Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #24 Surah Al Fajr Ayat 20 to 30

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The transcript describes a confusing and disjointed conversation between multiple speakers, highlighting the importance of people thanking Allah Subhanaw taala and praise him. The transcript describes a video game where Islam is used as a bait to get people out of control and emphasizes the importance of keeping Allah's vision in front of them. The transcript also highlights the importance of giving oneself tasks after reading a surah and the importance of understanding the importance of one's job to receive reward. The transcript also describes a woman who is remorse for her true life to come, but she will not receive a punishment.
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Hi I'm kumara barakato
Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while
Allahi wa Sahbihi women, wala
rubbish Rouhani Saudi where you're still hungry Apata melissani
Africa Hokulea
We ask Allah subhanaw taala to
open our hearts to His words,
to have an impact that changes our lives
and brings us to the purpose for which we were created, which is to
be the bad or slaves of Allah subhanaw taala in total, loving
willing obedience and submission to Allah subhanaw taala.
Alarm after my Samiha Illumina lithic Crick, may Allah subhanaw
taala open the hearing channels of our hearts not just of our ears to
his remembrance, may Allah subhanaw taala show us truth as
truth and falsehood as falsehood help us to remain steadfast on the
truth and follow it and help us to stay away from falsehood.
I mean,
we are going to be continuing on this early makansutra which is Al
Fajr, which we started last time.
Allah subhanaw taala says can no either do cattle or do the
Remember, when the earth is pounded duck conduct pounded into
powder and leveled out the mountains. Everything will be
crushed and pounded and flattened and leveled for the Day of
Judgment, everything is demolished, no structure remains
it will be made into a level ground. What does that mean? If
everything is being destroyed, all this wealth that you're
accumulating is also come will come to nothing, okay.
And that will be for the day of judgment that your wealth will
also perish as the Earth is subjected to this dark conduct.
And then Allah subhanaw taala will arrange for the assembly all of
our molecules wherever they are gone.
With one command of Allah Swatara will come together and we will be
resurrected. For the judgment you will rise up again.
Allah subhanaw taala says we're J or rob Buka well Melaku surf and
surf and your Lord will come.
Come in his own way. We don't know what that means, means you will
see Him because He will come for the judgment come from where
people come means space. Allah is the creator of space. So we just
say Allah said your Lord will come he will come not without anyhow.
While Maluku softens, have fun before Allah comes for the
judgment the Molech the angels from every heaven will be standing
in line just like in there is no comparison but just like when you
have a VIP coming you have these armed guards lined up near the
planes and on the waves and this and that
first heaven all the angels once off
what kind of a scene would that be? You'd see many billions of
angels lined up in a straight line nobody would say you know line is
not straight like we do downstairs.
Imagine the know that will be emanating from all these angels
that you will see. So people will say
is your Rob with you because there's so much light they will
say no, our job is not here.
It's just the light of the angels. Then the second heaven, angels
will come with more than double that of the force next stuff.
more light than the third heavens, more and more all lined up. I can
imagine what kind of a scene this is going to be and we are going to
be in distress. Everybody's going to be worried
because they have never experienced anything like this to
this magnitude. And the angels will be standing there because
they are obedient
and they will be asked and they will say the same answer our Rob
is not here yet is your LORD with you.
So what will people do? We have this from the Hadith.
When you are distressed What do you do?
You look for?
Who can save me
All right what does a child do for the mother first run where who can
save me or the father
so who they're going to run to their father? Who is that?
Harder Malay salah? Father follow? You are the father of all
humanity. Allah created you with his own hands
we need save. We are worried
intercede for us do shafa for us are the Melissa lambs response
would be what
knifes enough see? I'm worried about myself because Allah gave me
one command.
And I violated that one command. I'm worried about me. What how
what is he going to do with me? Go to New la sala
who worshiped Allah for 1000 years they will go to New Orleans
You are the one you know this and this Lucia far for me.
Nevertheless Salam will say I asked Allah subhanaw taala to save
my disbelieving son and Allah was upset with me knifes enough. See,
I'm worried what is going to be the consequence of that. Go to
Holly Lola Ibrahim alayhis salam, they will go to Ibrahim alayhis,
and so on so forth without going to the detail then he will say go
to Musa alayhis salam Musa alayhis salam will again say the same
thing that I killed a person I'm worried about
knifes enough scene, go to Elisa Ruhollah, he's sinless. They will
go to a Silas salon and you said a salon will say you are sinless. He
said but people called me the Son of God. I'm worried what will
happen to me.
Go to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. So people
will come to Rasulullah Salallahu Salam Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
salam will fall in such that in front of Allah Subhana Allah
because he has been given
special honor in this dunya in the bizarre can in Accra and we'll
talk about some of those
before all this happen, just good good news for some for us to
aspire for.
The angels will call where are those who are grateful to Allah
subhanaw taala under all circumstances
Ramadan Allah to Cooley Han in every situation no matter
difficulty. They always were grateful and praise Allah. Some
people will stand up. Come, go
Jen, no hisab
what does that teach us? We should be among those who thank Allah
subhanaw taala no matter what happens
there then people are still worried then another caller will
come. Manuel Lavina Tata Jaffa Jr boohooman el Medina Jaya the owner
of the home call phone with Tama min Marisa Konami, and where are
those who used to leave their warm beds at night to stand in front of
Allah coffin with among fearful and hopeful of Allah and us to
spend from what We have come in
the Hatchard regular with real hope and and Sahaba sadhaka
some people will stand up and turn
Allahu Akbar. That's another thing.
Then he will say Who are those regionen love to hear him to
Jonathan wala Dion and decreed
if time is selective Eater is a Cathy, you have una Yeoman taka la
Brophy Hill Kulu Boohwal. Absa where are those people?
Who neither trade nor business, distracted from the remembrance of
Allah Subhana Allah who always remembered Allah subhanaw taala
who stablished salah, and give Zakat and we're afraid of this day
some people will stand up and apologize after that. Is I will
to just like VIPs everywhere are given special entry in a special
entrance. This is like these are the VIPs of that. This is the
Now people will still be waiting.
Then the jelly of the Divine which we don't know what is going to
Allah subhanaw taala will appear without
then Allah smart Allah says we're G A Yo Ma e then be Johanna.
what G A Yo Ma Demeter Hannah. And on that day Jahannam Jia will be
Okay. It's personified. Jana is personified it will be brought.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam teaches us that to contain
Jana because it's going to be going out of control. Why is it
going out of control?
Because Johanna is a macro, Luca is a creation of Allah subhanaw
taala does Johanna obey Allah subhanaw taala? Yes, does Janome
get angry? Yes, Allah mentions those things, angry at who the
people who have disobeyed my rub. So it will be coming out of
control wanting to consume everybody who is disobedient. So
Allah subhanaw taala has arranged 70,000 If you want to call them
halters are leashes to hold it back and the Prophet sallallahu
sallam said 70,000 Angels will be holding each leash to keep this
Jana from consuming everybody. This Janome will be brought to a
Jia yo might even be Jana.
Jahannam like Jana will, no announcement will send like a
tongue of flame and pick people out of them.
In a collegiate bar in honeyed Allah Subhan Allah describes in
the Quran the people who are tyrannical and obstinate Jahannam
will say where are those and it will nose pick them out of the
When Allah rasool Allah Who are those who tried to harm Allah and
His Rasul, you can't harm Allah subhanaw taala but who tried to
oppose who abused him and one of the biggest abuse is to say that
he doesn't exist or he has partners
and it will pick those and then in the third category,
he said some Allah Allah Salam, where are the ASABE with the savvy
people of the idols, who is to make idols, so
they will be taken ahead of time.
So Allah subhanaw taala says,
Yo minding yet that cruel insan now when this person sees on this
dais Jana now he remembers that people talked about it now he
believes now he knows for sure
yet the vector will insane now he pays attention and what would you
do when he sees this immediate nadamoo repentance? I wish
I could be forgiven I wish I could escape from this.
What is the result? What Anila who the crowd but what good is his
remembrance today? It's too late on this one, Atala says the
remembrance will be of no avail and no benefit. We will all see
the consequences of all the choices we made
and all the limits of Allah subhanaw taala that we violated.
So then what will he say this person who sees this Jahannam yeah
Kulu ya later knee
they will say yah, yah late any This is an expression in Arabic of
extreme regret. Want to me may I be destroyed?
I'm a loser, whatever you want and there is not no real comparison.
But this is my ultimate damnation. The person was. What did I do?
What did I do?
Cut down to the hayati. I wish I had sent something for my life.
Now he knows what real life is. The life that's coming.
I wish your Kulu ya lightening Warren to me Khuddam truly hayati.
I wish I wish I wish I had done I wish I had said something I wish I
had some good deeds
so Yo Ma and then Lola you're adorable are there but who had
therefore on that
De Allah will punish another lab
that no one has ever been punished before. No matter what you have
seen of suffering,
in your experience so you've heard or imagined, it will not even come
Well Wallah, you circle with Sal Khan who had, then he will bind,
he means he will order people to be bound in chains, like they have
never been bound. You've seen people in chains here, and their
ankles and this and the next and all of that is nothing compared
with Allah youth. They're cool with alcohol.
He will bind them as they have never been bound before. This is a
very serious threat to those who reject Allah subhanaw taala.
So, this is one picture
of the people
to measure groups who rejected who defied this is their end full of
regret full of punishment.
What about the other group?
Yeah, a 201 NatCen Mahatma
Allah subhanaw taala himself is addressing
soul knifes or soul of Mahatma in Mahatma Itami Nan, in total
tranquility and peace, no worries, no regrets. Happy tranquility,
completely content.
This is the quality of the snuff, Salah sang nafcillin matomo In
how would one achieve that status?
having kept Allah in front of you at all times, every moment, every
decision, every choice, keeping the Accra in front of you, every
moment, every choice, every action, every word, I have to be
They lead their lives, completely negating their own desires. Only
what my rub desires, if some of my desire is in line with what she
desires, hamdulillah but if any of my desire is not what Allah likes.
I deny it.
Just like we do in Ramadan, I want to eat but Allah desires that I
not eat at this time. So I said no.
That's our training in Ramadan, to train our knifes for every
decision not just for food. That's how we train. And I want always to
know what Allah wants from me. Yeah, a year to Hanif soon Motoman
inna Allah subhanaw taala then says Aegiali This is a very tender
energy, come back in Arabic key
come back to your Lord.
Again, Allah is above all comparisons. But imagine
a lost child and the mother sees the chance to come back my child
to me. And then the mother hugs and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe
Salam give an example. Because in one place, there was a woman who
had lost her child in a crowd. And she was running like a mad woman
looking for this child and then suddenly she found this child and
you saw the joy on her face and she grabbed the child and hug and
Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam took that as a teaching moment.
He said what do you think is the feelings of this woman had this
she she she was overjoyed because she has so much love for her
child. And he says and your Rob has more love for you than this
woman has for a child.
So Allah is saying, well my knifes will not mine or, oh my God, come
back to your Lord, Rod, the atom are the
pleased you will be pleased to come back to me because of what
you have done more they are pleasing, you have pleased your
Lord and therefore as a consequence your Lord is going to
please you give you whatever you want, till you are satisfied.
And then more
or all the other model the then he will say there, then further who
li Feedly buddy, enter with my EBA This is another term of endearment
ybody everybody's is an update for lie, buddy. My bad means those
special ones who were truly Bad's of Allah. Allah says enter with
them. What the holy Jenna
De Jannetty enter Mijin Allah subhanaw taala nursing intergender
enter Mijin special with my special servants, this is for
enough soon moved to my in.
So, this is the end of the surah Allah subhanaw taala says this is
that has sought satisfaction and sufficiency in Allah Alone as the
Caffee as the supervisor who looks to no one else who suppresses
their egos and desires in the world. Knowing that this is
finite, no matter what I have, I can never be fully satisfied. So I
keep my focus on the Hara.
Then Abu Bakr Siddiq wrote the Allah one orga heard this last
when the Prophet salaallah alayhi salam recited it, he said Max and
hada what can be better than this? That Allah says this to you?
The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Indeed, this will be said to
you here Abubaker This is one of the Bashara as of Abu Bakr Siddiq
among his special thing, that when he said this Rasul Allah said you
will be of those who Allah sadist.
There are some special Kurama that are
reported Kalamata extraordinary events, you're like what the
messengers the prophets had. They're called mirages when Allah
subhanaw taala changes the normal laws of of the universe, you know,
so karamat to people other than Gambia.
So, this is reported in our books that this is in the time of the
Second Abbas Al Khalifa, Abu Jafar, Al mon Sol, they were at
war with the Romans, four of the Muslims were captured.
And the Roman emperor said to the four of them,
accept Christianity, leave Islam or I will be had you
one of them stood up, he said, I will never I shall do Allah Allah
Illallah Shall I will never go ahead and beheaded so they were on
a cliff and there was a river there.
So he ordered this man to be one chop the head fell into the river
before that, three others the other three said we give up we
will be Christians. This was one man who said no.
So the people who are gathered saw this head fall into the river
then it popped back up
just the head
and call this a year for law and y'all fallen y'all fallen? Order
these three comprehend. address them. He says yah, yah, yah yah to
have enough soul moto in Erie je la cura dmrb fatica Lee, by the
When they heard this and then disappeared into
they came back to Islam.
Many of the people around accepted Islam
and the Emperor decided after seeing this that he was not going
to behead them but hold them for ransom.
Then Abu Jaffa Ullman source sent and they came back and then
narrated the story.
Another thing that happened you know the one of the most famous of
our scholars and Sahaba Abdullah ibn Abbas Radi Allahu and Homer,
the first cousin of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam who was in
his companionship with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam made
special dua is the greatest explainer of the Quran.
When he died, he was in PIF.
When they discovered they had dug a grave and as they were lowering
it, the people who are there
they saw a strange bird coming which they had never seen. And it
went in into the grave so they were looking to see if there's a
crevice and they waited to cover this. They didn't know if it had
gone into somewhere or it had gone within the coffin of of the
liveness Ambassador della they waited and waited nothing came out
so then they
the mud
when the covered the mud over the grave sound started coming from
the grave. Yeah, a year to have enough sudomotor My
era God in Arabic Your
father holy Abadi what holy Jannetty and this is mutawatir
narrated by the every generation from that. People who witnessed it
said this is what happened. This is a cram of a very special
person. This doesn't happen to most people. Just to tell you the
importance of this
so what is our job as we give ourselves tasks after reading
this? What am I supposed to do? Right
after reading this surah one of course as we remember in Rob
Bukka, Labelle Mirsad always remember, indeed your Lord is Ever
Watchful to watch your actions.
But what do we have now? What should be our goal?
After hearing all of this, please be
specific. That's correct. specific
goods I have the miskeen all of those Yes. Take care of the
orphans find out the young call Islamic Relief I want to sponsor
two orphans for till the age of maturity. I'll take care of this.
Yeah, well, your team
ultimately, bottom line, what do you want?
What we've just talked about, I want to have a
of course we do. Yes.
Not so northmen. Right, this word we are saying? I want to have that
ultimate knifes that where Allah will will say this to me. That's
what we aspire for. Yes.
Their agenda? Yes, that is done. But you want something special?
So the question is, how do I develop enough soul but mine? Is
it impossible?
Unless wondered if it was impossible, we wouldn't have made
this happen.
But it requires is it easy? No, it requires a lot of work. Where does
work start? If you have a goal, what do you do first you set the
goal. Then you start working towards that goal.
Right? Find out what is going to give me that grant me that nerf
soul what's my inner and inner self that so purified that Allah
calls it? Enough so not mine?
all of that has to go.
Who can enable you to have this
nobody is correct. I may advise you but who can
Allah, Allah the only one who can? Is Allah
so what should you do?
Ask Allah Allah grant me enough sin with mine open for me all the
channels that will make me enough soon with mine create
circumstances for me. That will give me an absolute mine. Show me
my weaknesses that I cleanse them so I develop NASTRAN with mine
show me every opportunity for earning good that I become an
absolute mine. surround me with people who will help me to become
enough soon what's my inner keep me away from people who take me
into Knutsen? Amara bin su the evil aspect of the of the of the
neffs ask Allah subhanaw taala that's where it all starts
beginning during after always da and then finding looking at within
ourselves. What are my weaknesses? What are my strengths? What are my
strengths I make them better? What are my weaknesses? I get rid of
So I'm going to tell you a specific the answer for this
you can say it in your own words.
Most of our doors start with God this is easy.
Allah hum Allahumma inni us a Luca nuff. Son. I ask you as a Luca
nevsun beaker Muto inna enough's
that is tranquility in a state of serenity and peace with you.
To me no build a car a car that believes in the meeting with you.
That one day I will meet you.
What turbo boost cada Aika one that is pleased with whatever
destiny you decree for me.
Difficulty is
World's poverty, radar, not just acceptance but pleasure with what
you give me anything. So what Tada that is pleased radar as we say,
Be Kadar, Kedah and Kadar of Allah subhanaw taala. What takana, the
pinna that finds sufficiency in whatever you give.
If you give me one piece of dry bread for 10 years only,
I am content with that, give me that kind
of knifes.
So this is a law that we can all make. If we aspire to have that
you found
looking for?
Okay, you're not going to find it in that, that's I'm giving you a
special gift which was given to me. Now, it's 830.
I am not going to go to the next Surah because we are going to read
the translation and then in the interest I was going to start with
so at the high which is very intimately linked with this but I
think we will conclude after reading. Why don't you read it
right from the beginning the whole thing and Shawn,
hold on one second.
By the dawn and the 10 nights of the month of pilgrimage by all
that is even and all that is odd. And the night as it passes is
there and this an oath of sufficient proof? For whoever has
a mind that God is all able to punish the ungodly? Have you not
seen a prophet how your Lord dealt with the prophet of people of odd
from Iran, the nation of the pillars, like of whom were never
before created in the land, and with the people of Talmud, who
carved their very homes out of the great rocks of the stone Valley.
And with mighty pharaoh of the lofty structures. They all
insolently transgressed in the lands. Thus the spread there in
much corruption. So your Lord poured upon them all a scourge of
horrendous torment. Indeed, your Lord is most surely ever watchful.
Now as for men, whenever his Lord tries them, such that he gives
generous generously to him and bless him. He says exultantly My
Lord has honored me. Yet as to whenever he tries them such that
he restricts for him His provision. He says, despondently
My Lord has disgraced me. No, indeed, it is a test of faith. But
you human beings break the covenant of God, you do not give
generously to the orphan, nor do you urge one another to feed the
indigent. Moreover, you devour the inheritance of others with a
devouring greed, for your loved wealth with an ardent love. No,
indeed, most surely he will all perish when the earth is pounded
to dust with the crushing, pounding, and comes your Lord for
judgment. And the angels are arrayed in rank upon ring and
brought near interview on that day is * itself. It is on that day
that men will remember with utter regret all his sins. But how, then
shall this remembrance avail him? He will say, Oh, if only I
forwarded some good for this my true life to come. For on that day
none shall have ever sought to punish as he shall punish. None
shall have ever thought to bind this he shall bind. Yet to each
believer God shall say, oh, peaceful soul returned to your
Lord, well pleased and well pleasing, and so enter among my
beloved servants and enter my everlasting garden.