Mohamad Baajour – Importance Of A Clean Heart Heartify #1

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary ©
The importance of the heart in fixing diseases and rewarding actions is emphasized. It is crucial to focus on fixing the heart and learning how to cure diseases. The heart is crucial to reward actions of worship, and individuals should focus on actions that bring the heart to life, such as praying and fasting. The heart is crucial to reward actions of worship, and individuals should find out the truth.
AI: Transcript ©
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Heartify, the new series starting today, Alhamdulillah.

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I chose this literally because Rasulullah ﷺ said,

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إِنَّ فِي الْجَسَدِ مُضْغَةٌ In our body, in

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your body, there's a piece of flesh.

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If it is good, صَلُحَ الْجَسَدِ كُلُّهُ If

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it's good, the whole body will be good.

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And if it's corrupt, the whole body is

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So how can we sit down and discuss

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anything else?

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If it's good, and who's telling me this?

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My guide to Jannah.

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My guide and your guide to Jannah is

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telling us, Listen, there's a piece of flesh

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in your body.

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If you fix it, you're done.

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And if it's not good, you're done.

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This is from the hadith.

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From the Quran, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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said, يَوْمَ لَا يَنفَعُ مَالٌ وَلَا بَنُونٍ إِلَّا

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On that day, no wealth, no properties, no

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children, no grandchildren, no progeny, no nothing will

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Again, who's saying this?

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The one who is going to decide who's

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going to Jannah and who's going to Nahr.

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The only one.

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He's saying on that day, all that you

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are working for, all you are spending most

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of your time, dedicating most of your time

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to acquire, all of that is not going

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to benefit you.

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Of course, if you use it in the

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wrong manner.

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إِلَّا And we agreed on that word إِلَّا,

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how important it is.

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لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا So إِلَّا is extremely important.

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No إِلَٰه except.

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So the same term is used here.

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On that day, no children, no wealth will

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benefit you إِلَّا except.

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As a person who's looking to enter Jannah,

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after I hear this, I have to become

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all ears to hear what's after إِلَّا.

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Everybody is saved in this room from the

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hellfire إِلَّا.

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You become all ears.

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Who's that guy?

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So Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى is saying, on

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that day nothing will benefit except.

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Except what?

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Just like I told you, everyone is going

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to go to punishment except you become all

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Similarly here, nothing will benefit you except.

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Except what?

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The one who comes with a قَلْب سَلِيم.

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You tell me please, anyone with a complete

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brain will concentrate on anything else other than

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fixing this قَلْب.

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Because this is the only إِلَّا, this is

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the only way.

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The only way to Jannah is to enter,

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to meet Allah with a قَلْب سَلِيم.

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So this will be our main topic for

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the next, Allah وعلم, maybe 6, 7, 8,

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9 months.

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How to fix this heart?

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What are some of the symptoms that you

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have a sick heart?

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What are the diseases of the heart?

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And how to cure these diseases?

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So today, I just want to bring the

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importance of the topic, and remind me, myself

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and remind you, that Rasulullah ﷺ said, listen

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carefully, إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا

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يَنظُرُ إِلَى صُورِكُمْ وَأَمْوَالِكُمْ Allah

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does not look, does not look at your

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attire, at your image, or your wealth.

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Because we have many many people, unfortunately, they

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focus on what people see.

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Now here Rasulullah ﷺ saying, إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا

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يَنظُرُ He does not look at the way

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you look from outside, and about how much

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money do you have.

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وَلَكِنْ يَنظُرُ إِلَى قُلُوبِكُمْ وَأَمَالِكُمْ Allahu Akbar So

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Allah looks at my heart.

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Allah looks at my heart, and my a'mal.

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This is the center of attention of Allah.

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This is what Allah is looking at.

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Most of our concentration of what people look

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at, they see me donate, they see me

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with a big beard, they see me, what

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people look at.

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And do not belittle the beard and all

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I'm just saying that should not be my

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All my focus is on how I look

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like, and inside is corrupt.

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Allah looks at the heart.

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Why this heart is so important?

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Listen carefully.

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Let me ask you a question.

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I forgot my chocolate.

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Where is Abdullah?

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Abdullah if you can hear me, bring me

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the chocolate from my office please.

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What's the difference between a mu'min and a

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What's the difference between a believer and a

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They're both in the first row.

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They're both in the first row.

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To me, I'm looking at people praying.

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Allahu Akbar, same movement, everybody's praying.

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What differs one person than the other?

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How much the heart is involved in that

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ibadah, it will elevate the ibadah.

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This guy is full concentration.

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Both, by the way, both are doing the

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same moves, right?

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Allahu Akbar, subhanakallahumma.

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The same moves, same words, same, everything the

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To me from outside, the one who looks

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at outside, I cannot see the heart.

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Subhanallah, Allah can see the heart.

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So for me, they're both praying.

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For me, they both went to hajj.

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For me, they're both fasting.

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For me, they're both just came back from

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For me, they're both reading the Quran.

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This is for us, right?

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But when they are standing in the salat,

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what makes this man different than this man,

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is how much the heart was involved in

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that salat, it will elevate that salat.

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And that's why the khushu' and the salat

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is so important, right?

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The more this guy puts so much attention

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on his heart to focus on the salat,

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that salat, even though from the outside they

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both look the same, it is so much

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higher in the sight of Allah.

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So, the formula is, in any amal, in

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any action, the more the heart is involved

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in that act of worship, the more rewarding

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that act of worship is.

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You understand?

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The more the heart is involved in that

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act of worship, whatever that act of worship

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is, the more reward that act of worship

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will get.

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So, obviously, I have to focus on what

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we call اعمال القلوب.

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اعمال القلوب are way more important than اعمال

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We all know, يا اخوان, that Iman is

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three things.

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What is Iman?

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Iman is saying with the tongue, believing in

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the heart, and proving it with the actions.

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All three together make you a Mu'min.

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How about two out of three?

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I say, أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله,

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and I believe it in my heart, but

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I don't pray, I don't fast, nothing.

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Okay, I say أشهد أن لا إله إلا

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الله, and I pray and I fast, but

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I don't believe it in my heart.

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Okay, I believe it in my heart 100%,

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and I fast, and I pray, but I

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never said لا إله إلا الله.

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Who is the example of this?

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The uncle of Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم,

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he believed that this is the Deen that's

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true, and he supported Rasulullah صلى الله عليه

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وسلم with everything he can, but he never

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said لا إله إلا الله.

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And there are many people, they are لا

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إله إلا الله, we go back to our

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topic with those two girls, لا إله إلا

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الله, and they pray and they fast because

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their parents are pushing them, but there's nothing

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in their heart.

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No Iman.

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It has to be all three together, in

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order to be called a Mu'min.

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In order to be called a Mu'min.

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Okay, I will finish with this.

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What are some of the examples of أعمال

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Give me an example.

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أعمال القلوب.

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Actions of the heart.

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Like what?

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Raise your hand.

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Pondering upon the creation of Allah سبحانه وتعالى.

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Love of Allah.

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All these actions, I look at you, I

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don't know who you love.

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Love is an action of the heart.

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What else?

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خشوع عن خضوع.

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All these are actions of the heart.

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Contentment is an action of the heart.

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How about إخلاص?

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That's going to be our first topic.

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That's number one.

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إخلاص, you look at the crowd around you,

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can you tell me, oh this is مخلص,

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this is 50%, this is 75%, nobody knows.

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إخلاص is أعمال القلب.

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How about تقوى?

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تقوى is أعمال القلب.

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خشع, of Allah, that's أعمال القلب.

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All these are أعمال القلوب.

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And this is where we should be focusing

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a lot.

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A lot.

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As we will see, inshallah تعالى, in the

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days to come, how important they are.

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قانتين والقانتات والصادقين والصادقات والصابرين والصابرات

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والخاشعين والخاشعات والخاشعين والخاشعات والمتصدقين

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والمتصدقات والصائرين

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والصائمات والحافظين فروجهم والحافظات والذاكرين

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الله كثيرا والذاكرات أعد الله لهم مغفرة

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وأجرا عظيما

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