Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #101 Tafsir Surah Waqiah P3
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We should be very careful about our mouths because today the
mouths of people have become worse than toilets.
young Muslims you can hear
why are they the mouths worse than toilets sisters?
Why are the worse than toilets
any idea?
You can blame because you can flush the toilet.
You can flush the toilet but these months you cannot stop
so what will be set to them? They won't hear any of those no sinful
speech, no logo what they will hear ill Taylan Salomon salah they
will only hear what does mean Salam and Salama, there is no
conversation. So our values know what does alarm mean?
Everything that gives you peace that is protected that's not
harmful. That's alarm. So only beautiful things will be said
things that make you feel good will be said nothing discussed.
Then Allah subhanaw taala talks about the next is 27 to 40 he
talks about the next grade of believers the US herbal Manos
herbal Yemin means the same thing.
Well as herbal Yemeni man is heavily Amin
that people have the right hand as we talked about, these are the
believers and he says, Man, somebody I mean, it's just to
stress the importance, that how
fortunate or how blessed other people have the right now, Allah
subhanaw taala has told us elsewhere in the Quran that these
are believers that believers are of three different categories,
okay? Because not everyone is going to be
Alinea Vitalia born Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allahu Allah
you know some of us are sinners most of us are sinners, we are
weak. Sometimes we are good sometimes we are not so good. So
it's a mixed bag we have but yet we are believers right? We make
mistakes. And Allah smart Allah mentions this in surah Fatah he
says, from our rational Kitab Allah the minister faina minibar
dinner for men home with a high level enough so he will men whom
notice it will men whom Saba whom will hire art is Nila Delica, who
will further Kabir Allah subhanaw taala says then we give the book
the Quran as an inheritance to those who Stefania who we chose.
So the believers are not okay I am a Muslim, Allah chose you to be a
Allah is the One who gave you that she died. minibar dinner from my
servants, he says, For Men home voluble enough among them among
the believers, those who do volume on themselves, who does don't want
themselves by committing sins so believers can commit sins yet
they're still believers. Okay. Well men
who are in between most of the day do you know all the four eyes this
came from the major sense yeah, you're like an average good
Well, men humps are baffled by milkfat and those who race and
compete with each other in good deeds, this is the saddle point.
So lumps Rantala tells us that there are these three categories
and that's what we have here. The second category the second
category as I will You mean will include those who have done wrong
against themselves Muslims who make mistakes who sin and those
who do mostly good, but they're not the cyberpunk which we've
already talked about.
So in this would be those who are valuable enough see by sending to
do the one on the enough's the mock person
who are sort of average good Muslims.
Average good Muslim today, who is an average good Muslim, you know,
buy out our standards, so Masha Allah is like a willy. No, he's
not. He's like a very ordinary person. Okay, because our
standards anybody who knows a little bit of a Quran Oh, his
habits? No, he's not Hafiz. He's an island. He went to seven years
in school. You go seven years in school, what do you come out with
seventh grade? How much do you know nothing.
Because we become so anybody who gives a lecture is a scholar who
is not a scholar is a student. Our standards have become so low.
Okay, so it shouldn't be a limit, Masha, Allah, you did Hajj, Hajj
that give title Alhaji is the font basic.
Basic. Right. So we should be a little careful with these things
that the grades that we give out
It's sort of not proper. So about this group of believers fee sit
them both, they are among gardens that have this tree of cedar. Now,
again, the name of southern is common here because in western
Arabia you have these trees that are called trees of siddur in
fact, said there is used in the water to give it a sweet aroma
when we wash the dead bodies.
And the silver that are in Arabia have a lot of thorns so when
Bedouin came to us with a loss or a virus and we said jasola Allah
salAllahu Salam o Allah has put things in Jannah which will cause
harm so what is serious but said
then Rasulullah says if he said the remark board is put SideRed
backdoored means whose thorns have been removed and have been
replaced by fruits and beautiful flowers with sweet aroma so the
name is the same but and resembles but it's so they'll be among in
English translation they call them low trees. I never know what a low
trees but if you want a name, it's a low tree.
this is the image of what I call him mangled, that some of the
scholars have said of plants with big leaves. Do you know plants
with big leaves? Anybody?
Bananas and plantains. Now, what do the Arabs know? Because there's
nothing like that that grows
in the deserts or in the in the Hejaz. They don't know bananas.
Then why this example? Because no, because they are trees like that
grow in Yemen.
So they knew about these things. By the way, Yemen you sound
anything like Yemen
Yemen remember the right yeah, main and CheMin
everything to the right of Makkah.
That's how the name Yemen came is all of that was Yemen. And
everything above and to the left of Maca is from Shama Al Sham
Okay, that's how those names came. So they knew about this and they
said there will be leaves again not saying that banana trees
there's something that looks like that. Mundo means they are very
tightly packed with with with fruit with different types of
things that you know any kinds of food and what else well then mum
don't avail means shades. Now what does the shade means if you were
in the picnic on on one was Saturday is wn everybody was
looking for the shade why?
Because gives you a nice, comfortable place. So Allah
subhanaw taala says that he has put shades in there the purposes
for regulation of how much light you want so that I don't get too
burnt and I don't get too hot. in Jannah Allah Swanton has created
shade shades. So there is shade now the shade can be shade of a
But in this experience of the dunya anything that any shade
comes from an object. If there is no object, there's no shade, the
clouds have to come to bring a shade right? A tree has a shade
the house has a shade over then Allah subhanaw taala can create
shade without any object. Okay, but there is also shade of the
tree because it's mentioned in the prophets of Allah Allah salons
Hadith he said, in general, there is a tree. And if you have a
faster Arabian horse, that raises a person rider riding it fast
nonstop for 100 years will not cross the shade of the tree, just
to give you an idea of space and time.
So there is shade Allah Subhana Allah is telling us that they'll
be sitting and shade also means is comfort security.
Well, my in my scoop, that water, that sport of Jannah that is my
school that is gushing that is flowing. And over there, the laws
of surface tension don't apply. So it's not like water. Water is
going to be running like this. They're not tracks. You know there
is no passages in which water has to go down and water can be
running up like this. Can you imagine water going like this? It
doesn't because we have surface tension which makes it like this.
But over there, and it will be going anywhere. And the beauty of
it is if you're sitting there and it's going there and you wish that
it turned that way it will turn that way.
And we know four different sort of rivers of Jannah have been
mentioned. What are they made of?
Milk Honey
not don't say alcohol
which is translated as wine it's translated as one but one that lie
on the phone
and I said don't rely on someone doesn't give you a headache
hangover or in toxic
we forgetting cathedra Farquharson fruits cathedra unlimited not like
in this life law max to our tune Well no, they are not something
that can mark to that stop. So okay, I want to have mango mango
season is all finished. There is no season anytime you want as much
as you want. While I'm no it is not forbidden for you like it was
for other Melissa
during this dunya also, you know, so I've got diabetes I can't eat
so much mangoes no problem, eat as much as you want.
So you will not be limited or I can't afford this fruit because
they're charging. So no, there is no financial restriction. There's
no physical limitation, there is no health limitation eat. Enjoy.
Allah is the host with Photoshop, Marfa Fula again, those raised
couches feroce Marpha elevated with their companions again MUFE
it was mentioned foreign in here Allah subhanaw taala has not used
the word but same implication because he goes on to say, in
shutting down Hoonah inshallah we have created them. Again, female
In short, as Allah wanted a new creation, again talking about
those companions that we mentioned before. Oh, hang on this mantle
has created
a creation that is very special. Fajr alna Hoonah Africa and we
have made them Africa untouched. That's where the word virgin comes
in. Okay, and the word virgin is not restricted to women. Because a
man can be a virgin is untouched, and a woman can be a virgin. So
don't take it in that means pure.
Pyroban Utsava autoban means full of love, exclusive love for their
spouse that Allah has paired them with or Traba same equal in age
which is about 33 years prime of age, never getting older. Never
aging never sagging face doesn't droop the you know, no wrinkles,
no nothing. No Botox, use all the Botox here if you want but if you
don't use Botox here, then Allah will give you a better day so you
were happy with what I gave you. Okay?
But if you use it, you can you can get a fatwa on that from people
I'm not giving you that fatwa.
If I
have a cholera autoban Utsava let us have billion mean for the
people of the right is having me
full lotto Minella welline a large group from the early we're
thriller to Miniloc in a large group from the latter people who
come after. So that's where the majority of us look like we are
going to fit, but our goal should be Inshallah, if we are there
Alhamdulillah these are all people of Ghana, but we shouldn't be
satisfied with okay, I've entered the lowest level I'm good. Good to
go. Hum yes, you're good to go. But
when you see people above then you know. So let us all what is meant
by this. Allah subhanaw taala is describing this he didn't have to
describe the Southern Cone to encourage us positively, you know,
there is a higher grade, there is a higher grade, you know, you want
an A plus, you want more than 4.0 average, you have some extra, we
strive for this, that's where we need. Okay, extra credits with a
Now comes the other group members wanted to protect us from that of
disbelievers well as harbor Shimoyama us harbor CheMin the
people of the left and what how wretched are the people of the
left? Fee SEMO mu humming Simone means hot winds. I mean, we
experience hot winds in some countries, you know when the
temperature is 120 degrees and then 30 degrees, even 140 degrees.
And you see that I remember when I used to take my bicycle going to
medical school in the month of June you came out of your house it
was like somebody slapped you in the face the the wind was so odd
that give you an idea that look what's ahead, so prepare for it.
So Simone is that hot, fiercely hot wind?
just burned the wind burns like I mean and when you have that heat
what you like cold water not just what a cold water but you have
humaine boiling water boiling scorching water you want coolness
from this when you drink it will burn you inside.
Well then my min Yamo will again shade but shade of what shadow of
what? Black smoke.
Yeah, more
than you imagine. Even the air is polluted with smoke black hot
winds black smoke, because that's what burning and what's the fuel
of Jannah what's making all this come out that black smoke is
coming from what?
Stones and humans in gyms that are burning that this is what it's
coming and they don't finish.
Law by the deal well I carry nothing called
nothing that will refresh or soothing them in our home. Now the
characteristics why are they in this situation? does not like to
punish the bad? No, he doesn't. But He has His justice in Nam Kanu
Coppola, Delica mudra theme because indeed, these are those
who before they used to indulge in every kind of luxury and pursuit
of the pleasures, regardless of what Allah said.
They were too much into this enjoyment of the dunya Halal haram
doesn't matter. This is what they used to do. So we have to be very
careful. Yes, Allah Subhana Allah created this universe for us. Yes,
you can enjoy it within the limits and the limits of Allah let you
enjoy only good things. All the things he has forbidden are things
that are harmful for you. And you look at these people who are
they are enjoying what they call enjoy is always something haram
and they suffer the consequences.
Whether it's broken families, whether that's suicides, whether
it's drugs, whatever it is, enjoy.
So that's the characteristics of those people. What can you Saru,
natural, healthy, loving, and there are people who used to
persist, hence, allow them in the greatest of sins, the greatest of
sin, of course, is shirk, then you have major sins like murder, you
know, like stealing, backbiting, cheating River, all of those
things that they used to, you saw Runa they used to persist and they
used to be in there into that just to go ahead in the dunya in their
way. This is a characteristic that people have Jana
and when they were reminded, what did they do like the fresh but can
you yaku Luna EDA mitzner, hakuna Turabian why Darwin are in Allama,
our Abona
are bounded or when they used to say when they were reminded that
this is coming live within the limits of Allah they used to say,
when we die, and we become dust problem, and alarm and bones will
we be in Alhama ozone will be be resurrected again. We and our
owners are willing our forefathers that have gone before us. In other
words, they denied that this would ever going to happen. So they said
this is our life. Let's enjoy. You only live once. Let's enjoy. Okay.
So this is what happens. This is the characteristic. So when this
is a question they ask, Will we be raised again But can this happen
and they were not really looking for the answer? This was just to
ridicule to make fun. Okay, they didn't believe it. But Allah
subhanaw taala responds to those questions. Paul Yasuda Allah Salah
Latson tell them what in Allah will you know certainly the first
and the last few will be resurrected the module on Isla
Makati AMI maloom you will surely be gathered my Gmail owner either
me fat you know me caught when we go record the appointed place
meeting place on a known day yes you will be resurrected. You think
it's not gonna Yes you will. And then what will happen?
Some in a coma you have doll Luna look at the goo then you who are
who are doll loan the misguided mocha the one who denied who said
no this is not going to happen to denied the truth. I can Luna min
Shajahan Menza calm you will you will eat Lackawanna, you will
certainly eat from the tree of Zacco and the tree of Zakum grows
from the pit of Jannah
is a special tree which survives on that fire
and it produces fruit.
Fruit, but what are the fruit line? They're shaped like the
heads of shouting.
And they're like grenades because first of all they're full of
thorns and they will eat it because there is nothing else to
eat. And Allah will turn up the hunger that in spite of this and
they are full of pawns can you imagine you will see towards Tikka
you still eat it? So it tells you inside and when it goes inside, it
explodes. So everything pops out. Then repair, start again. Allah
Swanton as you will eat from the tree of the comb, it's not like
oh, I'm not going to bother with that. Yes, you will. Because
there's nothing else for those people.
For my little one our men had booked to Allah subhanaw taala not
only will you get from Merlin with it, you will fill your stomachs
because that's the only thing
and the more and this is all it's going to be doing. I mean, today
we get a little bit of stomach ache you know how uncomfortable
will you become running to the hospital there is no hospital
there's no ambulance that's gonna come there's no gastroenterologist
who's going to come and take care of this button that is filled with
the home. Okay.
Then what will you do? That's your food, the comb
not yours the people disbelievers.
For Shari, buena la Minakami and then on top of you will drink
because we are used to drinking after we eat her name same boiling
scorching water that will boy which will burn you inside for
Shara buena shuba Lim so now we are not going to drink the boiling
water unless wanted to say for sure you're gonna You will drink
sure but him like thirsty Cameron's drink. That's what you
will do. And the other drinks of course, we know you know, boil
pass and all of that stinking stuff that's
for sure everyone should well he had Newsela home yoga theme this
is the welcome this is the entertainment on that day for the
disbelievers. So this is this section. Since it's been an hour,
I think we will stop here and we will complete this surah from I 57
to 96 which then talks about the power of Allah subhanaw taala on
the next session, instead of continuing this and we will
inshallah open this up for any questions and comments and I want
to hear lessons from what we have covered so far. In the first 56
Anika Lahoma with the Hyundai Kona shadow low low limit stuffer
coming to you