Mohamad Baajour – How To Get Rid Of The Whispers Of Shaytaan

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the concept of seeking refuge from Allah for actions and rules that lead to harm, including the difficulty of achieving optimal punishment and protecting behavior. They also touch on the shayacy group's fear of coming to them and a video of a player being shot by a shayateen and a shayateen being shot by a shayateen. The segment ends with a statement from a soccer team member about their frustration with the "whispers of the shaitan."
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah azza wa jal

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in the Quran, he told us

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that the shaitan is officially your enemy.

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So, if you do who I do, so treat him as one.

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So I want everybody to ask themselves, how would you treat

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your enemy?

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An enemy that literally wants to ruin your life? An enemy that

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wants to ruin your marriage, ruin your relationship with your

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parents, ruin your job, ruin your brain ruin everything. How do you

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treat him? Do you welcome him at home? Do you eat with him? No, you

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treat him as an enemy.

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Tonight's da insha Allah to Allah will help us to get rid of this

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enemy. And the series that we started is that all these words

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that we are learning, they are from the from the Quran.

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There are two kinds of STI that there are two kinds, how to seek

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refuge from something.

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The first is from something that is present right now. Or you seek

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refuge from something that is coming in the future. For example,

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said If any part of your body is

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hurting, put your hand on that part where it's hurting and say

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Bismillah three times and I will be sad lay walk with the roti him

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in shattered him as you do, well had seven times. So this is

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something I'm just giving an example. This is something is the

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either from something is happening right now. And it's the idea of

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something in the future. There are so many alarming that are becoming

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either Bucha handed no woman either will cover women fitness.

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There are so many things that we seek refuge from Allah to protect

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us from the Hellfire from the punishment of the grave and so on.

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The DUA isn't suited me known as 9798.

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Rugby out to become inhomogeneity Sheldon Shayateen rugby is obika

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minha Mazetti Shayateen will also be corrupt be a doorman.

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I seek refuge with you from the whispers of the shaitan

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the shaytaan had made a promise to Allah azza wa jal to take as many

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people as possible with him to the hellfire, and he's doing a great

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24/7 Plotting 24/7 Can you imagine somebody plotting against you?

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24/7? And how much are we plotting against that person? Or that

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And not only that, the one who's plotting how many years of

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experience does he have? You know, when you want to hire somebody,

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you look at the years of experience 1015 20 The more

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experience they have, the higher the possibility. So the shaitan

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has over millions of years of experience how to make me and you

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deviate from the path of Allah azza wa jal so he's plotting day

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and night. So I'm asking Allah Ya Allah protect me him Azad the

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whispers he whispers to me, Look, watch, listen, say something,

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always trying to separate between the brothers to separate between

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the family members. This is all he does all 24/7 rugby how to become

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inhomogeneity Shayateen so ask Allah azza wa jal to protect us

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from the whispers of the shaitan and listen to the second part

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where our rules will be corrupt be a young Dawn and ya Allah I seek

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refuge with You, from them, attending from them coming.

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And look, first

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special thing about this area is the repetition of the word Rob. He

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could have said while also because you don't want

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to become an Amazon Shayateen when you had your own repetition of the

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word rugby is to beg Allah and plead to him again. Your Allah I'm

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begging you, and yet the rune for them to attend. And Allah subhanho

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wa Taala left it open your drone eche

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to attend what to come to me Oh Allah when I'm praying to come to

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me Allah when I'm eating to come to me when I'm drinking to come to

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me when I'm having intimacy with my spouse to come to me when I'm

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having negotiation or I'm talking to my to my son or to my daughter

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to come to me when when something haram pops up on YouTube.

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And you have grown in any position to come to me You're Allah protect

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me if

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From them coming to me when I'm on my deathbed

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you know this is a solo Selim told us ask Allah to protect us from

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fitna till mahiya we all know that Natalie mamaearth What is fit

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Natalie mamaearth fit Natalie Mammut is for the shaitan to come

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while we are on our last breath he comes in tells you Mohammed is

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leave Allah at the last second so this do ya Allah protect me from

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them coming to me in these situations and Subhanallah lately

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Allah here when you should see how many people come to me and all the

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rest of the Imams stress and depression and this and that and

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jinn and black magic and SubhanAllah.

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And one of the ways that you notice that there's something

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wrong is when you go to the doctor, and the doctor tells you

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there's nothing wrong.

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The doctor says, I looked at the CT scan, I looked at all your

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blood, everything looks good.

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Then you have to start thinking

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the shayateen are taking over my life. They are teen are telling me

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you know

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you are hopeless, you are worthless you are you're not going

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to produce nothing you are the shaytaan keeps whispering until

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you start believing that and it becomes you become so stressed and

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depressed that you go to the doctor and the doctor checks

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everything and said there's nothing wrong with you or be out

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to become an Amazon at Shayateen whoa they'll be corrupt be a year

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don't repeat this. Because this Allah subhanho wa Taala told

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Rasulullah Selim call tell tell them to say and you say yeah

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Mohammed, Ya Allah protect me from the whispers of the shaitan and

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protect Nia Allah from them for them to come to me to attend

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harder. We all know even harder a harder Yeah. Right. And yeah, the

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rune for them to come at any time. How many times he comes to us and

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the salaat how many times you know the story of Imam Abu Hanifa Rahim

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Allah Eman came to him. And he said yeah, Imam, all my life

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savings. I put them somewhere and I completely forgot. So remember,

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Hanifa told them how do I know where you put them? So it's helped

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me Imam. I'm going crazy. He said the Imam said all I can tell you

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is get up in the middle of the night. Pray to look archaea. And

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when you finish, ask Allah to help you find them. So the man went,

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and the next day he came back with a smile to his ears. He came back

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to Abu Hanifa rahamallah. And he said, Yeah, Chef Zach Allah here.

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I found the money. He said, What happened? He said, Well, I I took

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your prescription. I get up in the middle of the night. I said Allahu

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Akbar shaitan came and remind me exactly where the money is. I left

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the salon and get the money.

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So I said, I know he's not gonna let you do something good.

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I'll let him find the money instead of getting passionate. So

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the point is the shaytaan whispers day and night in order for me and

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you to go away from the path of Allah. So repeat after me f1.

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Rugby, I will do Vika min Hanna's at shayateen. Whoa, the weaker

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rugby a drone. May Allah protect us all from the shayateen of human

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and the frailty Univision May Allah subhanaw taala fill our

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homes with love and mercy

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in Mussolini now almost Lima Do you want meaning Mina team will

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quantity now look on it the more slowly been our slaw the bond the

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one slaw Dino was Slavia the one for sharing you know

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what unfortunately no one was watching I think one downside BP

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now one downside the party was slow on me now was all in

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one happy Lena photo gentleman one half of what the was that good

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enough? Guess

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what the guilt or? I don't law hula

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