying more attention
to the, you know, somebody else things like that search such as
making a decision in bother to let people go instead of of, you know,
giving them capital punish things like that.
So he said, if, you know Allah is forgiven, so what should my
response be for that? hamdulillah I'm all set. No, I should be more
grateful by being standing in front of him all night.
One day Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam came and you know by
the House of fire tomorrow the alarm right next to it to then the
Hijra of Isola the alarm just to the
other side of the of the
He goes there and they're sleeping.
Who is sleeping? Look at this beautiful house Alejandra the hola
Fatima Zahra they are sleeping and he goes there. And what does he
allowed to sell Yanni do not pray at night. That's what you do not
pregnant, then they may have paid and gone to sleep or they may have
intention of getting an MRI.
Allah to SallyAnn just an encouragement. Do you not pray at
Take these two words for yourself the Rasul Allah Subhan. Allah
Hassan said that to me,
and see what the response would be.
I think the other day we were mentioning in one of the
gatherings brother Yeah. Our mentioned Shafi our mentioned the
characteristics of Abdullah ibn Umar Radi Allahu Anoma, the son of
Amara Barbara, the Alon who used to is well known for one of his
FBI lists that he would do everything that Rasul Allah
salAllahu. Salam did he used to follow him in the greatest of
So, this is narrated by his son Salim, which is the grandson of
Hamid Al Khattab He says, My father said
that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam once said to people
Now Mr. Rajan Abdullah means Abdullah Abdullah Omar is such a
wonderful now Mr. Raja, the best of people.
Low Kana you suddenly mentally only if he prayed at night means
he is such a wonderful man. But there's one deficiency. If you
only pray that night cam will lead, he would be like a perfect
person. And Salim says from that when he heard that my father never
slept at night
that's how you take things. The prophets Allah Allah is didn't
tell didn't command. He said he's such a wonder of this and look at
the beautiful way of encouraging him by saying his he's such a
wonderful he is such a near perfect person, only one little
imperfection he doesn't pray at night if he did that he would be
you know, so that's what his response was.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam once said to Abdullah
Muhammad even alas who was another one of the companions or the Allah
Anoma he said Yeah, Abdullah Lata can Mr. Fuller and don't be like
so and so. Ghana Yokohama Leila for Taraka Pamela that he used to
stand up at night and then he gave it up.
And that's people like me who sometimes get up sometimes forget
sometimes abandon
for weeks and months and then go back to it. steadfastness. Even if
it is two or four cats only for 510 minutes is better than praying
one week, four hours a night and then forgetting for a month. So we
should all get inshallah into the habit. And as we said last third
of the night is the best time for it. So the easy way formula
practically speaking is to get up a little before Fajr
spend that time in that we are done we'll come in you spend time
and it's the fall back, do your budget and then if you want to
rest you can rest.
The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was asked about what is the best
Salah after the the obligatory the fried he said Salah delay
and then he said and the best of the Salah he said in another
narration he said tonal although it means long standing at night,
but let us start with short standing Okay.
When you move to Medina, in when he was in Cuba, this hadith
narrated from there. This is a very beautiful Hadith I will say
it in in Arabic many of you know it because it rhymes.
The prophets said Are you a NAS of shoe seller? What Mo Tom was sell
Looby Layli when NASA near that the whole janitor be Salem, you
see how it rhymes? You said a Yohannes Oh mankind of shoe sell
Salem spread the salam spread the peace, not just the word, but
treat each other with with peace and you know that people should
feel that they are safe from you from your tongue from your actions
from all those things. What utter matam same thing that said we
people of soccer will say we did not feed the poor, Allah rasool
Allah saying, attend matam feed people.
We never prayed they said the people of soccer remember Allah
semana Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam sin was Solu belay. Stand
up in prayer and night
when NASA nierman most of mankind is sleeping. And if you do this,
what did Hulu Janita be Salaam and the reward you will enter paradise
in peace
implement these things feeding people getting up at night and
treating people justly giving them security and safety of Jerusalem
the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said that talked about the
wilderness and um that the best fasting was the first thing of the
lesson um, do you know how that will the lesson I'm used to fast
every other day, alternate days. And he said the best salah is the
Salah, the preamble late they also had of Salah is of douda. Listen,
what did he do? He said he used to sleep the first half of the night.
Then get up and pray 1/3 of the night and then go back to sleep
for the last 160 of the night. 1/3 and 160 equal how much
half. So half sleep 1/3 and one six.
Now, what should we do? Those of us who are married and who have
spice spice
offices spices and spouses both.
We have spices Yeah, we can spouses,
we have spouses who are spices.
you get up
what should you do, and your husband is sleeping, or your wife
is sleeping, and you get upset and pray peacefully.
The prophets of Allah, Allah Salam said, Rama, Rama long on Rajan, or
woman, husband or a wife who gets up to pray, and then wakes their
spouse, Honey, get up and pray.
And if the spouse is in deep sleep, and is not getting up, you
know what they do today, that would be grounds for divorce, take
some water and sprinkles on the face, this is the sooner
prepare your spouse before you do it, so that you know lawyers are
not calling you next day. So this is the sooner this is the sooner
both ways. He says for a husband who does this to the wife, and the
wife who gets up because many of our wives are better than us, you
can vouch for that, who wakes up their husband.
And then he said, and if the husband and wife and sometimes
it's good to pray together,
he says, Those who get up and pray together would be counted among
the vacuum clean and accurate, that if unless one talk talks
about the ones who remember Allah among the men and the women.
So those are some of the benefits of getting up at night.
Allah Subhana Allah says in laka Finn hurry Sabhal four wheeler,
read, during the day, you shall have lengthy occupations and
calling to God.
So indeed for you, again, addressing Rasulullah Salallahu
Salam in the daytime Fen Hari Subhan, Allah taweelah You have
long and long periods of time
to attend to things, what are the things you may have personal
obligations, you have people work,
but for him Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam going out to people
inviting them, okay?
to Islam to the topic of Allah subhanaw taala interacting with
people, okay. And any other things and some of the scholars have said
that this also means time for leisure, and time for sleep. You
can sleep in that time
because you're preparing to get up and stand in the night. Now the
word in Arabic, Sabha means what? Also
people who've been in Arabia, in the heat means to swim,
And this is the same. When we say
plus b
plus b,
you're doing we're saying plus b
somehow somehow means to swim. Now imagine this, that when you are
doing this be Subhan Allah to honey, La ilaha illallah Takbeer
Allahu Akbar,
that you should feel like your heart is immersed in the water and
it is swimming towards the last one. Your test should be such that
is not just in the tongue, but you are actually in there and you are
suing to Allah subhanaw taala to His nearness, okay. Plus, we
should be done. With that. Just bear with that feeling with that
just by being immersed in it
in his remembrance,
that you are busy in the day in different occupations, halal
occupations, all of the things that you need to do. Therefore at
night, get up and do this dedicate yourself. We will end there and we
will open it up for questions and answers for a few minutes and then
we will end the session