Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #112 Tafsir Surah Luqman P9

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The transcript describes a variety of monologue and monologue about Islam, including a musician's monologue that uses a variety of language and appears to be a song or dance. The "naught change" concept is discussed, where individuals experience life-changing experiences that have caused them to become aware of their "has been revealed" situations. Jesus emphasizes the importance of protecting against diseases and knowing the "whale of Islam" in order to be heedless. The Day of Jgment is discussed, where individuals discuss various statements made on the Day of Jgment, including a "brder's act" that causes people to lose sight of something, a promise to "will ease" when the rain comes, a "brder's act" that causes people to become heedless, and a "brder's act" that causes people to become heedless. The importance of protecting against diseases and knowing the "whale of Islam" in order to be heedless
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why all of this Velika and Mala who will have one amiodarone am in
dunya Hill bouton. Anala, one ally you will be now in this aisle,
each one will end with two attributes of Allah that are
relevant to what is mentioned. So Allah subhanaw taala is reminding
us of all of this that he has subjected in the heavens and the
Earth, the Sun and the Moon Valley kabhi Allah Allah who will Huck
this is all evidence because Allah is the truth is promises the
truth. The piano is the truth. Jana is the truth. The Hellfire is
the truth. Or Annamaya de una min dunya Higginbotham and Boo Boo
they call besides Allah is Martin is defective, it's false. It's
false everything else other than Allah is falsehood. Or Anala.
Allahu Allah Ali, will cubby and Allah is above a higher than
everything else means no matter what insults they're hurl at him
by saying he has taken a son or he has partners. Whatever garbage
they talk about Allah Subhana Allah is Allah Allah He is not
affected because he is high above everything else. And he is Al
Kabir, the truly great
and the Hodgkin bottle comes frequently in in the Quran, that
there is a truth and there is falsehood and they stand clearly
distinct from each other, and that we have a choice to choose either.
And therefore we should make our choices carefully analyzing
everything and seeing where lies the truth.
Now comes another imaginary
alum Tara Enel Fulshear
alum Tara another full Katagiri Phil battery now Amity Lila Uriah
Coleman Yachty in Nephi Dalek till Nicholas Sebastian Shaku
Allah subhanaw taala says have you not seen the ships sailing through
the waters of the oceans?
The jewelry we now Rahmatullah by this is also Namur you didn't
deserve it, but he allows it to float
you know, what is the only thing that Allah has made, which
in its solid form, floats
when water becomes ice, it floats on the water. But it's the same
thing yet it floats.
And Allah has made laws of surface tension in which allow things like
which are much heavier such as ships. Um, doesn't make any sense
that something that weighs 100,000 tons
floats on the water
doesn't sink in this is from the namah of Allah.
He is at that time chips used to be out of wood. So you could argue
well, wood floats on water, but now they're made of steel and
metal. Okay.
So this is the fact you don't say oh, what a good boat or ship these
people should build his build. The reason it's floating is by the
blessing of Allah
because the one who bragged about his ship, who said Not even God
can sink it didn't make it to the other end first trip. Okay.
Yes. So Allah subhanaw taala saying the fact that you see them
floating now we have these huge massive cruise ships 1000s of
people on it, you know, 20 storeys high, they're like
floating on.
Why does he do that? So, he says, So, that you he can show you his
signs one of the signs is look how it is floating. Then he takes you
through the oceans to show you land, it subjects you to the
waves, he subjects you to the storms, he subjects you do all
kinds of things. So you see his science,
in epidemiological IoT liquid lists a bunch of code, and in this
there is
there is there are Signs for those who see and who are sub bar means
who have consistent
forbearance and patience to deal with the, the challenges and
vicissitudes of life as well as the blessings because Ayat of
Allah subhanaw taala, the signs you see can be something that you
love and enjoy, and they can be signs which you don't like,
because they are hardship for you. So your response should be should
be one of summer and of sugar. So Allah subhanaw taala is calling
sambar means who's consistently patient who has the
forbearance no matter what happens. And because of that
patience is Shaco he's always thankful to Allah smile, even when
a hardship, see y'all lie thank you because it could have been
more difficult
now, continuing on this now we are on, we are on a ship that is on
the ocean. And if you see no matter how big the ship is, if you
put it in the middle of the ocean, Atlantic or Pacific, how big is
it? If you look from a satellite, less than, the waves are
And sometimes the waves pick up. And that big ship starts to rock.
So last month, I was giving you this
imagery. If you ever saw a movie back from the 50s, the Mutiny on
the Bounty, you remember the big storm that came and we have many
ships, and we have you know,
it was either Russia or mo June because doolally and when they are
covered by the waves, in other words, a storm is coming on that
ship. Now you're seeing the waves pick up the wind pick up now the
waves are starting to come on top of the ship and you're seeing now
you're feeling a little bit tense. And then it comes more and more
and higher and higher. And the water's coming and covering you
like a shade. Now what happens because Dolan like a shade over
you like a cloud has come over you from just the waves. In other
words, now you're afraid you're going to drown This is the end of
the hour Hola Hola, Sina Lodine now this person who denied Allah
calls appeals to Allah makes dua to Allah sincerely he forgets
about everyone else only to Allah. Mukhlas seen Allahu Deen This is
his is his way of life now is sincerely to Allah save me from
this? Yeah, Allah saved me from this fella Mana giome. And then
when we save them, Ill borrower and we take them to a solid land
now they have landed, what should be that attitude that Allah saved
them they've been through a calamity. And this is just an
image. Just imagine we go through challenges like that of life in
suppose a child became horribly sick, we didn't know they were
going to live or we became like that or something else happened?
We go through those life changing or near death experiences, does it
change our life?
If we recover from that it's like Allah has brought us from the
storm and put us on solid ground
for men who mocked acid from them, or some who are mocked acid. Now
this is an interesting word mocked acid comes from the side, which
means balanced.
So what does this means?
They have many different I've found many different explanations
of this, add up to the same. Mokhtar said means someone who
that some of them you can take this in a positive way because
elsewhere Mukhtar said in the Quran has been used in a positive
way mean. In other words, this person becomes balanced between
shook believing in Allah and doing sovereign.
The other is that he is balanced between belief and disbelief, he
should have come to full belief but he is now in the middle.
He's hedging his bets.
He should have come all the way to believe but he still have here
have one leg on this side, one leg on this side straddling the the
and then some have said that there is like this, like Mujahid said
that there is another I have the similar thing in which Allah
subhanaw taala say that they returned to shake that you can
take it back, some of them will return to ship. So in other words,
if a near life, a near death experience does not change
somebody, what else is going to change that.
So what we learn is when we have a near escape from something near
escape or something and you're crossing a
red or green light, and somebody runs the red light, and it just
passes you by without hitting you
or they even they hit you, like happened to my daughter and no
reason they hit you But you saved
that's a life that has been saved chance and what should that do
that should change your life going forward? And if you don't, then
you're among some of those who even that did not change if that
does not change because the last month the last throes challenges
our way. So that we may change. If that doesn't change then nothing
Well now you have to be in
Qatar in CAFO. And here Allah subhanaw taala and these trials is
Having the qualities of the people last time somebody in Shaco the
good qualities here. Hotter hotter is like a dark person who is a
traitor backstabber who is the worst of the worst treacherous
CAFO instead of Shaco who is the opposite she denies all of that.
Allah subhanaw taala says Nobody argues about the eyes of Allah
subhanaw taala denies his signs except the, the most deceitful,
treacherous traitor, and who is an ungrateful disbeliever
now we come to the last two Iots of of the surah
here now Allah subhanaw taala addresses all of mankind directly
He says, Yeah, a Johann SUTA pura bekam work show Yeoman UGC while
they don't own wallet the wala Mau Luden who are Jasmine on Word. Wha
Lydia he che in Nevada law. Hey, fella taco Ron Coleman here to
dunya Willa, you're one biller Hill guru for mankind. It pura
back home, have fear of your Lord. He doesn't say of Allah He doesn't
say of Rabbil Alameen makes it personal your Lord. In other
words, the one who sustained you the one who provides for you have
fear of him.
Walk show and have fear of a day Yeoman. Russia is rational fear,
fear that comes from knowledge of awareness of what the consequences
not the emotional fear or I got suddenly scared of something. Have
that fear full of knowledge and awareness of a de la Yahtzee Wally
dune and wala D on a day where the sun
will not no father can be of any benefit to the sun. Wallah Mao
Luden and no son who are Jasmine Anwar Liddy no son will benefit
that father.
Che up
in the least.
No, and Allah Samantha is a nuance here last month Allah says No son,
he does not say no daughter.
No son will no father will benefit the son and no son will benefit
the Father. Now we've just been through Lachman advice. So all of
that advice that benefit that he left behind would be for his son.
But on that day, the son of Lachman will not benefit look one
and neither will look man benefit his son in the least not in the
Why is it if that son took the father's advice in this dunya and
acted upon it that would be a benefit for him, but there is no
exchange on that day nobody will say okay, let me help you with
this on my father take this off my deed or none of that will happen
while I'll carry your burden none of that will happen. Why because
of the sheer
fear of this day because we've heard what the day is going to be
like What is
look mana listen I'm going to be saying on the Day of Judgment
nuff see enough see me meet my what will his son be saying? Never
seen us what will be Brian Melissa Lambie saying not see enough see
what will Ismail SRB saying is happening enough see enough see
what will the global SLM be saying that he is not going to say where
is use of use enough's enough see what would usable esalaam Say
knifes enough see what will Maryam Allah His Salam say knifes enough
see what would be Salah salons enough sinners and so you're gonna
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam will see myoma Almighty
there is interesting thing about this son.
Allah has not specified the daughters
are suit Allah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us
that whoever has three daughters is patient with them, gives them
food, give them clothes provides for them is beneficial to them.
They will be a shield for him Canalla who hijab Amina Gnar
yarmulke Yama they will be a shield for that person against the
Hellfire on the Day of Judgment.
In another incident that happened one time as we know say that Aisha
Radi Allahu Ana, somebody knocked on her door. There was a very poor
woman who came were two girls with her and wanted something and
So you the Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, Allah had looked and all
she found in her house was one day so she gave it to the woman.
And guess what the woman did. There was only one day she was
hungry. She split it into gave one to one daughter one to the other
and stayed hungry.
When Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi salam came back. So yeah, the
Aisha narrated the story to Rasul Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam. And
he said, some Allah lives in them, that he who is tested with these
girl children, and he is benevolent towards them, they will
become a protection for him against the Hellfire on the devil,
narrated by mammals. So this is a special status that has been given
to our daughters, and therefore we must
value them. And especially this was at a time when daughters were
carried no wait. May Allah Subhana Allah bless us all with
righteous daughters who will act as our shield on the Day of
Judgment when no son will benefit the father and no father will
benefit the son.
In no Adela help, indeed, the Promise of Allah that this is
going to happen is true. Then Allah subhanaw taala is calling us
urgently towards diseases for Allah Tahoe Rhonda Coleman hired
to do so don't let the life of this dunya distract deceive you.
Don't be deluded by this life of this dunya Wallah you ever run
come biller Hill rule of the road is shaitan and don't let the
deceiver deceive you. What does the deceiver shaitan do? It
beautifies the dunya even more, even more makes it so attractive
that you lose sight of
permissibility of something just for momentary enjoyment. So Allah
subhanaw taala is warning us here.
Word of Allah the end is hard. It is true. It is promised. So don't
lose sight of that. Always keep that in front of you don't let the
dunya what are the things that distract you? What are the things
that that make you forget about it? We know we know theoretically
we say
the AMA is help narrow Jana to have all of this promise about
Allah Allah. Then what makes you forget?
It's our knifes how our desires or intellectual inclinations, the
dunya the attraction of the dunya and shaitan those are the four
things that cause us to become heedless. And Allah subhanaw taala
is calling us
with a sense of urgency be prepared for this and the last is
in Lola in the who and Musa were you not zero no hi throw away ya
Alamo Murphy or ham we're mad enough so mad taxi Bovada Mamata
did enough soon be a Arden to move in LA halimun kabhi calling for
Verily, Allah with him is the Alamosa
when that PSA is the hour, he doesn't say pm because PSA means
the hour which makes it more urgent that the knowledge of when
that end moment is going to come is only with Allah
what else is with Allah well Eunice zero life and when the rain
comes down, how much it comes down where it falls at what speed it
falls and for whom it falls, whether it's going to cause
benefit whether it's going to cause harm is only with Allah no
matter what the weatherman tells
the wrong 50% So it's a 5050 chance
well, your Alamo Murphy or ham and he knows what is in the woods and
the wounds are all the wounds of every animal every human being
that Allah knows what is going to lodge there before it lodges there
when it lodges there what is going to grow to be whether what is
going to become righteous unrighteous this that whether it
will go to term or not? What is in the wombs is known to Allah wa
maddrey Enough some and nobody knows Mather taxi Bovada what
tomorrow will bring what provision what challenges what benefit
tomorrow will bring tomorrow also means next hour in the future is
not known to anyone. Allah subhanaw taala says that means is
only known to him. When mattered enough so man no one knows be a
ardent remote where you will die.
Okay, so these five things that are mentioned in these, these are
called mufaddal *, the keys of the unseen lie Alemu Illallah
Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
So nobody knows these except Allah. Now, that doesn't mean that
Allah does not reveal some of that information. For example,
when the piano will come, Allah will tell the angel blow the
trumpet, now he knows that it has come.
What is when the rain comes Allah subhanaw taala informs the angel
that is called what? Who brings the rain mykind when Allah
subhanaw taala allows us to know through ultrasounds and science,
what is in the womb after a certain period of time, okay,
that's knowledge that Allah has shared with us, okay. So Allah
subhanaw taala talks about these five things, the hour when it
comes, how much return when it comes, when it will come in will
not come? What is in every room is known to Allah before, what will
be the result of that, and where you are going to die.
So, all of these things, and where the provision is going to come
from, and what the challenges are known only to him. So where and
how and when a person dies is only Allah subhanaw taala has domain
and in his knowledge, life and death are in his hands up when you
meet he is the one who gives life and death. And his name is
ultimately the one who gives life and meet the one who gives.
So, as we said, these are the five keys of the web and Allah may
share it with his creation at a certain time like he does with the
So in this surah Allah subhanaw taala has introduced us as an
ally, Aziz al Hakim a Latif and Hubby, Allah Ali Al kabhi Asami
I'm bossy and Rani al Hamid
and they come in a certain order.
And if you reflect on them, they make such a beautiful sense that
this is who my rub is. And when you learn who your rub is,
obviously you will become suborn Shaco you will believe you will
bear anything that comes your way knowing it is coming even if it's
difficult. It's coming from Al Hamid. It is coming from my Rob.
So, he is my Rob he is the beginning there was nothing before
him and oh well he is the
end of October two or more every effort comes to an end with Allah
subhanaw taala while Allah Hatter's and we will return to Him
in alignment Nyla Raju
and this is the conclusion of this great Surah
which should bring out in us in the beginning starts with Kitab
and Hakeem and Inshallah, by studying all of this it will give
us enough wisdom because the head of wisdom is to have fear of
Okay, so that ties that to Allah subhanaw taala says your show,
have Taqwa of Allah have fear of that day. That is the wisdom that
should have come out of studying these 34 verses. And Allah is on
Hamid is worthy of all praise and we cannot praise. So Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam c'est la Cisterna and alake anta cameras
Anita Allah knows
who Allah He Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, the one who praises
Allah, the ACMA, the one who praised Allah more than anyone he
says, law of Sefa and Alec, I am incapable I cannot give you on
glorify You and praise You
as you deserve.
I cannot praise you enough under Kamath Natal. And if you are as
you have praised yourself, nobody else can praise you, or know who
you are, or glorify you, as you are other than you.
So Inshallah, we hope that
this surah will teach us some of the essentials of Tawheed. Knowing
our rub, that this surah has given us guidelines on how to have
parenting properly, and has given us the opposite of that through
the the advice of Lokmanya listener. And that through all of
these the challenges that we face, every time we have these
experiences, it should it's meant to bring us closer to a loss, not
drive us away from us. If my life is not changing, and I'm going
through all of these, especially people going through hardship
after hardship after Archer is still not coming close to Allah,
there is something fundamentally wrong with him.
Because this is the Mercy of Allah that he's sending all this to pull
you back towards.
So if my life doesn't change, I don't come in full compliance with
Allah not partial compliance not for selasa day.
Not a partial compliance in all the things that he has said.
Then I have worked with
May Allah
swamped. Allah help us to recognize him to be always
grateful to him to glorify him as he deserves. And may Allah
subhanaw taala help us
to work together and with our children to reach that day, when
we will meet Allah subhanaw taala and he is pleased with us that He
is pleased enough to grant us shade under his ash on that day
when there is no other shade, and that Allah subhanaw taala enters
us into paradise with our families and our loved ones and our friends
and our Muslim brothers and sisters, those who are here and
those who are not here and those who have gone before us.
the company of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam without hisab
Hisar been useless Rasul Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam used to the
easy hisab but the books are not open we are just allowed how to
Allah's mercy. I mean Hanukkah Lahoma with the ham technician to
Allah you know, hey Lana stuff