Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #105 Tafsir Surah Luqman P2
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The speakers discuss the importance of guidance and a path of guidance for one's life, including the use of "horn fella" and"hasn't" in various context, and the benefits of hikma, a knowledge applied to every situation for all concern. The speakers also mention the concept of"harn't" and its relation to belief. The hikma is the right application of that knowledge, and people can apply it the way they want.
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second characteristic, your payment Assata. Why were you
tunas, Zakat, and who give zakat. And we all know Zakat is what
Allah has made for on people of nisab who have savings for more
than one calendar year of the Islamic calendar
or have more than what's considered nisab which is a
certain way to gold and silver, which approximately comes to about
$1,200 a saving of that, then two and a half percent of that is due
to eight categories of people, the poor, the traveler, the miskeen,
the needy, and so forth, and so on so forth, and fees Amelie Allah,
so they give this accounts.
So, just remember, in the Quran, almost always when Salah is
mentioned, Allah has paired it with Zack. So there are three
kinds of pairs that Allah has paired in the Quran, and they are
all mentioned here.
One pair is now you know, Salah and Zika and how significant is
this pair?
That after so you're gonna Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam passed away. And so you're gonna work on us Siddiq, Radi
Allahu Allah
took over the Khilafah some of the new Muslim tribes said we will
pray but we will not give the cannons
because they were new Muslims they didn't want to. And what did say
that in that critical time when there was chaos everywhere Rasul
allah sallallahu Sallam had just passed away the most tragic event
ever in this in this ummah in this dunya.
Abu Bakr Siddiq said I will declare war against these tribes
declaration of war and his advisor Omar Alison Jamiroquai woman, you
will fight against the Muslims. He said yes.
He said there are so many others to fight against because all the
false prophets and all the other tribes that now he's gone we are
gone. He said yes. If this separate
Salah from zakat, I will fight against them as long as they
withhold even one rope of the camel in Zuccotti they don't give
it I will fight against. This is how we understood this pairing
that Allah has put of Salah and Zika. So here Allah subhanaw taala
talks about that
reminder for us is that we should be always careful. In our
calculating our socket, at least be cautious of giving more than
what we think it is. Don't try and shortchange it is for us Allah
doesn't need the money. But for us, because the last one has given
severe warnings for those who widowers a cat such as that we
will brand them with their wealth which will be converted into gold
and silver heated and we will brand them Allah subhanaw taala
says on the forehead and on their sides and on their backs and the
significance of this this and this was also mentioned by some of the
Allamah you know, why Allah mentioned with branding on the
because when the poor people would ask these people who are
withholding give me something that
responses a frown.
Allah said you found brand next responses turn away from them
brand on the side, then give them your back means you walk away from
the one who is asking
who needy brand on the back. So, there is a tactic to this.
So, may Allah subhanaw taala makers, people of Salah and of
Zakah well whom will offer that to whom you can own and these are
people who have yet been in the akhirah
after amines, we all know we are going to die, that there is a life
after what is that life there is a life of the grave the life of
Bursa, then there is a resurrection. That's all part of
the ACA, that there is blowing of the trumpet where we will all be
raised from wherever we are, and there is a day of judgment that is
that we will be hex standing in front of Allah subhanaw taala
individually, and we will be questioned about things which is
also going to come in Look man, unless salaams advice to his son
and that there is a paradise and there is now and there is a fire
that we will see that we will have to cross over a bridge this is all
Agra that Allah will descend on his version we will be judged that
there are scales is no locker and there is eternal life object who
have you you can own who have attained certainty means that they
keep it and they have no doubt about it. And it's the opinion is
not by term opinion is by action. So somebody says
I have your opinion aka and they are openly committing a major sin.
lying, cheating murder
A Xena with holdings aka rejecting salah.
There is no European because these are things where Allah subhanaw
taala says I will put you in Janome for if somebody had
European they would never dare to do something like that. So our
life reflects whether we truly have your pain your pain is not a
claim by the word. So Allah subhanaw taala says
that these are people who have your clean.
And this is all part of that hikma.
Part of that hikma wisdom is to have your clean enough era and to
act according to that.
Hula Iike Allah Huda mera bein. These are the people who are Allah
Buddha, on guidance from there
who like a humble muffler, and these are the people who are more
flaperon means who have succeeded succeeded in dunya succeeded in
the Alpha succeeded on the Day of Judgment, for law.
These are people whose characteristics are mentioned, who
take the Quran as their guide who live their lives, according to the
Quran. Part of that is the hikma of how to act that because we will
talk about that when those iets come, who whose life reflect the
Salah and Zakat and everything else that goes with it and who act
in every way that there is an alcohol definitely you know, there
is an alpha you would never wrong anybody you will never you serve
the rights of anybody because you know you are accountable, even the
smallest Daraa the smallest atom or grain will be accounted for on
So these are the ones who are Allah Who that they are on the
path of guidance and what is the path of guidance that is the
And we start the Quran by asking Allah subhanaw taala at least 17
times a day, you hidden us raw pain guide us to the right path,
what is the right path that leads to your pleasure.
And in response to that Allah gives the rest of the Quran after
surah Fatah, you want guidance, right but he has the right time.
And Allah means it's not just being shown the right path, but
Allah gives Tawfeeq that you stay on the right path. Because you can
walk on a path from here, you're going to Springfield you're going
right then you take sort of a detour and you go somewhere else.
So person can be on the right path Serato mistook me for a period of
time then go off. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam actually
showed by drawing him with a stick he drew a line and then he showed
sort of lines going across that some time a person is walking on
this and he sees a path and he goes straight goes a strip. So
allow them Mirabel means by the Grace of Allah because of what
they have been doing what they have understood how they have
applied the last one that keeps them on that path till they reach
the destination. And that is the key because you can lose your
path. Even towards the end.
We see that because our life is a marathon it's not 100 yard sprint,
okay 100 meter sprint.
You can, people can lead in the marathon for the first 25 miles in
the last mile, they lose it,
they fall, they get exhausted they cram other people in. So we have
to cross that line. And that line is only crossed when the angel of
death has extracted the soil completely. And then if we are
still on the right path, we have succeeded move flood prone.
Now the interesting thing about as we talked about that the muffler
horn fella also has the root in phala. And you know what a Ferla
He's a farmer,
a farmer, what does the farmer do?
It takes the ground, he works hard, under heat, thirsty, hungry,
digs the ground, prepares the ground removes the stone, all of
that and he puts in seeds. And then he takes care of it by
watering it and taking care of the birds and the insects and all of
that, waiting for his harvest, that when my harvest will come
which comes after a year or six months or whatever, then he
gathers his harvest
and if the harvest is good, he is successful.
So this also tells us that our entire life is that of a farmer,
we are sowing seeds, except our harvest is going to be on the day
what you saw here, you will see the results of it on the delta.
Now last one filmmakers among the most known on the Day of Judgment
that we have only sword, goodness on this in this dunya so that
Allah will reward us and among what we saw as goodness is the
children we leave behind. Unless mantra talks about your spouse
says being hurtful. This is your your tillage, put your seeds and
leave behind
good plants which is your children so that you keep benefiting from
anything good that you do. The misogyny that you build the
institute's that you build the knowledge you leave behind
everything that you do good the seeds you put here you will get
you may get for the disbeliever the reward is given here, but for
the believer the rewards are waiting.
So we must remember that Allah Swanton mentioned this
specifically that those who saw here will gain their harvest in.
So, here, Allah subhanaw taala
has mentioned those in these first five aisles and just to summarize
it, these are the reveal verses of the All Wise Book, guidance and
mercy for those who excel in goodness. The ones who establish
give Xhaka and have absolute certainty within themselves of the
Hereafter it is these who are on the right guidance from the rub.
And it is these who are truly successful.
Now, since we talked about
Kitab and Hakeem, let's talk about the word hikma because the word
hokhmah is used in the new language for wisdom. So Heckman is
roots hacking, are mentioned in the Quran about 20 different times
with different meanings. It's used for wisdom hokhmah is also used
for knowledge. hokhmah is also used for prophethood. Hackman is
also used for the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu. hokhmah is
used for reasoning and logic hokhmah is used for forbearance
and sub
patients, Heckman is used as for giving a correct opinion. So all
of this is encompassed in an hekman. So to give one word
translation of Hecla is very, very difficult. So I gathered what all
of our scholars have said and tried to put it together in one.
So I will try and read it also so that I cover all of it. So hokhmah
starts with knowledge that
to know and to have the intellectual ability to understand
that knowledge number two, and to be able to apply it correctly.
It's Allah subhanaw taala mentions that you know that Allah is one
that assent and Nabil
Minoo I had yet to Lm IRT or yuzaki him where you are Lai
Mohammed Al Kitab, while hikma and that hikmah is how to apply the
Quran and live by it and therefore we call it the Sunnah, because
that's what the Prophet SAW. So that hikma is the correct
application of that knowledge. So somebody says, Salah, I'm going to
do Salah my own way, that's not Eggman Okay, that's the opposite
of Heckman.
So how to apply it the correct application for the greatest
benefit. And this now you can take in other things like we asked
people of hikma for advice, and they have the ability to look at
all angles of of something, what is the benefit? What's the harm,
what is greater? What is the best way of doing something to bring
the maximum benefit to people? Everyone concern so that is all
part of hikma to act upon and practice on the knowledge to
maximize the goodness in every situation for all concern while
acting within the commands of Allah. It's not outside the
commands of Allah subhanaw taala taking into consideration the all
possible consequences. And frequently from these hecka we
learn lessons that affect our arts, words of wisdom.
And part of that hikma is to know our Creator, and to know the
creation and to give each one their rights, the rights of Allah
fulfilled as shown to us by Theodore Rasulullah Salallahu
Alaihe. Salam, the rights of the people as he taught us some Allah
Allah Salam, and to put everything in its right place. That's part of
the wisdom.
everything in its proper place. And it is said that the peak of
Hekima is call for law, the fear of Allah because somebody who has
true Hikmah
would have fear of Allah, that's part of it.
So here
I'll just mention
a couple of sayings of Lachman and hacking
data from this 500 book or 500 gems per share for use of Kapha
as we said he used to give verdicts to the Bani Israel. So
one day he was standing in a big large gathering and giving them
advice. And then one person from this crowd afterwards came up to
him and said, Aren't you the one who was with me? And then we used
to be shepherds together, shepherding, you know, herding
sheep, he said, Yes. said how did you gain this status, you become
an icon of society, everybody comes to your dad, what gave you
this wisdom? So in one narration, he said,
I speak only truth. And if it doesn't concern me, I don't speak.
This was his wisdom.
In another narration, he said, this is from the Grace of Allah
subhanaw taala. And therefore, I do not I only speak truth I do not
speak anything other than truth, I return the trust of people. And I
abstain from deeds and speech that do not concern few times. So He
only spoke when it needed to be neutral. And this is in accordance
with what was what Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam teaches he says if
you speak speak only that which is good and beneficial, only you're
smart or be quiet don't say anything.
Now, Allah subhanaw taala in the next few Iots starting with our
number six to number nine, Allah subhanaw taala mentions the
opposite the contrast of that first group the people who are on
a diet.
Allah subhanaw taala Sal
Wamena. In semi yesterday in well, Hadith li or
Sabine in
will occur Lahoma other moving wider to Tina Ali he
was stuck with lamea SMA, en Fe who do Nene he won't call for
Bashir who be a verb in any name.
Allah subhanaw taala presents the opposite picture of the people who
were on guidance who take the words of the Quran as the patch to
Allah and get wisdom Allah smart Allah says one minute nursing and
among people mine yesterday law Well, Hadith there are people who
purchase law Well, Hadith
words other than those of wisdom.
This includes according to the scholars
music, the lyrics of music, which promote promiscuity, disobedience
of Allah smart, Allah glorify things that Allah has condemned.
And we have that in our hip hop and all the music that we have,
curse words, bad words, promoting drugs, promoting alcohol promoting
illegal sexual act, all of that is in the lyrics of song.
And among this also comes futile talk backbiting caring tales, Oh,
do you know about this? Do you know all of that and this is not
just when we say well, this is what you speak. Now we have other
means, what you text
what you post all of those in all your social media. This is Allah
subhanaw taala saying I'm among mankind of some who purchased who
take those instead of the Quran. lay of the land severely lied to
in to go astray from the path
to become darling from Sevilla. We were asking for Serato Mr. Kane
now we are going astray through these these anything that takes a
person away from the path of Allah is Lawal, hottie.
Even if it's a beautiful song, if that beat of the song of the music
brings out a new and animal instinct which promotes something
that the disobedience of Allah that is covered in desire.
Therefore when people say that music or certain types of music is
haram in Islam, they will quote this
B lady without having the truth.
The red URL is opposite to ECMA because Heckman is based on
tourism from Allah subhanaw taala. So they don't understand what is
the end that they don't understand what is the con
sequences of this that they're going to suffer
in the dunya what it will lead to and what it leads to in the
So what we see in media what we see on any channels what we see in
the movies what we see in we hear in songs, all of that anything
that distracts us from our path from the Aboudi of Allah subhanaw
taala from Serato stuffing