Mohamad Baajour – Muhasaba Sweep Before you Sleep! Ustadh
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The speakers discuss the importance of the heart in actions and behavior, and stress the need for students to develop their actions and learn about them. They also touch on the responsibility of being harsh and use one's mind to avoid mistakes. The speakers emphasize the importance of knowing the greatness of Allah'saching and being harsh when doing things. They also discuss their personal lives, treatment of parents, and plans for the future. They emphasize the importance of learning from their past and using the fruit of muhas Ass to describe their behavior.
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So we continue our series of the actions
of the heart.
And we have, just like every lecture, I
would like to remind myself and remind you
what we said in the beginning, that the
actions of the heart are way, way more
important and more efficient, and the more the
heart is involved in the action, the more
the action will be rewarding.
So this is an extremely important topic to
understand and to develop ourselves and, by the
will of Allah, meet Allah with a sound
Ameen, O Lord of the worlds.
So we took al-ikhlas, al-tawakkul, we
took al-shukr, al-hub, and today we
have a very important amal of the qalb.
But before we start, I want to ask
a couple of questions.
I need a young man.
What's your name?
You can stand there.
Okay, Othman.
Othman, the question is only two words.
Then what?
What do you do now?
Student, what do you do now?
What do you do in life?
What do I do in life?
You're a student, right?
Okay, then what after that?
Put the mic closer.
Then I'm a student, that's all I do.
I pray, I study, that's all I do.
After you finish education, what's your plans?
Then what?
What's next?
College, university.
Then what?
I'm going to become a doctor, inshallah.
Then what?
Get married.
Very good.
My advice is to get married before you
become a doctor.
Then what?
Have kids.
You're going in order, inshallah.
Then what?
Then, you know, nurture my kids and then
give them a life based on Islam and
just based on like the discipline life.
Very good.
Okay, let me take a person a little
What are you doing right now?
I work, alhamdulillah.
Then what?
See that part about spending time with the
Then I break the mic, alhamdulillah.
Then what?
And then I do adhkar, I pray salah.
Then the future, then what?
In the future, by the will of Allah,
children as well, by the will of Allah.
Then what?
And then more salah, inshallah.
Then what?
And then...
I retire.
Inshallah, grandchildren, inshallah.
No matter who you ask, no matter who
you ask, young, old, male, female, black, white,
Muslim, non-Muslim, if you keep going with
that sequence, the last answer will be, then
I die.
No matter who it is.
Then the last answer will be, then I
Now if you ask the same question afterward,
the choices will be only two.
Either Jannah or not.
There's no more choices than I do this
and do that.
Either Jannah or Jahannam.
May Allah make us all from the people
of Jannah.
But I cannot make that decision back then.
It has to be done now.
If I want Jannah, the work has to
be done now, because then it's too late.
It's finished.
Now is the time to work.
So tonight, this is just an introduction to
what is the action of the heart that
we will be discussing tonight.
And that is muhasabah.
Muhasabah, holding ourselves accountable to everything that we
This is a amal of the qalb.
Muhasabah is an action of the heart, is
to evaluate one's actions and behavior of the
nafs, and then rectifying the mistakes and continuing
with the good deeds.
There's an ayah in the Quran that Allah
is telling us literally, all of us, to
do muhasabah.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَلْتَنظُرُ نَفْسٌ
مَّا قَدَّمَتْ لِغَدٍ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِيرٌ
بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ Allah is telling us in surah
al-hashr, O who you believe, have taqwa
of Allah, and look what you have put
What have you done for tomorrow?
And in surah al-zumar, أَن تَقُولَ نَفْسٌ
يَا حَسْرَةَ عَلَى مَا فَرَّتْتُ فِي جَنْبِ اللَّهِ
What have I done?
What have I done?
I missed out on so many things.
But if we do the muhasabah, and today
inshallah at the end of the night, we
will see how can we do it on
a daily basis.
Rasulullah ﷺ, he said, الْكَيِّسُ The wise man
is the one who calls himself to account,
and refrains from doing evil deeds that will
benefit him after death.
Now, our nafs, if it is not guided
by the kitab and sunnah, our nafs, our
soul, this is what they translated it to,
if it is not guided by the kitab
and sunnah, it will lead us to destruction.
Now, how many kinds of nafs are mentioned
in the Quran?
The first nafs is النفس الأمارة بالسوء The
soul that orders evil.
This soul, may Allah save us from this
The owner of that soul, whatever his nafs
tells him, any evil action, there is no
يَلَّا سَمَعْنَا وَآطَعْنَا Drink, we drink.
Smoke, we smoke.
Cheat, we cheat.
Lie, we lie.
Whatever the nafs stares, we stare.
Whatever the nafs tells them, they would do
This is the نفس الأمارة بالسوء, it is
mentioned in the Quran.
The second nafs is النفس اللوامة The نفس
اللوامة This type of nafs is the most
common nafs.
That is the nafs that most people have.
And this nafs, anytime the owner of that
nafs does something good, What have you done?
What have you done?
It keeps bringing him back or her back
to Allah and make them repent.
النفس اللوامة And the third nafs, may Allah
make us all the owner of this nafs,
is النفس المطمئنة النفس المطمئنة All it does
is what pleases Allah.
All it does, all it thinks about is
how can I please Allah subhanahu wa ta
Now, how to do محاسبة When we do
محاسبة to ourselves, when we hold ourselves accountable,
we have to be extremely harsh.
Just like you sit down with your business
partner at the end of the month, at
the end of the quarter, at the end
of the year, and you go penny by
penny, where did this go?
How much did you spend here?
Where is that?
Where is this?
And even stricter when it comes to yourself,
when you do محاسبة with yourself.
Now, if you do محاسبة, Wallahi, this is
a minor sin.
At the end of the day you sit
down, this is a minor sin, this is
a difference of opinion, this is, I'm not
sure, this is a fake محاسبة.
Be extremely harsh.
Anytime you see that you did something wrong,
tell yourself, this is it.
I'm done with that.
No more.
And we will explain when we go further.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told us that
وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ يَعْلَمُ مَا فِي أَنفُسِكُمْ فَاحْذَرُوهُ
Allah knows everything that you're thinking about.
وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ We are
closer to you than your jugular vein.
So, what will help me do the proper
Number one, knowing the greatness of Allah azza
wa jal.
Knowing how great is Allah subhanahu wa ta
Knowing that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
Knowing that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will
hold me accountable to everything that I have
done and everything that I have said.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sees الرقيب
and الخبير and العليم and He knows everything.
So, when I know that, I cannot lie
about my محاسبة.
Who am I fooling?
So, knowing the greatness of Allah azza wa
jal will help me with my محاسبة.
Second, pondering upon the questions that I will
be asked on the day of judgment will
help me with my محاسبة.
رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم, open your
He said, the foot of the son of
Adam will not move on the day of
judgment until he's asked.
He will not move on the day of
judgment until he is questioned about his شباب,
his youth.
Listen youth, you will be questioned.
How did you consume your youth?
What did you do with the knowledge that
you got?
And two questions about wealth.
50% is about wealth.
Where did you get your money from?
Smoke shop owners, sellers of alcohol, sellers of
lottery, sellers of smokes, sellers of all.
Wake up, you will be questioned.
Where did you get your money and where
did you spend it?
You will not move until you answer.
So, when I know that I will be
questioned about all these things, I will definitely
do محاسبة now before the محاسبة on that
Third, what reminds me or improve my محاسبة,
knowing for a fact like we said in
the beginning, remembering that no doubt I am
going to die.
Remembering موت, remembering death.
والله يا اخوان, on today is what?
Tuesday, I got a text, there is a
brother in the hospital.
Would you like to go and visit him?
I said absolutely.
So, I took brother Javed and we went.
27 years old.
Last Wednesday, not yesterday, last Wednesday.
Just like I woke up in the morning
and I went to work, you woke up
in the morning, I went to school, you
woke up in the morning, I went to…
Every day in the morning, everybody gets up
and they leave.
So, this young man woke up in the
morning and left the house.
He stopped at the stop sign, obeying all
the traffic laws, then he moved.
A guy coming, flying from the other side,
missed his stop sign and hit him.
Took him to the hospital.
One week of all kinds of tests and
surgeries and all that.
On Monday morning, they declared him brain dead.
So, I saw him on Tuesday and yesterday
was his janazah.
27 year old young man.
Did he know that when he closed the
door with his own hand, it will be
opened by paramedics, by the ambulance?
Did he know that?
His mother, may Allah give her patience and
give the family patience.
You know, they're all saying, I wish I
hugged him one more time.
I wish, you know, we take it for
When Baba goes to work, I'm going to
go home and find him.
When my son leaves the house to school
or to college, I'm going to come back
home and they will be there waiting for
We take that for granted.
I beg you, I beg you.
Go back home and hug your children.
Hug your wife, hug your spouse.
As if it's the last time you see
them, because it could be.
Wallahi, he did not know.
And I found out from Abdul Basit, I
don't know if he's here, he was telling
me what an amazing young man this man
May Allah have mercy on him.
May Allah accept him as a martyr.
Because our current scholars, the contemporary scholars, they
said that whomever dies in a car accident,
they compared it to what?
The falling of the wall.
Rasulallah said, if a wall falls on you
and you die, it's a shaheed.
So they said, if a man, a person
died in a car accident, and of course
it's not his fault on purpose, he will
be a shaheed.
So we ask Allah to accept him as
a shaheed.
So, subhanallah, just like he did not know
that that was his last day, his last
night, similarly for us, ya akhwan.
So I have to hold myself accountable every
single night, especially knowing that I am going
to leave this dunya.
Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on
him, and this is where now the practical
Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on
him, explained how can we do muhasaba and
what is the order.
He said, first, we're all going home inshallah.
Before you sleep, you sit down at the
edge of your bed, and you start, number
You start with the faridah, the obligation.
The stuff that's a must, this is where
you start.
How was my salat today?
Real muhasaba, not fake muhasaba.
How was my salat today?
One of them was really late, I almost
missed it, no more.
That's it.
I forgot what I read, no focus whatsoever.
I was thinking of going back to the
office and have a meeting.
Inshallah, I'm going to fix that.
Start with the faridah.
My relationship with my parents is a faridah.
I raised my voice today at my mother.
No, no, no, how could I do this?
That's it, ya rab, forgive me.
Ya Allah, forgive me.
And I wake up in the morning, or
even before I sleep, Mama, please, I cannot
Please forgive me.
This is a faridah.
Bir al-walidayn is a farid.
And if it was Ramadan, I check how
was my fasting.
But the salat, because it's 365, every day
I sit down and I start asking, Ya
akhwan, this is not just a halaqa and
then we leave.
This is muhasaba, this is accountability.
I'm going to sit down and ask, how
was my salat today?
I keep repeating the same surahs.
No, no, no, from now on, I'm going
to memorize a new surah.
I only repeat, qul huwa allahu ahadu an
Now, from now on, I'm going to do
the asr and al-falak.
I'm going to add new surahs to my
surah bank.
I'm going to improve in my khushu'a.
Every day, imagine, every day I sit down.
Imagine our life right now without any muhasaba.
And boom, you're gone.
Ya rab, ya rab bir ja'oon.
Ya Allah, bring me back.
Ya Allah, if you bring me back, I'm
going to show you what kind of salat
I'm going to do.
I'm going to show you my hijab.
I'm going to show you how my treatment
to my parents.
I'm going to show you how I treat
my husband.
I'm going to show you how I respect
my wife.
Ya Allah, just bring me back.
But we all know, kalla innaha kalimatan huwa
There's no way you're coming back.
No way, no way.
So number one, we start with fard.
I check my fard.
How many haram things I've done.
How many haram things I've done.
Maybe I bought something that's not allowed.
Maybe I stared at something I'm not supposed
to stare at.
Maybe I texted a text that I'm not
supposed to.
Maybe I commented a comment that I'm not
supposed to.
Maybe I said some things behind someone's back
in his absence.
I backbite, I'm not supposed to.
I check, ya Allah.
And if it was backbiting, ya Allah, ya
Please forgive so and so.
The one I backbite, ya Allah, forgive him.
Ya Allah, protect him.
I make dua for that person.
Ya Allah, help me.
Ya Allah, help me control my tongue.
Ya Allah, help me lower my gaze.
Check next is the major sins, the sins.
What have I done in sins today?
And then I make a promise, tomorrow I'm
not going to do it.
If I did it tomorrow, the next day
I would say, I'm going to try to
control myself more.
So it's not going to happen, you do
muhasabah today, you wake up tomorrow, Omar bin
No, it's going to take some time.
Third, heedlessness.
How many things I, for example, I'll give
you a very good example.
How much screen time was spent on what
spiritually and mentally nourished me today?
How much time I spent on reels that
were dancing, joking, pranks, fake, all kinds of
stuff that had no benefit whatsoever.
Tomorrow, maybe I'm not going to stop, but
I'm going to cut it down.
From one hour, I'm going to make it
10 minutes, 15 minutes.
Of course, I'm talking about halal stuff.
So, how much time I wasted, and especially
now, most of us on the social media.
I hold myself accountable, that's it.
From now on, 5 minutes.
In the morning, 5 minutes, at night, whatever.
I'm going to cut it down.
Fourth, which is very important.
I hold my intention to account.
What does that mean?
Did I attend this halaqa sincerely for the
sake of Allah?
Am I talking now sincerely for the sake
of Allah?
How was my intention when I'm doing the
How was my intention?
No, no, this one, no, I was just
there because they're having a special on the
So, I did not go really for the
I went to see someone, but I did
not really intend.
I fixed my intention.
And this is extremely important.
How many regular, and this is, I'm guilty.
I'm working on myself to fix this.
How many actions I did normally, that I
really made intention before, it is for the
sake of Allah.
Like, I went to get groceries from
a Muslim owner.
How many, did I purify my intention before
I go?
That I'm going to buy food from this
Muslim business so that they can benefit.
And I am the father of the household.
I'm responsible for providing for the household.
The whole trip will become ibadah.
I am going to school to study today
because I want to become a doctor.
And help all my Muslims, all the human
beings in general.
Anybody who comes to me, he doesn't have
All my 10, 9, 8 years of education
is ibadah.
I am getting married to protect myself.
Look at this, look how many of us
missed this.
5, forget it, 20 seconds.
Ya Allah, I'm getting married so I can
protect myself from falling into haram, and following
the sunnah of Rasulullah ﷺ, and protecting another
sister from falling into haram.
Bismillah, 30, 40 years of marriage, ibadah.
Just 20 seconds.
This is an extremely important business.
This is the business of the sahaba.
The business of the sahaba was a business
of intentions.
With one amal, multiple intentions.
And this is something that we are behind.
One amal, I'm coming, I always give the
same example.
I'm coming to the masjid, with every step.
One hasanah written, one saya'ah erased.
I'm going to meet my brothers, and check
up on them.
I'm going to pray in jama'ah, get
27 times more.
I'm going to this, I'm going to that.
All these intentions, before I do any amal.
I have, tomorrow, I did not do all
these things.
I'm going to start making an intention before
every single action.
That will improve my muhasabah.
Now, one of the fruits, or some of
the fruits of muhasabah quickly, is that it
will ease the accountability on the day of
Umar, the very famous, حاسبوا أنفسكم قبل أن
تحاسبوا before you will be held accountable.
So this, one of the fruits of muhasabah,
it will make my life easier on the
day of judgement.
And also, it will decrease the amount of
time wasted.
Tomorrow, I can't go play basketball for 5
hours, for 3 hours.
Basketball is halal, I'm going to make it
45 minutes.
So, all the time wasted will become less.
Now, finally, or before, one more point.
How the sahabah used to hold themselves accountable.
One of the sahabah, his name is Hanzala,
we all know the hadith.
Hanzala came out in the middle of the
night, and started screaming, ناثق حنظلة, ناثق حنظلة,
حنظلة is منافق, حنظلة is a hypocrite.
Abu Bakr saw him, حنظلة, حنظلة is a
What did you do?
He said, يا أبا بكر, when we are
with Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم, الله أكبر,
the Iman is sky high.
But when we go home, we start playing
with the wife, and we're playing with the
children, and our Iman drops.
So, Abu Bakr said, what did Abu Bakr
ناثق أبو بكر, أبو بكر is منافق.
Same thing, I feel.
يلا, let's go to Rasulullah صلى الله عليه
يا رسول الله, this, this, this and that.
رسول صلى الله عليه وسلم, سبحان الله, may
Allah make us gather with him.
He said, calm down, if you are always
in the state that you are state, in
the state that you are with me, and
you are always in the same level, you
start shaking hands with the angels in the
فساعة وساعة, one hour this, one hour that,
it's okay, this is nothing wrong with what
you're doing.
طيب, how do I listen to this, and
inshallah we will end with this.
I miss, I am a person that comes
to Fajr and Jama'ah every day.
Okay, I'm just assuming.
I missed Fajr and Jama'ah today.
I prayed Fajr on time, but I missed
it in Jama'ah.
If I miss it tomorrow, fifty dollars.
Fifty dollars to the masjid.
I fast Monday and Thursday.
Today is Thursday, I did not fast.
I'm going to make it up by fasting
three more days.
Punish that nafs.
Punish that nafs.
When Umar, رضي الله عنه, missed, missed Asr
in Jama'ah, not missed Asr, this is
out of the question, missed Asr in Jama
'ah, he gave two acres of land في
سبيل الله.
Two acres of land في سبيل الله.
Because he missed Asr in Jama'ah.
So, come up.
I read five pages every day, Qur'an.
I did not do it today.
I'm going to perform tahajjud all night.
Wallahi, this is the muhasabah, this is a
true muhasabah.
Otherwise, you missed it and you didn't do
punishment to this soul, this soul خلص, he's
easy on me.
Wallahi, if you keep doing this, let's take
the example of fajr in Jama'ah.
If you keep doing this, you know who's
going to wake you up for fajr tomorrow?
Go to fajr.
Every time you miss fajr, three days fasting,
you're killing me.
Wallahi, he will be waking you up for
If you constantly do this, you'll be the
Because he noticed that every time he makes
you miss a ibadah, you're multiplying it by
five, by ten.
So, habibi, no?
Go ammi to fajr.
Fast, ya akhi.
So, ya akhwan, really, please, if we can
start from tonight, I would really love you.
I love you already.
But please, go tonight and make it a
Every single night.
Just five minutes.
If I did something wrong, ya Allah, please,
forgive me, ya Allah.
Forgive me, ya Rabb.
I promise you, I'm going to make tawbah.
I will not do it again.
And if I did something good, ya Allah,
please, help me do it again.
Please, ya Allah.
Give me the guidance.
Give me the strength to constantly do it.
Wallahi, if we constantly do that, why, ya
akhwan, why?
What's the dua that we say when we
wake up?
Alhamdulillah Alladhi Ahyana Ba'da Tayyib That means, that
night could be my last night.
So I'm making all this istighfar and tawbah
because when I wake up, I say, alhamdulillah
that he made me, gave me back life.
After, I died.
This is many deaths.
Maut, al-naum, al-maut al-asghar.
So, imagine I made all this tawbah before
I sleep, and that was my last night.
May Allah make our last deeds, our best
deeds, and our last words, la ilaha illallah.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make our
hisab easy.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us
from the people who listen and apply.
Make a lot of salat on the Rasulullah,
salallahu alayhi wasalam.
And we see you at fajr tomorrow at
6.45. Subhanakallahumma bihamdik.
Ash'hadu an la ilaha illa ant, astaghfiruka,
wa natubu ilayk.