Mohamad Baajour – The Leper, The Bold & The Blind
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One of the
methods that our beloved Rasul, sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam, used
in order to teach us
was narrating stories.
And not only
but Allah
mentioned to us in the Quran
many, many stories.
As a matter of fact, there's a Surah
called the Surah of Stories, Surah Al Kasas,
and SubhanAllah,
the story
in general, it has a lot of effect
on the listeners.
Yani, sometimes I'm giving a talk,
a 45 minute talk, 1 hour talk,
and then in the talk, I mentioned a
a story that took 1 minute, and you
ask Ahmed, how was the
how was the khatira? Allah, that story was
beautiful, Sheikh.
So from the 45 minute, 1 hour talk,
people, all they remember is the story.
That is narrated
in both Muslim
and Bukhari.
So the story in the highest level of
there's no doubt about it. Rasulullah he said,
the narrator is Abu Huraira
He said Rasulullah
said, there were 3 men
there were 3 men from Benu Israel.
One of them,
You know what leper is?
He has leprosy.
Leprosy is a disease that affect the skin,
and the other
is a bald man.
How many bald people we have here?
Was it was seen right there in front
of me. The bald man.
1 of them is a leper, 1 of
them is a bald man, and the third
Anybody knows the story?
Blind. And the third is blind.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala I'm still narrating what
Rasool said. Said. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
wanted to test them.
he sent to them
an angel
who came in the form of
a man,
an angel who came in the form of
a man,
and he
came to
the person with leprosy, the first guy.
He said,
what would you like best?
What what do you want? Tell me what
you want.
So the man said,
a good color
a good skin,
a good color and a good skin,
and to rid
off the mockery of people.
And, obviously, this man
was being mocked by people when they see
his skin, they used to make fun of
him, so that was bothering him a lot.
Of course, I'm gonna narrate and then I'm
gonna explain.
So the angel, which he does not know
he's an angel, he rubbed on his skin,
and his skin turned
soft, amazing skin,
and all his leprosy vanished.
And then the angel asked,
what type of property would you like? What
kind of wealth you would you would you
would you like?
The man said,
I like
Ibel. I like camel.
So the, the angel
gave him
a pregnant
A pregnant camel. A pregnant camel
is the most beautiful
gift you could ever give a person at
that time.
you're giving him instantly 2 businesses
because every camera is a business.
You're giving him 2 businesses at the same
time. As a matter of fact,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
he said in the Quran,
the pregnant camel.
Why does it call Ishar? Anybody knows?
Because it's from Asherah.
She is pregnant 10 months already. Yeah. She's
about to deliver. Allah,
he said on that day, even your pregnant
camel that you are so excited about, you
will forget about it.
So now the same word was used here
that the man
asked for a camel, and he the the
man gave him a pregnant camel.
he went to
the bald man, and he asked him, what
would you like? The man, he said,
good hair
and to stop
the people from making fun of my baldness.
It looks like he had also a disease
in his head
on his head.
the angel
his hand over his head, and he was
good hair.
He then asked him, what property would you
like? He said,
I love cows.
So he gave him a pregnant
a pregnant
And then
he told
the man, may Allah I forgot to mention
in the in the first one too, said
may Allah put Baraka in it. In the
first one, he said, may Allah put Baraka
in it. And in the second one, he
said, may Allah put Baraka in it. The
angel went to the blind man and asked
him, what would you like best? He said,
I wish that Allah will restore my sight
so that I may see people. I wanna
see my my children. I wanna see my
The angel ran his hand over his eyes
and restored his sight. And then he asked
him, what property would you like best? The
man said, I like sheep.
So he gave him a pregnant sheep.
Rasulullah, I'm still quoting Rasulullah,
flux and hers were produced for the 3
This one camel
became a valley of camels,
and this cow became
hundreds of cows, and this sheep became hundreds
of sheep.
Now still you're asking probably what is the
Valley full of camels. The second one, valley
full of cows, and the third, one full
of sheep. Then the angel came back again,
but this time
listen carefully.
This time, the angel came back
in a form of a man that has
and he went to the guy who used
to have leprosy.
He went to him, and he said,
I am a poor man,
and my resources have been exhausted in my
And my only means of reaching my destination
are Allah.
So I ask you,
listen, I ask you by the one who
gave you this good color. He doesn't know.
He's pretending he doesn't know anything.
I ask you by the one who gave
you this beautiful color and this beautiful skin
and this whole property
for a camel
so I can get to my destination.
The man said,
I have too many bills in our language.
I have too many bills. I have a
lot of dues.
I have a lot of dues.
Then the angel
said, I think I recognize you.
When weren't you before a leper whom people
ugly and a poor man whom Allah gave
The man said,
All of that I inherited
through generations.
And the angel said, if you are telling
a lie,
may Allah return you to your previous condition.
So the angel went
in the form of a bold man.
Allah, I did not know you're gonna be
sitting here today.
I would have changed the topic.
The light is hitting. They're shining. He's a
he told them the same thing.
I am
traveling. I exhausted my resources. All I have
is Allah than you.
So please
give me something.
He said the same reply. I have a
lot of Jews. I have nothing to give
The angel said the same thing, if you
are telling a lie, may Allah return you
to your former condition.
The angel then went to the
blind man. I'm a poor traveler, and my
resources have been exhausted in my journey. My
only means of reaching my destination,
are depending on Allah
then on you. I will talk about that
So I ask you by the one who
restored your eyesight,
for a sheep by which I may get
to the end of my journey?
The man said,
Because other the other people, they denied that
they actually were, you know,
bold and
yes. I was
and Allah restored my eyesight.
take whatever you wish
and leave whatever you wish.
Take whatever you wish
and leave whatever you wish. I swear by
Allah that I shall not argue with you
today to return anything
you take as I give it to you
for Allah's sake.
The angel said, keep your property.
You have all simply been put to a
test, and Allah is pleased with you, and
he's not pleased with your companions.
And the hadith
ended here.
take a couple of lessons from from this
1 of the
unfortunate things
that happened to all of us
is that we do not recognize the blessing
until it's gone
or when we see someone who does not
have it.
Let me ask you a question.
Do I or you
need someone to come and tell us what
do you want?
You know how many of us in this
the wishes of our brothers in Yemen
and our brothers in Gaza.
If you go to a person in Gaza
and you ask him, I am your and
I'm and I I am an angel. What
do you want? He will tell you, I
want food. I want cold water.
I want security. I want safety. I want
to be able to go to the masjid
and listen to a halakah.
We are living other people's dreams and wishes.
And on top of that, all we do
is complain
because we are exactly the same. We do
not appreciate.
We are not appreciative of these nam that
Allah blessed us upon, and we are looking
at the
luxuries. I'm I'm missing a luxury.
Because I'm missing a luxury, I'm upset, and
I'm having a sleepless night because my car
is 2,010
and my neighbor is 2,020,
24. So this is what's bothering me.
I forgot that I have legs and other
people are
dreaming to walk.
I forgot that I breathe on my own,
and I have so many people that I
that needs machines to breathe.
I forget that the food that I eat
is being digested
on its own.
My lung my my kidneys are being washed
Well, I know brothers pay 6, $700
every 2 weeks to go for dialysis,
and that's being done by itself. But when
I will be grateful for the washing of
my kidneys when something happened to me?
are kings to millions of people. Kings.
So we don't wanna be like the leper
and the bald guy.
We don't wanna be like them.
They denied the namah of Allah
You don't have to be blind.
You don't have to be to have sickness
to order to to recognize the blessings that
we have.
Many of us you know, if you bring,
listen carefully, if you bring a very, very,
very wealthy
man, he has
3, $4,000,000,000,
he has a problem going to the restroom.
Every time he has to go to the
restroom, he has to go to the hospital.
And every time he has to eat, he
has to take 6, 7 pills
in order to be able to eat certain
kinds of food.
And you bring a poor man who is
extremely healthy,
and you tell them, would you like to
I will give you all my money. Just
give me that health that you have.
So you know how many millionaires we have
in this room?
Harun, would you give me your eyes for
Would you give me your arm for 500,000?
Would you give me your hearing
for half a1000000?
Look how many millionaires we have.
And I'm complaining because the air condition broke
for half an hour.
And I'm complaining because of this and because
of that.
We have and when when the uncle of
Rasulullah SAW, and I I mentioned this in
a in a lecture before, he said, you
teach me a dua.
What did he tell him?
One word.
Ask Allah.
Who remember?
Al Aafia.
Ask Allah Al Aafia, health.
Ask Allah Al Aafia.
This is one of the after the after
the Islam and after being guided,
there's no better Nehemah than the Nehemah of
What are you gonna do with $10,000,000,000 if
you're blind?
What are you gonna do with them? You
can't enjoy anything. You can't see anything.
appreciating the nama that we have, this is
the main lesson from the story,
appreciating the nama.
This here by itself,
this by itself, you being in the Masjid,
in the house of Allah,
listening to a lecture
at 10:15
This is a blessing from Allah
Allah has chose every single one of us
here to be here and listen to this.
This is a nema from Allah Azzawajal,
and every nema,
we need to be grateful for it in
order for it to stay.
In order for that nahma to stay, we
have to be grateful for it. How to
be grateful?
Like the blind man.
the second important lesson.
When someone
comes to you
ask you for help,
remember that angel.
When someone come to you and ask you
for financial help, any kind of help,
I want you to remember
or tell yourself
2 things.
Number 1,
who sent that guy?
Who sent him to me? Why did he
go to him?
Someone came and said, please brother, I need
you to help
reconcile between me and my wife.
Allah, I have no time. Yahi. Yahi, please,
I need you to help me move from
here to there. Yahi. And you have the
time. I'm not saying that, you know, you're
extremely busy.
I need just I'm I'm behind on my
$500, and you have the money.
Allah, he I have a lot of bills.
I have a lot of bills.
It's exactly the same statement,
and by the way they lost both. They
went back, and they lost everything.
Who sent that guy to you? Why to
you, not to him?
It's a test. You're being
tested. You're being tested.
If you can, please, I beg you, help.
Do your best.
Do your best.
Be like the blind man because the hadith
ended by
Allah is pleased with you,
and he's not pleased with your friends.
The second thing you tell yourself, Alhamdulillah,
that I
am being asked and I'm not asking.
I'm being asked.
I'm not the one who's asking.
the third point, I will end with this
because I promised you 15 minutes.
The tests
are not only
and problems and sicknesses and poverty.
is a test.
is a test.
The tests are also
with luxury and ease.
That's a test also on a blue comb,
a shari,
al khairi,
Is also a test. But why do we
the test when it's
I have cancer,
all my concentration
is that I have cancer.
But if I have a house and a
car and I don't feel that test because
everybody is being tested the same thing.
We don't feel it. As a matter of
fact, the Sahaba, what did they say? When
we were tested
when we were tested with adversity, with hardship,
we passed, but when we were tested with
luxury, it was very tough.
When we were tested with luxury, it was
very tough.
So all these things that we're going through
right now, you go outside
You will find your car still there.
You will put it on. It will start.
You get home. You find your children playing.
Your wife is waiting for you.
The food is there, all that. These are
all luxuries. These are all luxuries.
You go home, and you find that there
is power.
How many
how many people here, they know for a
fact, just like myself, that their parents right
now do not have power overseas.
In Lebanon, 2
hours a day,
when from 2 to 4 AM,
when nobody needs it,
it is the most humid country probably.
When was the last time I got home
and I said,
I have power.
I have hot water.
My kids are healthy.
They're not
in the hospital.
My brother called me, said please make dua
for my son. He's born 3 months now
and still in the hospital.
The the the son is born and still
in the hospital,
and we have brothers and sisters complaining.
Another girl.
Another girl.
okay. Sure.
If there's any doctor in the crowd, there's
a brother having chest pain in the multipurpose
I'm sure there's a lot of doctors here.
Doctor Munir is there. Okay.
and then just a quick,
statement that the man said, we always fall
into that mistake.
The man, he said something very important. He
he came to him and he said,
let me read it in Arabic first,
and I will tell you what what is
the lesson.
He said
he said,
This is very important word here.
I have no one to help me.
He did not say,
accept Allah
We always fall to this. Allah, he I
have no nobody except Allah and you and
you. This is wrong. This is shirk shirk
in the statement.
You have to use the word.
I have no one except Allah,
then you,
See, even in in the in the speech
of Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, there
are so many lessons that we we learn.
He he he's telling him, I have nobody
except Allah,
then you, not you. I cannot compare you,
put you at the same. A man came
one time to to Rasool Allah sallaihi sallam.
There were delegations, and I will end with
this. He
delegations are coming, and they are
presenting their
best person to say something in front of
Rasulullah salaam. You Rasulullah, we are coming from
here, from there.
So a man came and he said
and he started talking, and then he said
He said, whomsoever obey Allah and his prophet,
he's a he's a winner.
And whomsoever
disobey them,
he is a loser.
said, stop.
You are the worst katib.
What did he say wrong?
When he said you obey Allah and his
that was good. But when he put them
in the same verb,
when he put them in the same verb,
just a verb,
he did not go to graves and worship
and this and he just put them in
the same verb. He should have
separate them. He put them in the same
verb. He said, no. No. No. You are
SubhanAllah. So,
let's be grateful to Allah
for all these blessings that we have, And
the way to be grateful is by giving
Allah Subha by giving back to the creation
of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.