Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #29 An introduction to Al Fatiha
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We will start with our journey again with the Quran. And again,
once again, I remind myself and I remind you, my dear brothers and
sisters, that we are studying the Quran, not for academic
excellence, not to give lectures not to look knowledgeable. Our
halacha is one for practice, our halacha is one to listen,
understand and obey, that we should be coming closer to Allah
subhanaw taala through these Halaqaat because our scholars are
saintly scholars teach us that there is a proper sequence of
acquiring knowledge. And knowledge has a right upon us. So if the
first step is to read,
or to hear it in this case, number two, to understand it correctly,
and properly and digested properly, not just on the surface.
And number three is to reflect and contemplate on what we have
In your own spare time, sit and think about it. Then they tell us
memorize it. And then comes the difficult part, act upon it.
Watch it, translate it into action in our lives. Our lives should
reflect the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was
the walking Quran.
And then we can share it with others and we can convey it to
others. So this is the sequence of acquiring knowledge.
Now, in this regard, when we go back to the early days of Islam,
when Quran was being revealed in real time,
to people who had no previous guidance available,
we see the challenges that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi, wa
salam faced, and we try and understand the true happy path the
reality of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam and his sera
because his Syrah is so intimately intertwined with the Quran and its
revelation, because through it, he is being actively guided and
supported by Allah subhanaw taala.
So the Sierra has to be looked at with the Quran and along with the
Quran, because events are taking place in his life and the life of
the early Muslims and Quran is being actively revealed to help
them through it. And that's why as we studied chronologically, we
chose to do that, as we know the early makan Quran. And its real
time revelation was a source of great strength for the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam and the early Muslims in their faith. It
helped them in their suburb, and in their conviction. And it
directly addressed many of the challenges the difficulties and
questions that they faced.
And among the Sahaba are the Allahu Anhu. They were experts in
the Quran, because we have Sahaba who are experts in the field of
military expeditions. We have Sahaba who were extremely
generous, we have Sahaba with different beautiful qualities.
They all had them but they some of them excelled in something. So we
have Sahaba that excelled in the Quran. Among them was ze Debnath
love it or the Allah obey even old car or the alarm on Abdullayev now
bus Radi Allahu anha Abdullayev NEMA spoon among others. So there
was Sahaba which who were known for their strength in the Quran.
So today before we start Surah Fatiha because it's linked to
that. I'm going to give you a brief background on one of them.
His name is obey if niqab or the Allah on obey even a car was from
the unsolved of Medina from the tribe of Al huzzah ridge. And he
was one of the earliest of the people of Medina to accept Islam.
And he gave back to Rasul Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam, at the
occasion of Hajj at the Aqaba, the buyer and before the Hijra took
So this is his brief background now
One day, this is in Medina look at the sin that obey ImmunoCAP
probably Allah who is sitting and Rasul Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam
walks in
and he addresses him by his Kunia he says yeah, about manga. Yeah,
about manga.
His name was Abu Monday.
He says to him, tell me the greatest idea of the Quran.
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam is asking his companion.
So with the proper Adam, or by ImmunoCAP Robbie, Allah says Allah
and His Messenger know best.
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam asked the question again, he gave
the same response when when he asked him that question the third
He said,
The Greatest verse of the Quran is Allahu La ilaha illa who Allah you
will assume which is AYATUL kursi.
The Prophet salallahu alayhi salam is his face lit up, he gleamed
and he thumped Obi up niqab on his chest with his right hand and said
Allah has given you he said this is the correct answer. Allah has
given you knowledge of the Quran and understanding of the Quran. So
in a way he is certified, who will buy of niqab was and the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam said, Anyone who wants to learn the
Quran should go to obey.
This is a status.
Now, one day, the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam came to
him, listen very carefully to the story and just put yourself there.
He said, obey.
I have been commanded.
To show or lay open for you the Koran.
I have been commanded to lay open the Quran to you obey.
Obey obey God knowing
that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam only receives commands from
Allah subhanaw taala. He was so elated, so excited, can you
He said, O Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi salam, have I
been mentioned to you by name?
In other words, did Allah tell you obey Abner Cobb by mine name?
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said, Yes, by your own name, and by your
nasib whereby you your genealogy, in the highest heavens.
Allah work.
Can you imagine? Can you comprehend the status of a person
whose name is being conveyed to the heart of Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi salam by Allah.
Go teach him the Quran. Explain the Quran to Allah.
So it's about him that Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Anhu narrates that
Rasul Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam came into the Masjid. This is
obviously in Medina and obey even a cab was in the masjid doing some
no awful salah.
The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said obey,
to obey did not respond to him.
But he quickly finished his salah, and then he came to Rasulullah
sallallahu sallam said As salam o aleikum, Yasuda muscle.
Rasool Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam said, Ye li Kuma salon, and
then he said, What prevented you from not responding to you to me
when I called you Oh by.
So he said Ya rasool Allah I was doing salah.
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam said, Do you not find among what
Allah has revealed to me? The idea? Yeah, you will Adina Am I
know, this the G boo Lillahi wa ala Rasool
or you who have attained to fate respond to Allah and to his
messenger when they call you to that which gives you life. He said
of course. And then you said I will not do that again. If Allah
then rasool Allah SallAllahu sallam said to him
to go and lay Makka soo rotten lum Youngsville fifth, Marathi wala
filling je Walla feasible Walla fill
For a con with Lua,
said obey, would you like for me to teach you a surah? The likes of
which have neither been revealed in the Torah, nor the in G, nor
the Cebu, nor in the rest of the Quran
should I teach you a surah of that status?
That nothing of divine revelation in history comes close to it.
He said, certainly, or messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam the
Prophet salallahu alayhi salam kept up the suspense. He said,
Well, I hope that I will teach you this before I leave the masjid
before I go through the door.
And the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was doing something and then
he stood up and Obi Sal, I stood up with him. And the Prophet
salallahu alayhi salam had my hand in his and he was speaking. And as
we walked through the door, I tried to delay him fearing that he
would leave without letting me know what the surah is. And then
he reached the door. When he reached the door. I couldn't stop.
So I said, Yeah Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi salam, the surah
which you promised to tell me
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said,
What do you decide in your Salah?
Obey said I recite among Quran. The mother of the Quran Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi salam said, well let the Neph cbdmd Man own Zilla
Twitterati wala fill in G while I feed Zaboo while I fill for a pan
Miss Liu ha we're in her sub Aminul Mahtani Well, Quran Allah
then a lady or Tito which means by the I swear by the one in whose
hand is my soul. The like.
Of this means anything like the surah has neither been revealed in
the Torah nor the Injeel nor the Cebu, nor the furqan which is the
Quran. It is the seven oft repeated verses and the
Magnificent Quran which I was given.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam describes Surah Fatiha in
these terms. If you reflect on it, he is telling us that of all
divine revelation that have come to all messengers
concluding with the Quran, there is no Surah
that comes close to this Surah Fattah Omar Quran
in a similar teaching moment,
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam once taught another
companion by the name of side eye Wallah. He said to him, Allah
while IMOCA Adam I saw that in full Quran, should I not teach you
the most the greatest surah in the Quran before I leave, and then he
went on to tell him the same. The what Allah subhanaw taala says
while occurred at NACA, some unmingled Mahtani while Khurana
loving, that indeed, we have revealed to you a Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam, the seven sub sub n means seven mineral
Madani, those that are repeated, while Quran Allah de that this is
the greatest Surah
So, this is the background of Surah Fatiha I want us to
understand because we recite it at least 17 times every day we take
it everybody noses every child knows and we just take it we pass
through it without knowing what this is that there is no other
divine scripture of verses or Sora that comes close to it
so this is the status of obey if no card or the Allah Han
well, we don't have time, so I'll skip that.
Would you like to meet Obi Naka?
And if you are given that privilege,
what would you say to him? What would you ask?
And what would be his answer knowing his background
Well, it is our good
fortune that we have the answer. Because in the exact same
situation one person wants came to him to obey Him in a cab and said,
advise me Give me in a car.
And his advice is recorded, recorded for you and me. It is
just like a way of NACA is giving us about the Alon is giving us
advice. He said, you said take the book of Allah as your Imam,
as your leader. What does that mean?
Whatever its direction it is taking you follow because leaders
should be obeyed and followed. Take. If you're looking for a
leader to take you in a direction it is the Quran, the book of
Allah. Then he said, Be satisfied with it as your judge and as your
ruler. So if you're looking for a judgment, whatever the Quran gives
you as judgment, you not only accept it,
but you be satisfied with it, even if it goes against your nuts and
take it as your ruler means has to be obeyed.
Then he said, the it is what the Quran what the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi salam bequeath to you left you as His Will
the inheritance of the prophesy for you. And he said it is your
intercessor it will be a means of shafa with ALLAH, so it should be
obeyed. So this is the advice that he gave to this one person. So
this is timeless advice and advice for you and me again to reiterate
the position the status of Quran, what it should have in our lives.
So again, now we will start with Surah Fatiha first we will talk
about some of its names by which it is known as everyone knows it's
called Alpha to
refer to half comes from Fatah which means open
Mitac key opens the lock. So Fatiha is called the opening. It
is called Fatiha because it is with this surah that the book of
Allah opens.
It is with this surah that our Salah opens we start Salah with
So that's one of its common names. It is also called
let's call a hand
because it starts with
handling in the beginning verse two and it also teaches us how to
express our praise of Allah subhanaw taala and our gratitude
and thankfulness for him. So it is called unhemmed
it is also called omole Quran. Amal Quran meaning the literally
meaning the mother of the Quran.
And that is because the entire Quran, if you can imagine is
summarized in its 31 words.
The whole essence of the Quran, as we will as we go into the details
is summarized in Surah Fatiha the squall Amel Quran, it is also
called a mole kitab. The mother of the book Al Kitab is another name
for the Quran. It is also the fattier itself is also called Al
Quran Al Azim as we recited in that ayat from Surah Al hedger
and there is a Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam in
which he says
and how is the Amal Quran OMalley kitab. Saba subequal Bethanie
while Khurana loving
unhemmed is among Quran omole kita Saba Mahtani, the seven oft
repeated verses and the Quran Allah The
this is narrated in Tirmidhi, in Abu Dhabi, followed by Muslim
Muslim Muhammad and in some of these in Buhari So, this also
these names come from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam.
This term sub seven Oh my Thani which means the seven frequently
or oft repeated verses is said so because we recite the Quran in
every raka so a minimum
My mouth 17 times a day we are reciting Surah Fatiha if you're
just doing the fluoride and of course, the Sunnah and the Noah
fill in the winter are extra
Surah Fatiha is also has the name a Salah
because it is mentioned as such in a hadith of kunci, which we are
going to go into a little bit later that Allah has called
Surah Fateha as a Salah and it is also called a Salah because fatwa
is a rockin of Salah if you do not recite Fatiha, there is no Salah
as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam teaches us which we will
also go over
another name for Surah Fatiha is a Shiva the healing
because Allah smart Allah has kept healing in this and there are
several Hadith that talk about it. It is also called a Rukia.
Or Rupa means the spiritual cure. And this comes from many different
Hadith one of Abu Seidel, Padre narrated by him
as an event took place. Some of the companions were traveling, and
they were camped somewhere and one person came running to them that
is there any healer among you because our leader, our emir of
the tribe, has been bitten by a scorpion or a snake and he's
dying. So, one of the companions went and recited Surah Fatiha
and on this person and he was cured. So as a as a reward of
appreciation, they gifted him a lamb or something or an animal to
be eaten. And when they came back to Medina, they they reported this
event to rasool Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam who asked him, How
did you know that there was a cure and sort of fighter
and then he also said, Give me a share of this animal when you when
we eat it also. So it's also called a Rokia. It is also called
assassin Quran or the foundation of the Quran. And this is one of
the titles that Abdullayev now Ambassador the Allah Allah gave
it, it is also called L wealthier, which means it is the fulfillment
in other words, it cannot be apportioned when you recite it you
can recite part of 40 or all of it goes together. It's also called a
cavea. The suffice or or the sufficient because it suffices for
everything else, but nothing else suffices for it, for example, in
Salah if you just recite Surah Fateha nothing else of the Quran,
your Salah is valid, but if you recite anything, everything else,
but don't recite Surah Fateha it is invalid, it's not sufficient.
It is also called alcons, which means the treasure and of course
what a treasure it is, it is also called a shocker like a lamp a
shocker because it is shows gratitude. It is also called a DA
because it has a very powerful dye in it. It is also called a Shafia
the sufficient cure
and discord, alpha pa the protection. So these are some of
the more well known but in some some of the narrators of this of
the first rule have compiled 31 different names for this one
Now we come to the question that was asked earlier about the
chronology of Revelation. When was this revealed?
And the majority there are differences of opinion, but the
majority opinion is that it was revealed in Makkah, and in the
early part of Revelation.
And the proof that it was revealed in Makkah, is the idea that we
mentioned from Surah hedge iron number 87 where Allah subhanaw
taala says,
Well, I can't attain NACA sub m Athan Well, Quran.
Everybody, there is no difference of opinion that Surah Al Hijra was
revealed in Makkah, and that mentions the revelation of the
seventh oft repeated verses which tells us that it was revealed in
However, there are a few people who think that it may have been
revealed in Medina because they take one Hadith that
We will talk about an interpreted that way. But the vast majority of
people are of this opinion and because the Salah was going on was
ordained in Mecca, and it included fat
so, one of the opinions is that after Diptera and Muda, after an
Palamon Muslim mill, which we have covered in previous sessions,
somewhere in that timeframe, the surah was revealed and it was
revealed in its entirety, all at once.
with the revelation of Surah Fatiha, there was a significant
Because all the verses that had been revealed before it was
addressed directly to the Prophet salallahu Salam preparing him for
his mission. They were ordered to him, there were instructions being
given to him to believe, to seclude. To stand up in the night
to pray, to convey the message to proclaim the message,
commandments, and mention of Day of Judgment. So it was, if you
will call it one way, Allah subhanaw taala telling you do
this, do this do this instructing him but with swear Fatiha.
There came extra reassurance because it opened a different
dimension of revelation of direct immediate communication of the
worshiper, the app with the worship Allah subhanaw taala it is
for the first time giving the Habad a voice to talk to Allah.
So this is a style shift from instructions and commands and
address Krita to one of guidance and permitting us to appeal to
Allah, asking him for aid, asking him for help asking Him for
So that was the change that came was sort of Attia that not only is
Allah dressing you but now you can address Allah Subhana Allah you
can you can praise Allah subhanaw taala you can say eagerness rattle
Mr. Kane ear canal with the way your kindness and you are talking
to Allah subhanaw taala. So, instead of being a one way it now
becomes a two way communication and we will talk about this in a
hadith I could see that we are going to come to shortly.
So what is the composition? Everybody agrees that it is seven
verses as Allah subhanaw taala says So Pat Metheny seven verses.
Now there is some differences in how is Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
verse one, or is it separate and there are seven those in our
current mishaps they put Bismillah Rahmani Raheem as the first verse,
verse number one, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen is verse number
two, and they make it seven. Now those who say Bismillah is not the
first verse, it's just an introduction. Then they split up
one of the last ideas into two and make it seven so it's seven in
either way.
So, there are great scholars who say that it is an independent
verse, which is
the majority opinion or part of the first verse.
And there are others such as the great Imam cool to be who says no,
it is not part of the of the of the
fight the heights and introduction like the best Mala is an
introduction to all the other sutras. So he they say that group
of scholars said that there is only one Bismillah which is within
the Quran, which is in surah Naml when Solomon Allah Salam sends a
letter to the Queen, Mother case of Sabah, and she says in the home
in Solomon in the WHO Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, so that there is no
dispute is within the Quran. But about this verse, again, like I
said, the majority opinion is that it is the first verse and the rest
of the Bismillah Bismillah, as it is called, are to tell us the
breaks between the service that a new restaurant
so it is composed of only 31 verses. This is the divine
revelation in 31 Verse words Allah subhanaw taala summarizes the
Will message and everything in it only 113 alphabets.
Now, what are they for dial of this?
We've mentioned some of this, that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
called it the mother of the Quran. He called it the greatest Surah of
the Quran as we said, he called it at the likes of which have not
been mentioned in any previous scriptures including the rest of
the Quran.
Now we come to this
on one occasion, this is in Medina, based on which some of
people have thought that fattier may have been revealed in Medina,
one day Gibreel Allah Salam is sitting with Rasulullah sallallahu
this, as you know, the majority of time Jibreel Allah Salam used to
come in the form of a man as a companion to Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam because it's more one on one intimate as opposed to in His
original form, which is sort of scary and overwhelming, you know,
600 wings from horizon to horizon. I mean, you can't even imagine,
and then he's leaning towards you, you know, it's an experience that
we can't even imagine. So he's sitting with Rasulullah sallallahu
as narrated by Abdullah ibn Abbas and there is a loud creaking noise
from above.
And the Prophet sallallaahu Salam looks to him and Gibreel Elisa Lam
says that today a gate has been opened in paradise with for the
first time it has never been opened before. And an angel came
down and is this angel came down also for the first time, only one
job and said to Rasulullah Salallahu Salam rejoice be happy
have the Bashara in the good news have two lights, no rain which
have been given to you, which have never been given to any profit
before you al Fatiha and the last two is of Surah Al Baqarah.
And then you said you will never recite a word from them without
being given the blessings they contain
Subhanallah because they both have died in it.
So based on this, some of the scholars thought that this is the
Fatiha was revealed by this angel but the majority opinion is no the
Fateha and what and the buck Bacara were given by a to the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam by Allah subhanaw taala Gibreel la
Salam. And this angel only came to convey the reward of those verses
not the verses themselves.
And therefore, it's not an indication that it was revealed in
And also it is said that when this surah was revealed, it bore down
heavily on a bliss and the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam says that
he let out a loud lament. He was very upset because he knew the
what this surah would do to his clientele, how it would affect
him, not being able to reach people, because people will be
making dua to Allah subhanaw taala praising him Allah will be
praised, pleased and they will say we only worship you we don't come
with shit. And they will ask Allah for help and guidance then how can
I help be effective in any way.
And then there are 50 rulings, which are related to set up Surah
which are not shared by any other part of the Quran.
For example,
in the three of the MME the Maliki and the Shafi and the humbly Salah
is invalid without
recitation of Surah Fatiha.
Now, the hundreds have taken a different opinion, because they've
taken that verse that we covered in Surah, Muzammil where Allah
subhanaw taala says for Cara Martha sermon, recite whatever is
easy for you.
But there is a clear Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam,
which is more difficult Allah in Bukhari and Muslim where he says,
Last serata, lemon, la mia cara, B Fatiha till kita that there is no
Salah in which the fattier the opening of the book has not been
recited. And in another narration, he says could lose a Latin lie you
could Ophelia be Oh mill kita for here, hey dodgem
that every Salah in which the among Quran the Fatah has not
recited is a Dodge. Dodge means deficient. And in one narration,
he said it is
deficient it is deficiency. So,
the majority opinion is that the Surah Fatiha has to be recited in
every record.
There is an opinion that if you recite it in the majority of the
records it is sufficient and there is one opinion that if you even
recited once in each Salah in one raka it is sufficient, but as we
know these are just opinions we follow and 100 Loving most of us
recite it in every
raka there is another key issue of when we are performing Salah in
Jannah in congregation should we recite the Fatiha when there is an
Imam and in this also there are three opinions.
One opinion says you have to recite it in even if the Imam is
just writing in every record such as the opinion of Imam Shafi on
the lawn. That's why the the people who follow the Shafi
mother, the Imam stops after reciting fire they are given a
break for the people behind to recite it and then starts the
recitation. There is an opinion that you don't have to recite it
at all because the Imams recitation is sufficient. And then
there is the common opinion which is as long as in the jihad in the
GRE in the loud Salah that the Imams recitation is sufficient,
but in the series Allah which is silence Allah, you should recite
for yourself. So these are just some matters of fear, which
I want to bring up. Now. In the rest of the time, I want to come
to this one Hadith pudsey
which is very beautiful, because this is where that change took
place of being it becoming a two way communication rather than a
one way.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam narrates it
you said call Allah Allah, Allah says which means this is how they
support see, what does Allah say? Because some to salata, benei
aubaine Abdi NIS Fein we're late Abdi Matt Sakhalin
are some two ciliata I have divided the salah into two between
me and my OB
in this nice way, and for my appt is what he asks.
So after saying that,
the Allah subhanaw taala says, for either Carla Abdul Alhamdulillah
Hara Bilal when My servants says Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen.
Allah subhanaw taala responds when you say Alhamdulillah just imagine
going forward when you're doing your Salah when you say Al hamdu
Lillahi Rabbil alameen and you mean it and you're focused?
Let your heart feel the reply from Allah subhanaw taala because Allah
says, how many they need our buddy, My servant, my slave has
praised me.
And when the servant says Allah Manuel Rahim when we cry, maneuver
him all Allah ethna Allah Yeah, Abdi, My servant, my slave has
glorified me. And when the servant says, Maliki young me, Dean,
Master of the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala says, My
journey Abdi, My servant, has magnified me.
And then
when the servant says, II cannot do what II cannot sustain only You
we worship and only You we ask for help. Allah subhanaw taala
responds when we're saying only you, Allah says had the bene
Verbania hamady While he Abdi masala now this is a matter
between me look at the intimacy. This is just a matter between me
and my servant and my servant will have whatever he asks.
And then we say it in a Serato musta team. Guide us to that
straight path serata Levina and I'm Talim Well Mark Dooby la mala
Bollin and Allah subhanaw taala respond saying Heather Lee Abdi
who la Abdi Masada, this is for my sovereign, and my servant will get
whatever you asked.
So to put it together
So Lasala Alison tells us
in this hadith where this comes in, narrated in Muslim and many
other narrators of Hadith, but these wordings are from Sahih
Muslim, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam starts this hadith by
saying if anyone observes Salah in which he does not recite Amal
Quran, which is fattier, it is deficient, it is deficient, it is
and it is not complete.
Then he said,
recited inwardly if the map even if you are behind the Imam.
Then he said that Allah subhanaw taala has said, and this is again
the translation and in sequence, I have divided the prayer into two
halves between me and my servant, and my servant will receive what
he asks. When the servant says Praise be to Allah, the Lord of
the universe, Allah the Most High says, My servant has praised me.
And when he the servant says, the Most Compassionate, the Most
Merciful, the Mercy giving Allah the Most High says, My servant has
lauded me.
It's another form of praise. And when my servant says, Master of
the Day of Judgment, Maliki biomethane, Allah subhanaw taala
says, My servant has glorified me and magnified my mansion. And then
when he says, he says, my, my servant entrusted his affairs to
And then when we say,
only You we worship and only you, we ask for help. Allah says, This
is between me and my servant and my servant will receive what you
asked for. And then when the worshiper says guide us to the
straight path, the path of those whom thou has shown grace and
favor, not the path of those who have incurred your displeasure and
your anger and you're at, nor those who go astray he subhanaw
taala says, This is for my service, and my servant will
receive what she asked for.
So in essence, Surah Fatiha is a personal prayer.
With its recitation, the worshipper enters into intimate
dialogue with Allah subhanaw taala. So what we should try and
do rather than Sisters is not rushed through Surah Fateha. The
Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam is reported to recite the Quran,
stopping at the end of each verse,
almost as if to listen to Allah's response, especially in Surah
Fattah, we should do that and expect that in our hearts that
Allah is responding to us as long as we have focus, and we are
following the proper etiquettes and we want to come close to Allah
subhanaw taala. In this surah begins with two of the attributes
of Jamal, the sufferings of Jamal of his beauty, that are repeated
more often than any other name of Allah, other than Allah, the
proper name of allah Rama.
This is what the surah starts with.
So how does it summarize most of the Quran and we'll go into that
in greater detail in future. But in a brief summary, in the center
of the surah is the head of Allah subhanaw taala because it talks
about the sole creator and sustainer of the universe, Rob
Bulla, ALEMI.
It talks about the purity of faith and reverence for him, he can do
what he can only he deserves to be worshipped. We only worship Him no
ship of any kind, and only he has the ability to help us in our
needs. And we have reverence for him. We do hams to him we do
shocker to him. It tells us the sewer about the vastness of
Allah's creation. I mean, the world's the universe, we don't
know what exists out there. We don't even know what exists on on
the earth or under the earth on the oceans.
So it tells us about the numbers and vastness of His creation. And
it tells us the position of the human being in its center that all
of this was created for you so that you can worship Allah alone.
And it urges us this surah to reflect on his grace on his bounty
on His favours on his loving mercy. So that
That unhemmed That show of a praise and gratitude comes from
our hearts. So, we should think about the favors of Allah smile
that makes us to reflect on that. It helps us to think about what is
the purpose of existence, what is the MCSA and why we were created,
it helps us how to achieve that MCSA that MCSA can only be
achieved by true guidance. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala for
guidance. So this surah teaches us how to ask Allah so Allah for
guidance, it teaches us that we are totally dependent on Allah. He
is Rob,
creator, originator, designer, creator, sustainer, developer,
provider protector.
Everything of every need of every creation
is fulfilled by Allah subhanaw taala alone,
to teach us total about the total dependence on loss,
for our physical need for our spiritual needs, for our social
needs for our spiritual needs, Allah
and it helps us and aspires us to try and come close to him, to show
gratitude, to look for knowledge from him, to ask for help from
him, to seek mercy from him constantly, to be able to follow
the path of righteousness. So rather than was looking to avoid
incurring his anger, his displeasure, to keep going away to
go away from the path to go astray.
It teaches us the mission that we have, it affirms our covenant that
we made the head we made with Allah subhanaw taala to worship
Him alone. When we said albala When Allah subhanaw taala said, Am
I not your rock or your Lord, that You are our soul, Lord, You are
our master.
And we went by reciting this we are trying to
reaffirm that I had that we made and we
uphold the promise of truth. And the surah teaches us to learn from
the earlier nations and their mistakes, what made them incur the
wrath of Allah what made them to go astray.
So, the surah states the essence and purpose of being human, and
the complete reliance on Allah subhanaw taala dependence on him
as the creator and sustainer
so that in brief is
Surah Al Fatiha has introduction, we haven't started the surah it's
going to take me inshallah at least three sessions to do at
least some form of justice you know, there are entire volumes
books written just on Surah Fattah
books written on it, but inshallah we will try and cover some of
that, starting with the is the other hour the villa, the best
mela next time and maybe cover two or three of the of the seven is
next time
and we will make sure of when that next time is going to be. So with
this introduction to Surah Fatiha this is just to whet your appetite
to want to learn more about superfat So may Allah subhanaw
accept this humble effort from us and
to embed Surah Fatiha its significance its meaning its
essence into the depths into the deepest fibers of our Kulu buffer
Fuad so that when we recite surah Fatah we feel it because as our
shift tells us that if we truly understood Fatiha, it would change
our lives. So may Allah subhanaw taala change our lives to that
which he loves.
True, Al Fatiha and through the rest of his
Subhanak Allahumma Hambrick Nisha lai lai la roca mana to elect