Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #27 Surah Inshirah
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The presence of Allah's subhanaw taala in WhatsApp is seen as a symbol of his capacity to receive the message and expand his chest. The presence of Allah's chest is seen as a symbol of his capacity to receive the message and receive it. The use of rubbish in WhatsApp groups is discussed, and the use of the name of the Prophet salallahu in the d468 is mentioned. The use of the name of the Prophet salallahu in the d468 is mentioned, and the use of the name of the royal salallahu in some narrations is mentioned. The use of the name of the Prophet salallahu in the d468 is mentioned, and the use of the name of the royal salallahu in some narrations is mentioned. The speaker discusses distractions and distractions, and the speaker opens up the session for questions and open up the session for questions.
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while
alihi wa sahbihi woman who Allah
Allah how much dogma Samia alumina. Lydia Crick Allahumma
Jana Minella Deena yesterday and ronelle Cola. For yet who owner
We ask Allah subhanaw taala to open the hearing channels of our
and to make us among those who listen carefully to words of
admonition and follow the best of them.
We're going to start today with surah number 94 Surah Ashara
alumna Shara laka Sadhak.
The word Shara means exposition or opening or expansion
or an explanation elucidation all of those.
So, this is an early makin surah and it is like a companion to and
continuation of the last Surah that we covered which is surah
Taha surah number 93. And most likely revealed shortly or right
after Surah, Doha, so it's like a companion to that surah. And, as
you remember, the ending of surah Taha started with us to the
linguistically with alum.
And this surah also starts with LM, which is a question in the
denial and we talked about what that means that isn't this so
obvious. So both the sutras, as you know, talk about the bounties
of Allah subhanaw taala upon the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam,
portraying the divine care as a reassurance and a promise of
relief of the difficulties that he sallallahu alayhi salam was facing
these reassurances are a preparation for him SallAllahu
Sallam preparing him and informing him that Allah has chosen him and
enabled him for a great task to receive and disseminate the divine
the wisdom and the guidance,
and that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam is honored for all
times, and that ultimately, and inevitably, there will be ease for
him in his task and success.
Surah Doha talked about the removal of physical difficulties,
when Allah subhanaw taala talks about removal of poverty in taking
care of him when he was an orphan, and so on so forth.
This surah is reassurance of removal of spiritual difficulties
and challenges with removal of burden of fault that the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam felt and his concerns about his own ability
and worthiness to deliver the message namely, the great task of
So, as we said, the two Surahs
talk about the removal of physical difficulties in the previous one
and in this one, the removal of spiritual difficulties for us, we
should know that spiritual help and physical help both come from
the same source that is Allah subhanaw taala always.
So we start with the first idea, Allah subhanaw taala says, alumna
Shira laka Sadhak. Have we not opened and expanded your breast,
your heart for you? Oh, Mohamed, Salah, Lila Salam, with our
guidance. Have we not opened and expanded your chest? It's like,
such an obvious thing means don't you know, don't you recognize
alumna Shraddha Shadrach Is there any doubt about it? Allah subhanaw
taala reminding the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam of this
great blessing of Allah subhanaw taala upon the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam.
Now, what does it mean?
As we know from the Sierra, there was actually a physical opening of
the chest of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam on at least two
We know that when he was a child, with the tribe of Banu sad, under
the care of Halima are the Allahu anha. There
At one time he was playing and
his milk brother came running into Halima of the Allahu anha and
said, you know, how masala Islam is not well and described what had
happened, that he said a man came, and he grabbed him and put him
down and he opened his chest, and he removed something from his
heart as a child washed it.
And why he took this thing out, he said, this was shaytans share of
So this is narrated in by Imam Muslim.
In the narration from Imam Muhammad, there is the removal of
malice and envy and anger from the heart of Rasulullah Salallahu
Salam, which is symbolic of spiritual cleansing of his heart.
Salalah Salam. And we know it happened a second time, at the
occasion of the Israa and Mirage and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe
Salam said Gibreel al Islam came with another angel and they opened
up my chest and took out my heart and washed it and zamzam and then
poured into it through from a container wisdom and faith.
And this is Hadith which is more difficult for a layman narrated
both by and by Bukhari and Muslim in which there is no doubt.
So these are two actual physical openings of the chest. But most of
the commentators have considered this metaphorically
to have a deeper meaning than that, that it means that according
to nabasa, the Allahumma that Allah subhanaw taala opened his
chest to Islam as a religion and as a law and filled it with faith
in wisdom and knowledge, and illuminated it and bestowed wisdom
and ability to receive the message after it was difficult for him
after the initial encounter, making it easy for him to
understand and practice of the faith that Allah subhanaw taala
made him by expanding his chest, accommodative and easy
and give him the ability to bear patiently the difficulties and
challenges that he would face. And to be able to receive the decree
that is the religion sharply as well as the calamities and
difficulties and also by having a big heart or a big chest to be
able to deal justly
and patiently with people who opposed him.
And as Allah subhanaw taala says, because this used to bother the
Prophet salallahu alayhi salam a lot what people used to say and
and ridicule, as Allah subhanaw taala says elsewhere in the Quran,
while Akkad na la mu uneca. Yeah, de salud de Luca Bhima, Jaco Lu,
that we certainly know that your heart is truly constricted and
distressed by what they say. You're so upset at their rejection
of the message and that denial of the truth.
So Allah subhanaw taala says that we have relieved you have your
distress and worry. And we are showing you some of the realities
of things and the insignificance of this world, so that you do not
get bothered by these things. So all of these blessings, that this
shirt off his chest Salallahu Alaihe, Salam implies are bestowed
in him in order to enable him to achieve all levels of perfection
that were pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala.
Now, it's interesting to note that this favor of Shara of opening and
expansion was given to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam as a
special gift without asking for it. Why do I say that? Because we
have another great prophet of Allah subhanaw taala messenger,
Musa alayhis salam who actually asked for it.
As we said, Allah Subhan Allah says in the Quran kala Musala
Salam said rubbish rightly suddenly, oh Allah expand my
chest. Why, yes, silly Omri. And make my affairs easy
verhalen of the term melissani You have Kahakai and untie the remove
the impediment of my tongue. So Musa alayhis salam asked for three
things to be given the shut off his chest, making his affairs easy
and to be able to talk properly. Now Allah subhanaw taala gave His
Messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam, all three without asking
Allah Masha Allah Castlerock we have done this for you. Then in
NEMA Allah Sri usara. We will do
Have you ease along with difficulty? And Allah subhanaw
taala gave him the Bulava, the eloquence of his tongue. So ALLAH
SubhanA wa Taala gave the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, these
three special blessings that Musa alayhis salam had to ask for,
again that tells you how Allah subhanaw taala treated Rasulullah
salAllahu alayhi salam and it's also recommended that we should
supplicate in our da use this as a DA in the times of hardship and
distress by saying rubbish Rackley surgery we use serially Emery in
other words Allah subhanaw taala expand my chest that I don't get
distressed I don't get overpowered I don't go into depression that
I'm able to to handle all of these difficulties
and make my matters easy so in difficult times such as what we
are going through in the world today it's good to say this The
are repeatedly rubbish roughly study where you're serially Emery
rubbish, roughly sadly, you're you're certainly Emery thinking
about it.
Now, this shadow of the of the chest or the heart is also a
special gift to others as Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran.
For me, you read the LAO a year Hadiya who Yashraj Sadra who laid
Islam that whomever Allah was guide desires to guide he opens
and spreads open his heart to Islam.
Well, my you did a you didn't know who you are and Sandra who died a
year can hydrogen
and who saw Allah subhanaw taala desires to misguide because of
their evil, he makes their hearts narrow and constricted. And the
last one tele gives this
similitude of what this constriction feels like he says,
Get anima Yes sir, I do fists a man as if this person is climbing
up in the sky and this is an interesting thing. You know, when
we fly in, in the air that they have to be pressurized, because
otherwise we can take that
Allah subhanaw taala is giving this example that people who are
not guided feel that construction of not being able to breathe, feel
that distress. So this is also something that Allah grants to
those this this shot at a different level than Rasulullah
Salallahu salam to His a bad who are looking for guidance.
Then Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say in the next idea,
while Adana, an Inca wizard UK, and Allah subhanaw taala says And
have we not removed from you your burden to Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi salam, what Anna means to take something and put it down,
that we delivered you from this burden that you're carrying this
wisdom, with rock your burden? So what was the burden that
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam was carrying?
Number one is the immense weight and responsibility and
accountability of prophethood and the impact it would have on all of
humanity till the Day of Judgment. So it's a huge responsibility. So
the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam felt burdened by it.
Perhaps there was also the burden that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe
Salam was fearful that he was not worthy enough for this huge task
of being a messenger of Allah, and that he would not be pleasing
enough to Allah subhanaw taala. Maybe the Lord of everything
before Naboo that he now considered improper or sinful.
You've been given this, he may have made some mistakes as in a
human thing. He wanted to go and listen to this music and attend a
wedding things like that. Okay, my new things, yet now knowing what
his status is, this Lord of knowing, as his prophetic,
spiritual maturation takes place.
He sees even his minut actions before prophethood as being
magnified in front of Allah subhanaw taala as perfection and
expectations of him. So he now sees things himself through
another way lens.
In other words, as he is graduating spiritually, his
spiritual ascent in his mahkamah his status with Allah subhanaw
taala is now giving him the ability to look down at his
previous maqam or level and he now considers where he was as
defective, such as
As he now realizes that my expression of gratitude to Allah
subhanaw taala where I was, was insufficient. So as he ascends, he
sees things clearer and is concerned about where he was. And
that carries with that the burden of is the far that's why you
should do a lot of is the far ya allah where was I? And he was
almost perfect even then yet he is doing is too far.
So that's another thing but Allah subhanaw taala real reassures him
elsewhere that he does not need to carry this burden and later on in
the Revelation as we know in Surah Fatiha Allah subhanaw taala says
in Fontana, laka tam Medina, Leia, Farah, Leung Farah laka, la Mata
Khuddam, I mean then became a matter
where you team an amateur who alayka where your idea cast your
autumn Musa team, which means verily, Ohama sallallahu alayhi
salam, we have given you a clear and manifest victory, so that
Allah may forgive your sins of the past and the future and complete
His favor on you and guide you to the straight path. In other words,
Allah subhanaw taala is telling the prophets Allah, Allah, listen,
don't worry about what you did in the past.
Don't worry about what you may do in the future. Allah has forgiven
you all of that. Okay, so don't carry this burden with you.
Allah subhanaw taala says in the next I Allah the cada the Havoc,
that burden, which was weighing you down so heavily on your back
as if your back was being broken by this burden. Nakada means
somebody who's just being weighed down, and that is the back. So
this term is also used, you know, when the camels come back from a
long journey, and they've lost weight and they look beaten up and
they're worn out, it's called, had that knuckle Lucifer means this
camel is in a state that is showing all the wear and tear and
burden of the sufferer. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling the
Prophet salallahu alayhi salam that we have removed the burden of
the prophet hood and everything else that has weighed you down.
And then he says something very beautiful. He says we're a fan
like the crack.
And we have raised, high and exalted for you. Your name, your
reputation, your remembrance, your fame, your renown your mansion,
Allah subhanaw taala saying we have raised your mansion, what
does that mean? We have given you such a special status. So if we
look in the dunya what does it manifest as? Every time we say La
ilaha illallah we accompany it by saying Muhammad Rasul Allah.
Allah Subhana. Allah has associated his abd with his own
mentioned, with his own terkait. So Allah subhanaw taala has
elevated the mention of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam
in this dunya so that whenever the shahada is taken, the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam is mentioned. Whenever the anon is
called, Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar a shadow ally Lai Lama, a shadow and
Mohammad rasool Lascaux. Whenever we are in Salah into shellcode.
We mentioned Rasulullah sallallahu. So this is and this is
going to go on till the Day of Judgment. What a final look at the
This is in the dunya in the Mallacoota Allah and the higher
dimensions, the angels
are remembering the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam as the last
one and Allah says Allah and His Angels send blessings on the
Prophet sallallahu that's going on continuously. This is the
elevation of the name of Russell masala, nice. He was honored even
before creation there are narrations of that Rasulullah
sallallahu sallam said going to Nubian where Adam Binah wrote well
just said that I was a newbie he had been honored before Adam
Alayhis Salam
was even created.
And there are some narrations I'm just going to mention where he
mentions Salallahu Salam that his name is inscribed in the arch of
Allah subhanaw taala as Muhammad Rasool Allah. And in some other
narrations, you said my name is written on the leaves of Jana.
So this is even before creation and in the hereafter
He is honored as we know that he is given that very special status
near Allah subhanaw taala which is called MACOM moods. The praised
station makan the ultimate of mcbomb that an ABD can be given a
slave can be given that he is being given the intercession, he
has been given the how then the catheter and he is the one who
will open the door of Jannah.
And also is mentioned is elevated because he is mentioned in the
previous scriptures, Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran
that they, it His name has been mentioned in previous scriptures.
So, what I found, like the crack and this is what we know, and
there may be many other dimensions in which the mention of Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi salam has been elevated.
So, after
telling Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi salam intimate all of these
are second person singular, telling you, you are my master,
you are Muhammad salah, listen, I did this to you, I opened your
chest, I removed your burden, I elevated your rank for therefore
in nema. I'll see you sir.
So, indeed, with hardship and difficulty, there is ease and
relief. In other words, the one who has done all this has put ease
with hardship for you. So that four links with what happened
before and this is a consequence in the mat means for you, there
will be ease
with the difficulties you are facing, don't worry.
This is a specific reassurance for Rasulullah sallallahu Islam or SIR
is difficulty in hardship use is ease. This is a specific
reassurance for the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and then
Allah says in Mr. Lasry USERRA indeed, with hardship and
difficulty, there is relief
a second time to read reaffirm it to stress it and some of the
scholars have said that the second enamel or three usara is for the
rest of the Ummah because the first one is specific for us oral
masala distiller but saying is not just for him in narmala Three
USERRA with every difficulty there is ease. Now, there is some
nuances of the Arabic grammar in this that the difficulty which is
also Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned in what is called a
marfo or specified form by putting a URL in front of means the
difficulty which makes it specific, the difficulty, but he
did not put the same URL after the user which is called Nikita or
indefinite which means unlimited unspecified means there is no
limit to the ease okay. So, this is also beautiful that Allah
subhanaw taala say yes, a certain difficulty such as Corona will
come, but there will be many different eases that will come
with it. Okay, many different reliefs that will come with it.
The difficulty is one, but the eases are many.
And the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, laying yoga lip, or
soon you strain that one instance of difficulty can never overcome
two instances of ease your strength because it's mentioned
your strength, your strength, your SIR. So in other words, what he's
saying is
that with every hardship there is at least two reliefs associated
with it, but multiple reliefs and therefore, he said the hardship
cannot get will never overcome the relief in other words, in the end,
the relief and ease will prevail.
So after these beautiful Bashar ads and and and glad tidings.
Allah subhanaw taala says therefore this is Allah's favors
to you. Now what is your job?
For therefore is there Farakka phone sub? So when you have some
Fraga which means you are unoccupied? You have finished your
work you have some vacancy in your schedule.
Now what was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam doing all
this time? What was he busy with anyway? Work of Allah with Dawa or
family affairs are some things of the dunya Allah subhanaw taala
saying when you have finished with this Fung sub fun sub means, get
ready and prepare and exert yourself more fully in the worship
of Allah subhanaw taala and a bad in the prayer in the vicar in the
DA and more often
Allah subhanaw taala is telling the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam
that your daytime effort of Dawa and all of these things, all the
beautiful things that he's doing including taking care of his
family and all of them. Last month Allah say, when you have some free
time from that. Now that's not time for relaxation for you. Now
you need to really exert with your connection with Allah subhanaw
taala Fung Saab means it's a command to exert and to turn to
Allah more fully, completely, resolutely free from all worldly
affairs dedicated an iba and as we know, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe
Salam stood sometimes all night he stood till his feet would swell
Salah listen to his noble feet would crack
from standing for so long.
And our mother I shot at the Elana reminded him of this idea that we
earlier mentioned that Allah subhanaw taala has forgiven you
your past and your future. Why do you strain so much? And then what
was his response? Hola. Hola. Hola Salam, he said, Should I then not
be a grateful servant? In other words, how can I thank Allah for
This what I'm standing on light is not sufficient, even you know.
what this is telling us that even the worldly duties if they could
distract Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi salam from his Ibadah How
much do they distract us? And therefore how much more time do we
need to take to put those worldly worries and occupations aside, to
dedicate ourselves to Allah subhanaw taala. And in this
distraction, reference, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam actually
told us some simple formula, he said, there is less there is no
Salah when food is served. And he said, There is no Salah when a
person feels the urgency to relieve themselves. In our In
other words, these are worldly distractions, you are hungry, food
is served and you are quickly trying to do Salah so that you can
eat he said, No. You know, you need to go and relieve yourself
and you say well let me finish I still have will do no, go take
care of those things. Come to Allah subhanaw taala in a state of
ease, where you can focus and dedicate. So just keep those
practical things in mind.
And then Allah subhanaw taala says, in the last while you are
doing this where Allah or Rebecca Farah, grab and turn to your Lord
alone, in Raja means hope and desire
means Put your hope in Allah subhanaw taala. Turn in hope for
everything with all your attention, your intention, your
longing your dua to Allah. Let your desire be Allah alone. Let
your hope be only in Allah as the ultimate source of all goodness
and relief. So pray only to him and only for his pleasure with
your full attention. Because your strength and your inner peace will
come only from Allah in the face of every difficulty in every
adversity in an in a hostile environment. So this is
addressed to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, but it has general
implications for his followers. Okay, all of these are for us
So now imagine once this was revealed what kind of joy it must
have given Rasulullah sallallahu, ala Silla, solace and relief and
comfort. Now we have to look in our hearts that when we read the
surah and now we understand its meaning Alhamdulillah look in our
hearts and see, do we experience that light? Do we experience that
happiness of Allah's assurances and promises? Do we feel the
solace and relief and comfort? Do we feel reassured
this times that we're living in is a good time with our current
trials to evaluate ourselves?
When I read the Quran, such as what we have just read,
Does it remove the anxieties and worries of Coronavirus death and
suffering and all of those things and financial loss? Does it give
me certainty? Yes, there will be ease
and more importantly, the last two parts at one all of those
blessings have I turned to Allah subhanaw taala is my EBA more
focused than it used to be?
Our my hopes and desires solely turn to Allah
am I only looking to Allah subhanaw taala for relief
What I'm still running around, you know,
too many different EALA
you know, will the doctor save me? Will the vaccine save me will such
and such save me well? Will the the financial, you know relief
package save me or I said, Allah will save me and he will make the
means for the relief whether it's a vaccine, whether it's a relief
check whether whatever it is that I know Allah has created me, Allah
is my provider, he is my Razak, he's my father. He is the one who
gave me life and if he's decided to take my life through this
trial, then it will be if he is not then it cannot be then I
submit to Allah subhanaw taala and I turned to him with my full focus
the Allah this is an opportunity you are giving me
to re focus my efforts to reset the course of my life. So that I
be on that stratum was the team from which I may have taken a
slight detour
and this is my opportunity. So with that Inshallah, we will open
it up for questions we have about 15 minutes before
inshallah so
you am I going to open this up or somebody else is going to be doing