Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #3
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The transcript describes a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize. The conversation covers various popular culture and political statements, including hugs and the use of the flag to signal a "has been over." The speaker emphasizes the need for people to trust in Islam and not be afraid of the upcoming destruction. The second blowing of the wedding of Islam will bring all humanity from the past to the last child, and the speaker discusses the importance of the word "ground" to stand on.
AI: Summary ©
So now I want to come on to my bank account to
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was SallAllahu ala Farah culpa he Medina Saudi Philomene al mob
author Rahmatullah Alameen wa ala alihi wa sahbihi
wa Montevideo Sun Illa yo methane Allah McDonough men whom
Allah master Messiah, alumina, Reedy Creek Allahumma, Arenal haka
Hong Kong what is open it
to oriental Bartylla botlane what is openers to nab?
We begin by praising Allah subhanaw taala and sending Peace
and blessings on his messenger sallallahu alayhi salam and his
noble family
we ask Allah subhanaw taala to open the hearing channels of our
hearts to his remembrance. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala that he
show us the truth as the truth and help us to follow it and show us
falsehood as falsehood and help us to stay away from it.
We ask Allah subhanaw taala to enlighten our hearts with His
and accept this effort this gathering to be for his sake and
to make it a means of our salvation on the Day of Judgment.
So inshallah we are going to be continuing today on surah number
74. Along with depth, we had covered the first seven ideas of
this in the last session, which was about a month ago, so perhaps
some of us may be a little rusty or forgotten what it was all
about. Normally, I asked people to read a summary but I'm going to
skip it in the interest of time this time.
If somebody has prepared a summary of last visit last gathering and
wants me to review it, I'll be happy to look at it afterwards.
If you to do it, please review it and just so Inshallah, we are
going to start with this we will read those first 31 is of Surah
Madatha then we'll read the English translation and if
somebody has an older translation, we will read that and then we will
go into the tafsir are somewhat limited. We're probably going to
stop at 710 for Maghrib and then continue after that inshallah if
that's okay with everybody.
And hold him in a shape on you're watching Bismillah AR Rahman
you're walking? Yeah, are you Hello? Mudassir come there war
Rebecca Kabir. We're Thea Baca Fatah here. We're register for
your wallet Amnon tastic while Arabic for spear so either nuclear
affine now hold further Lika Yo Ma e new yo Munna Hasid al khair
fading away yo yo see their new women who are lucky to work
either. Virgil Tula who Malin do the Bernina shoe who the Roma Tula
who tell me he the sum up to now as the color in who can lead Tina
I need some order hippo who says oh the in who factor our powder
for Kotler K for Khadir some makuti la que for podar semana our
thumb high buzzer buzzer some Barbara was stuck bar for color in
her the illness ruining you, sir. In her the ill Cole Bashar
Sir Li Sarkar were mad at the rock and NASA por la to Bill ki y la la
la la wa had too little Bashar I lay this atta Osher where man
Jelena us Herban net in my lab
where a manager that home in fits Natalie Levine Kaffir who
Lay your stay in a levena who tool kita warriors daddle Levine, Manu,
Well yes Dan Levine M and who e man? No, you're terrible. D No
toolkit. Me noona with a colon leadin Fe Kulu Bay hem Marabu when
keffi Runa mad era Don Wahoo masala cause like you didn't learn
more who may share way they may share.
Were my ILM Oh, Juno there are bigger Illa who were mayor here in
the garage, Lil Bashar. So the Kelowna thing. So we've just read
the first 31 is of this surah and will read the English translation
Oh, you are mentally in a rap seeking cover out of fear and all
rise and for Warren and your Lord thus extol, and your garments thus
purify and shun thus idolatry, nor shall you give anything in search
of self again, and self gain. Moreover, with the commandments of
your Lord Have patience to God is the ultimate return. For when the
HORN BLAST is blown at the end of time, that day, then shall be a
most difficult day utterly without ease for the disbelievers so leave
such a one to me whom I created alone, and to whom I granted
extensive wealth, and gave sons to behold, and for whom I paved the
smooth way of ease, yet does he dare hope that I shall that I
should add more while he disbelieves? No, indeed, it shall
not be, for most surely he has been obstinate toward our revealed
science, I shall burden him with ever mounting punishment. Indeed,
he thought ill of Allah's message, and then determined to suppress
it. Hence he is destroyed for how he then determined, and again he
is destroyed for how he then determined, then he considered
Allah's revelation. Then he frowned and scowled and turned
away and arrogant and said, this Quran is nothing but sorcery
acquired from the ancients.
This Quran is nothing but the utterance of charms from a mortal.
I shall roast him in soccer deep and hellfire. Do you realize what
soccer is? it spares none, and leaves none. It chars mortals over
it are 19 angels, nor have we appointed any but the sternest of
angels as the keepers of the fire, nor have we made their number but
a trial for those who disbelieve that those who have been given the
Scripture might become certain of Allah's revealed truth, and that
those who have believed in Islam may increase in faith, and those
who have been given the Scripture and those who have believed in
Islam shall not doubt the Quran, Strewth. And though and that those
hypocrites, in whose doubting hearts there is a sickness, as
well as the disbelievers might say, What did God intended by this
as an example? In this way does God leave to stray whomever he saw
wills and thereby he guides whomever he saw wills for None
knows the hosts of your Lord but Him nor is this mention of
hellfire other than a dire reminder to all human beings of
the outcome of unbelief.
Whoa, the competitive elliptic Palo Alto has like
four applicants the pervert the Garki bribe Yonker or APNIC
copernico Parker CO. are nonpartisan do drugs
or isn't the UT San Nakuru cases the advocate Aleppo loco, what up
the pervert the likeliest suburb Kuru jumpsuit Bianca Jaga within
commercial then hoga within Muskoka din hoga
Yanni calf Roper, Asana hoga Mei is ChexSystems Lenny though just
go home, Kayla, whether Kia
or Marg, Malika see the or Harper is KeePass hazard and the valley
baited the
or Haftarah came someone mean for Sunday or be washed attire? What
they're all the other day
as Saharkhiz nahi hoga hamari I Toka Dishman da hum sa suit per
Islam pickle Kia or the jimmies ki yeh mera Jaga is make Dc. casita
de ski pill your manager under isn't it guessing that whiskey
filled Tamil kiya picked every July or mobile data
pill pushed pair Coachella
for Ebola hawks a Rukia
please cannula * gentle hair or abusive mythical Jota I feel
Bolaji for data Kolomna he Belkin Ashoka Columbia. How uncleaved is
CO circa mid the hankering to make gas to gas and Jake a second.
We'll all care now batida kaigi are not actually
but but then drill Sarker Siaka D
owns Kunis
how many of those are give the raga fish they're benign or Inca
Shamar Kabuki is machinima charantia or ECAA que la Khattab
begin cutting or Mamanuca Eman or the other home or any kita or
moment shack Na Na line or skill Yang Jin local que de LogMeIn
Fabcon Mercer or Joe kufr Han can he take his masala key? Keep
Yankee? Kava Jaga Accept guy is it that Africa, just
Concerta? Hey glomerata Now, just Concerta that Automapper with the
guy. My name
is Casey Juaquin. He jumped up on YouTube money Adam create this
So a few minutes just the background. If you remember that
this is one of the earliest revelations of the Quran. The
first seven ideas were believed by most commentators as the second
Revelation After Accra after Surah, Alok.
And you are in Makkah, where there is the Quraysh who are mushrik,
who are opposing it a new message that has just come.
And as we said there had been a little gap in revelation of maybe
six months and then Allah subhanaw taala revealed this after the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam encountered Gibreel Allah salaam
again, and he went and he was afraid and he wrapped himself up
Allah subhanaw taala tells him yeah, you held more depth as we
said that the thought is the outer garment. Stand up then for another
one people tell them about what is ahead what is coming ahead, as we
said means two things not just physically stand, but be upright
yourself and be an example for people. And so make yourself
straight first and then warn people. It's not like you don't
take care of your own self and you're telling people what to be
what a burqa for Africa and glorify your Lord tell them about
who Allah is and Allah is Allah Akbar.
And with the Abba Kapha Taha literally means cleanse your
clothes but the app is also
used in Arabic for your your Kulu when purify your hearts from
everything that Allah smart Allah is displeased with with all the
negative qualities we talked about.
What Rouge Safa Hatcher and get rid of all things that are
unclean, and specifically here it meant the idols that the Kaaba was
surrounded by that people used to worship while atom noon stuck
there and don't expect back more if you do good to someone. If
you're doing good to someone, do it for Allah sake, don't expect
that this person should even recognize or, or thank you back or
expect anything back. That's one meaning the other is don't think
that you have done a lot. If you are doing something good. You
know, like in your worship, you said Oh, mashallah, I'm fasting.
Now I feel I'm doing the hygiene. I am giving charity, don't think
that no matter what you do, is a lot because if you compare it to
the favours of Allah subhanaw taala upon you, it's going to be
zero. So that's the other meaning, while Arabica first beer, that was
the last time and for the sake of your Lord, show patience. And this
cyber is in many different aspects. One is to do cyber for
your Lord means what Allah has ordered you to do. You patiently
persevere, even though it is hard to follow us. We are living in an
environment where it's difficult to follow Islam. For your Lord,
you persevere. It's hard for some people to get up for Fudger is
sleeping for your Lord, have patience get up. So striving to
obey Allah subhanaw taala is one form of subreddits call sub Allah
taught on the obedience of Allah. Then there is some Ronald Masse
against you have patience when you have temptations when sins are
available, easily
In fact, sins are promoted, in fact, a sinful life of
extravagance and you know, all kinds of immorality has become the
norm of the community such as where we are living in the world,
where it is promoted, where everybody, so everybody else is
doing it, you should have supper for Allah that I am not going to
do it, even if I'm the only one in the entire Western Hemisphere.
That's called sub. And then the other third concept of sub res,
when Allah subhanaw, taala, tests you with other with difficulty
with sickness with loss and death and whatever else, that under all
those circumstances, you persist, with, with, with with, with
patients. And the other sub here is that if you look at the
environment of Maccha, that when you are going to give this
message, you are going to be personally ridiculed, you're going
to be persecuted, you're going to have a lot of difficulties, as you
know what the early Muslims went through, including Rasulullah
sallallahu, alayhi salaam, to the extent of being tortured and
killed. That in spite of all of that, in spite of all the odds, be
patient means persevere. That's where we finished. Why should you
persevere? Now we continue, because in the end for either
nuclear Rafi now,
because one day, the nalcor will be sounded the Naku here is the
trumpet, the sewer, okay, this is another word Nakara means
something that makes noise, okay? That there will be a noise. In
other words, Allah subhanaw taala saying, there will be a day of
The one day Naku that's a certainty it's Huck. So just have
patience. Because that day is coming. Have patience with no
matter what's going on. Because no matter what's going on, is going
to come to an end. No matter who is in power that's going to come
to an end, no matter how much wealth somebody has, it's going to
come 20 Because Allah subhanaw taala has created this universe,
that nothing is permanent. Illa which, except the countenance of
Allah, everything was created for destruction.
Even the angels will die when that first trumpet is sound, okay? So
Have patience. And this is a lesson for us, no matter how
difficult it seems to follow Islam, no matter how much
Islamophobia there is, no matter what kind of injustice and tyranny
is going on, you know, that there is a job. And you know, there is a
day of judgment, and you know, I am going to die. And you know, I'm
going to stand in front of Allah subhanaw taala. And that is a
certainty. So let me prepare for that no matter what else is going
on around me. For either nuclear, I think now, that one day, that
Trumpet will be blown.
And there is an angel by the name of is Rafi. In English, the
translator is Raphael
who Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam, and he read this idea. He
said, How can I stay comfortable? How can I feel comfortable when
the one who has been tasked to blow the trumpet has put it in his
mouth and has lowered his head? That's because that's how they
blow it. Now when I use the signs don't take it that it's a trumpet
like what you think or a sore like you think this is an another
dimension. And it's going to be blown by an angel, we have no
concept of what an angel is, okay? In our dimension. The angels are
not time limited a space limited or, you know, in 3d or virtual
reality they exist. And what is the soul going to build? What is
this Trump this horn going to be a trumpet? These are just words,
just remember that there will be a sound produced by some device that
Allah has called a soul.
So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, How can I rest
comfortably when he has already put his mark on the floor and his
lord is head waiting for what
the command from Allah blow it.
And when he says when he has already done it, that means we are
towards the end of human history. And this is 1400 years ago.
The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said that, I am afraid it could
come anytime. And it can come anytime we don't know only Allah
subhanaw taala knows when this is going to happen. So the Sahaba
when they heard this, you know one is to hear it there is siara So
Allah, we are afraid what should we do? So Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi salam said, husband Allah when now malua ki Allah Allah He
I will
say that husband Allah sufficient is Allah for us. And he is the
best of Joaquin of one who takes care of you.
While I lay, and we put our trust in Him, in other words, that we
put our trust and our end in the hands of Allah subhanaw taala. And
what only that person would say that who has led his life in that
mode, always putting the trust in Allah, always finding ALLAH is
sufficient for me. I don't have to look for any other one to support
me or any other means. So this is how this nalcor is. Like I said,
it's something that is going to elsewhere last one Atala says it's
going to level everything else when the Quran Allah subhanaw
taala says, What is the biggest, strongest things we see around
Right, mountains, not rocks, mountains, Allah subhanaw taala
says the mountains will be blown into dust leveled just from the
sound of this trumpet.
It's hard to imagine right now we we you can make the loudest sound
it bounces back like an echo from the mountains because I was just
in some mountains in Turkey, you gave the Atlantic bounce back, but
can sound destroy mountains. While we have proof now today, when you
have stones in your kidney, do you know what they break it with?
Sound waves.
Now imagine a frequency of sound that this angel will produce
through this means a frequency that will just
make the mountains destroyed.
Everything now what would happen to human beings
and every other creature. So that's what's going to happen.
Allah Subhana Allah has created this whole universe to be
destroyed. And it all it will take his one command. And it's not the
power of his Rafi and it's not the power of the soul. It is the
command of Allah just slightly created in the last Surah Holla
Holla you know,
Allah smarter started the creation, now he's talking about
the destruction, but everything is in His hand that was the
beginning, this is the end
that was the beginning this is the end.
Then now, as some of you are all of you inshallah know that there
are two belongings of the trumpet.
The first trumpet is to destroy everything, the first blowing of
the sore
everything will be destroyed and everyone will die, then there is a
gap. And then there is Allah subhanaw taala will resurrect is
Rafi will first bring him back to life and say blow it again. And
when he blows it, then people will come back to life that is the
resurrection that is how we will be gathered you say well, how are
you going to have hisab if we are all dead, when Allah will raise us
again in a new form, Okay, with that second blowing. So now what
we are talking about in this is that second blowing because of
what comes after. This is the blowing of the trumpet which will
bring all of humanity from other molest salaam till the last child
that is born, all will be gathered in the field, in a flat ground.
Whatever ground we are using the word ground, something we will be
standing on which will be different than desert where there
will be no vegetation, no shade, no mountains, its level. Everybody
would be like the day when Allah created in other words, they will
present themselves naked, nothing you have nothing.
Our mother Aisha Radi Allahu anha. As you know, what are the Alana?
When she heard this? She said yeah rasool Allah. We want to feel shy
standing naked in front of billions of people. So Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi salam smiled and said the Aisha that day is going
to be so difficult, that no one will be aware of anything else or
anyone else. They will not be aware of their nakedness they will
be afraid of what's going to happen.
So that is the day Allah subhanaw taala says after that,
for their Lika and that your mind and your moon assay, that is the
is difficulty. I see the most difficult of days
and in the Arabic this is called a Nokia
undefined when it's undefined, it's not Al Asad. It's a sea when
it's undefined means it's unlimited.
That is the eloquence of Arabic to say that you there is no limit to
the difficulty of this day.
This day is going to be super difficult. And in the Hadith, it's
mentioned that that day is going to be equivalent equivalent to us,
like 50,000 years. Now that's a hadith now for us to imagine, we
don't know what 50,000 years is like, I mean, we live 100 years
maybe 50,000 Seems like a long time when this is like that.
That's one day. And that's the day of judgment and it's going to be
difficult even for the Gambia. How difficult because the Prophet
salaallah al Islam tells us that every one on that day would be
saying enough see enough see enough see including the MBR that
the messengers of God, the prophets, knifes enough see me
Save me, how can I save myself everybody would be concerned Allah
Swanton mentions elsewhere in the Quran, that no one that the sun
will run away from the Father, the husband and wife would not care
about each other. The
mother with the baby doesn't care. Nobody will care about anyone
except themselves. It's such a horrendous day, such a scene and
we don't want to go into the details of that because we will
never finish that it is a very, very difficult day so difficult
that finally some of the people will go to the angels and said
Tell Allah subhanaw taala to Pitocin and Jana, we can take this
and this is they don't know what's ahead.
Inshallah, Allah will protect all believers on that day and give us
shade on that day because there will be no shade on that day.
So after saying it is so difficult, Allah subhanaw taala
then specifies one more,
he says, I ll Katharina ruya See, and he said and specially for the
careful the disbelievers there will be no ease yes usara is ease
as zero Sora is difficulty This is ease, there will be no ease for
the castle. This is the first mention of the world word gopher
in the revelation of the Quran. Okay, this is the first idea in
which the word Guevara or Kaffir was mentioned. Okay, afterwards
you have Katherine and Mormon. But Guevara just before we take a
break, Guevara in Arabic means easy to remember cover to cover
something. Okay? So what is the meaning in fact, like the farmer
is when he puts a seed that's called cover is covering them up.
Okay? So why is it person called calf calf ear or kufra means he's
covering something what is he covered, covering the truth that
Allah exists, that there is a Deaf judgment so he knows the truth,
but he puts a cover he says no, there's nothing.
The other word that the word cover is used is to show ingratitude to
be thankless and this is the early use of, of the word Kapha. And
that's what we will see. What does that mean ungrateful all of the
blessings of Allah subhanaw taala he puts a cover on them says no,
no, Hi, this is me. My intelligence, my smartness, my
earning my inheritance my this in my attributes, all the blessings
of Allah to himself.
My skills you know, I'm so skilled I'm such a great trader I'm such a
great doctor I'm such a great engineer. I'm you know, whereas
everything is from our last one man I'm so healthy look how I work
So taking the namah of Allah SMA His blessings, and putting a cover
by tick by saying no, this is not you know, this is this is another
use of the word. Go for Allah subhanaw taala words uses the word
gopher opposite to Shaka.
Allah subhanaw taala says we're in Shackleton, z, then, if you thank
me, I will increase my blessings on and the opposite. We're in
Kaffir term he uses the word of
Allah Allah He should eat Allah's punishment actually. Then he also
uses the word Cofer versus Eman. No, later on in the Quran, but
here that's what it is. Now, Allah sample after saying it's the most
difficult day he says And for the disbelievers, it will be no ease.
Now there is a concept, which is called math whom Allah Khalifa,
which means
if you have a statement, the opposite of it can
and be derived. So when you say it's going to be a very there'll
be no ease for the disbelievers. What is the more formal mahalo
forfeit? What will be the opposite you can derive from it.
Yes, yes that there will be ease for the believers just the
So may Allah subhanaw taala give us all ease we are going to take a
break now inshallah and continue after that