Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #110 Tafsir Surah Luqman P7
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The speaker discusses the importance of understanding and guidance in Islam, including the use of "has" to describe actions and knowledge. They also emphasize the importance of actions and actions in making changes in one's life, including following the Prophet's guidance and not just reading it. The speaker also discusses the legacy of shaytan and the punishment of bad behavior, including a person born with a small body and a strong body.
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So now I need to worry about a cattle. Miss Miller when
hamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah alayhi wa Sahbihi
a llama Zina Alma wala to the Peruvian ambassador in Daytona or
habla and I'm learning karma in the country.
Llama Masami alumina lytic. Rick,
has always we begin with the prayers of Allah subhanaw taala.
And sending
the best of Salah and Salam on our beloved prophet muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his noble family, we ask Allah
subhanaw taala to increase us and useful knowledge which helps us to
come closer to him.
And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to not permit our hearts to deviate
from the right path, after he has guided us, and to open our hearts
to his remembrance and to his words.
Sharla continuing in Surah Lookman, which we have covered the
last two times. Last time we finished
with the advice of look man and a salaam to his son. So we finished
that ayah number 19. Look, man, Ali Salam talking to his son and
giving him advice that is eternally relevant to all parents.
And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us to benefit from that and
to apply it in our lives.
Now, starting with iron number 22, the end which is 34.
Allah subhanaw taala now addresses his creation directly as the
creator to the creation
and he calls us to history hate, he makes an argument of why we
should believe in Him, talks to us about his his actions, about his
attributes about his names, about His favors upon us, making a very
strong case for us to believe in him and after we believe in him to
submit to Him and worship Him alone. So this call to Tauheed is
made through the window of Allah subhanaw taala as favors his nap
is namah. And then Allah subhanaw taala mentions that the response
of his a bad of his creation is one of two ways the ones who
believe we have gratitude those who reject who are
the Catherine
Allah subhanaw taala says on the ministry on your Raji
olam Tara one Allah has Sahara la Kuma is similar to mafia art was a
coup na mo. Ba Hera toma Bella Tina, women and see my New Jersey
Rufina heavy lady in Milan Walla Walla, Kitab Mooney
alum Do you throw is not like Tara which is a second this is all
don't all of you, don't you mankind see. Now when Allah smart
Allah uses the word see it's not really literally seeing with your
eyes, but with your heart. So don't you comprehend? Don't you
understand olam tarot and Allah has Saqqara Lacan math is similar
to mafia law, that Allah subhanaw taala has subjected subjugated for
you. Math is somehow to everything that's in the heavens, and
everything that's on the earth for you. Lacan that all of what we see
above us of the heavens, everything that it contains the
seven heavens, the sun, the moon, the galaxies, everything that
comes from above the clouds, the rain, the hail, the snow,
everything above us, is for us, law
and everything that's on the earth, on the earth, under the
earth, under the oceans, everything that's on this earth,
and in it is for our use, it's been subjugated to us.
And he said, Well, US Baba alaykum namah who vibratome About Tina,
Baba means he has flooded you overwhelmed you and completed
means there is no limit. There is nothing left that he has not given
you have namah namah means something that's given to you that
you did not earn you didn't do anything for it. Yet Allah gave it
to you. So that makes it that much more manifestation of His grace
and it's purely out of His mercy that she gave you and therefore
That's so much more reason, to be a shocker. To have gratitude that
Allah has given me all of these things. I didn't do anything.
Which includes all the things that we have, the air that we breathe,
the food that we eat, the parents, we didn't do anything to have our
parents, the families that we have the health that we have all of
those things Allah has given. And these are infinite, we can't even
count them. But in the interest of time, just to to remind us Aleykum
Nam Valhalla rotten, we're about you know, things that are obvious.
Things that are obvious, worldly things that you use that you are
pleased with.
The beauty you see around the rain that comes to you.
The food that you eat, the fruits that you you enjoy, the family
that you look at and you feel pleasure, all of those, your
health, all of those are vital, these are apparent what but you
know, things that you don't even know things that are inside.
And of those buttons are Eman which is inside Taqwa. hedaya
guidance that Allah has given you.
Allah has given you
cognition, the ability to think to reason and so on so forth. The
genetics, we don't see them that Allah has put into us the wisdom
that he gives us. It's important to remember since this is a Surah,
about wisdom, that Allah subhanaw taala is reminding us that, and
this should be an exercise for us, especially youngsters, and not so
young. To sometimes just sit and think about Allah has now his
blessings that He has given us. I didn't earn it.
So Allah subhanaw taala after reminding us, he says will Meena
NAS and among men mankind are my Yuja Luffy lie betray those who
argue those who are aggressive and arguing and debating about Allah
villa about who Allah is like, what Allah has not this and Allah
doesn't exist and if he does, there is this and how is this
talking about Allah be lady, they have no knowledge to talk about.
No knowledge.
Wala Houda they have no guidance, why Allah Kitab on money and they
have no book of guidance these people who are arguing
about Allah. And we hear this from our many so called educated
secularists, who will debate about Allah, they have never read the
book of Allah, they have no clue, yet they will argue. So Allah
subhanaw taala is telling us
not to know Allah. Therefore you take the opposite of this position
to know Allah you need to have L Allah is known by knowledge, you
need to have
further guidance and guidance is
to know where to go and to walk that path.
key taboo near and a book that gives light which is the Quran. In
other words, Allah subhanaw taala is attributing all of these three
to the Quran, that the Quran is a book of light that gives guide, it
gives guidance, and it is full of knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala
of the hereafter. So, Allah subhanaw taala is telling us just
for those who have just come in this ayah he says, do all people
don't you see, don't you experience Don't you know that
Allah has subjected to you everything in the heavens,
everything on the earth for your purpose stars, moons, clouds,
rains, whatever everything on the earth, and has completed his
blessings He has given you what you did not earn of his blessings.
And these are apparent those you know, those that are physical and
those that are hidden. And then he says and among mankind is he who
disputes judo, Judo generally has a negative connotation. Somebody
who just likes to argue and argues aggressively filler about Allah,
without knowledge of or guidance or an enlightening book. So
Alhamdulillah Allah Subhana Allah has given us the Quran which is a
book of knowledge of guidance and light, and therefore we look to it
and we follow it, because that is the clear guidance. And we'll
compare that to those who will debate academically with clever
arguments. And sometimes at social gatherings. They will bring up
things just to make things Oh, where is this
From whereas in this one Doesn't this mean this and they have no
idea and just for the sake of entertainment,
so we need to know that.
Then Allah subhanaw taala says about these people who are arguing
against him, his signs will either Killala Hamid Tabea uma Anzahl
Allahu CalU Bella Nikita bill now we're generally
our Lokeren a shape on a yoga room inner other beside
where either pillar Allah humanity said to these people, it about
mountains Allah Allah, it teba for follow what Allah has revealed.
Interestingly Allah subhanaw taala here doesn't say I'm no man's or
Allah believe. We believe in saying it follow it means action
is required. You're supposed to change your life.
Your lifestyle needs to change we can come in compliance with what
Allah has revealed. And Allah subhanaw taala here because again
makan period is being addressed directly to the Quraysh. Man's
Allah Allah. Because what were they saying? That he sallallahu
alayhi salam has invented Allah saying no, what Allah has
revealed, follow that. And when this is set to them, they give a
standard answer which was given then which was given at the time
of the round, which is given today, what do they say? Kalu?
They say, Well, no, no, no, not double. Now we're just gonna lay
Abba. Now we will follow what we found our fathers and grandfathers
and forefathers do, we are going to stick to that. And that's what
happens all the time. All throughout history, that's been
the argument that we can't abandon the ways of the traditions of our
pens on must mountain versus our Locanda shaytan we have our own
home in Florida, they say, even though their fathers grandfathers
took the path to Johanna,
because shaytan invited them to this, this they took that path,
and you still want to follow them just because that's the tradition.
So here and this is
to show that we have received
this Quran that was sent as a Tenzin,
we acknowledge it by etbr. By following it, not just by reading
it or knowing it or keeping it on the top shelf, it is required,
action is required to make those corrective changes in our lives.
Just think of the journey, if the pilot is off by one degree, a
fraction of a degree when he leaves New York, by the time you
cross the Atlantic, instead of London, you may be in Stockholm,
just one degree. So those corrections need to be made. And
we do that now our cars make the correction, you come six inches
closer to the sideline, corrects it, I wish we had that kind of
correction in our lives, that anytime we thought of this thing
we will be corrected.
And Allah subhanaw taala has corrected some people who have
reached that state, so that they are always on that. So
the translation and when it is said to them follow that which
Allah subhanaw taala has sent down. They say no, we shall follow
that which we found our fathers following what they do so even if
shaytan invites them to the torment of the Fire.
So one of the biggest obstacles that we have in following the
Quran is what
the fear of what will my family say that's what comes first.
Right? looking strange, for example.
average Muslim family, one person grows a beard or one sister puts
on a hijab at the next party, they will say, What happened to you,
you became a fundamentalist, you became this, you became that?
What's wrong? That's the first thing and that's from our own
in law, Mashallah. So that's where the first thing what would my
friends say? You know, you've left tufts, you've gone this. What
about your traditions? You know, this has been our culture and
traditions all of our lives. Why are you changing? So this blind
following of our predecessors of our culture is one of the greatest
obstacles that we have, that we are used to a certain way, which
has become our normal, and we are afraid of deviating from that so
called normality.
And some of them actually take pride in what their ancestors
were. And that was the case of the Pareto. We were destined we were
this and we were leaders, but what kind of leaders so here
they have left behind a legacy
which leads to Jana
the grandfathers and the fathers left behind a legacy for the
children that will take the children to Jana as opposed to
what we just covered in the last
100 Allah the kids mashallah cute. But when Allah's Kalam is being
talked about it is lack of adapt to be deviated by anything else,
humbling, may Allah bless them, and make them strong in the
Lokmanya less Salam left behind a legacy, which we learn the last
time that would take his child to Jannah. If we follow.
Now, these people, these people leave behind a legacy that takes
their progeny into Gen. Look at the comparison of the two.
And then Allah subhanaw taala says that this is the path that IBLEES
has shown them and glorified it. And then Allah subhanaw taala
talks about what is the end of this, he says, Allah other this
sadly, to a flaming punishment. And just remember that Allah
subhanaw taala doesn't like to punish a bad this is only out of
his justice and actually out of his Rama, because even there, he
gives them the minimum punishment. He doesn't give them the maximum.
If you've done something good, even though you're a cancer, your
punishment in Jahannam is diminished. And we have an example
that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam gave us of who he remember
the person who was closest to Islam but didn't accept it.
His beloved uncle Abu Talib, who helped the cause of Islam help
support us just did not out of did not take it and Rasul Allah
salAllahu Alaihe Salam said that his punishment in Jannah will be
the least of those people in China
proportionate to that out of Allah's Rama for what he did. And
then he describes what that punishment is, and you don't want
to know about that. It's a sandals of fire, which is going to make
the brain boil. That's the list. So just remember the favorites of
Allah subhanaw taala look at these two responses and the next two
iets talk about these two responses.
But there is one group of people Allah subhanaw taala says, we're
making you slim wedging who Illa who whoever is known for this
Thumbsucker belong within Wiscombe? Why Ilahi October 201
main you slim wedge, and the one who submits his face to Allah,
what is the mean? What does it mean submits his face to Allah.
It turns to Allah follows the religion of Allah subhanaw taala
accepts the topic, worships Allah alone, with sincere faith in His
Lordship in his Rubia that Allah is the only Lord that He is the
only one worthy of worship without any partners, understanding
knowing His names and attributes and submitting to His
commandments, and staying away from his prohibitions, following
the laws of the shadow, that Allah smart Allah has ordained for us.
So, this is the external world who will Mycenae and he is a moisten
what is a moccasin, a person who consistently does excellent in
everything, everything he does to excellence, what level of
excellence as if he sees Allah in front of him when he's doing it.
And since he doesn't, that Allah is Seeing, whatever he does,
whether it's an act of worship, whether it's you know, a dealing
of business dealing, whether it's parenting, whether anything else
with axon whose moisten
then that person Allah small fucka distance occur below what the
truth was, that this person has grasped a firm handhold what is
that handle? If you could imagine that Allah is holding your hand?
That means Allah's promise for you that he will save you from
hellfire is guaranteed. So person who does this has guaranteed
himself has anchored himself to be saved.
Well, Allah Allahu Akbar, to OMO and to ALLAH SubhanA. Allah, every
affair and his decision returns to a mosque.
So brief translation and whosoever submits his face himself to Allah,
while he is a Muslim consistently excellent and doing good, performs
good deeds totally for Allah sake without any show, or to gain
praise or fame and does them in accordance with the Sunnah of
Allah's Messenger SallAllahu wasallam then he has grasped the
most trustworthy handhold
which is the the
UN Allah subhanaw taala accept some somebody lie lie Lola. It's a
covenant that Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi salam said that
that person was accepted lie Ilaha illa Allah with his heart, Allah
has obligation for him is not to put him in Ghana is obliged not to
save him from that. And to Allah is the return and the end of all
affairs and matters. Now the opposite that that one was
for my use slim was the one who submits his face. Now comes what
the opposite woman Kapha fella Yes, Zoom kokufu Elena margerum
Fernando Bilham Bina I may do in Allah Halima with that is to do
the opposite Allah SWOT analysis, the one Guevara who disbelieves
who denies the favours of Allah who denies Allah subhanaw taala.
One who's rejecting Allah subhanaw taala was very painful for Sudama
Salam is that because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam Wa
Rahmatullah al Amin wants to save everyone. And he's throwing a
lifejacket to somebody and that person wants to drown in one grab
it. So what was it doing to his heart? It was giving him lots of
constriction and grief. So Allah subhanaw taala sang for now Yes,
zoom calcofluor Who don't let their cover grieve you.
This is a choice they are making three choice. I know you want to
save that. But don't let that grieve you. Elaina Mara, Gianna to
us they will not return. Leave it to me.
For no not beyond demand, then we will certainly tell them in great
detail. What they used to do.
What they said what they did,
in Allah, Allah Moon bilities to do indeed, Allah subhanaw taala
knows what is hidden in the chests of people.