Mohamad Baajour – The Shaded 7 #07 Which Creation is stronger than mountains, iron, fire, water and wind

Mohamad Baajour
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The importance of showing one's spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's true spouse's

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			What Larina no AMILO saw he had these another helo boom Gen
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			That JD mean duck the * and move on Edie Nephi
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			Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa salam. Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Olam, aluminum
and fauna on foreign Habima alum Tana, was it the Illman Yahama Rahimi, we ask Allah azza wa jal
teachers would benefit us benefit from mosquitoes and increase us in knowledge. I mean, yeah, Robert
Alameen My dear beloved, respected brothers and sisters, I ask Allah subhanaw taala to make you and
myself and everybody who's watching us, among the people who will be under the shade of Allah, when
there's no shade except the shade, I mean.
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			Today we are on the sixth category. And this
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			group of people are saying allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in the Hadith, it's about a man
who gives in charity
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			and conceals it to the such an extent that his left hand does not know what his right hand has
given. Allahu Akbar. He concealed that so much there is exaggeration in secrecy, there is
exaggeration in hiding the charity. He wants the charity to be known strictly to Allah azza wa jal,
he is afraid or she is afraid from any kind of showing off any kind of free yet because we are
showing off destroys the animal. No matter how huge is the donation, if somebody gave $1,000,000.10
million dollars, just just only to show off for people to see him for people to call him a generous
man. That donation is gone. All he get is that praise from the people Subhanallah so this man is so
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			concerned about keeping the sadaqa between him and Allah subhanaw taala and he hide the true Salah
Salem gave us such a beautiful image that his left hand look how close they are, they are like twins
the two hands. This hand does not know what this hand has given this is how how concerned he is
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			for no one to know how much he gave or to whom he gave Subhanallah and
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			Allah subhanaw taala told us in the Quran, and this is my brothers and sisters please listen
carefully because we go through this a lot.
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			When we are giving for the sake of Allah when we are giving in charity, our main concern is for
Allah subhana wa Tada to accept it. That is our main concern. If that is your main concern, it does
not matter who knew about it does not matter at all. Because Allah says in the Quran, we're gonna
tune FICO min che in Thane Allah Hubby, Eileen, anything, anything that you spend, Allah subhanaw
taala knows it. So if my intention if my goal is the pleasure of Allah, I do not really care who
sees me on who do not see me Allah subhana wa Tada the minute it's spent, it's registered with ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada and that's all I care about. This is the mentality we should have when we are giving
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			You know, you come to the masjid, you look left and right, there's nobody there and you put some
cash in the box and nobody sees you. You're Allah you saw me and that's enough. That's sufficient
for me. Subhanallah and another Hadith. Also Lhasa Salam said,
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			when the angels saw the creation of the mountains, they said, Yeah, Allah.
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			Is there any among your creations that is more severe than the mountains? Allah subhanaw taala
answered and said yes. Iren and then they said, Yeah, Allah, is there anything among your creatures
that is more severe than Iran? That Allah subhanaw taala said yes, the fire. Then they said yeah,
Allah, is there anything among your creation? That is more severe than the fire? Allah subhanaw
taala said yes, water, it puts off the fire. They said, Yeah, Allah is there anything more anything
I want to your creation that is more severe, stronger than the water? Allah Subhan
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			Katara said yes, the wind and they said Ya Allah is that anything among your creation that is
stronger and more severe than the wind? Allah subhanaw taala said yes, the son of Adam, he gives in
charity with his right hand, while hiding it from his left, Allahu Akbar, that is more powerful than
the wind and the water and the fire and the mountains, Allahu Akbar. Why, because the person when he
is hiding the charity so much, he is really stepping on to desires, the desire of the love of money,
he's already stepping on that desire by giving and stepping on the desire of showing off and being
praised. Everybody loves to be praised. Look at that guy he gave so much you feel so good. And he
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			stepped on both desires, the desire of loving the money and the desire of being praised after
spending the money Subhan Allah, Allah subhanaw taala told us that into salah, khazzani, and Mahi,
if you show and disclose your sadaqa that is well, but if you conceal them and give them to the
poor, that is better for you. So there's nothing wrong with showing the sadhaka if you can, if
you're safe. If you feel that your intention is secure Bismillah go ahead and announce it. And make
sure that your intention is to encourage others to donate also, that's why you're announcing it. But
if you fear from react from showing off, do not show it concede it as much as you can, because it's
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			a very thin line, very thin line. And to be on the safe side, try to hide your your sadaqa as much
as you can. We all know my brothers and sisters that the sadaqat giving in charity is one of the
greatest day Baghdad it's one of the most important and a bad that will bring us close to Allah
subhanaw taala. Allah told us in the Quran in many, many places and vehicle and vehicle Alinea up a
corner the people who spent for the cause of Allah subhanho wa Taala Ania in public and private
night and they live mentioned so much reward for them Subhanallah the sadaqa
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			laka of socialism said that will Melba Khumba sadaqa cure your sick by giving sadaqa on their
behalf. If you have somebody who's sick in the family and you're hoping for his cute give us other
colonies we have ya Allah this sadaqa is on behalf of the for my mother to feel good, my son my
daughter, you know Subhanallah gives a look on their behalf. And when we give sadaqa you have to
keep in mind Subhan Allah, Allah Subhana Allah subhanaw taala said that it could see and it's very
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			unfair, unfair colic, Allah, Oh son of Adam spend, spend in My Cause, I the money Allah will spend
upon you on my workbook. And you imagine a rich man saying you spend another place it you will feel
very strong spending. Now the one who said he will replace it
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			is Allah subhanaw taala is Allah subhanaw taala who owns everything, Allahu Akbar. So you should
feel very happy when you're spending because Allah will replace it. It shouldn't be necessarily
replaced by by wealth, it could be by wealth, but it could be replaced by Allah, it will bless you
with a righteous wife with a righteous husband, righteous child, Allah subhanaw taala will keep the
harm away from you. So these are blessings all from Allah subhanahu wa taala. And there is, you
know, there is sometimes a hidden charity in a very dignified manner. Like for example, sometimes we
see people on the street, when we are driving on the highway, somebody's selling boxes of tissue,
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			maybe bottles of water, and they ask him how much he's addicted to $1 you give them a five and you
tell him you know, keep keep the change Subhanallah so because you want to give him a charity, but
you don't want to humiliate them before you give them the money. So you buy it even though sometimes
you don't even need it. You just want to give them in charity. And that is amazing way of helping
helping others Subhanallah Zainul, Aberdeen, the son of Al Hussein, or the Allahu Han, who is the
son of Allah, the Allah and so this is either IBD this man, Rahim Allah, he was very well known
about giving and charity in secret. He used to go at night and hold the sacks of wheat and and rice
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			and barley go around the Medina and look for the houses of the widows and the orphans and put the
food in the middle of the night so nobody could see him. They would only they only found out that it
was him. Because when he died, the people were saying where's the food today? There's no food and
they found marks on his back.
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			Because of the, because of the sacks used to carry,
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			when we, when we give, we should feel so good that we are giving, we should feel that we are a more
we are in need of that reward of giving more than the person will giving him in need of that money.
We should feel that we are in more need of the reward than the person you're giving the money. You
need that Azure don't feel like you are
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			better than that person because you're giving no no no, no, we are as much in need as the people
receiving the world. And keep in mind that our Salah Salam said sadaqa sir, towards the other rob
the sadaqa in secret puts off the Wrath of Allah extinguishes the Wrath of Allah subhanho wa Taala
and finally my brothers and sisters, we have to keep in mind that the closer the people to me the
more deserving of my charity. So before when you start thinking of giving away some some of your
money for Allah bless you with wealth, start with the closer people to you alacra Boone, Allah Bill
Maher of the closer the people to you, the more deserving of your of your charity. May Allah
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			subhanaw taala you know, because of the salmon of giving in charity and hiding it as much as we can.
Allah subhanaw taala honor these people by putting them under his shade when there's no shade except
his shade. May Allah gather me and you and all the people who are watching under the shade when
there's no shade except his shade. May Allah subhanaw taala make our last words Leila Lama I love
you all for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah Allah Allah and a stuffy Rocha when
a toilet like what
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			we need are our shell Vika Feldman bone yeah woman II then
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			yo money they're
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			all bone. Yeah, money the
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			two are all don't
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			mean come for fear