Mohamad Baajour – Ordering Good & Forbidding Evil – 3 Levels

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the story of the Quran that describes a group of people who claimed to not sin, but eventually did. The story also touches on the use of words like "we" and "we are" to describe actions and emotions. The speakers emphasize the importance of praying and not giving up on one's beliefs, emphasizing the importance of the weakest of the church's rule.
AI: Transcript ©
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So, inshallah, we'll take

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beautiful story from the Quran,

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and all the stories in the Quran are

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so beautiful

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and very beneficial. May Allah make us some

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of the people who listen and apply.

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This story is the story of

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Ashab Sipt,

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the people of Saturday.

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It's mentioned in the Quran in few places,

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but it was detailed in Surat Al Arab.

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It was

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all its

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components in Surat Al Arab, but ashab is

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mentioned in many in many Suras.

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What is their story?

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The Jews came to and

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they claimed they do not

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sin. They do not commit any major sins.

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So Allah

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told Rasulullah

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And it's a sarcastic question. They're saying you

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do not sin. Ask them about the people

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that used to live in a village or

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in a, yeah, in a village next to

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the sea.

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So there were people who live by the

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these people,

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their main source of income is fishing.

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Everything is fishing.

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So Allah

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wanted to test him.

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He said,

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you can fish on every day except Saturday.

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That's why they called people of Saturday.

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The the the village is divided into 3

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Some people could not take it because this

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is their only source of income.

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So what did they do? They started putting

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the nets on Friday

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and picking up the nets

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We are not fishing on Saturday.

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We are not fishing on Saturday. We are

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obeying Allah.

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Some people saw that this group is

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making money, and they're eating, and they start

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the barbecued,

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fish from their section,

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so they followed.

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Another group

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came to them and said,

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what's wrong with you?

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Says haram,

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Who are you kidding?

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Who are you mocking?

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Are you mocking Allah

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Stop. They did not listen.

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And the 3rd group,

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they said to the 2nd group, the one

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who were ordering good. They said, leave them

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Leave them alone.

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Allah is gonna punish them. Allah knows that

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they're doing something wrong. Allah will punish them.

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Leave them alone. So the second group said,

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We are doing this

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for two reasons.

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We are doing it for two reasons. Number

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1, if Allah

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asked me, did you do anything?

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I would say, yes, You Allah.

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I did something. I went and I told

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them to stop.

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And the other reason

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maybe they would stop.

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Now what happened at the end?

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Those people who were

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doing the trick,

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala turned them into,

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No, into Qarada.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told them into apes

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and they used to come

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to the other people. Now here the ape

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knows his cousin, know his brother, but he

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does not know. He's looking at an ape.

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He said, I'm your cousin,

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I'm your brother. They do not recognize him.

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So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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he made them into apes

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the Ayah said that they got severe punishment,

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the people who were ordering good and forbidding

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evil were saved.

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Ibn Abbas radiAllahu an, one time he was

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reading this ay and he was crying.

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Said, why are you crying?

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He said, I am afraid to be from

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the 3rd group that they were silent and

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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was silent

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about their destiny.

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He did not mention anything about them.

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The second group or the third group,

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which did not do anything, They were good

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people, but they did not order good and

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forbid evil. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala did not

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tell us what happened to them.

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Okay. Some of the lessons of this story.

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I'm 100% sure

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that these people who committed

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this sin, they had shiur that told them,

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it's okay.

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Go ahead and do it. It's no big

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deal. You're not fishing on Saturday.

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You're not actually fishing on Saturday.

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No problem.

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Just like now, we have shiuk. It's okay.

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Riba is only 2%.

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It's not a big deal. It's not a

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it's not much. It's just a little bit.

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Go ahead.

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bribe it's not a bribe. This is because

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of your efforts, because of this. So they

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name things.

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They change things

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to make them look halal.

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Wallahi, it is similar

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to exactly what this group have done.

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And Allah

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turned them into 8s and in the

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So number 1,

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go fatwa shopping,

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And we keep asking

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and asking 1 Sheikh after another until we

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get the custom made fatwa that we're looking

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gave us the solution

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because deep down in your heart

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before you went to seek that fatwa, you

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know it's haram and you're looking for a

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sheikh to tell you it's halal.

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That's why rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam gave

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us the bottom line.

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What did he say?

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This is your Mufti.

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This is your mufti.

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You know deep down that this is haram

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and you keep looking for a sheikh to

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say it's halal,

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but you know it's haram.

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And when you asked

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When someone asks you, you say,

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on the day of judgment I will put

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them on the neck of that sheikh.

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If Allah asked me, I will tell them

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the sheikh told me. But you know inside.

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That's why Allah from his hikmah and from

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his mercy, he did not make us responsible

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until we are mature and we have a

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Number 2,

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ordering good and forbidding evil. Our scholars said

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if there was if there was

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a 6 rukun in Islam, it will be

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ordering good and forbidding evil.

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And this is one of the

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this is one of the main problems of

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this ummah is that because we stopped practicing

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this. It's an act of worship. We stopped

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practicing it

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for many reasons.

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Ordering good.

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Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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he said,

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if you stop ordering good listen carefully, Yakwad.

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If you stop ordering good and forbidding evil,

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you will be raising your hands and saying,

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you Allah.

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You Allah. Making du'a making du'a

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in Plano,

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in America,

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in Haram, in Medina, and nothing is happening

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because you stopped ordering good and forbidding evil.

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We see the haram around us. We are

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quiet because we are so scared.

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Look at this, homosexuality.

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Isn't the same thing? Oh, this is you

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see, when these people followed their

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stomach desire, they couldn't eat. They want to

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eat fish.

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The other people are following their other private

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part desire

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and they made rules and laws and if

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you just obey this law, you are out

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and nobody dares to say anything because, you

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know, what is going to happen to me?

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He says, haram is haram.

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Haram is haram. It's not going to change

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no matter what happens.

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When we see something wrong, we have to

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say something.

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And now we all know the hadith of

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ordering good and forbidding evil.

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With your hand,

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with your tongue,

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and with your heart. 3 levels.

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1st with hand,

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second with the tongue, and 3rd with the

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heart. And Rasulullah

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said, the heart is

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the weakest of iman.

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Now listen carefully.

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What does it mean with the hand? The

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hand does not mean you beat somebody to

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do something.

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The hand means you are a person of

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It you are the father and your daughter

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is leaving the house without hijab.

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You are in charge. You are responsible.

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You are responsible.

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You don't say here, oh, Habibti, I hate

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it with your heart with my heart. No,

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you are a sultan here. You have to

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tell her and talk to her

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and you have to mention to her the

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importance of hijab.

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Your son does not pray. Okay. Habibi, please

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if you can't pray. No. This is you

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are the father. You're the mother. You have

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a sultan here.

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You have to say, No Habibiya, you are

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my son, I love you so much. You

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have to pray.

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You must pray.

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This is not a choice. Salat is not

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a choice.

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If it's your friend, it's your cousin, then

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you go with the second one

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with your tongue.

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If you are the owner of the if

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you are the president of the country, you

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the right to say no alcohol sale in

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my country. No gambling. No prostitution.

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You are the sultan. You change with your

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hand. You do not say I hate it

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with my heart.

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You're the Sultan.

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The second one is with your tongue.

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Just like we're doing right now with the

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You say you see a brother, you go

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into his store and you see him selling,

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You say, brother Habibi, this is gambling. This

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is haram.

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You not gonna go and break the store

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and no. No. No. This is not your

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You tell him, this is haram, brother.

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You're not allowed to do that. This is

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Islamically. This is considered gambling.

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In your business if you want barakah.

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And then

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in your heart, when you are, you know,

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living in a place like this where you

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see haram all the time,

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at least you hate it with your heart

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and listen carefully. If it reaches a point

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that you do not feel anything anymore,

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not even the heart.

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This is where it gets really, really dangerous.

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Not even in your heart is feeling anything.

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Haram is happening.

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Shirk is taking place around us, and nothing

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nothing not even a feeling of haram. As

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a matter of fact, you start

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you know, these are our brothers, the Christians

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who worship Jesus, our our brothers.

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How could they call them brothers, Yafi?

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They are calling. They're saying that Allah has

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a son.

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So you hate it with the heart and

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if you don't hate it with the heart,

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rasulullah said,

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that's it.

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That's it. This is the weakest of iman.

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That means if I don't wait, I hate

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it with my heart.

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What's next?

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There's no iman.

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This is the weakest. There's no iman. This

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is how dangerous it is.

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So Amr Bil Maroof has rules. I have

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to be first

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I have sincerity.

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I'm doing it only for the pleasure of

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Allah, not to be called names and to

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have followers and I'm doing it only for

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the sake of Allah. Second, I have to

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have knowledge of what I'm ordering.

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Not to be alim, but at least if

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I tell you to pray and you ask

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me how to pray, I have to know

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how to tell you how to pray.

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3rd, I have to practice what I'm preach

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what I'm preaching.

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4th, I have to have patience.

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And 5th, which is extremely important, is the

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sloop of ordering good and forbidding

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evil. The manner, the method

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has to be with gentleness, with kindness.

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send 2 prophets

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2 prophets to,

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the worst person ever created,

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and speak to him gently. If I'm supposed

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to speak to frown gently, how do I

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speak to my brother and to my cousin

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who says,

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More gentle, very kind.

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now, unfortunately, Ahwan,

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many of us fall into the 3rd category.

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It has nothing to do with me. Me,

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I'm good. My family is good. Let them

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do whatever they want.

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As a matter of fact, there's one group

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of scholars said they were also with the

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first group.

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This is one of the opinions.

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They were with the first group punished

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because they were quiet.

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So you order good and forbid evil to

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the best of your ability

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as much as you can.

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Depends on which level are you. But to

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leave things going without doing anything, why is

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this story mentioned in the Quran?

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At least the first group, subhanAllah, may Allah

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make us all among them. May Allah make

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us all from the first group. They said,

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at least when I stand in front of

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Allah and he asks me, why didn't you

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do anything? I will say, you Allah, you

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know, I went and I spoke and I

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did something. I did something.

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So at least we feel like we did

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The guidance,

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if the person stop or not, this is

00:14:29 --> 00:14:30

not your responsibility.

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This is not your responsibility.

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This is all from Allah

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Our responsibility

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is to give the warning.

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Even Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi salam himself, he was

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We did not send you as

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We only sent you as a Mubasher to

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give glad tidings of Jannah and to warn

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about the hellfire.

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May Allah make us from the people who

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listen and apply. May Allah make me from

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the people who practice what they preach. May

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make our last words.

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