Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #86 Surah Al Al Mulk P2
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Hold him in a che upon Rajiv this Mill Hill rock manual rocking to
the bad I couldn't let the hill MOLKO who coolly che called the
lady Hana Kalama motor when hire tele yeah blue welcome a yo
command center I'm Ella well Azizullah for a lady hoarder
Well to know the bell or marathon fee Hunter rock man aiming to
firewood, Third John Bel saraha terraforming for some letter J.
Bell Soraka rotini young colleague, electrical bustle,
Rahasya Hua hussy
want to call this a Yunus
dunya BMO Fabi Harnois How would you met in this shell been wiped
out? I didn't know him either. But sorry.
So Allah subhanaw taala starts, the surah Tabarak. The word Baraka
comes from Baraka.
You've heard everybody's familiar with baraka and Baraka in Arabic
means two things zyada Well, Baca means something that increases and
which remains, it's not something that increases and disappears. So
generally, it means to increase and to remain, we're talking about
what the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala. So Tabarak means
the Most Blessed is a lady is the one Allah subhanaw taala doesn't
say who is blessed, he leaves us for us to use Apple to figure out
who is being talked about the baraka, lady. Now most blessed
means he is the source of all blessing. He is the bestower of
every blessing, and he gives it to every one of his creation,
blessings that increase and that remain.
And the word Tabarak the most blessed it's the exaggerated form
is only used in the Quran for Allah.
Mobile data can be used for other people like Allah subhanaw taala
talks about ACLs and I'm saying I am Mubarak and things like that,
but the word of Eric is only used for Allah subhanaw taala.
And interestingly, when this article comes, it has frequently
linked with the name of Allah the great name or rock man. So in this
surah which starts with the barrack, we will find four
different mentions later on of a rock man.
Now, there is only one other Surah which starts with the Barak and
that is Surah Al Furqan. And in Surah, Al Furqan Allah subhanaw
taala says to verical lady nuzzel and for Ana de la Hakuna Lin I
mean and the raw,
bless it most blessed is he again doesn't say who does it about
Allah is the baraka, lady. Most Blessed is He who sent down the
fork on the criteria of right and wrong which is the Quran to his
slave habit. The he Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam lei Hakuna
Lillahi wa lamina NaVi era again same idea to all the world as a
Allah subhanaw taala elsewhere uses the word Tabata he says the
baraka la hora Bula Alamy here he uses the word Allah after Tabata
kisses for for diabetic Allahu axxon Harlequin bless it be Allah
the one who is the best of create Tabarak Allah the giraffe is Sama,
ibru Zhang, * Fia, Sirajul Kamara, Munira Tabata kala the sha
Allah Allah aka Hiram min, Danica, Jana integrity mentality Helen,
how were you? A Leica, who saw
metabolically the lumen Kusama, Guatemala to Anabaena Houma
la Musa La Torre Jiang, so the word Tabarak over and over Allah
subhanaw taala sometimes mentioned his name is Tabarak Allah, but
here, the baraka lady.
Now you think
so, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that this is a thinking surah you
come to the conclusion and it is in the third person Allegedly, he
is. So think of who is the one who is the most blessed
be Eddie Hill movie
We mean something that is in it's called bag of XOF.
In his possession in his hand, but yet the hill milk, the word milk
needs to be explained, we describe it as the kingdom, the
sovereignty, the Dominion. And it comes from the word Malacca, which
means to possess to control to rule to rain. So, derivatives or
Malacca are molk
Malik, Malik means owner, Malik means king Moloch, angels, melodic
Angel melodica, angels
and malcode. So, these are all derivatives.
some say when you say the baraka lady, but yet the hill milk for in
his hand is the Dominion is the kingdom, that this is enough to
say that everywhere, everything includes that kingdom. So, some of
the scholars have said molk specifies what is of the seen
world and Mala code of the unseen world, they are both the domains
of Allah subhanaw taala. So, I'm just bringing that up, so, that
you know, now, the structure the grammatical structure in this is a
normal is a reversal of normally how we say a
normal thing in Arabic would be a milk pod, when you say yeah, the
* milk, it is called the sauce means it is showing exclusivity,
that only in Allah's hand, is the kingdom, just like we have, if we
say now I will do
now I will do we worship You, Allah.
But it doesn't if you say that it means we worship we worship you
and we could worship something and when you say II yeah can I will do
it changes it, only You we worship. So this is the structure
and in this in this Surah it comes over and over again this reversal
of the normal language to bring focus and to show exclusivity so
what this is saying is only in his hand is the dominion of the whole
What we're Hala Cooley che in kadhi
were Hua and he over everything Kula che means everything that you
know, anything that you can imagine things that you don't
anything that exists, what is color che everything other than
Allah subhanaw taala high school
that Allah has the dominion, and he is Kadeem. Cather Kadir comes
from the word Katara, which means to have the power, the control,
the ability to do anything with it. And to do it Kadir means
continually, it's not just once in a while, so Allah subhanaw taala,
saying, he, not only does he have kingdom, but he has control of
everything, continuously, every single thing.
Now compare that to the kings of the world. You can be a king, you
can be very mighty, but you don't have control over everything. Some
people is blind, somebody's planning a coup against you,
somebody's trying to assassinate you, you need guards, and one of
the greatest kings in terms of power, and what you could do was
frown, Pharaoh, right.
And just as we said, in the last Surah, before the story, he was
the king, but he didn't have control even over his own wife
who rejected him and chose Allah.
So Allah subhanaw taala is telling you this is not any ordinary king,
he has Kingdom ownership, and he has control complete control over
So, the baraka, lady by the hill milk, whoo hoo, Allah, Alicia, in
Kadena. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling us
who is when what is the answer? No answer is given.
No idea comes to say, Allah is the one. Why?
Because it's so obvious. It's so obvious, that no answer needs to
be given.
And this is such a powerful opening, higher, just four words
and look at the meaning it can conveys.
And what is should it do to our hearts that Allah, Allah?
Never What should I do? I am nothing, I shouldn't be obeying
Him. I shouldn't be worshiping Him. That's all I shouldn't be
doing. I should never put myself in front of what he says or what
He commands or what he wants.
Then Allah Subhana Allah says, Allah
He is the one Holika motor will hire, he is the one Holika
created, He created motor one hired, we translate that as death
and life. But note the word mouth is used more than that. mode in
Arabic is used is the opposite of higher, higher means life. This
means lifelessness not just the depth that we know, being
lifeless, Allah uses this for multiple things Allah uses it, the
word mouth for the death of the spiritual heart person is alive.
He talks about why yet the kalam the heart is dead. Allah subhanaw
taala uses this word for the earth, earth, my yet earth the
earth dies. So lifelessness in life. So there are two deaths. And
there are two lives.
What are the two deaths?
When you said that, remember life lessons we were live less
than then Allah gave us life in this dunya
then we will experience the second lifelessness which we call death.
And then he will give us the second eternal life, which is the
life forever.
Okay, so Allah smart Allah is telling us
that, and this was stressed to the Quraysh because one thing they
were willing to accept that there is Allah.
But what they couldn't accept is that once we are dead, how can we
be brought back to life? And that was a very critical part of the
Eman because it decides your actions. So Allah subhanaw taala
says, into in, I believe Surah Baqarah cave attack fauna belie.
We're going to I'm waiting for you to come summer you need to go
somewhere you hear come to my lady to the jungle. So how can you
disbelieve? Seeing that you were dead, you were lifeless. You
didn't exist. And he gave you life, which is a life of this
thing. Then he will give you that. And you're dying. You're
everybody. Nobody could low. Nothing guy. But almost everybody
believes a disbeliever messengers, everybody dies. That's the rule.
And then from you he could we will give you that life again, which is
the day of resurrection. And then unto Him you will return for last
month, Allah saying is not just this is not the end. Now. Some
people might ask why is it that death is mentioned first? Simple
reason, as we said, because we were lifeless. And then we were
given life. Another reason could be because this message is going
to people who are already alive. Right? So what's the first thing
they're going to experience? Death. And then they're told there
is life again after.
So Allah subhanaw taala starts with this right in the beginning,
because death is the ultimate motivator. The Wake Up Call, when
you're reminded of that, if debt, the fear of death doesn't change
people's attitudes, nothing will change.
Nothing will change.
One time one
person had gone to a
very spiritual chef, and said to him, give me some Naseeha
number this so
the chef said to him, Is your father alive? He said no, my
father passed away.
He said that was the greatest nnessee If you did not get Naseeha
advice, sound advice because you didn't learn from the death of
your father. There's nothing I can say that will give you
so that's why Rasulullah sallallahu Islam protests act.
Frequently remember how the moon loves that? The one that destroys
pleasure, which is death, because that softens our hearts.
So this idea confirms that life does not end with death in the
dunya but that there is an eternal life. And therefore there is
accountability, which the kuffar denied.
So they refuse to accept this, that they will be brought back to
life, because then the consequences would be that they
would have to answer for the wrongs and the injustice that they
did, that they were perpetrating in society. So, this is a life
this higher that we have this life is a life of tests. And the life
of the hereafter is
is for Jessa and Baka for your
repayment for your recompense for your reward or punishment and
eternal backup, which will continue, it doesn't come to an
end after.
So Allah subhanaw taala said he created life in debt. Why? Li ye
Balu welcome IEO komax anomala Lee who come for the purpose of the
Abbulu accom comes from Bella. And Bella means test trial.
Yeah, blue were calm. Now, Allah subhanaw taala from third person
goes to second person plural. Now it's telling us that all of you,
it's not just one person, all of you, whether you are a belief,
whether you are a disbeliever, whether you are young, everybody
will go through this.
So, Allah subhanaw taala has trials, this dunya is for trials
for tests. And the trials are a manifestation of Allah subhanaw
taala as mercy because through this, he sorts out the believers
and disbelievers through the test Allah smart Allah elevates the
Daraja at the levels of ranks of people. And also through this
Allah subhanaw taala is an essential component of what we
call this key of purification. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam
said that there is nothing no fatigue, no hurt, no loss, no
distress, no sadness, even the picking of authority that a
believer experiences but Allah uses it to wash away to remove his
sins. So the biller that we go through the difficulties the toils
is for us to be purified. And Allah Swanton the subjects as to
what we consider positive tests, and negative test negative tests,
we were we feel a loss, we lost a family member, we lost money, we
lost in our health, we lost this we lost that. But there are
positive tests also Allah gives and he gives any gives that
sometimes the bigger test because it makes us forget, who is the
giver, and we get corrupted.
So Allah subhanaw taala says, What is the test for? Who makes the
right choices? Are you son am Allah which among all of you send
Amala axon is the superlative form of Hassan good, who is the best
who is the most excellent in doing good deeds, the best deeds? Allah
subhanaw taala here doesn't say act federal am Allah who does a
lot of this is not talking about quantity, he's talking about
is an umbrella. Because quantity, if it is disconnected from Quality
means nothing. If you are doing
things that are
junk, if you have a lot of it, what you're going to have, you're
going to have a heap of junk.
So quality first and then quantity, that our actions should
be beautiful. We must focus in quality in everything in arriba in
our Salah to raka have never done with full horseshoe and although
and integrity is better than 20 raka done with an absent
mindedness. And the same thing applies in all other aspects. When
we are doing some, how aware are we? How excellent are we in vicar
of Allah? subhanaw taala in our heads when we go out there what
what is our concern and how are we performing? And it goes into
everything else in our life, including how we study for our
young students, how we do our jobs, whatever jobs we have,
however, we how we fulfill our responsibilities as parents as
husbands and wives as as neighbors and all of that. If you're making
something how beautifully we make it. If we are studying the Quran,
how well do we study it? How well do we internalize it? Everything
should be sun in its quality. This is the test the highest best
Our mother Aisha Radi Allahu Ana, said the Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi salam said when one of you does something, Allah loves that
you do it with excellence. Okay.
So after this, if the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam said, you
know, who does the best deed? He says, The one who is most weary
who is very careful of what Allah has forbidden, very careful, very
alert, and who is the quickest to obey when there's a command right
away? That is asked and then doing the quality of that.
And here, Allah
Santana is opening up a challenge for us who is the best among us.
That's a competition.
Right? Because we have within us a built in system of competing. As
Allah Samantha says in the Quran, you compete for wealth and you
compete for your children and you compete for power. We compete for
everything I want to be the highest and my first in my grade
and I want to be the best in this invest in this and the Olympics
are going on I want to be the fastest in this and so on so
forth. Our last one tell us telling us where we should compete
is it compete with each other positively, in doing good deeds,
in being generous?
In whatever you do.
Axon M Allah well as he is one of our four nieces and he is Al Aziz
al Aziz means the one who overpowers who has the strength.
Al Aziz, the might.
And Allah for an alga for means what the one who is the most
forgiving and rougher also means to cover the mistakes. So, Allah
subhanaw taala mentioned two of his attributes, because we there
are two groups of people, one that make the wrong choices who rebel
is telling them just remember, I'm Al Aziz, I can do what I want, I
can punish as I want. And then he's also telling those who are
trying their best the second group to please Allah doesn't matter.
You will make mistakes you will have slips, but your rub is over
for not only will he forgive them,
but he will cover you your faults and your mistakes that nobody else
sees that nobody knows about.
Let the Halacha sub SML whatton Tada. He is the One who created
for you. Seven Heavens, Summer, chlorella, which is summer what is
everything that's above us the skies. Allah subhanaw taala tells
us he has created seven Dubach means layers one above the other.
Allah subhanaw taala has created seven skies or seven heavens, one
above the other, which blend in are separated we know that there
are gates between them from the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu
alayhi salam during his mirage that every heaven there was a
gatekeepers angels who would not permit till permission was given.
Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala has these seven heavens that they are
separated yet we see nothing about it.
And then a garden bit about summer autumn dibaca melta Rafi Hunkeler
management of our woods said you will not and he is now mouth Tara
he's saying you single person now because we have to reflect on
this. When we looked at the skies as individual this is for
reflection that you as individuals if you reflect on this one Allah
Mata Rafi huncle Rahmani in the creation of Earth man he doesn't
say creation of Allah or Rama because everything is created out
of His mercy for us. Okay, you saying you will never find
any tough out tough out means any inconsistency? Any disproportion
any imbalance discordance defects, nothing, pharyngeal Basara your
vision you look, we'll return back to its place
because it will not find
Mata Rafi conqueror man. Firewood Fajr Basara vasara hater Armand
photo did they see any photo any defect and you rip anything in any
gaps? Nothing you cannot see. This is what Allah subhanaw taala is
telling us look and reflect on the creation of Allah