Mohamad Baajour – WOW #05 When Was the Last Time You Cried

Mohamad Baajour
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The transcript describes a video of a culture worker discussing the benefits of being a Muslim, particularly in protecting from harm. The worker talks about the importance of crying out of fear and being a Muslim to avoid the "has he not accepted your annual dinner?" The worker also talks about the impact of crying out of love on one's eyes and how it can lead to tears.

AI: Summary ©

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			Do you still hate math me Aisha?
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			Woman You didn't hate math I found Kado Oh dear Hi
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			Go in love
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			Islam on equal law you're gonna get some love handling law so that was salam ala Rasulillah along
aluminum and fauna on fine IV my attempt wasn't the ailment. I mean, we ask Allah azza wa jal
teachers will benefit us benefit from our tutorials and increase us in knowledge me and Robert
Alameen My dear beloved respected brothers and sisters, I ask Allah azza wa jal to protect you from
any harm. Today in our words of wisdom episode,
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			the code we will be discussing is from Abdullah Abdullah Omar Radi Allahu Anhu Omar Abdullah, the
son of Homer, Nakata, the Allahu Anhu. He said, Len ADMA denmat and min Hershey Attila a hub boo
Ilya mean a sub Dakar Blvd in our he said are the Allah Han for me to shed a tear out of the fear of
Allah is better than donating than giving in charity 1000 dinar
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			crying out of the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala my brothers and sisters,
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			when was the last time
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			you cried
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			and I'm talking about crying
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			out of fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he may be did not accept your annual you are crying,
because you feel that you are behind in your duties to Allah subhanaw taala you're crying because
you have so many shortcomings. You're crying because you are worried maybe my repentance my Toba was
not accepted, crying out of the fear of Allah subhanaw taala
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			some of the benefits of crying out of the fear of Allah. Number one Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
salam, he said, two eyes will never see the hellfire. One of them is an eye that cried out of the
fear of Allah and the other eye that stayed at night guarding in the Cause of Allah subhanho wa
taala. So that those tears that fell
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			from your eyes, they are a reason for the protection from the hellfire.
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			also allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told us about the person who will be under the shade of
Allah when there is no shade except his shade is a person when he was alone, and his eyes started
weeping out of the fear of Allah subhanho wa taala.
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			So crying out of the fear of Allah, especially when you're alone, it will bring you under the shade
of Allah, when there is no shade except his shade Subhanallah
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			I'll be the Allah and came through
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			the Allahu anha and he asked her, What is the most
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			wonderful thing that you have seen from Rasulillah Salam. She said that one night he asked her to
make salad. And he led salatu salam started praying, and he started crying and crying and crying.
And then she came into the piano solo. Why are you crying? Subhanallah as soon as I said it was
crying all your previous and future sins are forgiven? Why are you crying? So caught up then?
Chikara shouldn't I be a grateful servant to Allah subhanaw taala so my brothers and sisters
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			we have stopped crying, our eyes dried because our hearts became very harsh
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			with our hearts, listen to lectures, listen to Hotpads listen to many, many different talks, listen
to Quran even and the staff moving, they stopped shaking because whatever. Whenever is the heart is
affected. It brings tears to the eyes. There are many different kinds of crying, they're crying, out
of fear crying out of love, crying even it is fake crying, but the crying we are talking about is
the crying out of the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala so let's train ourselves to cry out of the
fear of
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			Allah subhanho wa Taala hoping that with these tears, we will be saved from the hellfire and we will
be under the shade of Allah when there is no shade except his shade. May Allah subhanaw taala make
us from the people who listen and apply. May Allah make our last deeds, our best deeds. And may
Allah make our last words La Ilaha illa Allah, I love you all for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah
Allah, Allah Allah Allah Hill and the stock broker on a toolbar like
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			in daily journey bootcamp.
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			Como se de mano de.
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			Moda fallen Kareem