Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #114 Tafsir Surah AzZumar P2

Mohammad Ali Hazratji
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of forgiveness and the use of fear in AI programs. They also mention the use of genetic testing to protect individuals from harm. The speaker also touches on the use of light and how it is used to avoid mistakes. They briefly mention the importance of forgiveness in AI programs.
AI: Transcript ©
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So this is sort of a serious consideration. We, each one has to

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look in our near and hear a class is in the heart. It's not some but

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something that we can judge sometimes we can't even judge our

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own class. Do I have a class? I think I'm doing really good in

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Islam. I'm doing this I'm doing that. I don't know if there is

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some corruption in my class. Only Allah knows. And only Allah will

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reveal it on the Day of Judgment. People may have all kinds of good

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deeds and we have Hadith about it.

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Radi Allahu and used to faint every time he narrated this

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hadith, the Hadith about the three people who will be brought on the

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Day of Judgment right in the beginning.

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Right in the beginning,

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a person will be brought who was an island and a party to recite

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the Quran and teach the Quran

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and Allah subhanaw taala will remind him of His favours and ask

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him what did you do for me said Ya Allah I was such a beautiful

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Korean I did this and I thought that for your sake, Allah will say

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no, you lie. You did it so that you would be praised people would

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say Oh, mashallah, what a beautiful voice What a beautiful

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recitation What a beautiful this and you got honored, it was not

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for me, and we ordered the Malacca to drag him on the face because

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into Johanna.

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Then a person will be brought

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who died in battle?

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And Allah subhanaw taala will will ask him that I gave you all these

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favorites. What did you do? He said, Your Allah I even lay down

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my life for you in jihad.

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Allah subhanaw taala will say yes, you lay down your life but it was

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not for my sake, it was because you wanted to be called, you know,

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brave and that you know person of Valor, honor and put him in Janome

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and the third person has been reminded will be set your Allah

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you gave me so much wealth and I give it an all good causes for

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your pleasure. I spent a lot of money feasability Allah what Allah

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will say no, it was not feasible in light was so that you would be

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recognized as being generous through Iman, Jana. This hadith

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teaches us that a person may do good deeds when they fool others,

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but they may sometimes fool themselves thinking that I'm doing

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it for Allah and it's not true.

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So we ask Allah subhanaw taala every time we do deeds, good

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deeds, we should thank Allah subhanaw taala we shouldn't feel

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proud about it. We shouldn't preferably, acts that don't need

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to be broadcast should be done secretly. So that we have some

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Atlas, there are certain things you have to do openly you should

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be in Joomla you should be in the masjid then you should fast when

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everybody's fasting and you go for Hajj. So you can hide that from

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people, all of that. But anything extra that you do that can be

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You do secretly so that there is the near doesn't get contaminated

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by Ria, showing, you know, showing people and impressing people. So

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Allah subhanaw taala saying worship Allah and your worship is

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the big word, not just the formal acts of Ibadah as we mentioned,

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the pillars of Islam, but everything else, you know, how we

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treat our parents how we treat our children, how every aspect how we

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learn our deen why we learn our the, again, we are told that there

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are people who learn then to look like they're people have

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knowledge, to get honor to earn money, all kinds of things. So we

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ask Allah subhanaw taala to always keep us humble, and to keep us

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in a state of class for his pleasure. And anything that we

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have done that is without a class, to forgive us for that and to make

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conditions conducive for us and give us opportunities to worship

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Him and to do things that he likes without it being known to anyone.

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And we mentioned this the some of the Sahaba and some early

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generations did things nobody knew

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till they passed away.

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There's we talked about CNN, Abu Bakr Saya, then our there is a

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story from a later generation that a person

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used to his, his wife used to give him lunch. Every day he used to

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leave home to go to work.

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And then one day he died.

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And some person came to the door and said, you know, how is he said

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he passed away? Why do you ask? He said because today I didn't get my

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lunch. So the lunch that the wife used to give without telling

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anybody in the house he used to fast every single

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Will day.

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Take the lunch give it to a poor person on the way. Why have you

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been delayed? That's it last. And sometimes Allah subhanaw taala

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exposes that afterwards to give us an example Otherwise Allah

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subhanaw taala could have kept that a secret to

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so Allah subhanaw taala again tells us that we have sent down

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the book to you or Mohamed Salah Salem in truth so worship Allah

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alone by doing religious deeds sincerely for Allah sake only

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devoted to him alone and not to show off and not to set up rivals

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with online worship. Allah Lilla he'll be known Hall is again the

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cordless cordless means pure the what looks on the outside is what

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is on the inside you cut through it looks exactly the same inside

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as outside.

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That has been empty colors from every impurity, it's only pure.

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And here we are specifically referring to the color of the

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hearts a heart that's been emptied of all attachments except to Allah

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subhanaw taala especially in acts of worship.

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And all other attachments are because of attachment to Allah

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subhanaw taala that I love my child or loved my mother or loved

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my spouse, because Allah wants me to I love my brothers in Islam

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because Allah likes that. Okay, so all my attachments in my love are

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secondary to my love and devotion to Allah.

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Allah, Allah subhanaw taala saying indeed Lilla hit the nail Hall is

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for Allah the deen has to be your way of life has to be pure, a pure

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lifestyle, worship and all other acts obedience. Well Lavina hadoo

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woman Dooney Oh, Leah, and how about Allah can contrast the

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college the pure on with the one who take other than Allah as

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partners mean? Dooney Lohit Olia, they take protectors, they take

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helpers besides Him. So anyone who takes a partnership in one way or

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the other with Allah, and the people of of Quraysh, but also

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Mushrik they did believe in Allah when they were asked, Who created

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heavens in the earth, they would say Allah, so they believed in

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Allah, but they did not worship Him alone. They had all these

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other idols and what was their argument about it? How did they

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justify and that was then and it is today

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whether we take the Trinity whether we take you know folic you

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know, poor quality ism that we see in the Indian subcontinent and

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anywhere else, but you have multiple gods goddesses deities.

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What is the excuse when they're asked the same man now who do hum

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Illallah you can read Munna Illallah his will fall. This is Oh

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no, we don't wish we haven't gone.

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We haven't gone.

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We only

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worship Him but we worship them because through them, they are

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mediators, they will take us

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close to Allah subhanaw taala so they are our facilitators to get

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close to Allah Swami. Ma boo, we don't worship them. Illa except,

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so we have a great great goal we want to come close to Allah, but

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the ways we take is through worshiping other things. Ultimate

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goal is to come close to Allah Subhana Allah

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Allah subhanaw taala says in Allah yeah como Vina whom female home

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feed here telephone Okay, that's your claim come with this argument

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on the day of judgment or last one policy indeed Hola. Como by now

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from people who disagree with the thought hate Allah will

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judge between the two

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in what they used to differ because today the people will

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argue with you No, no, this is the this we are all on good. We all

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believe in one but you know, there are this will that when you know,

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Allah subhanaw taala saying okay, then come on the Day of Judgment.

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Allah will judge between you and everything that used to differ in

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Allahu Allah, the man who occurred they don't care for, and Allah

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subhanaw taala says indeed he does not guide those who are caddied

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with which means liars and en ca for those who deny, deny Allah's

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existence and deny His favours. But anyone who denies the Quran is

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the greatest favor. Anyone who denies one alphabet of the Quran

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is a Kuffar.

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So Allah subhanaw taala saying Allah does not guide those who are

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liars, liars in every way just common lying as

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Well is lying against Allah, which is making up things about Allah,

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that Allah did not authorize. And that's what many people say, Oh,

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Allah is this Allah is that Allah is this, you know, this is how I

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see it. You know, my heart tells you what is your heart? What kind

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of a corrupt heart are you coming from? When Allah has told you who

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he is? Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that indeed

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the religion the way of life is for Allah alone, and those who

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take our lair protectors and helpers besides Him, they say we

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worship them only, that they may bring us nearer to Allah. Verily,

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Allah was judged between them concerning that were in the

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default and Allah guides not Who is a liar and a disbeliever.

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Now, among those partners is people have said that Allah has

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taken a son and the pressure Maka is to say, Allah has

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daughters, that the angels are daughters of a Muslim.

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And then we have the sun. You know, we have some of the groups

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and among the Jews said that Hosea

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la Salaam is the son of Allah. And of course we have our Christian

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cousins, who said that Jesus's Son of God so Allah subhanaw taala

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here because this is a mock consumerize probe is telling us

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ahead of time about what the President what we will face what

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they would face in Medina, which is the Jews and the Christians

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Lutron Lao, Ara de la low aim yet Takeda? What are the lowest of

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minima? Maya share Subhana who Allahu wa que do

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lo Arad Allahu Allah if Allah wanted

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to take a son,

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you could have taken anything

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that you created anything you want, because Allah is in charge

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of everything. Min Maya, from what he created, he didn't have to take

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one of you he could have taken anything.

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So how but Allah is

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not in need of any sons or children or any other partners. He

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is above Subhana who he is not in need. He is exalted above any such

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because giving hola Sonora partner is an insult and abuse to Allah.

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Allah is above that amuse who Allah He is Allah. Allah hit one.

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No partners, I'll call

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her heart is the one who was overpowering overwhelming. Again

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Allah is mentioning his power. Be afraid of making such allegations

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that Allah has a son or a daughter or partners, because Allah is

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Kahan, take it seriously, he is absolute and might you can do what

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he wants. So the translation said Had Allah willing to take a son,

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or offspring or children he could have chosen whom he pleased out of

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those whom he created, but Glory be to Him. He is above such

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things. He is a lot He is Allah, the One the irresistibly

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overpowering absolute in mind.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala tells us Holika summer YT will Ardabil have

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you covered with Leila Elena? Hi, were you covered on the leg was

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Saqqara shumsa Well, Pamela cooling Yejide agilan mucem Ella

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who will Azizullah afar and we had similar items with our look man

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that Allah created the heavens and the earth you st Holika summer

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what the seven heavens, the heavens and the earth, been happy

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in truth, there is a purpose he is indeed it was created in truth,

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it's all true. And it is truly created by him. That's also true.

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And it has a purpose behind your cover to Leila and and her and he

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covers and wraps the day into the night and the night into the day.

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The alternation of the day of the night is not by accident. This is

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by design of Allah subhanaw taala and all the forces in the universe

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that are put into effect so that we can have a day and night night

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for us to rest. And then for us to go out and see his blessings and

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earn a living and all of that. And Allah subhanaw taala last hoorah

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we learned

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contracts the day sometimes contracts the night sometimes they

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overpower each other. And again, the similar thing was mentioned

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that n

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was Saqqara, Shamsul Kamara and he is subjected the sun and the moon,

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for you for your service, to give you accounting of time, and

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everything else that they do. Call me call me Yejide

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agilely Muslim all of them will continue in their orbits in the

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paths that Allah has determined

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agilan Musa till a time that is appointed and then it will all

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come to an end.

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Okay so everything besides Allah as we said last time has a time

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limit, it is programmed for destruction and

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pay attention indeed, who will he allow Aziz again same thing that

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we had in the first AI is mighty, all of this is that is describing

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us look above, reflect on the on the heavens is his might. And a

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far far is the, the, the superlative form of one who

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forgives and performance who keeps forgetting, forgiving, repetitive,

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if you keep making mistakes you forgive, same mistake, forgive,

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same mistake forgive same, how far

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Allah subhanaw taala is again putting both together his might

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for us to fear so that we have fear of Allah, of disobeying and

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have a far hope of forgiveness. So our lines and many of the AI arts

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will be based on these two very critical

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feelings, emotions that we should lead our lives, which is the two

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wings as they have been described, of the bird flying to Allah, the

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wing of hope and the wing of fear. It's not just one or the other.

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If you have too much hope and no fear, then you become one of those

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who do whatever they want is Allah is Ever forgiving. And that is

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that is not hope that is sort of an illusion. And someone only has

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fear then he paralyzes himself from any action or I've done this

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mistake No, I'm done. I'm doomed. I can do anything. So Allah smart

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Allah is telling us both wings have to be beating fear and hope

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our life should be between fear of Allah fear of disobeying him fear

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of is His wrath is as easy is for her. And hope is Rahman Rahim. But

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far before all of that we should keep in mind.

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Allah said he created the heavens and earth in truth for a purpose.

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He wraps the night around the day and wraps the day around the

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night. And he has subjected the sun and moon each orbiting in a

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fixed course for an appointed time. He is truly Almighty most

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frequently forgiving.

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Now Allah subhanaw taala after reminding us of the heavens, he

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now comes to remind looking within he says halacha Khan, He created

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you, mean Neff sinuata header from a single soul who is the single

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our 30 others so masala mean Huzzah. Raja, then from him? He

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created Xiao Jia, his mate who is that?

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Our Mother How about Allah?

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So Allah Subhana Allah is telling us that you all have come from a

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common source. Okay.

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Imagine the billion six 7 billion people's genes and genetic codes

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were all from that one gene pool of other Melissa including his

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his wife was created from him one soul nafcillin Wahida

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and then the gender differentiation took place and

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then from there the x&y genes are created and so on so forth in

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different combinations and all of those little you know amino acids

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are put in place so we have different colors we have different

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shapes of faces and hair and everything else individual genes

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to determine our

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fingerprints gene to determine our retinol and corneal pattern gene

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to determine the individual what you you spit because new scent for

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genetic testing you send your saliva and they'll tell you what

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your genes are individual.

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So ha

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ha ha come enough Silva. So just remember all of you and all of us,

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all of us have genes from other medicinal

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original genes have been passed down.

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From loins to warm from loins to warm from loyal to warm till now.

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And we have done

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this intermixing with different but all from the same source.

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One Zilla calm mineral and Amorth, ammonia as well as and Allah smart

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Allah says And We have sent for you eight types of

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Anam is cattle and for parents

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four pairs, male and female goat, male and female sheep, male and

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female, cow and ox, male and female camp.

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Okay four pairs are considered and all of those you ride you use milk

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from you eat you and you use their skins. So they are creating unzila

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Lakhan for you for your service Allah is reminding us of His

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favors that I created you and I sustained you I'm giving you

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provisions among the provisions of this the milk the want the food

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and whatever they do for you

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mineral and ameth ammonia as well. Yeah for Lukaku and he has created

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you see Wartune Omaha taken in the in the wombs of your mother's

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huddlecam mimbar the Hultin creation after creation after

00:21:01 --> 00:21:07

creation from that first ovum that is fertilized to the zygote to the

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what what is called the the the Aloka from that to the Moga from

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that you know from the little thing that will clot type of thing

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to that like chewed gum type of thing to something that looks like

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a human being at a few months, stage after stage after stage till

00:21:25 --> 00:21:27

you're ready to be delivered Allah, Allah subhanaw taala

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saying, Yeah, Luca come he creates you in the wombs of your mother's

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feeble toenail Mahakam Kulgam member the hulking fee lumati

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fella in three layers of darkness. And this is unique to Allah

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subhanaw taala anything else anybody is creating the need

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light, like creating darkness keeps it secret. Three layers of

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darkness the scholar said, What is the abdominal wall, the outer

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wall, then the the wall of the uterus of the womb. And then the

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what contains the amniotic fluid the placental membranes, which

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contains the fluid. So one layer two layer three layers, Allah

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subhanaw taala has kept us protected, comfortable in

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darkness. Light doesn't bother you when you have little babies newly

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born you bring a light they'll do this. Have you seen them do that

00:22:22 --> 00:22:28

make faces like the newborn? Bring a light bothers them. keeps them

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nice quiet dark, they're hearing the heartbeat of the mother.

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They're hearing other things. If the if inshallah she's reciting

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Quran they're hearing that and they're enjoying that three layers

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of darkness nobody knows initially nobody mother even doesn't know

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it's it's there.

00:22:46 --> 00:22:49

Didn't she misses her cycles and you know, she starts to throw up

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she has no idea what's growing inside. So huh.

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So Allah subhanaw taala is reminding us of how he created us

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and just mentioned lutonium had to come to remind us of the value of

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our mothers

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