Mohamad Baajour – Remember Allah Dhikr
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The speakers discuss the importance of remembering Jesus and the reward of "hasana" in the title of a transcript. They also discuss the importance of shaykh, the tongue's name, and the four words that cover it. The conversation then touches on the importance of not entering Jannah and not wanting to get into trouble, as well as the importance of not leaving plans for missed events and reciting and getting elevated with every level of the chain. The speakers also give tips on the importance of not wanting to get into trouble and keeping praying for their last name.
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There's many rewards of dhikr of Allah.
What's the best one?
Is dhikr only in the tongue?
Every time you see the topic of dhikr,
what word comes after that?
How long do adhkar al sabah take?
What's the only ticket to Jannah?
When is the best time to do adhkar
al masaa?
What is one of the greatest form of
What is it that we're doing to deserve
Jannah forever?
Ya hayyu ya qayyum bi rahmatika astaghith.
Do not worry about the how.
Please, I beg you help.
Ya Allah, fix all my affairs.
This is the true real remembrance of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
We ask Allah azza wa jal to teach
us what benefit us, benefit us from what
he taught us and increase us in knowledge.
I ask Allah azza wa jal to put
barakah in this gathering and make us from
the people at the end of the gathering.
They will be told, qumu maghfuran lakum qad
buddilat sayyi'atikum hasanat.
You know, many of the people, they, after
the salah, even though they know that there's
a talk, they get up and they leave.
Even if you know everything I'm about to
say, you know everything I'm about to say,
still sit down.
Number one, haffatahumul malaika.
You're surrounded by the angels.
The rahma of Allah descend upon the people
who are sitting.
And Allah will mention their name to the
And look at the best one, the last
Look at this.
They will be told after the gathering, and
of course, the people who know me know
that I only quote hadiths that are authentic.
They will be told after the gathering, get
up, all your sins are forgiven, and all
your evil deeds are switched to good deeds.
Just by you sitting here, and all my
talk came from here and left from here,
you will get all those five.
Allahu Akbar.
So the barakah of that, halakatul ilm.
The barakah of being in such a gathering.
And the hadith, we all know this hadith
in Sahih Muslim, that no group of people
sat down to yatadarasuna al-Quran, they are
learning the Quran, except the Rasul of Allah
mentioned all this.
So we beg Allah to make us from
these people.
Salat is limited to, I'm talking about the
fard five times a day.
It has a certain time per day.
Fasting, the Ramadan fasting is limited to a
certain month of the year.
Zakat is limited to a certain amount.
Hajj is limited to a certain place and
a certain time.
I can't go to Hajj now.
But when it came to the dhikr of
Allah, no limit, no time, no place, nothing.
Look in the Quran, every time you see
the topic of dhikr, what word comes after
The ayah I just quoted, kathira, always after
dhikr, kathira, wadhakireena allaha kathiran wadhakirat, wadhkuru allaha
kathiran la'allakum tuflihoon, laqad kana lakum fee
rasoolillahi uswatun hasana liman kana yarjul allaha walyawma
alakhir, wadhakara allaha kathira, just in three times.
So, anytime you see dhikr, you will see,
what's the ayah in Surah al-Jumu'ah?
So, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is asking
us to remember him kathira, abundantly, a lot.
As a matter of fact, you're going to
be shocked to hear that, do you know
who are the people, not the ones who
do not remember Allah at all, do you
know who are the people who remember Allah
just a little bit?
Who are they from the Quran?
Come on, you Shabab, I'll give you a
Allah is
about the munafiqeen, that when they get up
to pray, they pray only for one reason,
so they can be seen.
But at the same time, Allah said, they
remember Allah, but a little bit, qaleela.
I don't want to be from the qaleela,
I want to be from the kathira.
We want to be from the kathira.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, you know, we
all know, we all learned the basics, the
Islam 101, is that when you see, become
all ears, why?
Because after that, it's going to be either
an order to do something, or an order
to stop something, right?
Here, Allah is telling, ya ayyuha allatheena aamanu.
Yes, ya Allah, hadir, order me, command me.
uzkurullaha dhikran kathira, wasabbihuhu bukratan wa asila.
What does bukratan wa asila mean?
Literally, it means, day and night.
Allahu Akbar.
Tayyib, listen to this hadith, subhanAllah.
And I want you to imagine, I want
you to live this hadith.
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling the
sahaba, he said, shall I inform you, listen
to this, shall I inform you of something
that is the most beloved to your Rabb,
the one that elevates your status in his
It is more, or it's better for you
than spending gold and silver.
And it's better than you hitting and them
striking your neck.
Allahu Akbar.
What is that, ya Rasulullah, better than all
this stuff?
Zikrullah, remembering Allah Azza wa Jal.
And so many, so many hadith telling us
about the virtue of remembering Allah Azza wa
Let me ask you a question.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioned a huge,
amazing reward for remembering Him in the Quran.
They mentioned many, but there is one, let
me see, usually I give, where's your chocolate,
give me the chocolate that you brought.
There's many rewards of dhikr of Allah, but
what's the best one?
Allahu Akbar.
Allah remember this Abdul Faqir, just because I
said, subhanAllah, walhamdulillah, la ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar.
Allah remembers me, and not in a gathering
like this, Allah remembers me in a gathering
of Malaika.
You know, one brother was telling me the
other day, Shaykh, at 6.04 pm, there's
this anchor who nobody knows about from a
channel that no one ever heard of, he's
going to mention my name that I was
a witness for an accident.
So please Shaykh, you know, listen to it,
and he's going to mention my name.
He's so excited that unknown person from an
unknown station is going to mention his name.
How about Allah mentioning my name?
Allahu Akbar.
So, don't think that it's something light, because
when you say, walhamdulillah, it is Allah.
Who gave you the permission to say walhamdulillah.
Allah, you know, so many times, I don't
know if you notice it here also, many
times in the US, I ask somebody, how
you doing brother?
Great, fine.
SubhanAllah, the word walhamdulillah does not come out
from their mouth.
So when you say walhamdulillah, you know, that
walhamdulillah needs walhamdulillah.
Because the one who made me say the
first walhamdulillah, I have to thank him for
So, huge, huge rewards for the remembrance of
Allah Azza wa Jal.
Is dhikr only in the tongue?
Is dhikr only saying subhanAllah, walhamdulillah, wa la
ilaha illallah, wa Allahu Akbar?
This is just one form of dhikr, the
dhikr of the tongue, which is excellent.
Rasulullah s.a.w. said, walhamdulillah, tamla ilmeezan.
When you say walhamdulillah, it fills your scale
on the day of judgment.
And we all know the virtues of the
four words, subhanAllah, walhamdulillah, wa la ilaha illallah,
wa Allahu Akbar.
I have just to talk about this, the
reward of the four words, four words.
I mean, just one of them, the most
beloved words to Allah.
Khayrun laka minna talaat alayhi shams.
It's more beloved to Rasulullah s.a.w.
than anything that the sun has risen upon.
Just to say subhanAllah, walhamdulillah, wa la ilaha
illallah, wa Allahu Akbar.
So many rewards of just these four words.
So, this is the dhikr of the lisan,
of the tongue.
But dhikr is not only that.
There's a very, very important dhikr, lend me
your ears.
One of the greatest form of dhikr is
to remember Allah when you are about to
make a very important decision.
That's dhikr.
You got an offer, three, four hundred thousand
dollars a year.
Great job, benefits, vacation.
But, sorry, no Jumu'ah.
Now here, it's a test.
That job came to you as a test.
Because the Razzaq is one.
So, he sent it to you to see
what you're going to say.
Now the shaytan comes and tells you, innaAllaha
ghafoorun raheem.
It's one salat, mashAllah.
No, shaytan's not going to say mashAllah.
You're praying all the other salawat.
What's the big deal?
One salat a week.
But look, look how the shaytan comes.
You're making four hundred thousand.
Because of the Jumu'ah, you're missing it?
Give fifty thousand to the masjid.
So, that you say to yourself, wow.
So, now you're justifying missing Jumu'ah.
And then there's another brother.
You know what?
Let me tell you the story.
I had a Filipino brother.
May Allah bless him.
Listen, he was ten days old as a
You know our brothers and sisters that take
Some of them, they surpass us.
They cross us like lightning when it comes
to deen.
So, this brother, he was telling me a
He said, Shaykh, I was looking for a
job for a very long time.
And I took the shahada and you know
what comes with the shahada?
And then this job opening came.
I went to the interview.
Tens of people and over a hundred of
It's a very, very tempting job.
Great income, great benefits.
So, I stood and I waited in the
All these people are applying for one job
because of all the benefits.
So, my turn came.
I went to the guy interviewing.
I sat down.
Ten days old as a Muslim.
So, he told the person interviewing.
He said, I have, before we start, I
have one question.
So, the man got upset.
He said, I'm the one who asking question,
not you.
He said, excuse me.
I want all the things that you're asking
for, for the job, the credentials, I am
a master in them.
Experienced 20 years in them.
Whatever you want, I am, I'm the guy.
But I have to ask you this question
before we start.
He said, go ahead.
What's your question?
He said, every Friday, I want one hour
If you agree, we will continue the interview.
If you don't agree, why should I waste
my time and waste your time?
He said, we'll give it to you.
They continued the interview.
Who got the job?
Who got the job?
Our brother got the job.
Because the guy said, if this man fears
an entity that he cannot see, can you
imagine what he's going to do to our
job, to our business?
Ten days old.
Now, we have Muslim brothers and sisters.
Yalla, yalla, whatever the job is, yalla take
Allah ghafoorur raheem.
And they start giving excuses to themselves.
So here, this is what the true remembrance
of Allah is.
When you want to go and, my young
brothers and I want to major in a
topic at school, at university.
You check the jobs of this major.
Are they halal?
Before I start, you know how many brothers
they got into the jobs and then, oh
my God, nobody told me before.
After he went into the whole thing and
then he came out and said, all the
jobs in this field are haram?
Wallahi, no matter, it's not our topic, but
just an advice.
No matter how tempting is the job, give
it up.
If it's haram, Allah will hundred percent, I
guarantee you that Allah will replace it with
something better.
Hundred percent.
It's a hadith of Rasulullah ï·º.
No one who leaves something for the sake
of Allah, no one except Allah will replace
Who's the Razzaq?
It's not that guy, the boss, the CEO.
He's not the Razzaq.
He's just a tool, just like me as
a father.
I'm not the Razzaq for my children.
I'm a tool Allah is using me to
provide for these children.
Have you ever seen a father died and
the next day all kids died because of
You know why?
Because the father is not the Razzaq.
The Razzaq is hayyun la yamut.
You know, a woman lost her husband.
She has seven daughters.
People came and offering her their condolences and
they're crying and she told them, why are
you crying?
She said, how are you going to handle
seven girls on your own?
She said, I never knew that my husband
was the Razzaq.
My husband is not the Razzaq.
The Razzaq is hayyun la yamut.
And remember that this is just a test
to see what you're going to say, what
you're going to do.
Many of us unfortunately fail in this test
and they take this job and this offer.
So this is what the real remembrance of
I'm about to watch something haram.
Then I remembered astaghfirullah la ilaha illallah.
How can I immediately?
I remembered Allah.
I stopped.
Sometimes you're watching Islamic lecture and all of
a sudden on the side, you get those
haram clips and that you are so tempted
and the shaitan tells you, it's okay, watch
one minute and then you will make 500
Many of us fall into that trap.
Or when you're watching Instagram and you're scrolling
and then you get this haram clip.
If you stayed more than three seconds, they
know that you like it.
They're going to send you another one.
If you flipped immediately, khalas, they know that
you're not interested.
This guy is not a good customer.
These are, this is when the real remembrance,
subhanallah wa alhamdulillah wa la ilaha illallah wa
allahu akbar.
These are very easy.
But the real remembrance when I'm about to
do something that's not pleasing to Allah and
I remembered and I said, just like Yusuf
alayhi salam, inni ma'adha Allah, astaghfirullah.
How can I do this?
No way.
This is, this is the true real remembrance
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Now, in order to become from the dhakirin
allaha kathiran wa dhakirat, to be from the
people who remember Allah abundantly, very simple.
Because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, after he
mentioned many of the people, by the way,
they are the only ones, as-sa'imin
wa as-sa'imat, everyone, he did not
add anything except for the dhikr Allah, kathiran,
he added kathiran.
They are the ones who get huge reward
and the forgiveness of their sins.
I want to become from the dhakirin allaha
What is the concept?
What is it?
Where or what should I do in order
to be from the people who are kathiran
What should I do?
Imam al-Nawawi said, if you become from
the people who say the dua before you
eat, the dua after you eat, the dua
when you leave the masjid, the dua when
you enter the restaurant, the dua when you
start the car, the dua when you enter
the masjid, the dua before you sleep, the
dua, all these duas, when it's thundering, when
it's raining, when all these duas and add
to them the adhkar of the sabah and
the adhkar of the masaa, then you are
from the people who remember Allah abundantly.
Allahumma ja'alna minhum ya rabbil alameen.
Adhkar of the sabah, adhkar of the masaa,
ya akhwan, you know how many people come
to me, oh sheikh, I think I have
jinn, sheikh nazar, sheikh hasad, this, the doctor
of this ummah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, gave
us all these duas, you say this three
times in the morning, three times in the
evening, all shayateen will run away from you,
you say this and if you die, you
will go to jannah, if you say this,
subhanallah, you know, when you imagine, you go
to a doctor and he says, Abdullah, you
are sick, take these three pills in the
morning and three in the evening and come
back after one week, you go back after
one week and you say, ya doctor, ya
habibi, nothing changed, the doctor said, did you
take the medicine, la wallah, no, what are
you doing here, what are you doing here,
subhanallah, we have prescriptions from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam, man qala bismillah alladhi la yadurru ma
ismihi shay, fil ardi wa la fil samaa,
wa huwa sami'il alaleem, thalathat marrat, three
times in the morning, three times in the
evening, no harm will touch him, ya habibi,
are you saying it, no, why not, why
are you not saying, do you trust Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam, of course, shaykh, what kind
of question is this, you are coming to
this faqir, you are coming to this faqir,
asking him what to do, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam taught us what to do, do this,
do that, adhkar al sabah, how long do
they take, how long do adhkar al sabah
take, maximum, I timed it, shaykh, 12 minutes,
if you want to relax and do them,
it will get to 20, with the 100,
subhanallah, when is the best time to do
adhkar al sabah, between fajr and shuruq, when
is the best time to do adhkar al
masaa, evening, asr and maghrib, can I do
them after maghrib, yes, can I do adhkar
al sabah after shuruq, yes, but this is
the best time, like we say, this is
the best time, and then there is ok
time, if I missed it before shuruq, I
did not do it, I can say, asbahna
wa asbahal mulku lillah at 8.30, it
is not haram, right, so, please, if you
want to get out with something from this
gathering, make it an intention that from now
on, I will sit down after fajr, whether
it is here or at home, and make
the adhkar of the sabah, our beloved brother,
he reminded me of one of the adhkar,
subhanallah, they are all amazing, because they are
literally taught to us by the best man
ever created, so, Rasulullah s.a.w., he
said to his most beloved Fatima, said, Ya
Fatima, what is stopping you from saying this
dua in the morning and in the evening,
what is that dua, Ya Rasulullah, astaghif, aslih
li sha'ni kulla, wa la takilni ila
nafsi tarfata'ayn, wow, let's take it to
a little bit of details, Rasulullah s.a
.w. said in one hadith, he said, ismullah
al-a'adham, the greatest name of Allah
is in three surahs, which surahs, Baqarah, Al
-Imran, Taha, he said, the name of Allah,
the greatest name of Allah, is in these
three surahs, if you look on these three
surahs, and you see which one is the
common in all three, like Baqarah in Ayatul
Kursi, Al-Imran, Alif Lam Meem, Allah la
ilaha illa hul second ayah, and in Taha,
you will find out that Al-Hayy Al
-Qayyum is or are the two names that
are in those three surahs, so here I'm
starting, Ya Hayy, you are the all living,
Ya Allah, I am Hayy, but this Hayy
is going to die, Ya Qayyum, what does
Qayyum mean, hmm, strong, Allah
Qayyum means the one who does not need
any assistance in performing anything, he does not
need any help, self-sufficient, Ya Hayy Ya
Qayyum, Bi Rahmatika Astaghith, you know the only
ticket to Jannah is, what's the only ticket
to Jannah, the Rahmah of Allah, the only
way to Jannah is the Rahmah of Allah,
now we get for the second chocolate, how
can we reconcile, the only ticket to Jannah
is the Rahmah of Allah, and it's all
over the Quran, that you're going to Jannah
because of your actions, how do we reconcile
between those two, the Hadith said that the
only ticket is Rahmah, and the Quran is
saying it's your Amal, nice chocolate, how can
we put them together, you got your chocolate
for the day, this is one of the
answers that the more Amal I do, the
higher the possibility of getting the Rahmah, but
there's another answer, anyone, no, no, no, one
Hadith is saying Rasulullah S.A.W. said,
even you Ya Rasulullah, you know one time
I was sitting with a gathering and I
told Rasulullah S.A.W. let's count the
Hasanat of Rasulullah S.A.W., from the
day the message came from Rasulullah S.A
.W. till the day of judgment, every Muslim
who says Subhanallah, Rasulullah S.A.W. will
get a Hasanah, will get an Ajr, every
time a Muslim prays, he'll get the Ajr,
fast, read Quran, he'll get the Ajr, so
the amount of Hasanat is beyond, beyond counting,
and still he said I will not enter
the Jannah with my Amal, I will only
enter if Allah S.W.T. bless me
with his mercy, how can we reconcile that
the Amal in the Quran, all over the
Quran, they will go to Jannah because of
what he used to do, okay, just because
of the time, listen to this carefully, the
Rahmah of Allah is the ticket to Jannah,
your place in Jannah is according to your
Amal, you got it, Jannah is different levels,
entering the Jannah, there's nothing, nothing we can
do to deserve going to Jannah, what is
it that we're doing to deserve Jannah forever,
what is it, that Salah that we're praying
or once a year we fast, what is
it, even if we go to Jannah, you
wanna be fair, I lived 60 years and
I died, okay, you go to Jannah 60
years, but what did I do to go
to Jannah forever, this is the Rahmah of
Allah S.W.T., so the entrance to
Jannah is the Rahmah of Allah, where is
my location, because Rasul S.A.W. in
the Hadith said, the Jannah is how many
degrees, how many levels, one Hadith said 100,
another scholar said that they are the number
of the Quran because of the Hadith, some
of the scholars said, no, no, no, the
levels of Jannah, because Rasul S.A.W.
said recite and get elevated with every Ayah
you will go to a different level, so
they said that the number of the Darajat
is over 6000, so the entrance with the
Rahmah of Allah S.W.T. and the
level, my level is level 62, level 500,
whatever my level is according to my and
every level in Jannah, if you are level
1 or level 75, whoever is in his
level, he will think that he is the
best level, no one is better than me,
this is from Allah S.W.T., no
one thinks that anybody is better than him,
Subhanallah, there is only your Rahmah that will
get me to Jannah, and look at the
word Astaghith, the people who know Arabic, it
is not like I ask, Astaghith is literally
I am begging, the closest thing could come
to mind is when I hear Astaghith, someone
is drowning, someone is drowning, someone is drowning,
do you imagine him saying, excuse me, is
there anybody who could help me please, no,
he is going to be screaming, please, I
beg you, help, his lungs are out, his
heart is up to his throat, begging for
help, this is Astaghith, see, Allah, Astaghith, okay,
now, the etiquette of Dua is first you
praise Allah, praise, praise, praise, then you ask,
so here, am I asking anything yet, no,
I am praising, Astaghith, I am praising, now
I am asking, Ya Allah, fix all my
affairs, Ya Allah, I am having problem with
my wife, Ya Allah, my children driving me
crazy, Ya Allah, I am behind in my
rent, Ya Allah, I am having so many
health issues, Ya Allah, Ya Allah, Ya Allah,
Ya Allah, fix all my affairs because you
are the only one who can fix all
my affairs, and this is here the most
important thing, many times when we are asking
Allah, when we are making Dua, we speak
as if we are talking to each other,
we forgot or we do not have that
Yaqeen, that I am asking the one who
can do anything, I am asking the one
who named himself Al-Mujib, the one who
answers, I am asking the one who said
Uda'oni Astajib lakum, Allah did not say
make Dua, I will listen, no, no, no,
he said make Dua, I answer, Wa idha
sa'alaka ibaadi a'anni fa'inni qareeb,
I answer the Dua, I answer, so every
Dua we make, it is answered, Rasulullah s
.a.w. said, Uda'u Allah wa antum
muqinoona bil-ijabah, make Dua when you have
Yaqeen, that the Ijabah is coming, it is
coming now, it is coming later, it is
saved till the day of judgment, but 100
% it is coming, that is why we
hear so many people, which is wrong, Shaykh
I made so much Dua, you kept on
telling us Dua, Dua, I get up and
made Dua and nothing happened, as if Allah
is working for me, Astaghfirullah, I forgot that
the Hakeem for his own wisdom, he knows
that this time is not good for you,
when it is good for you, I will
give it to you, Bi rahmatika astaghif, aslih
li sha'ni kulla, and listen how it
ended, wa la takilni ila nafsi darfada'i,
Ya Allah, I am so bad in making
decisions, no matter how good I am in
making decisions, it will not even come close
to your Hikmah, Ya Allah, do not leave
me to make decisions on my own, Ya
Allah, do not leave me for my own
decisions, not even for a blink of an
eye, not even for a blink of an
eye, look how beautiful is this Dua, Ya
Hayyu Ya Qayyum, I want it to come
from the heart, it is not a lip
service, this is most of the time why
the Dua is not answered, because it is
Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, Bi rahmatika astaghif, aslih
li sha'ni kulla, wa la takilni, he
is talking to his friends, and he is
making Dua, Rabbana aatina fil dunya hasana, wa
fil aakhirati hasana, wa qina adabana, what is
this, where is the focus of the Dua,
you are asking Allah for something, and you
are not focusing, you are not concentrating, and
you are wondering, Shaykh I have been making
this Dua for 2 years, Allah promised, not
me, Allah, la yukhliful mi'ad, he does
not break his promise, he promised that he
is going to answer, so ask with certainty,
Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, Bi rahmatika astaghif, aslih
li sha'ni kulla, and when you are
saying aslih li sha'ni kulla, in the
back of your mind, you have all your
problems, Ya Allah, that one and this one,
and the cancer, this and that, my child,
wa la takilni ila nafsi tarfata'i, Subhanallah,
you will see one of the best form
of Dhikr, is Dua, you know, the son
of Adam get upset when you constantly ask
him, Allah gets upset when you do not
ask him, if you keep asking me for
something, Ya Hayyu, leave me alone, Allah Azawajal
loves to be asked, ask him, ask him
from the bottom of your heart, ask him
while you have no doubt, you know, sometimes
we ask $100,000 debt, how is this
going to be, listen carefully, I will end
with this, we are good with the time,
Shaykh, listen carefully to this, when you ask,
do not worry about the how, do not
worry about the how, just concentrate and focus
on the quality of your Dua, the how
is not in your hands, how, nobody knows
how, there was a brother in New York,
around 10 years ago, he had, I do
not think you have it here, he has
a yellow cab in Manhattan, you know the
yellow cab, you need to have a license
and that license is $400,000 to get
a yellow cab license, so you could drive
and use it as a taxi, that was
a long time ago, so look at this,
this is a story of both Rizq and
left something for the sake of Allah, so
the owner of the taxi business, he said
we want to put an ad for, with
a lady that is on the top of
the, you know, the ads on the top
of the cab, right, you have them here
too, no, on the top of the cab,
they put an ad, big, huge, and it
keeps playing that ad all the time, could
be anything, so he told the boss, he
said, I can't do this, this is haram
in my Deen, he said, Habibi, haram, no
haram, either you do it or out, so
the guy went and quit and he sold
his license with $250,000, he lost a
lot of money, but he said, I cannot
do anything haram, even though many people would
have found an excuse for this, he left,
what happened, Uber came, Uber got introduced to
the world, the yellow cab license went down
to $50,000, because
he left something for the sake of Allah,
if, you know, he left it for the
sake of Allah, not because he, oh, somebody
told him, listen, Uber is coming, no, no,
no, I don't care, the result is Allah
Azza wa Jal, he gave it up, and
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala replaced him with
something better, the point here, Akhwan, is having
yaqeen and the promise of Allah Azza wa
Jal, having certainty, that Allah Azza wa Jal,
just like he promised the mother of Musa,
two promises, we're gonna bring him back to
you, and we're gonna make him a messenger,
Allah kept his promise, even though it went
through so much, we will talk about that
in another time, if Allah gathered us again,
so, don't worry about the how, just like
this guy, he did not worry about the
how, he just khalas, I leave it for
the sake of Allah, and Allah will replace
me with something better, don't worry about the
how at all, and I can tell you
so many stories about people who left something
for the sake of Allah, and Allah replaced
it to them, they made dua, Ya Allah,
Ya Kareem, Ya Rabbil Alameen, in their sujood,
can I make this dua in my sujood,
absolutely, you are the closest to Allah Azza
wa Jal, in your sujood, in your tahajjud,
Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, Bi rahmatika astawid, aslih
li sha'mi kulla, wa la takilni ila nafsi
tarr al-fatahi, Subhanallah, so, Ya Akhwana, I
thank you again for giving me the opportunity
to talk to you, may Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala bless this masjid and its management
and its imam and everybody who's helping, may
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala put barakah in
everything that he blessed you with, I beg
Allah Azza wa Jal in this blessed night
of Juma, Ya Rabb, everyone who attended with
us, Ya Allah, Ya Kareem, fill their home
with love and mercy and tranquility, Ya Allah,
guide their children, Ya Allah, Ya Kareem, make
their last deeds their best deeds, Ya Rabb,
whoever attended with us, Ya Allah, whoever is
watching us, make their last words, La ilaha
illa Allah, tonight is the night of Juma,
it is the night Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
said, Akthiru, make a lot of Salat upon
me, Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ala aali
Muhammad, kama sallayt ala Ibrahim wa ala aali
Ibrahim, innaka hamidun majeed, Allahumma barik ala Muhammad
wa ala aali Muhammad, kama barik ala Ibrahim
wa ala aali Ibrahim, innaka hamidun majeed.
And finally, this is my weekly reminder to
my brothers who attend my halaqa on Thursday,
the next Salat that we are going to
pray is the most beloved Salat to Allah
Azza wa Jal.
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, the most beloved
Salat to Allah is Salat al-Fajr of
Yawm al-Jumu'ah fi Jama'ah, everybody
is coming to Fajr tomorrow, everybody is coming
to Fajr tomorrow, Inshallah, you know, one day
or you could go to, you to put
my last name and put next to it
Fajr, so one of them says, after listening
to this, you will not miss Fajr anymore,
and it is true, trust me, listen to
that, you will not miss Fajr anymore at
all, you will feel so guilty, I will
give you one tip, one tip only, let
me ask you a question, and honestly, between
us, we are all brothers, we are one
big family, stood up here in the mumber,
and he said, Shabab, whoever comes to Fajr
tomorrow, 500 Euro, you know what is the
next question, can we do Itikaf tonight?
Maybe the car did not start, maybe I
got sick, I want to make sure I
got my 500.
Imagine, he said, every day you come, you
will, to Fajr and Jama'ah, you will
get 500 Euro, but one condition, if you
miss it, without any valid excuse, you have
to give all the money back, will you
miss Fajr?
500 Euro a day, 15,000 a month,
I quit my job, I sit down next
to the masjid, right?
Subhanallah, Ya Ikhwan, Wallahi, all this money, not
me, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, what did he
The Sunnah of Fajr, not the Fard, forget
about the Fard, the Fard is a different
level, the Sunnah of Fajr is not better
than 500 Euro a day, it is better
than all the dunya with all its mountains
and oceans and gold and diamonds and rivers
and silver, better than the whole dunya and
everything in it, the two Sunnah that you
pray of Fajr, so what about this 500
Euro, not a good deal Habibi, I am
going to take the other one, so please,
come to Fajr tomorrow, may Allah bless you
and make it a habit, especially now, you
know, when they told me Fajr is at
6.18, Wallahi, you know, in New York,
it is 3.30, 3.30 am, I
am sure you get time here, also it
is very early, but now, this is the
time to get addicted to praying Fajr in
Jama'a and to fast, the fast, when
I found out that Maghrib is at 3
.50, 75% off, what is this, this
is unreal, Wallahi, I want to move, just
because to fast,